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I feel that the quality of the board has deteriorated as a result

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I feel that the quality of the board has deteriorated as a result of certain tripfags.

It's not possible to filter certain users, as /some people/ start multiple general threads with their completely irrelevant tripcode just as a kind of attention-seeking. Filtering this trip will then also exclude you from several general threads.

It effectively bypasses tripcode filtering, in the same way that /some users/ kept on changing their trips in order to evade filtering until they had their posts removed.

I think it's an issue. What can be done about it?
/fa/ is literally beyond saving you are literally trying to use a defibrillator on a steaming pile of shit literally
>I think it's an issue. What can be done about it?
I think it's an issue, but I have no clue what to do about it. I mercilessly bully all the new tripfags and tell them to drop their trips but that really doesn't seem to be working.

I swear /fa/ has a bigger problem with annoying tripfags than any other board I've been on. Every day there's 2-3 more trips that I've never heard of before. Tripping on an anonymous image board is absolutely pathetic, but for some reason all the insecure kiddos that come to /fa/ think they need to do it
> I mercilessly bully all the new tripfags and tell them to drop their trips but that really doesn't seem to be working.
> Tripping on an anonymous image board is absolutely pathetic

how le ironic
fuck off newfag
why even bother tripping? don't get enough attention in the real world?
Yeah... I think it's okay for some users to use trips though when they post relevant fits, or write a lot about a certain subject within certain threads. Do you dislike all trips?
>don't get enough attention in the real world?

jej is pretty much an /pol/ troll who doesn't know stuff about fashion.
I dislike all trips except a handful of the really old ones. All the new ones are absolute garbage.
> jej is pretty much an /pol/ troll who doesn't know stuff about fashion.

kid, my fashion knowledge is vastly superior to yours

and what is that /pol/ bullshit, I never went there, I'm not interested in that board's subject.

let's not jump to hasty conclusions, shall we?

you've had multiple posts removed because racial slurs. never seen any decent information on anything related to the board coming from you, and I've checked warosu.
>Tripping on an anonymous image board is absolutely pathetic
where else would they trip?
why do you care

do you actually care about board culture

if you cared about board culture you'd care about tripusers who actively support board culture instead of new users who actively suppress board culture by posting the same things every day for the past 6 years

do you really want your board culture to be general threads, haircut recommendations, and dumps?

have you seen what happened to places like >>>/ck/ ?
Ignore them and they will go away.
>where else would they trip?
why do they need to in the first place? and literally who the fuck are you?
>why do you care
because they're shitting up the board
>if you cared about board culture you'd care about tripusers who actively support board culture instead of new users who actively suppress board culture by posting the same things every day for the past 6 years
most trips are new users (like you)
>do you really want your board culture to be general threads, haircut recommendations, and dumps?
no, most of those threads are stupid and attract the worst kind of people. same thing with EDC threads, tumblr threads, watch threads, etc. plenty of tripfags post in those

>have you seen what happened to places like >>>/ck/ ?
like what? i go there sometimes and they don't nearly have the problem that we do.

stop trying to make this place more and more like reddit
who is good?
trunks and sieg are good because they're actually funny
tripskank is alright because you just can't hate her too much (she has aspergers)
birthday is really cool (especially since he realized how retarded tripcodes are and dropped his)
fascist faggot is helpful and not obnoxious

there might be a few others but i can't think of them
kill yourself

those are all shit
>trunks and sieg are good because they're actually funny
Sieg has always been a source of crude humor, trunks is a delusional dimwit with shit taste in literally everything, ranging from clothes to women to even cereal.

>tripskank is alright because you just can't hate her too much (she has aspergers)
Probably the only trip who contributes anything. It's really a shame because she used to post so much more, until you fucking autists started replying to everything she wrote with screenshots of her and shunned her away.

>birthday is really cool (especially since he realized how retarded tripcodes are and dropped his)
Better than most.

>fascist faggot is helpful and not obnoxious
In the Top 5 who actual post

>there might be a few others but i can't think of them
Others that can actually put words into sentences and makes something coherent? No, each and everyone one of the new year trips are trash, except maybe Huckleberry because he only posts waywt and is original, versus shitposting.

knoch, dr komme, slater, tomorrow; rip
>It's really a shame because she used to post so much more,
she normally posts without her tripcode because she's not a complete attention whore

>except maybe Huckleberry because he only posts waywt and is original, versus shitposting.
then what's the point of his tripping? it's not like he isn't instantly recognizable in his fits
I've been here for 6 years dude

/fa/ has always thrived on tripcodes it's part of the board culture

fashion is an extension of identity it's only natural that people would identify themselves here

why dont you just filter everything you dislike and make this a hugbox upvote everything and give 4chan gold to all your buds
>then what's the point of his tripping? it's not like he isn't instantly recognizable in his fits

People trip in general to have a unique indicator, so they're not grouped together with the rest of the Anon's. It's a self-esteem thing, probably why he does.

I've always been for namefagging; if you want to differentiate yourself from Anon's, then do it. I've never seen a purpose for them, especially when contributions are minimal.
point is that he's not going to post a fit every time he posts
>and make this a hugbox upvote everything and give 4chan gold to all your buds
what the fuck are you even on about?

don't your realize that it'st he tripfags who are making this place more and more like reddit every day?
sthlm manages the meetup list iirc
so ?
meet ups are fuckin stupid (just look at those pics from the australian one)
Trips should just be disallowed from this board. Why does it matter who is making a post if the content of the post is good?
found the problem
yeah exactly

it doesnt matter

so why do you care if they have a tripcode tied to their post?
What if I came back with a tripcode?
we would throw you a coming-back party

hey guys am i welcome here?
>/fa/ has always thrived on tripcodes it's part of the board culture

Somewhat true. It really only works with posters that actually contribute great advice and great fits. Lately I've been noticing a lot of tripfags posting in w2c and fuccboi threads with nothing more than a "idk" or "they look nice". This isn't excusable even if they were anons.

The trips you're probably talking about have moved on from /fa/ to update their tumblr. Now we only have Trunks and several dozen tripfags who are trying to get their name out there without actually contributing anything.

Post great fits, post great advice, and know your shit.

I miss Theodore ;-;
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I really try to educate people about skincare.
why? that shit belongs on /fit/ or /adv/, not here

those kinds of threads attract people who aren't /fa/ and aren't even trying to be /fa/. they're just insecure pizza faced teenage boys and god knows we already have way too much of those

i report all the skin care threads but they never get deleted
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Have you read the sticky? Even the official /fa/ wiki has info on skincare and grooming.
Early /fa/ was just a cliquey version of /soc/ before /soc/ existed.

Transitional period /fa/ (my tripfag era) had a mix of informative trips, vain ones, and shitposters.

If it's come to the point where *trunks* is the best you've got, I feel bad for the board. However fucked up it was a few years ago, we had at least both good and bad.
Oh, I almost forgot.

Ancient /fa/ had girls.

Middle era /fa/ had fewer girls and lots of thirsty behaviour.

Today's /fa/ has no grills.

>talking to retards
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you really do like to hear yourself talk
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better than sieg
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if someone does reply, they are samefagging

resist the alluring siren call of extreme retardation
>reading the sticky
reddit pls
how new are you?
looking good dan

thanks dan
u forgot me
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>helpful trips
not cancer trips
you're the user referred to in OP
i've been here longer than you have

if you literally need an infograph/wiki to tell you how to dress then you are already beyond hopeless and really don't belong here. /fa/ is not really a place you should go to for fashion advice

skincare is still on topic, though, regardless of if the sticky is worth reading or not
The only person whose forgotten you is your father.
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