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/plg/ - powerlifting general

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Thread replies: 303
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pLG/ Powerlifting General.
Fraud is weak Plg is strong btw
Primarily for the purpose of becoming a better athlete on the platform, but all forms of strength training accepted!

>lets try not to ruin this one edition
Post progress, PR's, meet videos, lifts, or anything strength training related!
first for passing drug tests and functional livers
>jesse norris
>lawful god
come on...
at best he's lawful neutral at worst lawful evil
Captain's Log

Pulled the weight that injuried me for a double.

Don't call it a comeback.

End of Captain's Log.
Smh desu desu baka
and legitimate respectable gains
what are you trying to saying joff?

ayy nice one lad
This was supposed to say 355 bench
i'm trying to say at best he's an ipf lifter who decides to lift in fake federations sometimes and at worst he's a fake natty. definitely not lawful good. Lawful good is like... mike T
lets see
>drug tested like 6 days(?) before Raw Nats

>rotates phone for picture
>still posts sideways
weird. looks good though, even though you can't see shit with those black shorts
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>takes drugs
>doesn't compete in anything
only slightly better than taking drugs and competing in something.
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>lifts to look good
Not really you stupid fucking child benchbeta
4chan strips your EXIF data (therefore also strips the image telling it where to rotate) so stupid children like you don't get doxed
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>brags about his physique
>mediocre by any standards
It's obvious they start powerlifting because of their unfortunate facial genetics
see >>35276079
>insulting the facial genetics of someone who has literally slept with over a thousand women
Seriously though, which muscle is dominant?

I lost against a dyle, my arm was exhausted as fuck but still.
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>sleeping with over a thousand women
Disgusting and sad to be honest.
Sleeping with over a thousand women doesn't make him less ugly friend
it's 85 you angsty cunt
that's sean lad
not virtus
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>sleeping with 85 women
Disgusting and sad to be honest.
I'm coming of having done 4-5 days/week fullbody, making decent gains. Was thinking of trying candito 6W, however it being Upper/Lower would drastically reduce my frequency. Anyone got any tips for making it fullbody, if you think it would be feasible etc. For example doing Squats + Upper Accesories one day, then Deadlift + Bench etc the other day?
just do it as written. the program works. I don't know what you've been doing it'll likely trade frequency for intensity.
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I hate deadlifts
you'd probably be better off with the sheiko 4-day, but if you're set on candito 6 week you could split up the squat and deadlift so you do each 2x per week but on separate days, and then bench on each day you train. that'd also bump up the bench volume which is greatly needed
how did bench go
what'd you get lad?
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>insulting the facial genetics of someone who has literally slept with over a thousand women
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>go to work
>see mastest shitposting on the journey in
>come back from work
>he is still shitposting

please tell me he hasnt been posting constantly for 4 hours, I would die of laughter.
Not enough
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Offering to start tripping SOLELY for the purposes of documenting my Smolov Jr experiences. May just start doing it anyway. Would the lads give a fuck one way or the other?

dont worry, youll improve

keep moving forward!
Anyone else put their email in for the free RTS thing?
>oly shoes
>pulling in heels
>pulling sumo in heels
found your problem lad
>I am literally on masteron and still don't look much different from /plg/ nattybrahs
>the shoes
Joe, why
I know John Haack pretty well from college. Why is he the true neutral?
This needs to stop.

And dude, you could add weight easy if you weren't pulling in wedges
>This needs to stop.

You can train like an athlete for a hobby.

Don't be too cool to try hard.

You'll get better.
you know sean will care
do it anyway
My feet were slipping when I was barefoot. Figured wedges can't hurt me that much.
Okay will begin after week one is in de beg. Day 2 done, feeling much less damaged overall than after Day 1. So far so good though. Finally going to not suck dog hogs at bench hopefully.

Mate. The improvement over a month, just because you finally got your ass on some kind of real-ish programming has been insane.

Proud of you BB.
>sumo pulling in heels
my god joe.
do it. bench or squat?
i really considered it, but wasn't willing to drop my current programming so i didn't.
can't pull sumo in heels or barefoot. really important to have some kind of shoe with good traction, like the meme shoes or specific pulling shoes like metal or sabo
also proud of joe for sticking with it and getting stronger.
Meh. Only squat improved.
I'm getting SABOs for Christmas
How much do you bench benchbro?
>Meh. Only squat improved.

I'm going to kill you, you piece of shit. Take a fucking compliment.
Enough to break to break the ice
Binch, and I also asked about the RTS programming. My ugly ass grindy possibly spotter assisted 'max' was 230, using 210 for my week 1 percentages. Day 1 didn't feel too hard when I did the sets but my pecs and delts were totally fucked the day after and still felt pretty beat up earlier today. Still, after two warmup sets, today's 7x5 wasn't really that bad at all and I don't feel any soreness yet.
Its okay, you can tell me buddy
>Figured wedges can't hurt me that much.
they can
You figured wrong Joe, this is like powerlifting 101 stuff to be honest.
Bit the bullet and tripped because people sometimes are interested in my blogging, and this will decrease confusion. pls no bully

Day 63:
Home for the holidays, in commercial gym half a mile from my house. Past few days have been shit because the only gym in my girlfriend's hometown sucks assballs.

Squat: Worked up to 475 for a deep single, was a little slow. Need to set the hooks one hole lower because their bar gets bendy as fuck, and it makes the unrack difficult.

Bench: hit 275x2. Doing long pauses for my backoff work to try to get comfortable/strong at the bottom.

No GHRs, gonna do kettlebell swings or leg curls daily instead.

Trying to add 1 total rep to pull ups every day, wanna do 10 unbroken by the newyear.
How much backoff work are you doing?
Stealing my thunder hear t.b.h. lad. Actually I was hoping you'd start tripping because we don't have any other trips currently doing HIHF.
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I autoregulate everything. Its usually only a set or two of 1-3. If I do a lot of work going up its minimal if any. If I PR or fail I'm done.

How you liking it smolov jr.?

Pic. related.
>they can
Grow a pair.

They don't hurt that much.

Shit, for him, they might help.
>wanna do 10 unbroken by the newyear.
u got it lad

Day 2: good.
Day 1: fuuuuark.

Day 3 seems manageable, week 2 might be a motherfucker. We'll see. I'll keep stretching and massaging and hopefully not get tendinitis.
How hard do you go at a typical daily max? How often you go harder than usual for a PR?
On my 14th day of daily maxing now, feeling p fun after sheiko.
We'll see. I'm at 3/4 now and fat.
Which lifts are you doing it for?

I only really go hard on days I think I'll PR because everything feels easy, which is like once every 7-10 days. Its gotten to the point 90-95% isn't intimidating anymore, and is usually attainable if I feel good and focus. Most days I just want to go in and hit a certain submax number that slowly goes up over time.

I take it easy when I feel like shit. If 405 feels heavy and slow, that will be it for the day even though 455 is my typical minimum these days.
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>joe will never deadlift more than you
>only squats more cause he squats memebar

feels good
>pj literally only squats high bar as an excuse to be out squatted
I bet you squat memebar too

just a reminder that memebar squatters are walking memes
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Just bench, I'm >daily maxing squat MWF and doing some deadlifts Saturday.
>I am a memebar memer who doesn't even realize that highbar is absolutely the more meme of the bar positions, with the possible exception of hybrid
the memespiracy deepens lad
What's the cutoff for tripping on plg lads?
For powerlifting purposes, and even for """general stremf""" purposes, how is highbar not a meme?

Be strong and/or have a very specific purpose
Is front squatting ipf legal lads? Would be top bants.

you can be a skinny manlet with a 330 wilks and still trip

who has the screenshot of the guy who did a C&J for his deadlift opener
Should've powercleaned it for no downward movement :^)
good shit breh


t.b.h. anything lifting related is a meme if you want it to be.

if it is, someone needs to do it and film it. That would be fucking hysterical.
It's not, I checked once upon a time
Did this actually happen!?
Makes sense desu. Would that be Sheiko 4-day from their forums, or the app? Any real difference? Was thinking of running C6W just once first though, because of the progress people have seen on their squats doing it desu. Could probably squeeze out another 10 kg on my squatmax by doing an shorter program with a peak, from what I've gathered.
I'm testing maxes this week and if I don't out total you I'm shooting up /plg/
U should ask sheikoexpert
app and forum are the same
There must be some difference t bh
Havin a cheeky beer lads.

Really damned good.
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>out squat panzer by 60lbs
>out bench him by 80lbs
>m-muh highbar
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Sounds like training is going well. Glad you decided to trip and keep us updated.

I'm moving back to "high" frequency. However, I'm sick of feeling inconsistent in my Deadlift. Ergo, I'm alternating Squat and DL 6-7 days per week.

I'm also trying more variation movements to fortify until I begin another "peaking cycle" for a meet.

Basically picking a different variation and load protocol every session. Its kind of fun.

>Outsquat Joe by 15 lbs
>Out pull Joe by 40 lbs
>m-muh bench
>a cheeky beer
>out deadlift joe by 25lbs after being 100lbs lighter
>m-muh bench

Budda, you may as well fuckin trip, we can all tell when it's you.
>100lbs lighter
i really hope you don't weigh 100lbs.
Question for you and others with severe buttwink: don't you completely lose tightness when it happens? I'm struggling with this atm. it doesn't feel like a question of "this looks problematic but feels fine," it feels just plain awful too. but if I force pelvic stability and super tight glutes throughout movement I can't hit depth.
Is that Fil spotting you?
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>being a 110lbs twink

It's a half litre of Doppel
It's probably more an abs issue than a glutes/hips issue.
Is it true you were unable to deadlift the same day as squat, even though Joe could?
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>Budda, you may as well fuckin trip, we can all tell when it's you.
I'm not Buda.

I'm a rich millionare with a state of the art jim and I have bedded EIGHTY FIVE lasses when I'm not in my tower in Toronto shitposting until my dick falls off.

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You wish you were me :)
>Question for you and others with severe buttwink

I have to say, I really thought this would be the case, but it isn't at all, which is why I'm kind of at peace with my "buttwink". I think you lose tightness when your lumbar is rounding under load, as opposed to your hips just noping out.


Holy fuck. What do you do when it's windy?
Stiff legs. Try to touch your toes. Now squeeze your abs like you're trying to take a shit. Now try to touch your toes.

Sean got laid recently?

I'm surprised that someone with a 225 max deadlift even has the guts to leave the house.
that was a meme friends im 173
Just be careful with deadlift load, I'm only ever sore after the 1-2 days per week I deadlift.

If I had the resources I'd do more with loading and variation. I'm gonna end up periodizing with rep schemes and variations when I go back to school in january.

How is it? I'm sipping on pic related right now. pretty yummy.
Yes last Thursday you jelly?
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>be panzer
>have to do all of my lifts on separate days or I total much less
>still get a lower Wilks than someone on their first ever program
Holy shit you can't even bench body weight lmao
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>sinking into chest

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>You wish
Picture attached is how I feel about you. I found it while surfing on the internet (in a browser). I've heard that memes are in. Suck my meme.

>What do you do when it's windy?
Poutine, no joking, you are a funny guy. Seriously. You make me smile erry time.

>Just be careful with deadlift load
Yeah, I'm keeping the single to 8 RPE (or just as the bar slows). Also, doing everything beltless right now, which limits the load. Feeling good :)

>I'm gonna end up periodizing with rep schemes and variations when I go back to school in january.

Good luck buddy. Hope you find something you can neither enjoy nor loathe... check out This JT article/interview with Max Aita.
how is your squat still this shit after an entire sheiko cycle? did you not focus on your form at all?
eyy lad where u at?
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>How is it?

Probably the second best beer I've ever had, and for sure best Wheat beer.
He never learns

And then when he benches in the IPF a month from now and then his 1 rep max decreases by 30lbs he'll be perplexed and blame it on an off day

Anyways I'm out captain logging off
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Woops was shit posting on /wsg/ forgot my trip
>I am at least 18 but still can easily pass for 15
Nice bench, Benchie. Mirin that dead-stop power.

Are you in high school or university? Please seek out their "special services". You need assistance with your social cues. Seriously.
that wasn't a sink....
it didn't go lower after the pause.
did you not see his form BEFORE?
i'm so fucking jealous god damn how can i be one of the best in the country if i can't fucking bench
Are those powerlift 2.0s? How are they?
keep me updated m9, I might increase deadlift frequency since I can't GHR right now.

Mom's house in connecticut.

Gonna have to try out some nice german wheets soon. All I know so far is I like stouts and don't like IPAs.

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>Gonna have to try out some nice german wheets soon. All I know so far is I like stouts and don't like IPAs.

Pic related is for when you're ready to get weird.
how does this oversized toddler with shit form move any weight wtf
Sup, /plg/. I just started lifting and for some reason whenever I do the OHP my left shoulder clicks on the way down.
It seems to go away when I lower the bar around my face as opposed to just lowering it. Do you know what could be causing it or how can I fix it?
There is no pain during the click, btw.
I sell beer part time when I'm at school. Someone came in and asked for one of those by name like 6 months ago. How is it?

Any pain otherwise? Weakness or instability?

I kind of take the bro approach and don't worry about stuff unless it hurts or effects performance.
>Any pain otherwise?
Just kind of a slight soreness right after I'm done.

>Weakness or instability?
I don't know how to describe it. It sort of feels like my left elbow rotates outwardly, I guess.
try to get it filmed next time you do it and look at it, try to see if there's an obvious imbalance or weird movement.

Since you're new you could be way out of balance left/right or have something out of whack with your scapula or something. People who don't even lift (and by extension new lifters) usually have shit posture and mobility through their hips and shoulders and never realize it.
>How is it?

Literally the greatest beer ever brewed. Absolute perfection in every way. It's the king of sours, and if you don't like it, you're not a fan of the style.


What do you do for warmup? Clicking on its own isn't really something to worry about, but when accompanied with pain we should begin to worry.

He's fuckin strong.

In my gym we call these lifters "bumblebees".

On paper, it's difficult to show a bumblebee can fly without defying some law of physics (Actually it isn't really, you can read a better explanation here: http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2013/08/bumblebee-flight-does-not-violate-the-laws-of-physics/ but for the purpose of my post, let's assume the urban legend is correct) and yet look outside, and you can see one in flight.

Joe is a bumblebee. Joe defies the laws of Sheiko, Candito, and man.
Reading all this skills test hype when I'm two months out is painful.

Also knew him a bit from school. Wisco shout out.

Is he well known in powerlifting circles? I was surprised to see him here.
he's one of the top two strongest people in the world in his weightclass. so yeah, fairly well known
Just popped a cheeky Xanax lads

Probably have another one in a couple hours for maximum chill desu

I can't even fathom his strength really. Or rather the fact that he never seems to stall or his progress slow. He just continues to crush everything in his sight.

Do you think he's natty?
He takes creating he said in one of his videos

Is that on the WADA banned substances list?
If not then he's natty but if it is then he's a fraud
>What do you do for warmup? Clicking on its own isn't really something to worry about, but when accompanied with pain we should begin to worry.
I do jumping jacks, then I do my squats (with percentage warm up), then I warm up for my OHP beginning with 50% of my working weight, then 70%, then 90%. All for 5 reps.
This is a long shot, but is anyone here stationed at fort bragg?

Just for shits and gigs, the next time you're going to do OHP, Do shoulder dislocations with a broomstick, some facepulls with a band, and warmup with just the bar first.
What's it like? I've always wondered?

Me too lad. Trying new shit on dl. Hope it works
>lawful vs. chaotic
literally just IPF vs non-IPF. you see Ben Rice and Haack in the middle because they both competed in both IPF and lolfed. Kirill because I like the WRPF because they seem to be pretty strict.

>Good vs Evil
I think he isn't a "good guy" like Ben Rice or Dan Green, but he is definitely not a silly roidaroo that makes the hole of PL look silly like Strik or tomatobridge

what joff said
he is natty.

>ctrl+f "cre"
>no results found

Go lift at Callahan
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>mfw I check out daytime plg and it's a colossal clusterfuck of frauds, europeans, sean, and memers shitposting
>only recognize two of these people
H-how am i so far out of the loop
>What's it like? I've always wondered?

It's the epitome of the word chill

When I take it I feel like I'm the most chilled out and relaxed person in the world

I love it
top-bottom left-right
>Jessie Norris
stupid good lifter at 93kg
>Brett Gibbs
everyone knows who he is
>Ielja Strik
probably the biggest fake natty ever in the IPF
>Ben Rice
super, SUPER cool dude. has an excellent YT channel and also a pretty good singing voice
>John Haack
probably 2nd best 83kg lifter in the world, behind Gibbs ofc. pretty based irl by all accounts
>Kirill Sarychev
if you've been in /plg/ in the last year you know who kirill is
>Dan Green
very strong roidaroo. does a ton of work for PL. very cool guy irl
>Andrey Malanichev
very good russian lifter.
>Eric Lilliebridge
you can find him in the produce department at your local supermarket
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Excuse my fat disgusting body...
I started squatting low bar today, as you can see from the red mark running along my back. Is this the correct bar positioning?
>tfw out of tasty beer
>tfw have to walk to the gym tomorrow

always wanted to meet dan. He's the only dude I'm okay with seeing a memebun on.

>you can find him in the produce department at your local supermarket
fucking kek.
>very good
Slight understatement. Thanks for that post, I had no idea who Strik was.
John Haack is objectively better than Brutt Gubbs
240 pound 6' fatty here, been training for about 5 months using SL. How am I going?

115kg 5 x 5
Done a 3 plate squat as a ORM

80kg 5x4 (going for 5x5 today)
85kg ORM (done a while ago)

160kg 1 x 5
200kg ORM

Reasonable weights after that much training?

TL;DR r8 progress for 240 pound fatty training for 5 months
115/80/160 doing SL
Is 4fingeredFreddy a Sean "character?"
glad you liked that. didn't think anyone would read that far.

np man

explain pls. I like Haack a lot more but I'm wondering why you say he is objectively better
John Haack has made faster progress and will wreck Gibbs at worlds, you heard it here first

Also Haack is confirmed natty whereas Gibbs is certainly on drugs (I have inside information as does Isley)

Also Haack is just a cool guy and Gibbs is a madlet
Too high still
fuck, are you shitting me?
Nah nigga put that shit across your delts
>confirmed natty
Please share your unbeatable tests with the WADA.
I'm finally getting to the point where babby can't pull 5 reps double overhand on deadlifts (280lbs)

I want to use hook grip, but I can't figure it out. I watched leeman's ex-gf explain it and a few other vids, but it barely feels more secure than DOH. Also I think part of the problem is lack of chalk, planning on picking some up

Should I just give up on hook and use mixed grip? Am I just getting memed? Does anyone here actually use hookgrip for deadlifts?

I'm not that worried about >imbalances, I just like being higher in the starting position
righto cheers m8
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>you can find him in the produce department at your local supermarket

Hook isn't actually any higher in the start position, as it happens.

You really need chalk for hook grip. Its also a bit more of an active hold than mixed or DOH, cranking down rather htan just letting the bar hang in your hands.
What happened to powerlifting? At least in my gym.

When I was going hard in powerlifting back in 2009-2011, all I need was a belt and chalk.

These people now I see in the gym have $100 Inzer belts, chalk, wrist wraps, elbow stabilizers, knee wraps, slingshots, bands, chains, $200 squat shoes, styrofoam they put on bench press bar to decrease ROM. How does all this shit help for competing in an actual competition?

I would still call this high bar.


Listen to Bordie

I'm of the mind that hook grip is a meme.

But I'm fuckin weak, so wtf do I know.


Are you world class?

Powerlifting has been like this since, oh, about the late 80s/early 90s when gear came into its own.
Bands, chains, and slingshots are useful training tools but I agree with the rest of it being bullshit

I'm in the gym just going hard and see some faggot decked out head to toe in IPF-approved gear with a brand new pair of squat shoes and I honestly feel sorry for those people
I don't know if they got meme'd into buying all that shit or if they think it will make them a better lifter but it's just pathetic as fuck
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>higher starting position


I spent a lot of time doing hookgrip with power cleans before I ever tried it with deadlifts. The key for me was to get the pad of your thumb directly under the bar, instead of just gripping with the thumbs inside. My thumb feels like it's rotated into a weird position so that the nail more-less facing the ground. Getting the thumb in deep like that also helps you get your middle finger locked in place.

Look at this picture
Yeah exactly. The pad should be interfacing with the bar, not your knuckle
This post brought to you by the Louie Simmons iron life club

If neither you nor he can understand how wraps would help a powerlifter, you're both beyond help.
I used to do hook grip. But then I brought my grip up a ton from my work, so I just alternate mixed, and have no troubles with grip even at maxes.

It takes practice, and you really have to squeeze and think about holding on. You need to try to get your thumb knuckle into a groove between two of your fingers. As you practice over a couple weeks you'll have little epiphanies where you figure out a way to change how your hand is positioned and your grip strength shoots up. It will start out about the same as DOH, but when you start really nailing it you will be as strong as or stronger than mixed.
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Compare that to this picture, where the guy is just sticking his thumb in his fist like a downie trying to punch a handler. The thumb isn't supporting the bar at all.
For all the shit Westside gets, Louie Simmons had a point when he said "Don't have hundred dollar shoes and a ten cent squat."
What if I have $176 shoes and a 2.6x bw squat? What would he say about that? Pls respond or I'll have to email him and I don't really want to talk to him.
Haack is only 5'9
Gibbs claims 5'6" but is really 5'4", that's dwarf-tier
He'd probably make fun of you for not using a quintuple ply suit to squat 170000 lbs of chains in a split stance to a box three feet above parallel.

I don't like the guy from what I've seen of him, but I like that quote.
>Hook isn't actually any higher in the start position, as it happens
Really? Maybe it was placebo after hearing that somewhere and not being used it when I tried it

>You really need chalk for hook grip
Ah ok that makes sense. Without it my thumb was so slippery by the end of the set

Yeah I think I'm just going to switch to mixed. I think I would be further along if I hadn't been stubborn about it for whatever reason

I've been getting the thumb rotation more or less right I think. I have been trying to grip with primarily index and a little bit of middle though, that pic looks way more locked in on the middle

ok thanks. I'll keep working on it with powercleans so hopefully it'll eventually make sense
I agree to a point, but if your going to buy shoes and a belt you may as well spend the extra cash to get the good stuff; it'll last for decades anyways.

Wrapes, sleeves, etc. are just masturbation for a newbie
there's nothing wrong with mixed, but some people prefer hook grip when pulling sumo if that's how you roll.
>tfw no chemical to enhance height

Belt might be one case where its acceptable to skimp. A lot of people are gonna end up moving up a size by the time they're into the proper weight class.
Poke your own holes?

Specifically, the advantage with sumo is that it allows for a slightly narrower grip (with mixed, you generally have to take your supinated hand out slightly to prevent windmilling) which can get you a more effective stance width in some cases.
nevermind I'm a retard that's not how belts work
You can drill them pretty easily, though.
yeah, but if you grow out of a belt, there won't be any more belt left over to poke holes into. Holes are poked into belts if they're too big.
That's why you get an eight foot long belt, so you're covered from twink to yokozuna.
God, do you ever sit there and just feeeeel big? I fucking love it
What do you think lads?
2/10, not enough horizontal movement for Kaz.
Yes, but I'm 5'9 and 185lbs so I don't think I should.
what app is that?
Barsense. Free on Android
I know you're not benching heels up laddy. I would say that that is a decent enough bar path though. pic related never made very much sense to me tBh
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forgot pic because I'm a retard sometimes
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UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO? Kent Read, Kent Write, Kent State over here.
What about it doesn't make sense to you?
Except I am benching heels up. I won't start benching heels down until I know I'm signing up for usapl.

I want to see if that's his bar path consistently.
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Ayyy lad.
Yea from Logan County going to toledo rn
Woops forgot trip.
Yea I've only ever found one other Ohio lad and he's all the way down in Cincinnati.
I don't know, it just seems really counter-intuitive that the bar path of elite lifters would be so weird. like on the way down, I totally understand. But then on the way up it seems like they go way back and the just press vertically to lock it out. just seems, idk, inefficient.
Something seems wierd about your elbows during the squat

Pretty sure it moves toward the head during the shoulder flare.
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I feel like I failed you for not beating your maxes. I'm sorry. I'll try harder next time.
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I only post here maybe once a month when I need a form check, otherwise I just lurk. Here at Kent gym chalk is forbidden and olympic lifts aren't allowed (even though they have 4 olympic platforms). Hardly anyone here actually lifts, most I've seen anyone squat parallel was just over 3 plates. I haven't been to any other college gyms, but I can imagine mine is a bit weird.
is that peter hitchens?
what is that meme from?
sauce please.
i only know him as the beta weak brother of god-tier chris hitchens
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nn plg
good job today joe
pls if the roidaroos come back tomorrow don't give them (you)s


ayyyyy lmao
I'm here because they have a decent nursing program, it's the third best in the state. The fashion school is ranked top 50 in the world as well. Aside from those two majors, I'd say everything else is dogshit tbqh
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>pls if the roidaroos come back tomorrow

they've probably already killed themselves t b h
Random query: how old is Jamie Lewis? Google isn't being helpful.
>very cool guy irl
Sure, if you discount his shitty choice in women, coupled with his cringeworthy tendency to support her every fucking decision regardless of how shitty a person she's being at the time.
trip on bort
I want to say like 35-38. I'm pulling that out of my ass though, no idea how accurate that is.

I don't think I've ever heard anything positive about her, unless you count people being positive she's shitty.
Hit 3 plate squat and 2 plate bench for the first time this week. Accomplished my 2015 goal of 3/2/4 plate total! Retesting my dead on Friday, if I can somehow manage to hit 460 it'll bring me to a 1k total for the first time. 6'0", 183lb, 22yrs old. Been training for around 2 years, serious pl training for around 1.

>2 years
>those stats
I felt bad but now I feel better

It takes literally 2, 1/4 months to add a pl8 to your deadlift. A 4pl8 deadlift takes no longer than a year, should be less.

Its always good to hit PRs.

But don't be too down if your dead is well under 460. That'd be a fairly disproportionate deadlift even for a lanky guy.
How much do you weigh?
Fuck off with this arbitrary bullshit. Some people progress faster/slower than others. Linear projection only goes so far, otherwise everyone would be pulling 1000
Been high bar squatting, why the fuck do my hip flexor a hurt so much
Like 80kg and I diddy 4pl8 for 5 after a year.

Linear progression lasts for years, adding 2.5kg a session may grind to a halt, but 2.5kg a week is LINEAR PROGRESSION.

Only women would stall at sub 4pl8 desu

High bar can stretch the hip flexors more than low bar for a bunch of reasons.
desu i cant tell if this is a meme or not, i only know like 5 ppl that can diddy 4pl8+ and of the ones that aren't fat or roiding, they've been training for years
Started from 140lb skelly, I'm pretty happy with my progress t b h. What're your stats?

Yeah, I'm hoping to hit 425, 460 is probably not gonna happen, but it is in the back of my mind. Had 405 for a not-so-pretty pull back in like march or april which was a good 1.5pl8 above my squat at the time.
Whats the name of that swolen former bodybuilder woman that is allowed to compete in the IPF? I need her to prove a point.
M8 i watched an 86kg girl put up 210kg on sunday in the tested division of my fed, and a couple of teen lifters 190+

Considering the hip flexors shorten in a squat not stretch im genuinely interested to hear these number of reasons

M8 dont worry, took me like 2.5 years
Lever, quick-release or prong belt?
Guy who tested negative on multiple at-meet tests + one unannounced 6AM visit at his house finally got busted. Junior sub-93kg benching 440
other anon here. good progress. took me atleast 2 years to DL 200kg
in my gym we just call it retard strength.
Only /fit/ obsesses about getting huge numbers as early as possible. That's why he gets so specific on how long they've trained. The only thing that matters is who's strongest, not who got to 4-plate first
in 2009-2011 equipped powerlifting was still the norm so you actually saw powerlifters in squat suits, knee wraps, bench shirts, boards (1-4 of them), wrist wraps, elbow stabilizers, bands, chains, maybe squat shoes but maybe not, 100 inzer belts, lacross balls, and gloves.
not trying to be rude, progress is progress, but a 405lb deadlift does NOT take years of training, being fat, or roiding lad.
only /fit/ and powerlifters in a specific age class lad.
LELja (ielja) strik lad. she's in the OP pic
Yo boys, just checking in on some progress.

Started PL training back in May. Was at 275 lbs / 205 / 365 to start at 175. Now at 455 / 290 / 520 @ 195. Would you guys consider this decent progress?
that's very very good progress yes.
Not for a 1RM, but repping it can take a while, depending on how young you are, and your leverages
Yeah I train 6 days a week, eat like a 500+ cal surplus to try and fit into the 205 class while keeping my frequency to 3 squat 3 bench 2 ohp and 2 dl + bodybuilding hypertrophy garbage for my back and bench meat.
i disagree desu. shouldn't take more than a couple months to go from 405 for a 1rm to 405 "for reps". and the original poster didn't mention reps at all.
keep it up lad. always makes me sad when i think about how i'll never add 400lbs+ to my total in a year ever again in my life.
6 days a week sounds murderous. 4 days of sheiko are killing me rn
I'm used to killing my body now. Putting up over 320k tonnage a month; similar to sheiko. da fuck is with all the slang here, never been lol.
Shit my bad. I was reading another post about repping it for 5. I struggle repping 420 for 5, even though I can deadlift over 500.
yeah i'm up around 330k a month as well. idk just thread culture i guess tBh
really? that's a pretty big gap
Who are you?
I got long-ass legs, and I'm lifting sumo, dunno if that matters.
310kg deadlift

Not much else
Yeah I prefer more frequency to spread out the volume so I can attack the workouts fresh every time. I find focusing on more than two barbell movements a workout fucking sucks for technique practice.. LAD.
i only do two barbell movements a workout as well. unless you count like pause deadlifts and block pulls separate from just regular deadlifts. or silly accessory movements like lunges. but yeah i understand your approach, my hips are always still feeling beat up from my previous deadlift session. i've given up on feeling fresh
Lad, learning to lift tired is good, makes u more prepared at meets too
Is this the new sean? Linear progression without end doesn't happen, unless you have perfect technique, great genetics, and aren't worried about how much fat you're gaining.
Well I guess i'm using "fresh" loosely. More like, given my caffeine receptors a chance to reset lol. A typical workout is like 20 reps of 80% dl, 1-5 of 85-90% for lets say deadlift and bench, then good mornings GHRs lats and SLDLs
that's pretty high intensity tBh. much higher than mine. interesting. you should stick around, i wonder how long you can keep this rate of progress up.
Nervous for today, chummer.
Heavy deadlift day protocol has me working up to a 91% single, and then doing an AMRAP set with the weight I was failboating with last week.

All of this compounded by the fact that I'm only 89% of the body weight I started Cube at.

We'll see how it goes.

Also why is every plg OP asking for shitposting from the gear thread?
Mondays squat session was 80% x 5, 86% x 3 92.5% x 1 and then 82.5% 4 x 4 followed by 82.5% bench 5 x 5 and then an 85% AMRAP for the auto regulation I developed in my programming. Then squat hypertrophy garbage after that. Only thing is my dead lift is stalling so im backing off of the intensity slightly there and working on more back hypertrophy and technique to slow fatigue accumulation. But I wont stay here because its fucking 4chan.
>But I wont stay here because its fucking 4chan.
fucking fair
and yeah those intensities are quite high, surprised you can actually do all of that at that high of a % tBh. the 4x4 after the other volume specifically.
You just fucking do it. Eat enough carbs to recover, throw some fucking metal on, stop making little faggot excuses and become an athlete. That is what I did when I sprinted, and its working pretty well in this sport. Oh yeah and also good supps + sleep, no steroids here.
trip on Cameron
Who cameron?
Some ugly weak fagit who takes peds
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I dont turn my trip off whats the point
I seen you in real life and you smelled really bad
How often do you shower?
What do you guys do for deload? I'm thinking about just doing my speed work and dropping the max effort days for a week.
I pulled 4 plate the first time i ever deadlifted. I was 75kg and had been training for 1.5 years but never tried any of the big 3
I also failed a 100kg squat the first time I tried squatting.
1.5 years later and I can now squat 220x5 and dead 240x1 at roughly 90kg
Of course you did pumpkin
But you do realize 4 plate means on each side and not total, right?
>I also failed a 100kg squat the first time I tried squatting.
what sport did you do prior
Well obviously. A 'plate' is the 10kg one, right?

Always played a lot of soccer.
Was a good highjumper at school though, which is why I think my squat shot up so fast
>Was a good highjumper at school though, which is why I think my squat shot up so fast
do you implement box squats to your routine
Lads is this pec tendonitis?

if i internally rotate my shoulder and flex my pec my pec minor/front delt hurts

Can bench painfreeish but it feels absolute doggysht
I literally just do squats to improve my squat.
I also only dead lift like once a fortnight (If that) so that I am able to squat more frequently
paging 911 4 u
be safe, have you tried doing the band stretching

How good?
More pls
literally same here, also hurts on the descent of bench
same for you?
I had AIS (Australian Institute of Sport) olympic coaches offer to train me, because they could see my "natural ability"
But I told then I wasnt interested because I only wanted to focus on my soccer
So I'm guessing you're about 5 foot 10 to 6 foot tall and you weigh about 150 to 160 pounds am i right

So did you never actually high jump?
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How do I achieve the natty king, Brad Gillingham mode?
Mirin desu
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Helllo /plg/

I've stalled

After 6 months of SS, 2 of which I really progressed, the 4 last months weren't shit

My max DL is 90kg, my max bench is 55kg

I'm bitchmade

I'm 120lbs at 5'10, can't eat more

Could you guys tell me what I should do

I planned on eating 6 eggs a day, with a shake of 1L whole milk and 200g oats
Sure kid, I went from 180->230 deadlift in 3 months, ain't nothing impressive
Eat more. Yes, you can eat more
>can't eat more
Won't eat more*
Fixed that for you.
90 kg deadlift after 6 months? You're not doing the program.

Or are you a grill? I have no idea what bitchmade means.
I'm a male.

>Bitch Made
Used primarily as a gender-based slur against males that display weakness, softness, fear or girlish, effeminate behaviors. A male that refuses to stand up and take responsibility for his actions like a man. Generally a male that exhibits behaviors not normally associated with strong men such as nagging, whining, pleading, begging, blaming others for his failures or lackings, or not assertively standing his ground and letting others punk him out.
>So did you never actually high jump?
I bombed out at nationals when I was 16 because I had no real idea what proper technique was. Then a couple weeks later i injured my ankle and gave up high jumping and soccer. A couple of months later I picked up lifting. I was 6 foot and like 60kg.

I'm now the same height, but 90kg
First powerlifting meet on saturday a but nervous but mostly excited.
I'm about 204 so I'll be in the 220 weight class my planned openers a quite reservative with 385/225/455. The only gear i have is a brahma double prong weightlifting belt, singlet, and deadlift socks. Does this sound like I would do good this meet? I've read up on the rules already
Really retarded question, but can I use kg instead of lbs, when writing my one-rep maxes in the sheiko spreadsheets from the forum?
You can rite dem in bloody dulla signs if ya want brah
You're right you are retarded
Google it
How many topkek100s should I be taking a day on a 4000 calorie diet?
NeW ThreaD
Google it
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