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How do we fix Steven Universe?

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How do we fix Steven Universe?
Why couldn't they just let her keep the limb extenders?
mercy killing it is the only way
Cancel it
The show would still be shit if Peridot retained the same teensy size throughout the whole show
Second and third from left are best Dorito goblins
>dropping the show only because of the height inconsistency
The show has much bigger issues.
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Have Steven rewind time and make the Show an action-packed romantic comedy between Greg and Pearl
remove steven :DDDDDDD
I'd hate to be in the same room as the person who made this image.
not making these threads would be a start
Can't brainwash her to your cause if she retains an ounce of power or leverage.
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Stop this.
This. The limb extenders were actually a good part of her design
Peridot was always trash anyway. With enhancers, without enhancers and at somewhat reasonable height and as a the squished, stinky goblin she is now.
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More story, less filler. It's that simple.

And maybe up the ante a little. Have White Diamond show up and have her be the biggest threat to Earth and the main villain.
Stop being so fucking autistic?

You don't have to like the show but arguing consistency in shapeshifters is next level decadence.
>stop cartooning

regular showings of new episodes.
we dont, its doing... fine.
Everything is fine.
Stop the (((gems))) and their propaganda, also look E;R senpai video for more clues about how fix SU
>Connie is a shapeshifter
Why is Shredder there?
Do you remember Murdercock! ?
It would be a good resolution to Pearls character arc if she got over Rose and found within her rival someone she would love and protect with her life.

Do what you said faggot .
It is (was?) a good show?
More story and lore.
less filler and boring townie episodes (or at least make the gems interact more with the humans )

more cool action scenes like in the "giant woman" episode
less "muh feelings" bullshit
>More gem factions which don't revolve around homeworld, but rather survival
>Cult that worships a cracked gem
>Humans have a more active role
>Some guys try and fuse themselves to a gem like Steven did, instead using a corrupted gem, get royally fucked up
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Sounds like a genestealer cult...
At some point she'll get a new set, either for an episode or for a small series of episodes. Either she'll lose them by the end, possibly because she decides she doesn't need them slash is better off without them; or stow them somewhere on earth to be used in an emergency and they will be completely ignored/forgotten the next time they're needed. When they do eventually get used it will be for just long enough for Peri to immediately job.
>you will never cum inside peri's leg enhancers and watch her squirm around as her socked feet come into contact with your seed
>implying she would understand the significance, or care even after you tried to explain
her uncaring ignorance only makes me harder. perhaps next time i could lubricate it directly to her soles

Stop watching SU
Star vs S 03 is coming
Or once Lapis gets over her anxiety of the deep waters, she can easily just look for the ones Amethyst threw off the galaxy warp platform. And thanks to the art book, we know where exactly that is now. Smack dab in the middle of that inland sea that should be Siberia.
Like Jasper said, Crystal Gems only recruit people considered "broken"
>she comes to you to request more lubricant for a machine or meep morp she is building
>a lot more
>like, a LOT.
Train the lead animators in the basics of character sheets, the importance of continuity and staying on model. You know, first year animation school shit.
Lapidot or not lapidot, this was always true
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>stop watching shit to watch shit
I'm a fan of both shows, but come on.
Peridot became a shitty character post-Catch and Release. Should have let her keep her limb enhancers and give her a less retarded personality.
are more apt comparison would be how tall she is standing next to other characters, which I feel would be more consistent. This isn't particularly useful.

We'd also have to take into account the different storyboard artists drawing the characters. They've stated over and over again that consistency in this area is not their goal.
i would look akward now that she has shrinked to less than half her size
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>Peridot, after 5 harrwing episodes, manages to regain her limb enhancers
>Tons of crying
>She breaks them with her metal bending powers

Meanwhile, Lapis loses her water bending powers and has to start using a broomstick, which is then stolen by Pearl, before Garnet confiscates it from her, and then Amethyst breaks it while Steven crys, and the fans start whining about Pink diamond.

And then the show is canceled :^)
Reboot. It's the only way. Base a bunch of episodes on existing episodes and cut out the retarded shit.
also the top row implies that's the progression over time, when those samples aren't in the same order that they appeared in
>How do we fix Steven Universe?

Cancel it.
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is greg a shape shifter too?
how about indian girl?
I enjoyed Peridot when she was out of touch and everyone accepted her anyway. Now it seems she is just wacky and she is drawn smaller so it fits with the new personality they gave her. Lapiz having no personality doesn't really help either. When I watch Lapiz I feel I don't know what to expect from her because I've never been given something to know what type of person she is. What has Lapiz done really? I feel she is nothing but wasted potential.
Why dont they just retrieve her old ones Amethyst dropped off the warp station? They can swim like nothing.

...please fucking tell me that WD is the badass one with the spiked armor and huge sword, and not the one that looks like a big Pearl.
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>Do you remember Murdercock! ?
>[adult swim]

Wait what

Dude we have /aco/ for a reason
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>that pic
Never ceases to get a laugh out of me
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I'd assume he wants it canceled or something and then brought back to finish on adult swin in 20 years.
Anon there is an entire episode about how Peridot cannot shapeshift.

Unless one of us gets on the production staff- We Don't.
anon you daft fuck did you know that gems have default forms that they cant change unless they are poofed and must reform
Remove Lapis and Peridot, the shit gems that have no reason to be in the show, give more development and focus to Garnet and Jasper, the best gems that the crewniverse shelved for some reason.
What Is you're best version?

I like the one with the Pearl prize pouch
>how do we fix Steven Universe?
>implying any of us have the power to make changes to a popular TV show by complaining
stop unnecessary gay back story and start the damn show .
mercy kill
you cannot fix S3-S4-S5
its rotten to the core
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I predict that an anon will finally get it.

>More story, less filler. It's that simple.
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You're assuming that they would still be where Amethyst dropped them. The ocean is a big place. And with the currents constantly moving things around they might never find them.

The CGs had trouble finding Malachite and that bitch was 100% than the Limb Enhancers

Just look at real life plane wrecks. They might never find all of the bodies or pieces
>finale ends with all of the Crystal Gems becoming corrupt except Steven, in a final battle to save Earth
>Homeworld wins, and while they could crush the CG and Earth, and ultimately Steven, the diamonds (preferrably White) level with Steven and tell him he is to suffer until the end of Humanity, knowing that he will never escape Earth, and never be able to get revenge for his friends
>Although Steven is triumphant in saving Earth, the crystal gems never become uncorrupted and it ends on a very bitter note
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You can't deny that the character design has been awfully inconsistent and off model. There's a difference between taking some artistic liberty and going all out like the OP and pic related. All that on top of shitty pacing, inconsistent animation, and too much filler.
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Are they trying to stop porn again?
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It's literally a single boarder doing that.
You 40k autists are worse than jojofags when it comes to forcing your shit into everything.
>the straw that broke the camels back
40k-fags are the bronies of /tg/
So you have shit taste.
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More lazy art from them.
we don't, we let this sjw trash burn
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Aren't most of them hired directly from Tumblr anyway? Doubt they ever had any much training in animation to begin with.
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Cheap labor, you get what you paid for I guess.
Bring back Jon McClenahan.
Pearl needs some good dicking.
Retool the show so it doesn't appeal so much to tumblr-tards...

>Stop hiring special snowflakes to work on the show, and hire normal people who can DRAW ON MODEL.
>Don't be gay, Pearl. Don't be gay. Also, have Pearl and Greg become a couple.
>Make Ruby & Sapphire's relationship platonic.
>Make certain gems less androgynous-looking, and more womanly-looking (and give 'em all a noticeable set of tits).
>Make Steven more masculine, and have him not be such a wussy pacifist.
>No more musical numbers... well... the ones with cutesy-wootsey songs anyway.

There's more, but I'm too fucking lazy.
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Why do I feel like SU wanted to make Pearl x Mayor Dewey a legit thing but the backlash from SJWs made the crewniverse scrap that shit and Mayor Dewey hasn't been relevant since season 2, where the most pewey moment happened.
Bring back the old theme song.

dont we have a thread like these every month? Well in any case
>more action
>less crying
well removing her from a position of power was crucial for her redemption. Also, it was hard to animate i guess.
>/co/ the post
zuke was the only tumblr artist with 0 experience who was hired. Everyone else has had experience in animation and comics before.
can I get hired by Rebecca Sugar if I'm an ugly minority hambeast that draws dem yuris
they can't imma do some lewd conners just cause.
No, but Glen Kennedy will.

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Getting rid of this fuck would be a good start.
>gay people walk differently!
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That'd only be true if there was no /co/, only /mlp/.
This show needs more fighting and more gay shit. I want a kid friendly GOT with aliens.
Make the filler interesting, make the main cast less stupid
I just wonder when they'll get around to the Government episodes and how to explain how no major government agencies seem to know about Hard Ayy Lmaos and their tech all over the planet.
I hate this paring. They look so dumb together.
I like the idea of the government knowing about the Gems but just not caring. Remember, they've been there for five thousand years, they're been a part of human civilization longer than the pyramids.
No more filler. At all. Now that they've delivered on 'townie filler' having later significance, they have to either keep delivering more payoffs or just drop the threads. No more setting up future townie significance which they probably won't have the time to deliver on.

Start building up an obvious trend of there being a continuous recruitment of new members (every 'arc' being about a new set of recruits), quietly amounting to a resurgent rebellion.

Shift Peridot back to being a core cast member, as she was during her redemption arc. Let her be a major point of connection to the newer gems they're recruiting (as the only core cast member to have come from modern Homeworld).
>let Peridot back onto the main casr
No. She lives in the meme barn now. She makes meep morps and watches anime.
What do you mean its getting an Emmy Nomination. That means its good!
I like Lauren and Hillary and Jeff and Joe for all of them.
You don't even have to tone the filler down. Just make it good. Let the gems interact with the humans, because Beach Party is still the best filler episode for that exact reason.
Who the actual fuck thought Rocknaldo was a good idea?
this thread is fucking stupid

>from left to right
8/10, 10/10, 7/10 5/10, and the rest are untouchables

Second to left Peri is designed to serve human needs, the other lefts are fine too
A lot of the filler has been great. Most of the S3/S4 filler was AWFUL. They started doing more and more episodes that had no magic and no CONFLICT (the thing that drives the action which makes up the plot). Just absolutely-nothing episodes like Future Boy Zoltron, Onion Gang, and Gem Harvest.

Now that they've started delivering on their old promise that 'there is no filler' (by elevating Lars to be intimately involved in the 'mythos'), they need to just keep delivering. Not back-slide into more of the 'filler' which, by their own claim, was actually supposed to be slow-burn character development and setup.
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The limb extenders were, besides being a useful tool, probably to boost her ego. Now that she has friends and a special snowflake power, she probably won't be revisiting them.
Can't have enough of this green dorito.

She's properly brainwashed now. She could probably be given them back.
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When is Save the Light out dammit. I want to fuse into Stevonnie
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I want her back.. the gremlin we have now isn't the peridot I fell in love with.

They got a fucking water witch who literally moved the entire Atlantic Ocean to build a column of ice to space.
I hate Lapis so fucking much. Her OP bullshit and inconsistent personality just make me wonder what goes through the crew's mind when attempting to write her.
Why did she even lose her glasses? I can't remember anymore - hell I even forgot she ever had glasses.
Steven healed here eyes when he spat in her face
steven accidentally healed them in 'indirect kiss'. she kept wearing empty frames to avoiding explaining it all to her parents (remember they used to be purple?). then in 'nightmare hospital' she revealed it to her mom and hasn't worn them since.
It's fun how my opinion of Steven has changed over the seasons. At first I kinda disliked him, he was just the stupid fat kid every cartoon needs to have and we could never get a scenes without him since we're seeing everything from his PoV.

But honestly by now I even like him and rather begin to hate the CGs. Right now Steven is the only main that actually does something and asks questions or discovers shit. All the CGs do is maintaining the status quo and play the "everything is okay, nothing to see here"-game, lie to Steven and everybody else and pretend that everything is good regardless of all the shit that Rose has done. And I am not even talking about the barn mates, who are just completely useless and don't care shit about anything but their stupid hijinks and hobbies anymore.

I wouldn't be sad if Steven would release Bismuth again or explore Homeworld with Lars and find new friends and people who know the truth. Fuck the CGs. The only one that could fit into this new group would be Amethyst, but the creators kinda forgot about her.
>every boarder pair had the same hair for ame but zuke had to be a fucking gross retard and add her little anime flip to the top
god i hope she gets a cunt infection from wearing a pair of the same oversized underwear for a week and dies from it
Man I totally forgot about that. Feels like it was ages ago thanks to hiatuses.
I want to bloat that gremlin with my ejaculate.
it's also easy to forget because she had the empty frames for longer than she had the real glasses.
In certain circumstances, Zuke sex hair looks absolutely great on Amethyst
Other times it's distracting and takes away from the scene
I loved Peridot. There's something indescribably hot about such an easily-flustered, maniacal but naive dork. She had a saucy figure before she shrunk, too.
Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service was better and underrated.
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We all do m8.
Why is this allowed?
>It's another "Knowledge is forbidden" message
>Amethyst, but the creators kinda forgot about her
Not really, they were just focusing on the Jasper thing. And she does seem to be interested in the stuff they're hiding (see Bismuth, Steven's Dream and probably more)
Not necessarily. We just know the characters want to hide stuff, their motivations are unknown.
I find it shifty, to say the least.
But Sugar is a fucking tumblerina
I prefer this as well. They have the cutest art and I like the hair flip.
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I like Steven, but would prefer Nora.
>how do we fix a steaming pile of shit
You get rid of it
Fuck you Gem Harvest was good.
>t. Mayor Dewey
yeah, it would be a lot better with an MC that wasn't as much of a whiney little girl as Steven
The best part was the interaction at the dinner table. Also, they're all apparently human-married now, like a cult.
10/10 on that file name
I hate how it opens with bland Meme Barn filler but when Andy enters the story it really does pick up. Andy is honestly a great character, memes aside, and he brings out a new side from the cast, angry reactions that feel actually genuine and not forced for plot convenience a la Kevin or Marty.
Doesn't work that way. That could remind her of who she once was or empower her. When you break a person down, you gotta get rid of everything that made them proud of who they were. They keep any ounce of it, or you play nice and return it or work to build them up and you're in for an uprising. Just like when slave masters used to try and be "nice" and teach their slaves to read, write, and work together instead of just being isolated bodies taking coordinated instructions.
>well removing her from a position of power was crucial for her redemption.
It might, but the height change still sucks. It creates implications that she's accepting her own inferiority and insignificance, which just makes her look pathetic.
Kevin was handled atrociously. He's evil for wanting to dance with Stevonnie, but Lars and Sadie wanting to fuck their collective brains out through their combined Big Donut butthole is just fine and dandy?
For some reason I almost always enjoy the fillers that intruduce new humans but I almost always hate those about townies we already knew. Probably because most of them are annoying teens or children, I don't know, but I found the Onion gang episode or the pizza service boring as fuck. Same with most Sadie episodes.
Can you stop shilling your own stuff like you are some different person? atleast have some balls and do it with a trip or a name
Kevin is that kid in school who was cooler and more popular then you. They're kind of a dick and occasionally are sort of mean to you but because they have a small bit of charisma people goddamn flock to them for some reason. These are the real-world equivalent of what old high school movies and 90's TV shows portray as "bullies." They are mostly harmless and maybe kind of a nuisance.

But since this show is made by and targeted towards delusional paper-skinned tumblrinas, these "bullies" (for lack of a better term) are portrayed as the absolutely fucking devil in the story, despite not even really doing anything.
it'll never work
throwing away her first design was a mistake
that belly
Bring back sarcastic confident Peridot. She became complete shit post-Catch and Release
And a Jew, tumblr is too lucrative
>I found the objectively best townie episode boring as fuck
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More sexy rat people.
Apart from being Loss, what the fuck is this exactly?
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Some dumb bitch who draws furry-trans porn or whatever made pic related, so people made edits taking the piss out of it.
I couldn't give two shits about peridot's height
you've all misread that quote. it's referring to maintaining an intrigue for the viewer, with obvious deeper significance to many things that we'll have to wait for future episodes to become clear. it's not talking about any kind of moral message of the work.
>Actually writing "slash" instead of just "/"
I have some agreement. If the girls are sexy, so too should be the males.

Then again, might fuck the more rat like one if I like her enough.
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I dunno, a world where animal men and anthro scarecrow girls frolic side-by-side would be right up my alley.
I have never seen Steven Universe and am in complete and utter seriousness asking what it is about.

I just know its fandom tried to kill one of their own for rightfully hating fatties.
Gay space rocks fight other gay space rocks on earth (and sometimes space)
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Sigh... You just had to mention it, didn't you?
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Have any of you fags read this?
It's about a kid who gives mystical worldshaking events the same emotional weight as local fast food joint competition, and the immortal guardians (and surprisingly non-bumbling dad) who raised him.
Incompetent gay space rocks fight mutant gay space rocks then even more incompetent EVIL self-loathing gay space rocks with the help of their hideous incompetent fat half-breed mutant child soldier. Questions that could literally be resolved in a single twenty minute explanation are drip-fed to the audience over a hundred episodes spaced out over what feels like a decade.
NGL I'm gonna miss Zuke's amethyst. That's about it though.
>Rebecca "Hack" Sugar
Yeah, I really like the super big hair tufts/flares.
It's about crying and singing and superpowered hot chicks and some kid learning to not be a total shitter

Yeah, it's pretty cool.
It looks good sometimes but other times it's in the way
It's about a trio of Magical Girls / Witches known as 'The Crystal Gems' and their ward, Steven, a fat little retard, who is also fated to be a powerful Magical Girl because his mother was the former leader of The Crystal Gems (before she died giving birth to him). The Crystal Gems are the nominal 'Protectors of Earth', they fight monsters and raid mysterious ruins for superpowered artifacts and etc., and at the start of the series Steven is just beginning their training with them.

As the show goes on there is a continuous development and resolution of intrigue which constantly enormously re-contextualizes everything (you've surely already been spoiled - The Crystal Gems are literally xeno rock-people, it's actually all scifi tech not magic, The Crystal Gems are all thousands of years old and once, The Crystal Gems seem very morally ambiguous at various points, etc.), and it does a very good job of gradual character development and minimal status quo (Episode 1: Steven cries about his favorite ice-cream-bar being discontinued. Episode 130: Steven goes on trial for his mothers war crimes.). There is a huge cast of tertiary characters with their own developments going on in the background (very much like The Simpsons or South Park).

It's basically an anime.
Still ugly.
Half alien kid is raised by his dead alien mom's lesbian war buddies, space battles and slice of life episodes ensue.

SJWs like it because the aliens are all women and occasionally form lesbian relationships, and because the three main aliens are all sexually unattractive. Sexually unattractive women are very enthusiastic about seeing others in the spotlight.
I think Amethyst is cute and Pearl has an A E S T H E T I C
Tumblr-baiting false advertised cartoon that actually only includes half a lesbian who's actually disgusted by sex (despite what the people who made her their waifu would tell you) and doesn't understand the human concept of love. The other "lesbian" relationships are literally a female looking alien and a male looking alien who uses female pronouns out of convenience. Still, Tumblr gets excited because it vaguely hints at their kind of shit from time to time. The protagonist is a boy and they hate that because boys are bad and they might have had actual lesbians if that was the case (but they'd still be angry because they would be kids, and they get angry at drawn pornography depicting children because they can't distinguish reality from fantasy).

The people behind the show say it is a "action/comedy" but both of the things are barely there. It's actually "slice of life magical alien girls dramedy with some action and attempts at comedy here and there: the musical".

Steven is a kid (actually he's like 14 or something) who fucks up shit. He soon stops though. He was born because his alien mum killed herself to allow him to exist. Gems (the alien spaces we're talking about) normally don't reproduce: they drain the resources of other planets to inject life force inside other gems (as in, the actual rocks). That gives them the power to get consciousness, a physical form and do magic shit. Steven's mum started a war against their original planet, formed a group of rebels called the Crystal Gems. Homeworld "killed" almost all of the gems left on Earth - whether they were affiliated with the CGs or not - and later on Rose fell in love with a human and got pregnant. This means the only Crystal Gems left are Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven. HW kind of forgot about them and expected everything to go to plan, but Steven happened. As I mentioned, he initially kind of fucks up, so HW finds out something is still happening on Earth so they come back to check.
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Don't care, still wanna smash Pearl.
>this is what heretics actually believe.png
I actually like the art (some of the time,) but the Gems send very clear signals of not being attractively average in their proportions. Pearl's pre-pubescent cup size is the clearest.

This activates Plain Jane's defense protocol - they're just like me, etc.

To be fair, this happens with male characters, sometimes. Harry "Speccy Shrimp" Potter is the leading example, but then again, he was thought up by a woman, who also thought it was perfectly natural for his main rival to be a beautiful blonde with much better clothes than him.
>thought it was perfectly natural for his main rival to be a beautiful blonde with much better clothes than him
It isn't? I mean, I guess magic isn't really that realistic, but it was trying to be kind of realistic to some extent.
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>beautiful blonde
I distinctly remember Malfoy being described as sort of greasy looking in his first appearance. Beyond that, the books are all told from the perspective of a heterosexual male kid, who makes no comment as to Malfoy's attractiveness or unattractiveness.

The words "prebuscent cup size" distracted me, what were we talking about?
You all shitpost while Tumblr is on full meltdown thanks to the art book.

Why aren't you enjoying the salt?
Oh, I am.
>pick random thing
>call it racist
Here's the complete art book rip, enjoy

There is no salt you're just imagining that
Also I don't give a fuck
>There is no salt you're just imagining that
Nah man, there's this huge clusterfuck over Concrete.
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It's not random when it's really racist.
That's not Bismuth.
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found this on tumblr
>found this on tumblr
What the mindfuck?
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you mean this is official?
You can find it in the art book that was just released.
only if Connie is still her love interest(unfortunately I don't really have any art of this sort of thing)
Give it time.
it would probably be Connor

Sugar gets away with a looooooot of gayness, but i don't know if even she could get away with making the MC gay
Why does everyone assume that anything vaguely racist comes from 4chan?
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It's easy actually. Put in some male power fantasies. I want to see shit actually get destroyed in a testosterone fueled rampage. This slice of life shit is fucking boring and I want to see some actually well animated fighting that makes me say "FUCK YEAH!". You just can't get that emotion with females. And Steven is such a damn boyscout. Also, give the story an actual structure.
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We are Tumblr's boogeyman as Reddit and Tumblr are ours.
Make it less political. I'm sick of Rebecca Sugar's cronies shoving feminist messages into every other episode. I used to be cool with Pearl having a lady boner for Steven's mom, but now it's like they constantly have to scream "gems love gems!" in our faces so they can continue to receive fake accolades from fake journalists for their fake progressiveness.
>expecting reading comprehension from /co/
Shouldn't you be posting on r/TheDonald?
So basically, make it Gurren Lagann.
>it would probably be Connor
eh Connie would not work at all as a guy, the personality would become completely obnoxious(this is often the case when trying to genderbend a female character)

not to mention Rule 63 scenarios work best when it's only one or at most a handful of characters who get genderbent

would be nice

that guy needs to work on their typing, but he's correct
>but he's correct
Fucking how?
The show has gotten stupidly, hamfistedly liberal. You don't need to be a member of the TheDonald to see that.

Besides, the question was "How do we fix Steven Universe?", and that's how. You eliminate all these stupid filer episodes like *gag* "Beach City Drift".

>Steven: That's guy that made us dance with him! Making people do things they don't want is bad, and it made me feel uncomfortable!

Yeah, because the fact that they were setting up a stupid fucking dance to serve rape allegory was totally evident in "Alone Together", Hillary Florido.
It's as if Tumblr writes the show now.
Not even close.
Holy shit are underaged?
Real talk, are you that autist coolman229? This posts feel familiar.
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>implying that wouldent be the sickest shit.
SJ tried going Gurren Lagann.
Didn't pan out well then.
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Give us early concept adult Steven.
People have been saying this since the pilot dropped.
It's gotten meaningless at this point.
mostly the part about how annoying full cast R63 scenarios are
>Steven was going to be a literal neckbeard.
It could have been great.
Smack the next person who cries. Tell them to stop being whiny babies and save the crying for a REALLY emotional moment. Once a season, if that.

I guarantee you that this will fix 90% of the show's problems. Without relying on the crutch of baby tears, they have to find another way to get the audience to care about the bland, insipid characters.
I call bullshit. SU has too many problems to just be mostly solved by less CRYING.
>Since when was /co/ overtaken by SJW cucks?
Since /pol/ started coming here.
Are you being willfully retarded?

Steven was called out for his behavior and was clearly in the wrong. The moral of the story is "Don't take the bait."

That fact they spelled it out and you still couldn't get it kind makes one wonder if you are autistic.
>God help you if that's your standard of judging someone's age.
The only people who type shit like that are redditors and underaged YT commentators.

Who do you want to be anon?
>/co/ accuses SU of pushing a liberal agenda.
>Tumblr accuses SU of pushing a racist agenda.
It's like yin and yang.
Yes. That actually sounds like a fix. Steven Universe needs to be more like Gurren Lagann.
The Crustal Gems being aliens wasn't really a secret anon.
Fuck, reading my own name kind of startled me a bit.

I kind of wish they had Peridot and Lapis move in with some of the townies instead of living together in the meme barn. That way you'd have an excuse to not have them in every episode, and make both the gem and whatever townies they were living in more interesting by showing how they deal with the new living arrangements.

Which townies would be willing to take in an autistic meme goblin or an autistic water witch though?


>implying Classic Peridot isn't the best one


I think the gems are implied to be attractive. Both Garnet and Pearl had suitors, and in the comics, Garnet and Pearl were mistaken for models (although I'm not sure if the comics are canon or even have any involvement from the writers of the cartoon.)
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I think it's fucking hilarious that in an internet subculture that uses autism as an insult, typing *gag* like so is an indication of immaturity.

I'm 33. I date back to a time when everyone typed the same goddamn way and angry teenagers didn't decide that emoticons and internet shorthand were beneath them.
lapis with her apathy and lack of personality would probably visit 4chan and shitpost
Peridot isn't a shapeshifter you dumb fuck. There was an episode dedicated to it.
not him but I really wouldn't be surprised if we later on find out that modern Gems like Peridot can shapeshift, they've just been taught to believe otherwise by the Diamonds

besides them not being able to shapeshift at all makes no sense considering Gemkind's nature as hard-light lifeforms
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First step would be to give more screen time with other characters, next would be to give them some time to feel genuinely happy, which is a rare occurrence. They have moments with Ruby and Sapphire, but you never see them do anything out side of saying "I love you" a lot. Emotions are to often carried to extremes, like either they're really happy or really sad. I don't think I've seen any character ever get excited about much of anything, and if they did it's usually met with some kind of disappointment. Another problem would be with Steven, as he's just an overall replaceable bland character, with very few flaws.
It's very monster of the week style except they keep the monster for a while, then drop them

The Reunion
>Steven's eyes turn to stars.
>Pearl, Garnet, Amethyst I love you!
>They hug
>We love you too Steven!
>All start crying
>House starts flooding
>Lapis senses an influx of water in this world from some unknown dimension
>Peridot takes a break from the meme barn and comes too
>See Steven
>More cries and hugs
>Everybody's pupils are now stars
>Townspeople start to come to ask about steven
>They continue to see steven and cry and hug
>Blue diamond senses her tear dimension being used, tracks them down
>Steven says 'im so sorry' and crys
>nobody else notices her
>She sees the love and more hugs and crying
>Yellow diamond comes too
>Apologizes for shattering Pink Diamond and cries and hugs the group
>The diamonds make out
>Nobody has noticed them yet
>Lion joins the grouo
>Morphs into Pink Diamond
>Starts crying
>More star eyes
>cont. hugs
>The 15 people of beach city and gems start to fusion glow
>Suddenly Steven toots
>Everybody falls down laughing
>'Oh stinky Steven haha'
>We'd better open the door
>Get on the floor
>Everybody walk the dinosaur
SU needs to stop being so racist, that would fix it
It isn't though
>something big and terrible happens
>Steven's mental maturity spikes as a result and he physically ages up
>the cluster turns into a battleship
>everybody goes to space
>human spirit and gem freedom

This is all I've wanted since Season 1. Blueballed on two separate occasions where we got to space and then made it back home in one piece
thank you. you. are. a. LEGEND!!!
Still going with this meme? They made an entire episode about how their obsession with Kevin was uncalled for
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lets play spot the /co/mblr

correct spots - 1 point
getting replied to - 2 points
angry rants lasting more than 5 lines and you win!
>can't read
Greg looks especially like a butch lesbian in this image...

I hope the person who made this kicks a wall and cracks their toenail...
The moral is straight men are the devil sweetie
Greg always looked like a butch lesbian
I'm not going to go tumblr on you but that does look a little suspect.
Neck yourself.
The character has nearly black skin and gag lips, coupled with liking shoes and being unable to read.

However, people have pointed out how Concrete's design is no more blackface than Garnet so maybe I'm just reading too much into things.

Either way, the controversy is overblown; people are mad over a character that technically doesn't exist.
Don't get mad honey it's only a cartoon
>gag lips
Those are normal lips in SU even white people have them
That actually raises some interesting questions.

What would illiteracy be like on Homeworld? Would it transfer over to Wnglish speaking?
Gems are born with the knowledge they need to do their jobs. I'm assuming gems that are illiterate don't hold jobs that need reading.
>even white people have them
Really? The only white person I've ever seen with lips is Buck and I'm 90% sure he's a mulatto.
Huh. This is the most insightful take I've seen on the whole Concrete situation.
>outing yourself as a man child
Shit nigga what are you doing?
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>Tumblr trying to justify racist cartoons
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Hey, at least this implies all purposefully hidden information will be revealed. Eventually.

It could be worse. :^)
>getting triggered over an OC
SU Critical has finally run out of ideas.
According to tumblr, the Crewniverse apparently despises black people...despite having black people work on the show.
Yes I love it, it's pretty nice.

What is this
>we have /aco/ for a reason
That reason being so mods can delete even ever so slightly suggestive pics and posts and point their finger at that compost heap when asked for an explanation for that faggotry.
People are getting their panties in a twist over a blackface OC from the art book.

I googled it and it looks like the average SU character to me.
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What would OBJECTIVELY improve the show?
>picking a model and STAYING on it
>Diabetes manning-up and actually calling boarders out on OoC bullshit
>less townie episodes, more gem episodes
>less drama, more action
>bring Jasper back
>salvage Lapiss and Memedot
>reserve crying for important occasions so it preserves some impact
>write Connie like less of a cunt who's just using Steven as a gateway to cool stuff
It's the "can't read" part that's got everyone's goat.
>write Connie like less of a cunt who's just using Steven as a gateway to cool stuff
She's never been written that way.
Most of this is shit.

With the exception of more consistent art, most of this seems to just want SU to be shonen.
>charcoal skin
>big lips
I mean, I can see how others would see it racist.
I wonder whats its favorite fruit?
I think the point this image makes is valid but it's pretty dumb to put Peridot with her limb enhancers in it at all. Kinda takes the wind out of the sails.
Peridot was okay in select episodes after catch such as gem drill. Post gem drill is where she went full retard.
>picking a model and STAYING on it

>Diabetes manning-up

>calling boarders out on OoC bullshit

>less townie episodes, more gem episodes

>less drama

>more action

>bring Jasper back
will happen regardless. hard to tell right now.

>salvage Lapiss and Memedot

>reserve crying for important occasions so it preserves some impact

>write Connie like less of a cunt who's just using Steven as a gateway to cool stuff
that's not the case
I don't get that either, I mean it's nothing new, they already complaing a bunch of times about that. Not to mention that some of the important characters like Garnet are black coded or however you call that and there are a few black side characters.
The answer will always be Bismuth.

Doesn't matter if you had a whole cast of well written black people, according to tumblr Bismuth deserved better.
>dropping the show only because of the height inconsistency
No one said that
I would love to see Tumblr's reaction when it turns out that Concrete was designed by Lamar or Ian.

The fallout would be hilarious.
Yeah, I saw all those complainments about that episode too. From the narrators' perspective Bismuth never seemed to be depicted as the villain. It was more of an extreme reaction towards almost omnipotent villains from HW and Steven even understood her at the end even though he wanted to take a different approach. It's not like Pearl and Rose are depicted as innocent people either, the series rather seems to take the middlepart and wanted to show Bismuth's perspective as well.

It wouldn't have worked letting her become part of the CGs at that point and considering what happened to the barn mates I am happy that she didn't join (yet).
>Ian: Oh yeah, Concrete! I remember her; I drew it during a jam session where we just pitched different Gem ideas. It was pretty hilarious.
>Tumblr: But this basically a minstrel show character in the year 2017!
>Ian: ...That's the joke.
There were two boarders on that episode anon. Zuke gets half, Hilary gets half. Fair is fair.
I wouldn't be surprised actually. Don't people who often get discriminated actually make use of those stereotypes about them? Poking fun and such to make the subject more lighthearted and actually open it for discussion too.

God sjw are retarded and don't have any sense of humor.
Personally I'm a girl and love to say "if there's a girl behind the steering, because they can't drive" whenever I'm stuck behind a shitty driver
for you
Trim the fat.
it doesn't have to have things happening every single episode but when only 4/6 episodes contribute to the Season's story you're waisting a huge chunk of the Viewer's time.
the configuration of a show should be 60% Plot/40% Episodic episodes
SU has it being 30% plot/70% episodic episodes
Fuck, Mexicans actually embraced Speedy Gonzalez despite the fact that white people claimed it was racist against Mexicans.

I don't know how that could happen but people can still be offended by blackface a hundred years later.
>The Empire once spanned the entire continent. All the barbarians and subject races from the Nords to the Zhin to even the savage Black Kingdoms paid tribute and respect to it's might. It's Legions were the greatest soldiers to ever walk the earth. And the Magi did wonders with the forgotten force of magic.
>But then from the stars, the Gems came.
>These rock things immediately went to war before the Empire realized what had even happened and brought much terror to man. In the nightmare the ruinous powers stirred and the Lord of Hell-Arioch-emerged from his tomb and made war on both sides. The forces of chaos warped the lands as twisted abominations hunted the rock automatons.
>The Empire was on the verge of defeat, the Hundred Legions now down to one, when the High Magi wandered the paths of the future. After a week of deep meditation, he came to the Emperor and proclaimed that they could get help.
>Where you ask? But from the higher realms. The Magi created a majestic portal and the best of their kind entered it. Four entered, but only one returned looking like he aged a hundred years. He announced that the Gods would only send help if five magi entered the portal once every ten days. They did as they were told. None of their fellows returned, but three of the Gods came.
>Morpheus the lord of dreams, Caine the fiery god of slaughter, and Vulcan the blacksmith and gazetteer. Together they destroyed the Gems and sent the Lord of Hell back from whence he came. But the world was a ruin and in their despair the gods left never to return."
>"What about Rose?"
>"The leader of the rebellion!"
>"Steven, go outside."
>"Goddamn it Gregicus, if Gods damned Lynn Magna hears about your son going off about this 'Rose' character..."
>"I know Kevin, I'll make him stop."
>"No, please no-"
>"Quiet Degenerate!" The Legionnaire raised his hammer and hit the nail.
>"GRAHHH!" Lars screamed in pain. "AAHHH-" He did so again, and again, until the left nail was well into the wood.
>Gregicus found Steven watching the execution. "Hey son. What did he do?"
>Steven shrugged. "He threw mud at the prince."
>"Ah, Link?"
>"MERCY!" Lars screamed. "Steven did it, I-AAHHHH!" The Legionaries began raising the cross, blood slowly flowing onto the wood and even dripping on the ground.
Maybe not intentionally, but that's what she comes off as. She's lukewarm on Steven hanging out with her, yet always tries to tag along with Steven to do gem stuff, and whenever she has a choice of hanging around with Steven or the gems, she picks the gems.

>more action = shounen
Oh, sorry, let's just have another 50 consecutive townie slice of life episodes.

>being on-model isn't optimal
Why? Do you actually LIKE when the gems look misshapen and Steven fluctuates between 50cm and 1.5m in height?
>Oh, sorry, let's just have another 50 consecutive townie slice of life episodes
There's nothing inherently wrong with SoL you mong.
>She's lukewarm on Steven hanging out with her
Steven's Birthday alone proves you wrong on that.

>whenever she has a choice of hanging around with Steven or the gems, she picks the gems.
Fucking when?
I actually like some of the townie episodes.
>Do you actually LIKE when the gems look misshapen
The Gems always look misshapen.
Why do they call them stans?
It's from an Eminem song about an obsessive fan.
SU Critical is actually composed of South Park fans.
More human agency. We need a human organization dedicated to protecting earth from the imminent Gem invasion.
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>My god... George Orwell was right!
Lauren and Hillary, no question. That's the only time you'll hear me say "Hillary, no question" with out the words "for prison" immediately filling her name.
>>93849759 here. To all you who replied, thank you.

I could see why this show has taken off, but the tumblrina stuff and learning its creators can be in the same boat really makes it seem like it's been poisoned in reception, unintentional or not. The fandom trying to kill one of their own combined with the fandom trying to obsess on politics really makes me wonder what the hell happened with the majority of the people who like this show.

I wonder what'll happen to this show and fans once the show definitively ends.
>I wonder what'll happen to this show and fans once the show definitively ends.
They'll find some other show with enough liberal leaning to infest. It's already happening right now with Star Vs.
I feel like SU became critical mass for this sort of thing, if that makes sense.
>Do you actually LIKE when Steven fluctuates between 50cm and 1.5m in height?
Yes there is: it's boring as fuck.

The gems were also there. And we got a little glimpse into why she doesn't care for Steven much: she sees him as too much of a silly kid to be worthy of the attention of an intelligent adult like herself, if he were older, she might have been all over that Murdercock Jr.

Her training with Pearl came at the expence of completely neglecting hanging out with Steven.

You fucking monster.

I'm not sure what you were trying to tell us with this opinion. Let's just say that some boarders produce better results, while others venture into the realm of self-parody and DeviantArt-tier proportions.
gems are made differently with each "era". fucking pay attention.
You don't. It is un-fixable.
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>Hillary, no question.

Fun story about Hillary. She's the definition of an awkward tumblr girl who questions her sexuality.
I know this because I actually attempted to chat with her back in college. Here's the story.

>>We both attended the School of Visual Arts
>>See Hillary at a comic book shop and notice her SVA swag.
>>Oh hey! You go to SVA? Me too!
>>Attempted conversation is met with awkward 3 word answers such as "Yeah it's cool" or "Right, yeah, cool."
>>Try my best to find common interest with this androgynous person named Hillary.
>>Quickly realize she has little ability to engage in conversation
>>End it with a goodbye and "see you around."
>>She goes back to looking at the manga section

I sometimes would question if it was me that made it awkward. Don't need to question it after seeing this post.
>I feel like SU became critical mass for this sort of thing, if that makes sense.

Started with Homestuck. When the comic started going downhill fast, the fans knew it would become a forever alone club.
Post a pic
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>How do we fix Steven Universe?
Continuing the series in a sequel show that airs on HBO?
>Right now Steven is the only main that actually does something and asks questions or discovers shit

Bullshit he does. Steven's like the least curious child on the planet. Even in recent seasons he doesn't even bother to ask questions and tends to stumble upon the truth when the writers finally decide to move the plot forward. The gems literally said they're willing to answer any of his questions and not once did he decide to take advantage of that.
The problem is that show does this poorly. You can have things foreshadow future events without it being straight up frustrating. Hell, Gravity Falls did this so well it was actually fun to find the foreshadowing. Now the payoff was complete shit, but the mystery was much better handled.
>Not an ancient Roman style gem

What a waste.
And it was fucking awful, since it shouldn't have been an episode in the first place. Steven was ridiculously OOC for the sake of a fucking moral.
Its a representation of her dwindling threat level.
right here
He was called for being for being OOC.

The episode didn't treat this as a normal thing.
He actually has asked questions, he just never got answers.
>The gems were also there. And we got a little glimpse into why she doesn't care for Steven much: she sees him as too much of a silly kid to be worthy of the attention of an intelligent adult like herself, if he were older, she might have been all over that Murdercock Jr.

Are we watching the same episode or are you being willfully retarded?
Now I know how people felt about Aquamarine.
Don't fix what ain't broke. But if there's one thing they could do, it's establish in show that the gems are genderless so the lgbtq community would shut up. Oh, and fuse Peridot with Lapis Lazuli already. And change Lars back, but I'm convinced that's not going to happen.
More Steven Universe is definitely not a solution
Name 5 times
Anyone have any more of the joke gem characters from the art book?
And I want to see more fusions. I don't have a problem with Stevonnie. I still ship Steven with Connie and I'll take any super form for Steven I can get, but I want to see the rest.
Why? There's barely even any SU as is.
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