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OK KO thread

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Thread replies: 505
Thread images: 136

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New episodes today not seen before.

>Sibling Rivalry
>When a new robot, Raymond, defeats the three heroes to steal the sign to Gar’s, KO teams up with Darrell and Shannon to get it back.

>I Am Dendy
>K.O. helps a strange girl from school, Dendy, get the parts she needs to repair her high tech backpack.

Is CN really burning through the entire first season in August?
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the show sucks and is going to become a schedule problem eventually like TTG. it reminds me of a retarted Your Inhuman Schoolhouse
>tfw can't afford the 5 mill for my very own Shannon

Fucking overpriced Boxmore shit.
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Thank you for that insightful comment.
mr piccolo with hair
>animations based on Mathieu's drawings
>none of them about his Enid drawings
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>mfw Boxman will never make a Carol sextoy robot I can put next to my picture frame of her

Feels bad man.
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she got the funk
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Stop making porn
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Reverse psychology at its finest
Is someone going to post the mega? With what video player should I watch it?

Uh huh.
In what way, shape, or form is that Chun-li?
no that's a strawberry...
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thick legs, kicks, and elements of her pilot design
so we all know shes a lesbian, right?
daily reminder
the ass is still fat though
Wonder why Red keep her around then.

this >>94382738
I don't think Red swing that way.
This is a surprisingly creative and funny show, I'm glad that it surpassed my expectations.

Hopefully CN doesn't fuck it up for Ian by putting it on long hiatuses or milking it like they did with TTG.
Is KO's voice going to alternate throughout the entire series? It's starting to get annoying and it's only been like 6 episodes and one voice change.

I know that this series was delayed because Stephanie was being a cunt and refused to come in to record, but couldn't they just replace her entirely with the other va?
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I know the villain is supposed to be sort of based on Dr. Wiley, but does he remind anyone else of Professor Triple Extra Large?
He reminded me a bit of N.gin
Mixed with robotnik
She got dat junk in da trunk.
he reminds me of early Gallagher/DeCesare era archie sonic robotnik
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I want to h ug drupe!
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The whole production process of these introductory episodes is fucked up. According to Toby Jones:
>["Let's Be Heroes"] was actually our fifth episode produced. We wanted to give each of our board teams an opportunity to work on simpler, more self-contained episodes before taking on the more complex “first” episodes.

That's why the production codes of the episodes don't line up with their intended airing order. It seems like K.O.'s voice alternated between Stephanie Nadolny and Courtenay Taylor up until the ninth episode produced: "You're Level 100". After that, Taylor was permanently positioned as the final voice for K.O..

I just don't get why they didn't kick Nadolny off the show from the very beginning once they realized it'd be impossible for her to be part of the regular cast, let alone the MAIN CHARACTER. What's she so busy with nowadays, anyway?
How is that Dogman on Enid's and Rad's level?

Also, why is there such a disparity of power between them and Mr. Gar?
You're Level 100 is weird because it's the only episode whose production code is higher than 4 (1044-009): the other eps where Nadolny did the voice were the upcoming Just a Pebble (1044-001), Jethro's All Yours (1044-002), We Messed Up (1044-004) (I also wouldn't be surprised if whatever episode is 1044-003, probably the first ep Dave and Haewon boarded, also had Nadolny do the voice)
i mean, his name is mr. GAR

shouldn't his name be evidence enough, esp to people on this board
ryu ?
Speaking of Box Lord, his voice sounds familiar. I can't quite put my finger on it and I refuse to look it up because I know I'm supposed to know his voice since he's a veteran voice actor.
Well, yeah. But, does the other characters have to be so downplayed? But, then again since levels go by decimals, then it makes a little more sense, but still. I should think that those two could be at least level 3 or 4. At least above the Dogguy for Chris' sake. The Dog guy could have also been 0.whatever. Above KO, but below Enid and Rad.

Also, if there is such a thing as a level 100, then they are virtually godlike.
jim cummings
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>WEAKNESS: Peanut allegery

>FUN FACT: Has a running action movie narration in his head at all times.

KO is adorable.
p-power levels don't mean anything!
I try not to worry about it since Kid Goku being a voice on the show was never that big of a deal to me. I was just excited about Ian JQ finally having a show of his own!
No, powerlevels aren't everything. Which means that Drupe could have a special ability.
What a weird looking goblin
More like a female minion.
>Dendy's weakness is non-fact based humor
That skeleton is cute
>his name is mr. GAR

Non-burger here, what is that supposed to mean?
thanks for fixing my error. I remember the line wrong
Burger here, no idea. Gar means fish to me

>>94383716 made it seem like Gar has some kind of meaning
Not the same guy, but I do remember the meme of that. I don't know if that is what the character's name is based on, but the meme was originated as a misspelling of "gay." But, in that you were gay for someone.
Isn't Dendy the name of a bootleg NES console from Russia?
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It's a weeaboo thing.
Does anyone feel underwhelmed that the show is now going into a "lol-random" tone for its humor?
She hasn't appeared yet? I was in and out of watching OK KO because I was preoccupied with other mudane shit like eating and shit, but I don't remember having seen her.
Yep,but did that ever stop /co/?
That makes me think of a topic of where this show can go right or wrong.
Yeah, I caught on to the hits that she's at least bi.
But Gar is the opposite of gay, he has a thing for Carol

Explain it please
It's non-canonical, but has that undertone. May not be picked up on by children.
I think Ian just said, "Fuck it, if I want my shitty show to make money, I'll just follow like what Teen Titans Go for its "popularity" and I'll just roll in the money."
I know, I know, which is why he is the object for gays, not the other way around.

The word is sort of similar to how moe was used to describe a cute anime girl rather than the feelings toward a cute anime girl.
>Courtenay Taylor
>Not GT Goku
I still want K.O. to get Super Saiyan Blue.
that actually happened in the mobile game
You already think that the show has gone wrong?
I disagree with you and think the show has potential. I think it's possible that it could go either way.

Also, how has it gone all that random with it's humor?
>It's non-canonical
In the helping episode they dropped a big hint when she was talking about the girls in the alley.
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Pretty cool. All he needs now is a ju bai da kaioken.
Could be bi.

Best joke in the episode.
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Okay but what has that to do with him being level 11
Which is what I meant by "undertone." It's not stated by anybody within the show or made official by the creator.
It's funny how people have been talking about the show in relation to TTG given how multiple former TTG artists are on the show
Honestly, the shorts after the 2013 pilot started to made it start to look worse quality wise.

I just find the writing and script so atrociously bad that it makes the experience unfunny and cringe-inducing for kids show standards.
It doesn't, it compliments it. I for one didn't say it. I was just questioning the level system in the show.
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I mean sometimes straight girls get girl crushes, too. It'd be nice to see that instead of "any positive interaction with female=SCISSORING TIME"
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I'm starting to think his name doesn't mean shit
I don't like the character designs of TTG, so that's worrisome.

No offense to the Mojo Jojo art director, I think he's really talented but having his designs forced into using dated motion-tweening models look really terrible.

>2013 pilot

I don't remember much about it apart from the art style being different.

>makes the experience unfunny and cringe-inducing for kids show standards

What the fuck shows have you been watching? Really, I'd like to take a watch at them because I find that there are quite a few cartoon kids shows that have been awful.
Oh my god.

"Gar" was a popular term on the internet for super tough guys for a while.

His name is a direct reference to that.

His being level eleven is also a reference to how tough he is, referencing the classic Spinal Tap gag, "This bitch goes up to eleven", describing an amp that is louder than the usual ten level system.

There is that clear enough for you Plankon?
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this shit gave me anal cancer
You may be right, as I had said here >>94384207.

>I don't know if that is what the character's name is based on
To the Lakewood Plaza's writing credit, it shits over the actual show's annoying humor.
for reference, the TTG artists on OK KO are storyboard supervisor Jeremy Polgar (who was also an animator at Titmouse), boarder Geneva Hodgson (is partnered with Mira Ongchua for boarding eps like Let's Be Heroes, I Am Dendy, Just a Pebble, and You Get Me; was a boarder/character designer on TTG), and boarder Steve Borbolla (partnered with Danny Ducker on boarding episodes like We Messed Up, You're Level 100, and Presenting Joe Cuppa; was a boarder on TTG)

also to note is that TTG is a script driven show, while OK KO is board driven
that was the answer we were all waiting for. Thanks for clarifying.
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Yes, thank you very much, that actually makes a lot of sense.
Sorry, for making it complicated, I just remembered the meme's technical origin.
Wait is the permanent VA the one from the first few episodes or the one from 4-6? Please tell me the former
>it's a "recurrent evil henchmen team up with recurrent good guys to fight a greater villain of the week that makes both parts look bad to their respective bosses in comparison" episode
This is my favorite trope. Excited for this ep.
What exactly is the difference between script driven and board driven? I've heard about this from Craig McKraken and apparently he said something about script driven being way more convenient for the storyboard artists to draw afterwards.
Mega for the new episode?
Wait till it airs.
script driven has writers write the scripts and boarders do the storyboards from those scripts
board driven has the writers write the outlines, and boarders do the final dialogue and other writing nuances when boarding

while modern board driven shows were pioneered by Ren & Stimpy (emulating how old school theatrical shorts were written), they're more common at CN studios than anywhere else (though they've been gaining ground at Disney TVA)
Thought they dumped all the week's episodes on the app already
Nah, it's still the same 6 episodes. If they did leaked all of them, misseps would of released it by now.
Damn, are you a storyboard artist in college or somethin'?
I wish
Craig's only board-driven show is PPG, after that he went to scripts for convenience. He also said he'd never go back to traditional animation after using Flash on Foster's (he likes the bounciness in movement, and in his defence he did it right on WOY)
Hmm, I can understand why Craig would do more script driven work. For me, in my opinion board driven work sounds somewhat dated.
Board driven means the visuals are mich more inhenerently part of the writing though, which is a desirable quality in animation (or any medium where they're the main focus, Edgar Wright boards his movies out before he scripts them)
The main link from R&S to modern board-driven shows is Spongebob, as members of that crew went on to make Chowder and Flapjack.
Anyone got a stream link?

got /sug/ goosebumps right there
Why does that look like the robot from sym bionic titan?
among other things it saves on writers.
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I was so excited to hear Nadolny why does everything have to go wrong
It's Jim Cummings
http://www stream2watch cc/streaming-television/united-states/cartoon-network-live-stream

Stream 2
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>Bungie net
>That whole effect
link for the first few episodes that apparently leaked a while back?
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>That chant
>That bungie net

Darn it Hunter x Hunter!
Goddamn, I love this show.
Ha, pompadork.
Who's Raymond's VA? Sounds familiar
these fucking faces holy shit
Raymond is a babe
She had her own short from earlier this year

That ep was great.
Raymond a mettaton
>Enid gets knocked out like a Ranma character

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Dave and Haewon best team
So much distortion ... I LOVE IT!
The inspiration wasn't subtle, but I loved it for some reason
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I seriously love everything about this character. Look at those THIGHS. And her HIPS. I need more stuff of her.
>god tier music goes to a fucking HAIRCUT
>those anime faces
Can I love this show any more?
holy shit those anime faces
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pls respond
Would you get a haircut from Rusty Venture?
Is Raymond supposed to be a jock?
Same, the new VA just sounds like it was either a money issue or some random friend of someone who nepotism'd their way in.
She's still KO's voice actor. She seems to split the duty with this VA.
Dendy is cute as fuck, I hope we see more of her
Dendy a CUTE.
Dendy a cute.

Porn when?
Is his hero level .1 or .01?
>obligatory female friend that's going to be constantly hinted as hamfisted LI for years
I want off this ride
Ask Shadman
She is best girl
Isn't Dendy just a slightly better Peridot?
No she's it
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I hope they pull any autistic romance bullshit with them
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another set of good episodes today, it was nice watching with you anons
too bad Peridot's permanently hindered though
She's basically Peridot in the body of Pup Named Scooby Doo Velma.
Is there somewhere I can watch the raymond episode? Think I missed it

Link to the new episode?
specifically something that can play on a phone
Did anyone rip them?
she's like a cross between Peridot and Connie
I thought Shannon was the Better Peridot.
Watched the first 3 episodes.
Seems like a great, fun show
so now that we have two episodes from each board team, any opinions?
>Geneva Hodgson and Mira Ongchua
Let's Be Heroes
I Am Dendy

>Ryann Shannon and Parker Simmons
Let's Be Friends!
Jethro's All Yours

>Dave Alegre and Haewon Lee
You're Everybody's Sidekick
Sibling Rivalry
whoops forgot
>Stevie Borbolla and Danny Ducker
We Messed Up
You're Level 100
From best to worse (not in a bad way):
>Ryann Shannon and Parker Simmons
>Geneva Hodgson and Mira Onghchua
>Stevie Borbolla and Danny Ducker
>Dave Alegre and Haewon Lee
Geneva and Mira won me the fuck over today, but Ryann and Parker are top tier for Let's Be Friends
Rate the episodes, /ko/.
>Sibling Rivalry
>I am Dendy
10/10 to both. This show keeps hitting them out of the park.
They just had to tease prof. venomous, didn't they!?
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This fucking show I swear
not according to this anon

i think there's still enough time for a quick rerun, might be wrong though
Im out of my house until tommorow. I need a mega so i xan download it tommorow
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Ian Jones-Quartey sure loves his off model animation. Which is fine by me, I love it too, when done right.
Fuck, dumb dropbox notification. Need to turn that off.
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>yfw Tigger is the evil mastermind
this is an average show made by calart retards who don't know how to make good cartoons.
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I'm easily amused.

What does off-model mean?
I'm amused by a good production team, quality of writing and art. Slapping a funny face in because you don't know how to write a good episode is fucking lame.
google is your friend, newfag
Agreed. However I still really like em. Fault me for that I guess!
Basically when a character stops looking how it usually looks, usually used to make exaggerated expressions
less suprising considering how Jim also played Negaduck, Fat Cat (rescue rangers), Satam Robotnik, etc
Already did
Huh... Though Madri would take care of it. Oh well.

Here's the episodes individually. DVR somehow fucked up the Dendy episode by splitting the recordings so there's a small cutoff during the haircut scene.

>Sibling Rivalry
>I Am Dendy

So, it means whenever a character doesn't look like they're supposed to?
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>spoon feeding on such a basic fucking concept
This is why /co/ is awful
Are you five?
Did Enid's shoe have that fucking school S on the nottom?
oh nooo
People gotta learn somehow. Might as well educate them instead of letting them be ignorant.
They can type the damn thing on their search bar you retard
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I wanted to color the strawberry
I like it and all but the most off putting thing to me is that god awful Steven Universe art style. Is this what all cartoons are going to look like? Artists art too afraid to do anything different anymore and want to copy something mediocre to cash in on the sjw crowd?
The episode with the backpack girl was really cute.
huh i didn't know we were on /a/
You choose that over things like embracing funni faces lul or the multitude of nonsense "hurr not my ___" threads as why this board is awful?
Am I the only one who doesn't like this show? I can't really get into it. As much as I like anime, this doesn't feel right. It's really weird with the story telling and I'm not a fan of any of the character designs. For a show with inspiration from Dragon Ball and other Shonen, it's more like a slow-paced Bobobo.
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It doesn't hurts to help

At least you got some (You)s
But which method is better writing quality wise? What makes for a better show?
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Same. I kinda actually did how each episode looks sorta different, but not sure abut everything else.
mine nigga just because we are on 4chan it doesn't mean we can't be helpful every once in a while
Script driven all the way
Its weird, the designs are getting simpler and simpler but the animation's great. Look at how much stuff is actually moving around!

I want to eat her out just because she'd taste like strawberry
I wonder if she gets sweeter when she gets older
I wonder if she'd be tart when she's young
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Scratch and Grounder

I'm okay with that, satan
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I had the same though Satan
It probably looks like Steven universe because the creator is Rebecca sugars boyfriend
dendy a cute
There's only two images so far.
I need more.

I mean, this show is like 80% ass so he'd be in his element.
This show looks better than SU
How much fucking yput hink those two get up to? I say about once or twice a week. They seem pretty busy.
Ian JQ was the director on the first season of SU and co-executive producer until mid season 3, so Ian's artstyle influence SU's artstyle and vice versa
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why do so few adventure shows rarely have the main character having friends their own age and gender (you know like a real group of friends)
i mean you have this one
gravity falls
steven universe
adventure time
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Raymond is a good boy
nice nice
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Robot or not, they 'gon fuck.
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Shannon could do better
yeah, hatefuck with Raymond.
I don't think Lord Buttman is creepy enough to program sexuality into his robots, especially since he considers them his children.
Sure but a funny face is still funny
I don't know. He was creepy enough to attempt to watch a child get beat up behing closed window blinds.
Having your heart broken is all a part of growing up.
>dat anime Dendy
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>implying Boxman would give his robots the ability to do something even worse than friendship
Sounding pretty Jake English there
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thanks for these. raymond is a fucking dork and i love him to death already.

do you think raymond'll have a big comeback/power-up in the same way?
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I don't know...
Why does Lord Buttman want to destroy the Plaza again? It may be because I missed some episodes, but it doesn't make sense. I know that friendship somehow lowers his sells, but I don't see how destroying the Plaza would help at all. Is he doing it purely because he have some beef with it, or does he just hate friendship that much?
Isn't Raymond just based of that one enemy in the mobile app?
all of the above
Heroes get supplies from there
haven't played it so i wouldn't know.
why does everyone like Drupe and Enid when Shannon is obviously top tier waifu?
I don't think the removal of one plaza would do that much, don't tell me they put all of their supplies in one place and it's right in front of a factory that makes literal killing machines.
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soon they will learn
the ONLY waifu worth waifuing is Dendy
Why is a robot sweating?
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Too much talk about waifus, too little talk about Lord Boxman.
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>all this bad taste
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>Level 0

>Level 3

>Level -4

I'm just waiting for Elodie to show up if she ever does
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I'd rape his sons
I'd fuck him too
Why does Darrell have a brain? Does this mean all the other robots have brains too? Why does Darrell's brain is so vulnerable? Why does Lord Buttman have such a quantity of brains in the first place? Are they the same brain? Does he clone them?
She never will
Both sides are pretty stupid, so really who knows?

I wonder if some sort of other faction will show up eventually
She made an appearance in one of the arcades in "I am Dendy"
>not calling the episode introducing Raymond "everybody loves Raymond"

Shame it only took six episodes of OK KO for the series to be literally unwatchable.

But seriously, I didn't really like the show before the Dendy ep. I'm on board now. The other episodes felt a little....vapid? I dunno. Early production was apparently a bit of a mess, so I wouldn't be surprised if the show got better after the early shit. 'I am Dendy' felt nice and had substance. Good shit, Ian.
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It's just gum
Oh, maybe there'll be aliens, and they wouldn't be as dumb as the other guys, so both fractions would had to team up to defeat such a great threat?
I assumed the brains are all interconnected and that's how the memories move on.
i don't like cartoons unless they make me CRY
So I guess we're in agreement that everyone in this thread is either gay for Raymond, pedo for Dendy, or both.
Then why is Lord Buttman putting gum in his robots? That just makes more questions.
I thought the first four episodes were actually pretty good. What about them didn't feel right?
I think he works great as a way to round out the regular bots, plus then Gar and Boxman both have three minions.

they MATCH damnit.
Which one are you anon?
9/10 would avoid in brackish waters
Zombies order Darrell's just to eat their brains.
I think I was distracted by being in this world clearly different than ours but not knowing anything about it. It's not like Looney Toons or Ren and Stimpy where it doesn't matter and you're just gonna fuck off to another setting in 5 minutes. Like, where do people do shit? Is everyone a hero? Why have the cards then? How big is the place they're in? Dendy showed more than the plaza and a non-hero type (I think), so I'm starting to see it. That's just me though.
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>Like, where do people do shit?

I dunno, maybe in the fucking toilet
Nah, I liked them, but wasn't really sure I was going to bother watching the show. When I said vapid, I didn't mean it as an insult. I just meant I liked the first few about as much as any other kids cartoon. I liked Dendy a lot though. Digging it now.
>Is everyone a hero?
>Why have the cards then?
For those who ARE heroes
>How big is the place they're in?
As big as a planet
Option 2. I'm weak against cute character design like Dendy's
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U rite nigga.
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Dendy is super cute.
yesssss this is adorable
I'm not sure if the game is canon or not, but there's a forest, desert, and city. Forgot the names though.
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Friendly reminder he's level -10
Do the negative numbers mean anything aside from denoting the character's power level?
I think negative is supposed to imply "Villain Level"
jfc gar means incredibly, almost impossibly badass so his power level of 11 reflects that, end of story
Positive number = Hero
Negative number = Villain
it's like, levels in evil rather than heroism, I assume
>I think I was distracted by being in this world clearly different than ours but not knowing anything about it.
Believe me, I'd love to know more, but I'm also not expecting a massive infodump just 8 episodes in.
>Why have the cards then?
For collecting purposes (at least for now). It's their universe's version of baseball cards, but with superheroes.
How is power level even determined? How can you even measure morality? How can a mere machine be able to do that from seemingly having a eye scan?

It's a fucking cartoon it just works
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I remember there was Neo Riot City (where the RS and SU easter eggs were).

The "Commercial" short also displayed the general area that the Plaza and Boxmore reside in.
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It's a cartoon, chill out you autist
If Mr. Gar is 1 level higher than him, why doesn't he just go over to Baxman's factory and blow it up?
it's probably more like a classification based on your feats...and I got the impression that boxman was full of shit when he said the giant robot was level -100... based on how tough Gar is, 100 or -100 should be utter godlike power
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he'd just rebuild it, like he did after Mega Jethro ran over it

also vandalism is ille
From what I've seen of this show's world, the way it works is that it takes normal everyday conflicts, but exaggerates them until they become epic action sequences between superheroes and villains.

So Lord Boxman, in a more mundane and grounded setting, would just be a grumpy industrialist who works across the street from a shopping center. And he hates the center because it's noisy and all the happy people who visit there remind him of how bored and miserable he is.

But since this is a crazy superhero world where everything becomes the most extreme version of itself, instead of just complaining to the police or filing a lawsuit, he sends killer robots to murder everyone.
this is cool but it sounds more like a seperate unrelated track with the intro at the end than a full version of the son
it's also probably a reference to how robotnik's fortress was always right next to where sonic and the other mobians lived
Sure it wouldn't get rid of ALL heroes but every little bit helps.
dang that rad looks rad
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So, what the fuck was the point of the Animation Jam? It didn't teach the art school students anything about the TV production process (it's rare for animation to ever be done in-house), and it's not like their respective art schools haven't already been teaching them about meeting deadlines.

We already know the Game Jam would result in the winning prototype becoming OK K.O.!'s next mobile game, but I always assumed the Animation Jam was for future bumpers that would air on CN; now, I'm not so sure.
:< face is CUUUUUTE
A top-tier DILF, probably even a power bottom
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>tfw you find this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZEChZDDzpM
this man knows what's up
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... No, it can't be.
Gordon pls
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>No one posted the Dendy Notes
C'mon, /co/.
The store is in that world's newbie zone.

This is just that first village where you can only find low lev gear, everything is cheap, and the enemies are never tough.
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>Post yfw Dendy is a hack
this, wanted to read em
Why is he a negative level?
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>Subject may be compensating for conspicuous lack of paternal figure by placing himself in dangerous situations, hoping to prove either worthy of love or capable himself.
Would that make Boxman the starter boss?
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Here's the last one for you famalam
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The lev 1's are teens that hang out in a parking lot and occasionally fight the random robot.

Mr Gar likely went out adventuring in the world for 10-20 years before opening a store.
Is Dendy named after that russian bootleg SNES?
Negative levels indicate villains.
>Technically speaking, higher than Boxman by three levels
Really makes me think
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I thought he was a reference to darkman from mega man
Technically speaking, he's a better hero than Boxman
Are you a big dummy?
is this show just stephen universe?
the show is unmercifully unfunny, and the girl's legs are retarded

which is weird because ian j is usually quite funny and quite good at drawing sexy legs!!!
Nah, it's actually good.
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Kinda reminds me of Doctor Viper from Swat Katz.
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>she knows his blood type
school records/nurse's office would be easy to break into for her hack pack one would think.
She also knows he has a high tolerance to pain. She probably collected a sample when he got into a fight.
>quite good at drawing sexy legs

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>Subbed may be compensating for conspicuous lack of parental figure by placing himself in dangerous situations hoping to prove himself either worthy of love or capable-
...A-are we gonna get deep soon?
Where are the rest of these cards?
>Oh no my moth collection
But seriously their faces crack me up. Its just a whole hearted slice of life cartoon
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It seems more like a RPG or Beat em Up game world when there is no supervillain about to kill everyone right now. This is the normal days before or after the game storyline. So we have ninjas, monster, robots, and warriors shopping and doing their laundry.
balls deep
characters aren't changed for the worse or given some edgy event in their lives to to cling onto for the rest of the show yet, and it's pretty good mix of silly/comfy/action, so no
Ever play Fable?
aaaah, that Dendy episode was fantastic.

I was skeptical when people said they liked her because she was like Peridot, but it turns out she's way better and cuter than Peridot. I hope we see more of her.
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Is that video game world Delaware?
fun fact
K.O. has the blood type O, which can be accepted into anyone's body regardless of blood type
They're the universal donor
Which is super helpful
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how cute
>Neo Riot City is Annapolis

Sounds right. Maryland is almost a Mad Max hellhole spot now
the 2017 entries were kind of bad.

And Game Jam is held by lots more schools too. SCAD had a successful one in 2016 so they get more results.
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level -10
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Huh. Fuck me if this becomes true.
Who is the Voice actress for Dendy?
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>character named dendy
>character named gar
Same as Ed from Cowboy Bebop, forget her name though
Most likely, levels go to 100 but he is 11 and his robots are lev 4
would an official Dendygar just be a huge ripped Dendy?
We'll know when Rad is the same height as KO, everyone cries every 3rd episode, and the overarching story takes a back seat to Real Magic Skeleton having a singing episode.
The Game Jam didn't involve various schools, though. That event just invited anyone who was willing to travel to Oregon and participate.
>everyone cries every 3rd episode

They actually tend to cry a lot, but it's always done comically
are you dissing my nigga, Real Magic Skeleton ™
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Found it and I knew that voice sounded too similar to a character from a game
I want dendy lewd
who in turn is a reference to Hakaider from Kikaider
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Too bad, here's Shannon
anyone have a webm or gif of the haircut anime scene?
Goddammit anon, just when I think she can't get any cuter, you come along and draw this.
Melissa Fahn.

Also Gaz from Invader Zim.
Shannon and Darrell best characters
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I want robot horse D to fuck her
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Holy shit watching tonight's episodes now and they're making me chuckle every 10 seconds, the voice performances and expressions are so over-the-top that they tickle me deeply. special props to based Jim Cummings
jolly good show, i hurt from smiling
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Elodiefag here. She better be an actual character in the show!
what would you do to your own shannon anon?
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Ok but what if she actually got scrapped in development and they decided to make her just a fictional video game character
What's 4s name?
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Red Action
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A ballerina archer can't exist in the world of OK K.O.!, but this shit can?
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God damn this show is ugly, and does anyone just find the premise...stupid? It looks to be inspired by 80s and 90s anime and video games in the worst way possible.
If Rad and Enid fused, would they make a twink or a fullbodied bear?
It's better than any other show CN has right now.
VA was in Invader Zim.
Where the salsa
Oh thank God Bill's not gonna sing.
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on twitch

on twitch

That's got to be the worst, most boring design for a robot I've ever seen.
Show seems to be nothing but terrible designs.
Foursome when?
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The Premise seems like goofy fun. The issue is the artstyle is ugly and not even a way that works with the premise or animation.
It's like it's animated by a person who saw an anime with a simple style and thought "oh I don't need to try with this"
What's Red doing there then? Grinding on low level garbage? Pathetic.
I want my own Darrell
It's not as ugly as Steven Universe.
No, this is not bait.
I kept getting the feeling that this wasn't the first cartoon I'd seen with a wealthy, box-themed villain.

Then I remembered.

it's true though, so i'll take it

>fun fact! in tonight’s episode Sibling Rivalry, i based KO, Rad and Enid’s weird tranquil faces at the end off of the gorilla mascot of the Gorilla Munch cereal!

>the gorilla’s face is unnervingly calm, it makes me laugh all the time
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>he barely tried
If you wanted SU art for your wallpaper, anon, you could've just asked.
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A tolerable character design? On this show?
So is Red voiced by the same chick who voiced Bee?
So if she becomes in lesbians with Enid, do you think she'd use her peg leg in the bedroom?
show's design language mandates that this character is actually a dude
Nah, just her yuge dick
The background art is pretty good. But I'm saying the character designs are ugly.
Cars is KO's favorite Pixar's movie. Now I want someone to draw that.
Cartoon Network only has one other show airing, and OK KO is better than it.
it's the only way she can look cool hanging out with lev 0's and kicking lev 1 robots.
how is it Cars and not Incredibles?
Cause the other ones are too smart for him, according to Ian.
wat's dis?
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>Connie is introduced in episode 7 of SU
>Dendy is introduced in episode 8 of OK KO
>Raymond is introduced in episode 7 of OK KO
RaymondxKO when
Well, it certainly be a surprise.
K.O's favorite game is apparently NSMB:U because it's simple and fun.

Ian then said that K.O is about 6-11 which made me realize that K.O is actually REALLY young. I thought he was at least 12.
too young to make work in a convenient store
To be fair, even if he was 12 he'd be too young to have a job. I guess laws in Lakewood Plaza are more Lax.
I find it interesting they outright say he is also attending school. I thought this show would never address that and just have him working.
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Raymond is rapidly moving into the endzone, and it'll be 30-love when he pitches his shuttlecock. Touchdown.
Dendy is the fucking cutest.
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>we'll know when Rad is the same height as KO
That's bad perspective, not proportion.
Don't forget Pete
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it's from a leaked clip
KO eats a candybar that increases his size
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You're finishing this right?
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>increases his size

t. Shannon
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Mmmmmm nice
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its worth it, limited prints
who's jimmies got rustled tho
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It's Steven Universe done right. It has a child protagonist who isn't fat and annoying as shit. It has a better thicc fighter that even has some personality. The love interest is a more tolerable nerd. There's no fucking crying so far. And the antagonists are Scratch and Grounder but sexier.

So far this show is 10/10.
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Holy shit dude
>there's no fucking crying so far.
If we're going by an episode-to-episode basis, K.O is actually a much bigger crybaby than Steven.
Because he's not taken seriously. Steven cries over fucking everything.
It's all done comically
Looking great as always.
>Raymondo takes the R instead of the G to make it "AR'S"

Don't know whether that was intended.
Does he? In season 1 he didn't really cry that often and when he did it was an understandably stressful situation. I think the whole "Steven cries all the time" thing is a meme.
I honestly thought that they were gonna do a gag where someone thought it was the GAS station.
At this point it's pretty much true. Any time he's even a little sad he cries.
>gee, dendy, you are have a lot of junk in your trunk
Looking at the episodes we have so far and the leaked previews of next week's:
There is only one overseas animation director on all of SMIP's episodes: Hwang Ki-hoo
Digital eMation animated episodes are directed by either Chang-woo Shin or the team of Sunjae Lee & Byungjae Oh
All of Geneva and Mira's eps are animated at SMIP
All of Ryann and Parker's eps are animated at eMation with Chang-woo as director
Most of Dave and Haewon's eps are animated at SMIP
Most of Stevie and Danny's eps are animated at eMation with Sunjae and Byungjae as directors (as well as Eunyung Byun on Presenting Joe Cuppa)
the only exceptions we have so far are Dave/Haewon's You're Everybody's Sidekick (animated at eMation with directors Sunjae and Byungjae) and Stevie/Danny's You're Level 100 (animated at SMIP)
This show is fucking great, all of the faces in the Raymond episode killed me, the end of the Dendy episode was really touching and not painfully forced, and one of the promos shows carol fighting a giant kaiju. The first 6 episodes were nice but I was sure getting tired of seeing the same episodes over and over again, I was beginning to fear that I was overhyping the new eps in my head, they didn't disappoint, I'm sold
I mean-- we saw drupe use vine whips that came out of her hands in ep 3...she has powers she probs just don't use them for any heroic purposes
Raymond is voiced by robbie daynond who does tuxedo mask
Seems like it's a reference to sailor venus in that she was a character in a video game serena/usagi idolized that turned out to be a real
Because Dogman a cute, don't be hating.
This fucking killed me
>that pout

You're killing me, Ian.
Fuck I knew it was too good to be true. Stephanie was the main pull that got me into this show.
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I hope you're right, anon
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>we had a good/actually long lasting thread
Feels good.
Seriously is there a source or not don't leave me hanging
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Good news! New episodes got dropped from CN online. I'm gonna record all of them as we speak.
By that logic Korra and Asami are not bi.
I don't give a fuck what the creator has to say on twitter or tumblr. If he's too much of a coward to put it in the show in today's day and age, he may not attempt to do it at all
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If there is no porn of it, it doesn't exist.
Thanks anon! Will these have the credits sequences? I missed them in the last couple eps.
Yes, but there's no new verse currently.
Any new episodes today?
Steven Universe is supposed to be a twist on the boy protagonist
where KO and most boy protagonists are to become strong men, Steven's journey is becoming more feminine
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I don't like Dendy, she's cute but too cute
i thought the show was going to take place during summer, and him working at the plaza is just his mom putting him in daycare
Dammit I like this show, if only it wasn't so fucking ugly.
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Here they are.

>You Get Me
>You Are Rad
>Just Be A Pebble
>Presenting Joe Cuppa
I won't be able to record the episodes CN is airing today because I'm busy around that time. If no one else does it then expect it around tomorrow evening.
that was my first thought too since the conversation with boxman before going out specifically stated they wanted to confuse people into thinking it wasn't a convenience store?
what a god
wait, is that why raymond has that petal motif every time hes on screen!? Damn they got me, i didn't even realize that. I thought it was just a generalized shojo/bishi boy thing.
I mean with his VA you could say: he's the tuxedo mask to KO's sailor moon, god damn it now i want fan-art...
KO did have a sailor moon outfit gag in the first episode, right?
Have there been any Red-centric episodes yet? She seems cool.
Her debut episode was "You're Everybody's Sidekick", but other than that she's been in the background.
You're hero level 101.
Thanks mane. I'll check it out.
He does, KO/Raymond fucking confirmed, Ian is putting us on a huge ruse cruse with Dendy but I see his game, the true otp was foreshadowed the whole time!
good shit
It's not planned to have storylines that are as serious as SU or Adventure Time got. Still, it's not necessary to drop one show for another.
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You are the bestest ever
It's all good, since I haven't legitimately enjoyed SU in a long while because everything had to have some kind of dark subplot in it when you're seemingly just getting a regular episode, just not my cup of tea. I kinda kept watching to see if I'd get that at all but my hopes are pretty low and I'm ready to jump shark
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"Looks like KO's playing hooky to go gallivanting with some wizard! Ha ha, reminds me of my school days!"

I fucking love Mister Gar.
How are next week's episodes that just dropped online? Still good shit?
So far
You Get Me: Enid didn't really....develop, she's just kind of a bitch but KO's absolute faith in her is endearing and it was funny.

You Are Rad: Rad continues to be the strongest character because you just made Piccolo a doofy big brother type. Lays a really solid foundation for KO and Rad's relationship and comic dynamic. The strawberry wants to fuck him.
my hand
I think you mean love.
Love =/= Fucking.

Hell, as we all know, fucking can end friendship just as easily.
I'm sure the good Boxman would see the strategic value in that.
Good shit, draw more! What did you do with your Shannon after buying her?
Just Be A Pebble: Good ensemble episode. Gar's gonna need to do something besides blushuu around Carol that gag's getting old. Some really nice animation though they finally resorted to stills instead of motion for the rat fight.
This show is surprisingly endearing
looked him up, turns out persona 5 is the reason he sounded familiar.
>Pizza/002 robot
Is Ian /m/?
anyone have a drive? my PC got fucked up and i cant download the new episodes from MEGA.
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you damn well know WHAT I DID.
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Please help. I havent seen any of the new episodes and nobody has uploaded them to youtube or cartoon websites.
Watching the premiere, I think IJQ has lost his damn mind.
>Inb4 "ate too much sugar" joke. ;-)
Dude GAR means someone who is so beefed up and manly that you become gay for them because of their ultra-manliness. That is why Gar has to be stronger than anyone else

Ha ha that made my day.


Also, I posted Dailymotion links here:
blessings upon your house amigo
>A social slang term used in Mexico, before only a noun for strawberry, to describe stuck up Spanish girls or boys that have picky tastes, are extremely spoiled and always get their way, have little concern for the needs of others, and are snob, rude, and overly obnoxious.
possible reference?
Shannon was moving so sexily in the Joe Cuppa episode, it was hypnotic.
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