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/PLG/ powerlifting

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Thread replies: 310
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Welcome to /PLG/ Powerlifting General.
Fraud is weak Plg is strong btw
Primarily for the purpose of becoming a better athlete on the platform, but all forms of strength training accepted!

>isley pays for dates for girls and receives no sexual compensation for his time and money edition

Post progress, PR's, meet videos, lifts, or anything strength training related!
chatroom for fatties
doesn't it irritate you guys how our idol The Mountain is such an autist?
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>tfw copying natty Norris' squat technique because he's strong
>neither my knees nor my hips hurt
>feels good man
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Really hope squat feels better today lads
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Depth check please?
How do I make the most of my genetically massive calves and quads?

lower faggot

but honestly that angle is shit but in the mirror it looks like you barely hit below parallel
caught u mirin
I actually aspire to be an autistic giant so no not really.
I can't get to a lmao 2 pl8 bench lads. I just won't go up.

That squat is below parallel and definitely deep enough

you are a faggot
Trip on panzertwink
Fuck lads I started doing calve exercises and now my left calve is all tight and really painful a few weeks later when I walk

>That squat is below parallel and definitely deep enough

I quote my own post

> that angle is shit but in the mirror it looks like you barely hit below parallel

nice reading comprehension there sport.

You could always say that. But I have the shittiest genetics for squatting so if >>35250193 would consider it passable then that's good enough for me, specially since I have been breaking PR's with this depth every other workout.
Keep benching, that's the secret
Do you always only read the first 2 words of a post? I said it is below parallel, therefore it's deep enough
Sheiko is love, sheiko is life.
Did my skills test today after two months intermediate large load.
Squat went from 190 kg to 210
Bench from 125 to 130. (Failed 135 kg 5 cm before lockout)
And deadlift staid the same at 200 kg. Was my fault, because i deloaded and worked on form.
And the besteht thing about sheiko is, that its fun as fuck!
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yeah at 120kg bw ahahahahahahahahahhahahaa
>fun as fuck

I used to think this too.
Not really. 88 kg.
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>fun as fuck
Maybe this will change, when my numbers go up. But i really enjoy it now.
Couple questions (about isley) did he quit PL yet for WL, and is he going to the Sheiko seminars in the UK in 2016?

did you get a room yet?

i'd love to see that quarter squat
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>max out on squat
>only 10lbs of improvement from 6 weeks ago
>try to max on deadlift
>cant pick up 180kg cause squats killed me

I guess I'll try again wednesday...
No one likes you
I like you :d
Why do you trip?
No, but he quit raw for equipped after realizing it might take some effort to bench 140kg.
Haven't quit and no way am I going to that sheiko scaminar
Seriously though you're bad at life
>no way am I going to that sheiko scaminar
why so against it?
don't you like sheiko?
Fucking fagit
My pec problem showed itself more in the top of the lift, the lockout.

My solution was to first just lower volume and frequency substantially.

Then I just stopped benching near 90%.

Sheiko has been great for my pec. Not one problem. I did strain my pec doing pullups before I started my last sheiko cycle, but that was a separate problem, obviously.
He can't afford it because he's a poor fag; which would require him begging his mom for some allowance which maybe he has finally got enough self respect not to do
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>literally £109 for a fucking 5 hour session of learning + form critique by Sheiko himself

who the FUCK are you to judge him, you egotistical wanker? Wilks has got absolutely NOTHING on Sheiko and yet you ride his dick harder than you ride the IPFs, and now you dare say something about Sheiko?

Fuck off you pathetic lifter, I never want you to post in this general again.

holy shit isley FUCKING KILLED
Update: squats are not feeling better, this was one of my hardest squat sessions ever
Not yet. Have to go through BS club sports bureaucracy to get our money and approval etc. you?
Isley on blast rn
Mate sheiko is just going to give out beginner tier advice (through a translator) and it's going to be shit.

You're talking about an elderly, slightly senile Russian gent with no English skills and who's forgotten how to coach natties let alone intermediates

Abd by sheiko himself, what you mean is a few minutes of him critiquing a 60 or 100kg squat that you do as told to you through is Ukrainian translator

If he gets a timely visa.

Which he won't. So yeah. Scaminar.
>learning anything significant in 5 hours
>need to pay £109 for minor form critique
keep forking out that money, lad. you'll hit 4pl8 soon enough.
>If he gets a timely visa.
>Which he won't.

Can't tell if medically retarded or just really stupid
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Holy shit you are a hilarious megalomaniac, you are an absolutely awful lifter and you missed an attempt TWICE at a national meet, you are in no way qualified to make that call.

It is literally a bargain to pay £109 for what you're getting, which is an insight into the program that you're doing. Sheiko knows what he's doing, and he's coached over 9 world champions, he is the Master of this, which fucking champion has wilks coached?

Your awful squat could definitely use some of Sheiko's advice, since you're such a bad lifter you now have to rely on equipment.

The people attending will all be lifters who know what they're doing, I've seen the people on Facebook and they're all competitive powerlifters, even Owen Hubbard (who's a FAR better lifter than you'll ever be) said he'd love to come along, so who the fuck are you Isley to say "Oh shitty shieko senile gent hahaha I am good lifter no advice needed"

Fucking kill yourself you utter nonce.

It's not about learning anything significant, it's just about getting a better understanding of the origins of the program, the methodology and why Sheiko's programs include what they include, also to meet the man himself would be a privilege.
Wilks? Yani zhao, jnr 84kg gold.

Yeah Owen is a far better lifter than I could ever be. But what does that prove? Also equipped is much harder than raw.

>counts as a champion

literally all a girl has to do is follow a strength program and actually have a coach and she'll beat out all competition simply by virtue of the fact that she's already one in a million

What does that prove? That good lifters that know what they're talking about are always thirsty for more knowledge, no matter where it comes from, so many big names have come to Sheiko seminars to learn, you're a no one, your opinion has no bearing on the reality of the situation.

>harder than raw

pahahahahah aahah ahahah ahahaha K3K3

We're off to the start of week 7! For those of you keeping score, that's almost 90% longer than I usually stick with a meme program before hopping ship.

Did something of a graphical overhaul of my video format, though. Just felt like making it a little less... yotsuba-y? Anyways, I hope y'all like the new look.

Music this time comes from one of my favorite GBC RPG titles: Lufia: The Legend Returns(AKA Lufia 3, or Estpolis 3).
>>harder than raw

I hate defending Isley but he's right and you're way wrong.
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>equipped is much harder than raw
Louie pls.
It's not too late to change programs lad

>that many squat variations

enjoy literally no transfer to your actual lowbar competition squat you piece of shit
You are literally wrong with everything you're saying here. Yes women matter. Most champions I've met are constantly closed minded because everything they've done has worked (Owen is less so because he's not self coached) and yes equipped is harder than raw. Try it and you'll understand.
>equipped is harder than raw
why does this matter?
doing one legged bosu ball squats is harder than normal squats, but who the fuck cares?
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>something is harder than something else
>I'm bad at that something else
>I'm also bad at that harder thing, but I'm doing it so I'm better than you

literally dying of laughter over here
>contest squat
>quad dominant overload work
>contest squat with a pause at the hardest point
This is less variation than an average shieko routine, even.

Nah, three more weeks left until I test maxes and prove to /fit/ I can actually stick to a program.
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Finally finished my cut Lads, 92.7 kg bw. This cut went well despite the beetus scare, now to find a way to go back to my old weightclass without messing my bs

Just for your information, this guy actually claims natural.

He lives in a country where you can buy steroids over the counter at pharmacies, he has a physique like so, and he still claims natural.

What a joke.
pls b natty

idk I was mocked for "relying on equipment" which is simply not the case.

nice tren skin

>92.7kg 7% at 5'10"

you guys are delusional
Top kek

I see Master Ron's coaching is really paying off
why don't you just admit it lad
Pls don't join Sean, I assure you 110% I never took anything illegal or in the wada list in my life :(
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daily reminder that sheiko is absolutely useless
I believe you, it;s just bants
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Look, you are a liar. You are literally lying to people right now. How can you lie when the facts and the evidence are against you

You're clearly below 12%, but that's just a number I used to clear confusion, this is hilarious how you can claim natural when literally every metric says otherwise.
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I'll think of you and all of your trash talk while I smash your lifts Wednesday

holy kek 25.9 that's ridiculous
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nobody here whose opinion matters thinks anything else lad
If you were actually natty you wouldn't be begging people to believe you, you'd just laugh it off or ignore it entirely

I earned a bit more respect for BenchBeta after this post

Daily reminder that Bodorio is a roider too, and defending another roider, despite the fact that the FFMI absolutely destroys his claims of being natural
Don't worry m8, they're just stroking my e-penor with their accusations, I know what I am and what I do. T-thanks for your trust tho, I really appreciate that
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prove to me how this is falsified whatsoever, I used your own stats and it says you are definitely not natural
>I swear I never took anything banned in my life
apart from that pro hormone cycle you admitted to?
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Virtus is 184cm (6.1ft) doe
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This is Steamrollan, at 200lbs, 13% and 5'9" he has an adjusted FFMI of 25.5, which puts him in the top 0.001% if he's natural, you're telling me you're bigger and leaner than this guy, yet you still claim natural?

Dude you're lying to yourself
Hey guys I need squats question answered.. any one here done smolov? I'm supposed to try and max out later this week as I'm just finishing up the intense meso cycle , ya know the first real 4 week set before I start the next part, how much did you improve in that time? More so or less than the next part before it's over? I begging the gods to be able to hit 420 lbs. I started this program with a max of about 365.. also is there any other "huge breakthrough" things I can try doing to improve my squat? I already do deeep box squats..
I don't get your point, what is that supposed to mean, I'm asking honestly. Secondly isn't 5'10" 177cm? I'm 183cm tall

Back to important things, I'm currently making the webm of today's squats, I need your opinion lads, I'm trying to figure out why my right hip hurts in the psoas region
Sorry lad just messing with you.
>he has an adjusted FFMI of 25.5, which puts him in the top 0.001% if he's natural
>which puts him in the top 0.001% if he's natural

>randomly making stuff up and thinking nobody will call him out on it
>pretends like he just posted evidence
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mirin hard
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digging your own grave here, pal

>roider miring other roiders

all the proof you need
I just used this calculator and got 25.4
I'm not even close to the natty limit and have never touched steroids.

The calculator is retarded.
I'm over 26 in that calculator and I never touched steroids either

It's plain dumb

dude a month ago you literally admitted to roiding
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Really wish the sub 30% bf twinks would leave... It's hurting me..
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>"I'm over 26 in that calculator and I never touched steroids either"

u wot
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Here it is, I think this was set 3 out of 4, really need to stop moving my hands in the hole, any other suggestions?
I will start using a narrower stance from now on, I will go wider as comp approaches, need to strengthen dem legs, is this a good approach?
I think it fucks up if you weigh a lot.
I'm like 117kg 188cm and 25-30% and it thinks I'm on roids...

your depth is AWFUL

squat deeper you piece of SHIT
I would just stop using rippetoe memegrip altogether and not narrow your stance
You guys are mean poopoo heads. Help me out here. Stop arguing over some gay roids shit.
Merlin. How's the strengthshop belt?
>being this jelly
Honest question for plg, why wear all that equipment to squat a weight that you can't do naturally? Wouldn't you just want to go raw and see how far you can get that way? I don't know much about the equipment itself or how much it helps but I'd rather say I squat 300lbs raw instead of 400lbs all strapped up
smolov is noped upon here because everyone who tries seems to break

>on steroids
>won't admit it
>has nothing to lose

kill yourselves

>not using rippetoe memegrip
Ur depth is IPF fine. I see you bought shit knee sleeves like me. I've only had them ~5 months and they are literally falling apart. Gonna get some SBD for xmas.
There's Izlee trying out equipped for the first time and once upon a time there was one other guy who trained equipped.
I did not know this.. I enjoy the challenge. Maybe I should get knee sleebes, roids and talk shit. I'd fit in better here I guess. Thanks homie for the info
I mean in general. For anyone in the world, not just plg

ahhahaha holy shit bodorio FUCKING destroyed jesus christ nice one new guy
> fit in better
I dont think we have a single steron user who posts here apart from occasional containment thread leakage
are you talking equipped vs raw or raw vs 100% raw?
too soft, I can't really recommend it, get a proper leather-made one
It's much more challenging and much more rewarding, I know you got into powerlifting to get stronger but it's like fapping: when you do it too much you get weirder and weirder fetishes.
>Wouldn't you just want to go raw and see how far you can get that way
Most of us do squat raw.
Raw includes: Belt, Wrist Wraps and Knee Sleeves (Fed dependent).

Equipped is: Wrist wraps and Squat suits because they actually add weight to your squat (there's some debate about whether or not knee sleeves do).

Let me list them for you

>Boardshorts (Confirmed)
>Bodorio (Confirmed)
>Virtus (confirmed)
>Steamrollan (possible)
>topkek100 (curry powder)
So like, there's this whole other sport, rather like powerlifting, called equipped powerlifting. Where you use equipment defined within a pretty narrow set of rules to lift the most weight. And a part of that is getting as strong as you can naturally, whilst also managing all the suits and shirts as stuff.

Your question is like "why do people cycle for sport and not try to see how fast they can move naturally?" - it's a different, but equal, sport.
get some proper lifting shoes,and at that depth you're set.
Fuck off sean
>I know you got into powerlifting to get stronger but it's like fapping: when you do it too much you get weirder and weirder fetishes.
yea just look at isley doing equipped and fapping to animated small girls while being pegged

missed the part where he has 25kg on his back
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does cameron actually take something?

he looks dyel as fuck
Is that meet in someone's garage?
Thanks I guess. I assumed actual advice and knowledge was under these power lift threads unlike the normie tinder and fat hate threads of fit. But no seriously I could use help. Aside from smolov, and deep box squats, how do I hit elustrious 4 plate.
No but he'll start soon
like a guy who has a shirt and shorts on, and squats, vs a guy with knee braces, a backstrap, and whatever other stuff squatters use

I'm genuinely curious, I'm not talking shit on either method

okay so I must be thinking Raw Raw then, like I said just above. Like a dude and the bar, and thats it

Obviously this isn't how the major league big guys do it but I dunno. Just curious why use a belt at all unless it keeps your back from snapping

George you literally get shittier and shittier every year. No wonder no one likes you. Funny how nobody is disputing whether you're natty or not cos you're a weak shit with a pathetic physique
pretty sure he isnt on sterons

If he was, im pretty sure he would be putting on closer to 50kg on his bench rather than 5kg. no bully intended, just saying in case someone would have a reason to believe hes lying about it
tfw too poor for real steroids :(
He took dnp
lol lad hes been saying this for years
i dont think hes ever going to start
>shitter and shitter every year

Actually I stay the same m80pot80
didnt say he never took illegal substances

just said hes not on sterons
Man, he was so sure he'd get a 160kg bench.

that explains it all
well I'm the type of guy da doo da doo da doo
cause the belt and wraps only support non-moving structures, so it just prevents them snapping up while still being able to push your strength. If you legs can squat 400 but your core starts to give out at 300, theres no real reason to not put on a belt other than to say
>im 100% raw
which doesn't mean anything and just leaves you short changed desu. same with wrist wraps on the bp. if you can press 300 but your smaller structures (wrists) get sore at 200, just put on the wraps

i'd understand if belts and that were £500+ theres no point forking up that much money for a hobby, but they can be very inexpensive so theres no real downside to using them
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still wont deadlift as much as me
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Jesus dude
Mirin hard

fuck off olyslob
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dude you deadlift like 190kg at 5'2" height, fedosienko destroys your deadlift
Not natty therefore not mirin
thanks lad! How's sheiko going btw? It was driving me nuts, had to quit lel
Is this real bodorio

>on gear
>still has a hard time recovering from sheiko

o i am laffin
I'm not even an olyfag but I would love to see clarence enter a lolfed powerlifting meet just to ATG pause oly squat a ridiculous amount.
A proper use of a belt will allow you to properly use the muscles in your core and allow you to lift more weight. It doesn't lift the weight for you it is just a tool.

Wristwraps allow you to keep your arms in a straight line when you bench, 2 big advantages here. No moment means less force required to press it. And when you get to heavy weight your wrists will start hurting, I forget my wrist wraps all the time i don't lose much weight but the next day my wrists feel dead.
He took DNP
This is what he'll be saying six months from now too
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>going to blow you the fuck out in both squat and bench
>you will narrowly beat me in deadlift
>m-muh pull
Okay George.
Does the "do roids bench 200" rule take into account benches like >>35251633 or is it only usable on IPF benches?
wew lad that's a lot memes for one sentence
Is this actually Phil in this thread?

bench you really deadlift less than 420lbs?
Isley gets off to the fact that he pays for a girls dinner and talks to her then goes home alone and jerks off to the thought of said girl
Do people not do this?
isley is actually a feminist, no joke. I saw him like Greg Nuckols post about women lifters and how they're oppressed in the gym

fucking hilarious
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Not for long my friend.

bench you're not a bad guy, wreck that fucking shit panzernigger
This please, can't stand that little cunt, I'd smash his head
I should have started it with >mfw
Good I hope both of you stay
>two shitty trips fighting over who's less useless
Why can't you guys just stay go?
Good since I switched to 4 day and dropped to the medium volume. High volume 3 day was awful
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>mfw high volume three day AND EXTRA EQUIPPED WORD
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how'd everyones day go?
mine wasn't too bad, no PRs, but I'll try again tomorrow
Where's Sean today?
Thinking about trying 4 pl8 today lads...
how do you guys feel about comprimising some minor upper back tightness to get better hip positioining on the deadlift? i tried lifting with a perfectly straight upper back today but i was almost squatting the bar up at one point
It doesn't need to be "straight," there's some natural kyphosis in your thoracic spine, but it should be neutral and stable.
if i lift with my hips higher my upper back rounds a tad bit, it still feels pretty tight tho. ur saying that doesnt matter that much then?
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Update: maybe hardest sheiko workout yet. Every squat and bench set was RPE 9-10 but felt better after several sets. Front squats were a little better. I'm scared lads, working sets for squats are 20lbs heavier and bench sets are 15lbs heavier. Shouldn't even be too fatigued yet but this was really hard. Right shoulder is still giving me issues as well, but some band stretches let me bench temporarily.
Keep me in your thoughts.
taking a topkek100 rn lads
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>tfw starting to see modest but tangible gains from my own programming despite my knee injury, shit schedule, shit diet, and mediocre sleep
Feels damn good, man.
lmao me too so smelly stinky like curry just like a topkek100
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Go fuck yourself stupid twink child
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>Wrist wraps and Squat suits because they actually add weight to your squat
>wrist wraps
>they actually add weight yo your squat
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188th for benchbro smashing his old total this week
Wood berry
Where is everyone?
U 2 Alex
Just smeshed a final. First I've done in the class.

Now off to bagging groceries
That must feel kind of anticlimactic. Smash a final and then you don't get to celebrate until later.
Euro sleeping hours.

Gj lad

Which grocery store do you work at?
Thanks friend

Well I'm not done until Thursday but I'm set for possibly 5 Bs or even one A
145lbs bench press...(imma gurl)
식료품 점

>btw I'm a grill
>L O W B A R

210kg deadlift... (im a twink)
Trip on panzer, by the way
big gurl 4 u
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Anybody like snatch grip deadlifts as an accessory?

Feels good/bad, man.jpg
Why would you do them?
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>this is 2 separate posters who are not samefagging at all
Lighter variation that is an alternative to deficits.

The benefit of deficit plus some upper back work i guess.
never really liked them desu. always felt like paused helped more with position and hit the upper back hard enough.
Wow you sure showed him, 4 hours later
Are you unironically highbar memeing in /plg/?
STFU. Some of the strongest squatters in /plg/ are high-bar, you insecure newbie fuck.
i enjoy doing them, but how much they actually help. I have no idea
>but how much they actually help. I have no idea
I'm going to try them once per week along side conventional and see if they do anything.
This is me with almost every assistance lift I try. Except probably paused squats and CGBP.
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I'm really tired of combing through all the useless namefags.



>Popularity rankings
>Trip drama
Fuck off
I'm not Sean.
Never said you was
what does that mean?
I going to guess your weight is a lot more than mine?
lads ive been itching to start playing an actualy sport not just powerlifting

what sport could benefit me considering my powwerlifting background and that I'm kind of a /bigguy/

170/125/205 @ a somewhat lean 96kg(height 190cm)
What do you like? Judo is fun but fairly likely to get you injured. Old-man soccer or lacrosse or something would probably be good for not dying from CHF at 50.
So you're extremely weak, not even a powerlifter and to top it off not even a big guy but reaaally skinny

Oh wait i just responded to a troll
I actually watched some judo highlight some time ago and it seemed really fun to throw people around, but yeah I've heard it wrecks your shoulders and everything else. Lacrosse always seemed like a gay sport(like fencing) but that might be because literally no one plays it in my country.

what is old man football

skinny and weak for /plg/ standards
i too was delusional until I started looking at some professional athlete's stats and kept thinking they were skinny fucks for weighing so little at their height. then i realised that that's where their performance is best. Example is Sage Northcutt who is 182cm and weighs 70kg.
Old-man leagues just refers to groups of people playing that are out of college up to middle age.
but im only 18
Then do judo, you've got one or two minor AC separations in you still.
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>tfw high volume 4 day sheiko
tfw no 16yo crossfit gf
some of my mates do brazilian ju jiutsu I've been thinking about trying that out but im discouraged by the white trash faggot iron lyfe trainers that ive heard about who have you do 200 pushups and 200 plyo squats as a workout as opposed to something actually smart
Gives me a glimmer of hope for the future Tbh

I mean, it won't really affect your lifting if they're a day apart.

I just ask dumb questions that could easily be answered by using google. Like this one:

Why the fuck can I bench 61 kg for 3 sets of 10 fine, but when I try to bench 70 kg for 3 sets of 6, I fail miserably? I can only really get about 3 good reps in on the first set, and after that my form goes to shit.
specificity my friend. refers to both exercise selection as well as rep ranges and stuff.
the most pushups i've ever done in a brazilian jiujitsu class is <50
my current school has zero pushups
it's fantastic
Finally in the 4 pl8 squat club and 5 pl8 diddle club lads. Hit 182.5kg squat and 230 dead last night. Pretty happy desu

Bw around 85
Because your form goes to shit under heavier weights
Congrats friend
...I feel stupid for not realizing something as simple as this.

I'm not really sure what you're trying to say here.
>specificity refers to (intensity related) rep ranges
Don't think so, otherwise sheiko would be a dud
sheiko admits that intensity is what drives numbers, it just also increases chance of injury. 80% triples are still intense enough to illicit a response, especially when you're fatigued enough that 80% is closer to 85% for your body (i think, Mike t would probably agree).
lifting heavy weight is a skill and to develop that skill you need to lift heavy weight. specificity in powerlifting is lifting a sufficiently heavy weight to increase your ability to lift heavier weights. its a reason why doing 1000 reps of just the bar may give you equivalent volume to your 5x5, but it isn't intense enough to have any carry over.
Captian's Log

OHP day today. banged out my previous 1rm for a $%&TrIpLe&%$

DL tomorrow. Pumped as fuck. Not gonna go for the single though.
>tfw had to deload squat and have started doing regular cardio

am I still allowed to post here lads?
>it's only gay if you take your shoes off
Should I get some Adidas powerlift 2.0's if I do low bar squats?
>tfw joining the navy so can never be an obnoxious tripfag on plg
>tfw have to be an aesthetics faggot not by choice
Quite a few people prefer squatting in heels. But dont buy the powerlifts buy the power points they're much better.
>needing a visa for Russia
Sure is nice being cosmopolitan master race sometimes...
>hate lifting now
>want to start enjoying lifting again

What do friends? Weights %80 and above feel terrible. I'm getting weaker and weaker everyday. I know longer programs have a hypertrophy component before peaking, could anyone suggest one?
I feel like people who think sheiko is low intensity have never actually ran the program or newbs who've never gotten anything out of a peak so their maxes are roughly how strong they are on a weekly basis.
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>tfw bought a real belt and squat working sets shoot up 20 lbs
yes. when i had like an 800 total i would look at the spreadsheet and think that it was super easy. now that i'm actually doing it and the weights are heavy enough to be challenging and beat me down, it is much more intense.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
What do you guys think of this routine for someone who still has miles of linear progress to make on squats but has burned out easy progress from fahves on bench and ohp - no deadlift in the routine atm because reasons. General goal is strength and overall balanced development, limited excercise selection because I'm homegym so no sweet machine hypertrophy. Not a strict powerlifting question, but hey, I'm not going to ask elsewhere on /fit/.

Full body Bench day
Squat/Front squat 3x5
Bench 4x4pause 2x6tng@85%paused weight
BB Row 4x5 1x5+

Incline DB bench/close grip bench 3x8-12
DB row 3x8-12


Full body OHP day
Squat/Front squat 3x5
Ohp 4x4 2x6@85%work weight
Pullups/Chinups AMRAP, then sets of 2-3 every 15-20 seconds until rep goal reached

RDL 3x8
Rear delt raises 3x8-12


Heavy upper day
Bench and OHP singles and doubles

Close grip bench 3x6-12
Pullups/Chinups AMRAP, then sets of 2-3 every 15-20 seconds until rep goal reached
DB row 3x8-12 1xheavy AMRAP
Hammer/barbell curls 3x8-12

Lower day
Squat variant x whatever
RDL 3x8
General stability and technique work


Pullaparts, shoulder external rotations and planks daily
But it's also assumed your maxes are peaked comp maxes. So even besides fatigue you're not going to be as strong as your inputted maxes while running the program. Plus people often forget that other programs use training maxes, sheiko does not.
that's another good point.
shit i inputted +10lbs of my peaked squat, didn't even think that that could be 5-10lbs heavier than my unpeaked. no wonder squat feels so hard
>this post
>he was never even in the military

Top kek you stolen valor faggot
Fuck lads 4 weeks away from skills test, 8 weeks away from meet. Can`t fucking wait, gonna open with all PRs and just try to go 9é9 because first meet in a while.
Just did 3x20 at 140kg on squats lads, never felt so sick in my life desu
literally an absolute madman

no way thats wilks approved lad
I have a few weeks to do whatever I want since I'm not in a training cycle yet tbqh
Going to do high frequency squatting again, but I want to try something different than singles. Any suggestions other than randomly choosing a range for the day with some back off?
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>20 reps at 3 plate
All I could feel is my lungs on fire and my glutes cramping

Cycle down your rep range over the week, for the heavy stuff at least?
that's kind of cool, the weight will creep up as the reps creep down, almost like a mini taper

Jesus man, I do 1x5 at that weight and I feel like gravity is trying to fuck me after. The idea of doing sixty total reps would fucking kill me.

That's what I did briefly when I was into high-frequency squatting, after getting bored with the heavy singles.

I liked it because it gave me an easy target for each session (just beat yesterdays weight) without killing myself. Although I tended to add backoffs across the week as well to make up for the loss of volume, dunno how necessary - or how smart - that was.
Coming to the end of #29 which has all been beltless and SBD-less, I'd feel like training would be too easy with them as I haven't been over RPE 8 yet.
The autism rises
i buddy of mine did nuckols DUP program, but added stuff on the weekends as well. i believe originally its a 5 day, squat everyday, 4 week cycle. you hit different rep ranges each day of the week, and add a set/rep each week, culminating in an AMRAP set to judge progress and bump up training max. not sure the exact template though. i think he benches everyday as well
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Good Morning lads, how do you get ready for the gym?

Personally i want to look as fresh as possible.
Believe me, it fucking killed me too, it was my first squat session back after a full week of of lifting after my meet, so the DOMS are going to be real tonight.
Off of*
I'm not a regular here but I lurk. I'm on 500 equipped wilks, and I do it because when I started lifting the records I wanted to take were equipped ones. I lift raw most sessions and I'm still strong without the gear.
That conditioning is going to help when you switch to strongman.
>switching to strongman
Being a lazy powerlifter is where it's at lad
sorry but anything over 5 reps and you cant be a powerlifter anymore
>20 rep squats
Your post says no, but your subconscious says yes.
How did your last meet go?


Its not really strongman unless you do something really stupid to go with it. Like a 20rep axle squat set off the safeties with added chain weight.

Because fuck doing anything normal, we've got weird shit to lift.
ib4 bomb
Went 8/9 lad

Squat attempts were
Definitely had 5kg more

Bench went shit cause I didn't listen to wilks and didn't go 175

Deadlift was the best, had a fair amount in the tank, went easier than my 300 last meet

730 total
Good meet tbqh, happy with how it went, gonna go more risky on deadlift next meet though.
>Mock meet tomorrow
Intending on smeshing it harder than Isley smeshes hamsters

except for bench, just recovered from an injury so just pretending i have a 5kg PR there
So i've been doing some HB squatting instead of LB in my new program. For some reason, my sumo deadlift has gone from 190kgx4 to 202.5kgx5 in 6weeks. Can this be due to changing my squat style? Can HB be better for sumo or could it be some other thing?

Its possible (sumo is kinda more dependant on quad strength than conventional) but its a fair way down the list of factors I'd be looking at.
Isley = cUck
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Calc 3 final in 3.25 hours, couldn't sleep all night (4:35am now). worried I'll be drowsy for the exam. Just found out I only need a 48.5% to pass the class though, so that's nice. So fucking hype for the rest of the week after this exam.

No exams, but skills test Wednesday for squat and bench
Physics 2 exam Thursday, but I don't even need to go to that to pass
Going home Friday and doing DL skills test in a nice PL gym
Saturday get to just chill for a few weeks.
Shoulder tendinitis/bursitis or impengement in my right shoulder. I can do side raises without a problem. (heavy) bench press irritates when initiating the push motion. Ohp (slightly) hurts.Low bar squat 'annoys'. I can row/deadlift without issues though. Any tips/tricks on how to deal with this, besides not pressing?
Nah lad looks like you're fucked forever
How to run sheiko lads pls?
>find appropriate program for you
>download spreadsheet from forums
>do it
>eat enough and sleep enough
>congratulations, you have done sheiko

Allright i'll try that.


http://sheiko-program (dot) ru/forum/?topic=15.0

Pick one according to your b/w and use the spreadsheet. start with maxes on 90-95% of true 1RM, add 6.25lbs on max each month (excel adds 5lbs on top sets)

Buy tigerbalm, warm up shoulders and knees/hips before every workout.
What old gimmicks do you miss lads?

a gf
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>start with maxes on 90-95% of true 1RM
disagree tBh. I am currently on the 3 day, over 80kg one and after 3 weeks I raised all of my 1RMs by 10 lbs (even after starting with true 1RM inputs), and it is still feeling ezpz with only 4 weeks to go.

norsefat posting

Should have noted that im on the 4 day/week. but in addition to that. i add 6.25lbs/month so 3 months in im +18.75 (so 20lbs) on each lift.
ok yeah, I can see lowering your maxes if you're on the 4 day one. that's probably the next thing I'll go to. by the way it sounds, it is pretty unforgiving.
Not ipf, but legal in most feds.
WHY CANT I HIGH BAR ATG SQUAT? I can low bar squat 120kg x 5 but I cant high bar for shit feels like I fall on my face and die. Feels like my legs dont develop at all with this fat guy squat

Ive tried high heel shoes, something under the bacl of my feet, stretching and everything BUT NO!
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I think it is
just realized this, but if that's where he has them in comp, he wears his knee sleeves way lower than I do.

The squats are easier, lower intensity and often lower volume. but the deadlifts man.. with a few exceptions u deadlift twice a session, always twice a week. the heavy block pulls as 2nd deadlift per session really wreck me
This looks fine, hip crease is below the top of the patella even after correcting for camera tilt. I don't see where anyone would see otherwise.
Consider me impressed by the autism level displayed in the image you have submitted
I hope you seriously didn't iron your knee sleeves, heat destroys neoprene if you didn't already know
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