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Doomguy joins the Justice League. What changes?

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Doomguy joins the Justice League. What changes?
Wich one?
He's live a quiet normal life where the portal to hell isn't on Mars.
Hell exists in DC, and it is filled with demons, and they cross over to Earth.

He'd also end up facefucking the Spectre, because fuck it that thing is as evil as any demon doing horrible things to generic people that have commited relatively minor 'sins' yet so much of a jobber he chumps it Martian Manhunter style against the Joker.
Well he can't use guns, Batman wouldn't like that.

He can't rip and tear, Superman wouldn't like that.

all he'd be able to do is punch stuff in blinding rage, but then he'd look bad for JL public relations.

so chances are he'd get booted pretty quick and he'd probably just get back into the military and get another pet rabbit.

maybe if anything, join Cadmus or some organization meant to prevent metahumans from taking over.
Thats not Doomguy, that's Halo. Eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything.
>facefucking the Spectre
>implying that the Spectre wouldn't ditch Corrigan to get on the Doom train and Rip and Tear across the realities
>The Spectre
>easy to facefuck
Confirmed for never reading comics.
He fucks off back to /v/
...oh dear god.
Now THAT I'd read.
Incorruptible is an inherent trait of Doom Guy, can't be possessed.
He gets kicked out in the first day after he stops a bank robbery by riping and tearing the robbers into bits.
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You're all stupid.

He wouldn't be Justice League.

He would be down in Hell with the Human Defence Corps, decimating the legions of demons like he normally does.
He'd probably be kicked off, mostly because of Batman. I can't see Bruce tolerating Doomguy. I also see Doomguy having a lot of fights with Etrigan.

Doomguy would kind of be like JLU Question, in that everyone thinks he's insane but they accept him as an ally.

I can also see him raising hell on Apokolips.
Original Doomguy wouldn't even join the league. He'd just go that universe's hell and fuck it over.

Doomslayer? He at least gives a shit about innocent people. He's probably join the league as he IS reasonable. Though he may try to kill Etrigan at first due to a misunderstanding. He'd finally get a nice quiet life compared to what he has now at least.
You don't know shit about the original doomguy.

He cares about people, he originally as a soldier got busted down pre-invasion for beating his commanding officer into a coma for ordering them to fire on innocent people.
He held the line by himself at the last spaceport on Earth to give the people a chance to escape on the ships.
One of the many reasons he hates demons so much is because the killed his pet bunny, Daisy.

Doomslayer is the one that is PURGE All Day 'erry Day, Noon & Night without a break.
He's more righteous anger than mortal man.
The Specter is an Angel, who canonically boosted his power in DOOM.
Giving him a blessing is different from trying to ride around in him. He also wears hellish armour that feeds off of the souls of all the demons he slaughters.
So you're saying that a team-up with Ghost Rider (in Hell) would be the best Doomslayer comic?
Doom1,2,Final,64 and Doom 2016 are the same guy
Ghost Rider/Spectre/Doomslayer crossover when?
The Angel just gave him advanced UAC armour from another reality
For someone so wrathful I bet the Spectre doesn't even have to possess him

He'd probably just give him his cloak

He probably already gave him his cloak
Doomguy and Doomslaye are the same person
His armor was made by a demon, which is why the Cyber-demon's armor look similar.
It also has UAC markings on it so it's mostly likely just armour that the demon heavily modified
Except the UAC based their armor off the Demon's shit. And Doomslayer was from a reality without a UAC.

DOOM has a surprising amount of story hidden in the logs and data you collect.
It fucking sickens me how later reboots made them bad guys, because humans 'aren't allowed' by the writers to develop any defenses for themselves against the threats in the universe outside of a bunch of vigilante assholes in extravagant costumes.

These guys literally invaded hell in the original showing and established a beachhead for humanity down there manned by the now undead squaddies who had previously been kidnapped, how is that not rad as all hell?
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We just find out he's related to Bruce Wayne in some way.
Is batman okay with killing demons?
WW would admire his warrior shtick
Actually I think he'd be fine with it, he was gunning down demons like nobody's business in Trinity a few months back

He comes from good Christian stock
He's a hypocrtical asshole, writers have had him alright with killing all sorts of sapient beings as long as they aren't actually human.

As if a person stops being a person just because they are inorganic etc, but they Joker can do absolutely anything and Bats will go out on a limb to save his existence.
Doomslayer the dude from Doom64
He'd be his own JL.
And when a red lantern ring flies to him he'll just tell it to fuck off since he is righteous in his wrath, not just senselessly angry all the time.
Except all the information we are given about him implies a different backstory.
ID literally said he's the original DOOM marine. Not only that, he's every incarnation of DOOMGUY ever.
I don't think he'd even speak, he'd just grab it, throw it to the ground, and curb stomp it into the pavement itself.
You missed a log then my friend. One of them explicitly references the end of Doom64 where he decides to stay in hell. Pictures also show him wearing the Doom 1 outfit and it talks about his endless battle in Hell where he meets the Argent knight guys who he teams up with till they're betrayed
Then when did he join the Night Sentinels?
He's not the Doom 3 guy but Doom 3 talks about him

When He'll decided to drag the Night Sentinel's world into Hell
The Night Sentinels were from another world, not Hell. Hell invaded their world and the Doomslayer only started his slaughter after that.
Doomslayer's armour would just drain the juice from it to power itself if the ring tried to force onto his fingers.

>Additional relics were found in the tomb alongside the Doom Marine. Some incantation tablets, and an ancient combat suit which was given a name: the 'Praetor Suit'. When found, it was encased in an inscribed stone tomb. The suit was extracted from the rock, cleaned, and subjected to numerous tolerance tests, and found to be almost impervious to any damage. It appeared to have some mechanical function as well- small receptors on the gloves and chest plate that attracted Argent plasma and dissipated it through capillary tubes in the substructure. Markings on the armor were also consistent with images of a man (or humanoid) seen in several of the tablets and stones found on other expeditions. The same markings were also noted on the Helix Stone,

>Despite it being clear that the suit can be activated in some way, no method has been found to do it. It appears to be missing a component, likely the Doom Marine himself.
Somewhere inbetween DOOM 64 and DOOM 4.
For all we know he's been murdering demons for an eternity.
Uh when He'll invaded the Night Sentinel's world? He was just fucking shit up then he met some other people that where fucking shit up in Hell and joined them until one of the Night Sentinel people betrayed them
Doomslayer started his slaughter before meeting the Night Sentinels since it talks about him deciding to stay in Hell after Doom 64
The demons specifically say that he didn't show up until AFTER the invasion of Argent N'Dur, and that he was already in the Night Sentinels.
You missed the tablet talking about Doom 64
Hell is supposedly massive enough to span multiple dimensions and integrating other dimensions into itself.
Doesn't the game actually say eons and eons?
The only refenerce to the Icon of Sin comes in the description of the fall of Argent N'Dur.
DOOMGUY has been slaying demons for a very, very long time.
There's multiple Icons of Sin.

Did you also miss that the Cyber demon in Doom 2016 is the same as the one in Doom 1?
Doom 3 even talks about the demons locking him away in a tomb which the Doom 2016 humans find
Doomslayer was fucking up Hell after N'Dur for centuries. He previously killed the demon that DOOM's UAC rebuilt as a cyber-demon.
Okay you obviously missed a ton of stuff since the Cyber Demon in Doom 2016 is a reanimated corpse of the Cyber Demon found in the Runes of where you kill him in Doom 1.

If I remember correctly they even talk about the Cyber Demon being drawn to Doomguy
Isn't Doomguy literally immortal, that's why the demons can't stop him. Even if they get super lucky and manage to kill him mid-rampage he just respawns elsewhere in hell and keeps killing?
Serves as a kind of nod to stuff like extra lives and save games, or the players ability to continue even after getting a game over?

Thats why in the new game the demons went to all of the trouble of sealing him away after managing to collapse a mountain on him, because separating him from his armour and creating a magical hell sarcophagus around him was all they could do to pause his onslaught.
When the science dudes who are profiting off the demon energy sent in a force to retrieve them the demon defenders got super frantic about stopping them and keeping Doom Guy sealed away.
Yeah you even see the corpses of things he killed such as the Titans
He's so angry he respawns.
He dies in Doom 1 and respawns in Hell
I literally have the wiki open with the codex entries, and no, it doesn't. It talks about how he died in the same area where the Doomslayer killed the Titan.
It mentions him dying at a tower yes? Also what wiki lol
Nope. It says, and I quote "The Corrax tablets discovered during the UAC Automated Survey of 2143 mention an ancient battle in the Titan's Realm during the third age. An expedition to the plains recovered several relics including the petrified remains of a massive shadow lord believed to be an ancient Baalgar demon. Researchers in the Lazarus Labs began work on piecing the creature back together."
Reminder that the Cyberdemon was a demon the protagonist of Wolfenstein defeated by chopping off his arm and leg and that he promised to chase his descendants for eternity.

Doomguy is related to BJ.
Only in the Doom RPG. That Doomguy is BJ Blazkowics III.
Don't blame them, for most people the Spectre is just that weird green cloaked guy who jobs in big crossovers
I'm pretty certain their the same but Doomslayer is the Doomguy
...Despite all evidence to the contrary.
No you're thinking of Metroid.
>I'd says Doomslayer is Doomguy
>Game directly mentions Doom64's ending
>Art of the Doomslayer before getting his armour is Doomguy
>Doom 3 talks about after Doom64 Doomguy was locked away in a tomb
>Doomslayer is found in a tomb
Yeah you're right Doomslayer is Doomguy
>People want DoomGuy/Slayer to cross over with Spectre and Ghost Rider.
>Not a Calm Collected magic user like Dr. Strange/Fate for contrast.
>Or Spawn for Maximum Edge.
I'd assume Doomguy would war against Spawn because of hell magics.
Thats cuz when he dies he goes to hell, killing him won't free them from him
But what about THE BABY?
It might just be time shenanigans and immortality considering that Doomslayer has been Ripping and Tearing for ages.
At Some point Doomguy ascended to being the doomslayer through time and lots of dead demons.
No it's because after Doom 64 Doomguy went on a rampage for eons and eons and eventually got the armour he has in Doom 2016 and met the Night Sentinels

Doom 3 is a different reality (so is Doom 2016 but it has the Doomguy from Doom 1 because there's only 1 hell) that has artifacts from the Doomguy. Doomguy/Doomslayer used the soul cube before the Doom 3 guy did
>Doom guy
>Posts shitty Reboot man
Shitty reboot man is Doomguy. Doom 2016 is a sequel to Doom 64
The government isn't allowed to be competent in the DC universe.
NuDoom is the good one.

Its Doom 3 that is the fake doom, where you just wander around ridiculously dark corridors trying to juggle your gun and your flashlight while monster closets constantly open directly behind you containing shit like a single zombie or imp for cheap jump scares.
>Invincible Demon Attacking the City
>We Must Seal the this creature and banish it!
>Incantations and Preparation for the banishment process.
>Pan over to to DoomSlayer covered in gore giving a thumbs up and running off to find a portal back to hell.

No more Trigon.
No more Hades.
No more Etrigan.
Gets hit by Omega Beams, dies, claws his way back out of Hell and shoves the cube up Darkseid's asshole.
Wonder Woman gets instantly wet for him like she does for every other righteous mortal warrior. Nothing comes from it.
Atrocitus drops by to pass the mantel of Red Lantern leadership. Says "he was just a caretaker of the Corps."

Doomguy absorbs the ring. As he is a fount of rage and is the embodment of Rage Itself.
I'd assume the same thing happens to DOOMGUY as what happened to Spectre in the blackest night.
He just shrugs it off and tells Atrocitus to fuck off.
What can you do with a being who is wrathful vengeance. Guess if Warhammer 40k throw him into the Warp. But then that's just mean. To those in the warp. I mean what's he gonna do after he kills all the lords of chaos.

>Doomguy is that angry he warps the warp to create a being that's purely from his righteous rage against Demons

Descendant of B.J. or not?

>I can also see him raising hell on Apokolips.

To the point where mere mention of him has Parademons shitting bricks and Darkseid suffers massive migraines.

"Hah, now he's in the warp we've got him."



Doom Guy Avatars the size of Titans with Chainsaws and Shotguns.
khorne would love him at first, but then quickly shits bricks as doomguy tears his realm apart
>Khorne thinks Doomguy is just feeding him at first, at no loss because demons reform
>Sudden realization that Daemon Prince hasn't reformed
>Oh shit, his armor absorbs and cleanses demons.
Maybe? I thought that was just the dude from DoomRPG

Wasn't there an episode of JLU where it was revealed that the Gates of Tartarus are located on Themyscira, and some wizard fucking around and capturing Hades caused the Gates to open, unleashing the demons which the Amazons barely stopped.

I could see a similar scenario but with Doomslayer joining the fight and fucking up the demons.

In the end its so bad for the demons that they lock up the Gates from inside so that Doomslayer can't reach them.
>Wonder Woman gets instantly wet for him like she does for every other righteous mortal warrior. Nothing comes from it.

Doomguy has no time for bitches.
Everyone Cheering and Doomguy is trying to open the gates the demons holding them shut from the other side.
>Let me in! I'm a fairy, you believe in fairies don't you?
One biggest change - NO RETURNING VILLAINS.

If Doomguy is on the League justice will be served with complete permanency. No second chances.
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Rip and Tear, till it is done.

>demons see Hawkgirl
>"oh shit it's an angel, best to leave her be and mind our business"
>demons see Doomslayer
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>DOOM Spectre

Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Hence the "Nothing comes from it".

Doomguy isn't Frank Castle or Judge Dredd.
I doubt he'd give a shit about most villains. He'd probably only join the League if they agreed to only call him if it involves demons, occult shit like zombies, or if the planet is being invaded.

Every time he needs to deal with a Joker or a Grodd is time he isn't spending killing demons.
If he saw something like Joker threatening innocent people he'd likely blow his brains out ON THE WAY to finding more demons.

Anyway he's been described as a grinning gargoyle often enough, maybe if you squint hard enough...
The doom3 tablets do depict the Titan...I can't believe doom3 is canon
Doom Slayer might be the nightmare that haunts the dreams of all the denizens of hell but beneath it all he still has the humanity.

Like how he stopped to make a backup of the helpful AI before deleting the system since it was the only way to keep going.

And of course there's the intro-
>Doomslayer and Batman are sitting at a bar aboard Watchtower, but they are not talking to each other
>attempting to break the awkward silence, Doomslayer initiates conversation
>"so, what made you dress like a bat and dedicate your life to fighting crime? Must've been something really fucked up."
>"My mother and father were gunned down before my eyes when I was eight years old."
>"...damn, that's rough."
>"What about you? Based on what I heard from Etrigan, you spent eons in Hell killing demons. What motivated you to essentialy wage war on Hell?"
>"Those fucking demons killed my pet bunny, Daisy."
>back to awkward silence
>Doomguy is just some roaming asshole you hope to not run into
Must be fun being the boogieman for boogiemen
every single villain gets fucking obliterated
>bad JL public relations
>Rips Darkseid a new asshole in the span of a blink
I'm pretty sure he'd be leading the JL after a few hours.
Every villian would be dead, and all the secrets of the world would be found.

>Darkseid walking back and forth nervously in his throne room
>Parademons dying by thousands every day
>lost contact with Steppenwolf, the Furies and Vundabar
>rumors have it this "Doomslayer" has slowly been advancing towards the capitol
>even Kalibak set out to try and stop him
>for a mere slightest moment there is a sense of concern in Darkseid's heart, knowing his son went off to try and redeem himself in his father's eyes
>Granny Goodness enters the throne room and bows
>"my lord, it pains me to bring these news to you...but we lost contact with Kalibak and his troops just outside the capitol. I fear we lost him, just as we lost the others."
>Darkseid's eyes burn hot red with rage
>"He must be near. Send out all available troops we have!! Every soldier, every vehicle! We must hold him off while I travel to the Source Wall."
>"...Source Wall, my lord? Why?"
>I will attempt to extract the knowledge about the Anti-Life Equation. I will triumph where my father has failed, and when I finally posess the Anti-Life Equation, I will bend this Doomslayer to my will, and then--"
>Darkseid pauses as he sees a terrified look on Granny's face. Her eyes fixed on the window behind them, the mighty lord of Apokolips slowly turns, only to witness the armor clad, muscled human peering through the window. Despite Doomslayer's opaque visor, Darkseid could feel the marine's eyes piercing right through him
>Granny Goodness can merely utter "oh shit" before a large chunk of the wall thrown by the Doomslayer reduces her head to a fine red paste
>He goes to Hell
>About an hour later the League gets a call
>It's Trigon
>He's fucking scared out of his mind
>He's asking the league for help

>he is so scared he doesn't even bother trying to make his sentences rhyme, he just shouts "SEND SOME FUCKING HELP RIGHT NOW"
Is Bruce related to BJ Blazcovitz then? Because it's canon that Doomguy is related to Commander Keen.
I'm pretty sure that one of the power ups in the new Doom causes the users heart to explode after use, just like a red lantern ring.
Doom Guy uses it just fine
No, Bruce's aunt married BJ's son.
Doomguy rips and tears his way through Apokolips until Darkseid manipulates the rest of the JL to contain him. He escapes during a demon invasion of Earth and chases them back to hell, much to the relief of the rest of the JL.
>Actually gets shit done
>kills most of the villains in the DC universe
>rips and tears any hero who tries to stop him

In short, DC Earth becomes more like ours.
>asking for help
Why is it every time I hear "Rip and Tear", adrenaline and anger comes out of nowhere?
>Doomguy is then expelled from the Justice League after his first mission costs the lives of 3 villains and 32 henchmen
But at least he made par time.
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Etrigan and Doomslayer fight and destroy the entire Justice League in the cross fire obviously.
Reread anon, he said Trigon was the one asking for help.
Doomguy has never met a demon he didn't disembowel, and Etrigan isn't even high-tier. He'd get out a few rhymes before being torn in half at the waist.
drawnfags when
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