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Your Favourite New 52 Book?

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We all know it was a mess, but what were the best books of the New 52/DCYou?

My list
>Justice League 3000
>All-Star Western
Demon Knights
Dial H
Robinson's Earth 2
Shame what happened to JL3k, it was pretty good.

I didn't like how they made Shining Knight into a FTM/MTF(?) also Blood getting cucked by Etrigan.
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Animal Man was amazing
Justice League (post throne of atlantis)
Batman (court of owls & endgame mainly)

>We all know it was a mess
No it really was not besides for the Teen Titans.
There was literally nothing wrong with the New 52
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I really enjoyed Justice League 3000, and I feel kinda cheated once they canceled the series. It seemed to be heading in a really interesting direction, but then they just started ticking down the list, promptly killing off all the characters with penises in quick succession and then fizzling away.
Seriously, what was the fucking plan with Booster and Beetle?

Others I enjoyed from New 52
>Earth 2
>Superman/Wonder Woman
>Batman Beyond
>Superman/Wonder Woman

Solid book but it seems funny in retrospect that DC was so intent on pushing their relationship that they gave them their own comic, and now they've just quietly retconned the whole thing
Morrison did that to Shining Knight years before you stupid pleb. And its basically jusr Mulan, stop being a faggot.
Larfleeze > Wonder Woman > RHatO
>New 52 RHatO wasn't flaming garbage

What did he mean by this?
I liked Frankenstein and Omac. Nothing else held my attention.
Oh no no no I didn't say it wasn't a steaming pile of garbage left in the sun, I just said that out of everything I followed of Nu52 RHatO was a guilty pleasure
It was a guilty pleasure of mine too tbqh
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All those new series they took a chance on, and they never even stopped to consider a New 52 Ambush Bug comic.

Thank God for that.
He was in that Channel 52 thing
Swamp Thing
Animal Man
Wonder Woman(Azzerello's run)
Omega Men
Dial H
Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E.
Forever Evil
The Multiversity
Would not recommened Batwoman(J.H. Williams III) and The Flash(Manapul) other than just for the art, since the writing was boring.
Weren't there two separate Swamp Thing ongoing in New 52 or am I crazy?
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Killer Croc was honestly pretty great throughout the entire Nu52
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Dial H #13 is one of the best issues of modern DC
There was a long series by Snyder then Soule, and then a 6 issue miniseries by Wein in the DCYOU period
remember when the Trinity of Sin storyline paid off?
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I would have loved it if they had released an New 52 Earth 3 series. A book about bad people organized, driven, and successful at being evil in a world where bad is the status quo. Sounds like a fun idea to me.
at least we got this gem of a panel
Batman Eternal
Batman and Robin Eternal
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You're funny, anon.
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So much unexplored about Ultraman. I wonder what would happen if Ultraman absorbed Red Kryptonite...

And this scene was also a favorite of mine from Forever Evil.
Jesus...the hate sex must have been amazing
and then Ultraman moved the moon and didn't consider it would fuck with the tides
Doesnt make it less retarded
There was more stuff I liked in that one small year of DCYou than in the five whole years of New 52. Not everything was absolute garbage during New 52, yeah, but it was also really hard to find something that was exceptionally good. I'm trying to think of stuff from New 52 that I loved, and the only thing that comes to my mind is Dial H, an even that I don't love that much aside from the first 6 issues, because after the first arc, it felt a bit rushed, which makes sense considering it wasn't selling well at all, and they knew they had to cancel it soon.

But in DCYou, we had Prez, Grayson, Midnighter, Superheavy, Lois & Clark, Final Days of Superman, Darkseid War, Omega Men, Rossmo's Hellblazer, Martian Manhunter (Rob Williams' only good work, I think he fooled us to thinking he's a good writer, just because of Mister Biscuits), Titans Hunt, Batman & Robin: Eternal, Legends of Tomorrow (Only Sugar and Spike was great, but still, it was great).
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Did you ever wonder why Ultraman would be more resistant to magic than Superman? Same goes for Superboy Prime, why do evil versions of Superman get to be more resistant to magic?
I think it's easy for us to forget about the crappier parts of the New52 not called Red Hood or Teen Titans now, like all of that Wildstorm integration, and whatever the fuck Simone was doing in Firestorm and The Movement.

DCYou was a creative time, and it bombed hard.
All-Star Western is the reason New 52 > Rebirth
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I completely forgot that Voodoo happened until I was clearing out old folders
New 52 was a lot better than Rebirth, you pleb.
Superboy prime gets a resistance to magic because he can only be hurt by stuff that's from his earth and magic isn't real
Morrison's Action comics. The only time Superman had a great run since the 70s and it won't be replicated anytime sooner. It was only possible because Didio begged Morrison to write Action Comics.
Totally agree, I was frustrated with the DC readership when it bombed
You found nothing from new 52 good but liked shit like Lois and Clark, Final days of Superman, Titans Hunt, B&R eternal and Darkseid war?
All star western
Animal man
Omega men
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Then why did new 52 get canned?
And JL 3000 was great
>Being this much of a casual
I actually agree. Rebirth, aside from Deathstroke and New Super-Man, is a mistake
batman (and robin) eternal. shit taste anon.
He's either a moron or baiting.
Every bad writer is writing poorly for rebirth. It's hardly only Williams. He was even burdened with synergy.
This. Superboy Prime came from a universe that was apart of a multiverse that was completely destroyed. So the magic that existed in his universe can hurt him, but it no longer exist.

Not sure why Ultraman has it.
only Yang, Lobdell, Priest and Percy are doing anything fun
Yeah, I'm not going to blame Williams for Synergy Squad ducking. He doesn't even have an artist on that, it changes every arc and despite the fact that they only comision a few issues from an artist they still didn't go out and got great but slow ones, just a sea of mediocre.
That said, issue 3(?) was really good and the backup with Digger was fantastic.
Lobdell and Percy are trash
Trinity of Sin
Phantom Stranger
Dial H was convoluted nonsense.
t. The guy who isn't reading RHATOs right now.
RIP Pandora ;_;
t. waifufag
Lobdell is simply a bad writer, it's not about him """ turning""" Starfire into a slut or some other mid characterization. His narration is terrible, his ideas are bad and plebby.
So like i said, are you reading Rhatos right now?

>Morrison Action Comics
>Azz Wonder Woman
>Animal Man
>Swamp Thing
>Soule Red Lanterns
>Dial H
>Forever Evil
>Justice League with Lex Luthor
>Gotham Academy

I dunno, there was a lot of stuff I liked about New 52.
Lobdell only wrote the biggest franchise in the world during the peak of comic popularity, one of the best teen series ever, the best superhero event of all-time and top 3 book of Rebirth
editorial mandated New 52 messes are not his fault and shouldn't be judged for anything during that disaster, plus his TT is just as stupid and character destroying as Johns' run. Remember making Connor a moody faggot, Bart lost his fun and ideals, Tim because an because unlikable and Cassie a slut.
>Animal Man
>Demon Knights
>Morrison's Action Comics
Rebirth is a mess too, websites just aren't quick to jumping at their throats now. Back in new52, a title having a crappy fill in artist was worthy of resetting the counter, now it's a-ok. Garbage titles like Cyborg being kept alive for no reason, messes like Superwoman existing in the first place and a writer change that went unnoticed(if this were new52 people couldn't stop talking about what a mess it is). Rebirth unironically has Dan Jurgens as one of their big gun writers.
90s X-Men is cancer
I miss All-Star Western, Frankenstein, Amethyst, Prez, Kyle starring in a book and Gen13 being oddly scattered doing random shenanigans

also Supergirl was interesting for the first time ever and is shit again
Claremont, Morrison and Whedon were cancer
channel 52 was great
Why would I? Lobdell is a bad writer, you apologists have been waiting in the shadows to suck his dick see >>95347483
Grayson will be regarded as a classic
they gave me a Bloodlines mini so that makes the New 52 awesome in my book
also the Adventures of Superman digital first series was maximum comfy
No because the ending was a rushed piece of shit. And it was rushed to an ending band a return to the status quo because of Rebirth.
I ask because you sound committed to your opinion of n52 rhatos, which was shit. I don't care what you do, read it or not, but the problems you're describing aren't happening in the new rhatos. Everybody has been appropriately surprised about it, you're just late to the party.
It's not about n52 rhato it's about Lobdell being a bad writer in general. While we're at it though, Jason need to be revamped, running around as Red Hood is moronic.
New 52 RHATO was the most fun action book since the 90s
>Everybody has been appropriately surprised about it
Seems like everyone is just a long time Lobdell fan to me.
Casual scum who jumped onboard DC during n52 like me only associate Lobdell with Teen Titans and Rhatos, both of which were hot garbage.
it weirds me out that the majority of the internet seemingly didn't grow up reading 90s X-Men
Oh they did. X-Men is one of the main reasons the 90s gets a bad rap.
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>Gen13 being oddly scattered doing random shenanigans
Remember that one time they were supposed to get a separate book with Superboy in it? And then they just disappeared. Forever.
Back then editorial changed their minds on what direction to take on a monthly basis.
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Larfleeze, baby.
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Was there ever a more kino disentanglement of a convoluted mess of shite than Kuder's mini-run on Superboy?
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it was weird but I enjoyed it
They do that now too.
Ron Marz should have known not to go back to DC.

John's was probably personally throwing those scripts in the garbage.
To be fair it's the artist who actually suffered in that scenario. He never got a single job in the industy after Voodoo.
what happened? Marz' Green Lantern is super comfy
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In the first issue Voodoo was depicted as a stripper, who was using her body to extract secrets from the military.
That was part of the wave of sexism controversies, together with Slutfire in the first issue of RHATO and Catwoman screwing Batman in the first issue of her solo book.
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Marz is a hack.
Phantom Stranger
Forever Evil
JL3000 (i'm still bitter about 3001 going downhill)
Dial H
Swamp Thing
3001 was such a travesty
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>he didn't skip the New 52 altogether
I second this. Rebirth is OK but all the books are pretty safe aside from the Young Animal stuff, some new titles would be nice
Didn't those all come out on the same day as well?
This is the perfect example. People just wanted to hate on the new52 and they didn't care that their reasons were silly as fuck.
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I really miss the fantasy-side of the DC universe being as strong as it was in the New 52.

At one point they had good Aquaman, Demon Knights, Sensation Comics, Swamp Thing, Sword of Sorcery, and Wonder Woman going on all at once, with decent fantasy aspects happening within Animal Man, Batwoman, Earth 2, Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S., and Justice League at the same time, too.
That Voodoo series ended up being pretty shitty though in the end.

The cheesecake was nice though
That's because Joshua "The Shitter" Williamson took over the writing duties.
It was badly written but the issues people had with it were retarded.
You mean Joshua "DC Exclusive and Rebirth Big Gun" Williamson.
That's the one.
Secret Six.
you sir are a man of good taste.
I think that it's because much like how Doctor Thirteen is such a skeptic that he magically makes magic events into non-magic events, Ultraman is a cynic that probably doesn't give heed to any sort of magic, faith, or spirituality.
Redhood and the outlaws
Demon knights
Green lantern corps.
Marz Murdered Hal Jordan

Geoff John's is a massive Hal fan.
Yea Basri really ducking good that's a shame
Omega Men
Gotham Academy
Swamp Thing
Demon Knights
Sword of Sorcery
DCU Presents - Black Lightning & Blue Devil
Robin Son of Batman
>Justice League 3000
>All-Star Western
You are a good man.
thanks homie
Fkn loved midnighter except he was a massive faggot.
So, Johns isn't Marz editor. You sound like those autistics who think everything with DC is a Johns related conspiracy.
I'm sad they canned JL3000

it was one of the few interesting, original ideas to come out of New 52
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