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Now that the dust has finally settled, how do we definitively

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Now that the dust has finally settled, how do we definitively feel about this?
Disappoint but also an erection.
I feel great knowing Ashifags got BTFO hard, so hard that they made a general out of it

Bravo Genndy
who cares, she doesn't exist anymore and Jack is still a virgin
Fucking awful.

Episodes 1-3 were great, episode 4 was forgivable, it got bad in 5, and became inexcusable at 8.
It was a bit shit. It made the finale a bit of a cop out because it wasn't really about Jack versus Aku it was about Jack's girlfriend getting possessed and Aku didn't do much.
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>Bring back a series thats been dead for 13 years for only 10 episodes.
>Dedicate 7 episodes to some baboon faced, literally who character that should have died in episode 3.
>Reduce all of Jacks internal conflict to a cringy forced romance in the end.

Why is Jack just kissing the air?
>Jack will now forever be stuck and intertwined with said baboon bitch that completely cheapened his entire character in mushy ship art and general media
I want to toss Genndy into the gulag, fuck this
We are definitively divided.

I'm still a big fucking Ashifag, not a daughterfag but I actually kind of hated the romance between her and Jack. Would have worked better as a wannabe rival turned frenemy than a cute little waifu.
i think the whole of season 5 was good
I personally loved the episode, especially with all the reactions that happened.

The live threads were a fucking goldmine while Tumblr got unspeakably triggered over the father/daughter thing being debunked.
I like that literally everyone got btfo to some degree and Greg Baldwin really grew into the role so I enjoyed the fuck out of Aku.
At first glad but ended sad
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Annoyed because ultimately it was pointless
started very strong
ended pretty weak
the romance was unnecessary, would have worked much better as being implied.
the throwbacks felt kind of forced the memes rather than genuine
The same way I felt about it after it happened. it was all horribly rushed, forced, and pointless, it added nothing to the series and was an incredibly tone deaf way to close out this show.

It should have been that Jack would have to realize that he couldn't possibly undo the past and forsake the world that had been created for good and ill by Aku's tyranny. His failure in the past, while having devastated the world, gave rise to heroes and honorable souls along side the miscreants and terrors. It would have been selfish for him to go back and erase thier existence.
It was jarring and unfitting. Felt more like an April Fools joke than something that would seriously take place in Samurai Jack.

No, I don't hate Ashi. (I just kinda dislike her) This was just a badly executed joke.
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Ashi saved Jack though. Without Ashi he would never have gotten home.
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What you gonna do about it?
Personally ashi for me represented hope for the future even when you're in the gutter you'll find hope in the most mysterious ways. Unfortunately her disappearing not only ruined that notion but for the actual cartoon it made it seem like it never happened.
Would have been way better with her dying along her sister
No pointless romance plot that didn't went anywhere
They probably could have written a better closure instead of wasting all these episodes just to throw it all out of the window in the last episode
Would have been better if she cast a portal to the past and died then
Undelet this
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Shitty last-minute waifuism for a nonexistent character.
I liked it. They were cute together, they both deserved to be happy and they both were worthy of making the other happy. Frankly, I was very satisfied with the ship.
Also, I had a laughing fit when they finally kissed and couldn't wipe the grin of my face for the entire next day.
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Jashi was an amazing character, but I don't like them as a couple.
They were a great couple but it was stupid the way it ended.
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Well, that scene made me laugh, and I almost never laugh at cartoons. So there's points for that.
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The romance 100% ruined the show. It all fell apart as soon as they went the romance route.
The resulting screeching of tumblr from this was kinda funny.
I definitely felt it was off then and still do now. It was rather rushed, and it impacted the finale in a number of ways that all came out negative. I simply cannot justify the romantic interest in the time they had to work with it. The wedding alone shortened the other aspects of the final episode just by being present.

I don't dislike Ashi. She added a lot with her personal background in the first few episodes. The first half of the season used her well enough, offering up a fairly interesting dynamic between her and Jack. I dislike how the show misused her and fucked with the most important part of the season because of her. I still think the first three episodes were amazing, and nothing she did later will take that enjoyment away from me.
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For how bad the finale was, it still gave me the biggest laughing fit in my life
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I wanted to have Samurai Jack turn into a Dark-themed series about Jack's internal conflicts and his growing hate towards himself for not being able to save his past. This is what episodes 1~3 or 4 made us think it would be. Watch this scene and try not to rage about what this series could have been https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mvf_xozqbBw

I would have been perfectly fine with Samurai Jack staying the same way it was 13 years ago. A series with great action, some comedy scenes and light-hearted episodes about Jack trying to get back to the past.

However, I got a 10 episode series which explored some points of Jack's mind in the beggining and simply forgot all about it afterwards just to become a stupid and meaningless romance. Jack acts completely out of character as the series goes on.

I will never forgive Genndy for that, as much as I respect him.
>However, I got a 10 episode series which explored some points of Jack's mind in the beggining and simply forgot all about it afterwards just to become a stupid and meaningless romance.
And the worst part about it is that there was a lot of fucking material there to make it work, to make a romance story between a man and a woman both suffering from completely broken worldviews (one from lies, the other from despair). Ashi and Jack's relationship could have progressed slowly as the series went on, Jack's hallucinations could have been mitigated by Ashi's growing influence, while Ashi's deep distrust of Jack could have waned as she watched him help people.

The episode where Ashi goes looking for Jack was pure fanservice and, while certainly nice in a nostalgic way, did absolutely nothing for the story (to say nothing of Scaramouche's journey, which spent almost an entire episode's worth of collective time JUST for a shitty goddamn joke that respected absolutely nothing about his character). The episode where Jack gets his sword back completely undermines the gravitas of his psychosis presented in the first three episodes, turning genuine despair and depression into "LOL THIS TEA SUCKS". Worse still, the plot point of Jack having lost his sword, which implicitly promised some hardcore Aku retribution, was just a stupid fucking red herring since Aku fails to find out about it until well after Jack's already gotten the sword back.

God, I hate how much fucking wasted potential there was with this season. I hate the fact that it felt like Samurai Jack fan fiction. I hate the fact that it retroactively cheapened what was a treasured childhood cartoon by canonically destroying all of Jack's adventures outright and refusing to acknowledge that his time in the future was important in the most tone-deaf way imaginable.

I hate the fact that this finale left me hollow. I didn't need much to be happy with Samurai Jack's finale, but what we got did nothing for me.
Gurren Lagann did it better.
anon y
This is it.

The fact that 1-3 was so good makes it hurt more, because they gave me hope.
reminder that in canon this never happened
Corrupted Ashi was a cool monster
Also enjoyed the end, it felt like Aku's evil could never really be undone, even if it in practicality was.
>by canonically destroying all of Jack's adventures outright
I feel like that was always going to happen. Going back in time to kill Aku would no doubt have erased the future.
Yes, but we get NOTHING after it's over. No Jack telling his children the stories of his adventures in the future, no shots of the good future Jack built, hell, no shots of ANY of the bad future characters accepting their fate. At the end of it all, we are expected to care more about Jack not getting his dick wet than the fate of ANY of the characters Jack interacted with.
The show would have landed straight into forgettable territory if this didn't happen.

The extreme always makes an impression, and Jashi was extremely poorly made, so there we have it.
>Fanfiction territory


Fanfiction at least tries to satisfy the viewer.
You know, I have to admit, I didn't like Ashi initially because I thought she ruined the season. But after stopping to think about it, I don't dislike Ashi necessarily. In fact, she was actually pretty decent.

Until Episode 6. That was the point where she went from being her own character to being a waifu.

Prior to that point, she wants to kill Jack because that's how she's been raised. Jack shows her that her life has been a lie and now she questions her mother's teachings and wonders what else is wrong. From there, she sees that Aku's world is not as nice as she thought it was and feels she's been deceived. When she finds out that Aku's henchman Dominator is manipulating children, much like she was manipulated, she does everything in her power to save them immediately and even has a moment of intense anger when Dominator laughs about how easy it is to trick children into doing your bidding due to her past with her mother. This is all pretty good stuff.

Too bad this is all dropped immediately after Episode 5, and the rest of the show is just Ashi and Jack awkwardly complimenting each other until they inevitably make out, they fall in love at the last minute, and then she dies. Before she could even start having a character transition from evil to good, they basically ended her character growth. And THAT is what I hate about Ashi, not her as a character.
>We are definitively divided.
Just read the fucking thread Ashifags, there's way more people that disliked that ending,
You've made this post before.
Jack and Ashi both died when they fell from the tree.

The rest of the season is them in purgatory. Ashi accepted she was dead. Jack has not.
Honestly the scene itself was good and the music choice was amazing, BUT the set up was poor, not only the episode was uneventful but holy fuck Ashi was still barely a character let alone any kind of relationship with Jack, it simply made no sense.

So shit, only people with no taste would call it good.
I never really bought it.
>Ashi's personality was "Spectator and exposition"
>Entire romantic tension episode was fanfiction-level awkward scenarios
>Talking to Scotsman about Ashi felt completely out of left field and forced, despite the fact that it should've felt good to the audience
>Ashli's last line (the last line of the show) was unnecessary exposition

Even her death did nothing for me. It just felt like a contrived way to make Jack miserable some more.
I did, but I think that thread got erased.
That would actually be a really fun twist.
>Jack's decades awaited return to the past was "Oh yeah, I can do that now!"

Man, I love the first four seasons so much, but fucking A Genndy.
>it's a "hurr me no liek heterosexual relationships and happiness" thread

Here we fucking go again
It, along with every episode after 3, was utter dog shit.
My point was just proven. Edgelords just can't handle happiness.
The animation was so good in the start. How did it drop so far after that? The quality, the character design, everything. I know Genndy likes to go wild sometimes, but at least he managed to keep things on model in the original series. Every character was unique but they looked the same way all the time. In season 5 it looked like people got new styles every episode. One minute Jack is ripped, the next he'd DYEL. One minute his beard is long and black, the next it's short and grey. Sometimes he has a jaw, sometimes he doesn't. They didn't even try with this season.
I love happy endings and that's what I wanted. I wanted Jack to find himself in his darkness, rediscover his purpose, fight nobly and honorably against the ultimate evil, return to the past, and save the universe so that he could leave peacefully with his family and his people. I didn't get that though. I got a money looking cunt dragging him on some convoluted emotional roller coaster, diminishing his deep trauma to "nah I think youre cute so it's all better now", taking all the glory from him, pouring 5 seasons of buildup into a 30 second climax, and then ultimately ass fucking him in the end with some "bittersweet" nonsense. It's not bittersweet. It's bitter. It's very fucking bitter.
>implying she isn't getting turned on by that though.
>jfw ashi dresses up her hair to be like her sisters and plays dead for jack to defile her body anyway he feels like, with some fake blood to add extra kinkiness.
I agree with you at the beginning and at the end. However, you lost me in the middle. Honestly had each episode been an hour long, more character development would've occurred thus helping the relationship feel more flushed out. But then again Genndy is a shit tier writer with no concept on how to make a romance endearing and "not forced".
I like well-written happiness that doesn't sacrifice pacing
>Ashi is killed off at the end
>literally the only reason they get together is for a cheap gutpunch that was obviously telegraphed
>"N-no, you guys just hate heterosexual relationships! F-FAGS!"
The blame is on the writer, not the character.
Character is a product of the writer, so the character is still shit
Only if the creator is shit. Kinda like how your shit due to your parents being shit themselves.
Since Genndy is semi-shit, does it still count?
I can think of a few shitty Dexter episodes. Mostly the ones involving Mandark and his duck.
Plus some of the earlier episodes for SJ were shit tier. [Chicken Jack and the 3 fairy tales episodes were shit]
>Forgetting how Shamploo ended
>implying it's worse than how Bleach ended
>implying ANYTHING is worse than how bleach ended
>mfw humans think that the grandfather paradox exists
>mfw humans still cant understand the concept of time
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Start with potential, then became apparent it was a rushed mess. There wasn't enough time to develop a character like Ashi would've needed to be developed, and the whole 50-years-hopeless bit seemed unnecessary, especially since Jack has already had plenty of trials of his commitment and an entire ep about overcoming anger in S1-4. There were still decent bits later on (Scaramouche was thoroughly entertaining and memorable throughout), but mostly I was disappointed. And, coming from someone with no strong feelings either way toward Ashi, the ending was asinine.
What really flustered my ass was the fucking defense force on /co/ while it aired. Even 100% sincere, banter-free posts feeling out what went wrong got shit to death with mad faggots screaming b8. It was exactly like being on a fan forum or subreddit, and the rabid fanboying is only now dying down.
Shitpost-free discussions were happening throughout its airing on the (((forbidden))) chan's /co/, but it's so fucking slow i kept coming back here to try in vain.
Gurren Lagaan.
I don't know what I hated about the finale more
No final Jack vs Aku battle in the future
"Oops I forgot I don't exist anymo-"
I feel like the only people who are obsessing over Ashi are those that didn't watch the original series.
The Scotsman was pretty terrible, too.

>has OP Celtic Magic
>does absolutely nothing with it to help everyone else
>saves his daughters with it
>they die anyway when the future is erased

What was even the point of bringing him back as a ghost?
>thinking all Ashifags are newfags

Are anons seriously this retarded? Parents really need to quit giving kids tablets.
I audibly chuckled when Jack said "I love you" because of how forced and rushed it felt.
That scene was awful, I remember groaning audibly for the rest of the episode
You're the one who's addled, m8. He said people who hadn't watched the originals, not newfags.
And it makes sense that it'd be younger people who didn't know what S5 was fucking up who would praise its weakest parts.
>Jack&Ashi get back
>as Jack strikes the final blow, he and Ashi both realize, their eyes meet for an instant and she vanishes
>Jack is subdued and profoundly sad in the reunion with his family/people and celebration, his moments of joy at familiar and peaceful sights immediately overshadowed by the memory of loss; the tragedy is allowed to sink in
>he wanders out under the cherry tree, sees the ladybug and then finds solace
There, not the cheesy and excessive delayed wedding scene vanishing, and better-paced.
Except for the part where Jack had his back to Ashi when she had her moment with the ladybug and had no reason to associate it with her, goddammit Genndy.
I want a directors commentary
I want to know where the fuck that massive tonal shift between episode 1-3 and the rest came from
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>Genndy: Now, in ep4, Jack will spend the first 10mins wandering in the snow in a daze, we'll-
>AS: Genndy, you can't have three seasons.
>Genndy: We can start with one, see what recep-
>AS: Ten eps.
No it wouldn't you dumb faggot.
"you see doc, once I, eraaaAAAAAGHGHGGGGTGTG *old rabbi choking*"

Why couldn't they have found any other old jap instead. Not enough people had the humility to admit the rendition of Aku blew and instead chickened to the "no one can replace Mako so we should just pity accept it" excuse.
That moment was like the only good moment from that episode.

That episode was probably the worst episode of SJ. It was boring and dumb as fuck.
I saw it coming from a mile.
Reminder that during the Live Q&A before the first episode streamed on Adult Swim, someone asked Genndy about Mako's replacement, and his response was, "We know no one is going to ever replace Mako, but we found someone, and Mako's daughter, she got to hear him speak, and, uh, well... She cried. So... make of that what you will."

Reminder that Genndy tried to make people believe Mako's daughter cried tears of happiness, rather than tears of disgust.
Genndy was the one to choose 10 episodes
Baldwin just can't do the over-the-top hamminess of Aku like Mako did. The quiet Aku moments were actually pretty solid, but whenever Aku had to make a joke or be genuinely threatening it was impossible to ignore how much I wished Mako was still alive.
>What really flustered my ass was the fucking defense force on /co/ while it aired.
That was the worst part, you couldn't say anything wrong with this new season without you getting called a troll. Then they tried to bring company/cartoon wars bullshit into the equation, just to argue about something else to take the heat off of the episodes.

I'm sorry to burst people's bubble, but the new season was mediocre and soured the show as a whole.
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