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ITT: "That" Episode

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This one made me so mad I called someone to tell them how mad I was.
Explain, I don't get it, I probably never saw this episode.
Why this particular one? It was great, probably the show at its most morally ambiguous.
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God I hated Peppermint Butler after this. I always knew he was an asshole, but damn.
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I think that anons are mad because the Butler went against a paladin like character that thought that his secret arts were a bad influence to his children.

The Butler had no chance fighting him, so he kidnapped his 3 sons and turned 2 into monsters (more like a dragon and a fairy, and they liked it). Paladin guy them forfeit and decided to leave him alone.

I dunno, the Butler was always hyped as being into dark shit, and this episode just showed said kind of dark shit that he indulges and is capable of doing, while also making it so that paladin guy is over exaggerating everything.
Peppermint Butler gets challenged to a duel against an exorcist that can counter his black magic. He kidnap the exorcist kids and blackmail him to give up his anti black magic charms. He also makes him eat dirt after accepting defeat.
basically, peppermint butler goes from being someone who only hints at doing evil shit to actually doing some real bad motherfucker shit. He gets called out and his victory plan is to fuck with the dudes family
It wasn't ambiguous at all though, it was like Homer's Enemy only without the writers intention of throwing someone sensible into a fucked up world.
His own children turn on him because lel.
I want to stab Peppermint Buttler.
I want to suck Peppermint Buttler.
episode where those bastards grew up and realize their dad was cool and they were monsters when?

probably 'never'
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>that Regular Show episode where Benson eat Mordecai and Rigby's burgers
>that Regular Show episode where Mordecai shits himself during Muscleman's wedding
>Water Park Prank
>pic related
i thought peppermint butler was cool as fuck until this episode
peace master was autistic but thats just being a piece of shit
because he himself was a fanatic and humiliated Butler before? it's all karma
I really liked this episode. Pepbut took it too far at the end, but Peacemaster brought it upon himself. The thing to keep in mind is that dark arts aren't presented as something evil in the AT universe. The kids love it and are actually happy to be turned into monsters. Peacemaster irrationally fears dark magic to the point of blaming all his problems on it.

And the only reason Pepbut did it is because Peacemaster was literally going to kill him.
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>pic related
>the only real reason for people to hate this episode is simply the fact that Cinnamon Bun becomes competent and Finn doesn't get back together with Flame Princess, ruining a whole bunch of peoples' desire to try and self-insert them into Finn's place and be with their waifu
What was so bad about Water Park Prank? I've seen it listed on threads like this, but never elaborated on.
the pacing of that episode was all over the place and finn was written awfully

get the anchors out of your pants
Just look at a screenshot of it and you'll know that nothing good can come of that episode, literally any frame take your pick
>if people hate it, it must be because of...

Fuck off. You don't know how people feel.
I like the idea of Finn still pining for FP, that part felt true to his character, but the execution was just awful and made him out to be a creep.
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oh glob
that ep really felt like a "jumping shark" episode in so many ways. That said I like it better when it just implied he was some great evil and we had no details on it.
We didn't really learn any more about Peppermint Butler that we didn't already know.
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>It's a "Fin manipulates his girlfriend into assaulting an old man because he had a wet dream" episode
Fuck, misspelled Finn.
>Derek Ballard's only two AT eps (both with Jesse Moynihan) were this and Breezy
I fucking hated that Food Chain episode
dude, it was great
Pretty good track record if you ask me.
We get it, you hate food chain.
Part of me hope the baby (the one who didn't get transformed) wrecks Butler's ass one day
Peppermint Butler is still cool though, if anything this makes him cooler.
Why were (and apparently are still) people so butthurt the devil worshipping dark magic user is an evil bastard? It's who he is as a character and it was pretty rad.

Peacemaster got screwed but I don't think the good guy losing makes the episode bad on its own.
He's not wrong though.
Yeah, but that's not the only reason though.
>I don't think the good guy losing makes the episode bad on its own.

I think the whole 'kids treat their dad like crap' seals the deal.
Was Peacemaster the 'good guy' though? I don't see it as black and white as that. Peppermint Butler wasn't doing anything harmful, and certainly not to Peacemaster, but he was trying to kill him anyway.
It was more like their dad was a stick in the mud who didn't care about their desires, just wanted to get rid of that evil magic and that's it. They were all super into being magical mutants as I recall but their dad was still like "You ruined my beautiful babies" or whatever.
He was trying to kill someone he identified as evil, he's basically doing what Finn and Jake do all the time.
>That monster looks evil, lets kill it
>This butler is using dark magics, I'm gonna kill him
If anything he isn't that far off the bat because Pep is sort of evil, he does shit like kill goblins, commune with demons, and wanted Finn and Jake's flesh one time.
Pep was obviously gonna defend himself, but it's not like that negates the fact that he's kind of evil.

Peace Master was just off base because while Peppermint Butler does use evil power and does evil things sometimes he's mainly just looking out for his princess, who does mostly good stuff.
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Butler was fucking around with heretical shit

Peacemaster did literally nothing wrong
Just because he uses dark magic doesn't necessarily make him evil. PB is a good guy, most of the time.
>the average anon wants to be a hero
>tries to call out others on their shit but ends up being too autistic to succeed
Paladin is probably the most popular choice on /co/ for a reason. Seeing one lose really rustled the jimmies.
Doesn't peppermint butler qualify as evil? Why haven't Finn and Jake killed him?
they're bad at being heroes
>The thing to keep in mind is that dark arts aren't presented as something evil in the AT universe.
>im fucking plying
Did we forget about Abideer? About the fucking Litch?
To be fair all Mordechai and Rigby had to do was their fucking jobs.
All the time they wasted with the retarded Holograms.
he works for PB and mostly stays out of their way, and doesn't make his evil shit well known
No, fuck you. Flame Princess was fun when she and Finn got to actually go on adventures. I wanted more of that shit.
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I always defend Adventure Time. The episodes that most people hate, I can find something in them to love. I know the show has its flaws in pacing and characterization, and I know some episodes are just shit. But this one really blew my mind with how bafflingly terrible it was.

>boring, one-dimensional cameo character with boring, monotonous voice
>strange metaphor for seeking emotionless sex after a break up

The worst part is, you can't really tell anyone to just skip the episode because they'd be wondering how Finn's arm came back in subsequent episodes. That was some sloppy shit. I think back on this episode and I don't feel sadness or anger or frustration. Just confusion.
This. He literally has the same goals as Finn and Jake half the time.
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I actually like the way they had Finn being so depressed and empty that he looked for cheap and easy PG13 sex just to feel again, that's the kind of shit that no cartoon other than AT would do.
But I agree, even years later I still don't look very fondly on Breezy overall. It certainly didn't kill the show though.
Man, I forgot how hard AT went off the rails. Remember everyone being hyped for Farmworld? Or Martin?

And nothing ever came from it.
Is Finn a virgin?
Farmworld was dumb from the start and they made Martin into something pretty cool, even if his arc was kind of clunky.
The reports of AT's descent into shit have been pretty exaggerated imo.

Unless LSP diddled his little teen penis, yes. She may not even have had a hole for him to stick it in beside her mouth.
He lived a whole long life in Pillow fort world in that one episode
Isn't he like 15? Why would it be little?
Because being 15 doesn't suddenly make your penis that big.
I mean I guess it could be big but I was going in the vein that he isn't even legal yet so you know, baby cock.
>Farmworld was dumb from the start and they made Martin into something pretty cool, even if his arc was kind of clunky.
Farmworld was hyped up to be this big cool thing and it amounted to fucking nothing.

Same with Martin. Hyped to hell, and it amounted to FUCKING NOTHING.
I have seen some 15 year old dicks that are good in size.
Farmworld was only hyped as much as you hyped yourself up, /co/'s dumb dream of it being all the alt Finns teaming up against Lich would have been retarded.
And Martin was introduced as a neglectful dad, not a mega villain to be the big bad. It took a while but he was eventually made into a pretty interesting guy, and Islands helped with that.
I'm one of the few on here that likes Breezy apparently. The parallels to classical mythology were very cool. This guy wrote some interesting stuff on it https://watchingwithwizardeyes.tumblr.com/post/107652038477/the-nature-of-the-finn-pt-1-character-development#notes

Yes, the thing with LSP was a metaphor only.

You hyped up farmworld, not the show. And Martin's character is one of the most interesting things to come out of AT in my opinion.
Not unless I could send you a link to my memories.
could you at least describe it, I feel like I'm missing out on some prime boicock here
>And Martin's character is one of the most interesting things to come out of AT in my opinion
Well when I was around 13 I fooled around with a friend of mine and he had a dick that was probably 6.5 inches and it was thick and had a pretty large tip. I am sure it got a bit bigger within 2 years.
I used to have some pictures of it. They were on my phone back when phones still had like actual keyboards on them. He really has a nice dick, he has become pretty trashy now so I would not want to hit him up to ask if i could suck him off.
He was a very tragic character in season 6, despite the fact that he's a manipulative asshole. He wants to be a good person, or at least think of himself as one, but it doesn't come naturally to him. Every time the situation gets too much to handle he bails, and somehow deludes himself into thinking of himself as a heroic character. Or else he'd let the guilt of being a bad person get too much for him. Selfishness is in his nature, but it doesn't bring him happiness. In the end, he's nothing more than a lonely, empty old man.

What makes it truly tragic though, is that he was on the path to redemption. Minerva and Finn gave him the drive to be a better person and have meaning in his life. When his past actions came back to haunt him though, it all went to shit. The moment when he punched the guardian was probably the one heroic thing he did in his life, and it was for the sake of Finn. It's implied that the head trauma he experienced from that caused him to forget most of his past, but I think there was also a profound psychological effect on him after he lost everything that mattered to him. It's no wonder he went back to being a self-absorbed scumbag, probably even more so than before, enough to get imprisoned in the Citadel.
Well, yeah. Islands helped a ton with Martin's character. But that doesn't change the fact that it took years for them to think up anything that'd make Martin a compelling character.

And it ultimately amounts to nothing. Finn will never know that his dad risked his life for him. Finn will never know that his love of gadgets saved his life. And Finn will never see Martin again.
It's my favorite adventure time episode but i can understant why people won't like it, yuasa stuff it's love it or hate it, and i ain't a fan of adventure time itself
>he starts fucking crying
His impact on Finn's character is also interesting though. Finn looked to Martin for answers, as if he could help him figure out a missing piece of himself. But his scummy father doesn't determine who he is, (and neither do his past lives), he only needs to look only to himself and his own life for satisfaction. Martin's character ties in nicely to the themes of destiny and self-determination of that season.

>it took years for them to think up anything that'd make Martin a compelling character.
I found him compelling before Islands.

>Finn will never know that his dad risked his life for him. Finn will never know that his love of gadgets saved his life. And Finn will never see Martin again.
>The parallels to classical mythology were very cool.
No they sucked.
>I found him compelling before Islands.
Then you're seeing depth where there was none.

So? What the fuck do you mean so? Do you not want Finn to know that he was loved by his dad?
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>talking about child dick
also, that's gay.
>Then you're seeing depth where there was none.
Nah, Martin was a relatively simple character before Islands. Doesn't mean I can't find him compelling.

>So? What the fuck do you mean so? Do you not want Finn to know that he was loved by his dad?
It'd be nice I guess, but it wouldn't do anything meaningful to Finn's character at this point. In fact, Finn's character arc in season 6 worked specifically because he thought his dad was an asshole.
That's just like, your opinion, man.
He was wrong in that he didn't kill his heretical children. The Empreror would be disappointed.
He may have had sex with lsp
I'm not a fan of it but it gave us the great off gag with Finn and Jake casually replaying the song at home when PB catches them with her spying system in The Cooler
Someone hasn't watched Islands.
They AREN'T hereos. last time I watched the show it was psuedo-deep shit, irrelveant boring lore and weird shoehorned social justice. I don't even know what they're up to know but it's probably just as bad.
and this was all wrong because?
It's bad because they are drumph supporters
>>that Regular Show episode where Benson gives away the stick hockey table
So basically you like ideas over execution and mix it with headcanon
>He was trying to kill someone he identified as evil, he's basically doing what Finn and Jake do all the time.
>>That monster looks evil, lets kill it


Finn couldn't even kill a single ant if it was "chaotic and neutral" and not evil. It's on one of the episodes.

Peacemaker as cool lookong as he was, was the equivalent of those parents that say that things on TV and culture pop are turning their sons onto satanists.
The execution was fine, and all of what I wrote is either explicit or can be inferred from the show, if you're paying attention.
But it literally was turning his kids to black magic. And don't say "black magic ain't dangerous" when we have shit like the Litch or Marceline's dad.
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The only episode to date which I couldn't bring myself to finish
They're evil because they're evil. Dark magic itself isn't inherently evil, although a lot of its users are.

Also, do Abadeer and the Lich count as magic users?
Their powers are innate, but PB has to use spells and shit. It's like saying Marceline uses dark magic because of her vamp powers. I don't think that qualifies.
Finn and Jake have killed badguy for less that this, since they are the main characters their moral are the standar in that universe.

>if you read my Humanities assignment that over analyzes this EP with 1000x more effort than the lazy ass that wrote it, you'll find it's quite interesting.

This is like those assholes that say a movie is OK if you read the book. That's not how movies work, if the movie sucks on it's own with out a 300pg explanation, than it sucks.

also I doubt it's vast parallels to classical mythology are in anyway intentional, or evident with out a lot of mental gymnastics. I know because I went to collage and had to pull comparison essays out my ass as well.

fuck this shit, it isn't clever to write an ep about that weekend in collage you got sad about a mild breakup and then got sloppy drunk and fucked too much. everyone did it, it's barely interesting, and this ep's treatment of it is even less interesting.
>I know because I went to collage
I never understood how the writers thought this was a good episode.
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I know no one gives a fuck about TLH here, but this episode was fucking dogshit.
going after someone's family when they start shit with you is a fucking evil thing to do. they are innocents
I don't think he was "going after their family", I think he was just trying to screw with him and got his kids to play along.
>are in anyway intentional
"Hey this is Jesse Moynihan, who co-storyboarded Breezy with Derek Ballard. I commented on your Tumblr, but in case you didn't see that, I want you to know I really appreciate what you wrote. I've been trying to stay away from reading responses to the show, but have sort of slacked in that regard recently. You nailed the feelings and intentions I had while working on that episode, in regard to Finn's arm and referencing classic myth archetypes. I was really disheartened by the general reception of Breezy, although some people have written thoughtful things about it. It's unreasonable to expect everything I work on to communicate 100%, or to expect myself to transmit an idea with complete success, but the hope is always there. Anyway I am glad I came across your analysis. Thanks again"
Do they not understand human interaction or something? Both those episodes come off as not getting what normally looks okay
And Tommy Wiseau now claims the room was a black comedy
At the time I was also a child so it is alright.

the more correct choice of answer is that he made sure Butler suffered even more for pulling that shit and making him have to take out his kids
To be fair the crew did call him out on pulling that shit which sent him on the whole plot journey in the first place
I don't know why Ben has to go and make Gumball so unlikeable, you actually want Penny to break up with him.
Just feels like the writers trying to shove in their own fucking relationship issues into a kid's cartoon
Get that shit out of here
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>Evil guy doing evil shit
>Shouldn't kill him because he hasn't directly harmed you
It's because of faggots like you we get demon invasions
I always liked PepBut but this actually made me like him more.
>Peacemaster goes after Peppermint Butler whose minding his own dark business
>PepBut turns round and evilly screws round with his family

Probably helps that the kids don't mind to much, but actually kinda like my favourite evil characters being indulgently evil. Especially when they're good at it.
It is pretty bad
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