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Need help with cigarette filters' degradation

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I need some help with my university project. I'm trying to find something (A chemical, liquid, etc) that helps with cigarette's degradation. We found out, for example, that acetone turns the cigarette into some kind of rare substance. But it doesn't really work with what we want to do. Do you know any chemical or substance that helps with the degradation of what's left of the cigarette after you finished smoking? Maybe something that accelerates the natural degradation of the cigarette or something that turns it into some other material. Anything is well received
Don't come to diy for homework help.
>something that turns it into another material
Are you talking about alchemy? I'd love to figure this out too, OP.
I hear promising things about the scorcerers/philosophers stone, OP might want to look into it, though I hear some of the ingredients for it are a little sketchy, something about a lot of peoples souls? I dunno, should probably just invest in an ash tray OP
I shat my pants laughing, thx m8
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>the day 4chan won OPs 8th grade science fair or graduate level self directed study project

OP just wants an idea for biodegradable cigarette butts. here's an idea. you can turn them into carbon. impress your class by burning the butts over a bunsen burner in class and not in the fume cabinet.
>OP just wants an idea for biodegradable cigarette butts
They're already cotton and paper.
sulfuric acid dissolve coton ;)
>current year
>wanting to degrade byproducts

come on man, it'd be way more practical to consider re-use/upcycling. how about a cigarette-butt-cotton-gin that reworks them into usable fiber?

don't you want a dirty-brownish t-shirt with a tag that says 'i used to be 2,657 cigarette butts'?
I just give mine to hobos and they seem pretty happy.
>'i used to be 2,657 cigarette butts'?

Actually a very large percentage are made with fiberglass.
they are a combo of cotton and fiberglass, some states also mandate a "smolder protector" to keep the filter from burning, this is generally carpet glue. Pull the fibers out and weave a scratchy stink carpet that self adheres to surfaces so you can wrap yourself in it and die, NO HOMEWORK FAGGOT
for what purpose
cause it doesnt burn and conducts heat poorly as well as being cheap
They're made out of fucking cellulose.

Pour acetone on them, you can get 2 gallons at the hardware store for $10
>tfw a smoker comes around and throws their butts in your garden beds.
>got to clean up butts
>still find them when working in the garden 10+ years later
bullshit they're degradable
Make it a fedora and we got a deal. I need something to out hipster the hempfags.
completely off topic, can't we just make cigarette filters illegal?

anyone smoking nowadays knows its an unhealthy habit, ormost likely thinks the filters actually make them somewhat safer.

If we just make filterless the requirement there will be so much less litter.
There's still a stub you can't smoke easily that's about the same size.
Uh... because we're all a bunch of fucking pussies and not cowboys.
Sulfuric Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide mixed should do it for anything organic. >paper, tar, cotton, ect

A vat of molten Sodium Hydroxide would take care of any residuals like fiberglass.

Alternatively Hydrofluoric Acid can eat just about anything
but paper and loose tobacco breaks down into nothing after 1 good rain session, the filters linger for months, sometimes years.
You'll want to use acids. Sulfuric acid literally burns the cellulose.

I personally just finished research for recycling PET/Textile blends, can't go into details because NDA.

Anyways, i'd recommend:
1. grind the filters to small particles
2. wash the particles with some solvent (e.g. DMSO)
3. separate using density (chloroform has a density just below cellulose)
4. you now have purified microcellulose crystals from cigarette filters.

The microcellulose has lots of appliances.
applications, not appliances, jesus i just woke up
I didnt like the idea of asking for help here, because i know the board is not for that. But we've searched a lot, and we were kinda desperate haha. Thank you guys for your help (And the laughs too, of course)
OP, are you engaging the University of São Paulo's open project for cigarette butt degradation?
This all sounds familiar.
Lip and finger burns would be on the rise at over %9000
No? Just because there is no filter doesn't mean that people smoke all the way down to their fingers, if you smoke all the way down to the filter and only stop because the tobacco runs out then you're a moron.
Are you literally retarded? They still currently sell Camel non-filter cigarettes
They should fucking deserve burning their lips and fingers if they are thaaat fucking retarded to smoke in the first place.
>sucking hot burning air through fiberglass

what could possibly go wrong.
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>if they are thaaat fucking retarded to smoke in the first place.

This is you.
We could, you know, stop inhaling cancer sticks at a breakneck rate rather than trying to invent ones that biodegrade faster because we inhale so many we're fucking up the environment.
Nitric acid would turn the filter into gun cotton, if you're into that
>stop inhaling cancer sticks at a breakneck rate rather than

I don't tell you stop inhaling dicks at a breakneck rate but you still do.
Dicks don't kill, cancer sticks do. Smoking is disgusting, it may be your right to kill yourself, but do it a more efficient way that doesn't give people near you cancer and doesn't destroy the environment at the same time.
Stop crying like a baby. Farming is destroying the environment way more than cigarettes every will. Cars destroy the environment (and peoples lives) way more than cigarettes ever will, I don't see you crying over people eating food and driving cars. As for giving other people cancer ,there has never been proof that passive smoking causes any harm (other than when in extreme situations, like when a non-smoker lives in a house with someone that smoke 2 packs a day inside) and since everyone has to smoke outside now, they are easy to avoid.
>implying it isn't doing enough damage to prompt this type of research
>implying hundreds if not thousands of medical papers don't completely destroy all of your points on second hand smoke

Second hand smoke kills, cars kill, and guess what, if you weren't addicted to the smoke of your own death you could stop smoking, people can't stop eating.
You are so retarded its actually dangerous to others.
>implying I smoke

I don't, I just don't like people being huge crybabies over stuff other people do.
>people can't stop eating

They can stop eating beef, milk and cheese, the biggest cause of damage to the environment is the farming of cows, let me guess, you don't want to stop because you like doing it? Yeah doesn't that sound familiar. Don't try and act all high and mighty about one thing while you're doing other things that are equally as bad.
Smoking has no purpose and meat and cheese does though.
What purpose does it have other than to taste good? You don't NEED it, you only want it. Smoking has the same purpose.
This nearly became a good thread before you two faggots. Fuck sake, sober up and fuck off. >>989117
You do realize pesticides, GMO's, and other chemicals such as fertilizer are just as, if not more harmful than meats? To stop the damage agriculture is doing you would have to stop eating completely.
>ctrl F
>nail polish remover
Does no one here into practical jokes?
Acetone is nail polish remover....
God damn you're an idiot.
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Says the retard defending smoking. Kill yourself you fucking faggot
most modern cigarette filters are just acetylated cellulose brah, google it
Which ones
Without which you would have no crops
Oh boy I am in for a treat.

Every crop, seed, and food product you've ever eaten or will eat is a science experiment. Ever eaten a banana? Do you eat organic bananas? Every single one is a sterile clone. The label of gmo can be applied to every food on earth. Learn to cope.
Not a rare substance by any means. The majority of filters, in the US anyways, are made from cellulose acetate, one of the first more popular fiber/plastics. If you can clean the shit out of the cellulose, you could then dissolve it and cast it into little things made from plastic, possibly even find a 3d printing application for it. Good luck making anything that isn't garbage while it's still full of tar and such though
Find a strain of a bacteria that feeds on whatever fiber the buds are made of, add additives to the bud to create a nice environment they can live in, bitches love bioscience, all the projects will be acid and shit but you will come up and say, hey, look at my bacteria, it's accelerating the descomposition without chemicals, they'll bow at your feet, mention the word "bacteria" and "biotechnology" a couple more times out of context so they get the point.
Yeah, my point is we can't stop eating those. Retarded faggots can stop smoking. The pesticides I'm talking about are the ones that are eradicating bees so fast its becoming a crisis.
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