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What's the most calories you've eaten in a day?

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What's the most calories you've eaten in a day?
11k each day 2 days in a row.
I've probably had like 25 beers and a large pizza + wings in one day before.
Probably 10-15k, maybe more. Used to be bulimic so the amount of food I could eat in one sitting was pretty extreme for my size
Since i've started tracking my macros, 5800. I probably ate a lot more when I was a fatty and wasn't tracking. Loved peanut butter. Shit is like 100 calories per spoonful.
Over 17,000 . I didn't track everything, probably closer to 21,000 .
Probably like 5-6k
I don't know how you fucks eat 4.5k+ daily
breafast- medium pepp. pizza, can of barq's rootbeer
lunch- large mediterranean pizza, nissin chow mein, can of generic cola
lunch #2- big plate of spaghetti in picante/ragu sauce, bottle of water
snack- hungryman beer-battered chicken, big red (best soda in texas)
dinner- buffet of chinese food, at least 2k+ calories, more soda

Did this out of a dare. I normally eat near-anorexic portions, but I can't resist challenges.
Ever since I cut back cardio, I've pretty much lost my appetite. I used to be able to eat 3000 calories in one meal. Now I can barely eat 3100 per day.
What the fuck? How even fucking Doug Hepburn who was 320 lbs would eat 10,000 calories and that guy was a beast who could easily OHP 4 plates.

Are you a tumblr fatty?
3000, mostly in nuts
Nah, 260 lbs / 10.7% bf , 20 yr power lifter . I do this about once every 6 months, get sick and don't think about it for another 5 months & 29 days. Eat a couple jars of peanut butter and your calories will skyrocket.
Height? I find it hard to believe you're 10.7 at 260lbs.
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lmao bulimia is truly the wildest ride

>Easter 2011
>chocolate eggs on sale everywhere
>500 cals/day for the past couple of weeks
>"Fuck this shit I'm not scared of food I do what I want"
>ride my bike to Asda
>four Cadbury's eggs about 1000kcal per pack
>better get two tubs of Ben & Jerry's aswell because 2 for £6
>pay at self service checkout because getting a bit tired of "you having a party anon?"
>next stop McDonald's
>hamburger large fries
>make that two large fries
>ride home with my spoils (chocolate in rucksack, cold food hanging off one handlebar, hot food off the other)
>cook a pan of rice because it mixes with all the food and helps me purge it /bulimiclogic
>housemates are out fuck yes I can throw up in an actual toilet as opposed to sitting in my room with a plastic ikea bin trying to be quiet
>eat the entire confection

>feel like shit

>immediately ride my bike back to Asda and do it all again
Most in one day was probably around 10k of pure shit. An average day of regular eating for me is about 3-4k. 5'11 251lb for reference
6'3", played D1 football. Been lean since high school.
I once went through three large takeout pizzas and a share pack of doritos with dip.

Weed is one hell of a drug.
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I'd estimate 6-7k in my fatman hayday
probably in the 15000's

>based Mariusz

Have you seen this motherfucker doing MMA? Dude fucking murders everyone.


Trips speak the truth. Terrifying.
Not that much, but I could eat tons if I wanted to and get fat real fast. No thank you!
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I know the feels man. I was bulimic for 4 years. Finally stopped although it's hard. During some days of binge and purging I would eat two lil ceasers pizzas plus chips and shakes from the gas station. I've probably spent $4000 bucks in a span of 6 months on just food. Glad to be free of that shit. I stopped after a cancer scare. I had barrets but it has mostly subsided now.
Post your teeth.
>Be bulimic me
>Go to taco johns order 2 large potato oles
>eat them on drive to caseys where I get 4 slices of pizza
>Old lady working says it must be my lunch...I feel like shit
>Inhale pizza and rest of oles on drive to McDonalds
>order two large fries, big mac, fillet o fish, 4 mcchickens
>Drive home and binge away using a whole bottle of 1000 island on the fries
>Ithurts.jpg but I keep eating like my life depends on it
>finish food and purge in toilet
>feelsamazing.jpg because I've gotten all the pressure off my stomach
>Try not to think about how I spent $40 on food while throwing the pile of wrappers and bags away
>Chug two natty ice tall boys to make myself feel not so depressed

Da feels when I was a 23 year old male and doing this

Glad to be free
Not the one you replied to but the one right below your post. My teeth were fine. I have some receding gumline on my lower teeth but that is more from dipping than from anything else. I was always depressed from binging and purging so I abused any drug I could get my hands on as well as food. I could spend 40 or 50 bucks a day on food no problem. It's honestly worse than alcoholism or drug addiction because at least with that there isn't as much of a stigma for getting help. I had to do all of this in secret. I got thrown out of a house once because I had vomit on my carpet from where I would purge into walmart bags and they would break. I was afraid to purge in the bathroom for fear of being discovered. I had to fess up to my landlord and he basically said get the fuck out. At that point I was 133 pounds and was 22 and six foot one but was still mortified of fat and wanted to be lighter (I was really into muay thai and fought twice a month or so so that didn't help any). Once I stopped doing combat sports because work I kept the bulimia for another year. I was bulimic for a solid 4 years. It all started when I went on the atkins diet because I was a bit husky (200 lbs) and went to a college where we had unlimited food in cafeteria. I spent a lot of lonely nights in that cafeteria binging away, only to purge in the bushes outside and go to the grocery store to buy cereal and canned food to do it again in my room. It was probably a reason I was so fucking depressed and dropped out of school. I'm glad to finally be free of it.
6 apples
That's tough, dude. You ever relapse?
So far I haven't. I've been free of it for 8 months now. I mostly focus on just eating normal portions of food and try not to think about my weight or step on a scale too much. It feels weird eating foods like pizza or chips and not purging.
I've noticed I have a natural weight of around 175-185 pounds that is pretty easy to maintain if I lift and workout. I think that when I was lighter than this my body was craving calories because I was too skinny for my frame. I still obsess a little over body image and hate the fact I don't have a six pack anymore but it beats the hell out of having an eating disorder. I'd rather be a heroin junkie than a bulimic again. It would probably actually be cheaper and less harmful. I stopped cold turkey after getting really bad heartburn and a feeling like something was wrong with my esophagus.

I had a scope done and they found barrets esophagus (but a very mild case thank god). I stopped cold turkey after that. My parents blamed it on me dipping and drinking alcohol but I still do it and am actually fine. The symptom of always having something in your throat and the feeling of a lump in it have went away since I stopped purging up food 5 or 6 times a day. Hopefully I've recovered fully although I haven't had a scope to confirm.

It's honestly just like being addicted to drugs. I was living with my brother for about six months and lied to him constantly about going out or about why I was eating so much or if he ever caught me purging in the toilet I would say I got sick or was drunk or something. I was obsessed with food. Like that was the only thing on my mind. I would skip out of social activities at college just to binge and purge. I lost 4 years of my life to this shitty disorder. Probably 4 of the best years of my life from 19 to 23. I can only go forward now though.
Whenever I began the recovery process, for anorexia I was discouraged from my doctors from counting calories. Once I stopped all hell broke loose I starting having crazy binges and gained 30lbs in two months, the biggest binge being over 20,000 calories.
Fuck man I don't know what to tell you. Here are some things that helped me. Try to eat 3 or 4 times a day. Try not to focus on your weight. DONT START VOMITING. I swear it is highly addictive. It all started out with I'm only doing it once in a while and it soon turned to 5 or more times a day. Also, and this probably didn't help anything and shows I have a bit of a problem with anxiety/depression but I used alcohol to help as well. I would get extremely anxious around food and would want to purge even after eating a normal meal but once I had 3 or 4 16oz miller lights the anxiety was gone and I stopped caring.....perhaps xanax or something like that would work too

I know it sounds like your trading one thing for another but honestly it's easier to recover from drug or alcohol addiction than bulimia considering there isn't a huge stigma and you can't function when on drugs or alcohol where you can purge on lunch break at work and be fine.
Eating dissorders can eat your mind. Pretty neat that you manage to quit cold turkey. Just keep positive. If you're 23-24 you've got everything ahead of you still.
I should have mentioned that this was several months ago, and I had a bmi of 15.5 at the start, and it went up to 20, which isn't terrible. Just jarring in comparison to before. I've never been able to make myself purge anyway. But man, eating disorders are fucking bizarre.

I do appreciate your advice though, man. I honestly considered taking up smoking, when it was going on, just to kill the freakish appetite but its all starting to function a bit more regular now

You are sorta describing my life. I am bulimic too. How did you get out of it?

I now am trying something new, I am now going to a very fancy and expensive gym to "purge" away the calories in a healthy way (= not vomiting but running, swimming and lifting). I also take anti-anxiety medication and am trying to quit cannabis smoking.

My teeth look perfect because they're all zirconium-covered. That is also very expensive. My real teeth are underneath, all yellow and brown, ruined by years of vomiting.
I changed because the constant vomiting was literally giving me cancer. I had got a case of esophagitis that meant I could barely swallow and had a lumpsensation in my throat constantly and after a scope they found barretts which is a cancer precursor. I then did some thinking about my life and realized that I pissed away four years to a shitty disorder that turned me from a social, go getting person to a depressed r9k type of robot who only thought about food and would constantly pinch his stomach and think he's fat. Anyway I decided to not give a shit if I gained weight as I realized that I didn't need to be skinny for anything. I started eating portioned meals and forced myself to keep it in. Also I only bought pre made food for about 3 months. As in breakfast, lunch and dinner I would go to mcdonalds or the gas station and buy one normal size precooked meal. I couldn't trust myself with chips or a box of cereal or something in the house.
Thanks man for the support. I honestly didn't expect anyone to leave a kind comment to me on 4chan lol. I love posting to places like this though as it helps get this off my chest which I think helps my recovery. Everyone needs to realize that men can get this too. Most people think it's a female exclusive disorder but anyone can get it.
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Thank You.
I think the most I did was in the 10000 range because I ended up gaining 3lb. I did this on a cheat day at a restaurant that lets you eat as much as you want for $30-$50 (depends on the time of the day you go) called Fogo de Chao.

It's all steak and fresh veggies, so it wasn't fried greasy crap. I probably ate 400g of protein in one meal.
when I was bulking I would eat an entire large spinach and cheese pizza by myself for the last meal of the day, plus tons of nuts and protein sources so probably 5-6k.
9000 I had been eating clean for like three months then for my birthday I just all the junk food I could fit. Felt like complete shit the next day.
thats kinda big for 12 years old
corn fed baby
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>future chad
For you
I literally have to eat 4.5k a day if not more to even see gains.
And you see this as a problem, lanklet?
probably ~7000 kcal, never counted them binge cheat days desu
I got into the habit of rinsing my mouth out with a sodium bicarbonate solution because that'll neutralise the effects of the acid, right? My teeth are fine, so I guess it did actually work. What I didn't consider (and this only occured to me years later) was the fact that I was regularly ridding my body of acids and immediately filling it up with alkalines. Had a lot of blackouts and was tired all the time, probably would've killed myself eventually.

I'm picking up what you're putting down. For me it was a very gradual slide from restrictive eating into out of control purging - I was never underweight which I guess was one of the reasons I kept it secret for so long, tended to stay around 130lbs 5'7, so not terribly skinny but far from overweight. That said my weight was fluctuating like crazy towards the "end." I reached a breaking point where I just wasn't functioning at all, I had to take a year off uni and basically come clean to my parents so I could get help. For whatever reason, actually admitting that I had a problem resulted in the disorder losing a lot of its power.

My choice of recovery was to go on an epic 3 year food bender, gaining 80+lbs in the process. I just didn't want to care about food anymore after obsessing over it for so long. I've lost the weight healthily this year and gained a lot of perspective in the process. Haven't purged in over a year, and the last time I did do it, I was disgusted with myself. You normalise that behaviour when you're deep into the disorder, but making yourself throw up is really an incredibly violent act to commit against yourself when you think about it. You're unnecessarily inducing a survival reflex and your rational mind doesn't know what the fuck is going on.

I used to think I was a really moody person, thought I was bipolar at one point. Turns out I'm actually really easygoing when I give my body the nutrition it needs and have other hobbies besides food.
>power lifter

No powerlifter puts a space between those words
Also who the fuck measures to the 0.1%
You a liar son
Except the ones who has english as a second language.
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>21k calories in one day
>10% bf
why do I feel like you're lying man?
you wouldn't be saying that if you've ever had to go through benzo or alcohol withdrawals anon.
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