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>In 'Neo Yokio', Jaden Smith defends his city a

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>In 'Neo Yokio', Jaden Smith defends his city against all manner of occult threats, including public opinions regarding his rich, playboy lifestyle.

>The stacked cast includes Jason Schwartzman, Susan Sarandon, Jude Law, Tavi Gevinson, and more, with Law voicing the robot and providing some of the voiceover in the new trailer from Netflix:

>Kaz Kaan has a “sacred duty” to protect the city and his family name, so even though he’d rather smooch models at basketball games and take lavish baths, he’ll have to get out there and fight some demons with his Transformer-looking robo sidekick

this is too much guys. Is it the end of animated media as we know it?

No, it's just the beginning ;))))
>made by westerners for a western audience
>calls itself anime because
>a shit ton of big names voice acting while JADEN fucking SMITH plays the MC and the animation quality is fucking rock bottom
This is some fucked up shit right here
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I keep trying to wrap my head around this, but I just can't. I just hope it doesn't get 2-3 seasons on hatewatching and "irony" alone.
Is this a Jaden Smith ego project? I thought After Earth ended that idea.
That was the only thing in the trailer that gave me hope that this is going to be so bad it's good. What a waste of an A-list actor/philosopher/model.
Honestly, I dont blame Jaden for being a retard.
I blame the producers for encouraging this shit.
I've been waiting for something like this to be announced the moment I saw Comrade Detective. V obvious.
When I think western animation media is already at rock botton they somehow find ways to reach new lows. How the fuck is that possible?
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Our heroic main protagonist!!!!!
>Insert Lil Pump
>nuPPG new powerpuff g
>Korra, SJ endings
>now this
Is western animation intentionally trying to trigger us?
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What kind of strings did Will Smith pull this time? He must've let some netflix executives go balls deep in order for this trainwreck not to be canned the moment it was suggested.
It's working
>DEEN level of animation quality
>D-tier voice acting. Seriously Youtube animations have much better acting thanthis turd
>Blatant Jaden Smith self-insert
>all the generic overused anime tropes made even worse and bundled into one convenient piece of shit

I seriously hope no one watches this shit even "ironically"
Will is starring in an upcoming big-budget Netflix movie, and everyone knows how he's too good of a dad and tries to hamfist his braindead talent devoid son into anything he can
The sound mix is weird.
not even once
This actually looks like a "how to draw manga" book come to life. In a much worse way than My Life Me does.
At least My Life Me was self aware to a degree.
MLM was made to capitalize on the massive weeb fad of a decade ago, knowing full well that it was made upon a pile of anime cliches

This turd is made by people who seem completely unaware of that fact. And also it just looks like shit


Did they not want to say kun because it sounds like coon?
I am going to give it a try. There is a good chance it is going to be pretty funny at least.
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>Honestly, I dont blame Jaden for being a retard.
>ywn never have an unlimiteds amount of daddy's money and influence to fund yout shitty projects even though everyone agrees they are shit
I wish Will was a child beater so he would beat his child into a coma.

Holy shit stop shilling this show!
At least make a decent thread that doesn't sound like bait.
Anyone else wish Will Smith was their dad? You'd get your own anime, music career, and celebrity status.
This looks like mediocre dogshit.

Where's my rich daddy to make me anime??

The main character is clearly Lil Uzi Vert.
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>mfw zero foley design
>mfw zero voice mixing
>mfw the trailer doesn't even know what the show is about despite trying really hard to tell us
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>tfw no rich daddy
>tfw no dad at all
I simply cannot wait for this shit.
>all the black kids were poor and had no dad except for Jaden his dad was rich and mad
This seems harmless and forgettable IDK why you guys are reacting to this so strongly.
Perfect good money that could be invested in an actual good production instead of fulfilling the fantasies of a dickless little prick?
Well, when you give some of the animation to DEEN and the company that does some of WB's DC schlock, what else do you expect?
This only on topic of its posted in /trash/
This is like the most obvious case of nepotism Ive seen in years.
This looks extremely terrible but this looks like it'll be a fun hate watch.
I'm excited.
>Jaden Smith defends his city against all manner of occult threats, including public opinions regarding his rich, playboy lifestyle.
Is his character unironically named "Jaden Smith" in the show?
>Kaaz Kang
I don't think animation quality determines whether something's anime or not
This seriously looks like kino, I'm betting it'll be self-aware. Can't wait for /co/ to be BTFO
>Win, lose, we'll all be equal in the grave

How the fuck can you guys not like this?
What the hell is this show about?
The trailer, it explains nothing.
Like father like son I guess. Jaden's old enough to be financing his own vanity projects.
>that could be invested in an actual good production
There isn't just one giant studio that finances any and all projects, anon. If this project wasn't invested in, there would've just been another equally shitty project in the works
It will get multiple seasons because his dad is will smith
I dunno why y'all are on Jaden Smith's shit when this was created by Ezra Koenig.
>was rich and mad

Mad as in angry or mad as in crazy?

>IDK why you guys are reacting to this so strongly.

People are just reacting to this strongly because they hate Jaden Smith. If Jaden Smith wasn't involved they probably wouldn't care at all.
Only thing that would make it better would be of Magic Johnson's cross dressing kid was part of it.
That's some pretty shitty voice acting to begin with
Jaden fights demons with inherited magic.
Even in a cartoon he can't stand on his own and depends on what his parents give him.
Looks like great cheese with writing straight from the 80s. I think most people are just memeing or can't appreciate how this looks bad in a great way.
he wuz, after all
he wuz
It's borderline autobiographical.
>Will is starring in an upcoming big-budget Netflix movie
good cop / orc cop
yeah that's gonna put them over the top
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Heh, I got top comment.
> I wish Will were actually black and had some common sense
> AIDS is now a heritable trait
His character doesnt even look . Facial featurewise.
...look black i meant
They couldn't make the MC actually look like Jaden Smith because the artists wanted him to seem likable.
Probably a will Smith legacy project. All these actors are fucked for flying too close to the left.
Will is a scientologist
Would smash that brown boipuss
I want it to do so well that it gets 5 seasons and a movie. And begins to influence anime in general.
>people blaming jaden for this abomination and not erza
wtf i hate vampire weekend now
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First, he gave the world Batman.
Then he provided some near-GOAT hooks on Pothole and Perry Aye.
He'll probably have solid gold features on Rocky's album.
Now this.

2017 will be remembered as the year of Jaden Smith.
Do you honestly think that this show would've looked like this, or even happened in the first place if it wasn't for Jaden and his dad?
It says a lot to me that one of the most popular anime in japan is a feelgood drama about a middle-aged man trying to achieve his childhood dream of becoming an astronaut, yet the west continues to obsess over the most generic anime bullshit.
This. Jaden isn't writing this crap.
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>ywn have a rich, famous dad who funds whatever bullshit idea you have
>ywn use your rich, famous dad's money and influence to start your own tokusatsu style Kamen Rider esque show for western audiences and Saban can't do shit about it
I'd dress like that too if my rich dad owned a perennially choking sports team
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"Never done with shifting the paradigm, enlightened teen and Highsnobiety homie Jaden Smith has found a novel way of distributing his art by leaving it outside Los Angeles galleries for fans and pedestrians to collect."

I hope he dies in a fire
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>american """"anime"""""
>am I kawaii uguu?
>Jaden Smith gets sexually harassed by an alien pretending to be a human.
This looks straight out of a $45 How to draw manga book

/a/ should thank us for finally saving anime.
Does he have to fight 70 niggas?
Laika is literally this for claymation, go out and by some nikes.
Oh my god can you /pol/tards not go 5 seconds without chimping out?
>Bling skull
PLEASE have 50 Cent mowing down an entire country
Why is the cat glaring at his crotch
Now we have another trainwreck to compare it to.
Given how many companies are pulling their stuff from Netflix, might not have even taken that much string pulling, look at shit like Big Mouth and it gets in because they want as much content as possible.
Re:Creators was too dull to be a trainwreck
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Its a Thin Man. V2.
>All this DEEN shittalking

Is it all still assblasted Fatefags? DEEN is fine, they knocked it out of the park with Konosuba.
Except it serves the same purpose: how not to write a story.
Oh did that end? don't sboil bls
Why is every background character in the same exact dumbass pose?
The darkie on the left is a cutie.
Say whatever you want but im actually looking foward tto watch this..........at least the first episode
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Is that supposed to make me feel better
Oh...oh nooooonono *wheezes*
Jesus fuck. Theres huffing your own farts and then theres diving headlong into a churning sea of your own bullshit
Nigger did I just catch you having fun!?
This girl is kind of how I imagine I'd look crossplaying as Princess Luna

don't worry about why that's what I'd be thinking ok.
Their taking the piss
What would you do if that was your son /co/?.
Apparently it was actually created by the singer of Vampire Weekend.
I can only liken this to how Gerard Way was in MCR, and is also a comic book writer.
>makes his son the Karate Kid
>co-stars with his son in a vanity project
>I know we'll make Jaden an anime!
Netlix is going to be in the toilet within a year or two.

They produce so much fucking garbage its unbelievable
its like a real life example of Shit Ass Petfuckers
Fuck that
Why background girls are pretty, but the one in center looks like potato?
Netflix flops:
>Dear White People
>Iron Fist
>Bill Nye Saves the World
>Big Mouth

Netflix successes:
>Orange is the New Black

>Everything else

Am I wrong?
Stranger Things for successes
Defenders is a big fat failure. Twine peaks is a success.
Series of unfortunate events is getting 3 seasons.
which is a shame because the first 4 episodes were fucking terrible
Netflix is just making this to please their shitty demographic of Weeabus that will watch anything that looks like Anime. Or has the anything that us connected to a Anime series. (Death Note 2017)
Studio did the bg girls. There was obviously a key drama and design for the ayyy. Nothing they could do
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>Will Smith bought his son an anime
Imagine being that rich. Can't wait for this stupid piece of shit to bomb though and for Netflix to tell Jaden to go fuck himself.
I'd actually like to give the show a chance or at least be optimistic.

It doesn't look like it could appeal to adults but might be a nice show for kids. It doesn't look anywhere near as shit as some of the things I've watched and I think it is OK for kid's media to be cliche'd, they are too young for those tropes to feel dull or tired.
Jude Law deserves better
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>Oh, a show about the occult and people/hunters dealing with demonic eldritch abominations! Finally, something that appeals to my inte-
>Mfw it turns out to have utterly abysmal art, fails at character design, has voice-acting that sucks Hippo cock, and is just all around terrible.
Just fuck my hopes and desires.
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>70 neggas
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Stranger Things.

Also their Castlevania is probably the best adaptation we could've gotten of the series. Especially since it was previously a target for a live-action movie adaptation by Paul W. S. Anderson (Resident Evil movies)
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>Netflix flops:
>Bill Nye Saves the World
>starts a water in a paper box company for son
now THIS is anime
how about, you know, licensing actual anime series
Dude, I fucking LOVED those How to Draw Anime books when I was a kid! I'm stoked that they're finally getting their own TV series!
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Luke Cage was a success
Literally how. The only people in this world allowed to make "American Anime" should be the Avatar/Voltron people.
Them and Castlevania's crew, and also those guys trying to pitch the Vampire Hunter D series.
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My Life Me but with a black guy
Stranger Things
House of Cards
Bojack (probably since it's somehow got season 4)
Making a Murderer
Cut down the money so he has to get a job.
can /co/mblur go two seconds without calling everyone /pol/?
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That's just your typical DEEN.
It picked up. I liked the first two but 3 and 4 were so sllooowwww
I haven't read anything in the OP, I just want to know if this is Sailor Moon for black hipsters, and what the fuck is up with Tio Mask and Tuxedo-Pain?
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The only solution.
>has a white blonde chad as his rival

I look forwards to this guy being the true hero of the show
It's because
>Bill Nye disagrees with me about global warming and vaccinations causing autism therefore he sux
Or because it's an objectively unfunny, unscientific show that's supposed to be both funny and scientific.
Will Smith and his family are the whitest people in America.
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>all caps
>people of colour

Can't figure out if it's just really messy bait or you're just a tumblrnewfag.
>Jude Law plays the fucking robot
This is hilarious. Money can do anything.
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>every channel other than adult swim not-so-subtly bans Japanese productions from U.S. programming
>then tries to make their own anime
...is Bobby Hill the voice of the skull?
Pure and guaranteed kino
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