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Globalized Fetish thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 151
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Everyone probably knows how this works by now; The world changes to whatever scenario you come up with. What happens?

Using OP's pic...

In the far future, brain transplants into robotic bodies are preformed on everyone when they're thirty and mind uploading is usually done before the brain deteriorates with age. Ironically, this has lead to a new fashion trend which celebrates flesh--hence attractive fully organic women and vatgrown body embodied mind uploads showing their stuff.

Also: Robot bodies, real life seeming virtual reality, and gmo organisms make almost every fetish on /d/ more-or-less possible.
Everyone becomes hermaphroditic and pregnant. Everyone.

Women grow dicks, men form a cunt and the proper reproductive organs where their taint ought to be.

Everyone goes into labor and gives birth at the same time.

The child that is born grows to adulthood within a matter of minutes and in the blink of an eye everybody's consciousness is transferred into that new body.

Everyone is now immortal and std/illness/cancer free forever, with the caveat that everyone is sterile and will no longer be able to reproduce further, to prevent the population becoming unsustainable.
Women's uteruses become more elastic so all pregnancies with multiples are carried to full term.
Men traditionally choose which underwear their girlfriends wear. This leads to all kinds of sexual, uncomfortable and skimpy underwear. Transparent bras and panties are the latest craze.

Only single girls have the luxury of choosing their own underwear. Girls still living at home will usually have a selection of very similar panties chosen by their parents, or they can designate their brothers or schoolfriend to decide, but this risks backfiring if the boy decides to be cheeky.
Everyone becomes perfectly healthy with a decent healing factor, drastically decreased nutrition needs and slow shapeshifting where the body changes to match selfimage. The shapeshift can be controlled deliberately.

Everyone becomes serially immortal, reincarnating as newborns - mentally one becmes sort of the child of the previous life and the current upbringing. Actual newborns are rare, maybe very rare. Population control is by delayed reincarnation.

Insert godmachine-moderated utopia shit.

Degeneracy ensues. But it's a _good_ degeneracy. Now get back to writing Iain you bearded Scottish dickgirl bastard.
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Lizardmen invade Earth, attacking everything they come across.

The souls of women who are killed by them do not go to heaven or hell, nor are they reincarnated. Instead, they end up at the Lizardman version of Valhalla, naked and chained to the floor. One of the Lizardmen who also fell in battle then begins to rape them, and does so for the rest of eternity; every orgasm being better than the last.
nice, more details? can the girls ever escape? do humans who are still alive know of this fate?
A mad scientist genetically modifies a species of mosquito causing it to grow to the size of a cat. Their suckers become a tentacle like appendage that can attach to people to suck their blood. Both male and females mosquitoes will feed on people.

Now the interesting part is when a person is bitten by one. When bitten, the person's gender will gradually shift to that of a mosquito. The longer it drinks the more drastic the change. A few seconds will be enough to replace a woman's vagina with a dick and a man's dick with a vagina. After five minutes a person will have fully swapped genders. Fortunately the effect isn't permanent. All you have to do to return to your original gender is be bitten by mosquito of the same gender as your original.
After a genetic experiment gone wrong, hamster genes are mixed in with the human genome, resulting in women who have longer front teeth, fluffier, shiner hair, and perfect bodies.

Men just get hairier.

if not while alive, women find out when the lizardmen hordes eventually storm the gates of heaven and hell and take their souls for eternal raping then
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World becomes a standard fantasy world, with various deities.

Including a physical goddess of vore. She has no temple or cult, just a giant cave where her followers worship her. She regularly picks up some lucky cultist and swallows them, often one who has earned her favor. Sometimes she'll wander out of the cave and eat entire civilizations.

Anyone eaten by her stays in her digestive tract until the end of time and beyond, digesting forever.
I need more eternity porn. There is never enough.
Male mosquitos don't bite.
So she's like a sexy sarlaac?
Women gain the ability to telepathically experience the sexual fantasies of anyone near them focusing specifically on them. They are in aware of who exactly is doing this to them unless the person focusing on them allows them. If multiple people are focusing on the same person they have the amount of pleasure multiplied by the number of people.
Many attractive women are being mentally fucked near constantly in public. Specifically in public speaking situations where they are being mentally gangbanged
>implying anon didn't know that
>Both male and females mosquitoes will feed on people.
Everyone becomes performers of some kind, where their talents can be used for magical purposes. Contortionists becomes otherworldly yogis that can fit down to the size of the gaps between cells; being functional doctors for vitality, causing physiological changes. they can enhance people to become flexible, but not as much as themselves as a side effect of the cleansing. (guess it's kinda like Santama and the pasta guy from Jojo in that respect)

Magicians becomes semi-reality warpers, where they can manipulate retention of vision and focal points to detach and restore features of people alongside the actual stage Magic. some deviant magicians may use their talents for enhancing their audience's (to them) enjoyment for sex; if they're performing for them, then their abilities are probably in effect.

May not be limited to entertainers, but also actual hobbies/fetishes as well, one guy likes the ability to masquerade as other people: ok, their entire body has changed to become them. Artists could probably capture people inside drawings and alter them as if it's magical plastic surgery. think they did an anime based around people's fetishes exhibiting themselves as superpowers.

i know, right? Any scenario where the character ends up having sex forever or at least the rest of their life just pushes all the right kinds of buttons
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Going to heaven or hell has nothing to do with how good a person you are.Instead, it's determined by your priorities.

Do you value the search for truth, and the ultimate nature of the universe? Heaven.

Or do you care more about carnal pleasures? You're assigned to Hell, and given a succubus to fuck until the end of time
One's body and to a lesser extent mind are tied to clothing. If you wear combat fatigues you'll become physically stronger, if you dress like a monk you'll become calmer, if you wear aloha shirts with a fedora you may develop a taste for computer games and comics, if you have a crazy haircut and piercings you could become any kind of -sexual and begin hating anything with a penis, if you dress like a woman you will become more feminine and if you dress like a man you will become more masculine.

There's also items that have unexpected effects. Bondage gear and latex are very conductive to learning, and school uniforms change to accommodate; blond or ginger hair dye can make one White, and much of Asia takes note; the list goes on.
Previous thread died right after I posted it, so here it is again:

An extremely virulent, engineered virus sweeps humanity. It kills men, but rewrites the DNA of women extensively to make their body ultra-efficient; they become immune to disease, head and cold, aging, and no longer produce waste. It also affects the reproductive system, and now women can become pregnant via voluntary patheogensis, eliminating the need for periods. However, actual birth rats are rather low and just enough to make the population stable.

Most importantly, the virus radically changes the sexual character of women. Anyone infected becomes a complete lesbian with a very high libido, acquiring new erogenous zones on their tongue and fingers. It also changes the chemistry of the vagina, making every woman's pussy have a unique and extremely delicious taste. Now, oral sex feels just as good giving as receiving.

Amid the chaos, the group that originally created the virus makes their move. They seize control of the world's governments, passing new laws to bring about a lesbian sexual utopia.

One of the first changes is to the school system, where "practical" sex education becomes central to the curriculum. Uniforms are also changed to be extremely skimpy as well.
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Most people love the new regime, and the leaders of it are so popular that they receive oral almost continuously; there's few parts of the day where there isn't a tongue inside their pussies. By this point public sex is commonplace.

Then one day, the government makes an announcement: in one year, clothes will be banned entirely and nudity become mandatory.
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As the day approaches, the government actually urges people to keep wearing clothes until the scheduled date at noon, to making taking them off a shared experience.

The day arrives, and people all over the world shout as the clock winds down from 10.

It reaches 0, and there's cheers around the globe as panties, bras, and all other clothing are thrown up into the air or dropped to the ground, never to be worn again.

Orgies break out everywhere as people celebrate the end to the tyranny of clothing.
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After that, the world is pretty much a peaceful lesbian utopia. Everyone is beautiful and nude, and due to the virus, nobody ever becomes 'used' to it. That is, women seeing other women naked is always arousing and nobody ever becomes desensitized to it. Sex is now so casual that oral is often used as a greeting.

Though nobody is allowed to wear clothes anymore, some women start wearing jewelry, which is permitted as long as it does not obscure the pussy or breasts at all.
A world where woman act like pets, they have a trendy not to act like animals even though society has rules that can treat them like ones. Like walking around naked wearing only a collar and or shoes and socks, being told they can't use the same toilet as men have to find other means like a special woman's toilet or find a place outside to do her business. They aren't allow to go to school because pet don't need to.

Woman can still walk around upright and do some people things like watch TV, reed books even play video games, cook and clean around the house. Even not do anything and sleep all day. They can go out and do things with a male companion and movies and dinner. Can Even pay for stuff with an allowance, But woman aren't allowed to hold a paying job.

From birth girls learn to be subservient to men by how older woman act and how society treats them and that they are kept around mostly for social companionship. Someone for a man to panper and pet, to talk to, act as an extra player for their favorite game, Someone to cook and clean for them, Warm body man to snuggle up to have them pet them for once, or to be used for sex and breeding.
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A bored Goddess decides to have fun with Earth.

One day the world over, everyone falls into stasis (the invincible type so no one dies).

Everyone awakes in the body of a hermaphrodite monster girl of every type conceivable, no two alike. Everyone then hears a disembodied female voice.

She tells them that they are all on unique virtual worlds filled with humans. Their libidos are generally boosted to the point where they are essentially never fully sated for more than a few minutes.

Also, having sex will corrupt a human partner to a form similar to your own. Their task is to corrupt the whole world. The first 100 to do so will keep their forms and ability to corrupt humans in the real world.

The Goddess' parting words are then:

...Have fun.
any ideas you have for eternity scenarios?
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I call this fantasy "Fractals". It gets good two paragraphs down.

Twenty years from today magic comes back into the world. It comes to light that our understanding of the world was accurate but we learn that we have essentially been under a powerful glamour cast by an unknown wizard for millennia now and to a startlingly high degree our environment is controlled by our emotional reactions. This new interaction with the physical world is dubbed Folding though the current population, made savvy by years of movies and fictitious literature widely regard the phenomenon as magic; the distinction is largely irrelevant: anything you wish can now come true.

The world doesn't change as much, or as quickly as you'd think. In addition to the highly restrictive regulations which immediately spring up in every democratically controlled country, actually controlling the power is problematic in its own right. While the glamour on humanity is lifted many still bear its effects subconsciously and become proficient in warping the human body, for example, requires more than the average amount of will. At least it does when you are using it on purpose.

One of the first and most noticeable effects of the dawning the thamaturgic age is the return to a widespread acceptance of the tenets of Animism. Woman and children are easily the most susceptible, people, drawing on uncertainty and insecurity about their place in existence, find a strength to draw from in the quick and easy descriptors provided by the traits animals seem to be given. An understanding that dog's simply chase cats simplifies so many situations where you are made to feel put upon by the actions of another, it is not your fault or theirs but simply something intrinsic to both of your natures. Some were meant to flee others were meant to bite and chase, and, in a world where believing something causes it to be true, everyone who begins to believe such things is changed.
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You meet a girl soon after all this starts. In a world now full of foxy vixens, demanding dogs, and fat frogs she is still completely normal. Talking to her is easy and when she smiles at your jokes you feel this warm glow inside like things are finally looking up, the wait is finally over. She goes home with you the night you meet her, she doesn’t need to be reassured, she pulls the top of her dress down to reveal her pale breasts when you two are alone together out back behind where you live. She seems so normal, so easy to get along with, you tell her what to do and she does it, without question. Her cute head bobs up and down, she is focused completely on what is in front of her, seemingly no cares at all.

In the morning she’s changed, there’s something different behind her eyes. She tells you she doesn’t want to go, that she’s scared, but she doesn’t say what scares her. It takes a long time to get her to respond when you talk to her, she’s lethargic and spends the day lying on your bed only moving when you’re around. You worry that she’s sick but she tells you that she doesn’t want to go to the hospital, she tells you she’ll feel better tomorrow.

You sleep together that night, but you don’t have sex. Instead you stay awake long into the night thinking unquiet thoughts. When you finally marshal yourself to go to sleep you turn to your side to hold her, you cup a hand around one of her bare breasts just to feel reassured. She immediately turns around to face you, eyes open, she doesn’t say anything she just stares at you, waiting. You tell her to turn around and go back to sleep and she does.
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You stay awake until you are sure you can hear her breathing soften into the sound of gentle snoring, then, finally, you rest. In the morning you are exhausted but seeing her drives all thought of sleep from your mind. She is completely transformed, her breasts already ample before are sagging monstrosities that swing tautly from her chest. Her build has changed as well, from light and nymphine to heavy, her buttocks and thighs curve out in a frankly ridiculous hourglass, and you can see, bulging from her now too small panties, a tail. She is awake, watching you look her over, you reach to the side of her head and brush her hair aside. Beneath ,you feel the fluffy velvet fur covering a big floppy ear, a cow’s ear. She closes her eyes and moans a low, long moan.

You shout the name she told you was hers, she doesn’t respond. You ask her what happened, you beg for an explanation but all she does is look at you with empty eyes, you start to feel like she’s imploring you to do something. You tell her what to do again, she does it. Two weeks later and you have realized the futility of trying to fix what’s been done; you get her a job at a fast food burger joint, you could use the extra income.

Each night you fuck and each morning you fuck again. Almost every time you see her you decide to fuck her. Her breasts bounce lusciously as you rail her hard from behind, they haven’t stopped growing yet. She comes under almost any touch and makes low unheeding moans. One night you have sex so rough that she stops moaning and starts crying, you haven’t seen an emotion cross her vacant face since the day you met. You’re startled and scared, but she still comes to your arms when you tell her too. You both sleep early that night.
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In the morning she cringes before you, but you tell her to service you and she does. You put your dick in her puss and then in her ass and she comes when you do. After, you tell her to nuzzle you and she does. You drive her to the job she works and tell her to go, and she goes. You go home instead of to work and you think. You post to the crew you party with, you take care to invite more women than men. Afterwords you call each of them and hype the idea of a nice chill party and hint that you have a special surprise.

After you pick her up from work you go to a party store and buy a costume for the girl. After that you go to the mall to the maternity store and you buy a pump. You tell her how to pump herself as you drive home, she’s still doing it when you both walk up the stairs to your door. It makes you hard, knowing she’s exposing herself this way, even though you know it really doesn’t matter. When you get inside you fuck her on the kitchen counter until her breasts are pumped dry and the pump turns off. It must hurt her, her nipples must feel raw and sore, and you aren’t gentle. She cries but you only stop when you’ve come. Afterwards you spend hours on the internet looking for another ingredient.

The next morning you wake up early and leave the girl sleeping in bed. You drive for hours until you reach grassy hills and empty stretches of back road. It doesn’t take you long to find a large herd of cows in a field. You jump the fence and run to the nearest cow, you hastily pull a few squirts of raw milk into an empty plastic bottle. Your heart pounds as you drive away from the scene and you hope no one saw you. At home you start preparing for the party tonight, you cook and clean, the girl lays, forgotten, on the couch staring at the wall. The milk from the cows is mixed with the milk from the girl and you use half, whipped in cream. On a whim you cut your thumb and dribble a drop of your blood into the remaining milk, you use it in a casserole.
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When guests arrive you tell them how you cut yourself chopping onions working hard making a special dinner for them. At the table you hold court and tell banal anecdotes about work life while they chow down and compliment you on your cooking skills. After dinner you bring out the girl dressed in a ridiculous and skimpy outfit and tell your friends about how she destroyed herself for you. You serve a cake and instruct the girl on how to dance, one of your more uninhibited female friends laughs and gets up to grind her booty with the luscious cow girl; she acts drunk. Your other friends are eating cake and laughing like it’s all a good joke, if they are uncomfortable it doesn’t show at all. Another one of the girls takes a fingerful of frosting from the top of her cake and licks it absentminded. She’s looking off distantly, thinking about what she’d rather be doing. After they finish, you organize the orgy. You run your tongue over your teeth as you revel in the moment, your canines feel sharper; more pronounced.

In the morning you wake up on the couch next to two of your hottest female friends curled up with each other in gentle embrace. You are short, sinewy and covered in coarse shaggy hairs. A guy friend of yours stumbles drunkenly in and commands you to get down onto the ground. You want to resist but he’s bigger than you and pulls you off the couch effortlessly before waking up one of the girls with a kiss and slipping his stinking hairy dick inside her. The other girl wakes up too and watches them lustfully for a while before eventually starting to play with herself. You watch from the ground for a while too but you are too close and get in the way so he kicks you and shouts to get out.
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Your friends live at your place now, you quickly learn to do what they say as a swift punishment is the response for disobedience. You eat on the ground, most nights you sleep on the ground. The male friend who kicked you sleeps in your bed with most of the girls, the man. The other females are fought over by the other guys who spend most of their time out of the house at work. The man puts food in your bowl each morning, you try to talk to him but he just looks at you with good humor and condescension and pats. Their other pet, keeps changing. She grows to suit their tastes, the women or, usually, the other men entertain themselves with her keeping her naked and hungry for dick and pussy, she is there to caress the women all the guys would rather fuck. The man just wants to breed her, he comes in her every time she is fertile again. Her babies leave when she births them, they never come back. She still gives herself to you as well, the repeated sex acts have left her endlessly lusting, her body always needful for use, you can smell it in her crotch. When no one else is around to occupy her she shares the floor with you, even lying on your soiled and seldom changed bedding. Her breasts have become truly massive and you lick at her distended nipples to get at the milk that flows easily from them. She does not pet, pamper or cajole you like the others but simply lies under you and lets your tongue explore as you walk around her. She doesn’t need to tell you anything, her vag is cum stenched and it begs to be explored with a sensitive nose and tongue. You relate to her sensual frustration, your mutual owners bring you no bitches to breed. When you lick her so much that she is obliged to open her legs under the waves of crushing pleasure it is an intuitive enough invitation for even as simple a creature as you to understand, you mount between her legs and thrust in repetition until it comes out. The beasts couple; they watch the other’s eyes with longing.
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Well, that was fun to write. Before I go, what place would you choose to occupy in this particular scenario of this world? I like to think that even though I have focused on degradation for the protagonist viewpoint and its counterpart that anyone could find a role to latch onto in this world.

For those of you curious about how much your friends change, it’s not as much as they think. They lead relatively normal lives except their memories and drives have been warped by the presence of the two figures of idolatry they share a home with, creatures that have essentially become gods or share a god’s viewpoint of unconscious manipulation. The women for example may not live as the cow girl does but they certainly live in her shadow, they draw comparisons to her in their life and wonder if their minor sadness and happinesses result from being too much or too little like her. Thoughts of these two drive all the fantasies of everyone who falls into their little bubble of a world.

From a technical standpoint the powers of the girl’s milk are nearly endless but they are poorly understood by the characters who remain fully human. One might continue the chain of alterations for example, the man who owns you very certainly understood its opiate and transformative properties but he lacks an intuitive understanding of the artistry required to draw out less superficial potential. If you do not understand your deeper desires in terms of freeing a beast I suppose this story may not be for you.
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>> The world changes to whatever scenario you come up with. What happens?

I have no words, but this pic is self explanatory
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No green text. Read the pic. WIP story refitted w/ hentai visuals.
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No green text. Read the pic. WIP story refitted w/ hentai visuals. (Part 2 of ???)

I got one:

A strange new religions crops up worshiping a Goddess of Lesbians, promising untold pleasures in the next life to the women that worship her and try to seduce other women into lesbianism. Nobody knows what to make of it, since it seems the cult actually wields magical powers, being able to make any woman "convert" attractive or more attractive just by ritual.

If a women's seduced enough other women, she's considered to have "paid her dues" and is ritually sacrificed, otherwise the cultists just live out their life in the new religion.

No matter the cause of death, all faithful end up in the Goddess' realm, waking up nude and incredibly aroused in an afterlife where there is no boredom and sex feels infinitely better. They immediately join the eternal orgy made up of all the other souls of the faithful, having sex forever.

The goddess herself wanders through the orgy, occasionally plucking up a woman to have sex with alone for a few trillion years.
> When bitten, a person's gender will gradually shift to that of a mosquito.
> my pronouns are bzz, suck, and slap
How's this? Somewhat inspired by finishing Shadowrun Hong Kong (Go play Dragonfall)

In a sudden birth of chaos humanity is thrown into disorder as mythological creatures and myths start to come true, many of the larger monsters causing devastation to cities and greatly decreasing population quickly.

The world is quickly left with most cities left in ruin, humans spreading themselves out across the globe. They now live in smaller numbers as it doesn't tend to attract the attention of the larger monsters leading to people living an almost medieval life style .

Decades and decades start to pass until the point when the last person born before the initial event occurred. Many of the previous values of society and knowledge still remain but with physical prowess or seeking it out becoming essential to survival. As time passes people begin to accept the idea that they must either choose the role of a Protector or Muse, focusing on their ability to protect others and themselves or to woo someone for protection.

Humanity starts to create desirable stereotypes for these two roles, the protectors being large, muscular, rougher in appearance, while the Muses focus on their abilities to please and their act as a reward for their protector's services. People now decide from an early age as to which role they wish to fulfil, growing up working to become either strong enough or pretty enough for either role regardless of gender. What this ultimately creates are small hovels where large butch lumberjack like men and buff amazon-esc women leave to slay monsters with sometimes the appearances crossing over, returning to their claimed effeminate lover or even harems.

In short the world is turned into a medieval fantasy apocalypse where you're either incredibly effeminate and act as a trophy spouse possibly harem member, or the alternative is being a butch hero who slays monsters before returning home to their intimate reward.
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Speed Grapher.
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All radical feminists and women who make fake rape claims are sentenced of crimes against men. They have their arms and legs amputated, their eyes ripped out, their mouths sewn shut, and are installed in public bathrooms as living fuck toilets.
For the first few weeks, all women including transwomen experience a noticeable amount of weight gain, but most chalk it up to personal overeating. But dieting doesn't help at all, in fact it makes it even worse for some. Roughly ¾ of the weight goes towards the breast and buttocks. Despite this no associated health problems (e.g. diabetes or heart disease) occur outside of normal rates.

Around a month and a half after this started, women don't just keep getting softer, they also start getting taller. Within three months the average 7th grade girl in East Asia is guaranteed to exceed six feet in height (roughly 183 cm.) By four months the world the average adult woman is little under seven feet tall (roughly 213 cm.) Strangely this doesn't cause any disorders or even discomfort, in fact reports of female back pain are at an all-time low.

By the end of this year this abnormal growth has ended, to the relief of everyone from women to researchers to architects. But at this stage mental effects begin to take hold. Women become increasingly needy towards their partners and become fare more sexual. Single women begin to aggressively seek relationships with increasingly lower standards. These changed women, when giving birth, have an 80% chance of giving birth to another female.

After a year, all women are enormous warm pillows begging to be fucked, and future generations of men will enjoy harems of these. Humanity reaches a golden age of peace as would-be soldiers or terrorists are comfortable and sexually satisfied.
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So all men now live in a LazorChef drawing? I can live with this.
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Here's an old one of mine. TL;DR: every female becomes a milf or a loli, shenanigans ensue.
How do most girls deal with what happens to them?

What sorts of humiliating punishments do they get for acting out?

How does a girl who tries to be independent need to act to avoid getting corrected?
Centaur futanari exist, and their cocks are able to fit in almost any hole they want to put it into.

In addition, they're slave-traders, and they can't tell the difference between men and women, and they'll fuck both without hesitation, and they'll pick their favorites out and keep them as spouses.
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Vipers and sectoids come down from fucking space like XCOM and fuck shit up 50's B movie style, enslaving humanity, the catch is, they want us as sex slaves, not food or something.
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After being admitted to whatever system distributes slaves, you can choose who you would most like to be paired up with, what gender, species, dom or sub, age range, yada yada just picture a dating profile.
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also their planets water cures cancer and aids and shit like that. (sidenote; ALL XCOM species would be included, not just vipers and sectoids)
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I need story smut of this yesterday.
>How do most girls deal with what happens to them?
After the realization sets in, some try to carry on as if nothing's changed. Some choose to double down on intellectual or creative pursuits, either as a distraction, or to prove one's worth in a post-regression society. Others simply resign themselves to their fate, or at least begrudgingly tolerate it.

>What sorts of humiliating punishments do they get for acting out?
Spankings are very commonplace; bare hand on bare bottom is seen as the standard, but it's far from the only option. Certain misbehaviors might earn an additional penalty, such as bad language resulting in a mouth washed out with soap. If a girl isn't already being babied, that can be used as punishment as well-- dress her in diapers (the poofier, the better), silence her protests by forcing her to suckle on a pacifier or a milk bottle. At home, she'll be subject to other childish restrictions-- put in time-out, sent to her room, early bedtimes, privileges revoked. A mother will have no qualms about disciplining her daughter in public, either. An ill-behaved girl can find herself stripped bare, powdered, padded, and paddled, kicking and crying the whole time, and no one will bat an eye.

>How does a girl who tries to be independent need to act to avoid getting corrected?
Much of it's learned through trial and error, and word-of-mouth from other girls. Plan your routes carefully. Figure out which adults are willing to mind their own business, who's safe to be around if you stay on their good side, and who should be avoided at all costs. The worst case scenario (getting "adopted") is rare; most will just dole out a quick punishment (spanked, diapered, "offending" clothes confiscated, or some combination thereof) and send you on your way. If you're out running an errand and are intercepted by an adult, they'll happily escort you where you need to go... after they make sure you've been properly disciplined for your behavior, of course.
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prostate orgasms are now just as good as normal orgasms, and all orgasms are now ten times better. Plus semen cures cancers or something
How do girls living on their own manage to pay the rent, socialize or even date?
Hard drug dealing.
You know, soft drugs I can imagine them using. Or even being given, to dull their thinking and keep them acting like the children they are.
Nah, theres a fucking loli mafia now. you baby them, you get your head bashed in with a pair of "cute" heels
it could well be harder drugs that stunted their growth.
Tomorrow we wake up and all humans discover that they have become female.

More disturbingly we find that all other mammals have become male.

And they understand human females to be their suitable mates. Humans can give birth to female humans or male mammals, with litter size varying based on species, animals will aggressively court and rape humans if necessary, smaller mammals may use swarm tactics. Once an animal fucks you, it sexually imprints its species on you so you are only aroused and can only be impregnated by said species. Humans impregnated by megafauna need not fear, for their hips will widen to accommodate the birth and the animal will be born earlier and smaller than if it were to develop in a female of its species.
Next day everyone finds themselves to be completely robotic. Everyone's bodies are modular and easily customization but start of looking mostly like their previous body, all senses are by default the same as previous human levels, and everyone has the knowledge of basic maintenance and repair for their new bodies. Because nano-machines or some shit people can still make children the old fashion way.

With easy of modification people start to make large adjustments to their bodies either becoming more or less robotics dependent on each's wishes. After a few years tension rises between those who try to remain human and those who have cast aside their old selves, resulting in the much more robotics members of the race to form there own society with almost no taboo. In their cities people make themselves however they truly desire and with the ideal of freedom of modification none are judged even for those who make themselves into a living sexual fantasy.

I might as well say what I specifically want out of this, I like making the i/d/eal self thing I've gone too much time on my hands. Would want to be a robot girl with exterior coated in latex, bondage gear built into my body, and a blank faceplate with just eyes instead of a normal human face.
Luckily my pets are spayed and neutered.
Court or Rape followed by sexual imprinting. So, before being impregnated humans can't be aroused period, or only if they are les?
>entire world becomes futa females that have shapeshifting abilities to become anything, and they also have ridiculously MASSIVE hourglass figures
does the woman physically react? or does she just pass out or something
Who hurt you, Anon?
human nervous systems now ... react to one another at will to increase sensitivity for roughly 1 hour after some one stops focusing to make it so. This does not quite require skin to skin contact, but close. The maximum distance between skin being around a 1/4 inch.

Example: a couple on a bench in the park. He is petting her head. She has the option to focus a little and turn his hand into an erogenous zone. He has the option to do the same to her head.

So really - is it just a boyfriend petting his girlfriends head? Or are they essentially having sex right there?

All of a sudden every gesture is viewed as sexual. Kinky sex almost always involves turning all participants into one big erogenous zone. Elbow sex becomes a thing.
No one, I just want to make women living fuck toilets. It just so happens that the kind of women I listed are the most acceptable to remove from society.
F-Fucking please describe more of this?
One day a woman is accidentally infected with a new special type of virus. This virus causes the woman to grow a penis replacing her vagina. From then on, the virus reproduces and becomes transmittable through sperm. All women infected become taller, gain strength, grow a huge penis and become naturally dominant. Men grow smaller and frailer, become more feminine, their penises shrink but their ball sacks grow, their assholes become naturally lubricated, and become naturally submissive. Infection for both men and women can only come from female sperm, as infected men no longer produce sperm.

Men who are turned become extremely submissive to the one who turned them, becoming sort of sex slaves. Men will typically only follow the one who converted them, as they are in a way bound, meaning men will never be able to resist commands from the one that turned them but will from others. Women on the other hand, will lustfully desire multiple men and has no obligation to anyone. Even so, most women prefer one or two men at max, with two becoming the norm after a while, but powerful women can get to have as many as they can please, as men who are not please will be able to leave.

After a while, men become more property than people. Clothes become harder to manufacture thanks to the new bigger proportions and men are in a constant state of being fucked. People then stop wearing clothes, being replaced instead with devices where men are secured unto their owners dick.

It is discovered impregnation is still possible. Infected men have grown an uterus inside of their ball sack. To impregnate them, the woman must shoot her sperm into the male's urethra. New males become twice as fertile as old females, but since this new form of impregnation is less pleasurable than anal intercourse, accidental pregnancies become rarer. The new thickness and bigger size helps with protecting the child. Even so, once pregnant men will attempt to abstain from too much sex.
Newborn kids are with the old genders, and though it is possible to infect anyone regardless of age, most governments quickly ban the infection of anyone younger than 15 for females and 18 for males. When females reach 15 they are given female sperm to drink and are taught the ways of the new woman. Males are allowed to stay male until 18, with special wear made so they can be easily identified. If a male wishes to be infected before 18, they must submit legal paperwork before doing so. If a male hasn't been infected when 18 though, it becomes legal for any female to infect them.

Thats all I can think of for now. No pictures, sorry. this has been on my mind for a while. Might make a story about this if I'm bored

Uploading consciousness to computers opens up all kinds of possibilities man. Like, what if some horny kid/entitled mom/bratty sorority girl got access to the servers somehow, and started toying with everyone in there like some sort of video game? They'd be like god to everyone who decided to upload their minds :p
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anybody have forced feminization, I really can't find to much of that...
Humans all find themselves shedding all hair below the neck. They also find that any and all forms of contraception outside of abstinence do not work at all, up to and including abortions or vasectomies/hysterectomies.

Women stop having periods. They still get cramps and mood swings, they just don't bleed.

Men specifically face more... extreme changes. Slowly but surely becoming more and more feminine until they make the average woman look outright butch. If you saw one in the picture you wouldn't just think he was a woman, you'd think he was a heavily-PhotoShop'd model. For those who are already effeminate or homosexual take only a few weeks. A bodybuilder or lumberjack may take up to six months to change completely. Testicles move up to be internal for added effect.

Another change will be with penis size, namely an enormous reduction. A man with a beast so big it hurts would be only three inches, the average man would only have a 1" or 1.5" thing. They also become so sensitive that they become more-or-less useless for traditional sex. A man with a small penis has it outright morph into a clitoris as he develops a full female reproductive system, but with a very puffy vulva to distinguish from a "natural" woman.

But there is one thing that men can still feel manly about: semen production. Cumming half a liter for every individual orgasm is the baseline, and some fetish specialists can cum up to a gallon in a single orgasm. The refractory period is reduced to the point where a man can cum seven or eight times in a row without any discomfort.

The pleasure a woman receives from sex is no longer determined by the skill or size of a man's penis, but how much he can fill her with cum. Distending her to look like she's in the late stages of pregnancy is considered masterful and worthy of immediate marriage. Making her look like she ate too much is considered normal.
this hits 4 out of 5 of my fetishes
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Instead of sexual dimorphism being divided only by gender, it's also divided by character dominance. People with dominant personalities naturally become bigger, stronger, and more masculine, while people with submissive personalities become smaller, weaker, and more feminine. Taking a dominant or submissive role while having sex speeds up the process, but non-sexual personality plays a part, too.

The difference is moderately noticeable in women; dominant women become a bit taller and more muscular while submissive women grow shorter and develop more pronounced curves. But both dominant and submissive women look like women.

The difference is much more extreme in men. Dominant men grow very large and very tall, while submissive men become short and thin. They don't grow breasts or child-bearing hips, although their chest and butt may become soft, but otherwise they look as feminine as the most submissive woman.

People in a standard heterosexual monogamous relationship look pretty normal; the man will be a bit taller and stronger than the woman, but they're more or less on equal footing. In more male-dominated societies the men tend to be much bigger than their wives, and in more feminist-friendly societies it's even possible to see women who are taller than their husbands.

Men who keep more than one wife grow very large while their wives become very small. If a man gets big enough it becomes something of a status symbol to keep several boy-wives in his household, since it demonstrates that he is not only dominant over his wives but dominant enough to keep other men submissive as well.
What's the 5th?
you know i was never sold on this idea... then today i had a thought. Men would be desperate to save some male mannerisms at the very least - and they would translate hilariously.

Adapting to a new reality:
fist bump becomes tit bump

football team grunting - now in oppai loli style

for the mechanically inclined, 'tool chests' is a term that is used much more literally

man caves still exist, but oddly lean more towards being filled with things that vibrate - like motorbikes. No one admits to this of course.

forced impregnation
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After the great war the earth's populations reach low enough that changes in law and culture are needed to keep humanity alive.

Solution- The best, male specimens are allowed to live in 'utopia'. Men who do not meet the standard are given drugs/training to meet requirements.

In utopia women run day to day affairs and men can do what ever they like as long as they maintain the standard. Women who want to live in utopia must bow to the wishes of any man or men. Women are given drugs to increase stimulation.
Alright, lemme just wave my magic fingers and BAM, they get forcibly impregnated. You can fill in the rest.

that's it, fetish quota fulfilled
thank you anon
a strange twist of evolution:due to women strangely and persistently wanting to date more and more effeminate men, those men breed more than 'manly' men. fast forward a couple of dozen generations, and a virus cooked up by some (now pretty much trap-looking) man gives fetuses breasts no matter what. these futa-like men, are, in turn, more favoured by women than even the trap-like men of the previous generation. skip forward another dozen generations, and it becomes almost impossible to tell male or female apart simply by looks.
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I believe this one is from the last thread.
Essentially this at first. It starts as a lab experiment. The image happens ... And it begins to spread. Men and women everywhere begin to change. Mindless goo girls roam the streets with drones. Most men resist, but some willingly submit.

The women who haven't changed realize their value in society ....and what they need to do to keep it. In order to not change into a goo girl, they too must sustain a healthy amount of cum. However, unlike the goo girls, this can be from woman or man. They just need to swallow it. Oral sex becomes a way of survival and lesbian and bisexual women easily have an easier time than straight ones. Straight women however adapt, becoming more aggressive about their prey. It's important that they get cock into their mouthes as soon as possible. In fact, all women's sex drives increase. Including the goo women. They are much higher than the men's. Soon, women are quickly demanding more and more sex from each other and their male counter parts.
>man caves still exist, but oddly lean more towards being filled with things that vibrate - like motorbikes.
As a biker I deeply lament the fact that I will never be a cute girl with a roaring bike engine between my legs....
I won't let this thread die without a fight!
It's interesting to see something that mostly affects men for one.
A machine is invented that allows transfer of sexual assets from one person to another.

It's a box with a series of hoses coming out of it, each with a kind of suction device on the other end, you put the parts you want to transfer into it, and then say how much you want to send over, say 20%.

It's usually used in friendly betting or competitions, like two friends betting on which sports team will win the next game, and the loser forks over a third of his endowment to grow the other's out, usually with a programmed time they'd turn back to normal.

Asset theft is becoming an increasing problem though, completely removed genitals are seemingly impossible to restore and stories of hung studs waking up desexed after getting their drinks spiked are circulating online.
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For no reason in particular, drinking cows milk now gives you plump juicy breasts over time. The milk that comes from the new breasts is edible and tasty, but men's tits won't lactate.

Another effect is the dumbing down of attitude and intelligence, and the increase of herd mentality, encouraging people to snuggle all the time.
My dream is a world where female brain chemistry is dependent on cum. Without ingesting cum, women grow depressed and tired and unable to concentrate. Once they swallow, they are granted a 12 to 48 (depending on the woman) window where they act as they normally would. Because of the physical necessity, it's not uncommon for women to have sex with strange men on the bus. It's more likely that they'll fuck a neighbor or coworker, though. Lesbians still require cum, they just don't enjoy receiving it.MtF transgender people produce their own cum, so they are fine until they get surgery. About one in a thousand pairing result in addiction to a specific man's cum. Addicts tend to be happy and energetic and more competent when satisfied, but are subject to pain and diminished intellect when in withdrawal.
I have another fantasy that men make up about 1% of the population, with women leading countries and dominating culture. Society has accommodated for this by caring for the men with free food and housing and declaring all women free use. Because only one in one hundred pregnancies result in more men, men are encouraged to impregnate any women they see fit. Pregnancy is often seen as a status symbol, so many women actively pursue men. However, more career focused women might consider being fucked on the train to work annoying. This is a world where a fan could cum on Jennifer Lawrence's face on the red carpet and TMZ would cheer her on as being relatable.
So basically you want to live in a Softhouse-Seal VN?

Women suddenly become Demi-human monster girls, (think Miia, Centora, or Rachnera from Monster Musume). However, this will only morph them into animals where it would "make sense" that they have that kind of body. Such as horses, dogs, insects, spiders, snakes, etc.

Additionally, they gain a futanari penis according to their animal; as well as the fact the animal is based on their personality.

As a result, men without pre-existing fetishes related to this become uncomfortable with the idea of becoming attracted to women now that they have penises and such. However, as they get used to it, society changes again to show that certain women are more likely to be rejected (centaurs because of their size, and spider-girls because of their appearance). However, even this falls out of favor and men usually pick out their careers based on their spouse's species. A farmer would have a cow-, horse-, or sheep-woman as their wife, or a textile worker would have an Arachne as a wife.
>no longer produce waist

Shit's not believable.
As a man who likes a bit of milk in his tea this worries me. Would I become feminine in other ways or just wind up an ugly neckbeard but with fine breasts?
I would also imagine that with the 3 effects I mentioned, you would likely want to be more appealing to other people, so if you become more feminine of masculine as a result is up to your subconsious. Also, while there is nothing manly about these new succulent tits people will get, it is directly proportional to how much you drink, with it stopping at around DDD size or slightly larger, but it would take a while to get there if you only had say 2-2 1/2 cups a week.
Late night saving bump.
How would this work for musicians/composers?
Their music can manipulate emotions, maybe? Play love song, and the girl is all yours. Play rasta on a crowded street, and everyone around suddenly lose all motivation to work.
Sexophone music? who knows, might not even be limited to just fetish things. but inspiring lucidness would play in the whole pain/pleasure angle. or people just feels energetic or used to slow their perception of time for some more potent BDSM.

Playing on people's senses is just a steppingstone for mind control.
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Rape is now a massively profitable gladiator-style spectator sport, with arenas and obstacle courses built solely for that purpose.

The sport is euphemistically called the 'Fox Hunt'.

Large crowds watch live and on Pay-Per-View as a female competitor (the fox) tries to outrun her male counterparts (the hounds). The fox is a slave owned by the corporation that organizes the events, and if she wins enough matches, she just might win her freedom.

She is permitted a very brief head start before the first hound is released, and the first few obstacles will favor a smaller more agile person, so she may gain enough of a lead to have a fighting chance at escape.

(I have a whole slew of rules/point systems for this competition in my head; I've given it a LOT of thought)
At the start of the run, hounds are released one at a time. There are typically 6 hounds per match. When one hound is finished, either by ejaculating or "losing the scent" (ie. he hasn't laid hands on the fox for a certain amount of time) the next hound will be released. If the fox's points fall below a certain threshold, 2 hounds will be giving chase at the same time and each will be replaced when they are victorious or eliminated.

The fox begins each round with a set quantity of points. When the individual hounds catch up to her, the things they do to her will result in their gaining points as she loses them.

There are Physical points:
Tearing off an article of clothing gains a small number of points.
The first time a hound penetrates any orifice, he gains a small number of points.
Forcing the fox to orgasm will cost her half of her remaining points.

Humiliation points:
Subduing the fox and spreading her legs and pussy wide open so the cameras can get a good view gains a small number of points.
Making the fox cry gains a large number of points (though it can't be from physical pain, and the fox wears special sensors to ensure her health is not at risk)

And Domination points:
Forcing the fox to respond to a verbal command without physical force gains a large number of points. This is typically accomplished with an especially persuasive threat.

At the end of the match, each hounds wins prize money relative to the amount of points he took from the fox. If the fox has any points remaining, she can accumulate them over multiple matches for a challenge match against a professional hound. If she wins such a match, she wins her freedom, but he is a pro athlete and particularly cruel...
Humans aren't "locked into" their sex until they hit puberty, while they are still born male or female once they hit puberty individuals change over time based on their demeanor. Generally this means aggressive guys growing larger and taller than they normally would, sluts growing larger breasts than they normally would, etc. However particularly weak and submissive boys sometimes transform into females, their bone structure changing to some extent, growing fat in places, and eventually having their genitals slowly change into a functioning vagina. The reverse is true of females and the process takes several months and while not outright painful does tend to result in aches and soreness.

As a result of this a practice that some boys and girls develop is effectively "grooming" a boy into becoming a girl. A boy might decide that another boy might make a cute girl or might decide that he would have better luck with his friend than trying to meet girls. Thus the boys decide to tease them or lightly make fun of them to lower their self esteem or make them more submissive often playing off their actions as jokes. Likewise some girls who want a little sister instead of a brother might constantly bully and humiliate their brother so when he hits puberty he transforms into a girl.
IIRC the Sarlaac only lasts for 1,000 years, sadly
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Near the end of the obstacle course are some structures with ropes, straps, cuffs, etc. Many hounds will want to allow the fox to run that far so they can attempt to tie her up. If they do succeed in binding her, they must step back and permit her 1 minute to struggle against whatever they used. If she is able to break free or make any progress down the course (even if she has to crawl), she is released and has a small head start to continue. If, however, she is immobilized, the match enters the Cum Dumpster phase, and all remaining hounds are released at the same time for a free for all gangfuck.

Each major city has its own arena and may incorporate temporary rules for a unique spin.

For example, each October, all foxes will be wearing slutty Halloween costumes during their run.

There may be occasional Wild Card matches where there is a nasty surprise in store for the fox that she dreads discovering, such as a trapped obstacle or 6 extra hounds that she won't know about until she's bound and helpless.

Some obstacle courses will be designed with semi-defensible "safe zones" that the fox can try to use to run out the clock and eliminate hounds. (One example might be something akin to a tree fort that has a ladder leading up from the "trunk" to a trap door, a rope leading up to the railing, and a ramp leading up to a lockable door. The fox can only lock up the entrances temporarily and is forced to run back and forth between them to do so while unable to see the hound below her) Defending these zones is typically too difficult to keep up for long, so the more time she spends there, the more likely she'll get caught.

I love the thought of having a fighting chance and losing!

Any other thoughts from you guys on rules and point scoring?
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Taken from an /aco/ thread. Also, bump.

There is only one real afterlife, that everyone goes to regardless of how the acted in life. In said afterlife everyone takes the form of an immortal 25 year old sexually attractive women with a permanently prolapsed womb (there is no pain involved, as this is its "normal" state). The place itself is an infinite creepy misty woods perpetually cast in twilight. Countless monsters lurk these woods in search of people to rape. These monsters can, and always will impregnate you.

In the center of the woods lie a mystical tower surrounded by thorns and an armour clad gurdian. Those how can prove that they were sufficiently intelligent and were also a philosopher, scientist, engineer, and/or an artist will be allowed entrance. Once inside of the tower those people become an idealized supernaturally healthy, fit, ultra moral, and super intelligent version of themselves in their past life. These superior beings then get access to an infinite library, science labs, lecture halls, debate rooms, and anything else an intellectual could desire.
Every fucking thread, prolapse anon
>pasta guy
You talking about Josuke or Tonio?
>Pyrophilia [spoiler]especially for human sacrifice/executions[/spoiler] and [spoiler]drowning[/spoiler]
World temperature increases by several degrees, ice caps melt, Earth dies gurgling and Al Gore dances on its grave. Not a bad end IMO.
I do have pics, but [spoiler]guro[/spoiler] isn't allowed here.
I'm not exactly sure how this would work, but starting tomorrow, any woman alive can be captured/evolved/traded (and maybe even copied) via Pokemon Go, or a new Pokemon Go-style app that every male has access to.
Life becomes like a fantasy novel when other intelligent and sentient beings are discovered. Reactions to all of this vary wildly.

Some groups are hellbent on integrating them into human society whether they like it or not. For them, the term human rights is treated with the same distaste and vitriol as men's rights. They couldn't care less what species think of them of what they would be good at, so you have situations like a dwarf that would be a master welder made to manage an insurance office or an elf that can tailor clothing with lightening speed and precision put to work in a warehouse riding a forklift. Centaurs take to work in agriculture or as novelty tour guides, with the more depraved or desperate offering a chance at semi-legal horse pussy.

Others see them as evil, unthinking animals fit only for slavery or death regardless of evidence. While werewolves and lamias are not loved by anybody, very few think they're worth reopening Auschwitz for. The more religious feel vindicated as they play witcher and try slicing up water spirits, although they usually wind up drowning. Middle Eastern oil sheiks develop very exotic tastes, and collect large harems of succubi. The sight of spells and enchantments causes an uproar in the Atheist community, with some calling them illusions and other attributing them to something similar to midi-chlorians.

>is treated with the same distaste and vitriol as men's rights.

Please check your fedoras on the hat rack before entering /d/.

How does this change farming? Would people still eat meat?
My point proven.
I like how in your fantasy, it's possible for everyone to spontaneously become both intersex and pregnant, regardless of any other factors, and give birth to magic super-children who they are then forced to become -- but there's no thought of just... turning everyone in to young, beautiful, demigods.

You worry about the population becoming unsustainable, but you don't worry about what happens to all the old bodies -- left empty, I presume? I guess the first order of business is that everyone has to bury their old body; what could go wrong?
This is my concept for a alternate timeline for a world of endemic pet playing women. In this timeline pet play is ran by an organizations working out of Temples basically ran by the woman that live in them. They are a type cult that been around for thousands of years. So people don't question the ethics of keeping human females as pets. This organization is so integrated with society that in many countries some groups going by different names. Basically overall these Temples protect their members and speak for woman rights in the government.

These pet play Temples started in ancient Egypt under the name of the Cult of Isis or Cult of the Cat Women. A group of holy women who's female offspring is believed to bring good luck to anyone who takes them into their home. Farmer and royals would take these woman in to bring good harvests and prosperous rules. The cult would increase their numbers by breeding with their masters sending the female offspring back to the Isis Temples and allowing the male children to become heirs to their masters. Soon keeping cult members around becomes more preferred over mirage by men, Women who are not members of the Isis cult become fewer and fewer. Soon the concept of mirage became an oddity.

Cult of Isis members are raised to live a cretin way. They wish to live the simple life as demarcated animals. Caring for a man's needs like a pet would but better since they are a human and give a man companionship in ways a meir animal can't. To humble themselves and get into the pet/animal style of living they rarely wear clothes walking around nude if possible. They eat specially made food that is cheap and easy to make but. They choose not to sleep in normal beds opting for a blanket or basket on the floor unless invited into their master's bed to sleep alongside them. Well women don't have to do more then have sex and lay around many choose to help out around the house with domestic tasks. These practices continued to this day.

As the generations past the cult of Isis began to influence Roman society and similar groups began to show up most notably the Cult of Diana. The prentice of women living like pets became so ingrained that in cultures when the country converted to Christianity the pet life style remained existing to this day and changed cultures across the world.

From birth most woman are raise with the ideology of teaching and way of life but their up bring will change depending on the type of life they are born into. A female must be good pet to her male companion. Give him what he needs be it a friend, servant or sex object or just a baby maker. They should what their masters ask of them but Pets being people they can be quite willful against their masters. Masters can replace their Pets for any reason sometimes replace older women with younger ones sending the older woman to live that the local pet Temple. If a master dies or too abusive a pet may run away and hide out in a Temple.

Ideally a pet from start as a child at least should be raised in a family unit. With a pet woman as a mother figure master as father figure. Since it incest is frowned upon, it is not uncommon for master to trade his biological daughter for another female depending if he wants to breed with girl he raises when she's old enough to bare children. This trade could be with a stranger or he could give the girl to one of the pet Temple who gives him a girl of the same age in return. It is also common to give his someone he knows if he wants to keep an eye on the well being of his child. This is often done with breeding pats, Exchanging their female children. (Note: Women had adapted to give birth to more female children then male. This is due to women having a strong hold of their reproductive rights.) But a good number of master choose to raise their own female children.

Male siblings or children raised are also treated as masters but the dynamic may change if the Pet is a older or younger child then the male. Older children with the role of pets often help raise younger male. The male will often given respect like a older sister by younger male (I love the idea of growing up with an older sister as a pet.) This older girl will play with her younger master but may have a habit of mothering over him. It's not uncommon for a male child to be given a younger female child to raise as his pet. This young pet will often be used as a playmate for the boy. The pet would be stuck fallowing the boy around fallowing his orders within reason but like any children they will sometimes fight.

Most Pets are taught by the Temple to give and take sex freely as they or their master want. Legally this makes a master raping a pet almost imposable since sex with a master is part of a Pet's duty. Pet can get indifferent to the act of intercourse not resisting the act. Rape can happen with none master males rather the female consents to it or not. A man Pet may fight back if someone else that tries to have sex with her without permission. attacking or having sex with a pet without her master's permission my result in sterilization. Female on female rape sometimes happen but are not punished unless on party is physically hurt. Also Female and male rape are not punished in the same way as a Pet legally can't rape someone. At best a master sends the rapist Pet away.

Young girls are taught about masturbation by their older piers. Temple teaches self pleasure is good and prepares the girl for the day her master may want to lay with her. This is why it is also encourage that young boys and girls explore each other sexually in a natural way. Although a master having sex with a young growing pet maybe seen as abuse depending on the ages of those involved and my result in sterilization if caught.

Some people are not born into a type family unite but are born as part of a Pet Temple Commune be it by a resident or a unwanted female taken in. These buildings are where masterless females live and act as a union for pets making sure they have legal protection and make up laws for pets that their masters must fallow. Pets and their masters must get permission to have children from their Temple. All pregnancies without permission will be aborted with chemicals. The Temples pushed stick laws in how men should treat woman to insure their safety.

In this timeline the feminist movement resulted in the Temples getting more power becoming a branch or lobby of many governments that write, rewrite and pass laws. Temples pushed punishment on violent criminals like armed robbers, rapist and murders. They advocate of making sure violent offenders don't pass on their genes by sterilizing them. This minds set came from how the Temple would have control over who can have children and who can't and their past actions of sterilizing females of their flock that birth deformed children. Although there have been those who advocate letting some disable people breed for the last forty years.

Pets are educated though the Temples, Masters can send their Pets to a Temple for many reason. To give their Pet more woman to talk and interact with or to act as a daycare even though Pets can take care of themselves it's considered good for a Pet to visit her Temple at least a few hours a week. It allows them to catch up on Temple news and helps the Temples check on the well being of their pet flock. Children are thought things like reading and math even some more advance studies. In fact female education doesn't stop but temples ten to focuses on art and philosophy. In the end many women are why smarter than men. These women tend to run their Temples.

A girl born to or given to a Temple is property of that Temple and can be traded or bought by a master if the Temple elders want it. girl are mostly bought and sold as young children because everyone want to raise and train a cute little girl. Sexually mature females maybe on lone to men so he could breed with her. Her male child will be given to him and females go back to the Temple with the mother unless she gain favor with the man and he buys her. Some Females also can be rented for a night of intercourse Older and elderly woman tend to be sent to temples to spend the rest of their lives there as masters get a younger pet. Many of these older women end up running the Temples.

Men born in Temples are raised in the Temple by the females that live there and other males who are born into the Temple. Males who grow up in a Temples act like masters to the females who live there and help take care of the female population. Some men move out after they grow up others stay and act as spokes men for the temple.

Under the law of the Temples men can treat their pets as they see fit as long as they don't cause advert physical harm like broken bones or wounds that need stitches or aggressive beatings. Pets can eat the same food as masters or only given pet food.

Pets are allowed to go out with their masters as companions and can enter almost all public places. It's not uncommon for masters to take their pets to the movies or restaurants amusement parks. Well out in public Men and woman can use the same restrooms looked down upon for them to use the same toilet so there are special places where pets have to go. Like a hole in the floor that they squat over or use a bucket outside. This same practice is continued at home with the Pets.

All Pets have to wear a collar and dog tags. Most wear socks and shoes when walking out side. Additional clothing is worn as need depending on the weather or the task they are doing but in general they prefer to walk around as fully nude as much as possible.

That all I came up with for now, the more I think about this world the more stuff I come up with. I like taking this timeline a applying to things like Cartoons and anime and imagine what would change.

A change at once relatively small and at the same time with very large implications.

When women menstruate, they don't find any blood or lining chunks coming out; instead they begin leaking runny and unnaturally potent semen. Neither doctors, scientists, researchers nor AI processor can make out any reason for the change, and in fact trying to study it mysteriously causes catastrophic malfunctions in the equipment used.

The women it comes from cannot become pregnant from it even through in-vitro fertilization or similar, but tribbing or similar action is almost guaranteed to induce pregnancy, possibly in both parties; the resulting children are exclusively female due to the lack of a Y chromosome.

This semen also has an additional and deeply disturbing effect. If a man has extended contact with the fluid (usually through coitus or cunnilingus with a menstruating woman) he will fall gravely ill, and can only be made better with more of the fluid, which in anywhere between a fortnight to half a year depending on the amount her receives will turn him fully female; otherwise he will die a painful death. Incinerating menstrual products becomes standard practice, although there is a black market for those who wish to change for whatever reason (e.g. transwomen or draft dodgers.)

Pokemon Go suddenly being patched so it tracks & captures real women would be hilarious.

More stories/art about this, please!
It would be cool if Tinder actually worked like that. Like if two people swipe right on each other they can use the app to find each other.
If you like reading erotica, there is a Twine game with this premise called Masculine Mystique. I think you might enjoy it.
An authoritarian and oppressive 1984 type government takes over my country.

Immediately they institute a meritocratic system of reward. They consider searching for a mate and "dating" to interfere with productivity, so in an effort to streamline the process of reproduction at the end of high schooling (approximately 18) every student in every school is carefully assessed by a psychologist for mental attitudes/ health, a physician for physical fitness/ health/ impotency/ infertility, etc, from the collection of this information a panel of judges pairs each heterosexual fertile student with the most "compatible" partner in the school. It is made as logical and streamlined as possible. As soon as the decision in finalized the two students and officially married. Homosexual individuals have an identical process, the government believed it would be more streamlined to have homosexuals "partnered" as well. There is no possibility of leaving your marriage and it is expected that you will produce children as soon as possible. Couples who do are rewarded for this. The only form of sex education in school is about reproduction, how to do it, what time of the month is best for producing children. Sterile people are, of course partnered with other sterile people to ensure no loss of productivity.

TL;DR: Fat people are forced to reproduce with fat people, stupid people are forced to repwoduce with other stupid people, smart people are forced... you get the point, basically a really extreme form of eugenics
I don't get the Britain arrested thing in the filename
Girls can't look underage in British porn or something
Page 10 bump.
All mammals besides humans, providing the species has big enough dicks, become male, growing cock and balls. All humans lose their genitals to be replaced with the vagina of a random mammal. They will give birth to said mammal, if they have sex with one. Because of the lack of livestock, governments begin to have to force this intercourse. Everyone now must partake in five years national service on a farm, where they will allow themselves to be fucked as many times as possible by broods of sheep, cows, horses, elephants.

Because it's unlikely a cow would just fuck a person, in that five years they must act like one. No talking, only hay, naked and covered in filth; living in barns. Every day they'd be sleep over a metal bar, their breasts hooked up to machine pumps and their vagina open to hordes of hornby Bulls.

Once the five years is up they get a strong addiction to the idea and often people will sign up for another year within a month.
Wouldn't artificial insemination cause less of a fuss than making people fuck animals? Same result, less crying.
It would, but then I wouldn't have my /d/ fantasy, would I.
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the world becomes infected with Schrodinger's curse.

Any body part that is covered up may, once revealed again, swap to the equivalent body part of the opposite gender, as long as that part remains small enough to remain totally concealed.

This may occasionally result in some anamalistic features as well such as cat ears upon removing a bulky hat. Animal parts are never permanent unless someone actively tries to keep those parts revealed. And yes, there is horse cock and that sort of thing as well.

All of a sudden living in cold climates where full body wear is common - life becomes confusingly awesome.
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For some reason, I've had a thing for all women suddenly starting to melt at the same time without warning.

Sometimes it happens fast, sometimes it happens slow, sometimes women survive their melting and retain their consciousness afterwards and sometimes they don't - all that matters is the panicked gurgling as they all begin to melt within their clothing without the ability to stop the horror....
I literally drink ~5 1/2 gallons a week. Fuck my life.

I'm a woman and I think that's hot...

The idea of melting slowly.... My brain slowly liquidatizing. Would it hurt? Would it vary? Oh I would love for it to feel good.
I'm no M.R.A, but that was pretty good
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