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When will it end?

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I just want this trend to die.
Why baldy?
>he fell for the pretentious twat man-bun meme style
I'm not bald but I'd rather have a head like Larry David, then look like a dumb hipster.
Did he take your girl, anon?
It's just a bun
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He did something even worse, manage to annoy the shit out of me just by appearing in my line of sight.
Didn't even have to say a word to aggravate me.

Yes, but on a man it is commonly referred to as a man-bun.

and it hurts just to look at.
How the fuck does it make them look 10x more pretentious?!

I don't get it, not only do they look stupid, the worst part about the man-bun is that they think it looks stylish and cool. That's the most annoying part about it.

There's an arrogance to it.
>Caring about what other people do with their own hair
Jesus Anon, how insecure are you?
>being this impatient while you grow your hair out
>Arrogant projections
>Man-bun detected.
I guess you've never seen something fashionable or trendy that has annoyed the shit out of you.

I was always always annoyed with the "keep the sticker on the snapback" trend. Haven't you come across something that makes you want to tell someone they look stupid?

If you don't understand that feeling it's, because you're a drone without discerning taste.
Of course I think that the man bun looks idiotic, but I don't understand hating something, like a haircut, to the point of being angered by it. That's actually the most autistic shit ever.
Post your hair, anon. Just curious.
Well i think it's a bit autistic that you think me making a thread to talk about how stupid man-buns are means that I'm raging IRL everytime I see one.

This thread is to start a discussion on this dumbass trend.

IRL I do not insult people with man buns, I just ignore them. However I always have the urge to scream "Hipster twat!" at the top of my lungs. But I am civilized and will not.
It's kind of implied that OP is on the spectrum, you don't have to go pointing it out.
OP knows, and so does their caregiver.
>However I always have the urge to scream "Hipster twat!" at the top of my lungs. But I am civilized and will not.
OP understands the negative social repercussions of acting out in public, however possesses no empathy.
Yup, sounds like autism to me.
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>however possesses no empathy.
Why the hell should I be empathetic, it's a fucking man bun. Seriously?
I was telling you to be empathetic towards the person, not the hairstyle.
I really don't have the time to teach all of the facets of human interaction to some anon on the internet. Go take a class or something.
>I was telling you to be empathetic towards the person
I don't see why I should do that, I'm not interacting with them at all. They are a stranger.

All I can tell by them is that they look like a twat.
I have long hair, when it's hot outside I put it in a bun. Why do you hate me OP
1. Do you wear the coolest clothing possible to avoid getting hotter?
2. Or are you trying to look /fa/?

It's one thing for practicality but if you're doing it for a fashion statement or because you think it's cool, then that's dumb.

Most guys who wear buns don't even have hair that touches their damn shoulders, pic related>>11668990
They are the type of people who are doing it because they think its stylish.
bro, empathy isn't something you turn on. it's something that normal functioning people just have. it's why when someone like you posts a thread like this, they get called autistic.
You seem like a faggot. Kys
it is pretentious because these people don't want to have long hair, they want a bun because it's trendy. Having a bun should be just a side effect of long hair not the otherway around. It just reeks "tryhard"
You're making me cringe anon, and the worst thing is that I never cringe...
This thread has nothing to do with empathy.

There's nothing worth empathizing with. If a person dresses like a clown because they think it is stylish, I don't believe that I am a lesser person because I do not empathize with their style choice.

Your ethics are autistic.
>Man-bun detected.
I use the bun to appear more formal and to keep hair from my face in the wind or when doing some physical activities.
>I use the bun to appear more formal
How is that formal?
This isn't fucking Feudal Japan.
not that guy but nigger it's more formal than long hair flying everywhere like you're at a fuckin' slayer concert
the higher the knot is on their head the more of a tryhard they are

i just tie my hair back for work, way to ruin it faggots
Then god damn change your hair length.
Even a pony tail looks less stupid.
Fuck off you tremendous jizzbucket, I have thick curly hair down to my tits, if it's
>very windy
>a formal setting
>a bad hair day
>in my face while I'm doing an activity
then why the fuck would I not tie it up you pretentious mong. Even the guy in your OP clearly has fairly long hair, are you really so retarded to not understand that different styles are applicable in different settings? A combination of you and topknot fuccbois makes the act of TYING UP LONG HAIR seem like a "statement" of some kind, go swallow a rake you trend-obsessed teenager
>the worst part about the man-bun is that they think it looks stylish and cool. That's the most annoying part about it.
and everyone loves your style, right? jesus christ get over yourself.
They've been on the decline honestly. I saw some kid at the mall try to do it and he looked like a gay samurai.
This. Seriously OP, I have long hair for about 7 years and its very versatile so why not tie it from time to time? Don't call everyone with a bun a twat, it's stupid.
imo its only cringe when they have it tied higher up on their head like the pic in op. If its behind the head then its aight
>a difference of 5cm or less decides whether it's cringe or not for you

Also, there are practical benefits to tying it high up, usually results in a much tighter bun making it much better for securing it for physical work. Some people's hair also naturally "aims" their bun in a certain place, for example mine naturally ties right at the back of my head, near the very bottom of my roots, and I have to struggle a bit to get it up higher. Others naturally tie up on the slope before it curves down.
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>literally seething
>over other people's hair
you have legitimate, debilitating autism, you should see a doctor,if you're not too busy seething and staring at your computer 8-16 hours a day like autists do
I have a man bun, cause my hair is like half a meter long and it annoys me or distracts me, when I'm at work. I'm installing lamps for a living, so I'm often on construction sites and wearing my hair open isn't an option there, so ponytail if I've got the time to comb my hair in the morning, otherwise man bun. Besides that I' wearing black metal styled clothes and I think this combination is effay.
is no one gonna comment on his hair?
We just laughed at him for getting so mad at someone's hair. Wouldn't be right if we did the same (although of course we do snicker to ourselves)
What are you trying to gain from making this bread?

You hate the trend, hate seeing buns so you create a thread about it, which results in you seeing more manbuns?
What about for us long hair guys who tie it up so it doesn't get in our face, regardless of fashion.
We did it bun bros! We won! He left!
lol keep going, you're only making it more obvious that you are emotionally stunted at age 12 or is really insecure about yourself when you care so much about something so insignificant.
make sure you don't have a beard.
I have a shitty hairline so i have to pull it back. No bun or any shit like that. What way do you style your hair? Why is it superior?
My hair is only superior because it doesn't make me look pretentious.
You can't really say much about my hair, I'm a mulatto with nappy curls, that only gives me a few options for hairstyle, Fro, Fade, or Dreadlocks.

I chose the option which makes me look the least generic.
if you're talking about the bushy beard on people who don't live in the woods, i agree.

if you're talking about putting long hair in a bun, sorry, it will exist as long as humans grow long hair.

the meme is the "short on sides, medium length on top, pulled into a high pony or knot." anyone who wore one will be doing their best to delete all evidence from the internet soon enough.
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My hair is long, picture on the right was taken a few months ago, so it's longer now. I tie it up because it is a pain in the ass whenever there is any wind or if I ever have to look down, as it just covers my face.

I don't do it because it's fashionable, I just like it.
Men with long hair putting their hair into buns has been a thing for literally ever. Just because hipsters picked up on the trend people suddenly make it their mission to shit on it whenever possible.

I don't remember Hitler youth getting this much hate.
AAAAAAAAahahahahahaha that fucking hairline
>Hair too big
>Put a rubber Band in it

>There's an arrogance to it.
What arrogance? Kek, you sound insecure
Yea, because putting your hair in a bun isn't useful as fuck when working out or anything
only people who notice hairlines are who balding. are you balding, anon?
>projecting the person you're disagreeing with is insecure
>man-bunlet detected

Haven't you ever seen a trend that a certain subculture does?

Haven't you made assumptions about a person based on what they are wearing?

95% of the human race does.
I'm doing the exact same thing just with man-buns.
What did he mean by this?

Look, I don't really like man-bun much at all, but I never throw around words like "pretentious" or "tryhard." These are words for philistines to use.
my nigga go to a salon and get your shit twisted. free form dreads have such little versatility and the ugly phase is almost endless
When being a faggot is less accepted in society.
I just got them twisted recently,
Dreads don't have versatility to begin with desu.
nope, but I used to be, until I started talking better care of my hair, also I'm young enough so that if i keep it up it will only get better
I have long hair and don't like ponytails. I just wanted a nicer way to keep my hair up...
It's a look that I associate with people who think they are cool as fuck, people with big egos, and people who are hipsters

you cant balding by not taking care of your hair. it can be something like iron deficiency, or a side-effect of a drug. but most the time at men its genetic male pattern baldness and you cant cure that. you seem like young, around 20 youll get your mature hairline and probably start losing it, if youre lucky very slowly. but it wont get better, lol
Your hair looks kind of lackluster. I would suggest maybe a trim, but definitely shampoo less if at all.
I shampoo every 1-2 days, longer than that and it get's very greasy
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