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>hey anon! are you drawing anime? >that's so awesome!

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>hey anon! are you drawing anime?
>that's so awesome! I can't even draw a stick figure :)
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>hey anon you should draw me lol
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>Is that supposed to be you???
I would sometimes wonder why people said shit like this. We're they just trying to pay me a genuine compliment? For what purpose? As a lead in to a conversation? What topic did they expect me to choose? If it was just a compliment with nothing attached, did they just expect an awkward 'thanks' or 'yeah' from me?
I’m not saying this as an insult, but you might literally have autism.
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>What, that doesn't look like me lol.
>It looks so cartoony haha.
>Oh my god you pervert, you're drawing characters without clothes.. Ewww!
I'm not this anon
but i have autism and i don't understand it, could you explain this phenomenon to me?
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During my time in art school people were even worse
>"Are you drawing "X Anime character"!?"
>"nah, i have to draw some muscle anatomy"
>"too bad, i guess you're not a real artist!"

>Doing some architectural studies
>"hey, you should check out "Anime Show," the backgrounds are amazing!"
>shows me literal hentai screencaps

>playing with my phone
>"You should follow me on twitter, instagram, snapchat, facebook, and tumblr!"
>"I don't really do social media"
>"Too bad, more people should check out my western mange more! It's like a comic book, but you read it like a Manga!"
anon can't understand why someone would just pay him a compliment. generally compliments are supposed to be followed with a "thank you." shockingly, some people don't have trouble expressing what they feel and they compliment things they like.
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>Could never draw
>Every few years I find my motivation to seriously improve my drawing, but I don't improve

God I wish I could just draw. I'm glad I'm good at writing at least but I can't just bust out a "writefag" request or make anything that people would want to save and look at multiple times like artists can. Everyone always bitches about practicing, but there has to be some innate mental part of it. I've never seen a westerner draw anime correctly and I've never seen anybody online or otherwise who went from drawing at the level I'm at to becoming someone worthwhile. I've checked, even when you go full creeper and find the earliest online works by some of the more famous artists online they still look good.

Are there any decent artists who had autistic DeviantArt pages as teenagers?
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>can I have your drawing???
>westerner draw anime correctly
quit drawing fag shit, lad. If you start off with Anime you will basically be crippled for life or until you have to relearn to draw.
>You realize this and you feel bad for drawing like shit
>someone gives you a compliment on how good your drawings look
i literally can't
i lost the ability toucan
I don't draw anime, just used it as a point that there's something about drawing that requires your brain to be wired right.
if you want to actually draw, learn proportion and dimension. It doesn't have to be human, just know how far things are from each other and their sizes.
If you want to draw gay shit like anime, just draw the same thing a lot and eventually it will all jsut be muscle memory.
>Are there any decent artists who had autistic DeviantArt pages as teenagers?
yes but you won't like what i can show you
>inb4 Sucrose
>not drawing them like one of your french girls
Have fun dying as a virgin.
>the earliest online works by some of the more famous artists online they still look good.

That's because nobody goes through the fucking trouble to upload pure shit if they have the drive to actually better themselves in any way.
I don't want you to believe this, Anon. The earliest drawings a drawfag would have we're hung up on their mother's fridges a long time ago. It's all just practice, whether you recognize it as that or not. You are old enough to read now, so most of the time you could have practiced drawing as a child has been lost, but you still have a good 20 to 40 years ahead of you you could use to practice your lines. Just start with a minute at the same time every day. Eventually you'll have fun with it and do it longer because you enjoy doing it.

Be warned, though. It's rare to be truly satisfied with your skill in drawing.
>mother's fridges a long time ago
Nah. my mom told me to quit being a queer and get a real job. I wish i had followed her advice instead of being on the verge of being homeless.
>friend draws some weird ass 13 year-old deviant art tier animu
>"Hey that's pretty cool. Keep it up."
>friend sees my (objectively better)"semi-realistic" drawing
>"Yours is better."
I hate myself.
Anyone here want to draw my fursona???

It was always dicks
That depends, how big are its tits?
>can you draw this anon?
>how about this?
>maybe you can try drawing this?
>wow some artist you are!

I'm not being mean just for the hell of it, I'm just trying to save them from being disappointed
Do /co/fags really believe this?

The best animators are all in Japan.
This was me

I'm in law school now and I hate it, I wish I could've just drawn for a living. It's all I do for fun and I hate lawyers.
>Being this butthurt about manga.
i have the feeling most people who don't draw think an artist can draw everything perfectly out of their imagination.
HinoMars does it.
i want to go to art school even tho i'm a little old maybe
is it really this autistic there?
More like
>can you draw this anon?
>pay me
He's right, though. It's important to get a good feeling for anatomy and proportion before you try to reduce it down to less detailed, easier to reproduce charicatures. Like cartoons or anime.
which set

Japan's one of the last places on Earth that still has decent draughtmanship for comics and animation.
From what I gathered you're better off just doing it by yourself. You might learn a thing or two there, but may not be worth the time, effort and money.
Don't go to art school in the West, there's no technical skill taught to you. It's all about making connections and showing how boringly transgressive you are.
The fuck is wrong with that?
Haha yeah, I love it when people take an interest in me and try to connect with my work even if theyre a little off the mark
>"Are you drawing "X Anime character"!?"
>"nah, i have to draw some muscle anatomy"
>"too bad, i guess you're not a real artist!"

No one has ever said that to you.
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>It's important to get a good feeling for anatomy and proportion
They're not as important as you think they are.

When western artists focus too much on those areas, their art becomes stiff and soulless. You need to allow for some certain flexibility to provide for the most expressive thoughts.
You moron. You know how to be flexible with anatomy? Learn whats correct first.
that the bitch who asks for it will probably endlessly hassle you about it until you give out, for one.

that she will probably refuse to pay you when you walk up to her and ask her to pay up thinking it's a free service.

that she'll fuck up the base trying to "enhance it" and go on to tell everyone about it on Facebook and Instagram about how she did it herself.

pick your poison.
>Learn whats correct first.
Like I said, not as important as western artists think they are.

If you think anatomy is everything, then you have a very limited world view of what comics can be about.
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If you're going off by basic human proportions, you will never draw like this guy.
>try to draw humans age 14-16
>something is wrong it's not working or looking quite right, found help who said to me i need to learn anatomy
>learn anatomy age 16-18
>i know the names of the bones and how they look like but i can't quite draw them on a sceleton something is not quite right. Get help again he told me well you need to learn how to draw in perspective
>learn perspective age 18-20
>it looks ok for boxes and cylinders but something is not quite right. Seek help again he tells me "well you need to learn how to controll your pencil"
>draw a bunch of lines on paper age 20-22
>i wasted years of my life and forgot everything i knew about bones and muscles
Know i finally know where i have to start i wish i knew this years ago
Why does /co/ hates anime and manga so much to dedicate at least one thread about them every day? Where did the weeaboos touch you?

But yeah, most mangas are not famous for doing human proprotions accurately, but that's just the trend of the majority of artists and also it's because anime fans have grown accustomed to see characters without noses and huge eyes.
I mean, the average normie wouldn't even guess a character comes from an anime if it was realistic.
Tl;dr the artstyle is not objectively good but it sells.
Art school isn't optional anymore. Even if you were some e-famous artist who made cartoons/comics/whatever during your childhood and adolescence and had a decent portfolio you STILL wouldn't make it. I've never heard of anyone in the modern industry, as in some asshole right now at the very moment looking for a entry-level position, being given a chance without a Cali Arts degree.
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>wouldn't make it
We are not talking about fame and jobs here, just a drawing or art piece that you are confident enough to hang on your wall.
>tfw stopped drawing shit during my school years because they only ever landed me into the principal's office
Sometimes I wish my principal was a 4channer who jerked off to them because I drew dicks on my caricatures of female teachers. Would've made my school life infinitely easier.
what about animation schools?
> the artstyle is not objectively good
That's all up to taste.

Let's be fair, the west had a lot of catching up to do to japan when it comes to animation. Even their cartoons were all animated by nips and gooks.

Just look at that fucking amazing thundercats opening animated by Toei.


There's no way anyone at Disney could even make something that dynamic at the time.
Again, you won't learn anything practical, but you need it for the connections.
giant muscle lolis anon is always my inspiration
>There's no way anyone at Disney could even make something that dynamic at the time.
Yeah, AT THE TIME. Now pure Japanese animation has become stagnant and the best ones are those made in collaboration with other countries such as america.
I'm an /a/non at heart. I don't understand the anatomy argument, most western and eastern artists prioritize style anyway.
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Writefag me some porn anon. I'll save that and look at it multiple times.
you don't read very well do you
>look how much better these almost literal slaves animate
>you whiteys just cant live up to those asians
If you want money for it you should say so up front.
A live model is a great thing, give the bitch a sketch of herself.
why don't you just tell them it's because it involves work, you grouchy fuck? people who aren't artists usually don't have a good grasp of what its creation entails (and are interested in it), so i'm sure they'd listen to you.
I've had issues with payment like that before when I specifically mentioned I wasn't doing it for free.

as expected, most people who do this shit (typically women) expect to make up for it by way of PWETTY PWEASE :3c and being as obnoxious as they possibly can to get on your easy side and win you over.
>pure Japanese animation has become stagnant
best ones are those made in collaboration with other countries such as america.
have you tried payment "half-before, half-after"?
>"That's so awesome!"
> We're they just trying to pay me a genuine compliment?
Yes you fucking autists. If they say something like that then they like your art.
they hardly ever agree to. some of them do pay up full from time to time which I'm happy about, but my issue lies within people who ask for it and then refuse to entirely fuck up their promise or think their pretense kitty play engages me.
I've seen plenty of artists in Japanese comics demonstrate excellent draughtmanship; even some who draw mostly heavily stylised stuff I've seen do excellent contemporary technical and anatomical drawings.

Meanwhile I look at your average American comic and it's a mess.

Now Japan actually has a comics and animation industry of a decent size, so there's going to be a lot more dross which I can point to to show artists with a lack of skill and a lot of the more popular comics do show a lot of hackery. But the inverse is also true.
>drawing animu
lmao what a faggot
I don't know what to say. I don't get compliments that often.
I think he meant that as in how people who hassle others with the archetypical 'follow me on fb' are annoying, not 'manga sucks'.
>fuck up
*keep up
I'm doubtful that this is the case 100 percent of the time
whenever someone said something along those lines to me, they were just looking for attention.
>draw me
>but not fat

She drew Spike for me in return so that was cool I guess. But she also drew poorly drawn yaoi of me and some guys we knew. Which somehow ended up not being the only time that has happened to me, because two 13 year olds who stalked me at my job one day showed me the fucking stack of yaoi porn they drew of me, coworkers, and friends they somehow found out I had.
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... What?
>Draw me like one of your french girls
>you only drew canadian girls b4
What do in such a situation /co/?
You cant experiment with anatomy if you dont know anatomy, idiot.
You really think manga artists never practised how the human body looks first? Get a grip.
How does that refute his point?
I used to go to an art class in junior high, after one semester I dropped that class like a fucking rock and took typing.

The teacher never taught us anatomy and the only thing she taught us about shading was very early on then she never touched on the subject again despite many of the classmates not improving.

One time she taught us about some glass-blower that made some pretty chandelier-type things, can't remember his name, but she wanted us to work on a project similar to that. The problem with that idea was that we didn't have a forge in order to heat glass, nor tools for such a task. So we had to cut up bottles and use some type of device that blew out hot air, then we had to paint them afterwards.

We painted them over a trash can and a lot of the paint ended up dripping into the trash can, the teacher saw this and, I shit you not, croons at it and starts lecturing us about how "Art can be made even by accident." Then proceeds to take a picture of the paint and napkin filled trash can.

Later in the semester I was improving on my art, even if it was only a little bit. I drew a cool looking picture of a Big Daddy from Bioshock and showed it to her, expected some praise and she waved it off for not being creative.

Thank god for drawing-related youtubers.
>Thank god for drawing-related youtubers.
Got any you'd recommend?

This guy helped me out a lot.
>I drew a cool looking picture of a Big Daddy from Bioshock and showed it to her, expected some praise and she waved it off for not being creative.

She did right, though. Copying shit from videogames doesn't deserve praise unless it's down to your raw skills in drawing it, which I'm guessing weren't praise-worthy either.
I wasn't showing her it because I thought it was some great picture, I showed her it because I thought she would note I was improving. Praise was too heavy of a word.

But aye, I get what you're trying to say. After all there's no phrase that could fuck someone up more than "You did good."
No one likes being put on the spot to do work for someone else just because they asked. It'd be like if you met a website programmer and went, "Hey! Can you draw out some ideas for a cool layout for my own website?" or a dentist and asking them to give you a quick check-up.

Most artists have a specific thing they like drawing and it's not always just "whoever is looking at them and asks at the moment".
Draw them getting cucked
>tfw he hasn't really updated his old tutorials
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What is this a /trash/ thread?
Draw them like French Canadians.
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>Anon, you've got your drawing skills. That's you're in to get with girls right there. Just use that
Fucking dad
As someone who went to SVA, yes it's pretty much this. I highly advise not go there and waste ridiculous amount of money. Most famous comic artist didn't even go to art school. I learn THAT from SVA.
Well, that all depends on whether you are doing it for the art or as a professional.
Dude just draw them like your french girls.
Well, you posted a trash character, so yes.
i am very bad at drawing. the stuff i draw comes out looking like kiddie scribbles with shoddy lines like a kid on a 24 hour adderall and caffeine binge decided to draw. i wish i could improve but whenever i try i just get put off by how bad it looks
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Here anon, this is for you and all you other niggas who want to draw but have no idea how to go about learning.

grow up as an artist
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>work as a storyboard artist for TV animation
>meets production people/editor/non-art related coworker at same fucking company
>"wow you're a board artist? That's so cool, I can't even draw a stick figure"

Every fucking time
I hate this because I can't not draw really mean caricatures.
Well, when you draw exaggerated facial features you can piss off a lot of people.
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[baby cries even louder].gif
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>How do you draw so gewd?
It's like people don't understand progress.
And natural born talent
>ITT: Awkward niggas with zero social skills.

>>94620803 failed to state that anybody can match japan if they put in the same amount of hours. Think about why Disney was phenomenal in the 40s and 50s. The animators sat at their desks until they got everything done right. Not just decent, but right. Japan just followed that rule at a later time, and applied to their smaller studios.

Usually because they didn't want to improve, but had those few people who critiqued them into the ground. So the concept of improving becomes sour to them.
aka "Prior Training and free time"
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Not decent but here's some of my shits

Talent helps but if you enjoy drawing and put in the time, it becomes irrelevant.
fuck you that's a myth
check out the "draw this again" challenge
That last one looks like art I'd find in a mobile app game.

Which is good because it means it's art that knows how to
I ain't ya fucking art monkey.
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>tfw not talented in art or creative enough to make funny ms paint comics
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>brother tells me his friend is an amazing artist
>finally meet his friend one day
>always walks around with his sketchbook and shoves it in peoples faces to show them his stuff everywhere he goes
>its nothing but deviantart tier naked ladies with bat wings
>notice one picture of on of the trainer girls from pokemon, but she looks really really young and is jumping into the air, with her shirt lifting up as she jumps, showing her stomach and just under where her nipples would be
>just give him a "Uh, yeah, thats cool......"
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how'd I do /co/?
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I cant draw at all when it comes to anything, but I've learned to accept that I'll never be good enough to do anatomy.
My style has been stick figures and it will always be like that, but mines have never exactly looked like stick figures.
I get why people want their drawings to look good, and it's good when people always try to improve.
I've just stick with keeping it simple and somewhat cartoon like, screw that anime noise.
An example of mine, looks like pure garbage though since it was done under a minute and in a moving car on a phone.
Reminds me of newgrounds (rip)
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People only say this to hit on you, because they want to see if you think they're hot.

Next time someone asks you this, don't blow the opportunity to get some fuk.
Well atleast he has people who like his stuff and confidence. Hopefully they're not too full of themselves. Better to be someone who is willing to show people their stuff and improve rather than be a coward too afraid to show anyone anything even for critique.
That or they just want to be drawn.
>lol fuck anatomy who cares how the body works
But he is right. Westerns never get the anime style right
This but unironically.

You should draw Superman fighting Godzilla.
But alot manga artist have all of those. Why are you dismissing manga?
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The meme is typically you have to learn the rules before you break them.
So you need to understand anatomy and gesture decently before you try to create or emulate styles.
Because there's no true anime style. It's tons of vague conventions throughout two entire genres that just so happen to originate in Nipland. So of course Westerners can't properly emulate it, they're disbarred from being Anime based on not being Japanese.

Did you have a rival too? And cool fights?
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Higher resolution of the 2017
Really? Like the Chinese themed games?
No cool things, I'm just a side character who admired MC
FWIW, after years of painting waifu, I realized I'm stuck, my skill never improved, then a senpai tells me my art is shit because I didn't learn basic, so the training arc started
Better progress than me.
You go to school or just self taught?
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