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Thread replies: 762
Thread images: 198

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I made a thing.

Enjoy, /VLD/egnerates.
>shiro as a top
I couldn't remember a few most names. Let me know what they are and I'll update them.
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>Pidge as a bottom
this is incorrect
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>pidge being a bottom
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>Allura leaning towards top
Is this loss?
>Remembered Matt but barely any Galra names

The galrafags are going to feel left out, anon.
What does /vld/ think of Kuron?
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I hate him.
Can someone link that Keitor harem fic they mentioned in the last thread?
Mods are gonna delete this thread, quick!
Post Galra!
I want to hug Kuron, tell him how cute he is, and be best friends for a while before one day telling him how worthless and ugly he is and no one will ever love him
Rock Girl is Shay but everyone calls her that anyway. Also Rock Girl is actually her brother.
Probably a Slut is Nyma.
Cool Goggles Guy is Rolo.
Monocle is Sendak.
Galra Guy is Thace.
Don't know the rest off the top of my head.
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For pump and dump only. He doesn't deserve to be loved.

I'm lying, all Shiros are good Shiros and I love and respect them all
What did they mean by making him so beautiful?

Has anyone ever used his autism to take advantage of him?
Hey, Matt was originally 'Anti Pidge'.

Thanks, babe.
Kuron will.
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How's this?
He's civil war Bucky version of Shiro. Got fat, bad outfit, greasy hair, and roid face.
As much as I love /vld/ autistic shitposting. Let's start some discussion in hopes of thread sticking around.

Who do you think is going to be the character that they confirmed will "die for good"?
Why no smut for kuron?

haggar isn't a top silly billy
Zarkon probably
Zarkon at the end of the series.
True and honest Shiro's already dead.
Kuron is an infant.
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Yeah, I can see both Zarkon and Honerva doing for good near the end. They'll definitely have a tragic "regain their memories and reunite one last time" scene. I WOULD say daddy Holt, but I think they confirmed that won't happen.
Sorry for derailing but Fairymatsu just went after Bex.

You really think they're just going to have the villain be the death and not have the balls to kill off another character?
Look at it closer
I have a feeling this a troll but maybe it will make the morons who were harassing her feel at least a little regret if they have anything of a soul.
Holy fuck I love you anon, thank you!
(An undo button would be super helpful, but regardless, this is awesome and you are awesome.)
Nah, they're bitching in the notes that Fairymatsu's not a real anti so it doesn't count & that real antis are pure activists & blah blah blah......
Well they aren't going to be killing off one of the stars of their merchandise line.
If I drew portraits of some of the new characters, would you want to add them?
Bex is probably laughing her ass off. Once again, Tumblrite manage to completely miss the point.
>top Shiro
fake news
Shiro is a bottom but he doesn't mind topping when his partner asks.
Is the "no smut---yes smut" axis meant to be how much smut exists of the character, or how much smut we personally would like to see of the character?
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I want to protect him.

Thank you! I agree, an undo button would be nice, but would require a bit more work. At some point I'll zip up the resource files for this and link it on the page, in case anyone wants to play with it or rehost it.

Definitely, man. I ripped the clipart from the old pic that was circulating because I didn't feel up to making all new art.
I want Shiro to hold Sendak's hand
I like topping from the bottom Keith! He's my favorite Keith!
Bex is honestly too good and I wish the moralfag idiots would just drop the show already. These are probably the same people who almost bullied that girl to kill herself in the SU fandom.
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Does he top Steve from the bottom?
Klance isn't gonna become canon and it's confirmed pedophilia by their standards.

They're almost done here
As much as I love /vld/ autistic shitposting. Let's start some discussion in hopes of thread sticking around.

Who do you think is going to be the character that they confirmed will "die for good"?

I would say Sam Holt, but didn't they heavily imply in an interview that none of the Holts would die?
Anon kun you already posted this >>94564272
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Worst boy, worst Galra, worst girl, worst leader, worst paladin, worst character.
So which half Galra General is Lance going to have a thing with?

They're like roaches, they will never actually die.
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You guys are a bunch of bullies to my boy keef.
He's _____ok_______
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Best feet.
>my favorite vld boy dressed as my favorite nge girl

Steve completely dominates him.
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I see you're a man of taste as well
Into the trash it goes. I'll stick with the original
What will happen to Kuron? Are we completely sure that he isn't Shiro? I'm completely sure though that he will take advantage of Keith's trust autism via Lotor. Kuron needs to kill himself by the end of S4.
Is the clone deal confirmed or is it just a very likely theory?
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There's too many posts connected to it and there all spread throughout the threads that happened over this week. I'm too lazy to give you a short version
>being autistic enough to actually read fanfiction

Kuron is the phonetic spelling of clone in Japanese
Kuron isn't a clone, he's a robot.
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Pidge is for high-impact sexual that she initiates.
Kuron is an astral plane construct made solid. Shiro is stuck in a Galra prison cell and projecting his mind back to the team.
Thanks anon!
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fuck you
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I'm treating "yes smut" and "no smut" as "amount of smut that I personally have encountered" rather than "how much I wish there were." Otherwise Hunk would be so far to the right he'd be off the screen entirely.
No fun allowed, huh?
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he's going to turn on them once they find shiro, and then it'll be shiro vs kuron, who the latter will have yellow eyes like HaggarShiro, and maybe keith will put the final blow on kuron, killing him before he'd kill shiro.
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That's an awfully high level of wrong in your alignment of Pidge.
What does Zarkon do in his free time?
Keith would never kill a Shiro.
He watches space football and drinks a nice cold beer as his wife fixes dinner.
Can someone try to make loss using the chart?
Na na na na na na na na na
Katamari Voltron-y
Reads the newspaper while wearing his black lion slippers.
Only if it's zarkon and haggar
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Never seen this show, just know that I want Pidge to own me.
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I propose an amendment.
How have you been enjoying /co/ since you arrived here yesterday?
kuron is lotor's, kuron was spying on them for lotor, kuron is a product by lotor, if kuron is about to stab shiro when he's down, do you not think that keith will kill him? actually lets chat, how do you see the scenario panning out once they meet up with shiro and matt?
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This is pure. We're getting there.
I think if there was a showdown, Keith would go to kill him but would pull back at the last minute. He couldn't actually hurt a Shiro, he'd just tell him to leave.

Kuron would show up later on and get a redemption arc, becoming Ryou.
Nigga, this post right here>>94564241
Though to be fair, the alignment and overall easiness on the eyes could be improved
Think of it as a lewdity scale
Keith's position is perfect, good.
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I thought this was a political compass for a moment.
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So the Lions have a cargo/troop transport bay. What other stuff is tucked in there? I'd guess a small living quarters and maybe an accessible engineering bay.
Who's going to be the one to make the Voltron character political alignment chart.
thank you based anon, this is really cool
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the only person more bottom than shiro is matt, you heard it here first folks
i see, my hatred for kuron was blinding me from the foreshadowing from last season about keith 'saving him' even though it was more directed to the actual shiro, kuron could've thought he meant him.
it also fits with ryou's arc, and those "this isn't that kind of show" comments. i got a lot to think about.
The reason that Lance flirts with girls exclusively is the fact that he has been abused by every male (authority) figure in his life: from his dad and uncles, to his teachers and fellow students and Iverson, to Kolivan and the BoM, now even Shiro, Hunk and Coran and soon Kuron and Sven.
They continue using him as a cum dumpster because they see him flirting which is actually just his coping mechanism and conclude that he's okay.
Eventually he will be captured by Lotor who will rape him to be transmitted all over the empire. Lance will bite his dick and be able to kill Lotor by breaking his neck. However he is shot dead by guards a few seconds after and lies there in Lotor's bedroom covered in blood and semen, dead for all the empire to see.
Will we see them again? This also confirms that the mice are not the original paladins.
Probably what you said, and a storage room with spare parts and food and water rations.
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Anon, how autistic are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
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On the subject of on-topic discussion, this is somethign that's been bugging me since Season 1.
This episode shows that Bayards conform to the will of the wielder, rather than having a preset weapon. Keith has the same sword whether he's wielding the red or black bayard. Lance gets a sniper rifle for the red bayard. And Allura's blue bayard turns into a whip.

Allura becoming paladin is probably why the Blue Lion weapon hasn't been revealed yet. And it's going to be weird when Red Lion bayard still generates a sword even though Lance uses it to make a sniper rifle. But whatever.

What kind of weapon do you think Shiro will get if he ever gets to wield a bayard for real? Do you think he ever will? So far he's been getting away with it by using his robot arm instead, which I think was given to him since he's not meant to be a permanent pilot and needs something else to fight with.

Also what kind of weapon do you think the black bayard will be able to generate for Voltron? I assume Blazing Sword happened because they all used the bayards at the same time including the black one, but I wonder if the black bayard can even produce a weapon on its own, unless the teleportation ability is a bayard one and not the lion's itself, like how the red and blue lions get elemental breath powers.
>This also confirms that the mice are not the original paladins.
how so?
They're dead but maybe they're going to be ghosts.
Blue mice is a girl mouse.
>What kind of weapon do you think Shiro will get if he ever gets to wield a bayard for real? Do you think he ever will?
The bayard will turn into another robot arm
>implying gay fish isn't also trans fish
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I'm hoping the OG Trio paladins are on ice somewhere and we'll see them again, but I don't really believe it.
Shiro is such a bottom his bayard will be a ballgag.
He's a cloaca fish
>Blaytz will never flirt with the team
>Hunk will never top him
>Lance will never suck his dick
>Keith will never shove his head down on his dick
>Shiro will never take fishsticks inside him
>Pidge will never watch and masturbate
>What kind of weapon do you think Shiro will get if he ever gets to wield a bayard for real?
What I think: When they get Shiro back Keith will hand him his bayard saying "This is yours." Shiro will take it and we'll find out what weapon it'll turn into. He'll then give it back to Keith saying that it belongs to the Black Paladin.

>Also what kind of weapon do you think the black bayard will be able to generate for Voltron?
Definitely those Wings in the back of Voltron will be used as some kind of teleportation.
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>Bex reblogging peoples' Pidge menstruation headcanons
The absolute fucking madwoman
I thought we said no new threads until the weekend?
I love cis Pidge.
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Would you?
can't stop the rock

they'll probably continue until the mods get sick of us, unfortunately. but the new season's been out for less than a week so I don't think it's crazy to have daily threads
You're trying to control /vld/ before we've hit rock bottom, and I do mean the very bottom
there's still a lot to discuss
fish shouldn't have nipples REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
This is the year of gay fish, so yes
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i would hit that with the fury of ten thousand suns, anon
He's a cute blue fish. Lance's hair looks like a new born baby so his image is forever tarnished.
Yeah, we haven't talked about what ponies the Paladins would be yet.
Do you think the wings are the Black Lion's "weapon" in the way Yellow Lion's shoulder cannon was, or is it just an elemental trait that Shiro didn't tap into until the end? It's been a while since I watched that episode so my memory's still a bit rusty on that.

I think he activated it while already in Voltron mode when everyone else jammed their bayards and activated Blazing Sword, so I don't know if it's a part of that or its own thing. Also if the Black Lion's specialty is teleportation I wonder how they're going to make it more special than the lions' general ability to create wormholes. Just being a faster version of that seems kinda underwhelming.
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Ever since somebody said he has Tarantino hair I can't unsee it.
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You want to rape Lance, too, don't you?
Yes! Pidge Sexual Singularity! She is the whore and the virgin, the icy dominatrix and the heart-warming lover!
You know what would be better

Allura x Lance
I bet Lance will be able to make Voltron pull out a giant sniper rifle. It will be like when TTGL had one because of Yoko

>destroys a small fighter jet from across a solar system
Please don't discuss this ever[/spoiler[
Lance doesn't keep the slippers, because he doesn't deserve them, Allura takes them from him and slaps him with them every other day.
Lance isn't even sad because they were the thing in his life to stay with him the longest.
I hope the bayards can make multiple weapons and Yellow Lion can give Voltron a giant-ass drill.
I actually like this.

How about a giant ass-drill?

Hunk seems like he'd be into anal play.
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He's like a long-faced brown Izaya.
Yellow should give Voltron a giant frying pan.
Hunk seems like he'd be either vanilla in the extreme, or into some fucked up shit.

Vore, and wants Shay to listen to his stomach grumbling.
>is it just an elemental trait that Shiro didn't tap into until the end?
The teleportation is a skill of the black lion if I do remember correctly. Zarkon was using the black bayard in his bootlegged Voltron to teleport his robot around, it phased through Shiro and the black lion bu since Shiro's bond with black is stronger, the black bayard landed in his hands and out of Zarkon's hands.

When Voltron forms it has those giant red wings in the back, so it's my guess that when Keith bonds with black some more he'll unlock the power to make Voltron phase through objects and teleport around. In S2, the only thing that Shiro unlocked for Voltron was blazing sword.
>Just being a faster version of that seems kinda underwhelming.
I'm curious on what they'll do as well. Teleportation is a trait for the black lion already.
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Are people shitting themselves over it?
Delet this
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well. yeah.
I guess I'll go look for you.
Maybe since Voltron is made out of reality hax, the reason it's able to make weapons appear out of thin air is because it's pulling it from different realties where they were built. Same goes for Green's vines
They're into it.
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Man this scene was so hype. More than made up for the time when Keith activated his lion weapon with the same effect, but he was lame so it just felt flaccid.
>Teleportation is a trait for the black lion already.
Wasn't it also time travel?
Like Keith is ever flaccid.
I'm guessing based on how a small drop of it can power an engine for a year, Quintessence gives Voltron the ability to do stuff like violate the laws of entropy.
They should do more scenes like that, with a different art style.
There's nothing about the degenerate Pidgefags sperging out about it. Only the Pidgefags who accept Pidge as she is are commenting about Bex hcing with them.
Yeah, but I'm not expecting Voltron to have time travel abilities.

Shitty fucking chart.


Lance is constantly at half chub. This is how Pance becomes a thing: unintentionally, and with more than a little regret.
I'll be waiting for a Junji Ito tribute scene.
>Keith getting salty when he sees Lance wearing mismatched blue and red slippers
>Keith getting extra salty when he sees Allura wearing one pink slipper and Lance's other blue one
>Lance squeezes out his pores onto Pidge
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I really want some in the style of Go Nagai, Yoji Shinkawa, or Haruhiko Mikimoto especially. Or whoever the hell those scenes of Kuron in the pilot suit were supposed to be imitating. Toshihiro Kawamoto?
Just kidding around like good bros do.
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Keith sleeps in his boots so his slipper opinions are invalid.
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Kuron is for rape and bully.
>Keith fucks with his boots on.

Does that mean Keith has smelly feet?
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I still can't believe they put Sven in this show with the shitty accent and the hospital planet and the corny pastel freeze frame.
I want him to get sexually bullied in bed
Why is he so autistic? He probably even smells like an autist.
What other shit from the old series will they probably bring over?
>this anon called Svlav
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Blaytz best boy.
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I was bored.
Please. Lance is so bottom, all we should see is the top tufts of his hair because he'd be below the chart.
Pungent and full of Galra pheromones.
We might not see nanny with the modern team, but maybe they'll have an episode with her in a whole "this is how we remember Altea" situation with Coran and Allura telling some of their memories.
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Doom Space Olympics and Mouse-tron
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I bet he showers with his gloves on too.
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Absolutely no human decency.
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just as I was getting over big beefy sharkmen those sons of bitches pull me back in
Nanny, Garrett, Space Olympics, angel food cake, that stupid gravity planet, the far end of the universe, space goddess, the story about the lovers and the bridge, uh.. Allura's fake death, Merla.
Post that shit in /trash/, jesus
Kuron is love.
Kuron is life.
Kuron a miracle of the universe.
Kuron may do some bad things in the future, but he still a good person, inside and out.
Kuron not for bully.
Kuron for tender love and care.
Kuron is you.
Kuron is me.
We are all Kuron, and Kuron is all of us.
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Kuron is Keith's personal toilet.
but what's in the CAT ASS
Did I hear them make a Voltron Force reference to Planet Ebb this season? Maybe we'll get a group of knockoff cadets who die horribly due to their own stupidity.
Kuron knows he deserves it.
This thread is awful which is ok because people can talk about whatever. Let's hope the weekend one will better.
look at this! he's a robot!
His eyes just look wrong.
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Keith already has like six litter boxes. He needs to leave the new baby alone.
I want to get my dick caught in the gears of his boypussy
He's so much hotter with long hair.
You posted this a long time ago, back in season 2.
>He just looks wrong
This is more accurate tbqh
God he looks so much like Mako with the new hair. I'm glad they ditched the dumb undercut but this just looks dumb.
"Fuel" storage, perhaps.
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This angers me because it's so true.
>Shiro starts dating Allura then dumps her in the next two episodes
>Shiro kisses Allura when he's already dating Pidge
Actually, nvm, I don't like remembering that show
I hope so.
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>Kuron for tender love and care.
Kuron wanted Keith and the paladins to get hurt in pic related. There was a scene in S2 where Keith and Hunk got shot by a laser, Shiro got pissed and rev up the black lion to fire back.

Kuron is for bully
Kuron cannot be trusted
Kuron is ebvil
Shiro should date Kaltenecker and Coran instead.
Pidge will sign someone's jpeg.
Kuron wanted Keith to get hurt so he could nurse him back to health and gently encourage Stockholm Syndrome.
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Tried editing the fade back in.
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Hopefully with this picture.
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>Pidge and Allura ditch Shiro and date each other
Lotor getting cucked.
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gotta love the mice in a non-sexual way.
Allura and Pidge are both decent characters with personality besides being love interest so no.
earth ponies until they form voltron at which point they become Pegasus. Allura is an alicorn.
Lucky triple 7s confirms!
What the hell, and people are upset when this ship didn't happen?
We've already discussed headcanons about how the characters shit and started shipping Keith with an artist who worked on the show. If this isn't rock bottom, what the hell is?
Anon did you draw those mice because it's pretty good for a shitpost.
You leave Steith out of this.
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No. MS-paint anon did, kudos to him.
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The heavily shaded freeze frame thing was a characteristic of anime directed by Osamu Dezaki. Many other anime also used that technique but I'm pretty sure it was widely considered his trademark. Pic related is probably the most famous one. He had a name for them but I can't remember what it was called, I just say "Dezaki shot".
mice anon pls post your favorite mice screenshot that you have in your vast collection
I really want to be into Lotor inducting Keith into his harem for non consensual fun but I have to be sure they aren't related first. Which probably won't be officially confirmed for a long time.
You have not seen the threads that happened pre-season 3 where the posts barely updated and only archived at just 500 posts. That's how bored we get. Which is why we should wait until the weekend.
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What was DotU Allurance like?
We actually have discussed this before. Pidge was a Shetland, Allura a Gypsy, and Lance was a mule. Can't remember what Hunk, Keith, and Shiro were.
I doubt it'll get that slow this time around with the short gap between seasons and higher than average speculation fuel.
Why wouldn't you want Lotor making sure his younger half brother knows his place as broodmare for a new pure Galra dynasty?
Non existent except in the "I'm going to kiss the guy that saved the day on the cheek" endings.

That being said Keith and Hunk saved the day a lot and they never got kisses. Only Lance and Pidge.
I like how Keith doesn't even look upset and just keeps doing the autist stare. He probably doesn't even know what's happening.
We should probably give it a rest by September, though.
Pidge/Allura is best ship
Keith doesn't know what sex is. Whenever he has an erection he just tries to punch it away.
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r8 me. Only one I'm not sure of is Hunk, I think he would oscillate wildly between positions depending on who he was with.
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That's a tough one, since they're all great but I'm gonna go with this one. I love how shiny it looks, that entire sequence was amazing.
Pidge was 12 you pedo!
Whenever he gets an erection he doesn't even get embarrassed or try to hide it which just makes everyone else uncomfortable.
Pidge/Allura is literally the only ship where Pidge doesn't top. I like to think that being around pretty girls makes her nervous in a way that being around pretty boys does not
>Ms-paint anon
Rip him, whatever it was, hope he gets his shit sorted out
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Even better.
Agreed. I think it'll peter out on its own as people lose interest, though.
That sounds cute
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bottom Hunk just feels wrong to me. i think he's a gentle top that will only go hard if you bully him enough (then he still feels bad about it)
Respond to this post with the name of one character.
Can someone edit this to look dark so we can bow to the mice overlords?
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>Shiro will die from pushing himself too far despite his injuries and quintessence withdrawal, and when they open up his cockpit they'll find him in this pose
I'll probably stop when I run out of stupid things to say about the show.
Keith x Keith is the new best ship.
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lancey lance
Hunk is gentlest top. Hunk is for tenderly loving.
Why is Shay's brother even on this chart? Also where is all the mythical Rolo/Ulaz/Kolivan/porn that this post implies the existence of?
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Yeah that's 100% how I like to see it too
because same
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Want to see who /vld/ is thinking about right now
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It's very relatable feels.
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Is Pidge capable of thinking mean thoughts about people?
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Meant for >>94567166
I want to galra trash party Kuron.
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Pidge is a bit of a grump, so yes.
Someone describe /vld/ in a nutshell to me
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Please delete this.
/vld/ but every time they shitpost it gets more autistic
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>had the vore episode
>had the day out shopping episode

Will the next meme trope episode be crossdressing to infiltrate the enemy or girl power tm?
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Yes. She is a teenage girl and therefore not innocent at all.
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Yes, she thinks about how shit Keith and Lance are
A kiss on the cheek like anons above were mentioning and maybe a blush and I would be satisfied with voltron
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>One of the showrunners makes a self-insert and ships it with Pidge episode NEVER EVER
She's only pissed off at Keith because he shat on her pillow to mark his territory.
how is this so fucking accurate. how old is this
>vore episode

stale tumblr drama, fujoposting, but also fun. We've got some recurring anons who make things more interesting and occasionally come up with some quality lore like phimotic MILF-chaser breastmilk addict Lance and theorizing.
Crossdressing, since a girl power episode will be hard to do with only one real girl since Pidge doesn't count.
This image would be even more accurate this time around if you just replaced that Shiro talk with no bully Kuron talk
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I made it a couple of days ago. I actually haven't properly browsed this place in ages so I'm surprised you think it's so accurate.
Why is Shiro so pure.
Why is Lance such a whore?
>Sibling top tag-team w/ Shiro
I don't know how to feel about this
Crossdressing girl power episode where one of the dudes has to dress up along with Allura and Pidge to sneak into a planet, he learns that it is possible to still beat the shit out of someone while wearing tights and a dress.
Are you the elder who has returned from the caves?
I think he's referring to the weblum episode, but they weren't really swallowed, they entered through a hole in it's shell
But who would be the one doing the kissing?
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My problem was that when I went through the potential ships, his position kept changing. I think he would absolutely anally devastate Lance or Shiro if he had permission but with Shay, Pidge, or Keith I think he would be a tender bottom, then with anyone else I think it's a wild card and would depend on the moment. I could see him being a tender top but I could also see him being into some real dirty shit out of nowhere.
Honestly the only changes now are that instead of talking about shiro everyone bullies kuron

and I guess I haven't really seen a major galrafag presence in a while. one too many heartbreaks, I think
It's because /vld/ never changes.
Can you post a link to whatever that image is of already
Just put him on the line as a switch.
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Keith will be crossdressing. It'll be our fanservice like with how they had Kuron rolling around with a sloppy crab ontop of him.
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It's just not fair!
The Keith in the middle never fails to crack me up.
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Is that Pidge, far right?
It's pretty good, I coulda sworn I've seen OJST edits in here before though. Were those the 'being a cuck' ones?
There's a reason why he was a legend at their house, you know.
If they are inside the stomach of something it's considered vore to me, doesn't matter how they got there.
Honestly I'm not much of a galrafag but Throk finally tipped me over the edge in to "c'mon, really?? you can't let ANY of them live???"
>Someone sprayed painted /VLD/ above the door
>A dingy sign with the logo "At least we're not Tumblr"
>The floor is littered with sticky, suggestive photos
>There is a table in the back for show discussion. It has grown dusty
>Do not doubt the glory of Klance
I love it.

Those were the cuck ones.
I just wanted to know Eyebrows name but it turned into some kinda monkey paw shit...
Stop, Shidge is a pure ship
He'll still manspread in a dress.
matt, I think
>People in galra suits in one corner insist they are not furries while wearing alien batcat costumes
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He does it for attention.
The princess of course, but a flustered Pidge planting one on Allura and running away is also good
>The entire front facade falls over to reveal that we are, in fact, just tumblr
Why does he have no shame
This is too real holy shit
I've said it before and I will say it again. So much for the sharks in the water comment.

That was monkey paw as fuck.
What are the Paladins' fursonas?

We know Zarkon has a humansona called Zak.
It's definitely Matt since it's showing Keith and Shiro at the garrison but I do like the idea of Shiro and Pidge being comfortable enough to get changed around each other

You're right, I apologize.
Shiro's lats are for tender, protective cuddles post-shower.
Shiro's Caucasian-sized dick is for appreciation only, not sexual pleasure.
Shiro's tongue is for saying, "I love you, baby girl," and not for clitoral stimulation.

Shiro x Pidge is for pureness.
>Here's how Pance can happen

s-stop bullying me...
Will those two ever return or is Rolo too busy mpregging purple alien fetuses for Prorok's twin brother to steal away in glass jars?
Rolo has to come back to take responsibility for Keith's unborn child.
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Look on the bright side anon, it's 10x more possible than it used to be.

But 10 x 0 is still 0.
I'm not sure if he would be indifferent about it or it actually might hurt his pride a little bit. Lance would have a fucking field day that's for sure.
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pance is for bullying
>Shiro will never tell you he loves you, baby
do we exist only to suffer
I'm actually sad the pilot uniforms aren't plugsuits.
Probably all differing variations of lions. If we're going by other means, however, I'd say Lance would be a mermaid furry, if those exist, and a Keithfag would pretend to begrudgingly wear a Galra suit while secretly loving it
I'm just pleased about the sudden jump in popularity ever since bex reblogged a bunch of pance posts.
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Will Lance ever learn to use the toilet?
Allura's is a mouse
Coran is a cat
Shiro is a dog
Lance is also a dog, but smaller
Pidge is a feisty ferret
Hunk is a boar
Keith is one of those edgy emo things you see on deviantart
The paladins should really get Keith spayed at this point.
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Conquering worlds one bedroom at a time.
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>those two
Keith's fursona is his Sonic OC
No. Kuron learned before Lance did.
I am.
Anon! That's c-cute.
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>It's over isn't it
>Isn't it over
>It's over isn't it
>Isn't it over
>You won and she chose you
>And she loved you and she's GOOOOOOOONE
Shiro - Wolf
Keith - Panther
Lance - Dolphin
Pidge - Turtle
Hunk - Bear
Allura - Space mouse
>no one has written a paladins at a furry convention fic yet.
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This is from the website quiz right?
There is an anon who shows up every other thread recently to post the ":3" face and I still don't understand why.
Can Bex sue that person for impersonation/defamation?

Fuck off Cova.
Yes. Except for Allura. I just made her a space mouse. I guess Haggar would be a cat.
>Lance - Dolphin
So on a scale of 1 to 10, how up would he be for getting his dick sucked by Kanye?
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fucking cova.png
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Why is Lotor so stale as a villain?
With the price his litters go for? Don't think so. They need that GAC.
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Donald Trump
i seriously doubt she cares
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How is Pidge a turtle
>Lance - Dolphin
The rapists of the sea.
Small, green, fun to throw against a wall
>childish internet drama
It's nothing
How much of a cushioned life do you have to live when your greatest problem is a voice actor calling a character a power bottom?
Now wait a hecking minute, are these tumblr users the voice actors? Interacting with the fandom? Are they mad or do they love when things go completely and utterly shit?
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>implying he would get a choice
Bex is an established madman.
Pidge is clearly a Cuttlefish

>Lion has the ability to blend into it's surroundings
>Disguises it's sex to avoid confrontation
Keaton tells the other VAs about the fandom drama apparently.
>makes a blog like this and doesn't even enable anon asks
>that image where half the VAs are crossed out because they probably did something to trigger the snowflake babies

Nice to know we have such a chill group of VAs behind the show.

Th-that's lewd, anon...
Not sure if I understand you correctly, but none of those people are the voice actors, they're nutso "antis." Bex's account is here: https://bext-k.tumblr.com/

She's been replying to hate with spaghetti memes, I love it.
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i was just about to say that
Sorry, I meant tortoise.

Any update on this, Anon?
Because they overhyped him, especially Tyler Labine.
>powerbottom joke
>reblogged Pidge period headcanons
>reblogged Team Voltron Drag Race headcanons
She's really going all out.
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>wickedness is the lowest of the generals
Will she fall for Lance?
Don't you fucking dare post that face with the image
I've never been so proud of someone in my life.
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Keith babbies may look cute but they are a big responsibility. Many end up in shelters which are overcrowding at an alarming rate.
She has completely given away all of her fucks. She has no more fucks to give.
>reblogged Team Voltron Drag Race headcanons
What's so great about this one?
Galra batcat Keith a best and we will never get it in the show.
When we first found out Kimiko was voicing a character we had people guessing she would be voicing Lance's future gf. Now we know she is voicing space Ty Lee making it even more likely.
Lies. Human Keith has always been Best Keith.
Anything from C92?
It triggers the trannies who think drag is making fun of them.
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Someone needs to make a Pidge version of that spaghetti reaction gif.
Drag is Problematicâ„¢
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Probably, even though T H I C Cance is still superior
>Drag one of the first things to be accepted by mainstream culture
>Drag queens promote body positivity and that anyone can be beautiful if they put their minds to it
>Drag is "problematic" because people that existed long before any college "trans" student are suddenly offensive
I'm surprised Jeremy isn't crossed out for repeatedly stating in interviews that Lance is heterosexual
Is it bad I kinda want pidge feet?
Ah, thanks for reminding me. Was trying earlier but I think I just straight up forgot how to draw. Gonna try again with lower expectations.
They think he's a klancefag and sing his praise every day
Tumblr fujo's would just be say "oh our precious bb is just confused X3"
It's funny how tumblr worships Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera as their heroes. They were both drag queens but these tumblr retards believe they were actually "trans women".
Do these retards even know about Stonewall?
The line is pretty blurry there. Which, of course, they are incapable of comprehending.
I want to see them try to protest RuPaul and get utterly destroyed by his fans
Out of all the LGBT, transgender really is the most cancerous. While there are undoubtly a lot of nice transgender individuals out there, the majority of them make up the most self centered group out of any minority.
Johnson insisted on being recognized as a gay man and Rivera hated the "trans" label. It's fucking hilarious.
As much as I like discussing these things, this isn't /lgbt/, so we should get back to Voltron. This is giving me vibes of the whole "muh bisexuality" dark era.
He's like Darren Criss back in the days of the Glee fandom, even when his character was being a legit asshole and Criss was getting mediocre reviews for his Broadway performances the fangirls were convincned he could do no wrong and flowers grew wherever he stepped and his girlfriend was an evil opportunistic whore.
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I'm not done talking about Kuron, I don't think I'll ever be done talking about Kuron.
Jesus Christ I didn't need to see that.

Where is Shiro Feferi?
I appreciate the tiddy frame he wears.
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I was not expecting it to actually exist pls delete.
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It's useless because he has none
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It's a placeholder. He's gonna get buff.
Is this truly what we have become?
He still has time for them to grow in.
Drow Keith is better.
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I want a scene where she literally falls into his arms in the middle of a fight, and I want it right fucking now.
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We have to go deeper.
He'll get buff because he knows he needs to convince Keith to keep him instead of trading him back for Original Shiro. He doesn't want to be sent to the glue factory.
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That's a slutty looking pony.
Well it is Keith.
Is it bad that the first thing his outfit needs to do to improve itself is to become a crop top?
>Not Pidge or Shiro
It's shit. Delet
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Jesus christ I can't get over how massive his robot hand is. Actually the proportions and angle of the anatomy look really messed up in general.
It was the only not shit drawing I could find on a five second Google search. I'm not going to put in effort beyond that to look for that kind of art.
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Here have a Pidge mouse to make things a little better.
it's actually pretty good, fucking kek
I see you are a man of taste as well.

Pidge is far too good for shit.
>into a mice
Poor Pidge having to feel her genius brain shrivel into a mouse brain
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A cute girl and her slutty friend
Real question, what are the chances that Lance is a brony?
Mice anon, do you consider this a mice pic?
It's a yaoi hand. As the newest model of clone, Kuron comes equipped with the newest fujobait features.
Lance's receding hairline makes genderswaps look weird.
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where's waldo.png
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I may have gone too far in a few places
/r/ pidge dressed up as motoko from street fighter pls
Around 75%. But he definitely jacks off to at least one childrens' cartoon.
Rainbow Dash is his favorite.
Pidge obviously backed her brain to a highly compact chip to install in Pidgemouse.
You've never met a chick with a receeding hairline?
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Pidge's a mouse, so yeah. Any Voltron related pic that has mice in it is welcome in my folder.
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Extremely high. He's completely closeted about it.

Do you mean makoto?
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But he's a super-bottom with well-defined penis bones
Not ones that are supposed to be attractive.
So basically Pidge is omnisexual? Good to know
post gifs or webcams of that scene
Here senpai
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Did anyone ever upload this full pic? I need it for reasons.
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Does Keith have any semblance of a likable personality trait?
I hate Kuron's chicken comb hair.

Major is fine too but i preffer angry karate girl
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Occasional autism moe
His autism is pretty funny and he would make a very attractive girl.
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Are you saying Pidge wouldn't be sexually violent?
Allura has a Galrasona. She writes fanfiction about herself with faceless Galra mobs (and Kolivan).
>she pins you down and cowgirls rides you hard
>Grabs your head and plants a kiss
That scene was super cute.

You're not going to like it....
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scared plance.jpg
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This could be TOO much...
Would it have been better if Keith was a girl?
>he would make a very attractive girl
This is all he's good for.
Overhyped, no personality beyond KEIKAKU.
His autism makes interacting with the other paladins hilarious because he says the wrong things.
>Allura is new to piloting
Allura you're shit!
>Pidge never wanted to be in Voltron
Who cares about your family. STAY IN VOLTRON
>Shiro disappears
*Autism screeching*
>Lance tells him he's feeling useless
Just don't worry about that
>Kuron isn't Shiro
Takes a shit in his bed.
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for pun purposes only.jpg
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Wow, Honerva's pussy sure is good, eh anons?
I'm biscum so it wouldn't matter to me either way. I would still be looking for porn.
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dat bulge.jpg
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What's the point of giving him a dick if he's only good for bottoming?
Thanks anon.
>this is what Zarkon sees every night

All the more reason to make the crossdressing episode happen.
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shit boy.jpg
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>>Pidge never wanted to be in Voltron
>Who cares about your family. STAY IN VOLTRON
Now that I think about it, doesn't this make Keith a huge hypocrite in the beginning of season 3?
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OP, look at what you've enabled!

Also, we need Slav.
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Cova cockblocking him?
He gets to Honerva pussy by fucking Kova first.
Pretty sure Cova kept Honvera from getting that Galra dick in the name of science throughout most of their relationship
Cuck Lotor 5.0 is art!
You just don't understand!
No, Shiro isn't his family, so it doesn't count.
Because the best kinds of bottoms are the ones who have a big cock but never ever use it.
But maybe because of that he'll be a little more understanding when she wants to run off after Matt this time
>not switching
Sure is pleb in here.
>Thread limit
Is it time to discuss Sendak's kids in another adventure?
This is a work of art.
Svendak loves hugging Raht!
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But Keith said Shiro is like a brother to him
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More of this please.
>those faces
fucking fujo animators
Do you care if it's a shit drawing
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Now in seamless tile!
Raht is always a good hugger, but sometimes he has to lock his study when he's working so they don't bother him too much
When it happens again in VLD, it'll be priceless art.
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I bet Lotor is super jelly of Sendak's cute family.
>implying Steve isn't the one who always draws Keith is bedroom eyes
Keith just has an incest fetish
>Lotor sees them in the space mall and is jealous of the better father's
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I appreciate you anon.
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>lets his autism get in the way and fucks up his entire team when fighting Lotor
Keith will always be worst boy at this rate
Sirk likes it when Uncle Yurak styles her hair. When she decided to go to prom, she got him to do her hair for her.
I think you mean Sirk friend. But yes, only Uncle Yurak styles her hair, sometimes he puts flowers in it.
It even looks like Steve Ahn's style
im sure you're fine
What if this version of Keith is too autistic to cuck Lotor?
Not really. He only cares about his family, therefore everyone else should only care about Keith's family too.
Who did she go with? Guys were probably falling all over themselves to ask her.
Lotllura anon can finally die happy
Impossible, even Chrischan could cuck Lotor.
Meanwhile, Shendak likes hugging Sendak the most.
He tried to score with Sirk when she got older. Raht was not having that shit, even if he is the prince.
Yeah, I fucked up. I had to go to the dentist today, and i'm taking painkillers, in my defense.

She lieks watching him style Kyza's hair too. He gives Kyza fluffy animu hair .
fucking fujo Steves
She went up to someone and kinda pressured him unintentionally with her aggressive demeanor. But he had a lot of fun with her!
Why is Steve having his waifu lust towards another man? Shouldn't he want him pure?
>pin me up on wall anon!
>she breathes heavily the tip prod her
>wait!...dont start slow...ram it deep! she eagrly whispers
>she wince at first at your passionate thrust
>she spreads her toes and diggs her nails on you as she climbs to orgasm

good enough for ya?
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Yeah even Sirk can get needy with hugs too.

>Lotor will never have such a loving family like Sendak and Raht
Turns out Shiro was Steve Ahn's self-insert all along.
C-can Lotllura win?
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Then he should be focusing on Lotor instead

t. Lotor
You gon get cucked again.
Every other possible Allura ship has a better chance.
>Sendak: Why do you hug me so much, little one?
>Shendak: You were mad earlier, and you talked about me, so a hug makes you forgive me.
>Sendak: What? I'm not mad at you.
>Shendak hugs him tighter: You just need a hug....
>The child cries and buries it's face in his fur, he's left to think about how he should stop yelling near his children, even if they're adopted
Keith's "great destiny" is winning the Allurabowl and ensuring Lotor gets cucked in every reality.
So how does a gay shit sandwich work exactly?
I would say this is the most autistic general I've ever been a part of but I was also in /gfg/ since the beginning and there isn't too much difference when it comes to shitposting.
>Alfor x Allura and Coran x Allura has better chances than Lotor x Allura

Even fucking Garrett who doesn't exist in VLD has higher chances.

Slav knows this is a constant.
>Lance getting DP'd by Keith and Shiro who's eating out Kuron, ending all the ship wars
Through dick, unity
Shendak is one of those kids who attaches himself to your leg or just climbs in your lap. Stuffed animals are his favorite toys.
Sirk likes hugging everyone. She's a good hugger.
Sendak is left wondering how his idiot brother can have such nice kids.
spitroast probably
My dad works for Slav on Sweden planet and he confirmed this is true.
Sirk's hugs are also the softest. Her and Svendak cuddled a lot as children.

Sendak has gotten used to Shendak attaching himself to his leg. It feels weird when he's not on it.
The Transformers generals used to get autistic as fuck. And before generals, the Transformers Animated threads would descend into pure autism. Avatar and Korra threads were always pure autism too.
Hr gets it from Clone Shiro. Clone Shiro loves to snuggle.
>Shendak is the type to come into Sendak and Eyebrow's room at night when he's scared
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>Kuronfags are defending this
>Clone Shiro and Sendak are on tense terms but Raht keeps his husband in line
he did nothing wrong
Svendak tends to get cold, because Sendak and Sirk like to keep the house cool. So he likes cuddling with Sirk the most. Eventually Shendak starts cuddling up next to her too.
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Kuron is a cum dump.
Shiro is the space dad.
Sendak has kids?
What if Honerva was already pregnant with Lotor when she was resurrected?
Raht's too nice to send him away. Usually he waits until Shendak sleeps then takes him to sleep next to his brother and Sirk.
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>Wanting Keith to suffer by a flat chested clone created by Lotor
Anon, why
Not in the show. Galrafag lore that's non canon but fun to discuss iop
Lotor being molded in the womb by quintessence? Well, that would explain why he is so long lived.
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It's too bad it wasn't a loss.
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The first night he did that, Sendak tried telling him to toughen up and stop being scared of everything, he's Galra after all. Raht just shot him a look, and Sendak wound up shutting up.
He finally got Sendak to stop bitching in the background on the phone. Now Sendak just sits there, and scowls silently.
So Lotor was the product of a mystical pregnancy? Makes him seem more like Sephiroth now.
>The galrafags are back to galraposting

I was worried, it's good to have you all back to galrafaggin.
Only in Galralore. He has two older brothers too.
I've actually seen that theory somewhere, either here or on Tumblr. Maybe Quintessence exposure in the womb made him all purple and white haired. Lotor is a space crack baby.
cause keith is shit
>Sendak: Is he asleep yet?
>Raht: He should be now, I'll be back.
>He lifts up little Shendak and sets him in with his brother and sister. The child immediately settles over them.
>Raht, whispering: Goodnight kids
>He gets back in bed with his husband
>Sendak: Well, I could go for some one on one snuggling
>Raht: Since we're alone, I'm yours
Even Svendak wasn't that cowardly. Just quiet and alway attached to Raht. It probably helped that Sirk was close to his age.
I think we calmed down because there was actual content to discuss. Plus nursing our wounds from this season.
I can't wait for the anons to get sick of us again!
>Inb4 angry non-galrafags
>Raht sets the mood by nibbling on Sendak's ear
Sendak tried locking the door after that but ended up feeling bad when he found Shendak sleeping on the floor right outside the next morning.
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Lotor is a Ryuko baby confirmed
Lotor sees the Space Goddess as his real mom.
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Kuron's just a newborn, it's not his fault if he makes bad decisions that endanger his worthless teammates.
>They get it on and that's all we need to say because the mpreg territory weirds me out tbqh
I think every general descends into pure autism at some point. I'm just glad there is no voreposting in these threads like there was in /gfg/.
Yeah Shendak is the youngest, so he feels intimidated by Sirk and Svendak sometimes. But, strangely, he is not intimidated by Sendak.
Feels like forever since I last saw that
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Does anyone have the link to that interview(or podcast, can't remember) where Kimberly said Keith would be Allura's type? Also is it a similar situation to what other anons were saying about how Bex liking Pance made it confirmed non-canon because of NDA or something?
Which is funny because Svendak was intimidated by Sendak.

Hey man all I was saying is that they're gonna bone. I never said anything about them making another baby.
They asked which paladin was her type -- not Allura's. But she started saying Allura would like Keith anyways for some reason.
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He couldn't help being lobotomized by his Galra daddy.
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I have a feeling I'll be the only one here enjoying this ship but I can have fun by myself.
I don't expect Pance to be canon, but I find that reasoning kind of suspect. I mean, wouldn't following that rule just mean that you could assume whatever ship the cast DOESN'T talk about is canon?
>Sendak immediately starts purring loudly.
He had to give Shendak a speech about how he needs nights alone with his husband sometimes.
They do. To be fair, non-generals often do too, especially if the OP post is already fucking autistic. /vld/ has been good the last week though, with the new content. But for a while, we had a massive dryspell here full of bitching about off topic shit and slapfighting.
I think that interview was Brooks saying that Keith was her type, not necessarily Allura's type.
I can actually see this happening. Lotor might have a lot of powers because he is a space crack baby.
Keith is his personal Gacktesis
Reminder that Keith's blade is going to be the key to defeating the evil dark matter thing. There will be an arc where they are searching for more luxite to create a weapon!
I know, I just prefer not to make it too sexual really. I prefer less porn type things and more cutie shit
Sauce? That's way too cute
Sendak got a vasectomy after Shendak came to live with them anyway. Three kids in the house was plenty and it was better not to take any chances.
>implying Keith won't be his Cloud
Come on dude, it writes itself.

Shendak eventually understands as he begins to notice that Sendak is in a way better mood whenever he gets his private night time with Raht.
>Having Keith as your favorite type
That's some awful fucking taste she has
4/5ths of the way done with the Lotor squad, just gotta draw the boring purple girl
Oh god, don't remind me. We went to tumblr levels of "Um, actually such and such anons are bad"
Sorry fag, but Keith is a babe.
Keith is good if he's wearing a dress
I don't think it means anything because they were asking which paladin she herself would date. A weird one is when they asked Steven Yeun about how Allura dealt with Keith being Galra and he started mentioning romance out of nowhere. What is Yeun even doing?
We got out of it through shlav, steith, and literal shitposting about the character's bathroom habits.
The current stuff Bex is saying about Pance shouldn't mean jack for NDA at all unless she's actually saying that Pidge has a crush on Lance or vice versa. I think I've seen other shows where people working on it talked about liking ships on their own time before they became canon.
He wishes his brother would get a vasectomy too. And he often finds himself hoping none of Sadak's bastards turn up. Three kids is enough.
The fucking /lgbt/ tier shit was the worst for me. I'd rather have Tumblr drama over whining about bifags. Thank god we actually have content now, and the waits are much shorter. Hopefully the threads won't hit those lows again.
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And before that he said he was good at keeping secret.
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I found pic-related just for you
You'd think with all the times he goes to prison they'd have chemically castrated him.
Why is Sheith such a terrible ship that's like 99% OOC garbage?
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who else thankful for these ladies
>Shendak: Uncle Sendak, did you hug Raht lots?
>Sendak: What?
>Shendak: When you were with him, did you hug him so much that it made you happy?
>Sendak's fur stands up a bit when he realizes what the child thinks
>Sendak: Oh...well, he's a good hugger.
>Raht rubs his shoulder: Probably the best hugger he's ever had.
>Sendak: That's true too.
>Shendak hugs his uncle's leg again: Happy uncle!
Because the Sheithfags are just as delusional as their Klancer cancer counterparts.
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>When the rest of the team finds out he’s part Galran, it kind of sours his relationship with Allura for a bit, but they are able to work through it. Talk me through that.

>I like playing this mystery of where the romance is. I don’t know where it is. It could be between anybody. That’s the natural evolution of this relationship. Even as a friendship, it has fits and turns and ups and downs. I think this is the beginning of a wonderful, wonderful storyline.

Kek, what is he going on about? There was never any question about romance.
>99% OOC garbage
Isn't that every ship involving Keith?
It's just that 99% of its fanart is kissing or hugging. The fanfics are worst since 98% of it is topShiro and transkeith. It sucks.
>Thicc galra lady (forgot her name sorry) is the coach at Sirk and them's school
Eh, that one anon or two who keeps whining about how Sheithfags are the worst ever and keeps finding excuses to talk about them despite hating them is still here.
Probably the same one bitching about Pancers, since they were claiming Pancers were secret Sheithfags, which is tinfoil as fuck, unless they're a secret Klancer feeling rustled that our ship just got a big shot of recent validation while theirs has been getting shut down hard.
It's cause canon Keith has no personality.

Fanon Keith who shows up in Heith stuff is actually pretty good tho
Not steith.
Nah, Klance at least has him being aggressive/not the stereotypical definition of an uke quite often.
Hm. Sounds like he's trying to hide something.
>they were claiming Pancers were secret Sheithfags
I must have missed this, how the hell even
I seriously think he misunderstood the question kek.
Ahaha holy shit I didn't even notice
as I was typing >>94570258
That's hilarious.
The Galra believe everyone should be given the choice to procreate, even fuck ups like Sadak.
Self-insert faggots. Paladin ships are generally bad by default anyway.
Maybe he's trying to throw the interviewer off?
you're one of THOSE
Does anyone remember seeing any clear, long blocks of Altean text in the show by any chance?
Somehow me laughing at Klancers getting BTFO because of the age reveal meant I must ship Sheith, because apparently they are the only people in the entire Votron fandom who hate Klancers.
Probably a bit in the scene when Pidge is trying to learn Altean.
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this dude was not even paying attention and just said whatever, I love it
>hurr hurr I'm Shiro I'm soooo sexually attracted to Keith, excuse me while I fucking crowd him in a corner, spy on him, fuck him on a desk, rape him, generally behave like a sexual predator who's obsessed with Keith, etc.
>uwaa I'm Keith uwaa no Shiro pls don't rape me kyaaa I have no sexual or romantic interest in anything, I don't even know what sex is uguu~

It's not b8, you'd have to be delusional not to see that this shit shows up in the vast, vast majority of Sheith.
...New thread?
>Svendak: I wonder how long it'll be until he finds out what that means....

Alteans wouldn't put up with that shit.
Why did that doujin give us so many good reaction images?
Sirk is her favorite student. SHe actually encourages Sirk to roughhouse the other students, and says Sirk is a prime example of an exemplary Galra.
Trans anything is pretty gross to me desu. But it's the worst when it's that one artist who draws the ethnic stereotype Keith and Shiro. I already hate Sheith, and seeing transSheith in their ugly art style is just the shit icing on the shit cake.
Have you seen Kimberly's interview?

>Can you give us any hints to her relationships with the other characters? Especially Keith. I know there are a lot of Keith/Allura fans out there.

>It’ll be interesting how that whole thing unfolds. I think fans are going to be really really excited about it. They do stick with a lot of what’s happening in the original TV series with some creative license and expanding of the story. People are going to be surprised but engaged. It’s one thing to have this awesome robot that goes out and fights these conquerors of the universe, but this show is built on the relationships. What all of this means to each of them is what’s really important and what I think the fans are really going to focus in on.
>He wants to make a thread after we said to wait for the weekend
Eh, someone else'll probably do it anyway
t. fanfiction.net / porn only dweebs.
Ride this one until it hits archive.
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Thanks for not listening, Steven.
>Alteans wouldn't put up with that shit.

Nah, they'd just lobotomize him and use him as a slave. Alteans a shit.
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when the gods send you a blessing, you don't ask why it was sent
I kind of wish that interviewer who asked Lauren and Joaquim about Klance asked them about Kallura too.
It's a valid complaint. I ship sheith but the fanart and fanfics are boring and plain with the whole bottomKeith and topShiro for smut. When it's not smut Keith is a sociable butterfly for some reason but they usually write Shiro fine. I recommend only works TruebornAlpha to any sheithfags lurking.
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Hmm, maybe a rewatch in order. If it's big and organized enough I wanna do a letter frequency analysis on it and almost certainly find out that it's nonsense.

Not until archive and even then only if you have some burning need for more of this.
is it even out yet? when it dose come out someone link it
or link it right now hehehe
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Thanks for confirming Kallura, based Kimberly. Now all I need is Lotor getting cucked and I'll be set.
Someone should make an edit over the character's faces with things like klancerjesus, miceanon, or galrafags to represent /vld/.
Dude, I literally just browsed twitter looking for new Sheith art, and it's all just that shit.

Pic related is in character. Fanart of Shiro pulling Keith's braids with Keith going "uwaa stay away~" is OOC trash, but it makes up the majority of Sheith. At least be critical of your OTP, Christ. Not every opinion you don't like is b8 or some other anon you guys have apparently memorized.
It could be improved by at least 40% if that dynamic got reversed.
If trips, Sheith is canon.
>Galrafag lore is in a reality where the galra are actively shutting off the non-cog controlling devices and are the good guys
Feels good man
From the way she answers this question it makes it sound like Keith/Allura is gonna happen but she can't be break her NDA so she keeps it on the down-low
I wish interviewers wouldn't ask about ships at all. I get second hand embarrassment any time they do.
Steven seems so awkward. He's not even answering the question.
The Galra believe even serial fuck ups like Sadak can be reformed. Eventually, after a near death experience on Sadak's part, they are proven right.
Someone did ask about Kallura and that was back in Wondercon 2016 before the series aired. Everyone who attended that panel were old school Voltron fans. They showrunners looked so happy when they asked about that too.

Same here. I will never forget Lauren's grimace when that interviewer asked about Klance after SDCC.
Alteans are terrifying to Galra kids. Raht has to check under Shendak's bed for King Alfor every night.
Yeah that's the reason I'm not really into Sheith in the first place. And I get that too much Tumblr drama can get old. But that anon(s) only seems to get rustled about Sheithers in response to Klance hate and thinks anyone who hates Klance must be a Sheither, when anyone with common decency sees just how shitty they are.
Sheith content being bland and OOC is way less bothersome or relevant to these threads than Klancers and their Shallura friends telling other people including the staff to kill themselves over standing against them. If they want to complain about the quality of Sheith content it would make more sense on /cm/ or /y/ or something, not here.
Someone needs to ask about Shlav.
what a difference a year makes
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Is this ok?
>I think fans are going to be really really excited about it.
God, she really has no idea how much the fandom gets assblasted by the Keith x Allura pairing.
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I legit want to tell her to stop drawing Voltron. She's only in the fandom because she ships Hiro and Tadashi from bighero6 and since Keith and Shiro looks like her old otp, she's into Voltron.
I think people respond to Sheithers when they begin to say or imply Sheith will be canon.
You're a hero anon.
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It would actually be more in character that way. Keith had Shiro's clothes on hand for a year ffs. He's just generally autistically obsessed with Shiro.

But no, can't ever break away from them yaoi stereotypes. I've seen other fandoms reverse expectations (Villainous, T&B, Touken Ranbu, etc.), but the Voltron fandom is just shit in this regard for some reason.
>Nearly at 700 posts.
Is this normal?
King Alfor is a common boogeman throughout much of Galra society.
I hate Sheithers because they're fucking obnoxious as shit and love bringing up dumb drama. Their ship is boring to me, but that's not what bothers me. It's their personalities that bother me. And yeah, I know Shalluras and Klancers do worse shit, but I hang out on /co/ most of all. So I tend to encounter more obnoxious Sheiths than anything.
It's been at like 800-1000+ since the S3 premier. Starting to taper off.
>Shiro defense force
Should be Kuron apologists
The oldfags that hang around on Yahoo groups have no idea Kallura is actually one of the fandom's most hated ship.
>And yeah, I know Shalluras and Klancers do worse shit, but I hang out on /co/ most of all. So I tend to encounter more obnoxious Sheiths than anything.

This. I don't actively look for the garbage everyone complains about. I only see it being mentioned here.
Yeah, we're pretty dedicated
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Those assholes can stick it.
Can we go one fucking thread without complaining about ships or shippers for fucks sake. You're all retarded, let's just move on.
Welp, its on page nine now.
Goodbye, thread.
Last post for Sheith.
This is legitimately triggering.

>She's only in the fandom because she ships Hiro and Tadashi from bighero6 and since Keith and Shiro looks like her old otp, she's into Voltron

Oh, now it makes sense. She's just copypasting the Hamadacest dynamic onto Sheith. Fucking hate fujos who do shit like this.
You sure all of them are even Sheithers? Because you were so convinced I was one despite posting nothing of the sort all because I made fun of Klancers. Like any sane person in this thread does.
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I've been Galraposting in this thread. I haven't said thing one to any Sheiths or about ANY shipping talk until just now. Stop trying to make everyone your boogeyman.
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Better? Or should Hunk be something else?
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Bruh, I'm just complaining about Sheith being so fucking OOC in almost all fanworks, nothing to do with Sheithers vs. Klancers autism. I'd like to get into Sheith, but I simply can't when 99% of it is just yaoi cliches. It's frustrating.
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Let's continue Galraposting, bro. We don't need any asshurt Sheithers ruining our night. It's been too long since we've Galrafagged.
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You still around OP? I finished up the Lotor squad. Never drawn any of these fools before but I think you can at least tell who's who
>multiple OTPs
as if i needed more proof Keith is a slut
How about we all just shut the fuck up, less slapfights, less picking fights, and the like
Also Throk a cute
How do Lotor and his generals shit?
That looks good.
I'd like if OP can fix the names of some of the characters. It's too damn jarring to guess who the fuck is Non-Zarkon, and the other Galra.

Also why is Prorok "Purple Rock girl?"
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Yeah, good idea.

How often do you think Throk likes to drink? I bet he loves parties, but he's not a depressed pining borderline alcoholic like Haxus.
I'm so mad that Throk was for naught.
>anons shitpost about ships
>"can we stop talking about ships or tumblr"
>anons dogpile me

>I post about ships
>"STFU stop talking about ships"

When will you stop being bipolar /vld/
Perfect anon. Saved.
>Throk knows at least one secret of every commander, except Raht. It's one of his obsessions, to find out something he hasn't put out there.
never you fucking twat, maybe tomorrow bro
>less slapfights

Where do you people see slapfighting?
It all depends on whether Lotor takes an interest in Allura in this series.
He's definitely a drinker at parties. He's a happy drunk, but also very gossipy. Just like his sober self.

It's his life goal.
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The only ship I want to discuss is shlav or steith, you can fuck off otherwise.
He'll spill his spaghetti like how Zarkon did when he first met Haggar
I know that. I'd like it to be a thing. That subtle reference to the old Lotor chasing Allura thing gave me hope.
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cute, CUTE!!
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He tries to corner Sendak and pump him for info, but Sendak is pretty tight lipped in general. And he's tight lipped about Raht most of all.
Considering your points, I will agree with them. Even Shendak is fairly annoying as far as content goes, pics are fine but fics are like 80% "and then he knotted him because space cat xd". We're not always consistent, and I hope we could change that for better discussion.
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The bitch factor goes up to eleven if he doesn't like you, though. Bara has had to take him home early from work parties a few times just because Throk didn't like the way Haxus or Thace looked at him.
Yeah that's fine, I just hate it when people are like HURR YOU HATE KLANCERS YOU MUST BE A SHEITHPOSTER AND/OR HATE KALLURA WHY ARE YOU SUCH A TERRIBLE PERSON or other meta garbage. I don't complain about the Kuronposters or Galraposters or any other kinds of regulars here even though it's not my thing, and the creators finally threw our little island a bone at the expense of the people giving us the most trouble. Let us have some fun for once instead of all this intra-thread bitching.
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Narti wound up being the worst cause I did her first and also haven't drawn a single thing in like 4 months. Also hoods are weird.
He's especially vicious with Thace, but then again sometimes it's Thace who starts shit.
I don't care for people arguing over ships. And before either party in this responds, if they do, I'm staying neutral, ya'll so fucking annoying sometimes.
Strangely, Ulaz and Bara get on fairly well and keep up on Galrabook.
Nigga, do I have to link you the fics where he's purring (which I'll accept cause it's cute) and then suddenly penis inflation?
Don't forget Sven/Slav. But I guess that's just AU Shlav.
I'm just saying that it's retarded that they're putting a dog penis thing to a cat creature thing.
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actually they're space bats
What is hat even caled? Svlav? Slaven?
>tell us about allura dealing with keith's galra heritage
>i have no idea where the romance is! these two are gonna have a great storyline btw

What the fuck, Steven?
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Somebody better scan this doujin once it comes out.
>Throk: So Thace, have I ever told you how much I love hearing the pitter patter of my childrens feet?
>Thace, letting out a few deep breaths: No
>Throk: Let me show you some photo's I took over the weekend.
>Thace: Can you go one instance without gloating over me?
>Throk: Whatever do you mean by that? I only wanted to share my family with you.
>Thace: A family you constantly, almost daily, show off when you know I've been trying to have some of my own.
>Throk: Hard to have them at your age, isn't it?
>Throk dodges a ceramic trinket and runs away, laughing his lungs out
the most annoying, to me, are the boring ass rape fics where Sendak is reduced to what may as well be a generic mob guy. It's probably because I'm a Sendakfag, I actually want to read stuff that gives him real personality. Rapeshit is written by Shirofags.
We call it Svlav here.
McCree first discovered this when he woke up at 1 AM, and baby Keith was crawling around on the floor making clicking noises and echolocating around the house.
>Keith/Sendak is OTP
This ship is a thing?
Well at least these threads haven't broken out into random fingerpointing at Shirofags for any manner of ill like they used to. Even the Kuronposting has mostly gone on peacefully.
>Keith simultaneously meowed and screeched for fellow batcats
>Keith crawls onto the ceiling and freaks his dad out constantly
>And yeah, I know Shalluras and Klancers do worse shit, but I hang out on /co/ most of all. So I tend to encounter more obnoxious Sheiths than anything.
This 2bh, I'm sure the fandom is dumb but I never see it anywhere but when people bitch about it here, which is infinitely more annoying to me than the drama itself.
Shiro is still a shit for smoking and killing Ryou
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i just feel really proud that the nips agree with our "lance gives the shittiest bjs imaginable" headcanon
This is the worst imaginable taste except for Heith
At least Kuron's Galra cybernetics gave him a literal cast iron stomach, meaning Shiro can feed him all the nuggies he wants.
>McCree checks up on his son
>Keith is sleeping upside down
>McCree just shakes his head and walks away
Thace keyed his minivan after that.
>Shiro tried to murder Kuron with his cooking but failed miserably
>Ulaz and Bara just shake their heads and take another sip of their beer

I didn't make that one, but I read a fic on it once.
I bet Throk has one of those obnoxious stickers on the back of his minivan of the stick figure family that reflects he and Bara's family.
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