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How do you respond to this?

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Did Nighthawk get killed offscreen?
lol that nigga is ugly and Walker is a shitty writer
Pants up, don't loot.
OF COURSE! They are racist nazis! You think they kill people equality?

Also your white friend is bleeding.
She should go back to turning people into werewolves
lol, marvel. "Why isn't anyone buying our comics? we keep killing off our characters and replacing them, just like we, I mean they wanted."
I'm guessing her friend is the guy on the ground. If so, for a black guy he looks pretty damn white.
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>Gunned down by Hydra for being black

Fuck off Marvel
Is this a real page?
Doesn't have Hydra black goons?

Yes. Actual Nazis' were active in Africa as well and they never put the blacks into camps




That's because the Afrika Corps was regular German army, not the SS.
And the German Reich never claimed sovereignty over any African territory, they were there to support their Italian allies.
yeah...I'm surprised /co/ or /pol/ didn't pick up on it.
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That black person's face is borderline offensive caricature.
I thought they were a Klingon when I first looked at the thumbnail, partly because of the outfit
>Italian allies
Did more damage to their own alliance's war effort than that of the enemy.
True that, chief among them tying up some of the German Army's best soldiers and by far their best field commander in a pointless North African campaign.

You know what would kept this from being a problem? An editor. You know, someone to slap the writer upside the head and tell them not to kill off a cult favorite off panel and only have it mentioned in a comic nobody reads and tell them that Hydra doesn't kill people for being black.
>Marvel editors doing their job
You are a funny man anon, good joke
Nigga, literally nobody read that comic.
Stop applying reasons that suit your emotional response.
No, that's just someone she's taken revengeance on.
Hence the discussion on don't do what you just did
>Marvel actually having editors

Those are cardboard standees, anon. They just place them in a room with the writer and call it a day.

I don't see how is this is a problem? The guy was a racist, He shot a black guy because he was a racist. Do you need a bigger sign that says "I love to shoot niggers".

It isn't a cop, It is fucking hydra.
They killed off black Nighthawk, to replace him with a black transsexual? This diversity shit is getting out of hand, marvel, not even black guys are safe anymore.
>Here is a women in a cape comic
>She is not very attractive

"That's racist/bad art/transsexual!"

Fuck all of you.
Occupy Avengers was a mistake, and I'm actually glad now that they didn't let Walker use American Eagle like he intended from the beginning because who knows what bullshit he would have him drowning in now.
Wait... One of them is a woman?

Dude...friggin' look at it.

It's awful.
I refuse to believe that a man as dangerous and paranoid as supreme power Nighthawk would let himself get gunned down by Hydra goons, even if he were out of costume.
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That's supposed to be Deadly Nightshade, the one who turned Cap into Capwolf.
Germany has always had the problem of going to war with figurative corpses as compatriots, it didn't work in WW1 and it didn't work in WW2

So I guess it makes sense that Germany is again talking big with the French as their ally while the country is a shadow of its former self
t. A blind man
>How do you respond to this?
I don't respond to comics I haven't read. That's for fuckboys, and double bitches.
When why does she look like a fucking orc?
Looks like a fucking orc in the OP image

I checked, and they really just killed him off, off-screen.

Am I sad? Yes, and no. I found Nighthawk a deeply troubling (anti?) hero, even if there was nothing he said or did I could intrinsically disagree with.

Fact is, he let a man die - literally let him bleed to death as he watched. Sure, he was a scumbag, but it was an admission of defeat, as well. So... that was essentially the same as just taking off the suit.

But then, that would be a little hypocritical of me, since it's actually one step up from what the Punisher does. Then again, the Punisher never passed himself off as a hero - never dressed in the trappings of one.

Maybe it feels wrong because Nighthawk is Marvel's version of Batman. Like Moon Knight. Is Moon Knight good these days?
Capefags everyone

I look at it and see an ordinary woman under severe stress. No, she is not cute; she's kinda bony and of course wears no make-up. Deal with it.


Maybe they'll do something with it.


I just can't believe you people. Are you this shallow? Do all the females in these comics have to look pretty?
That is the niggest face I have ever seen in a comicbook.

You're goddamn right. Why else would I read this garbage? It's soap series level. Except when there's an event going on, which usually is still terrible!

I accept that it's awful, that it's like drinking, smoking or jerking off to porn that is wrong (so wrong) but I like it. It's my vice of choice.

Sometimes comics are not awful - not even capeshit - but yes, most of it is rancid garbage.
But who cares? 90% of everything is.

Face it, manchild, this is a post-nihilist age. Anything is possible and very few people even bother pretending anymore. Perhaps, after this, things will be better.
Well I rather not look at a face that looks like a turd, people have their preferences in art man.
The only people who should be ugly in Comics are the bad guys.
>Do all the females in these comics have to look pretty?

No, but they should at least look human.

I think that's a bare minimum standard to meet.
Meth is a hell of a thing.

What happened to Nighthawk?!

And I thought nuHydra wasn't racist, just fascist.

Or at least racist against mutants aliens and inhumans, not against standard racists.

No question about that, at least. She's a biological genius, not a tech maven.

You are fucking faggots.


She does. Go out and look at some real people.

She lost her eyebrows, she's skinny and she's making a face. That's all.

>What happened to Nighthawk?!

What you read on the page is the exact extent of the information we got on his fate. In the previous issue, he was fine, and there is no mention of what happened to him in any other SE tie-in issue.
>Fucking faggots.

No, the people who are fucking faggots are those who think fictional works should always reflect every demographic and every facet of real life.

Why should Ugly heroes exist in Comic books?
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that's bullshit, as early as 2013 britain released recordings made of conversations between generals made by MI19. The wehrmact was in on the genocide and they spent basically their entire lives trying to distance themselves from the nazi regime so they wouldn't hang.
It's not getting out of hand, it's been completely out of hand for around 2 years now. We've passed that point a long time ago.
Laugh and walk away. Reasoning is lost on that character, as they see only what they want to see in any situation involving race.
I don't understand. I thought Hydra's only goal was to bring order to the world. Are they now trying to eradicate specific portions of the population like specific races? Why? And how? Are they killing blacks en masse the most efficient way possible or are they literally just randomly killing one black person at a time for no reason?

Wow. I wonder what went wrong with you.


How the fuck is it bait?


What do you mean? What are you even objecting to?
>I wonder what went wrong with you
>Because you don't like seeing badly drawn people and ugly people in your fiction.

Quite simple really, I read fiction and fantasy to get away from the stupid ugly people in the world and all the banality of real life, Why should fantasy be a mirror to reality just to appease said stupid ugly people.
>I thought Hydra's only goal was to bring order to the world.

Even if that were true, it would be a 'new world order', probably comprised of an elite people, 'the strong', which is attained by removing all the 'weak'. But HYDRA started out as and really always remained a Nazi organization (Although I am not really sure whether that's literally true. Apparently HYDRA already existed before Strucker reformed it) and of course in the current political climate you will find no shortage of people who put on the HYDRA uniform to express their racist hatred.

Then you should not read comics at all but manga.
Nazis never wanted to kill all blacks.
Why can't we just have Comics not turned into soapboxes for stupid and ugly people?
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>I don't understand. I thought Hydra's only goal was to bring order to the world. Are they now trying to eradicate specific portions of the population like specific races? Why? And how?
actually, racist batman would have been a great character to be going against hydracap
Is that thing supposed to be a woman? How do you people read this shit? Capefags are the most pathetic people alive.
nighthawk isn't a hero at all. He's a hypocritical racist asshole who hates rich white people. That's why I like him. He kills people and if they are white, he takes pleasure in it
Which is why it's funny we're supposed to feel sorry for him getting gunned down by racists.
>What you read on the page is the exact extent of the information we got on his fate. In the previous issue, he was fine, and there is no mention of what happened to him in any other SE tie-in issue.

What kind of bullshit is this? I thought Walker was a better writer than that.

How is including characters that do not look fuckable the same as 'soapboxing for stupid (??) and ugly people'?


..That's not really true, either. Kind of the other extreme there.


Again: what is wrong with this kind of person.

For that matter, anon... what do YOU look like?
>For that matter, anon... what do YOU look like?

I look a lot fucking better than that. Do you not?
did you read Supreme Power? He is exactly what I describe
>I look a lot fucking better than that.

See, I just don't believe that.


He didn't just go around killing white people, although he did ignore crimes committed against white people.
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