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I've started a streetwear brand with a friend of mine, we're

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I've started a streetwear brand with a friend of mine, we're making tees and long sleeves for now. It's been about a week and we've sold around 40 units.

Anyone know how to expand on marketing to get a bigger crowd? Best sites to advertise etc.

Any help is greatly appreciated - thanks!
instagram is super important
ask /biz/

streetwear is not fashion and this thread is off-topic
Yep, already active on there. Almost at 100 followers.

I know it's not much, but starting from legit nothing. Not interested in buying followers etc.
aihgt ill bite whats the name and where can i buy it
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shark tank
>Streewear isn't fashion
who's the model? and how do I get eyebrows like that
buying followers is also important. that's how every brand is doing it now. if people see a brand that only has 100 followers they will automatically dismiss it. but if it's 1000+ they will follow like sheep. it's so easy. but if stay with your way and keep it legit. send some clothes out to some IG famous people and they'll hopefully give you a shoutout.
Luca Fersko

and wax them
>doesn't post name or instagram
Send me some stickers. I'll put them around my edgy town, you'll get some sales

Throw a link. I'm curious. I want to buy some lower end stuff for summer
I'm down for this. I'm close to DT Chicago. Lots of places for stickers there
I'm from Australia

In terms of business keep your overheads low. Focus on expanding your business. I.e. Make more sales

There is a few ways to achieve this, through advertising (in creative ways perhaps) business deals, or having genuine decent clothing

Chase the dream my friend
shill carefully on /r/streetwear as the next big thing and open up a small store online that releases 20 units at a time

the stupid teenagers will eat it up and you'll get orders from their mom's legit credit card
post ig op
OP here.
I'm from Aus too, what part you from?
Wollongong. Where are you from?
Ah lol, from Sydney but study in Canberra. Have mates that go to Uni of Wool
I reckon I could give you some decent advice mate, even if you have plans for a higher end product you have to still start in the realms of affordability and cater to the biggest consumer to build your reputation a bit, the biggest consumer will differ from place to place
Hit me up with your email or make a temp one and ill send a skype add through
Yeah, not a bad place Wollongong, besides the lack of jobs and rampant drug use

You might be better off strictly focusing on online if you are spending most of your time on Canberra

I'm assuming you've got most of your business relations and warehousing (probably your garage) sorted out. You're probably after some opinions related to marketing I'm guessing
aaron neary [email protected]

No caps no spaces. Some of your friends probably know me
Yeah, got an online store set up. Yeah, pretty much everythign is sorted. Just need to work on better marketing
lmao starting a brand without any formal knowledge about marketing is a joke, and you will fail
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. Really helpful to the post :)
Ive seen a lot of people have succes with social media marketing. But I'll be the first person to admit I'm not the greatest in that area, but you should be resourceful and try and get the advice of someone who is during the course of your development

I'm pretty familiar with the cost of clothing and what margins can be made on them. Don't be scared if you sink a bit of money in it, clothes can be liquidated pretty easy

Stocking some other brands that aren't your own when (hopefully) you expand might be a good idea as well, I've seen a Wollongong local store have success doing this
post your stock pls
Me too
I'll throw that shit all around Soho
link to your site? brand name?
Post your fucking site mate. Maybe get few sales or tips, who knows.
>I've started a streetwear brand with a friend of mine

I'm in Canberra too. Send a link to your shit and maybe I can get some buzz happening for you
it's tacky and literally the worst
Most of this board is streetwear. techwear is streetwear, most of the cop or not js streetwear items, same for recent cops same for waywt, like streetwear a pretty broud style (it could be someone wearing a cav empt jacket and rick Owens shoes to some guy wearing adidas shorts with compression pants) to say it's literally the worst.
in all seriousness I avoid everything you just described lol
I go to fuccboi general, recent cops, cop or not, the car threads, bag threads, and inspo threads
Fuccboi general is literally streetwear discussion basically.
lol nah it's mostly guys thinking up something and then asking a very convoluted question that requires 10 replies to decipher
like "hey i mostly wear black jeans what kind of sneakers should I buy.....my sk8 his are getting old"
Not saying you cant dislike the style but I just feel its so broud you have to like someone in streetwear style somewhere. Its like saying i dont like prep, like even if i dont there are people who really get that look down and i like their fit.
Out of curiosity what do you like as a style then
high end athletic gear, RC, W+H, Todd Snyder x Champion, Tracksmith, etc
retro sneakers, exclusively Adidas
Ivy but I don't really incorporate it much into my wardrobe, just like the look
milspec (especially bags), but more subtle than what most streetwear brands are willing to offer. White Mountaineering, Meanswhile, Ark Air, and Visvim are basically the only streetwear brands I like
basically everything in Go Out, Peaks, and the other outdoor / heavy duty camper magazines

typical outfit will be ripstop pants from Gramicci, Patagonia, Topo, whatever; heather gray or army green tees, lightweight jacket, retro sneakers or Danners, and I change out my backpacks occasionally just to keep it interesting
Invest in social media tools that can build your followers in a certain niche, yours is fashion so it's very easy.
yh social media presence is important. get people interested and do 'limited runs' of items

go elsewhere for business advice
pls post link to ur site m8
try to sponsor some models or something, send them shit, give them like 500$ to advertise your clothes, then the fans will be all over u
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This is really cool. how did you get started OP? What materials does one need?
Show your stuff?
lmao, you're actually retarded
Id have to see it to judge but I respect you have your own style dude
The way I see it milspec and /out/ go together pretty well since higher-end camping gear and outdoor clothes are made to military spec (Outdoor Research and Patagonia have civilian and then military lines, actually so does alpha), the athletic gear w/ retro Adidas is a given cuz that's just a nice look to me. I used to dress like a casual but only a few people ever understood it lol....this is a more palatable alternative and the clothes are comfy as fuck

thanks; I don't post fits cuz I don't want the criticism....I like the way I dress
OP are you going to show some of your stuff or are you gonna be a faggot.
OP Here. Sorry guys I fell asleep it was liek 1am Australian time. In a class at the moment but will show you guys some of the tees when I get out of class.

Sorry for the delay :)
How did you move those first 40 units without any marketing? I have a lot of ideas and the only thing stopping me is lack of market research/target demographic
Basically through my/my friends friend base. Expecting sales to drop until more marketing is done.
tread carefully or you'll get banned lol
just saying
Deleted the post. Didn't realise there was rules against it. What can I share? Just the insta?
Hey op good luck on your brand and i hope it works out, ive opened something not too long ago on a completely different field and its a big struggle but totally worth it, hope it all goes well, keep an open mind but dont let discouraging idiots drag you down.
Thanks man :) Good luck with your venture too! <3
just saying to be careful; don't start threads every day like other people have
Oh, I didn't realise it was a common thing which people were doing. My bad man.

40 for a tee seems kinda expensive though? that plus shipping might put people off.
Also why open up with only 2 items? isnt it better to open up with a least 5-10 items ?
Im not trying to drag or anything im legit curious.
yeah I doubt anybody will report the thread cuz the topic has merit (just like the bigcartel threads that come up occasionally) but shilling is p annoying
Are you based in Australia or the US?
In Australia, $40 imo is very reasonable considering tees are stores such as General Pants go between $60-80, longsleeves are above $100. Also, we wanted to start small, rather than havign all these different items which would lead to having excess stock, just in case people didn't want them.

Alright - fair enough man, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks :)
But you're talking about a brand thats already established.
Im in Uk, here a low quality shirt will got for 20-30, 40 and above is like uniqlo or higher wich is mid-ish tier.
Are you planing on doing shirts with prints and that it or if it all goes well moving on to different products as well ?
Yeah I understand that, that's why we're selling tees for $40 haha. I think it's a good price and we've had a positive response from people who are happy to pay that price.

We're in the process of designing dad caps as well as other products as Summer approaches :)

Also, keep in mind these prices are in AUD, which means a $40 shirt would be 23 pounds, not sure if you were talking about pounds or AUD :).
ahh ok ok that seems like a reasonable price than.
Well good luck bro hope it all goes well for you.
>Thinking email addresses are case-sensitive
Thanks so much bro :)
So I assume you were talking pounds initially?
And, also, just wondering what you think of the designs?
do you ship to europe? if you do i can shill my town for you if you send me stickers
I mean theres only one design right ? its nice, simple and elegant.
Just dont let it become like Supreme where they staple the name on the middle of anything and call it fashion.
Haven't got any stickers yet man, sorry!

Yep, fair enough. Will keep that in mind - thanks :)
post pics/links
>Listen to me
Listen to me
>Listen to me

You gotta get a core following. Start making shit with subtle /fa/ maymays and maybe even shit from other boards.

See if you can get shipping as cheap as possible and also advertise area's you think your shit would appeal to.

My recommendation? Start making /alt-right/ shit for /pol/ and watch it become your primary income.

Shirts with Pepe, swastika, general /pol/ shit.

Just some friendly advice.
the only reason people on /pol/ are willing to discuss their viewpoints is because they're anonymous
I kinda hope the neonazis /k/ommandos come out to the polls and beat the shit out of the race traitor cuck Trump supporters
nigger just post a link and it can effays secret clothes shop
Hahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhshahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha.. you fucking KEK! Hahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahh hahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahh hahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahh.. fucking Google lovung cuckold! Hahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahh ahahahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahaha

>Cuck trump supporters

Hahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahh hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha

No but seriously thanks for Correcting The Record.
they won't win with the white vote so they've completely changed their stance on race and are collectively getting throat fucked in Cleveland Heights right now
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>trump will lose
lmao both sides are controlled by the jews, if you can't see how they are elaborating trump victory you are retarded or ignorant
>i am donald trump and i am a big fan of israel!
every single fucking thread on this board turns into a political discussion
where the fuck is this instagram link
I'll bookmark your brand, at the moment not looking to buy but I might peruse later when you add more designs.

Instagram: @silent.achievers
shit is way to expensive
Looks good man. I gave you a follow. Only thing I can recommend is send a few samples out to a few of your followers who have more followers and that should get you some more exposure.
Once again, shit is priced in AUD.
So if you're from the US, the $40 tee is $30. Idk if that is still considered 'expensive' to you
Thanks man, already doing that. Got a few people with 10k+ followers who we've given free shit to to get the name out there. :D
$30 for a basic tee ain't good
especially when I don't know the brand or quality

fair enough if people are buying though, good luck
Good to hear. One bit of advice I can give you is follow lots of similar minded pages with a low amount of followers, give it a few days then unfollow any who don't follow back. Then repeat. It's an easy way to bump up followers in a short amount of time without paying.
clothes are fashion
whether it's bad or good fashion
>streetwear is not fashion
You must think streetwear is a synonym of hypebeast wigger/nigger shit clothes.

how does this sticker stuff work? is there a name for what you plan on doing?

no im not a cop
he'll probably just put them on other posters and street signs, someone is gonna be bound to see it and look it up. Send me some I can put some around Austin, you'll get a lot of attention around here
i disagree, own a successful brand without an insta
Shirts look like Proclub shirts for 8 times the price. You got to find a way to differentiate yourself whether its design or quality preferably both.
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