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Dumbing of Age

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Last night, Willis took the sliding timescale to a new level, and brought Danny and Joe to a building that won't even be finished in real life until at least Fall '17.

And tonight's comic is below. Don't expect much.
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And tonight, Joe continues to apparently be an avatar of some of Willy's self-hatred, as are all of his characters that do nerdy/geeky things, really.
Oh wow, stereotype jokes.

Free yourselves from this bullshit. Willis only has power if you're paying attention to him.
I took a week-long break from DoA threads for the 4th of July weekend. But it doesn't mean that it's stopped being approximately thirty-three (33) days since Amber stabbed Ryan.

Speaking of which, this journey to the Comp Sci building had better lead into meeting Carla or Amber again. Swear to God.
I haven't read in like a year. I see Willis watched 13 Reasons Why and decided to do a shitty list story.
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for those who missed it in the last thread, I finally actually voiced the stabstravaganza


song is 'the forgiveness song' from veggietales
How does a list factor into "13 Reasons Why"?
Because Joe's "Do" List has been set up since the earliest days of the comic. I can buy him using it now to ape on the series (Just look at every other "ripped from the headlines" story in DoA), but I just want to know more since I'm probably never going to bother watching the series.
You're too good for this world, VA anon.
IT was a big part of why she killed herself. She was on a list and it was one of the reasons everyone started to call her a slut.

Since it's fanbase is Willis's audience I figured it would make sense for him to try and mirror it a bit for that usual "Hello fellow young people!" feeling he gives off.

I forgot Joe had one since the start though.

Also in my year away, outside of this apparently stabbing, what did I miss? Did Ethan and Danny fuck yet?
They wandered into Google Images.

Fuck off Willis.
in the last year
>ruth had a 'suicidal breakdown' after mary blackmailed her with her relationship with billie so she could torment carla
>ruth's grandpa showed up and was as 2-dimensional as you can expect
>leslie and robin hooked up, roz used it to ruin robin's career
>becky got a new apartment(crashing on leslie's couch)
>becky got a new job
>becky got everything she wanted
>becky got a new phone
>becky hijacked robin's twitter and used it to make tweets about how awesome her dino girlfriend is
>rapin ryan showed back up at a robin voting party
>sal and amber bonded over chasing after him
>rapin ryan stalked dorothy, tried to threaten to stab joyce
>amber beat the shit out of him on the dorm's front steps
>then took his knife and stabbed him

and now you're caught up

That's Willis' trademark. He "researches" a real-life location by finding one single picture of it, copying that picture exactly, and alternates between using the main picture as a giant flat background image and drawing such tight close-ups that the details of the background are completely obscured. Realism!
God fucking dammit fuck Becky.
Well, nobody's threatening suicide yet. Everybody just wants to kill Joe instead.
Which is par for the course, given how Rapin' Ryan returned when the Brock Turner case made headlines. Through Ryan, Willis expressed his desire to dress up as a superhero and punch Ryan/Brock in the face; recently he expressed interest in ambiguously stabbing Ryan as well.

Speaking of Becky, she's now attempting to hook up Leslie with two characters who, at this moment, serve little to no other purpose than to be lesbian objects of desire for Leslie.
so I sent my buddy my new recording with no context

>That's...weird. Dumb?
>really, really dumb


I am admittedly slightly amused


Maybe if he stayed away from the SJW shit... well it wouldn't be good but it might be slightly more readable.
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I wonder.

The Room is a masterpiece because of how bad it is...if Tommy wiseau could speak clearly, actually deliver his lines, and the dialogue made sense, it would have nothing worth watching in it.
Remember when Willis said he didn't want to end a strip without some humor because he didn't want people to be triggered to bits?

What happened to that? Middle strip is legit threatening for anyone who's been assaulted while being completely non-threatening due to retarded circumstances
don't you know? seeing a 'bad person' get assaulted isn't triggering!
"The Room but with modern social issues (and a lot fucking slower)" is probably the best way to describe DoA in twelve words.

All it's missing is every actor thinking that they're the one carrying the film.
>mfw picturing tommy wiseau deflecting criticism about 'The Room' by going on a rant about how it's totally not about ethics in video game journalism

the horror
Played out and not funny.

Also he did another Escher joke that was somehow more shitty than his original one. It's fairly evocative, but not that humorous. Also, why does the place being like a Escher Death star make it "not the worst place." He just came up with that turn of phrase and forced it into the strip.

And then Disney's Robin Hood is the "irresistible guy" example he goes for? It's like some sort of "was pop culture at some point" mad lib.

I'm glad that Patreanon is back, though.
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When are we gonna see Mary again?
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>Two "CS majors are all smelly nerds" strips in a row

Chads and women aren't even all that uncommon in CS these days desu.

I don't get this whole ukulele appeal
Is this how he becomes so smart and created his own company and ultra car?
He got smart because Aliens gave him superpowers.
Maybe this is how he'll become smart in this universe! And maybe human Carla will be the basis for Car Ultra car like Arnold in Terminator 3!
>lol nerds amirite
I'd tell Willis he needs new material, but considering his track record for rehashing, it would be a waste of time.
Aliens would explain how Amber can do half the shit she does without actual muscles.
The whole comic is a waste of time.
Don't you think that we would have stopped by now if we could?
please dangle your udders in my face while you're murdering me amber
>cowgirl Amber
---“Joyce and Walky” Dump---

---Patreon-Only Bonus Strips---

---VA Anon’s generous voice-over work---

Free Pinups

ACO Smut collection:

Smut Doc:

If you have any more official stuff that hasn't been posted yet, please send it my way at [email protected].

As is commenting on the matter.
>Speaking of Becky, she's now attempting to hook up Leslie with two characters who, at this moment, serve little to no other purpose than to be lesbian objects of desire for Leslie.
And one of them is interested, while the other is just rude.
I believe Anon meant that the middle of the 3 strips ends on an unpleasant note that is creepier than Becky's mom trying to overdose.

This whole ridiculous storyline reminds me of two people in my past, one of which I can't seem to get rid of. I'm definitely uncomfortable with how the story is being handled. It's callous.
>And then Disney's Robin Hood is the "irresistible guy" example he goes for? It's like some sort of "was pop culture at some point" mad lib.
I'm equally baffled. It feels like Joe is implying that he's a furry. There are plenty of desirable men in the media that aren't literal foxes from decades ago.

Why not James Bond or something? Don Draper, maybe? You know, an actual ladies' man? Robin Hood in the Disney movie only had eyes for Maid Marian. No one else even seemed romantically interested in him anyway.

Also, in the strip, "do not throw themselves at me" is awkward because of the avoidance of a contraction for literally no reason.
Or maybe aliens sapped the strength of all the bad guys, which would explain the part where Joyce punches out a man who is easily 3 times her size.

I think he's implying that Female CS Majors in particular would be likely to be attracted to Disney's Robin Hood. It's just a poorly constructed joke.
>is awkward because of the avoidance of a contraction for literally no reason.
It feels natural since this is him disconnecting. Speech like that is really cold.
That's also true.

What is the purpose of Anna being a cunt to everybody, anyways? In real life, assholes generally tend to avoid conversation with strangers unless provoked.
Becky is a provoking person, especially when she is spacing out on someone's pirated twitter account while other people are queuing up.
Should be exstabaganza desu
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Oh, Amber! You've killed again, haven't you?
I want to dispute this, but I was in fact a female CS major and Disney's Robin Hood was my first crush, which seems to be pretty typical for female nerds, actually? There weren't enough other female CS majors around to collect statistically significat data.
I'm sure it was Willis' first crush too when he was in school. That doesn't make the joke good.
He's probably known a few Moderately Attractive Nerd Girls, in search of his real-life Amber.

Now that he's got one and had a couple kids, actual Amber isn't that appealing anymore.
I'm not sure if blonde lesbian is interested in Lesley as much as she is interested in cock blocking her friend/ long term crush
True. It's really hard to tell. And it looks like it's going to be a while before we skip back to them.
It looks like she's wearing a space helmet from some shitty 50's sci-fi show, but it's filled with shit.
I was gonna say that it reminds me of that one MAD (Cartoon network show) skit with the hardening chocolate ice cream sauce being marketed as hair gell.
I wish i could find it.
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Found it.
>we really were the Dumbing of Age™
Really Willis?
The alt-text for this strip says that "this building won't actually exist for another couple of months".

So Willis is more or less confirming that we're still in 2010. A sliding-timescale version of 2010, but still.
Can you math?

>a building that won't even be finished in real life until at least Fall '17

>7 years vs. a couple of months
>somehow 2010 still
I started getting annoyed with the sliding timescale when he showed someone playing on a 2DS.
It was a minor thing, but still.
I started getting annoyed when he started making references to Jurassic World. It really throws me off when he starts making relevant pop culture comments, especially if you look back at the old strips and seeing how outdated everything is.
I remember early on that he referenced the chick-fill-a LGBT incident, which really dates it.
Man, never read Detective Conan. A series that has been going for 20+ years, multiple Christmases, smartphones being common plot elements now, etc. and yet only 1 year has passed in universe.
Have Danny and Ethan fucked YET? Literally the only reason I come to these threads.
Nope. Probably will be another year or two.
God. Damnit.
Well, Conan is a lot better written.
Just write your own sultry tale of a milquetoast, Jewish, Transformers fanatic and a kinda low-key douchy, Indiana hipster wannabe.
probably longer because one of the things that happened over the timeskip was Ethan disappearing along with Amber.
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Amber, now unburdened by morality or sanity, has Ethan tied down to a bed in an abandoned hotel. Feeding him a steady diet of Viagra and methamphetamine, she will not stop raping him until she is carrying his baby.
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That is my second favorite edit ever of DoA.

Right behind pic related.
Amber hasn't disappeared, I don't think. She's just MIA.
Ethan, however, is confirmed to be actually probably missing.
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Actually, VA Anon, if you're still here, I'd LOVE for you to do this edit as a quickie.

Even if you don't think you can sing, I know you can edit audio. Just do Becky's lines, and play Freddy Mercury's audio for Toedad. If you sing Toedad's lines to the tune of 'Don't Stop Me Now', that'd just be a bonus.

If you really wanted more materiel, you could always do a Toedad edit compilation.
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For Becky, every day is Taco Tuesday.
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Maybe you can help me.

This pic made me remember one of the "Brown Girls". I'm pretty sure it was Yoto, and it had Joyce, Carol, and Jocelyne in skimpy clothes.

I can't find it anywhere. Maybe my Google-fu is getting rusty.
Ha, I just got home from work and was about to make a post asking for requests.

Sure, Don't Stop Me Now is one of my all-time favourite songs.

Did you want me to sing it cut with Becky, or sing toedad arguing about waifus?
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I think hard cutting back and forth from the song to Becky's dialogue would be the funniest way to do it, but you're the creative one.

Any other Toedad edits you have time for like the Lupin III or pic related would just be a bonus on top of that.
Just to clarify, because looking back it's not clear, when I said "this edit" I meant the Queen one. The Lupin III and others would just be icing on the cake for me.

But do whatever you think would be good. It's your time and energy, after all.

You didn't hear it from me.

You should voice-over some of Yoto's comics sometime!
I did voice one of the porn comics, I just feel like Yoto puts actual effort into her stuff, having a manly parody voice doesn't fit them.
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Um, VA Anon....
isn't yoto a femanon?

could have sworn...
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99.9% sure he's a dude.

But I'm a dude, he's a dude, she's a dude, and we're all dudes, so hey.
I'm GirlAnon, and I can verify that we are all dudes. Even my boyfriend calls me "dude" sometimes. "Dude" should be considered a gender-neutral term, but "dudette" is also acceptable.
When everybody's a dude, nobody is.
I agree; "dude" is perfectly gender neutral with a male bias in culture, hence the redundant creation of "dudette". But it's all good.

Personally, I just call everybody "Yo". As in, "Yo, shut up" or "Nice ass, yo." or "Yo, take the knot" or even "That's my chicken nugget box, yo!"
>Yo, take the knot
Does....does that come up a lot in your every day life?
>"Nice ass, yo."
>"Yo, shut up"
>"Yo, take the knot"
>"Yo, shut up"

>"That's my chicken nugget box, yo!"
>"Yo, shut up"

Just figured I'd arrange these in a likely order of use.
Every time I see a Frank I'll think of the story that Rich "Leech" Johnston told after Dillon died about how Dillon was aware of the Frankface meme and deliberately played it up in his art because of it. Cool guy, that Steve Dillon.
>only 1 year
You're pulling my leg.
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>dat Joyce
>Detective Conan
It's Nip-shit. You can't go by what they do unless you want everything to eventually be a metaphor for the atomic bomb, and all turn out to be some bastardized religious allegory.
I thought what's his face was trying to cuck danny and it's the only reason I read this crap. because Ethan is better off with an asshole than danny.
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That subplot hasn't been touched since...

...February? Jesus Christ, I thought there was something else more recent.

I'm just gonna leave this here.
I'm also gonna leave this here: http://www.dumbingofage.com/archive-2/

>Book 8
>01 -- Face the Strange

Oh, and Willis has a new poll up. It's about who you ship between Leslie, Mindy, and Anna. Leslie/Mindy is winning; I wish we were influential enough to turn the tide in favor of Mindy/Anna if only to keep the two quarantined.
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so while I work on the entire thing, I decided to just go ahead and sing the entirety of Don't Stop me Now.

I'm pretty shitty at singing while not doing an impression, but fuck it, I love this song.

gonna tweak the audio mixing a bit more for the final product, but....enjoy I guess?

I guess this is a thing too.

Sounds like you might be better at singing in a lower register. Deep voices are like that. You should experiment a little bit more; I think you'd produce some interesting results.
yeah, I do sing in a baritone, but that really, REALLY clashes with queen.

I can kill it with artists like johnny cash, not so much freddie mercury.
>Yo, take the knot"

So are you from South Carolina or Florida?

I tried to do some audio splicing to keep the background music playing during non-toedad lines...I think all but the last gap worked. I really hate not having Audition at home. Audio splicing is easy as shit in Audition.

I don't really get why anyone would ship any of those pairs. Shipping shouldn't be a "pick the least shitty option" thing. Mindy and Anna have a abusive dynamic, Anna is negging Leslie and she's completely blind to it, and Mindy and Leslie just avoids some of those negatives, although Mindy still hanging around Anna speaks to her maybe being clingy.
The Mindy/Leslie ship seems to be built on a combination of Anna being a cunt to everybody, Mindy being a cunt to Anna, and Leslie having been a cunt to Robin but eventually changing her mind because it's probably going to happen.
Leslie also hasn't shown any interest in Mindy, I don't think she's even acknowledged her presence. It really says something when even Becky is smart enough to recognize someone is shit from the outset but not Leslie.
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Once upon a time, Amber had distinct hair and a personality beyond "barely chambered rage hidden behind an alt persona"
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Tonight we get yet another episode of "Roomies: Millennial Edition!".

It's at this point that you remember that Willis was born in the 70s, and has less and less of an idea what the hell he's writing about with each passing day.

So... she leaps, twisting around in the air, momentum concentrated on the twist... then launches herself from a twist into a backflip...? during which she stops twisting and lands forward...

The action seems to defy physics which is about par for course considering the physique and lifestyle of the relevant character.
In this set of seven panels, we learn that Joe has never been in a threesome. We already knew that Danny was bisexual, so that's only a surprise to Joe.

Rating: It's Fucking Nothing / 10

Don't get me started on the physics of the Dumbiverse. Need I remind you of the Toedad car chase?
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>The action seems to defy physics
Anon...I....physics is dead, m8
To clarify: this is tonight for non-Patreons. Guess we'll see if Patranon comes through for us tonight for tomorrows strip
This IS the Patron strip, yo. Tonight's non-Patron strip is >>93691680.
If it makes you feel any better I people often think I'm a girl in real life too.
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lol what
I am Patreanon, and that is tomorrow's strip
Oh whoops, the fucking thing looked so similar I got tricked. my bad.
Post pics of your butt.

I think it's a nice enough bit of character work, the only problem is that Joe and Danny are so rarely used together that its emotional pay off is stunted.
Fair, though it's still a whole lot of nothing overall. We've rarely seen Joe enough to know that he talks a big game, and what we HAVE seen of Joe in regards to his sexual openness all but renders never having had a threesome somewhat moot. So what if he's never done two chicks at once? He's probably done three in one day, with how he's almost always seen having sex with somebody new.
She learned those moves from Parkour Lewis. Some say he cannot lose.
>I have never actually had a threesome
>I'm bisexual

The answer is right in front of you guys.
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jesus anon
You win obscure reference of the week from me
Remember, it's not gay if you're on opposite ends of Sal.
What is it if you're on opposite ends of Carla?
There are only five comments on the discussion page of Willy's YouTube channel, and they are all amazing
>opposite ends of Sal
So which of them is into feet?

Also, front/back are opposite ends too.
Less gay.

Yeah, but you risk knocking balls.
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>Yeah, but you risk knocking balls.
Someone gets it.
I keep telling my friend it's totally not gay when he sucks my cock because our balls aren't touching. Everyone knows sex stuff involving two dudes is super straight unless the balls touch.
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>Then that hat's a little straight

Does Willis think every non-straight man is a preening flamingo? I know plenty of gay and bisexual men who dress like slobs or have a questionable sense of style. Fuck, you'd think stereotypes like this would get Willis pilloried by his fans.
Joe is playing off calling something "gay" due to Danny telling him he's bi. He's already told Danny his new style sucks.
Willis' secret is that any stupid, self-contradictory bullshit can be "excused" by saying that it's these dumb college kids saying it, not HIM! He would never say something so callous, or unintentionally racist, or whatever else.
I get the joke. It fails because it's missing a proper setup. For the joke to work Joe would have to have called something Danny did 'gay' first. Then once Danny reveals he's bi, Joe subverts his original slur by using straight as a pejorative. Something like that, ANYTHING to properly setup and execute the joke instead of relying on his reader base's every present indignation to know that someone, somewhere uses gay as a derogatory adjective.
That's what happens when you try to have a plot that revolves around two characters who have only appeared in the same strip (appeared in the same strip, not necessarily interacted) seventy times over the course of seven years.
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Maybe with a different outfit.
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This is the strip I remember where he implies he had a threesome (and a drunken one at that, yikes I'd bet the comments on this would be brutal nowadays). He might've also done a similar brag coming back to his room, but I'm not sure, and I don't feel like looking for it.

I wonder if this the first (or continued depending on how kindly you read his Joyce interactions) step in walking back Joe from "problematic sex master" to "guy who has had intimate relations with a couple girls but brags to make it seem like he's really detached and promiscuous (because that's what he thinks is expected of him under the patriarchy!!!)." Someone mentioned that despite all the talk, Joe is only really confirmed to have had sex with 2 women at the college, Roz and uh british math girl (Penny?). I was assuming there were more that we didn't see, but maybe that's really all of them.

I could totally see Willis doing that, since the reception on Joe has been so negative at times. It seems like it would be hard to do fun friction between him and Joyce when every appearance is accompanied by long comments calling him a monster.

Yeah, they're barely ever in the comic. I still find it crazy that the impetus for them getting closer was this ukulele thing. I'm sure the rss feed reveal would've been enough along with Danny just being kinda bummed out. But he to have the wacky angle, that'll probably turn dramatic in some mind-numbing "twist."

See this is how good referential humour is done. There's some clever wordplay and the idea of the reference connects to the thing at hand. Nice.
I'd argue that it's continued. It's just getting more push now because Joe is the center of the story for once.

Yes, Penny.
>a space helmet from some shitty 50's sci-fi show
Space-helmets and 50s sci-fi shows are awesome.
Penny is ginger, right?
Correct. Her only personality trait so far is that she doesn't like rules.
Dem jokes be poppin' fresh, dig?
Doesn't like rules and is a slut.
Joe x Joyce when?
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