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Where where you when Infinity Train and Villainous saved CN and

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Time to get excited.
They're both awful they ain't saving shit
What's an Infinity Train and why does she have a thicc Portal turret in her backpack?
What, they got picked up?
Soon, they will.
They won't OP is lying
Villainous wasn't even that good. Most people just seem to like it for the waifu
I thought it was fun.
Even if they do get picked up, which is highly unlikely, they wouldn't premiere until 2019 AT LEAST
I like it because it's fun and colorful and different and I actually don't even give a shit about that ugly slut.
good, that means the cycle will repeat.

Infinite Train looks interesting, but I don't think it can work as a slice of life cartoon.
I think it would be more of an adventure mystery slice of life if anything.
>people just like it for the waifu
How could you say something so baseless and stupid unironically?
It looked ok to me
Why would it be a slice of life?
I just noticed I made a typo, I meant Where were* you. Whatever, fuck it.
It would work better as a mini-series, but that doesn't mean they couldn't make a full show about it

I mean, Samurai Jack had a clear goal and it had 4 seasons with the 5th one working more as a mini-series
What do you even mean by mini series? If it has regular 11 minute episodes, that would be good enough for this concept in my opinion.
>Villainous wasn't even that good. Most people just seem to like it for the gay shipping
What gay shipping? Two of them are genderless and one is a regular dude and then you have the girl.
stop trying to get me hyped for unconfirmed shit you faggot
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You had me excited for Infinity Train and the cute ass king dog, OP, you massive faggot.
>Two of them are genderless and one is a regular dude

You're in denial
>Two of them are genderless
The Bear and who else

Most of the Villainous threads in the past quickly dissolved into Flugg x Black Hat posts.
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Did somebody say Waifu?
They're as good as confirmed already.

Infinity Train has 2.6 million views on the official youtube upload and got over 600k watchers when it aired on TV super early in the morning. It also has over 700k views on Facebook.


Villainous hasn't even been a thing for 4 months and it already has a dedicated fanbase, a ton of hype and the official Youtube uploads for other countries have gathered an insane amount of views.

Spanish upload - 3.2 million views

Portuguese upload - 892k views

There isn't even an official English version up yet.
Black Hat is gender-less, he's an abomination monster demon thing.
Until I see actual confirmation of them getting picked up I don't fucking care about your delusions, if you want me to get hyped you gotta show me that they're happening, not bullshitting about your theory.
But did CN actually announced that they pick it up?

He's male as fuck
Not yet. Soon they will.
Made me laugh. And flug is a qt.
You do know what television station we're talking about right?
Who looks like a guy and sound like a guy,and we have no reason to believe anything else.
Didn't you see his transformation abilities, I don't think he's bound by a gender.
His base form is a MALE guy. If he wasn't bound by a gender then he wouldn't take such a MALE base form.
>soon they will
what a massive faggot you are, you have no proof of that, only conjectures

Let's face it; this is exaclty why people care about it.
I just like villains.
You're in the EXTREME minority
Am I really? Why else would I care about it? I doubt so many people only care about waifus and yaoishipping.
Oh you'd be surprised
Jokes on you kid
A mini series like Over the Garden Wall
That would be way too short, they would have so many things to explore and try out.
For some reason infinity train doesn't appeal to me at all. And I'm not really sure why. Maybe I'm tired of surreal, mystery series, maybe I didn't find the characters all that interesting, maybe I'm burnt out on humor that's too meta and self aware to the point that it's not really humor anymore. I blame gravity falls.

As for villainous, I like looking at it at least?
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I look at it this way.

OK KO got a TV show this year. This is after the fact that the original pilot was produced in 2012, meaning CN was sitting on it for 5 years. For the longest time, people assumed it was a dead pilot and would stay that way.

If OK KO could happen, anything could happen.
>Another story driven show
>A show that exist for the yaoi shit and redhead fetish meme/waifu
They're ain't saving CN.
>Another story driven show
Yes, because CN is just crawling with story driven shows.
Infinity Train is better off at Netflix.
Realistically, what are the chances of that happening?
The pilot is already owned by CN.
Either Owen Dennis tweaks it around so he can sell it to someone else or CN decides greenlight it/sit on it.
The fandom was almost exclusively Fujoshits. The art pretty much exclusively Blackhat and Flug.

Although the lore that the author put out on his blog was pretty neat, if you looked at it. They could do some interesting things with the show if they green light it.

She's a shitty fucking waifu, she looks like a quirky girls deviant art avatar.

Don't act like story driven shows aren't exactly what CN and western animation in general needs. We've been living on fucking episodic wacky comedies for decades, let us have this.
>Quarky female character
>non human partner
>goes on a magical journey
>"Holy butts!"
Youve already seen Infinity Train.
Villanious has promise, but from what ive seen its basically Family Guy but put into more make believe situations. The animation isnt anything special on either of them. I give them each one season, villianous will probably get more if lucky.
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>muh waifu shaming
>I use this same retarded criticism for every single cartoon with a hot female character that comes out because its easy and I feel like I'm occupying a moral high ground against the rest of the board!

Actually, fuckface, I don't give a shit about Demencia. I thought it was funny and Black Hat's Spanish voice was god tier. Back to tumblr you go.
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Still waiting for this one to save CN:
It's ok, because she's also a literal retard with a lizard brain
please give dementia voice cracks
please give dementia voice cracks
please give dementia voice cracks
please give dementia voice cracks
please give dementia voice cracks
Counterpoint: The MC's personaility isn't another Quirky strange girl, she's an intelligent, curious person. A lot of the plot looks like it'll be driven by her own exploration and desire to understand what's going on.
It's annoying that they have so many promising short shows and have a bunch of shit greenlit instead. This one could also still happen, has potential to be a chill show.
So shes a character that has no flaws except for her curiosity that leads her into conflict. Yawn. Basically Kids Bop: Rick and Morty.
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>No Twelve Forever
Go watch Star vs. Pretty much the same show
it has great character design
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>Go watch Star vs. Pretty much the same show
>no Butt Witch
You are lower than the snake.
Yet you had shows like Justice League Unlimited, Teen Titans, Secret Saturday, and Ben 10 Series.

neither of these are happening you fucking idiot and even if they were picked up they'd get dumped over the course of a month and then kicked aside for more episodes of YOUR NEW FAVORITE SHOW
Wouldn't be hard to tweak it. All you have to do is change the designs. The lore was posted on his blog, and never actually in the clips.
I will laugh at you when they get greenlit.
i mean yes that's an annoying practice but it's still way better than it not existing at all

also i dont really see how infinity train's premise would work for more than one season
>Deviantart: The show
Get out. Don't come back
Implying you know any better.


It's like if Invader Zim was made by the fans of Invader Zim.
Yes anon, and Adult Swim is working on Metalocalypse and Samurai Jack S5 will be uncut for the Blu-Ray!
le depressed robot is not funny
it's an overdone version of pic related

Otherwise very solid premise
Yeah but that movie was terrible.
>A short lived miniseries and a failed pilot saved CN
I liked it, but I wouldn't know better either
The whole thing smells a bit of cringy Syfy production, but the whole concept already does, so
The book was far, far better.
CN announced like three different shows that are coming out within a year, even if they greenlight either for a full series they'd probably have to drop something
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Infinity Train has a superb setting behind it. You can go really far and really deep with something like that. The only thing I'm wary of is the main character - if she keeps going "REEEEEEEEEEEEEE THIS DOESNT MAKE SENSE" for more than 5 episodes and doesn't wise up it'll vecome unbearable to watch.
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Jorel's Brother when?

and whyTulip doesn't just jump off the train?
The shorts were okay. They did a good job of establishing the characters and world. The fanbase did get way too rabid for just a bunch of shorts. Guess that's the power of waifus and Flug.
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Villainous had character design that didn't make me physically ill and these days that's saying something
hes right you know.
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I just wanna see what they can do with full length episodes instead of shorts.
Who even is the hot one in the right?
Renaissance would imply that there was a death or stagnation from which we needed a rebirth. CN isn't stagnating- it's dying along with television as a medium. There will be no rebirth, just a final hurrah before we cut the cable and enter a purely digital age.
That'd be too soon nigga, didn't it take Lakewood Plaza Turbo like seven thousand years to finally premiere?
i know i shouldn't be complaining since i speak portuguese, but why isn't villainous in english?
Maybe on /co/ and even the threads here seemed to be mostly fujos but looking around the art and other shit was 90% gay shipping Flug x Black Hat so mostly people seem to like it because they're either fujoshits or gay guys.
What's that? More TTG? I don't know how we can do it but if you say so...
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Reddit get >>>/out/
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from left to right
Adeleide: Jorel's Brother's teacher
Danuza: Jorel's Brother's mother
Lola: Jorel's Brother's school principal
Suzana: CEO of Shortners n' Shortners AKA the bad guys
Jennifer: Steve Magal's co-star
I can't imagine what an 11 minute Villanos episode would be about.

the joke of black hat being so scary~ would get old quick.
Don't be ridiculous, Anon.
Most people just seem to like it for the Flughat shipping.
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>and whyTulip doesn't just jump off the train?
Because then she's going to end up with multiple fractures in the middle of nowhere.
I just want to fuck the fucking fuckity fuck out of Tulip. I don't care about the rest of the show. I'll watch it with the sound off if I have to, I'd watch her do the dishes.
Get in line, she's mine.
They'd figure something out. They could also introduce failed super heroes and make episodes centered around them, it would be fun.
I want Villainous to get greenlit since I'm so tired of super heroes /heroes shows in general. Heroes are lame!
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Y'all are sleeping on the real saviour of CN.
Infinity what now? Is this Adventure times replacement?
Cancelled after the first season for sure.
post dementia
I think her name is spelt with a c, not a t.
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Black Hat is my waifu.
It's a pilot. It still haven't been picked up.
Infinity train is very boring, linear, and lacks dynamic, and that's just from a writing standpoint, not even mentioning the abhorrently dull art style. It'll get old fast.
Fuck off.
>Infinity train is linear
Well no fucking shit.
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>cartoon renaissance
Yes, and the fact that it is linear and formula based means it's flawed by a repetitious, predictable formula. Also, considering the length of the train, it's highly unlikely the main story of the character would progress or unfold even hundreds of thousands of years after her death, beyond pure coincidence. It's all too non-immersive for me. Maybe I'm wrong and it'll be a hit, despite that you haven't refuted any of my points past your rude remarks.
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Demencia is not for lewds
Here's a (you).
Thank you, now would you mind telling me how I'm wrong?
I really don't like how thin the lines are.
The interesting thing about Demencia is how she's the newest character from the series. In the 2012 shorts she's nowhere to be seen and I think the producers forced Alan to have at least 1 female in the series.
I don't know where you've been, but pilots almost always have a different art style from the actual fully produced TV series.
Yeah I reckon so. I hope they do change it because style is something that can easily turn me off of an otherwise good show.
To me pilots always seem to have a little bit less polish and care put into them since the producers, network and creator know that it's not going to be the same as the final product if it even ends up becoming more than a pilot.
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She would disagree.
To be honest, she has a super short skirt and ripped stockings, she's a slut.
How is she a slut when her heart belongs to Black Hat
She practically hopped right on Muscle Black Hats dick the moment he popped into existence.
She's a slut for BH. She's basically Harley Quinn and her love for the Joker.
It's not technically cheating if it's still Black Hat.
Can Netflix have these instead please?
>2 minute sketch miniseries that plays during commercials when kids switch to another channel
>abandoned pilot that got shown once at an hour absolutely nobody watched it.

>saving CN

Face it OP, CN hates cartoons except for CashCowGO!
They did turn things around back in 2010 with Regular Show and Adventure time and Gumball in 2011 even when everyone thought they were moving to live action. They'll move away from TTG soon.
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>a bunch of ripoff shorts and a mediocre pilot that wasn't greenlit into a series
>saving CN after years of shitty content and scheduling
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