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Thread replies: 296
Thread images: 106

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Last one at 282. How much did I fuck up, guys?
It's nice
thats really nice my friend : )
how do i get something like this
Have long hair, go to the barber and say something like 'not too short please'
Well it looks fine standalone, but haircut's job is to complement your face and bone structure, so, we can't say if it suits you, anon, if we can't see your face.
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Could anyone tell me what to do?
It should be good to grow out or keep in shape by myself and I don't want any hair in my face. I don't want to go to the barber every few weeks
Here's a guide for you guys
Thoughts? Trying something a little bit shorter than usual
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what do u guys think

pic relates, me
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For men's hair, how long is too long? Id say my hair is about pic related length and was thinking of going another couple inches, maybe 3. That would allow me to get a haircut every so often and at it's shortest I could still pull it all back and out of my face. At that point though the longest would probably be right at nipple height. Is that too long?

There's some thing's I go where I really need to get all my hair up and secured, power tools for instance.
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How should I cut my hair?
Im not really sure what im doing with my life hence the rat tail
>inb4 flaming rat tails
it triggers normies and its wonderful
Fake depression musecuck reporting in to check them double dubs
The answer, as always is another question. How attractive are you?
Fairly. 6'2", 155 lbs or so.

Had to reactivate my fb to find a pic and even then, this is the only one with my hair down within a years time. This was this in April, and I've had one haircut in between now and then, so that pic above is where I am now.
I really like it
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What do? Just undercut it, or What?
I want to but I'm scared to buzz most of it off
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How do I into /fatherted/ core
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what do i do with this hair
looks nice dude
how bad is it effay
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How do I style my hair like this?
Not bad Chad. What happened to your ear?
one of my ears is pointed naturally my friend
Why have all these Chads suddenly appeared?
not homosexual, but you are extremely attractive
Pls stop asking. Textured haircut with any sort of clay product.
What's the black equivalent of this? I need et.
I'm thinking the semi-freeform twist afro kind of like pic related.
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Hitlerjugend or..
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Whatever this is
yo charles quint
Atleast I'm not one of the many ugly mouth breathing slackjawed faggots who don't have the testosterone to build a jawline that inhibit this board

Jesus dude, you don't need kitchen utensils when you got that chin.
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Someone's a little touchy...

lmao you have clearly have an underbite, which is just as unattractive as having a recessed chin. its nothing to do with testosterone, retard

you look like a mix of casey neistat and tarantino
I don't have an underbite, my teeth sit perfectly on top of one another pseudo orthodontist
Hitler cut look makes you look like action movie villain henchman that gets killed in a weird way
The other one makes you look like Bo Burnham's younger brother that posts on /fa/
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The second I read "movie villain" this chin came to mind. Pretty close to his first pic lol
When growing out my hair long should I touch it at all?
Condition the piss out of it (every day), coconut oil every so often (once a week or so) root to tip, and get a half inch to one inch trim every 3 months to get the dead ends. Also brush a couple times a day, tangles can cause split ends/breakages.
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What product for fixing thick hair?

Barber tried to sell these to me, 30USD a bottle. Good? Or keep looking?
how did u get that texture boy?
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did the barbress do good?
That means nothing, just that your upper teeth are going forward when your bottom teeth are going forward.
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Dunno how shit of a picture this is to use but eh. I'm thinking of just fucking my shit up and making a radical change with my hair, but the one time I asked a hairdresser what to do with it they just sorta shrugged so I'm gonna ask you buncha weirdos. I used to be put off by cutting it but at this point fuckit. I just need some advice.
Please ignore the shitty hot topic fashion I had a phase.
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are you a boy or a girl
Does that really matter?
Im a girl, and my hair irl is really shiny and loosely coily
become a trap my dude
Just watched that for the first time yesterday. What a shit movie. Not half as good as DH1.
holy shit lmao. a lot of these are spot on
Legolas wants his ears back
fuck me pls
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baldness + long hair = master race
why aren't chasers being kept to their containment boards?
bump because im still lost
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Growing out. 2-3 more inches is the goal. How am I doing
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What do lads?
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Last haircut was mid-december. Cut? Tips for making it look less boring?
Does your name begin with a W?
How to achieve this hairstyle
trim around ears, tighten up sides slightly and grow out.
buzz/bowl but keep rattail
its just a regular ""shag""

jordan only pulls it off because he is incredibly good looking and he has the right texture for it

that hair cut is generally bad and its what most kids in north america have during their first years of high school

i suggest you choose a hair style based on your own hair texture and face

Anyone on this? Too long? I'm looking to go a bit longer than the first pic, but I don't want to reach fedora level.
too long, buzz
Post another pic, my Bobby Briggs friend
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Probably cutting it tomorrow. What should I try for?

Side note is this suit good?
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Prolly cutting today. Length is too much work and got over the HY etc. Thinking I'll go for tight sides and a textured top (Adam Hann / Dane Dehaan etc). Thoughts / inspo would be cool

Long hair seems like it works on you but cant really see your face shape desu. Suit looks good tho I'm no expert - maybe tailor the legs a little slimmer.

Cop some wax to add some more texture.
Maybe just tighten the sides; otherwise it's good.

This is more fitting w your jaw. Is your chin naturally like that or you pushing forward?
You seem good looking enough to pull off a buzz but can't really tell from that. Definitely get the sides and back trimmed either way. Not sure what you're looking for?

Please translate from fit to fa
i was just testing my reply. I think you've been on 4chan for too long
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I never tie my hair when I go out ,they're just annoying me when I'm in bed .let me know if you want another pic with my normal style.
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Should I go "Leonor Greyl shampoo cream bamboo marrow" and "Molton Brown Papyrus Reed"?
Any ideas on what hair style would fit a guy with one of those naturally bowl type nerd hair styles? I always just buzz cut it.
if you have an undercut you should kill yourself
is there an /fa/ approved guide for cutting your own hair
You're gonna fuck your hairline up if you will keep doing this.
where's the buzzcut though?
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Was thinking of growing it. What do you think?
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How do i describe this to a barber?

I'm afraid I'll walk out with a generic undercut.
Show the picture ;)
What should i get? Ive been going with this for as long as I remember.
Or if you really don't want to show it say Ryan gosling.
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It's round and fat looking. The long hair helps in hiding my stupid shaped head but hurts in that it makes my already large head bigger
Because they know we're autistic enough to help them, even though we hate them

"The spectacle afforded by Carthage irritated the Barbarians; they admired it and execrated it, and would have liked both to annihilate it and to dwell in it"
Nah my jaw is like that and my chin is just square and pointy it's my facial structure
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Was curious to see how buzzed looks, I guess I prefer long but buzzed definitely has its benefits.
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I'm trying to keep my hair longer. Not sure how it would end up. Need advice.
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should i get a hair cut lads, its been three and a half years
or should i just keep going, my great gran could sit on her hair and apparently mine is just like hers so maybe that can be my goal

sorry for the shitty quality but its the best i can do
Your hair's health is my goals right now, what do you do it? Shampoo, products, etc. Would really appreciate it
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How does this look /fa/?
Best hairstyle for someone with really fine (as in the hair strand itself) but average density hair?
I have a long-ish angular face
keep going mane
I dont like this. Its too long for that hair type.
Is it a meme to say "just keep growing it"
anyone know any good barbers in nyc that don't cost $100?
Oh I just basically don't do shit. I poo (like really get after it) maybe 1-2 times a week. Otherwise I half poo when I shower unless it's not feeling too greasy. I also use conditioner sporadically but definitely when I full poo. American crew for both poo and conditioner
Holy fuck sort out that frizz. It's like a bunch of cobwebs hanging off your head
I look like pic related. What can I do with this hair? Currently embracing the curls and going for some roman emperor look

Are you all retarded. Obviously not anon.
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Well this thread took a shit eh?
faggot fuck with a rat tail LOL
literally my hair but a lot shorter
we are generic as fuck bro
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What's the haircut on the right called?
keep the hair next time anon
pls respond
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Suggest a hairstyle for me that doesn't require product. Already know how to style hair with wax, but have no idea what to go for with natural styles.

I've done the buzz cut and mid part already, but wanna stay medium length now.
You completely don't have a face for a buzzed hair, sorry anon.
If you dont want to use haor products, then you'll have to a blowdryer and a hair straightener to style your hair. You can wish for something out of nothing man
What kind of product to achieve this look?
Ah, you're saying my hair is too stiff to be styled naturally at its current length.
What kind of gorilla hands are those
thanks for the laughs
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do I keep/scalp/grow?
lmao underage fag detected.
Shampoo irritates my scalp and I typically don't shampoo at all. I've started using coconut oil as per recommendation from my barber in order to help my scalp when it gets irritated. Can I leave coconut oil in indefinitely? Like apply it in the shower and not wash it out? I assume I would only do it once a week

other details: I'm a bicycle courier and wear a helmet 20-30 hours a week, there is a lot of sweat
you're young and may think your is goofy, and that's because it is. That's ok because everyone's hair is goofy at that age and people your age won't notice. take everything you read about your hair with a grain of salt and just do what you feel is right.

If you absolutely want something new you're going to have to read the sticky topic regarding hair and head shape. From there get an idea of what type of style would compliment your face (this is important). Then find a pic of that cut and show your barber. Some cuts take more daily upkeep than others, so be aware.

your hair is fine as it is
this guy is ideal blonde babe material
i'd say its at an awkward length

either grow it way longer and do cool ponytails or braids or cut it

handsome face though
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It's not too long, but it doesn't look well kept. Very frizzy. Look into proper products, I'd change the part as well see >>12259014

try going it out anon, your face shape doesn't quite work with short styles but your hair type would work well long
Is that Anthony Fandingo?
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I havent gone to the barber in a month. Right now i just wear it messy because idk what to do
Undercut could be cool
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I got my hair cut the other day and I like it parted like on the left, but it keeps on falling forward like on the right. I don't want to have a Dylann Roof cut so what should I do?

An alternative suggestion is also welcomed.
Also sorry for the potato pic. I only had a webcam.
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What kind of haircut should I get? I don't know what would look good.
Oh fuck this'll be my hair when I'm older
haha whoa it's the talented mr ripley!
yo this is the haircut you're going to look back on when you're an adult and be like 'damn what the fuck was i doing'
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My hair is fucking ruined! I don't know how to salvage it.
kek you look like a lesbian

do you shape your eyebrows?
I shaved my head and now im wearing a beanie.
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Thinking of getting it cut soon, any advice /fa/?
get a buddy holly..with those glasses i can see poking out I think it would suit your shape.

Need product for medium-ish length hair that will provide a bit of hold but still look natural. Preferrably not matte products.

My hair seems to go flat really easily if I don't run my fingers through it every couple minutes.
I don't understand why there are so many people into your traction alopecia haircut.
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to buzz or not to buzz.

(will a shaved stubble head match my face?)
nigga u gay as fuck
I need some good styling ideas for long hair, my hair is long enough to cover my nipples but the ponytail is starting to look autistic and my hair doesn't look good when open idk what to do with it

wish I had hair like the guy on the guitar

looks so silky

mine always just goes into a middle part and I look like some gay jesus imitation

Could probably just cut it but I enjoy the feeling of long hair desu
desu it looks really flat and lifeless man
all really bad sort it out lads
this one too is bad
i think the bowlcut looks better it doesnt make it look like a beiber 13 yr old cut.
but you need to have a very specific look to pull it off, would be better to show your face to give an actual assessment. your stats?
>Ever thought of going out?
yeah but how to fix it? Suggestion?
That's the point of this thread.
>but you need to have a very specific look to pull it off
does anyone have the imagine saved of a skinny white guy with a black bowl cut? looks really good
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could I pull this off?

i'm afraid your hair is too short for that cut
otherwise, heck yes. how deep can you throat the cock?
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how do i style my hair like this?
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I'm growing out my hair, but right now i feel like i look like justin bieber. Any ways i could style my hair to avoid this?
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How am I doing bros, not quite long enough to put it all back yet but we're so close. frizz/tangle maintenance is a pain.

underage etc but whatever

>avoid this
why? If you like it then go for it, it's not like Bieber haircuts have been made fun of in the past 5 years anyway. I think it looks fine as an awkward-stage cut (mine were/are 100% worse)

if you dont, your hair is straight, so you have loads of options. You could try a different parting, sweeping it all back, tying it up or whatever. You could even put some product in it and try something like >>12268531

>will a shaved stubble head match my face?
yes, if you want to buzz go for it

best choice

I prefer right. Dylann Roof looked good, memes aside

pomade I guess?
I'm not underage i just (like everyone on /fa/) look like a little girl
No J
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how do I go from thin straight hair that falls flat on my head

to large poofy hair with volume? (Typical 70's bob hairstyle) like pic
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Need feedback on this, just cut if myself from what was almost a mullet. Got roasted in last week's thread for looking like a butthead/ace ventura hybrid.

Is it effay? I wanted a look that can go with streetwear and smart.
oh ffs fucking preview was wrong. anyway heres the front
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Growing my hair out don't know what to do it with it just got out of bed no styling, how bad is it?
hnng that texture

I like it, but I think keeping it closer to your head and less messy might work better for you.
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how should i cut my hair?
i really want to kick the shit out of you for some reason
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What's this hairstyle called? Need inspo for it but dunno what to search for.
I have the same texture. All I do is shampoo during the shower and put in leave in conditioner after I brush my hair. The trick is air drying.

I believe this is a mid-parted hairstyle.
You might've just killed me with laughter

Wtf? How the hell do you have such good jaw genetics.

/fa/ has recessed mouthbreating faggots and then goodlooking strong jawed goyz like u

i like your face
>when you're so insecure you reply to your own post to feel good
My dude, you can just get surgery to be a little less Crimson Chin looking ass
Looks like hair that's growing. Who would of thought?
I genuinely appreciate the response, Idk I just feel it looks terrible ,its my first time growing hair out i just wanted some advice i what to do with it so it doesn't look as bad
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any ideas for me? it is wavy-curly. really don't know what to do. may be buzzcut?
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how do i ask for this haircut? from what ive heard its a long undercut
look like tyler josephbald lmao
got my hair cut. what product should I use to get the texture on the right. I was thinking of getting some dry wax (Big Sexy Hair Dry Clay Spray). Any ideas?
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lol forgot image
i used to have really long natural black hair but i had to shave it off

decided to grow it back out, stopped using shampoo and my hair seems to be growing wayyy faster
i absolutely love you


Bring this photo in with you and ask them to give you the same haircut.
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any recs for what I can do with this length? i buzzed awhile ago and i'm waiting for it to grow out again
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Getting it cut tomorrow. Please drop suggestions. I'm told HY would work.
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h-how do I fix my genes anon?
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like 1 month overdue for a haircut but idgaf
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Got a trim,
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Well, my hair issues seem to be temporarily fixed since I reversed my fringe, it almost looks the same as when styled with product.
>Hitler cut
>Superior jawline genes
I wouldn't go for a styled up hair, it really elongates your head so it looks so long
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do i need a haircut?
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fell for the buzz cut meme, hair is still growing out now, but not sure what I want to do with it.
That looks good on you dude. You have that cunty english asshole ace. Thats a compliment ofc.
me mum hates it and my girlfriend hates it. it's grown in maybe an inch. I also have a massive cyst on the back of me head, very anti-aesthetic
Product for this look?
You look like a fucking school shooter
>mfw the dishonest media is trying to character assassinate pewdiepie and i just want to watch youtube
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same senpai, but I kinda like it desu
Maybe it'd look better parted on the other side or in the middle
grow a beard if you can
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tryna get my hair like this. what products do i need to use?
Got a buzzcut at a barbers a few weeks ago and its beginning to get fluffy so I'm going to attempt to re-buzz it with my own clippers tonight. I'm going to use a number 3, will it look alright just doing the same all over or do I need to look up how to fade etc.?
here is an idea: don't take a picture of yourself with a cigarette in your mouth you fucking faggot.
wax and stop washing your hair, also use better shampoo.
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What haircut should I get if I'm trying to go for this
buzz wud be gud

I stopped there thanks for the guide
You look like James Norton.
got suspended for making a joke about that
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but I was so cute before
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What is the hairstyle in the middle called?
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hair k.png
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So I just cut my own hair, thinking I would save money and it wouldn't be a big deal.

Turns out, making straight lines in tiny of thousands of hair isn't that easy.
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What kind of product would you use to make your hair stay like this or is it just natural length/hold you think?
The shave wave
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hair k1.png
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I tried making it more straight
How do you cut the back?
I think it looks fine
I pull it up in a high ponytail, then stretch the ponytail over my head and put the lowest part of the pony tail in another 'ponytail' so I have the lowest part of my hair in front of my eyes, then I can see that parts that I need to cut and make a half straight line. When you release it it's in a V shape

DIY cutie
hair is good

Didn't you used to cut it on your own a while ago anyway? The bangs at least? They're not crazy short like they were at one point.
I'm confused, who is kat? This is my first time posting here

Your hairline is quiet high, I suggest you let your hair fall on your forehead and temples, it will complement your face better.

Really? What is your name?

It starts with a d. Is kat a online persona here?

No, I mistook you for someone else
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another pic

any ideas for me? it is wavy-curly. really don't know what to do. may be buzzcut? or what do you suggest?

Want a new cut, any suggestions?
Note the receding hairline.
I wash with natty conditioner a couple times a week and natty shampoo once every now and again

either air dry or wrap in microfiber towel

some days looks real good, some days it looks like shit so I just tie up

consistent easy-maintenance straight hair sounds like a dream desu
style your hair back my dude, you look like a lesbian
>only think I (thought I) have going for me is my decent looks
>thought I was at least 7/10, maybe 7.5
>open webcam app on computer
>spend 30 minutes fucking around with it to try and make myself look good
>I'm actually more like a 5-6/10
zzzzzzzz when to die
No grow out more
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Is this /fa/ or does he really look like a vagrant?
How do I give my hair more volume?
Its really hard to style it when its just straight and always just falls straight down
Show Boipucci
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PINK NIGGERS pinknigger2017.com
anybody got some nice buzz cut inspo pics? i'm considering taking the plunge
can you post mullet?
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I trim my hair every once in awhile
please do a mid-part
Will do, let me just take a shower since my hair is currently really greasy right now.
Is there a way to train wavy coarse hair to be manageable. I can only do really boring haircuts as of now.
Pretty good. I like it.
looks good

no, grow

you look like a thumb lmao

i like you better with black hair

that looks really emo
Grow this out, desu
Cut this more
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Cut it or let it grow longer?

(ugly girl btw, if it helps inform your decision)
>says ugly
>is cute
baka you literally made this post to get compliments well here you are cunt
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What can I do to improve this?

Usually my hair looks like Seinfeld's back when he had hair, but I've decided to try straightening the top for the first time.
>samefagging this hard

pathetic. fix your underbite, you look fucking terrible
what did your buzz look like? did you like it?
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I've never put anything in my hair other than shampoo and conditioner, however, the last time I got a haircut the stylist put some of this shit in there and it looked good. It also wasn't sticky or weird and it smelt okay.


Do any of you use something like this? I tried gelling my hair once and it looked hella gay.
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What should I do with it, /fa/?
can someone post the pic of the hitler youth kid with his hand over his face sporting an amazing cut pls
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rate my jewfro lads
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Should I bleach my hair again?

Hair has looked like this for a while but the roots have grown in a lot so it's time to shave it or do it again

It's quite brittle and a lot of upkeep but I'm not sure what I would get otherwise
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what is the wavy effect on the hair in pic related? I assume it is some kind of wave/perm

if so are there any good guides of different wave styles and processes
shave it, learn how to make ropes out of hair, make one, hang yourself on it
new thread :DDD

I mean thanks (you don't wanna see what's under the red) but should I cut it fampai
you should just start over
hey i recognize you man. glad you managed to complete your declassified school survival guide
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