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Who has blueprints for a shipping container bunker?

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Thread replies: 206
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Who has blueprints for a shipping container bunker?
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you wanna be berried alive OP? is that what you want? to be berried alive?
no im making one for the zombie apocalypse
well you're gonna end-up berried so deep whoever could pull you out will be crowned king arthur

but cant you just build a reinforced steel frame around the container to stop that happening?
you can, but then there is no point to put in the container
roof holds max 300Kg(or one fat amierican) have fun being buried alive
>1 way in and out
Enjoy dying you retard.
My friend seriously thinks, there is gonna be a world apocalypse and wants build aomething luke that.
Hiw can I get him back to normal? He is really paranoid

Stop hanging out with him. He'll just drag you right down.
He needs professional help not advice from a fucking website you silly cunt.
All that will be is a huge coffin
not if gypsies or nigros find it
How do you expect to clean the air thats full of radioactive material?...yeah I know batteries and solar...well you wont be hiding that shit. The hoodlums will smother you out, take your shit and take over your huge steel coffin until the next wave of shitbags comes along. Bunkers are a waste of time
Stuck in a bunker all youre doing is putting off the inevitable in a full on nuclear attack. Now in a limited nuclear attack you may be able to ride it out provided NOBODY knows you are there and you live in an area that is hard to transverse.
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just build a small cellar and ad survival shit if you want a bunker so desperately
how did they get the 'crete to pour roundedly like that?
if you have these kinds of questions you should not be trying to build this yourself
captcha: STOP
okay think ill just go with the container then
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i'm not, i'm just an anon browsing the board because i recently lost my job, was just wondering
>see bull float
you pour the concrete ate about a 4 or 5 slump (dry)
pull it out with a come along and finish with a bull float
dunno, i think its not to difficult to make
probably his blog:
a concrete stretcher. you can usually rent one from home depot for cheap
>renting a concrete stretcher
>2016 the year of our lord
The container walls are just sheet metal. If your going to build a frame that can support the weight of the steel then just buy some sheet metal to line it with instead of a whole container save yourself the money.
Post webm
palm de la face
10/10 reference

NO, STOP THIS SHIT. They can't handle the load.
At that point you might as well build one from scratch faggot.

I think mods need to add a new rule to this board.
That's actually pretty cool
bump still needing help
This board is called Do It Yourself, not Ask People Questions. Never ask advice again.
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>order half full container of imitation crab meat
>burry the container
>but imitation crab meat on the floor
>make furniture inside from remaining pallets

By following this easy steps you got yourself fully furnished bunker with food rations for lyfe.
mine won't cave it. i'm going to put 2x4 in the corners and plywood across the top
use a bus instead
What's going on in that pic?
You can't cure people like that. Let him have his fun. Just steer him towards safe (I.e. structurally sound) building methods.
A cubic meter of earth has a weight around 1,7 to 2 tons. Your plywood and 2x4's won't help too much.
Hory shet.
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Here you go. I lost the rest but this is the last step of construction.
My mistake, that was second to last, this is the final step.
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final last step
Top zozzle
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Everyone who wants to bury a container should do so! Follow your dreams and ignore the haters. Your initiative will be rewarded with success!

Numerous containers survived direct hits from 30mm A-10 "Warthog" cannon during the Iraq war. The springy corrugations dissipate energy and the projos bounce off. The immortal Corten steel shells last centuries even without paint, which is only decorative. The US Navy has a fleet of containers at the bottom of the Marianas trench where they dock submarines made from containers for underwater replenishment. Hawaii successfully used lava flow to encase containers to make attractive tourist lodges. Transatmospheric scramjet powered containers have been developed into launch platforms for smaller containers to be used in the post-Brexit EU space containerstation. North Korea replaced their old dug shelters under mountains with containers painted like mountains. (The insides are painted with cute anime characters to boost morale.) Elon Musk prototyped an electric container to replace the Tesla since the container is more aesthetically appealing than the car and has a lot more battery room. The mayor of Detroit has decided to replace his decaying city with containers. The old buildings will be demolished and the rubble hauled off in other containers, loaded onto rafts made of containers, and shipped to China via the St. Laurence seaway where it will be ground up and the metal residue used to make more containers. US Navy SEALS stealthily infiltrate enemy ports using containers cunningly disguised as containers. Israel is solving the Palestinian problem by storing them in containers. (Germany tried to solve the Jewish problem using wooden freight cars, but the container hadn't been invented yet.) Donald Trumps border wall will be easily affordable if built from containers. Any Beaners who slip in by other routes can be detained in containers then trucked to Beanland where containers will be donated as housing.
>My friend seriously thinks, there is gonna be a world apocalypse and wants build aomething luke that.
>Hiw can I get him back to normal?

He's insane. Dump him. Seriously. Unless he's rich, then have him call an architect or professional shelter company. If crazy people aren't rich they are useless. You are probably young since you asked the question. Scrape him off like shit off a shoe, because you can't fix other people.
wtf is wrong with you? a guy is genuinely curious and you have to pull a rusty nail out of your ass to answer? DIY is, if you haven't noticed, full of people asking questions. So please, go berry yourself in a shipping container for the sake of this board
I'm stealing this to use every time a thread like this comes up, thank you so much for this.
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Sorry, I already called dibs on posting this pasta in the next thread. I guess you will have to wait.
Here, this can give you kind of an idea
the above was meant in sarcasm
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legitimately hilarious
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>tfw these plebs run and hide and I'm just hangin out fishin
This is probably a dumb question, but...

Would it be possible to reinforce a seacan by placing it in the hole, creating a rebar cage around it, then pouring in concrete 6" thick out from the walls and the roof, then burying it?

If all that concrete would be too heavy to pour at once, could it be pouted in layers? (1 ft at a time around the walls and then maybe 3" at a time for the roof)
Stuck in a hole with a bunch of stinking whiners fighting over a cracker is a fate worse than death....
You can bury a can and it will not collapse if you encase it in 6x6 timbers. 300 10' timbers will do a 40' high cube will set you back 3-5k USD
Concrete doesn't stick to itself. It's a polymer that's doesn't bond well when you just pour more on. That's not to say it won't be strong, but not nearly as strong as if you did it all in one go.
Hence why my dads concrete crack repair needs done every year.
They literally built the Hoover dam in blocks.
That's really clever. And impressive.


Also kek


You might as well build proper forms at that point and skip the container.
Is this meant to be a well? Because it will turn into a well.
>tfw vault tec tier pedo cave
What's the thing for under the excavator's boom? Just by the bucket? It has it's own cylinder...
>Who has blueprints for a shipping container bunker?

Yes I have rare memes.
The sides will cave in, containers aren't built to withstand lateral force.
They aren't built to withstand vertical force across the top either. Just on the corners where they stack. Burying one is an awful idea.
how could you just murder a beautiful snakehead like that
As I understand it where Peps lives they'e invasive as fuck, so it's illegal to return them to the water if you catch them. You have to dispatch them and discard them on land so no eggs or anything make it back into the water.
someone post the crabmeat container
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If you can't even post a picture correctly then yeah it should work, enjoy tour tomb.
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Found it
>New fags hate him
>That dank
Needs pallet furniture.
I also have no tools or experience
There are special materials that are used to repair concrete's structural integrity. I've tried Concrete Mender (search on youtube), seems to hold well but it's highly allergic and you really need to ventilate the space during and for a few weeks after.
Get a sump pump. Some are automatic, just put it there and let it do its job when the water comes and stop when the water's gone - it may be seasonal, or weather related.
You do know there is a very good chance that whenever the "big thing" happens, you're going to be beating off in your house, not safe in your underground fort, right?
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because they want the blocks to move relative to eachother
>roof holds max 300Kg(or one fat amierican) have fun being buried alive
But the bottom has to be strong or otherwise the contents would fall out when they put it on a crane.

So why not just put it upside down?
the sides are from the same sheet steel only thing thats reinforced is the floor and the frame that holds that thing dogether and is made to carie the weight, it will be squeezed from the sides
Well you can fix that by welding some beams to it, but obviously the main problem would be solved.
The other problem with burial is corrosion.
Can't you just dip it in epoxy or something.
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This fucking thread again... Please leave.

The only thing you should use those containers for are porn and corpses (maybe both). Not as a fucking BUNKER!
>Need to add a rule to this board
Amen to that anon
bait 4 dayz
1. Dig a big hole with a shovel. Ask all your neighbors for help.
2. Pay a company to put a shipping container in the hole.
3. Put some non-perishable food, bottled water, and supplies like first aid kit and sleeping bags in there. Cheap stuff only.
4. Cover it with a thin layer of dirt but leave the doorway exposed.
5. Brag about it to everyone you know and give them tours, showing off all the emergency supplies. Tell them that the key is hidden under the doormat.
6. Build a proper bunker someplace far away from the shipping container.
7. When the zombie apocalypse happens run for the real bunker and let all the unprepared moochers die in the shipping container.
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its meaningful to build it from concrete then reinforsing the container, it will last longer...
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That's.... actually a pretty good fucking idea! One of the first thing you learn as a preper is to scatter your supplies. Having a decoy like that would be gold!
One can go further and make it into a trap so any unsuspected fool can be enslaved and used in base camp!
On that note. Have anyone thought/ made a plan to take slaves when the shit hits the fan?
Like best way to manage them and best way to ensure a revolution never happens.
Dont let them know they're slaves. Call them "participants" or "citizens" or something similar. Overstate the dangers of the outside world and emphasize the benefits of staying in, and working for, the group. Think Communist Russia. No need for walls and fences if your populace believes they're the chosen few thriving in an oasis amidst the wasteland.
sage in all fields
Use roundcrete. Is used for making swimming pools
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Two shipping containers, one vertical one as a pit, one horizontal one as the bait.
just have a rug or something cover the hole.
Angled walls to prevent any possibility of climbing out.

cement around the bottom one because I'm not sure if it can survive without slowly imploding - also, so they can't try to flood it with dirt to climb out.

I made a very autistic and poorly done picture to demonstrate, but maybe you can decipher what I mean.

I'm not sure what sort of things you should do once you succeed, though.
Wow, the only good idea involving a shipping container bunker.

Instead of going through all that trouble it makes much more sense to it the right way. Better results, better layout etc.

Very good.
It was continuously poured, the formwork was in the block pattern you see on the surface. It's actually one solid piece of concrete

I just found out how saltpeter pits were made. So i guess you can just use the people that fall into your trap to eventually make them into gunpowder.
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>Who has blueprints for a shipping container bunker?

Isn't that more correctly called a tomb?

I've been trying to convince my buddy, who leases some hunting property, to get himself a 10' long steel shipping container, to use as a secure tool and gear shed on the land.

He could store all kinda stuff he needs at the hunting lease instead of hauling it up and back every time, such as a lawnmower, picnic table, full size BBQ, tree stands, feed corn, feed spreader, pop-up blinds, etc.

And if he loses the lease for some reason, he can relatively easily (not sure about how at the moment?) move it to a new hunting lease.

Apparently, 20' shipping containers in good shape can be had (metro Detroit, here) for under $1000.
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"Beach does not charge money for admission to the shelter, instead guaranteeing individuals admission in return for sweat equity and active involvement in the Ark Two communities' various activities. In addition, "Everyone is welcome here, regardless of religion, race, nationality, political views..."

Yeah, lemme know how that works out...

Flag of the Republic of Doityourself
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WTF would someone waste all that money building a bunker in their suburban backyard?

Do they really think their neighbors are going to ignore the bunker if the SHTF?

“Oh no! The Norks just launched nukes at us!”
“Welp, too bad we didn’t build a bunker in our backyard, like Neighbor Joe!”
“Yup, I guess we’ll just sit here and die.”
A grand for a 20 is cheap. I have one for storage and two 40ft High Cubes joined as a shop. I convinced my bro to get a High Cube and he loves it. Also convinced the welding school shop where I worked to get one for storage. They have two now.

Containers are great for many things, but not a bunker.
>How do you expect to clean the air thats full of radioactive material?

Filters work nicely. Portable filter/airlocks were common during the Cold War for military bunkers.
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>Containers are great for many things, but not a bunker.

Sure, but as a (moveable) storage shed on leased property, a 10' shipping container would make sense but my buddy just doesn't see it for some reason.

Another buddy has a double-axel car trailer that we could use to place the shipping container on the property but how to get it back on the trailer to move it, if he has to leave from the current property in the future?

Building a conventional shed on the property isn't an option, as the owners could bump him out of there at any time.
Just buy a used toy hauler. They don't cost much more and a lot more useful.

The truck is already hauling pic related, the shipping container shed would be for storing stuff on the hunting lease that doesn't need to be hauled up and back home every time.
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I like this. Under the guise of patio construction you can build a hidden shelter. Although I'd make it accessible from my basement.
What do they look like inside now?
Watch the bunker series on Netflix for inspiration
Coat it in rebar and concrete it if you want it to stand a chance.
That's not as retarded though. Those are being used as forms for concrete. I'm assuming he drove rebar in, and filled in stages so the concrete itself would be taking a lot of the weight , and not the roof of the bus.

For a small shelter, wouldn't you be doing better to bury a section of very large sewer pipe?
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why arent people going with concrete pipe instead

seems fucking retarded when its probably lower cost and less resources and time consuming to do,

plus you can have as many rooms and intersections as you want
Because that's retarded. It's the wrong shape to be practical.

because both methods are retarded

why truck and crane a concrete pipe in place if you can cast concrete insitu to a practical dimention with less money and effort

they also have concrete blocks that arcs and assembles into a pipe if you want and will be equally strong if you really want the cylinder shape
>will be equally strong

concrete isnt a material you can trust. they laid down a new sidewalk in front of my house. 6 months later, there's 2 cracks along a 100M length. metal bridges last 100 years with only minor rust. steel is > concrete.
you are not seriously comparing sidewalk to bridges and underground tunnels are you
it is not actually, you can insulated with rectangle shaped rooms inside, and all the moisture and cold/heat will never break the room itself.

also this is the most durable and strong form (except for triangle) there is for underground building.

the problem with the pipes comes, when most of them (usually the lower cost ones) lack serious (at times none) or any reinforcement.

but still its more practical, they are made to be put underground, and ppl know how to lay them there professionally so, less screw ups on that, as well as you wont look like a creep wanting to lay few pipes somewhere, just a regular business.
>concrete isnt a material you can trust.

Were you dropped on your head as a baby? Good god you're fucking retarded.

Guess we should replace the Hoover dam with steel now.
Do reminder to think about the whirlpool!
Stop this

And you can't just jam a square box in there.

If it's designed from the beginning then sure, it will work. But taking pre made pipe is probably more effort than it's worth.
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concrete is brittle. if it's exposed to road salt, or freezing and thawing, then it starts to break apart after a couple of decades.

they're tearing this whole thing down (pic) after only 49 years, at a cost of $5 billion, coz concrete is so useless.

funny: How Not To Unload A Concrete Tube: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=2d5_1364662015&comments=1
Concrete is for compressive strength, steel is for tensile strength, used for different things, it is pointless to compare directly

that said, masonary will last longer than steel without maintance, steel will rust eventually, concrete maybe less so if done correctly.

that said, anything will last forever if maintained
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Here´s a floorplan for actual bombshleter used in Salpalinja Finland. Walls and roof are approxemately 2,5 m thick heavily reinforced high strenght concrete. If you want to build something like that. Built it to last.
>infrastructure lasting half a century is useless

And asphalt has the same issues faggot. Plus a bunker isn't going to be bathed in road salt.

this guy also has the making of on his channel, multiple vids there
that isnt that deep

You come to my falout shelter you damn well better bring your own fucking supplies cuz if you dont have your own food and water i sure as hell am not going to let you take mine.
please enlighten us
You need a cylindrical Container. Like a propane tanker.just make sure you flush the thing first.
fuck it, just get used to the mercaptan
This, I use it when I can't find sonotubes for footers
Just do this instead:


It's easier, cheaper, and will be just as safe as an underground bunker in most cases. Just add and air filtration system.
Good job Walt.
You don't need help because you failed to Google first.

All potential bunkerfags need to know at every level of detail is very, very, very easy to find on the internet.

Only bunkeranon has a serious bunker, and he bought that. You faggots just dream bunker dreams and YOU DO NOT KNOW WHY.
I love it.

Don't forget a camera and hidden outside latch so they cannot escape. Then pour a gallon of bleach and ammonia down the vent stack.
>It's the wrong shape to be practical.

Round sections are used in many nuclear missile silo tunnels. Floors are easy to do, and a bilge underneath them is a natural fit to handle drainage.
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yeah, and this thing still stands after 2000 years in the rain and wind
I meant at that small pipe size. It seemed awkward to me.
I really hope you're trolling right now and aren't that stupid.
Roman concrete is way more solid and durable than our actual cheap and poorly made concrete, seriously dude
They built a bunch of highway overpass bridges out here in 1966. It's earthquake country here and it freezes in the winter, so they don't fuck around when they build stuff. They were surveyed a few years ago, still rock solid. No work needed. That's 50 years. Then theirs the old concrete city street bridges over the local creeks. Some are so old they can only fit a single lane of traffic at a time. Most were pre-WWII. Some were built by the CCC back in the 30's. All still solid. I'm sorry to hear that the people in your state fucked up and didn't build your infrastructure right to begin with, but that is what happens. It's not concretes fault. There are plenty of examples of concrete in extreme environments that has held up well over the years. Its probably more down to the fact that they old built the stuff to last 4-50 years to begin with because that was the expected lifespan of most of the stuff in the Interstate system before it would need major upgrades anyway. As a nation, we have been pretty bad about deferred maintenance and the like when it comes to stuff like that.
This has a large proportion of lime to it, not portland cement.

Also they were super autistic about their aggregates.

Their mortar was likely prepared by people who only did that their entire life.

They probably have a ban on using any type of salts or acids near the building.
Fucking this

I've been planning on something like this for a while. A square of these pipes with a larger dome-topped room in the center. With a catwalk inside, you could run cables and pipes underneath. Seems like a kickass idea to me.
Trumpocalypse incoming.
I heard those footprints are so valuable they're treated like pirate's treasure and people take them with them to the grave. They must be burried somewhere.
You could just use box culvert sections or plastic septic tanks. Both of those are designed to be buried, and neither rusts.
This is a running joke for workers.
> Have helper
> First day
> Send on snipe hunt
> they look through truck/tools/supplies for x
> you still haven't found that yet?
X = re-bar stretcher.
>if it's exposed to road salt, or freezing and thawing, then it starts to break apart after a couple of decades.
Steel will do that even quicker. Salt will eat away at that mofo in no time.
Probably crappy engineering.
Cement must be poured at the right time. Old cement or poor mix should never be used.
Supervising Material Engineer should be able to stop bad mix- for stuff that is dry you need a bonding agent-

Sidewalks are NOT structural concrete- your analogy is weak.

IF you are looking at SHTF shelter- you should be looking at concrete because it blocks more radiation than metal.

Shipping containers are made to take weight from top of walls for stacking only. not from sides.

Concrete should not be brittle in 49 years. The moisture of properly poured concrete should still be adjusting. It follows a pattern.

If concrete was simply brittle they wouldn't have built this out of it:


Would you use dried out epoxy to join 2 items and then say; epoxy it worthless it, doesn't stick at all? Or not mix it properly and say it doesn't set up right?
It's most likely down to something like concrete cancer, which is v difficult to predict. It's important to remember that concrete is not made from standard materials in the sense that steel can be, the aggregate and sand you use is going to be local at least, and there can be all sort of chemical quirks in different areas that lead to the concrete eventually going bad. That's why they test all pours too, you can't always know ahead of time if it'll be bad.

So you might be right on the design front, although that looks pretty normal and not wacky to me. It may be that the actual erection was done half assedly by shitty workmen, that happens every so often, or v likely that maintenance was not carried out if that's in the US since that's been a funding issue for a long ass time. But if it's an issue with the mix it's likely something more complicated since most badly poured concrete will show up in the lab tests.

And you're right on the brittle, it's quite plastic. It's basically like a real solid gel.
"Let's force entry to Joe's bunker"
"Curses, he appears to have used some kind of lock mechanism to prevent unauthorized access"
>He'll just drag you right down.

right down to his bunker and he will save his life!
>float bull, float
Yep. This seems much better as a tested proof of concept. Unlike storage containers, pipes are *designed* to be buried, watertight, resistant to water damage, etc. Plus they're already perfectly modular, with intersections, angles, etc.
>half-assed erection

Stop describing my sex life :(
A bunker thread is incomplete without some threat examples. Notice shipping containers are not listed because their 100-percent protection even against nuclear ground bursts an inch over the container roof is secret.

Stop being a raging faggot, some guy was just asking questions. Remove you cast iron DIY buttplug and calm down.
In fairness, /diy/ wasn't supposed to be /spoonfeed/ but that's long gone and the sticky should be replaced with

>Too stupid to use a search engine? Heeeeeeere ya go!!!!
dig deepeeeer... dig...diiiig

stack 3 or 4 containers, one on top of the other, then weld out circles and throw ladders down into them.

you could have a bunker network for different family members, different purposes, shit would be ...awesome.
main entrace could be a well with a switch incrusted deep into rocks within it.

this switch can empty the water and at the bottom of the well, one can install a hatch then, and ladder.

and a motor inside the containers that will pump the water back above the hatch. darkened water.
I've wondered about this since a couple days ago when I took my dog for a walk., I wondered if the canal near my house would work as a good base for an underground bunker?
Looks like pic related, but a bit thinner (Phone was flat, couldn't take pics.
Drop a couple beams over the top, some corrugated iron and cover with dirt.
>a bunker blocking a water path
very good idea
you have unlimited water supply
you can also make a dam to generate electricity
that is genius
Just drop a fake floor in, tones of extra room for storage.
It's empty now, but if you cleared the whole thing out and made a nice long stretch of bunker, wait, no, I'm a fucking idiot. Just dam up the leading wall, eventually the canal would fill again.
yessss. you can also put in a water wheel like how they do it in ancient times. house by the river.

you can also set up a toll station to charge passing boats and vessels.

you can also set up a toll station to charge people who want to cross the canal.

you can also farm fish.

the canal is also perfectly shaped for solar panels.

holy shit that is probably the best idea i have seen on this board. that is pure genius.
I can tell you blueprints.

Put container in ground.

If container is collapsing, too much ground, take more out, put in more container.

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why can't people just point someone to a legit source that explains the material well instead of having someone who knows nothing going through loads of bullshit unsure what is good?

Its like people who can't be bothered to post a source, but can be bothered to openly complain about spoon feeding.

>open /diy/


Never change, guys.
>why can't people just point someone to a legit source that explains the material well instead of having someone who knows nothing going through loads of bullshit unsure what is good?

I've posted a shitload of useful container info, but the vast majority of questions reflect utter fucking laziness. I reject laziness. It merits no respect so I give it none.

Bunker questions are extra stupid. Unless you are Bunkeranon you ain't gonna build a motherfucking bunker. He bought his but is doing a hero's work of reviving it. If you were going to build a bunker, you wouldn't ask here. You'd have done your fucking homework, rejected containers, and started planning for some sort of useful structure.

Legit source? THE FUCKING INTERNET is a firehose of container information. There are serious questions. There are container questions. Due to dumbfuckery it is rare that people as a serious DImotherfuckingY question about containers.

If you aren't gonna do it YOURSELF with minimum bro assistance and perhaps a crane rental, go away because this is not a "hey guyz I'm retarded and wanna tendie cave how u dig durt?" board.

If you'd like to use a container for something they are genuinely good for I'll be happy to help and can provide plenty of detail.

Bunkers? Bitches don't even know what bunkers are for because they don't care. Fuck off cunts who deliberately won't learn shit. Want spoon feeding? Howabout I milk my balls into a manure shovel and ram it down your retarded throats.

Here. THIS is what containers are good for. LOOK. READ. If you don't see your container fap dream here, find another construction method.


Design info, handling gear, drawings, inspiration?


Apocolyptards almost NEVER address mobility, warfighting or REAL SHTF (as in, real all over the globe, bitches, not a kiddie zombie show) scenarios. Build bunkers so I can murder you in your can and loot your shit.

All my love,

If only they'd had a few more extension cords, it would have worked.
what a shit

and all a while I thought these things were tough..

might as well build an underground mini castle out of solid blocks of stone instead.
protip: the best bomb shelters are not constructed with cut and cover methods

if you want real blast overpressure protection you need to leave the overburden undisturbed and do it in ground with a compressive strength over 1500psi (not areas with weak/fractured rock/sand/soil/etc)
just got me my container im just gonna cut some 4x4's a little longer then the width of it and beat them up onto the inside of the roof shoot a couple screws in it this isn't rocket science
at a minimum use 6x6s every 4' but it's still a dumb idea
What if I reinforced the container walls and roof with katanas? Those fuckers are stronger then diamonds!
They are tough...for their designed use.
Troof, and best katana are forged from immortal Corten container steel, which permits monomolecular blades capable of cutting anything except, of course, immortal Corten container steel.
Due to extensive research done by the University of Pittsburgh, diamond has been confirmed as the hardest metal
What if i use a Chinese container
what kind of knife is that?
looks blunt
did you ever see a well in your life mate?
That's what she said
>What if i use a Chinese container

Put weeb stickers on it since Japan is superior race.
Trips checked. Knife is a headsticker.
Have a rectangular utility vault cast to size. Heck, probbly get stairs, vents, doors etc. included, only need to have it put in your hole.
you need to weld steel in order to do this and you need to make a steel cage that is reinforced by concrete. Then you bury with dirt.
There is a guy named colin furze that I think you should check out. hopefully his youtube vid will lead to some other good ones...

Do it yourself slavery/psychological manipulation? now I've seen it all on this board
Maybe for this board but I'm pretty sure I've seen it on /b/ before
Slaves are a stupid idea because they are useless, expensive to feed if you can feed them at all, and permanent enemies. Kill any potential slaves and kill anyone who wants slaves. Slavery degenerates every society which has it.

The US is an example.
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