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How do you like your oats?Just bought some what am I in for.

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How do you like your oats?Just bought some what am I in for.
greek yogurt
peanut butter
Oats? You want me to fukkan tell you about oats? Oh my sweet summer child....

The other day Mum came home with a big bag of Quakers oats and I thought to myself "honestly I could shag that woman right now". That's how I feel about oats.
what do you guys look for in oats I hear that there are a tonne of shit brands.With horrid nutrition/whatever.
raw with grapes.

oats is oats, get the cheapest shit.. the macros are the same pretty much regardless
I eat 5 cups of oats a day. College dorm life is fucking retarded. Bugs in food at dining hall. But I just pour a cup into a bowl and take a spoonful into my mouth and chase it down with water

pick two
Whole heartedly agree but id skip the peanut butter and swap with berries.
swap water with milk or yoghurt more protiens.
I eat one serving plain for breakfast and lunch, then a reasonable dinner.
1/2 cup oats
1 cup milk
1 diced apple
Dash of cinnamon and ginger
Pinch of salt

Microwave for 4 mins on high

1 tbsp of honey or maple syrup
1 heaped tbsp of unsweetened Bramley apple sauce (I like it with apple chunks)
1 tspb vanilla extract, on special occasions
*1 TSP vanilla
welcome to club
100g oats
30g (one scoop) whey powder
100-120g water

100g oats
200g nonfat yoghurt (or greek yoghurt / cottoncheese)
~20g coconot flakes
30g vanilla powder OR strawberry flavour
> Not fucking your mum already

mate, please
This to be honestiore
Oats, handful of berries, low-fat quark


Oats, low-fat quark, tablespoon of honey.
I only use oats to make /fit/ pancakes
>(one scoop)
Don't you want to make it?
Just eat rice
> not eating both
>water instead of protein rich delicious milk

confirmed not gonna make it
>1/2 cup oats
>buncha blueberries
>2 sliced strawberries
>Half a sliced banana
>Dollop of greek yogurt
>VERY LIGHT splash of milk in oats to give them the right consistency that I love
If it's not hot as balls in my country I just zap half a cup oats with milk in the microwave
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Only acceptable answer.
I don't even care if you don't live in glorious Merkel country.
Grad bei Kaisers die Billigmarke gekauft
>1,99€ für eine Packung Haferflocken
Ernsthaft, was ist an den Dingern besser?
Nichts, ich kauf die billing Dinger von Toom
You've never had oatmeal? Microwave it with salt and water like it says on the package and put brown sugar and half and half on it.
Why do all you homos only use oats for sweet meals, try some fuckin savoury for once.

Mix eggs and oats together in jug. Put in pre fried onions and peppers. Pour into saucepan and cook like omelette on medium heat. Cut into quarters and flip halfway. Add strong cheddar cheese. Bonus is you can eat in the go.

And it's far better than adding fucking ghey whey powder.
This is an oats thread
So fuck off with you savory shit cunt
This sounds pretty good
I use oats to make vegetarian burger patties, fucking delicious (though very messy)
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salt and water...
>Auschwitz called; they want their recipe back

Oats, milk, and a dash of sugar/honey/cinnamon is the real way to have it
What is calories control?
Maybe proton allowance is being reached another way, and the fats and lactose are being avoided for good reason.
hold on to your fat tits faggots

1/2 cup rolled oats

add some honey and/or a tsp dark brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg. whatever else you want i give not a fuck.

your eyes will roll back in your head from the ecstasy.
No never.I just followed the instructions on the back and made some.I like it though it is kinda bland.I only used 1 cup milk 1 cup oats.I will definitely try the recipes posted itt though I did like it bland.It's hard to describe.
Skinny DYEL fail troll detected.

Fuck off back to /b/ and your loli threads kid.
I just eat 1 cup steel oat everyday instead. I'm never eating regular oatmeal now that I tried it
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>mfw I can eat any dairy source absolutely fine, however
>milk, especially whole milk, gives me the liquid shits something fierce
I ditched it long ago for superior non-fat greek yoghurt and soy with my oats, I just can't stomach milk, it's literally my only food intolerance
Hot oats, use water. Cold oats: use milk. Add a little chocolate powder or honey if you feel you need to.
~30g breakfast
~30g casein directly before sleep
400g chickenbreast = 4*22 = 88
+ protein from oats/rice/veggies
+ whey/maltodextrin shake on workout days
= 220-230g

seems adequate to me
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HAve the same, what is that? It's definitely not lactose intolerance, so any idea what might it be? I have no money to go to the doctors with that kind of stuff.
Do you eat the oats without putting them on a stove?
pour boiling water over oats
add fruits (apples, grapes, bananas, whatever you like. dried fruits obviously work too)
add cinnamon or peanut butter

or eat oats with yogurt or delicious quark
>eating my oats, peanut butter, and chocolate protein powder meal at work
>fat as fuck supervisor asks what the hell it is
>tell her
>"oh my god that looks awful."
>smile and turn around while saying "pot meet kettle"
I gave up trying to dress up oats all faggy with sweat shit

I just throw it in a rice cooker with water and then a bit of salt when its done

tastes good and more like normal food instead of some sugary shit
Unflavored whey
Raw, chocolate soymilk
I've gotten so sick of oats you have no idea. It kills me every morning to spoon that gruel into me
I just eat half a cup of oats with two scrambled eggs and a bit of avocado. The breakfast of a broke college student.
If you haven't already, try making overnight oats. There's some pretty good recipes out there and it changes the texture a bit
>Cup of steel cut oats
>2.5 cups of water
Im not the guy you replied to, but tell me more about this. Fuck oats. They make me sick.
You get an airtight jar, put in your oats, add milk/water, whatever protein powder you want, and anything else you want. Leave in the fridge overnight and eat in the morning.

I usually add in egg whites, chia seeds, almond butter, or Greek yogurt and fruit/nuts but there's loads of different ideas online. Just search overnight oats recipes
make energybars, proteinbars or muslibars of them if you're tired of the consistecy. Makes a nice variation.
Put oats in a mixer with other things you fancy and make a smoothi.
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linseed flour
cottage cheese
whole milk

makes around 1,5kg of food of which 0,5kg makes the whole milk. ive been eating this literally every morning for the past four months and i am not getting tired of it. most people will be put off by the preparation time it takes, but those people will never make it anyway.
pic related is me, feels fucking great to cut fat and build muscle while eating this shit ton of delicious food
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you can also make cookies with them. basically put >>35124672 into the oven for half an hour and youre set
Looks like noms, desu.
kannst du mir die rezepte für die gerichte geben?
sehen mal sau lecker aus
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oben links: In Olivenöl 1kg putenbrust, 2 zwiebeln, 1 packung tiefkühlblattspinat, 1 zehe knoblauch, vollkornspaghetti so viel wie du magst, nehme immer sehr wenig, würzen mit pfeffer und sojasoße.
in der reihenfolge wie aufgelistet in die pfanne. putenbrust etwas braun werden lassen, dann zwiebeln braten, spinat etwa 10 minuten, knoblauch nicht zu lange der hitze aussetzen daher zum schluss.
ich tu magerquark auf dem teller dazu, weil es einfach passt. kannst auch parmesan nehmen oder einfach so essen.

das gericht daneben ist das gleiche aber anstatt putenbrust nehme ich hinterkochschinken, schwarzwälder schinken und eier. die reihenfolge bleibt die gleiche, das nach dem spinat tust du aber 8 eier rein, kochst alles gut durch und machst dann mit dem knoblauch weiter, und kannst die sojasoße weg lassen. der schwarzwälder schinken gibt dem ganzen eine salzige note, kannst aber trotzdem noch nachsalzen.

oben rechts sind kartoffelpuffer mit fleischbällen in tomatensoße und vollkornkartoffeln.
für die fleischbälle:
1kg rinderhack, ein ast frischer rosmarin, drei äste oregano, ein halbes bund petersilie winzig klein gehackt, 1 knoblauchzehe, 2 zwiebeln winzig klein gehackt, salz, pfeffer, 1 ei, leinsamenmehl (kannst du auch weglassen), Olivenöl, Parmesan. Ich benutze auch noch eine Arabiata-Mischung von Amazon, in der die Gewürze und Chili und Basilikum nochmal in getrockneter Form vorkommen.
Insgesamt sind die Mengenangaben sehr wage, mach es einfach nach Gefühl.

mitte oben links ist rinderroulade mit bratkartoffeln mit zwiebeln und prinzessbohnen und brokkoli. rinderroulade kannst du bei chefkoch.de nachgucken, den rest eigentlich auch. das gemüse einfach in der pfanne mit olivenöl und sojasoße braten, pfeffer zu tun.

mitte oben rechts ist schweinefilet gefüllt mit pesto rosso (chefkoch.de), kartoffeln und blattspinat mit zwiebeln, blattspinat mit zwiebeln einfach in die auflaufform mittun (bild relatiert)
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oats + yogurt + raisins
Thank you for not sharing your secrets with the rest of us :(
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unten ist seelachs mit tomatenkruste (chefkoch.de)

unten links sind frikadellen mit dem gleichen rezept wie oben, naturreis und grünem gemüse in der pfanne mit milch.

achso die tomatensoße für die fleischbälle mache ich mit ein paar ganzen tomaten, tomatenmark, salz, pfeffer, arabiata-gewürzmischung, olivenöl und winzig klein geschnittener knoblauchzehe, wasser, alles mit dem stabmixer gut durchgemixt, in einen großen topf tun und die fleischbälle darin kochen. sie werden darin gar und die tomatensoße reift vor sich hin, kannst du für 3 stunden köcheln lassen. so lange braucht auch das wasser um zu verdampfen. die tomatensoße entfaltet sich erst mit stehen im kühlschrank. am vierten tag schmeckt sie so richtig geil.

unten rechts ist naturreis mit wildreis, grünem gemüse in der pfanne mit sojasoße salz pfeffer und hackbraten gefüllt mit pesto rosso. wie man pesto rosso macht habe ich auch von chefkoch.de. eingewickelt ist das ganze in serrano oder parmaschinken. für den hackbraten nehme ich wieder das gleiche rezept wie für die fleischbälle. einen teig daraus formen, die pesto rosso dareintun und zusammenklappen, ab in den ofen bis es fertig aussieht und genießen.
vorher noch mit olivenöl einstreichen, kannst einen löffel dafür nehmen, brauchst keinen pinsel.

viel erfolg, mit der zeit kommt dann die routine und man kann immer mehr kochen und sachen vermischen.
yeah i though about doing it in english but i cant be bothered right now. i want to masturbate
Thanks for the mental benis pic and no recipe :(
achso kartoffelpuffer kannst du auch vin chefkoch.de ein rezept nehmen.
ich raspel mehlig kochende kartoffeln, möhren, und hacke zwiebeln klein, tu alles in ein sieb damit das wasser rausgeht, dann in eine schüssel, tue eier dazu, salz, pfeffer, rühre um, mache häufchen daraus und klatsche sie in die olivenölpfanne. kannst hier auch leinsamenmehl nehmen, gibt dem ganzen eine bessere festigkeit
First I saw tinfoil. Then I saw panties.
Steel cut, cooked in 50/50 mix water and almond milk with raisins and cinnamon. When its done cooking, into the bowl with a tablespoon of butter. Not margarine, butter. Delicious.
/fit/ is getting to you
Actually, all /fit/ gave me was gay cooties.
You'd think it would be those trap threads on /b/ and /gif/ that'll get to you and then when you decide to turn your life around and leave your bi-curious ways behind you, you get here, stay for a year or two and get fucking gay cooties.
No homo though.
Oats in blender, add water, add protein powder add an apple blend drink done
I eat oats and milk. I don't cook them.
I like you.
thought i was the only one
Pinch of salt does wonders but no one ever suggests it
maybe he thinks he breaks out when drinking milk and dairy products like i do
covered in boogers and cum
They do in secret, just like they suggest that pinch of cocaine.
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