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/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons

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Thread replies: 565
Thread images: 154

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Profunditendies Edition

>Upcoming Releases:

>Out This Week:
Doctor Aphra Annual #1 (Aug 23)

>Star Wars: Rebels - The Final Season

>Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Behind the Scenes

>Battlefront 2 - Behind the Story

>Download links: (Check here for new Rebels Episodes + Books, Comics, Films, etc)

>Star Wars: Forces of Destiny

>Canon Guide:

>Legends Recommendation List:
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thank you for making this for me on my birthday op
happy birthday anon, may the force be with you, always.
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Wez master race
happy birthday anon it is the day of your birth
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What is he, /swco/?
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Don't forget that Luke is and will always be the best boy.
Return of the Jedi is superior to The Empire Strikes Back.
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if I build a fleet, this will be my flagship
A New Hope is better than both.
I'd go with an Executor, not because it's a good warship (I suspect it's pretty crap for its size) but because it's a dedicated command ship.

And then I'd turn it into a decadent court.
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>rebel fleet for ants
baka desu senpai

ANH - 10
ESB - 9.9
ROTJ - 11

is there a date for rebels season 4?
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>Return of the Jedi is superior
good man
Happy birthday Profunditybro
The One in the Middle.
Not that I know of but I'm pretty sure it's coming next month because every season so far has started in mid-late September.
Rework the Ewoks and I agree, though it's pretty close. I don't actively hate them, they're just so much weaker than the rest of the movie.
I agree
He's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun. He's ancient and forever. He burns at the center of time and he can see the turn of the universe. And... he's wonderful.
There is literally not one thing wrong with the ewoks. The only issue is the near absence of focus on the Rebel strike team, which is there in the background, and quite obvious if you know to look, but as little as 60 seconds dedicated to rebel commandos fighting instead of being background extras in a large panorama scene would definitely have made it even better. But we shouldn't cry about woulda-coulda-shouldas; the movie is all but impeccable as is.
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I know Star Wars loves its weird out there ship designs, but that ship's bridge position in such a ridiculously exposed place on a fragile looking arm seems like a potential big problem in a battle.
>but that ship's bridge position in such a ridiculously exposed place
I think you just described every single capital ship in the franchise
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galactic civil war just ended and your in control of any planet,

what planet will it be? and what would you do with it?

me Ryloth and the 5-year plan.
Mandalore and mass genocide
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And in real life.
Planet Lego and selling lego.
At least in real life you have the excuse that ship guns weren't all that accurate, but putting the bridge anywhere else would be worse than having it in the open so it doesn't really matter

free market capitalism
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Yeah, and IJN pagoda masts were a joke in real life too.
>TLJ has only 12 screen wipes, even less than TFA, and three times less than ANH

First the "designs" and now this. Lost my last bit of hope.
Until recently we absolutely had to and it's still a good idea. Star Wars, not so much.
oh nooo...how on earth is the USS Ronald Reagan able to survive with that big obvious command tower...whatever shall the united states navy do...
Still better than Nebulon-B, B stands from Breaking in half
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There's a very simple reason star wars ships look the way they do.
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all ship's bridge are in an exposed place
Make as sure as they can no one gets to shoot at her at all? Thing is, in Star Wars targeting the bridge should generally be easy. We're talking light speed weapons accurate to millions of kilometers with targeting systems that basically make it impossible to miss I can't do this anymore.
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I think the Trade Federation was on to something...
Not a single word in this post descibes Star Wars.
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Exactly, that's how humans, a species whose primary sense is vision, necessarily operates.

>Nebulons fight Super Star Destroyers and win
>Providence dies after a fighter strafing a hangar shield power generator and a single broadside from a Venator
your EAW mods aren't canon anon :^)
recusant > munificent > subjugator > providence > lucrehulk
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Gotta admit, this is a personal favorite ship design. Its like a mobile office building/arcraft carrier. The perfect ship for the space equivalent of the East India Trading company.
It actually IS a mobile office building, that's what the sphere in the center is. And I really like those quad turbolaser designs, prequel ship weapons were always very nice, especially those window deck guns on the Venator manned by clones and their equivalent on the Providence that pooped out those red energy cells from the breach. I like how Rogue One added dual-turbos that looked like those Lucrehulk quads cut in half to the sides of the nebulons.
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tell me more about this huMans.
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they're fags who like girls with dicks
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And while we're toking great designs the SD bridge design is the most aesthetic thing in the entire SW universe.
I wouldn't necessarily head straight to most aesthetic, but it's undeniably kino and I could hardly fault someone for liking it the best.
But anon in Star Wars the bridges have their own separate deflector shields, and forward batteries which can intensify their fire to make certain nothing can get through. Seems foolproof to me.
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>girls with dicks
If too much light is a bad thing why wasn't the Force out of balance when there were thousands of Jedi around and only two Sith?

And what about the Daughter? She didn't seem like she would fuck up the universe like the Son would. Despite the Father desperate to keep her contained on Mortis.
Star Wars as a series has done a really poor job of showing the bad side of the Light.
It's restrictive and cold.
It's ice while the Dark is fire.
One preserves and one consumes.
Too much of one is just as bad as the other.

But all this "Light isn't that good" comes from George's writing in the Prequel trilogy. That's where the Balance idea comes from and where the Jedi as kinda bad comes from too. It isn't very well fleshed out so though a lot of EU and other writers are trying to fill in the blanks on a bit of a shoddy foundation
Excuse me I am a man who likes men with dicks. I don't pretend to be straight, like them
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>I am a man who likes men with dicks
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Any one of these droids could have saved the Republic with One. Good. Shot
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I'm pretty sure the Clone War and Order 66 would have still happened even if Anakin died here.
Nah mate, Separatists probably would've won then.

Though I've got to admit the idea of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fighting in the Clone Wars together is pretty sweet.
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Trade Fed. BBs are great. Slow lumbering things, but big with heaps of guns and hangar space, and almost unassailable.

It was nice to see them painted in CIS colors in RotS.
Muunilinst Holocaust
Because that's not how the Force fucking works. Now don't star this shit again.

There is no 'Light Side'. The Dark side is a corruption, and the only reason it took two Sith to throw the balance, is because they go out of their way to feed it by making the galaxy a worse place to live.

Mortis is not a physical representation of the Force. It is a vision based on the viewer's comprehension and to an extent morality. Though our understanding of morality may be gray at times, the Force is not. Deal with it.
>one in the middle
>Bendu is clearly on the far right
This is foreshadowing that Bendu is secretly evil.
Mofference re-canonized WHEN
What was Sidious' plan to have the Jedi find the Clones if Anakin didn't capture the assassin that Jango Fett hired to be captured?
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>haha nah i'm just kidding dude its just me
>Come on Rex it was just a joke
>Look i know man my father fought in the clone wars
>So you'll the commandos on endor right?
truthful statement
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>that CR90 corvette in comparison with the Nebulon B

For some reason I always pictured them as being about the length of the central spar of the Neb-B. I can't tell if I was over-estimating the size of the corvette or under-estimating the Nebulon.
Why on earth do you think Sidious needed to have the Jedi find the clones? Did you miss all the shit about the Military Creation Act?

Geonosis kicking off the war was just a happy accident.
I think that may be a production error. Nebulons are bigger, sure, but not THAT much bigger. CR90s are 126 meters longs and Nebulon-Bs are 300 meters.
Well if Palps passes the Military Creation Act, would he just go "Oh and there's this army that a Jedi created years ago."?

It was my impression that Sheev made the Geonosis incident happen in order to force the Jedi to accept the Clones because without crisis in progress, they'd actually look carefully at the origin of the Clones and find that it's full of shit

BoP dilemma

Though, that's the only time we see a frigate that size (it looks pretty good when around ~1 km.), so people tend to ignore it.

Of note, Invisible Hand in RotS is shown to be at least 1.6 km., which is ironically closer to Invincible and other dreadnoughts at 2 km. compared to 1 km. as reference sources put Invisible Hand.
He would have still caused a crisis to happen, just not on Geonosis. Palpatine lays some complex plans but it's a running theme in TPM and AOTC that the Jedi messing around in said plans actually winds up working in his favor.

In TPM he ordered the Jedi killed, and later ordered Maul to kill the Queen, but her survival and testimony wound up expediting his rise to Chancellor.

In AOTC he had plans for the army and the war, and ordered Padme dead again, but her survival and Obi-Wan's investigation led to Geonosis, which kicked off the war immediately AND killed a fuck-ton of Jedi right off the bat.
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Yendor is Best!
How did this disgusting bitch get turned into a sex icon?
she...he joins the list.
we were teenage boys
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>tfw starting to get bummed out by all the negativity on every page relating to TLJ
yeah its pretty much the same thing, like i know complaining about movies is constructive but hearing the same complaints endlessly from /tv/ shitposters is pretty pointless, if its bad move on, if its good move on.
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She had the one pair of exposed breasts in the OT (even if you did need to freeze frame your VCR at just the right time to see dem nips)
>WOW LOL THIS DESIGN IS SO SHIT (doesn't explain why)
>wow.. i've lost all hope.. wtf
Same shit on every page. Shut the fuck up.
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Vader arrives.webm
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Rebel fucking shits.
I love how there's no fanfare to this moment, he just shows up
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Reminder that sticc is in no way inferior than thicc.
The last ten minutes of RO get me solid every fucking time
that star destroyer appearing is one of my favourite scenes from a space fight ever
Man I loved this part. Right when I was thinking "Oh great, an iconic ship and important character are escaping to hyperspace but it will never be explained why they never show up in the OT..." and then boom. Vader swoops in to put an end to that continuity issue
Oola is love, Oola is life
Reminder that C3P0 got Oola killed. She resisted Jabba because the night before, 3P0 had tried to console her by telling her that Luke was coming the next day to stop Jabba and free everyone. If he hadn't told her that, she would have endured another day or two of slavery, and then be free when the battle at the sarlaac pit went down.

Her blood is on your hands, you gold-plated faggot.
he was a good friend
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why did you tell me this anon? do you like it when I suffer?

now all I will be thinking about tonight is what if she lived?
Id rather fuck Jabba tbcompletleyhonestdesusempaifamalam
Giving one last blowjob to a grotesque space slug suddenly doesn't seem so bad
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Sticc is love
Sticc is life
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Yes it is.
Is this real?
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Best ships
No the Sith are the corruption
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You just posted this on /tv/, atleast be original in your shitposting
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>sticc is ba-
How did Maz know that Lukes lightsaber was also Anakins at some point? The last time Anakin had it was when he got btfo by obi-wan and the only people who knew it was his was luke and obiwan.
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It was a compositing error, the CR90 was photographed in reverse so it wound up staying in the same position while getting smaller, this is one of the pratfalls of traditional SFX, but doesn't really detract from it. By the time of ROTJ they settled on the Nebulon being a much smaller frigate, around the 300 meters we see now, though original plans in the concept art for the ending scene of ESB where Luke gets his new hand were meant to imply it was a colossal type cruiser or battleship, one of the many flagships of the rebel fleet, but Lucas didn't like to picture that as THE Rebel Cruiser so he pissed off ILM by making them vacu-form the organic mon calamari cruisers as visual counterparts to the ISDs.
Maybe she could feel it?
How do you know she didn't take it to Luke and he told her about it and told her to keep it?
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CR90 in reverse.webm
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Initially I would have said that Luke got drunk at Maz's place and told her the story. But after TESB Luke should view the saber as lost. So........that story element was pulled out of JJ's ass?
There it is. The Nebulon is scale with the Executor, but the CR90 got composited wrong.
Maz is confirmed for TLJ so there will probably be a flashback
I really like this. but then again, I really like BB-8.
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>BB-8's antenna flapping in the "wind"
was that fan made?
I used to think the bridge was elsewhere and was pleasantly surprised to find it there in the Complete Vehicles cross section from 2013 and very pleased to see it there in Rebels.
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how can you not be hype for this nigga after struzan draws him
It's a Battlefront 2 promo
Toy commercial I believe
It's from a Jeep Commercial.

Fondor. Or any of the other construction world planets. Best independent fleets for planet protection, highest standard of living outside of a place like Naboo that doesn't have multiple sith lords tied to it's history.

I would say Kuat but honestly that seems like the first place attacked in every invasion, civil war and local uprising.

Those are two biggest shipbuilding worlds. Sullust, might not be too bad either.
I really hope ships exploding ingame are just as good as this. So far in the Gamescon gameplay vids ships just cartwheel around without effects then explode
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>8 foot tall angry mummy man in a giant golden bathrobe is a bad final boss because he sits in a chair

>Giant analslice battleship with custom dick mod commanded by goldmember
>the fucking state of you
Don't forgeworlds need food shipments?
fuck off to youtube comments
There's always been air in Star Wars space
It's canon
>far right
CTR get the fuck out
Because it doesn't matter how much you polish a turd, it's still a turd
what's bad about a character you don't know?
In theory nothing, but what we do know so far has been derivative as hell. He's Palpatine 2 and they've done little to change that perception. He may turn out to have a good backstory but Struzan making him look cool isn't enough to make Snoke exciting.
there's air in space irl too, just not enough for humans to breathe, but there's dozens of gaseous atoms per square meter in the "vacuum" of space
he has like 3 lines and sounds nothing like Palpy. he isn't cheeky or schemey
So Phasma and Leia are the only books being released for Force Friday, right? Not counting activity books and such.
Yep. Luke book, Canto Bight short stories, Certain Point of View are all October or so
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white stuff all over his face
He has taught Ezra well
Is Ezra's jizz multicolored?

Yeah but ships are highest trade commodity in the galaxy, food, weapons, labor would be far under cost.

construction yard worlds are surprisingly rare in galaxy.
No but Zeb's is
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Reminder that RO is more unoriginal than TFA
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>takes place immediately before OT
>reminder that my opinion is objective
Naboo starships are so fucking sexy
They'd be better if they didn't cram R2 in there for marketing research







^^^^^ You guys right now
>he thinks anyone here cared about AT-STs or the droids cameo
Mike pls go
>an actual unironic RLMfag is posting right now
wew, take it back to /tv/

I'd bet you think TFA is a masterpiece and harkens back to a similar time in star wars

It's just JJ's style, it's nothing objectively wrong

And they changed some things about the ships so it's fine
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Remember, EU fags will defend this
why is leia shooting lasers out of her eyes

why is that man deformed and have a third eyeball
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Does anyone have those romance covers with stupid star wars ships on them? Like, Jynnic and krennic, or hux and the tentacle monster?
Rey is cuter and a better character than Jyn
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Jyn hug.png
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>cant even "I, Rebel"
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its a robot leia

his name is Trioculus and he's Palpatine's son
Now this is contrarianism
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Reminder Disney fags will defend this
>movie set thirty years after the OT
>literally every ship is exactly the same, nobody complains
>movie set a few hours before the OT
>a couple ships are the same but they actually designed new ships
I didn't like either movie but Rogue One is objectively more original, as it had more new ship designs (TFA had zero). TFA is the most derivative copy/paste dumpster fire of a movie I've ever seen.
Disney fan here, i think that was a bad decision.
t-this can't be real
what's the issue with it?
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>literally fucking Admiral Ackbar mixed with Grievous
>t-there's nothing wrong with it
kek if it was in the EU we'd never hear the end of it. But because it's in the "based" Disney canon I've never seen it posted on /swco/, funny enough.
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EU fags WILL defend this
>literally fucking Admiral Ackbar mixed with Grievous
>t-there's nothing wrong with it
That's not an argument, friend.

What's the issue with a freak-creator using a field-tested design when he makes a freak out of a Mon Calamari

>kek if it was in the EU we'd never hear the end of it.

> But because it's in the "based" Disney canon I've never seen it posted on /swco/, funny enough.
But that's fucking awesome
>no EU fags defend these
>Disney fag unironically defends this >>94904259
>>94904367 ITT
When will we start calling out Disney fags too?
>all mon cala are automatically "Ackbar" because im too lazy to learn names
2/10 got me to reply
Man, Star Wars is garbage.
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>Quintessence was a form of dark energy. Originally thought impossible to tap into, the First Order discovered a way to harvest it, giving it a practically unlimited source of energy. The First Order used quintessence to create a superweapon called Starkiller Base, which could destroy entire star systems. When the superweapon fired its planet-shattering beam, it transformed the quintessence within into phantom energy, another form of dark energy.
I don't get how this general hates anything EU but gobbles up everything nu-wars.
Not that guy, but there's a difference between a grevious abomination and fucking lazer eyes leia killing sheevs three eyed son
fags will defend this
imagine the fat goblin who posts this shit
Because we don't hate the eu and we are going to have """nu-wars""" for the rest of our lives and luckily across the board its been far superior to the eu.

that greentext is the most retarded thing I have ever read
you mispelled "awful"
reminder that Mr Bones is a thing
It's canon so we like it though.
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>someone takes it seriously and gets butthurt
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>I don't get how this general hates anything EU

so you're just gonna ignore the Legends recommendation list in the OP and the Legends download links in the pastebin?

> but gobbles up everything nu-wars.
except we don't crossposter

what's wrong with Mr. Bones? he's one of the few non-shit things about the Aftermath books
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Where did this even come from?
A comic book that came out ages ago, yep this whole time you've been enjoying canon material not knowing that the whole canon has been ruined for years now you can be free to retroactivly unenjoy those things.
Reminder that novelizations aren't canon
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new meme of the day ____ will defend this
Prequelfags will defend this
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hello there
>that episode of tcw where grievous got his head stuck in a honey tree and christopher robin and the rest of the confederacy had to pull him out
mousecucks will defend this
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>jedifags will defend this
>that episode of tcw where sheev left his "how to be evil and rule the galaxy" guidebook in yoda's office and he has get it back without anyone knowing
>that nucanon movie where some fagget kid from tatooine blows up a giant space station with his eyes closed
Disneyshills will defend this
Mousecucks love taking it up the ass after all. Say it with me now.... THE FORCE IS FEMALE!
I love that episode. Fuck you!
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I loved that episode faggot
>that episode of tcw where dr vindi turns himself into a sentient jogan and goes on wacky adventures
>the episode where ezra bridger grew boobs and sabine got jealous
how on earth did this get past the censors
>when Winnie the Pooh spent a solid two minutes rambling on about balance in the Force before he trailed off and started eating honey from a pot
>when he accidentally got honey all over his lightsaber and he he said "oh bother" because it wouldn't turn on
>Anakin and Obi Wan giving each other "what the fuck" glances that whole scene

I mean, what was going on? Did I miss something?
That episode got a little intense when Chopper locks Ezra in with Zeb and all you hear is Ezra screaming and loud banging noises
I mean we were supposed to laugh and think that Ezra had it coming, but....
>that episode where dex's diner changes the recipe and anakin boycotts while obi-wan likes the new recipe better
Bit on the nose ey filoni
Nah, that was nothing
Now that episode where Hondo fucked Sabine while Ezra sat outside the door to her room crying and quietly jacking off his tiny dick, that one hit a little too close for me
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>the episode of TCW where Anakin Skywalker visits the planet of separatist Jew bankers asks Chancellor Palpatine how to enact the Final Solution to the Muunish Question
>that part in rogue one where the small orange alien with a funny hairdo that only screams gets blown up

oh... that actually happened....
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>that episode where Hondo hardcore fucks Katooni aboard Slave I
>be me Jedi padawan
>can't have sex or jack off
>why live
>that episode where Dex's Diner gets rundown and closed and dilapidated
Oh wait, that was Aftermath.
We did it guys.
We hit peak shitposting. And the thread is better than ever.
>implying that hot female Jedi Masters don't help male padawans "relieve" themselves"
Yes but you can receive oral from your teacher
you must the best part order 66 with the clones ovens
Shitposters will defend this
but this is quality shitposting, of the humorous enjoyable variety, instead of intentionally misinterpreting very simplistic plot and thematic elements of movies for 12 year olds
Yep, now who's up for some jogan fruitcake?
>that episode of Rebels where Kallus captures Zeb and forces him to watch footage of the Empire's Massacre on Lasan
with blue bantha semen?!
Reminder that only bitch boys with tiny dicks sell jogans for a living
Looks like I'll need to start selling jogans
Did someone say jogans?
Will this be the new "what is he, /swco/?" ?
Reminder that Inquisitors have the spinner thing because they lack the skill to spin their lightsabers themselves like Maul does

What is your favorite Star Wars Movie /swco/?
Shut up, Sheev named that ship
TFA obviously, it's a masterpiece.

>still no destroyer called The Sheev Ship
What is your least favorite Star Wars Movie /swco/?


He was slipping in his old age.


Yeah, why is AOTC so bad?
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tie between ROTS and Rogue One

I'm not /swco/ I just post here. That said, my favorite would have to be ROTJ, though it only closely edges out the other 5 saga films

My least favorite is TFA, which not only gets poor marks for execution but for effort as well. Though the sequel trilogy has potential to be retroactively made kino, whereas I don't really like Rogue One at all despite the fact that it's clearly an A+ for effort. I have to consider Rogue One better for the love that went into it, though I personally don't like the plot or characters.
return of the Jedi
AOTC, Fett is the only thing stopping me from hating it
I hope the New Republic has a ship called the Sheevheever.
Episode 2
Denon. Gotta control the Hyperlanes man. Make friends with >>94899681 and we can control all trade to the southern galaxy.
>we can become the space jews
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>he doesn't remember this holocaust reference from the 2003 cartoon
Where my Bellator at?
this map is missing a lot of planets
it's not canon
>FFG reveals a Thrawn with utterly bullshit OP admiral power.
>Next reveals a Raddus with a power almost equally bullshit.
We need to build a death star and the Tusken Raiders will pay for it
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Sticc aliens are best aliens
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Not yet.
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Too bad your administration just lost Sebastian Ghorfa!
I unironically liked the holiday specials since it introduced me to star wars
oh you poor soul
It's okay, Anon. The first step is admitting you have a problem.

ESB has my favorite leia lines and i love carrie
Fuck I am loving these shield clone troopers in force arena
This is like something out of Metal Gear
This can't be real.
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Oh it's real
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Name a more overrated character then this one. Makes me roll my eyes whenever I hear somebody praise him.
inb4 Revan
Sabine and Rey get jerked off over everywhere but here so them
I honestly thought I had completely forgotten about a scene in Spaceballs at first.
But I guess that joke was Pizza the Hutt, not Stuffed-Crust Star Destroyer.
Kyle Katarn. He's not even particularly interesting to begin with.
Well the entire point is that Anakin tried the same trick that Obi-Wan pulled on Maul, which was why he was ready for it.
where is my spaceballs 2

Never happening.

Bill Pullman's too 'serious' an actor, Daphne Zuniga never ceased to be a literally who, Joan Rivers, Dom Deluise and John Candy are dead, Rick Morannis is retired and Mel Brooks is senile.
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Clearly, you should always bet on Obi-wan.

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>tiny dick
Bo katan will Slap his ass
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>that episode where Bendu turned into a murder storm, announced "I bring death!", and started throwing lightning at everyone around
Gray Jedifags will defend this.
>Doctor Aphra Annual #1 (Aug 23)
I can't find this anywhere online. Has it even gotten scanlated yet?
Are you saying the Ewoks are perfect?
That's not realistic either. To my knowledge there's been one space warship (more an auxiliary) and that had all sorts of gubbins.

Featureless spheres are more an Orion's Arm sort of thing. I can suspend disbelief on OA and I can suspend disbelief on SW, but some things in both make me disbelieve.

Sticking the command crew where you can reliably shoot it is one thing in SW, especially since bridge hits is a thing that happens.
Well somebody has to finish what SS and Hera started...(and cuck Sabine in the process)
Ask a certain fan community.
You are obviously right.
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My man! The only negative I have about it is the characters walking one after the other in Jabba's palace making it feel a bit too long.
If Raddus had done his fucking job every ship except _maybe_ the flagship would have gotten out. Look at the fight and see how much time gets wasted.
Nu-canon fags will defend this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sOvNYYH6Cs
what's next disney
no meme, why do they call it nu-canon when the eu was never canon, its just a continuation of the only canon there ever was.
Why didn't the rebels just fly unmanned ships into the Imperial bridges?
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George Lucas has an eye for cool designs and a large talented crew creating them.

Abrams is a jew that just obeys his corporate masters while barely caring about Star Wars in the first place.
Rogue One added Krennic, Death Troopers, Shore Troopers and the Tank guys. A few new designs were worth the garbage Jynn crew.
Bigger bridge! No forward firepower!

At least it's a specialist design but still.
What was the reason for turning this into a tracked tank? They never show the tracks in the movie so it would have fooled me into thinking it was a hover tank if they had said nothing about it.
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At least do something Baker actually said.
"Nobody knows where it came from...nobody knows what it wants....there are theories...and then, there is the legend."
Kill yourself. How can you put TFA above ROTS?
It's time,for Star Wars to end.
So,what's you favorite and least favorite Star Wars ship? My favorite ship is Reylo and my least favorite ship is Finnrey. I also like Anakin/Kenobi.
Let's post some Reylo :)
>So,what's you favorite and least favorite Star Wars ship?
Nubulon B always looked like too much random shit thrown together for me.
>pickup tank with cargo space on top

So reverse technical desant?
I meant like Reylo,Jynnic,Padren,Kylux,etc.
I've never heard of these ships. What movie were they in?
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The TIE Interceptor is the best ship in Star Wars.
All other ships are shit.
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sneaky a-wing kill
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Based /ss/ confirming Ezra's big cock
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The naboo chromeships>TFA's copypasta ships
>TFW no SW ships in your ship folder

but the AT-ACT is a not a sequel-era vehicle!
muh nigga
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that feel when you're the only one on this thread

UK for the win
TPM. It's pure unadulterated George, the closest to the Star Wars he envisioned before reality cut it down to what became ANH.

Had nothing to do with accuracy, gunnery crews were simply given orders and they did what they could. WW2 saw the realization for admirals to basically take over the communications room of whatever ship they were on for co-ordination and left a skeleton crew/runners if necessary to steer above. It's where the concept of Gundam's "Battle Bridge" comes from.
Ayup fellow britbong.
I'm americlap
Is that a cannon or is the ship just happy to see me?
I really don't think that was the point, m8. I think that nobody involved in the production even realised what they were doing there. The only intentional pottery was OT callbacks.
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join the stormtrooper corps see and see the galaxy.
Meet Exotic and Interesting species......
And then kill them.
Sounds good to me.
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do your part

This is the worst clickbait article on this bullshit rumor yet.
>bullshit rumor
Kill yourself.
So,how did he get that girl as his girlfriend?
I mean,look at him.
>Pablo said that the 2020 movie is based on Lucas's ideas
>Kathleen said at Celebration 2015 that the three planned Anthology movies would not feature any Jedi
>STILL believing the Obi-Wan rumor.
Can we take a moment and appreciate Reylo? Let's post some Reylo. :D

>Kathleen said at Celebration 2015 that the three planned Anthology movies would not feature any Jedi
>No Jedi
Rogue One had Darth Vader. Also,do you still believe Kathleen's bullshit?
Fuck off
Yes :D
Vader was a Jedi once. Anakin Skywalker.
Kill yourself you so
Vader wasn't a Jedi when RO took place.
Colin might get dumped
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how to do your part?
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>Anakin Skywalker
That name no longer has any meaning for me.
>OT trash
Fuck off.
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Has it even been confirmed yet? Usually they post it on the Star Wars website and that's when you know it's official. I know it's very likely we will get it but I ain't buying shit from clickbait articles from some awful media news website. I've been fooled by them too many times.
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Th Thanks Disney
Of course it hasn't
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Join Now!
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why Griev was so fucking based?
Transformers The Last Knight was better than The Force Awakens. Now you: _____ was better than The Force Awakens.
Avengers copied the plot of TF3
They copied the name of TF4 for A2

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>>OT trash
No we won't. Disney killed the Prequels. Now fuck off you OTfag. They raped our child,Grievous.
What trilogy will show to your kids first? I will show them from EP1 to EP9. If at that time there will be another trilogy then they will see that one first.
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> kids
Release order.
Also know as the correct order.
Yeah know, end this shitty meme you OTfag

Chronological is the purest way to introduce the Galaxy and see the rise and fall of heroes and villains as intended. Jumping around the timeline 30 years at a time is retarded and you know it.
The Lion King was better than TFA.
Now,why do people hate TFA so much? It actually felt like SW compared to the prequels.
TCW -> ANH -> Rogue One -> ESB -> TPM -> AOTC -> ROTS -> Rebels -> ROTJ
>> Rebels,RO,4,5,6,7,8,9

no Prequelfags
Thank you!

I'm sorry for your kids. You can't let them see the prequels,they need to see your childhood and not have their own.
>Has CW/PT references
Kill yourself you OTfag.
I will show them:
1,2,TCW,3,Rebels,RO,Han Solo,4,5,6,7,8,9.
>Now,why do people hate TFA so much
hardcore fans aren't people
RO is literally a prequel to ANH
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>It actually felt like SW compared to the prequels.
I'll take 'What are things casuals say. for $500 Alex. This is the last (You) you'll get from me normie, I hope you choke on it!
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>It actually felt like SW compared to the prequels.
I know,it was just a joke. I hated TFA. Now the real question is,why do people hate TCW? I understand the reasons for the PT(even that the majority of reasons are just reatarded). Why?
because nobody wants to watch an entire season to get to the good stuff/people don't like the prequel era/the fans are annoying
I just never found the show or characters very engaging or interesting.
Let's post some sexy/lewd Anakin,ok? ;D
Which trilogy do you like?
literally noone hates TCW. Fans like it and normies simply don't care, Those few who actively hate on it deserve to be shot to spare sanity of those around them.
I hate Star Wars. Star Wars is the most overrated franchise of all times. It needs to stop now!
Nerd/geek era needs to end now!
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>you first Prequelcuck
No. Let's post some Rey. You know that Rey is the best waifu.
I always go chronological with kids because it's easier for them to understand. Yes, it ruins the ebin twist in ESB, but otherwise it provides better context for the struggle of the rebellion and Luke's journey. The reveal in ESB then becomes painful to watch rather than surprising, because the viewer is anticipating it.
Shut the hell up!

You first original trilogy faggot. You don't deserve to live! Disney ruined Star Wars!
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>literally noone hates TCW
Apart from fans of the 2D show.
Don't be afraid. The Last Jedi will fix what J.J. ruined. :) P.S. I love the prequels too.
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>fucking up the Vader twist for kids
If only the Mouse and Kathleen Kennedy didn't make Luke gay, we could've had an age appropriate Mara Jade.

Oh well, Pizza Star Destroyers and AT-Sloths.
> the absolute STATE of EUfags
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>Pizza Star Destroyer
Just wait and see The Last Jedi,you will change your mind.:)
I mean,who doesn't like Porgs? :D
Will it have an even bigger Death Planet?

Yeah but it's a competent adventure story for the most part.
Then you need to start saying "Prequel era" instead of the catch-all "muh prequels" since it no longer works.
It makes no fucking sense.
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>unveiling a pizza destroyer that is supposed to have another destroyer on it but you can't spoil that
>just generates more negativity from cunts online

Why did they show pictures of it?
m night shamwow pls go
Why are they still making bad movies?
>a ship design I don't like means the movie is bad
no it's because there are walkers in it
>walkers in ROTJ
>walkers in AOTC
>walkers in ROTS
>walkers in TCW
>walkers in Rebels
>walkers in Rogue One
wtf I hate star wars now???
At this point you'd have to shelter your kids pretty hard to avoid them discovering that Vader is Luke's father through simple cultural osmosis.

Hell, my father showed the OT to me at such a young age that I don't even remember my reaction to the twist. My fondest memory of my introduction to Star Wars is seeing a lightsaber for the first time.

The twist was amazing for the time but totally unnecessary now.

Because the prequels which are 15ish years old at this point have anything to do with a kid's childhood?

Forget that AotC did so poorly against Spider-man that it stole the commercial opening for the former and then went into Yoda FLIES!

The pt sucked.
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stop the docking meme NOW
Why? ships that connect together are awesome and it's heavily implied
No it was the fact that they ripped of A New Hope line for line with dumb shit including killing off Han without Leia or Luke there, followed by a non-sensical prequel that had only one good scene - that was Darth Vader fucking up the rebels that was immediately ruined by bad Leia CGI.

Oh well, Goldmember and Bionicle Red Guards! YAY TOYS!
> ships that connect together are awesome
explain why that would be needed
>The pt sucked

Nah, TPM is magical for kids.

>Jedi vs skeleton robots
>dem shiny starships
>dat podrace
>Jedi vs evil Satan Jedi
Transformers has made billions, the Market research says this will sell Lego sets.
>I mean,who doesn't like Porgs
40 year old men idolize the OT.

Kids who grew up with the Prequels realize the current Disney trash is just profiting off Gen X.
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>Oh well, Goldmember and Bionicle Red Guards! YAY TOYS!
but this is cool, right? cocksucker
This. TPM is a kids tale, just like original SW was.
I'd buy that action figure.
>false equivalency

You can't say the PT is bad but then justify Pizza Star Destroyers and Death Planets.
Guys,look the Prequels are great!
So is Disney nuCanon.
The only thing I was criticizing is saying the guards are bad because gesture like toys when the most beloved thing in this general are stormtroopers with paint on them

just imagine not being excited to see royal guards with wacky weapons actually doing something because you're so cynical and negative and obsessed with pointing out everything wrong in society. it's sad
>Red guards
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Except you can tell the current Royal Guards for Gold Member emperor were designed specifically to sell toys. Even their 'weapons' look like nerf swords.
I like this. The Porgs will have an bigger role in The Last Jedi...:D
Episode 9: WE PORGS NOW!
the Porgs are the key to all of this
Don't forget all the imaginative aliens and set designs, from the majesty of Theed and the otherworldly Otoh Gunga to the sprawls of Mos Espa and Coruscant. Adults criticize the CGI but kids can't tell the difference as well, and TPM's exotic CGI aliens are just as mindblowing to kids as the cantina was to us.

The soundtrack is top-tier as well.
The 2018 lego star wars sets just leaked. Also,Harry Potter is coming next year!
>Except you can tell the current Royal Guards for Gold Member emperor were designed specifically to sell toys
So? Most cool things in Star Wars are

also what's with the guy larping as a facebook mom obsessed with Porgs?
POTTERY! How can Prequel fags even compare?
>t. Hasbro
Post it
NOT an argument. Everything in Star Wars post ANH was made to sell toys. It's not a bad thing at all that people make attractive designs that people will want to buy you stupid fucking anticap college kid. HURR MONEY IZ BAD
Actually,I'm working on an ani!ated spin off of the Porgs and an videogame.:)
Then why is it everyone is tryharding to like the Disney Crap by saying "IT'S JUST LIKE THE OT!!! IT'S NOT ALL CORPORATE LIKE THE PT!!!"

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Heroes in the half shell
Turtle Power!

They're the world's most fearsome fighting team (We're really hip!)
They're heroes in a half shell and they're green (Hey - get a grip!)
When the evil Shredder attacks
These turtle boys don't cut him no slack

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Splinter taught them to be ninja teens (He's a radical rat!)
Leonardo leads, Donatello does machines (That's a fact, jack!)
Raphael is cool but (c)rude (Gimmie a break!)*
Michelangelo is a party dude (Party!)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Heroes in the half shell
Turtle Power!
Who says that?
Now with Halloween costumes and authentic NERF Weapons!
Patton Oswalt and all the other Disney Shills who look exactly like him?
>caring about twitterposting celebs
You're better than that.
you guys complain about any weapon that isn't a lightsaber or gun
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>When the evil Jedi attacks
>These red boys don't cut them any slack
Cause there's no reason for any other weapons to exist.
Shamefur dispray, pizza no have penises.
oh I have to hear this
>designed by NERF
>wielded by Bionicle Action Figures which resemble something from the OT
they were designed by the same studio that made clones
Just like how knives, bats, swords (to a lesser extent today), and a whole bunch of other melee weapons are pointless because we have guns in real life, right?
It's pretty obvious if you give it even a moment's thought desu.

In actual combat? Uh, yeah. You don't bring a knife to a gunfight, or a melee weapon to a blasterfight unless you're a force-user.
>mousecucks shilling their garbage
You know that the weapons have energy to deflect against sabers, right? They're specifically meant to stop Jedi
What happened to this thread? Is the Reylo poster back?
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> you will never be an angry 20something so mad and desperate that he believes that corporations are the cause of everything wrong in his live so he literally cannot shut the fuck up about Disney in any given Star Wars threads
feels good man
So they're devaluing the special properties of the lightsaber. Gotcha.
Hey,if you are here. The Reylo poster,can you post some Rey/Kylo please? Thanks.
the property of "wins every fight ever"?
So,how many of you are girls and like Star Wars?
don't bother man, I shut down the thread here >>94913063
it'll take a while for this thread to recover
>complaining about something that's been an established part of Star Wars since the beginning

Also, remember all those Jedi that survived Order 66?
I am a 24 year old woman.
>but this is cool, right?
yeah because they look cool :^)
Wait, are you mad that the guards don't have guns?
Can you be my gf?
>a ship design I don't like means the movie is bad
star wars is bad and is carried by world building, visuals and effects.
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I love Rey and I want her to be my wife. :^)
*raises hand*
my name is Karen Traviss
Are you beautiful? Can you be my gf?
t. cynical millennial loser
I want Kylo and Anakin to be my wife. ;^)
Which one would you want as your wife?
So,what happened to this thread? I though that we've got better...
Not mad, just amused.
oh shit its the real Karen Traviss!
For mouse fans and Bonkle haters:
only only if you have crotchless mando armour that you will wear 24/7 around the house for me
It would speed up when Padme goes to war.

And it's not like ANH has much character development either outside of Luke deciding to go with Obi-Wan and Han returning to save Luke.
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hon hon hon, baguette to you too
I have a six pack,is it enough for you? Also,are you beautiful?

Based Boba.
Coleman trebor is just there but he isn't in the final set.
Wow,they still make TCW sets. Neat.
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LOGH Imperial Battleship.jpg
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Mainly because on a spherical planetoid the higher the bridge is the farther away you can see.
On a space ship having a bridge that is built deep inside the ship behind multiple walls of armor and reinforced materials is objectively the best idea, while sensors should be the only thing sticking out of the ship.
Post Lego SW collection
Can someone post some Porgs? Please.
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>Clone speeder is a mini LAAT
>tfw in original Battlefront 2, depending on the map you were on the clone troopers were using their different armors
>tfw new Battlefront 2 wont do anything like this and it cant even do the same shit a game made almost a decade ago could do
>tfw in original Battlefront 2, depending on the map you were on the clone troopers were using their different armors

Geonosis was the only map with different armor.

>tfw new Battlefront 2 wont do anything like this and it cant even do the same shit a game made almost a decade ago could do

Concept art shows Phase 1 troopers on Kamino.


Janina isn't black.

Quality shitpost my friend.
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Why do people keep posting the same questions from the last thread?
Post the best SW waifu....Rey
I am pretty darn certain that ice planets had different character models on them.
Why do you keep shitposting?
So,which actress would be good to play Live Action Ahsoka?
>The power rangers are protecting the knockoff emperor

Now I've seen it all
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I love this (You) image
>So,which actress would be good to play Live Action Ahsoka?

I don't think that's ever gonna happen.
some black chick with an afro
There was no ice planet on which Clone Troopers could fight in Battlefront 2. Hoth had appropriate outfits for Rebels and Empire, and Rebel outfits changed on a few other maps.

But hey, guess what? This is also the case in EA Battlefront 1.
It doesn't matter, /tv/ will get triggered regardless of the casting, there'd be nonstop shitposting, and we'd never hear the end of it.
>There was no ice planet on which Clone Troopers could fight in Battlefront 2.
Just give Tatooine a snow and ice texture and you have the Pantoran or whatever planet from early TCW
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>copypasting inane comments from another general is not shitposting
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I'm an old lady compared to most of you, and a lifelong fan. My mom was the art director during the advertising campaign for the NPR radio series; evidently I heard the ESB soundtrack in small clips endlessly in utero when she was cutting together the promos, so I guess that's what did it.
Rhen Var or bust
Anon, we're talking about the 2005 Battlefront 2.
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Too many lonely NEETs in these threads.
I love you.

Cool,are you single?
Dafuq happened to /swco/?
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that ASS
Delet this
why do you keep asking this?
Post more and you can add Rey.
Why do you like Rey so much? Daisy Ridley has 0 tits and 0 ass.
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Do you _like_ the Empire soundtrack?

And was your first complete sentence "Fucking newfags are worse than cancer REEEEEEE" when you heard the Return one?
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Ummm....more? But this isn't Daisy.
Oh,muh di...
Is the woman the best creation of God? Yes it is!
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My lightsaber is growing.
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This anon speaks the truth. Thankfully the actress who played 'Rey' in the porn parody has plenty of tits and ass.
At /co/ we have no truck with the female void.
We need way more of this. Why weren't any of those Rey in TFA?
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>Alec Guinness was 62 when he portrayed Obi-Wan in Star Wars
>canon timeline establishes Obi-Wan is 57 years old circa ANH

>Mark Hamill was 63 when he portrayed Luke in TFA
>canon timeline establishes Luke is 53 circa TFA

Why do certain people complain about the former but not the latter?
Actually, since Stella Cox does a decent job acting in her vids, and has a great British accent, she would have made a decent Rey in TFA.
You know...you don't need to stop.
Are you smoking crack?

The classic BF2 DIDN'T fucking do that unless you installed PC mods. You were the Phase II 501st on every fucking map. The ONLY exceptions were the fucking Geonosis tutorial level, and the Scout Troopers on Kashyyyk.

Dice on the other hand actually DOES tailor specific armor to maps. The first game had troopers default to Shore Troopers on Scarif, for example, and Phase I and Phase II Clones are confirmed to be map-tailored.

I know it's cool to hate on EA and everything, but jesus christ do some research, you literally managed to get your shitpost completely backwards.
why must we sine against god

> tfw a porn actress acts better than daisy
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get banned last time, it needs to be SFW
my god is tits & ass

I will worship my god 24/7
Bunnyfu is better. Btw,there is no such a thing as...
How did they get away with this?
> "there is no underwear in space" - Based George
You know that this is photoshoped. Do more Daiay photoshops.
last one of Rey I'm posting, have to keep checking if SFW
I want to be BB-8
Is Rey virgin at all? I mean,on Jakku there were a lot of males and Unkar Plutt. Also,were Padme and Leia virgin either before they got their men? Of course,Rey isn't woth Kylo yet.
What! I love woman now!
>Is Rey virgin at all?
no, Jakku has no law and not a lot of women.
Rey need food
>Rey need food
Well,I'm sorry for Kylo. Anyway,I'm pretty sure that Kylo got a lot of pussy.
Rey is 19 in TFA and Kylo 30...
>Rey is 19
>Kylo is 30
Reylo is pretty fucked up isn't it?

>>Kylo is 30?
>older men can't date younger women
Is there anything modern society can do right?
29. 10 years difference between Rey and him.
He's more like 29, since he was born around the Battle of Jakku, a year after Endor.
Finnrey is better
No it's not. Finnrey is disgusting.
Oh,it is beautiful
When did he say that?
No more Rey posts. I've lost my force :(
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rey on the beach.jpg
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there's been an awakening

have you felt it?
>Dat ass
I mean,yes my master. I did feel the awakening...
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>Kylo:Oh,Rey is so hot. Fap time!
>Snoke comes up.
>Snoke:Kylo,what are you doing?
>Kylo:Um...I'm studying about...The Clone Wars!
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