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>wears boat shoes >listens to rap music like Lil Yachty

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>wears boat shoes
>listens to rap music like Lil Yachty and EDM
>simpleminded, incapable of deep conversation
>smokes weed erryday

why are so many people like this? why does everyone have a normie mentality?
Why are their shorts so wrinkly?
because mom's not there in college to fold and iron
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let's also throw lil' dicky in there while we're at it. guy is obnoxious and disgusting
Weed is effay tho I thought? I go to school with a lot of kids like this (Catholic Private High-School). One kid showed up to a fucking semi-formal like this and thought it was cool. Fml, but then again I wore a fucking D&D bowtie to my first formal dance.
they are just early symptoms of the death of the west
>Weed is effay
lol gas yourself with thc
american white people try so hard to be black

it makes me cringe when i see it in youtube videos. looks unnatural and i think theres something really twisted about it honestly
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>Weed is effay tho I thought?

trip 3s but herb is not necessarily a good indicator. it's like beer. so many people do it that it just doesn't give you a good idea. they could be goobers or cool people
All they get in media, television and movies is schlomoberg showing them coons who are being degraded even more than the whiteys
I was in the same boat. Went to a private Catholic high school (and a private Catholic middle school) where boat shoes were literally required as the school uniform. Being in a prep setting really causes you to be close-minded. It wasn't until college that I really got a taste of the real world and realized just how pretentious and simple-minded my peers were at high school.
Half of those people are non-white. Also, how is their dressing style "black"? It's a hideous bastardization of prep, but it isnt something black people wear often.
>Weed is effay tho I thought?

Where'd you get that idea from?
boat shoes are comfy for bumming around
why judge people on music?
deep conversation is gay and pretentious
why judge peoples habits?

why care?
>why care?
Could have just left it at this senpai
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This fucking thread.

>simpleminded, incapable of deep conversation

Lemme guess, unlike a supreme, enlightened gentleman such as yourself?


Go home, /pol/, you're drunk.

I can't believe this kind of person actually exists in real life--the bro who needs to spew his triggered Jew paranoia but also needs to be up on the latest Yohji collection. Why come to the fashion board of all places? Just go back to /pol/ you germ.
this guy knows
I went to a grammar and the uniform was just that it had to be formal, literally the preppiest place you'll ever see.
lol what a fag
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Who me? I'm not the one going full
>tfw too intelligent to get girls
>grammar schools
the one I went to definitely was
Anon, maybe people don't have deep conversations with you because you're an insufferable douche bag
>tfw too intelligent for friends
Fuck off you judgemental prick

You don't like them you don't associate with them
>why does everyone have a normie mentality?
Why are american men incapable of wearing above-the-knee shorts?
>boat shoes
>shorts below the knee
>terrible fit tops
i threw up
kek nice burn also probably true
lmao most of the kids on this board have never even smoked and would probably have a panic attack if someone pulled it out around them
Am I being rused?
Not American and I feel like those shorts are all OK length?

Really anyone who doesn't have waxed, bronzed Zyzz-core legs with tear drops should NOT be wearing shorts much shorter than that...
The weed resistance on 4chan is so cringe. It's just a toxic cringe cocktail of being a neckbeard autismo stick in the mud, cookie cutter hivemind aversions to "leftists" and, the incantatory spectre of "degeneracy" (see: fun that I'm not having so I lash out at it).

Weed is literally not as bad as cigarettes or alcohol.
Things numales actually say
>I don't drink
>I don't go out to bars/clubs
>I don't smoke
>I don't smoke weed
>I don't do drugs
>Those things are for degenerates
>Doesn't have his own place
>Has a shitty job
>Out of shape
>Bad social skills
>still calls others degenerates
Can someone explain the mental gymnastics that go down for someone to unironically end up like this?
fr if people want to be straight-edge that's perfectly fine I just don't understand why they feel the need to loudly announce it and look down on anyone who isn't as a "degenerate"

weed literally cures cancer ffs
It isn't numales who say this though.

The kind of people who do this are the "social media alt-right" types, the kinds of kids that follow pages like Disdain For Plebs, and Radical Traditionalism. One time the admin of the "White Male Capitalist" facebook page posted a picture of himself and he was this scrawny little shit with glasses 3 sizes too big for his face, and couldn't have been more than 19 years old.
Antifa/Alt-Right fags are majority nu males with one lone alpha in each group
>implying numales don't drink microbrews
>implying numales don't go to bars to celebrate their nonbinary friend's first game launch
>implying numales don't smoke american spirit
>implying numales don't smoke twice a week to relax
>implying numales don't inject HIV+ blood into their hemorrhoids for fun
>implying numales have ever in the history of the world used the word 'degenerate'

you really REALLY don't understand what a numale is, kid
I can relate
>simpleminded, incapable of deep conversation
Guarantee you have not made an effort to have deep conversation
That's not "numale", that's what /pol/ likes to pretend they're not. Which is just as bad as Numales, worse even
That would be nice, thanks
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I'd rather hang out with the dudebro's in the first pic than these kind of people. I can already imagine the things they talk about....

>"what about donald DRUMPFFF hahaha"
>"anybody seen the latest walking dead episode?"
i wouldn't say that's what numales say, but rather what younger people say. i say i don't drink and that's because i used to be an alcoholic but obviously i don't tell people that to their faces and ruin their mood
>falling for the women meme
keep deluding yourself m8
weed is not fashionable in the least, it's one of those things you keep to yourself, you don't need to tell anyone, you don't need to make a habit of it, you don't need to base your whole lifestyle around it
everyone over the age of 18 has fucking done it and you're not special or cool for doing it at all
most people move onto better drugs anyway that are more fun and social
there are certain occasions where it is alright to do, but the fact of the matter is a large percentage of users are intolerable fuckwits who think they are enlightened or unmotivated leeches upon society who have no ambitions and do fuck all everyday
also weed culture is cancer and should be purged from the earth
This is so true it fucking hurts
underrated post
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those are /mu/ legends you're talking about, anon
I can feel that typical prole smell
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