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Webcomics you don't read anymore

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Thread replies: 258
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Did you grow to hate them or did you just give up on them?
I stopped reading Sluggy Freelance for a year and then just found I couldn't get back into it. That was 12 years ago.

The fucker ruined his archives.
Most if not all of them, they either cancelled, ended or should have. Is Megatokyo still going?
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The latter

Megatokyo is still going in theory.
Elaborate, how can a a webcomic be ongoing in theory?
in theory, my popeye vs. doomsday comic is still going on, if I ever get past page 1.
God damn but Fred-chan's artwork is actually getting worse, not better.

It's going but slowly and nobody really reads it anymore.
Wasn't there supposed to be a visual novel?
Oh, that's tedious.
Wapsi Square
Grew to hate it when the creator decided to dump the entire original cast for high schoolers that invariably included a new MC with giant fucking titties who once again wasn't meant to be objectified, oh no

Yeah he raised something like $150k on kickstarter for it but then went "Videogame programming is hard and I'd rather not do it" and there's been nothing since.
Fuck I can't count all of them, I check in on Order of the Stick every 2-3 months and that's it at this point.

I still hate-read Dumbing of Age through the general here.

He's turned Ping into a fat chick too so he has a "body positive" character.
Did he go full Sinfest or just dip a toe in?

No, it's still mostly just loli fantasy shit.
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I can't hate sad cat. I can only mourn.
Well, at least he's consistent
Wow, glad I dumped it before then
How divorced from reality do you have to be to make you mc a titty monster and not expect to have them be a subject of sexualization?
>Did you grow to hate them or did you just give up on them?

whats the difference

Well I guess Data on Star Trek already proved robots can get fat.
Oh god that artwork looks terriblé
this thread lead me to finding one I haven't seen in ages. I saw it once about 12 years ago, forgot about it, and hadn't seen it since
It looks way worse than I remember.
I can lose interest in something without hating it.
I liked that the character in black has a weapon strapped to his back in every panel but the last one.
I haven't read Penny Arcade since I owned a Gamecube. Anything noteworthy happen since then?

Atsali wasn't so bad; it's random timeskips and Castela that makes it a trainwreck.
So many have been deleted from the internet but surprisingly "Pawn" is still up even if it hasn't updated in 7 years or so
Its the same iirc, excepting a dust up about dickwolves? I can't remember. The art style is, well tumblr nose.
Art style peeked around 2006
I can't believe I used to go on memecenter and read Gearboy, Jago, and some other guys. They always did suck. I remember when someone blatantly ripped off Gearboy's OC girl claiming it was "her" works from years ago, and people actually defended her. However, there was an artist called Halo who I still follow. He was a cool guy who made decent art. But I can't imagine looking at that website now.
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Dude Blood lust teddy was my favorite memecenter "artist". I remember spending so much time on this website i got tangled up in some community drama.
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>Dumbing of Age
First I read It's Walky. And it was fine. Then Shortpacked and it was also fine. At the time. So DoA was fun read. But then Willis stopped leaving the soapbox. In fact, he built a house on it. For a while, I at least enjoyed getting mad at it, but one time I just didn't have the strength to catch up anymore. And I haven't looked back since, except for the occasional /co/ threads.
Now if only I can escape Questionable Content, I can finally be free!
girly and zombie hunters
I don't read Poppy O'Possum or Paranatural anymore. I just lost interest in them.
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>Megatokyo: 14 years later they still haven't done anything
>Applegeeks: No update in a decade
>Dresden Codak: Stopped being fun once Diaz embraced his fetishes
>Misfile: Well at least the lesbians fuck
>It Hurts: 10/10, good ending would ride again
>Bomango: ended, rebooted(?)
Now I'm onto
>Hunters of Salamanstra: Terrible but I love it
>[un]Divine: I wanna see the demon fugg Dani
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Yeah, I got him on my Steam friends list along with Gearboy. They're cool to talk to one on one. But a better question is who was the worst? I remember someone using me paint and making terrible drawings but he never started shitnso he was cool with othe- WAIT! I know who the worst is! He started out making edgy comics that looked like humans, but later on just began drawing bean shaped people. Ah yes, Irwincardozo. He made comics about his exes and would always start shit with other artists, making a lot hate him.
I didn't read any of Willis' comics before DoA; I feel betrayed that Randy Milholland ever linked to it in the first place. My QC habit is proving much more difficult to kick, even though I know Raven is never coming back.

Yes, I'm the guy who always complains about that in all the QC threads.
I remember giving up on megatokyo.
Shit wasn't funny anymore and everything became shitty drama featuring the boring fuck with the glasses.
>Penny arcade: simply got sick of it
>sinfest: obvious reasons. Still love the art style
>bittersweet candybowl: even when I started reading it I felt it was a guilty pleasure and it wouldn't last
>awkward zombie: for some reason I couldn't access the site from my PC doesn't matter the browser I used, so I just let it go
>non-ironically CAD: first webcomic I ever stumbled upon when I was 12 or some shit, read it for years probably until I stopped for some reason
And he made every single woman bi.
>Questionable Content
Grew to hate it.

>Penny Arcade
Outgrew it. I check check every now and then but at this point it's pretty much just Garfield for gamers.
all of them because they upload too slow

I can deal with a "strip" style comic uploading whenever but a chapter book releasing 1 page every other week kills pacing (and my interest)

Similar. Read It's Walky and thought it was fine, went through Shortpacked where the quality steadily dropped, then in Dumbing of Age it hit rock bottom.

The fool does a comparatively decent job when it comes to outlandish sci-fi-comedy-dramas, probably because that's what he enjoyed in his youth, but this shift to topical social justice shit has rekt anything resembling quality he could produce.

The fact that he's a cunt and proudly doesn't give a shit about making effort in his work doesn't help.
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I take a look once a few months and have the same feeling I had when I stopped reading: who are these people, where are the main characters interacting with each other?
More than that. It raised $299K and was supposed to be done February 2014. Last update on the project was in July.
>lol thanks for the money losers
I think the Oceans Unmoving arc left me distracted and somewhere around that period I gradually stopped reading. Iremember finishing that arc, but at that point I felt the author was somewhat tired of telling the main story of Sluggy Freelance and was using arcs like that to take a break and try new settings that interested them personally.

I don't even remember when I stopped. The last arc I really remember was the Pain invades Lame one, and everything after that is just kind of a vague blah.
In my defense, I didn't realize Sohmer was such a scum-sucking asshole, but I only stopped reading when he introduced a "villain" literally made of butts.

Just got tired as hell of watching it drag, and frankly the romance- which I never really cared about, and which took up the lion's share of the plot- was going nowhere.

>MS Paint Masterpieces
Damnit, DisgruntledFerret, I know *I* was still reading you.

>It's A Hard Life
...I should really get back into that, now that I think about it.
I stopped reading this when the funny dude got booted out and he stopped parodying anime/weeb ideas of japan and just made a shitty story about a weebs idea of Japan.

I also used to read Dominic Deegan back in the day up till they resurrected the knight as a demon badguy.
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No... You LIE!
I think that's also when I started to give it up. I kept reading for a while, but from that moment I just kept losing interest until one day I dropped it and never looked back.
Gone with the blastwave, I got out of it when he/she took the hiatus going into the military, never got back into it.
I mean, Poppy's last comic pages are going up today, so you didn't miss much.
I stopped reading QC in like it's second year. I stopped posting on the forums like six years after that.
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looking back, almost all the punchlines were basically "thing in video game doesn't make sense in real life"
maybe i should make a webcomic.

Hawk's the creative director at QMx, so Applegeeks is pretty much done.
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It's been 9 months since I read any of it.
I just don't know why I stopped.
Give me your pitch.
Good start, but you're going to need a little more. Unless it's a porn comic, then that's all you need.

I miss when it was just Lost references.
nah, okay, real answer...

Humanity has long since abandoned earth for the stars, and the robots have taken over.
The robot society is very hierarchical, as some units are just better than others. but while its not the nicest place, it works. theres a religion however, of frothy mouthed zealots who believe the humans will come back some day, and that when they do its the robots purpose to serve them.
the head robot, NO 1, has done his best to stamp out this religion as he feels it is anti robot and threatens the world he has built.
no one knows this though. to the world, NO 1 is a tyrant, and the religion, while creepy, isnt that bad.
then a cleaning robot is loaded with secret data and sent out of 1's citadel. It makes its way to the slums and delivers news of an important lost trasure. a treasure NO 1 will kill anyone who knows about it. so, a team of robots set out to find it because they think it might help make the world better.
basically the two big world forces are authoritarian government and creepy lobotomy religion, and the main characters are just shitty outdated robots from the slums trying to find a place in all of it. and when they find the treasure, shit goes totally upside down.

what is the treasure

is it hoomans
the treasure is one human. this predictably causes the religion to go fucking bonkers and crusade and the government to tear itself apart trying to stop them.

knew it!

i'm pretty sure everybody is gonna guess that if you ever get around to this, but as long as the journey is good i'm sure it will be fine
it doesnt matter if its predictable, because the focus is less on "whatcould the treasure be?" and more "how does the treasure effect this already really precarious world?"
Anything with two guys sitting on a couch talking about videogames. None of those comics are very good. QC used to be decent but it just kept getting worse and worse. Same with sinfest. Numerous others which... just weren't all that good and didn't get any better(or in some cases got worse).

And a few of them just ended, like Irregular Webcomic.
Oh, and Guilded Age hasn't gotten mentioned in this thread yet, has it? Making the whole thing meta didn't do it any favors and then the writer just kept making Gastonia more and more into assholes to the point where I started wondering why every other race hadn't gotten together and genocided humanity yet.
what do you mean last comic pages?
I only liked the comic thanks to that guy making youtube videos giving the jokes and characters more energy and personality.
Really helped it work.
Powerpuff Girls D took so long to update that eventually I just forgot it existed and never looked at it again.
Morbi has realized his pacing is glacial and it will take him decades to draw this shit.
Rather than fix it, condense his story or even just write a BIT further in advance so he can stop the redundancy, he has decided to go with the illustrated novel format.

Considering Poppy's strongest quality was the artwork, this is incredibly stupid.
so basically we`ll have to pay to read it. And this guy wants to double dip both patreon and buyer money? jeez
What? No.

It's going to be an illustrated novel now. As in, he writes prose with a single accompanying image. He's aiming at 2000 words and two images a week.
Nobody mentioned money.
It's gonna be like this.


thats pretty bad. i liked the art and i dont think his writing will compensate

If only Largo were here.
Here's Morbi's first try at that format from last year.

I think I stopped reading Girl Genius about 9-10 years ago. Are they still in the castle?
No, but I doubt it got much further.
I keep a bookmark folder of web comics. I try to check in on it once every three or four months. Gives me more than a couple of pages to read of each one at once, and stops me from getting butthurt over how slow some creators are.

Except VG cats.
of course not. why would they still be there?
I haven't read Sam and Fuzzy in years. Just fell out of reading it.
Poppy mostly because of the relationshit. I just feel like it was shoved in there to be cute without any regard for the story. It could have went in so many different and much more interesting ways.
This, I remember the comic but it just got so far up its own ass
Used to follow Order of the Stick religiously, and Ctrl-Alt-Del while it had a story.
Dumbing of Age also but that got weird.

What I really hate is when webcomics use too many pages to explain a friggin story arc. In the end waiting on updates becomes tedious.
So, in conclusion, webcomics were/are a mistake?
Webcomics used to be cool and fresh, in earlier internet days. Now they're I don't know what.
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Very sadly this. By the end of Chapter 10 there was a huge emotional climax but at the same time I felt really empty, like something was missing.
The next chapter started and all the characters picked up their previous shtick and I realized I wasn't invested in any of them except Duane a bit. It was a weird breakup and I had a thought or two about starting it over from the beginning but in the end I didn't care enough to.

Still probably the best webcomic there is out there.
The only thing I don't really like about the format is its generally one page at a time, 1 to 3 times a week.
While I like drama, it makes me want to blow my fucking brains out when I have to wait months for a story to continue forward because a couple of characters have to straighten out their friendship/relationship or something.
This is why gag strips are still king after all. It's simply unnatural to stay invested in a story like this. It's like reading a book one page a day.
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•Looking For Group
I honestly can't recall why I stopped reading it. Maybe I was never even a regular reader.

I lost interest.

For about a year I thought maybe he was going somewhere with all of..."that". Like maybe it was a clever ruse. I realized I was deluding myself and stopped reading.

Another one I can't recall why I stopped reading. I guess I just lost interest.

•Penny Arcade
I haven't stopped reading it, I still check every M-W-F. I just mention it because it has really really really fall down for me. Particularly in the last year or so. Nothing but dad jokes and inside-industry commentary that I do not care about. The last time I read something slightly funny/mildly interesting was that takedown on No Man's Sky, which I just realized was exactly a year ago - at this point I keep reading out of habit.
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Duane is best dad; Ashley is oddly obsessed with human organs and despite how much I love Duane and Sette I honestly don't care about the rest of the case.
Every page and chapter that isn't Duane and Sette really doesn't even begin to interest me.

Unrelated to Unsounded is Erma, a comic that's steadily growing on me.
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>ywn have such a deticated fandom
>ywn have a project so successfully backed it makes it into the 100ks
>yet other people do and don't even fufill it loyaly

so what's being done about it anyways? can't imagine it just sliding under the rug without so much as a peep
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Something happened to someone that was important for some reason...and I realized I did not give a fuck. Stopped reading.

• Ellory the Shark
The joke ran its course.

•Manly Guys Doing Manly Things
See above.

Lack of updates, unsubscribed.
what if they released monthly chapters like trades do?

What is the worst webcomic and why?
get making that shit mang
Came here to mention this. Such a massive disappointment. The art, humour, characterization and writing all started out spectacular and remained so for the first few chapters, but absolutely all of it went to shit eventually. Last I checked the pacing was awful, updates were irregular, the humour was nothing but anime references and the characters devolved into SJW-appealing caricatures (not exaggerating, when I last read it a lesbian Muslim scientist was falling for a fat but somehow athletic blind woman). And the amazingly warm, atmospheric, distinctive and expressive art had devolved to a point where backgrounds were almost never drawn and everything looked like it was made of plastic.

I can't get over it.
I sort of just stop caring about Endtown and dropped it, no proper reason. I wish I could do the same with Paranatural, I'm bored as shit with it but I can't stop reading it with the faint hope of it be good again in the future.
Sluggy Freelance. I stayed with that shit for years. Though all the fucking Harry Potter knock-off arcs, through Oceans Unmoving, 4-U city, all that crap. I stayed. And just when it felt like he was FINALLY going to get serious about the final arc and wrap shit up, TIME FOR MORE SIDESTORY SHIT. I can't take it anymore. I no longer care about the plot, about Oasis, about any of it. I can't take any more goddamned filler. And that is what nearly 50% if not more of Sluggy Freelance is. Filler. Pointless, stupid, waste of time and space filler. I gave up.

Poppy O Possum. I was never a huge fan. The writing wasn't great, and the artwork was meh, but occasionally I got laugh out of it. Then the guy behind it said they are switching over to a written format with a few pictures, and I lost all interest.

Sequential Art. I kept expecting things to improve and evolve out of the "My first webcomic!" level the comic started as. The art never advanced beyond that "This is my totally NOT-ANIME artstyle!" look(complete with eyebrows going through people's heads), the writing never improved beyond "LOL us geeks, am I right?!", nothing EVER got any better. I got tired of waiting for improvement, lost all interest. When Sluggy Freelance shows more growth than your comic, you aren't even trying. I was surprised to see it being posted here until I saw JJ posting in the threads. Protip JJ, you can't convince us you aren't trying to advertise your comic here if you happen to show up within 10 minutes of the thread being posted.

Probably more, but I can't remember them all.
I don't read Dr. McNinja or Let's Speak English anymore because they ended and I'm disappointed in that.

Also I stopped reading Bad Machinery at some point and then when I checked back in on it, the characters had grown up and everything changed. And now even that ended and I guess it's back to Scary Go Round or something, and I don't know these characters.
>the pacing was awful
Update rate was nothing, Zack just can't plan his chapters with a subplot limit to save his life.

>anime references
Older chapters used to be more subtle with jokes that can stand on their own. Now it's just LOLOL ISSAC A WEEB HE WATCHES ANIME (especially in the promo art) or HEY REMEBER THIS MANGO TITLE??...

>lesbian Muslim scientist
I can't comprehend how a character who was one of the most serious, stoic and edgy among the cast got reduced to wobbly jelly. Speaking of rapid character regression:
>Johnny thinking about Max then
>"I am willing to physically hurt his friend to get to the bottom of this wacky business they're having!"

>Johnny thinking about Max now
>"Max might have changed me for the better (and possibly make me go actively gay for him)"
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>when I last read it a lesbian Muslim scientist was falling for a fat but somehow athletic blind woman
>Girl Genius
I just, kinda forgot about it. its not bad and i started reading it in 2014 but i really cant bring myself to catch up.

>Supersonic Girl
ill probably check on it next year, the pacing and uploads per week are Bleach levels of slow.
>Ellory the Shark
It was a fun little distraction but yeah, it got old. Then out of nowhere it just goes all super serious, then Ellory's mom gets cancer, then they just practically stopped updating anyways.
I stopped reading girl genius in 2014ish or so just because I stopped giving a fuck about what happened to the MC's.
He's gotten pretty regular with updates recently. Usually at least one a month of each of his ongoings
Anyone here still read Spinnerette?

I fell behind a while ago, can't believe it's still running. After 900 strips they finally showed us how Sandra and Larisa met.
In high school I had a fuckton of webcomics I followed.
Let's see there was..
VGCats, Penny Arcade, Least I Could Do, Questionable Content, Sinfest, Rob and Elliot, Alan Comic, Fanboys Online, MSPaint Adventures (Problem Sleuth), Mows, Cucumber Quest, Nedroid... I'm sure I'm missing some but I can't remember them.
I've stopped reading webcomics unless they're posted on /co/ mostly.
Fell out of Megatokyo once Largo started acting like he was in a videogame

He was much funnier when he wasn't like that, did he ever get out of that state?
I stopped reading Unsounded when it went on hiatus earlier. I see it's back, and I loved it before and want to know where it's going, but the commitment to catch up seems, I dunno, too much.
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Critical Miss
Those were dark days. I guess the reason I stopped reading was that I just stopped finding it funny.

That being said, I still have a few reaction images from it that I just can't part with.
I feel like Sequintial Art just became Stream of consciousness after Hillary reverse raped Pip during the storyline that actually made me feel sad for that poor little asshole.

I started reading webcomics around 2002/3 and so many just ended that I can't even remember them all; Poisonwind was one, even though it was basically a late-nineties anime cereal with Guilty Gear marshmellows.

Keychain of Creation is probably the one I miss the most--and I don't even fucking play Exalted, I just really liked the story and the *dialog* was great for me, even if it was Exalted levels of long windedness. Why couldn't the CAD guy get tendinitis instead of this artist.

I ultimately ditched nearly all the gamer-centric strips (Megatokyo, PVP, PA, etc.) because I felt like they stopped being fun after awhile, or, like Spinnerette, they turned to fucking garbage and weren't worth the trouble anymore.

I also ditched any comic that was on a pay site. I don't even want to check to see if they're still around...
>tfw you're the only person who cares about Erin Dies Alone
>tfw current arc has taken months to get a dozen pages in
Wasn't dumbing of age the when where two sibling with the exact same skin tones where treated differently, because their mixed race, interracial relationship didn't stop them from being white supremacists?
ah someone else who read drowtales. Out of curiosity, Did you read start with the original or did you start after the reboot?
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I care about it but god damn we've been in Final Fantasy land for one thousand years,fuck.
*their parents, sorry
Shortpacked. I think it ended but it got all Social Justice-y well before that and I lost interest. I gave up hope somewhere around the point he gave his retarded childhood Homermobile the body of his ideal waifu. Cringe central.

I used to read Questionable Content before I realized I was only reading it because it updated like clockwork. I don't think any of the plot threads I was interested in ever paid out. These days they introduced more robots, I think, which I always wanted it to explore the vague sci-fi themes a bit, but they're just used to talk about Social Issues In The Real World. Boring.

Misfile was much the same case as QC. At that point I'd read anything linked from Bob and George's little webring page.

MS Paint Masterpieces is one I don't read anymore, but only because it doesn't update. It may be a relic from the age where sprite comics were both acceptable and common but it's still legitimately better than most the actual official Mega Man comics, Megamix/Gigamix be damned. COME BACK FERRET MAN
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Wasn't it like Christmas when she started playing the FF knockoff with Rad and Gunny? We all know where it's heading too, white-mage has joined the party and will be next figment-of-her-imagination in her apartment. We've known for like a year, but we need to wade through a pointlessly long boss battle before we can get there.
>ywn get stoned and play vidya between fuck sessions with your depressed crazy waifu
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A recurring theme in this thread seems to be that Webcomics are a land where amateur authors who can't tell a simple story go to die, happy to scavenge at the same creative waste for years so long as it keeps a fanbase. Creative stagnation is inevitable.

It blows my mind how many names in this thread I remember from a decade ago and hey, they're still going. To reply to OP, I gave up on Order of the Stick after the author badly injured his hand, shortly after his one million(YES, SEVEN DIGITS) dollar kickstarter to make OOTS his job. Updates became monthly because he couldn't hire an intern for 20k for the year to take on the monumental task of his stick art. Like holy fuck. I understand why a man would Garfield his creation but eventually you can't keep interest.
Yeah shits a slog. I hope when this arc is over the next game is faster or something.
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Endtown. I need topsiders, man. I've gone too long without them. Call me when we see them again. It's been like two or three years.
>boxer hockey isnt getting renewed
>Nuzlocke just got too slow to pay attention to

just fucking kill me
All of Bleedman's stuff.
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I realized it would probably take like another decade to even get half-way through the story, assuming the artist doesn't have a breakdown because of fandom drama and cancel the comic before then. I also realized I'm not that invested in the story or the characters.
Well the good news is it's recently gone back to frequent updates. Sometimes multiple updates a week, even. The plot's been chugging along at an almost reasonable pace even with all the inevitable side characters and their mini-arcs.
I remember them bitching about Snake having a mullet in Metal Gear Solid 2. And that was BEFORE the Raiden reveal.
Is this Nier 3
Good luck getting enough ad revenue to support yourself
What's a good update speed for a story based comic, per page/chapter?
then I guess this is the best they can do
but also, ad revenue usually makes shit no matter what
Reminder that JUNE is pretty good and fully completed

Don't read page 287

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MFW I read the news section and it says all this shit is autobiographical

Because it ended.

Real talk, it's my favorite webcomic.
Once a month. Too many webcomic artists burn themselves out putting out multiple pages a week, and then start only posting whenever they get around to it AKA never.

Just make the comics long like the Koreans do.
Webcomics that I've given up on, either because they turned to shit, or because I realised they'd always been shit:

>PVP - Scott Kurtz is a fat idiot with Jim Davis-tier humour.
>Least I Could Do - Has Ryan Sohmer ever been funny?
>Looking for Group - See above
>Flipside - Terrible story, drawn by a bad artist
>Chainsawsuit - Does Kris Straub even make content anymore?
>CTRL ALT DEL - Tim Buckley is an unfunny cunt
For real engagement the insane update speed of Homestuck. I don't get why the format was abandoned.
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I was fucking 11 when VG Cats started.

I guess I just grew out of Scott's sense of humor.

I still want the cats to fuck though. I'll come back if/when it happens
I want to like Erin Dies Alone but it's just so bad. The plot is aimless, there's barely any personal development, it's all just "let's go on another hallucination arc the reader has no stake in".

And somehow the art looks way worse than Critical Miss despite being the same artist.

After. Then again, didn't he had like three reboots?
A panel at a time is terrible for pacing.
I hope the new format works. It's something that I'd like to dabble in myself.
I don't get the appeal. I read comics because I feel like images convey meaning better than words are easier to process. Literature has its place of course, but let's be honest, your average webcomic author will not be exceptional with words.
I can produce ten, twenty pages of words in the same time it takes me to make one page of illustrations. That's the appeal.

Obviously not everybody can write that prolifically.
Why don't you just go black and white instead? A picture is worth a thousand words.
Sure, but I have limited interest in words and my eyes glaze over when reading paragraphs. Write a book if illustrating is too hard. Half-assing it does no one favors: you've got a shitty book with an occasional passable illustration.
>Schlock Mercenary
Great comic, but I'm waiting for the latest story arc to finish before binging it.
>Stand Still Stay Silent
Glacially slow, and stupid drama on the forum over a translation error turned me off on the fandom.
The only webcomics I read semi-regularly are:
>Devil's Candy
>Ava's Demon (whenever it gets posted here)
>Camp Weedonwancha (whenever it gets posted here)
>Rosechu's Story (whenever it gets updated)

I've been into and subsequently left/completed/abandoned well over 100 different webcomics. PA, PVP, QC, Real Life, Megatokyo, Applegeeks, 3 Panel Soul, Mac hall, Johnny Wander, etc.

The only one I miss is Achewood. In my opinion it's one of maybe 5 webcomics to have ever actually elevated the medium in any noteworthy creative sense.
>Devil's Candy
Isn't that the one that gets posted every week here but dies before the first ten comments? What's the appeal.
Because nobody's interested in original amateur written fiction. Comics on the other hand are low entry. I'm hoping the illustrated novel will split the difference.
My last arc was 4U city, I think that was at least 3-4 years ago now.

A fucking VN. It's literally "babby's first video game". An 8 year old could make a VN. He has no excuse for bringing in almost $300k in kickstarter and having nothing to show for it for almost 5 years.
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Fantastic character design is what lured me in, I'm really into the way they do cute monsters. Then I kept reading because it was inoffensive, didn't shoehorn in a bunch of identity politics shit, and just told a very simple style of manga-lite story. Plus the artist does the majority of the work traditionally with pen and ink, which I royally respect.
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>this is a PS2 accessory
>Just make the comics long like the Koreans do.

This. That's why I've been on tapas.io
even my non-comic reading boyfriend said 'oh that's a cool format, I'd read something on there'
You know I might actually bother to read Megatokyo if Fred had learned how to draw different faces on the characters!

How does an artist go for 17 YEARS without learning how to draw more than one face? I can't fucking tell who anyone is
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He's running for congress in Texas as a Libertarian. Part of his platform is completely eliminating public education.
MegaTokyo's timeline is all fucked up. If you take into account how much time is supposed to have passed-in comic with the vidya references, it means in the Megatokyo-verse Metal Gear Solid 2 and 4 were released a couple weeks apart.
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Because the last update was ALMOST 2 YEARS AGO KAZ YOU SCRUB
Megatokyo was never good. I don't know why people think it'd be some great epic story if Largo was still writing.
I thought 9/11 hadn't happened yet in that timeline
Pokemon hard mode
I stopped reading megatokyo because I quite literally couldn't tell what was happening anymore.
And I don't mean the plot got convoluted and confusing (though it did that too).

I mean I literally couldn't fucking tell what was happening anymore.
He just makes his panels so... busy. Like, focus on characters. Not the 500 powerlines and 30 buildings in the background that are the literal same shade of grey as the forefront characters.
And the characters and backgrounds have the same sketchy line weight so they don't stand out from each other.

Seriously in all the time Fred's been drawing like shit I went from being a shit artist to actually learning everything he's doing wrong. How can you be so stagnant?
That's every comic about video games.

Fred-chan was an architect before he became a webcomic artist. That's why his understanding of perspective and his cityscapes are amazing and his grasp of human anatomy is terrible. The thing that's really weird about his comic is his artwork hasn't progressed at all in the 18 years he's been doing the comic. Most artists will eventually plateau in their skill development but very few just completely stop the way he did.
Awkward Zombie is even more guilty of relying on this punchline, and for some reason everyone says it's one of the good ones.

It's like that one comic Ghastly did just before he stopped doing his strip that showed how far his artwork had progressed since he started doing comics and couldn't draw at all.

If Piro did one like that they'd just look the same, except I guess now Ping would be fatter.
She's not even fat, she's just not a supermodel anime character any more. That barely registers as chubby
Maybe that's why he stopped. He's still thinking like an architect and the samefaced weirdos are the pattern for how to draw Piro, etc now.

If that made sense?
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SMBC has become a bunch of extremely long and wordy comics of children waxing philosophical, ending on what barely counts as a punchline.
Jesus, how far has your BBW fetish escalated if that doesn't look fat to you?

In Japan that would be considered a landwhale. I have a Japanese friend who has been living here in Toronto for years. She'd 5'5" and weighs 115lbs and every time she comes back from a visit to Japan she complains about how everything keeps talking about how fat she's gotten since she moved to Canada.
He puts out daily. And not some shitty stick figure fake crap either.
He actually draws.

They aren't all good. But if 4 out of 7 are mediocre, and the other 3 are good.
He still puts out quality content on par with others.
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the whole not a dr.who self insert arc and the pixel jerk slowly turned me away from it. i plan to read the rest but i dont know when
But did they call her a landwhale?
>rando hoe-ru
Misfile: I followed it for a few years and it just got to a point where the pacing killed it for me. It just felt like the creator was drawing it out as long as possible rather than progressing the plot.

Evil Inc.: This one had been on my shitlist for awhile, since I felt it went downhill when they brought in that AU-version of the heroes kid and just retconned his memory into everyone's minds. The artist pimping out his NSFW comics with the characters in open view was off-putting, the material was getting tired, the update schedule was slipping but I was holding on until he decided to drop the current arc entirely and move from strips to releasing it in a comic-like layout. Except, you know, he released it in individual panels or some shit. I saw my excuse and left.
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>How divorced from reality do you have to be to make you mc a titty monster and not expect to have them be a subject of sexualization?

This is almost the last thing Pablo did with Monica before sending her off forever.
>but then went "Videogame programming is hard and I'd rather not do it"
He hung out in the Katawa Shoujo IRC channel only to find that no one there was going to offer him tips, even the dev who used to read MT religiously. I think the schmuck genuinely believed his fan cred would result in someone stepping up to the plate to do all the hard work for him and it was a reality check when it didn't happen.
Honestly I mostly got bored of most of them.

SNAFU comics, Little Gamers, Questionable Content, BCB, Fireball20xl. They all got boring once I turned 14

and it didn't help that most of them just up and died. SNAFU may technically be still alive but the site just became all Bleedman when I left it VG Cats became glacially paced, Drshnaps closed their website, I don't even know what happened to Crowfeathers, Catharsis died too. Count Your Sheep is mostly dead

Only ones I truly grew to hate were CAD, Dominic Deegan and Pokemon-X and the latter was only because I just got sick of the author's antics and bullshit rule of dating the comics with when they SHOULD be posted instead of whenever he actually made them so he could pretend that he never missed a date

They just called her fat pig.
I dropped Questionable Content when I realized that it has no direction of character arcs and is just the webcomic equivalent of a soap opera with some new drama for the characters every month.
>Anyone here still read Spinnerette
There's a page of text which implies there's a serious story to be told about the main 3 female characters he built Krakow around. KK's lost his fucking marbles and the sooner he dies in an alley the better.
I don't think I've ever dropped a webcomic out of hatred. I dropped Megatokyo and Least I Could Do out of boredom.

I stopped reading The Meek because of the long periods without updates.

For some reason I still keep up with Questionable Content even after getting disillusioned with it years ago.
Yeah SMBC just puts out so much raw tonnage that it's easy to overlook the mediocre ones.
>Wapsi Square

And to think I dumped it just because the art work devolved into garbage.
I check up on QC every year or so. Do a little skimming. It's been thematically and artistically dead for a long, long time. But it still makes 10K a month via Patreon. Some people grew up with it and will never leave. The power of nostalgia.
That fact that Ctrl-Alt-Del is still able to pay Buckley's bills after the Ending/reboot has taught me that some webcomics are simply too big to die.

However, knowing you have a core group of fans who will support you no matter what should be even more incentive to take risks and stop stagnating
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Been years since i read this. There's only so long the status quo can persist before you eventually give up on a comic.
I liked Cucumber Quest at first but Gigi's pacing is terrible and the story never really progressed by the time I dropped it

Doesn't really help that she has a pretty prickly personality
The art is great but the story just isn't interesting and the characters are unlikeable. I binge read some of it, but it's not worth following.
Ad revenue is so last-decade. It wasn't that lucrative to begin with, and ubiquitous ad blockers finished off what's left. Webcomic income is basically all Patreon now.
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Well this is depressing, I finally got serious about drawing my comic and this is the fate of most of the popular comics? Damn...
All art is eventually forgotten after consumed. People get old, they lose touch, the young take their place. You'd better make your peace with that now

Actually, I think most webcomics end up ending because the artists have a mental breakdown.
Thing is, I don't even care about Sette. She comes off to me as the trope she's meant to represent, but written by a sociopath.
It's not fat, some people just naturally have wider hips and waists than others.
I get you; Sette can be annoying too. It's just that I find that Duane and Sette have a great dynamic between them.
Sette helped Duane become a better liar so his Glamour lasts even after he looks you in the eye.
I wouldn't lose hope... People still cared about Harry Potter even though it was years between the first and last books right? And people still talk about things like The Canterbury Tales or Beowulf right? I would probably just instead mull a bit about how comics people stopped following were released... what was the release schedule, who was the audience, were there changes in tone or art style, did the story feel like it was actually building up to something, was the comic rebooted? You'll probably be able to keep pulling readers if your story is gripping, novel and has a consistent release schedule.
>After 900 strips they finally showed us how Sandra and Larisa met

Yeah, cause everyone was holding their breath waiting for that

>implying any webcomic will be significant enough to be remembered like classic literature.

Well, maybe Sexy Losers.

200 years from now they'll be studying Sexy Losers in highschool English classes and the classic themes in Kenta's Horny Mom and Shiunji and the Suicide Girl and how they relate to the human condition.
Probably because literally nobody could keep up with old Hussie.
yeah, I feel a bit dumb for still reading it. I don't know why, but I always kinda hold out this tiny flicker of hope that we'll get a clever twist out of the misfile.
Like, Ash believes the misfile is that he was a man that got turned into a woman, so he wants to change his body back to match his mind. The twist would be that the misfile was that he was always a woman, that having his mind be his current " male self" is the mistake. So correcting the misfile would be essentially character suicide, as the original mind would replace him.
We're never going to see male-Ash in this comic, I doubt the author even has a character design of him.
It is literally easier to program a VN in Ren'py than it is to make a simple one in command line.
What a lazy greedy bitch.He should just do the writing and the art and let some 12 year old program it.
kek, I figured there must be some bare-bones VN generator out there like all the RPG makers there are. He could literally make his VN for free, couldn't he? Just spend time doing the art and writing and then plug his work in where it belongs. He never needed a dime for development.
Of course not. Look at all the college students who slap together porn VN's in Ren'py, put in some basic CGI artwork, and then beg for money on Patreon.
Don't make us cry anon.
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>receives $150k from fans to make a game he could make for free
>doesn't make it
Reading a lot of threads like this one about webcomics, it seems like inconstant updating is one of the major factors in a series's downfall. Even if it's a page a week, as long as you're constant with your output, you'll fair better in the long run. Having a sizable buffer of pages built up to release will save your sanity.
Funny enough, Prequel is Kaz's experiment in what is and isn't acceptable for webcomics. Irregular updates really didn't do much damage to his fanbase's numbers, but the long hiatus has taken it's toll. I remember he wrote up a big blogpost about what he was told would work and what has actually worked, but I can't remember where it was.
>Did you grow to hate them or did you just give up on them?
I didn't quit Megatokyo, Megatokyo quit me.
yeah, but that'd kinda be in line with my hopes. There IS no male Ash, never was. Which fits in line with the fact that the comic begins post supposed transformation. We only have Ash's potentially "misfiled" memories to go on.
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>gets re-filed right
>remembers she's straight
I wonder
I sort of expected NO 1 to be a human in disguise, seemed like it would fit the foreshadowing you gave in your rundown
The only thing that changed in Penny Arcade is that the art got many times worse.

Yes. Although if you only read the comic then you wouldn't have a reason to think victim-of-racism girl wasn't just crazy and paranoid. It was only out-of-comic that Willis said her own parents really were racist against her.

Although that is only the slightest point of why DoA is awful.
>It's been 9 months since I read any of it.
>I just don't know why I stopped.
If I had to guess, I'd say it's because it hasn't updated in 9 months or so.
As someone who didn't really follow much webcomic back then to know about sinfest, what actually went wrong with it? Is it still worth reading some parts of it?
The only reason why anyone gives the slightest shit about it is that the coloring is amazing(not so much anatomy) and.. Maybe, lesbians? Like we still don't know green haired girl fucking hates her.

I even like the premise but it's so poorly executed and nothing but banter between cunty characters.
Dominic Deegan "completed". He's off to other stories now. Been that way for several years.
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Sinfest used to be a quirky webcomic with flawed unapologetic characters making commentary on dudebros, sluts, would-be-players, moral christians, pop culture, religions and sometimes politics. But then, I want to say four years ago (?), nearly overnight a change came on the webcomic. Some new characters talking about the "patriarchy" started showing up, now most of us thought that it was a caricature on overzealous third-wave feminists, but over the coming months we realized that it was not so. The dudebro and the player were villified, the slut repented on her ways and fought back. The denouncements of all things male were for real, the celebration of the resistance against the patriarchy were real. The webcomic lost its edge as it basically became a denunciation of all its punchlines from inception up until this moment. Tatsuya Ishida even made a self-insert: a cartoonist with no face that gets denounced by a character for its past work.

>Is it still worth reading some parts of it?
I guess? I don't know. Maybe you'll like it and then maybe you'll reach the point where it all started and you can see the flip-over and a cartoonist turning into something else, that might interest you. In any case the and self-righteousness and preachiness reaches Chick-tract levels so be mindful about that.
>But then, I want to say four years ago (?)

I thought it was closer to eight or nine years ago.
See, I'm super interested in animating certain scenes, which would really knock me off schedule due to the sheer difficulty of making a hallucination actually move like it does when you're tripping balls. Also, getting skullfucked by the universe itself is a rather difficult experience to illustrate.
>Maybe, lesbians? Like we still don't know green haired girl fucking hates her.
Green haired girl is confirmed straight
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Well now you've made me do something I really didn't want to do, which was delve into the archives and see for myself. I found the exact date when the change begins: October 3rd, 2011.
I remember, I thought it was a joke about feminists, but then it never stopped.
It has to be a Poe's Law jo-

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This got a few chuckles out of me every now and then,then one day it stopped being funny.
Oh yeah. He really should've stuck with scanning his paper sketches, that kept it looking way better. The anime stuff is grating, and I entirely agree with you on how he handled Zarei. It's like he's writing a teenage girl's idea of what gay people are like.

See, I would've tolerated her yearlong hiatus had her Studio Yotta video actually came out. She had one of those kickstarters where the creator suddenly realizes that they bit off way more than they could chew.
Wasn't he pretty much high off his ass on stimulants for a large majority of the comic?
Yup. That's why Gunnerkrigg Court and Kill Six Billion Demons get love from /co/. Unlike Zack the Hack, when Abbadon is late on a page it's because said page is one of his Where's Waldo style landscape spreads.
>People still cared about Harry Potter even though it was years between the first and last books right?

Not that many years. The whole thing came out over just one decade. The only big gap was the 3 year wait between GoF and OotP, and that was arguably the golden age of the fandom.
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It's interesting if you look up the search trends from that period and see how the gear shift coincides with his fast slide into irrelevance.
Lately Ishida seems to be bored with the Sisterhood/fembot revolution as the main focus and is mainly doing some sort of urban fantasy story with the Devil and his supporting demonic cast including lesbian Monique. Too bad Slick is forever ruined.
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Well it did maintain interest for additional year or so.
El Goonish Shive was the first webcomic I ever really took an interest in as an adolescent, but good god I feel embarrassed now for ever reading that autistic shit. I don't think it went bad or anything, but it dawned on me at some point that I was basically just reading about some guy's fetishes, so I stopped.

How many ongoing webcomics are actually worth following anymore? Gunnerkrigg Court, Unsounded, KSBD and A Better Place are the only ones I'm still interested in, and I only really keep up with the first two.
Ah, well. I think the artist drew something kind of provocative with them about to kiss or something.

They could all be lesbians for all I care, I just really want this comic to do SOMETHING and when SOMETHING finally happened it cut straight back to other bs no one cares about.
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The only webcomic I still keep up with nowadays is Whomp.

I'd keep up with Nedroid too, except his release schedule is sparse and erratic enough that I can go weeks between bothering to remember to see if there's a new one up.
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>I remember, I thought it was a joke about feminists, but then it never stopped.

We all did anon, we all did.

>lesbian Monique

Oh? She turned into a lesbian for real?
>Oh? She turned into a lesbian for real?

yup, she's banging the green-haired devil chick.
Is Vattu worth catching up on? I really liked Evan Dahm's other comics but I stopped reading Vattu at some point and now it's been years and it's still going. Might be progressing awesomely, but I really don't know.
eh, at least when he does put out a comic it's always hilarious. Better that than become Owlturd.
>Ctrl+F "Oglaf"
>No results

Guess it's just me then. Feels like all their creativity's gone down the drain as of late. I remember the strip with the avocado being a blatant T-shirt sell and just not funny at all. They went from having this interesting, funny story about an apprentice and his evil sadistic mistress to a gag-a-week with the same three or four faces for each person.
Not the only one. I don't do smut anymore and that killed about all the drive I had to ever read Oglaf.
If she did a smut-free comic with the usual writing and an actual plot I'd totally be down to read it. But until then I've had more than enough.
>Implying Mistress and Apprentice was ever close to being as good as Curse of the Funpire or most of the gags that came after that first storyline.
Still, I'm with you there, it really became less consistently good after Acrophobia. Still got some good ones, but the ratio of good to bad strips has significantly gone down.
All of them, around 2003 or something. Began drawing my own, which I worked on for five years until running into a wall. Picked the thing back up and redrew everything only to run into the same wall. I made it a point of drawing more webcomics than I read.
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