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Which currently aired cartoon has the WORST fanbase? Without

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Which currently aired cartoon has the WORST fanbase?

Without naming MLP
Samurai Jack.
Loud House
All of them.
TLH for pedos

SU for defending the shit thier show pulls and for trying to drive someone to suicide
Sonic Boom

but it doesn't have anything to do with Sonic Boom itself
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reminder that we won
Tumblr Universe, Star vs and Loud House
Steven Universe.
Dare I ask?
Loud House EASILY
People keep saying Loud House..I'm new to them but how BAD are they?
it is just SU fags butthurt with their infinite hiatus and decline in animation
and rat and bird fags orphans
They're attracted to underaged cartoon girls voiced by adult women so that makes them worse than Hitler.
Won the award for worst fanbase?
we stronk
success breeds jealousy

also the incest too good
-They have legit pedos
-LIABS (which was made by an elementary school teacher)
-Those real life incest stories
-The BBCLola booru
can someone post that image with all the cancelled shows but loud house
that summons the butthurt
All of them equally, with some of them being more obnoxious on a particular day. You should all burn.
>The BBCLola booru

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they bullied me
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>The BBCLola booru
>currently aired
>The BBCLola booru
>Not even a whole 24 hours old
Nice job outing yourself as someone from /tlhg/, what's the next step in your falseflag plan to make /co/ hate something?
What is LIABS?
Currently, the /tlhg/ drawfags made a booru and creating art of Lola loving BBC.

It's fucking 4 pages now
The Voltron Fandom has people blackmailing the writers to make thier gay crackship canon.
SU has people harrasing Artists because they drew a fat character not fat.
I propably don't need to start talking about Sonic.
That's funny
why are you lurking the general if you hate loud house? uh do I smell a smelly SUfag?
This is a-a joke right?
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Why do we have these threads every day? They always suck.
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>all this oc
tell me this isn't the best fanbase
i fucking dare you
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I might actually like you guys
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>Half of it's Clyde
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I liked it better when Clyde was shipped with Lynn Jr.
Clyde's a short-dicked little faggot, he doesn't deserve to be shipped with any of them.
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Can he at least have Penelope or Haiku?
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>Had to wait 4 months for issue 11
Holy shit.

My lord
Starcucks and fuck Starbucks too
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This is amazing.
>I like loudhouse
>i think LH incest fanfics are disgusting
>My show waifu is Leni, and have no sexual atraction to any of the youger ones
what the heck is OP's image?
Loud House. They're literally all pedophiles. 100%.
Cucks and pedophiles

What a combination you degenerates.
Isn't there a collection of all the creepy stuff they've said in /tlhg/? They've said some... strange things.
I can't get mad or disgusted over this it's just so absurd I can't help but laugh.
It is basically MLP junior. They do the same stuff except they didn't have the boom that MLP did so they remained small.
Dunkin Donuts has the best coffee.
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Voltron, I have never heard of fans blackmailing the people making the show before.
Seconding this
>Can't even get donuts right, which they are named for
>best anything
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Worst fanbase?
Or best?
> it's another people complain about Loud House but the only reason is "Because there's a few drawfags who draw lewds of the kids" thread

Consider /co/ Waifu's for Eternity include the likes of Gwen, Toph, and cartoon Raven, I think people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Soon to be Villainous.
t. Villainous fan

Steven Universe really wants to be worse than MLP at it's peak.
MLP is tame as fuck these days, what do they even do anymore?
Its from the modern comic book series Tomboy. Be warned its pretty damn edgy, but still enjoyable.
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Trust me, these poeple are just butthurt because loud house has 3 seasons in the bag and a possible movie while their cartoons are on the shitter, eternal hiatuses, shit schedule, dropped plotlines, dead fanbase, imminet cancellation
Loud House can't stop winning, I wish I had the pic with the uncle grandpa with the gun on his mouth with the cancelled stamp
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This is honestly one of the most autistic things I've seen come out of 4chan since that one anon on /sp/ wrote a 45 page manifesto about meeting a tripfag or tracking Shia LeBouf's flag down using airplane trails.
Bitch about whether the show's still good or not. When that's the most your fandom does, you know the show's past its prime.
All of them
Not even a joke
Thank you. This was driving me nuts because I knew it was the one with the girl in the blue cat mask. I can describe every scene that's happened so far, but all the actual names had slipped my mind.
I never got really into it, but in a way it makes me sad just because I remember when it was all the internet could talk about, either against or for it, or just enjoying the lulz.
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I can't even reply or post pictures tonight.
The only reason why I can actually remember it is because I have a copy somewhere on my desk.
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The Voltron fandom is the most hateful miserable fandom I've ever seen. Those fuckers actually try to get people who work on the show fired for liking a "pedo" ship.
Yeah Voltron's shippers went real crazy real quick.
Inn4 Nickelodeon drops everything and merges with the other cable channels and only airs Spongebob, The Loud House, Teen Titans Go, Paw Patrol etc and renames itself "Kids T.V.
I just come here occasionally hoping to find some new Pidge smut. The next season better get some better Pidge episodes. She had some okay stuff right at the start of the season, a fairly weak power up episode, and thats it.

I better at least get some good porn ideas. If I can't come up with some good porn next season I'll be really bummed.
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strange, is she one of the imaginary fairies? I only remember the dark skinned one for the MC. I guess I should pick this back up again
Star vs by fucking miles.

Star vs fandom is far ahead of the other fandoms in a contest for WORST it's downright unfair.
MLP has calmed down
whichever fanbase keeps making these shit threads
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Pidge is best husbando
Steven Universe and/or Voltron. When people call things "cancer" it's usually because of how cringey and annoying they are. Undertale and Invader Zim were cancerous but objectively harmless. Yes they are annoying, run jokes to the ground in every opportunity and just made up of all around weirdo's with no self awerness but my day isn't immediately made worse because of them since I'm not like Barneyfag who is autistic enough to let it bother me that much.

SU and Voltron though? Yeah, they are legitimately awful people. They are made up of literal bullies who will harass you and try to purposefully ruin your day if you don't 100% follow their opinions. Of course not everyone that likes those two shows are like that but a large enough amount of people do seem to follow this pattern, which is ironic considering how pro pacifism and love SU is.
In general, SU
In /co/ specifically, TLH
artist is polyle, you should have no problem finding it
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Steven Universe followed closely by Loud House.
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>/co/ calls us the worst fanbase because we're "pedos"
>this is coming from the same board who ages up canonical little girls and faps to fanart to them in a regular basis

Way to defend yourself, /co/.
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/co/ barely even has a TLH fanbase, so I know that has to be bull.
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You must be a pretty big newfag here dude.
Loud House exploded in popularity in /co/ when it initially came out and had very frequent generals, nearly daily, but mods got tired of their shit and forced them out into /trash/.
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It's grande.
Then they aren't kids you poopy head.
Nah, we're only assholes to each other.
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
>/co/ doesn't know about Trap Lori

Oh man
They don't need know all of our secrets.
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False, we sent ourselves to trash because the mods hate the loud house and were oppressing us
To be fair most pictures there are either old or edits
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Never ever ask that question again. You really don't want to know.
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Feels good.
One of the greratest 5 part series that has ever came out of the Loud House Fandom
Jojo. I know it's not /co/, but that doesn't seem to matter to the fanbase.
Just a fat whitefag. Honestly his fans are just shitposters.
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The LH equivalent of Dipper Goes to Taco Bell, but with baby fucking instead of corpse and gore boning. I honestly don't understand why everyone is always so shocked by it, at least on fucking 4chan of all things.

The British Broadcasting Company is really shitty.
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I've been here since the beginning, guy who feels like how long you've been in a fanbase that's only lasted a year is important.

Yeah, there's all the bullshit surrounding the mods that's still relevant, but none of that stops the fact that with what most people consider for fanbases with modern shows, it's really small here, and that's from how the show is ran and delivered and what people usually go for.

People have lost interests, here, on /trash/, and elsewhere too. You can reminiscence about the initial splurge of people getting into it and drawing stuff, but those people either got out of it for some other flavor of the month or left the threads for the discords. Make a thread now, and even if it doesn't die or is deleted it won't strive for shit.

Speaking of, "/tlhg/" didn't make >>93455368, one of whatever discords did, and ALL of those pics besides one were made before it's creation, and most of the stuff is edits or random pics.

Though I would still say what little gets to count as a fanbase "community" is pretty shitty, all things considered, in relation to /co/ there's not much to complain about except consolewar-tier faggotry that people seem to try to push, but it only rarely ever comes up like now.

Lily is a Baby Slut, story that involves Lincoln doing it with the baby, but turns into him and Lucy corrupting other sisters.

It's not shocking. It's just too tryhard edgy.
>It's just too tryhard edgy.

That was not tryhard edgy, it was completely disturbing that people made it as comics, audiobooks and even fanart
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Steven Universe: Full of S.J. Wankers who harassed one to attempt suicide.
Loud House: Full of idiots (and some cases, pedos) who wanted incest up the ass.
Teen Titans GO (and yes, that has a fanbase): Idiots.
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he put the pp in the bb, and it ended up like >>93461085 because he kept trying to one up himself, and people just went along for the ride and memes.

Comparing it Dipper Goes to Taco Bell is almost a shame because the baby slut story is just boring and "shocking", not really weird and questioning.
>Implying reading about Dipper literally jerking off until he dies makes you question life
Both fics sucked and are fueled entirely on the memes around their "shocking" nature.
>The baby slut story is just boring and "shocking", not really weird and questioning.

I don't think you read LIABS
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Holy shit i kekked

I don't think you guys fully took in LIABS or did you just read Chapter 1 and that's it?
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wait wait, liabs had MORE chapters?
I read like, 3 or so chapters out of order. It was on par with DGTTB and Cupcakes, just longer and with an actual "plot"
It had FIVE chapters
Read all chapters of LIABS, there are three audiobooks out for them, listen those with some ambient music and you'll understand
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Not questioning like that, just questioning as in "why would someone make this", like how on /vp/ there'd be all these weird fics and jokes about them.

Unless you're really vanilla, there's no real question why someone would make it, because rule 34 exists. You knew it'd happened eventually, it wouldn't be your thing, but it's sort of whatever. "A cartoon baby got fucked", but after that there's not much too it if you actually read it. Just the same old Loud House setting with nothing really weird or "surreal" going on.

The dipper thing is weird not because of what he does but how it's done. It's weird because of the setting, it's weird because of the way the characters act, it's just all around weird. There's a lot more jokes that can be made about it than the former, which doesn't actually end up being too outlandish.

Though maybe this is just cause of how long it's been and how big Gravity Falls was which allowed it to make a bigger deal out of these kinds of things.

It's ended up being a pentalogy, but the later stuff is just Lucy and Lincoln messing with Luan or whatever. Don't remember if anyone saved the chapters though, since patstebin removed them.
I find it funny that /co/ is more butthurt because a chris-chan esque kinda of autist wrote a chris-chan tier fanfic while steven universe fandom HERE and OUTISDE OF HERE threatened to KILL real people because they draw their fat characters skinny
let's that sink in
thanks for the pic
>SU and Voltron though? Yeah, they are legitimately awful people. They are made up of literal bullies who will harass you and try to purposefully ruin your day if you don't 100% follow their opinions

You mean like Star vs faggots who will express a violent desire to strangle you if you don't support their trip or trans/trap/harem headcanon?
Yeah, but that happened ages ago and what's done is done. Remember when Korra fans doxxed someone because they withheld an episode, or something.
Never take these "worst fanbase" threads and posts seriously, like Steven Universe is constantly named yet about 80% of the time the show is mentioned on this board its people shitting on it complaining out of nowhere the way they used to do with mlp. Im not saying these groups are without faults (mlp especially, they used to get mentioned anytime something was colorful or horse related though which was extremely annoying) but whenever you ask yourself "are they that bad? the answer is usually no.
The SU and anti-SU fanbases are terrible.
Don't kid yourself, the SU-neutral fanbase is just as awful.
Trust me, its definitely the blatant pedophelia.
The only positive thing I can really think of for the MLP fanbase is I don't see them invading other fanbases unlike SvsTFoE or Steven Universe, compared to those the bronies are ironically tame.
Considering the most popular girls are pubescent, this is incorrect.
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Why do people want to destroy this little angel like that?
She was literally made to be a dick depository.
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This image, give me the source.
SU followed closely by Star Vs.
Where can I read LIABS?
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>show waifu is Leni

OMG she's a 16 year old MINOR you dang dirty pedo!


I'd just be happy with more vanilla Pidge, I can't fap to her getting raped, but that's what most of the well drawn lewds are. Dang shame.


Yeah, honestly this. We can shitpost all day about what kind of drawings are bad to fap to, but at least nobody here hops onto twitter and accuses voice actors and writers of being pedophiles straight to their faces or calls for people to actually get sent to jail over the content they like (with a straight face and not just as an inflammatory shitpost.) Some people were even worried about it escalating even further after a dispute in a different fandom after a fanartist was sent to a hospital after a con because they were gifted cookies, and the cookies had needles in them. Her crime? She drew SFW fanart of Sans X Frisk.


I think it rose up to troll Nazi-Lolafags, like how Clynn was made to troll Lynncolnfags.
I would comm some vanilla pidge if I felt there was something that fit. The best I can come up with is /ll/ with Allura. Nothing else fits.
Not enough for it to be allowed on /co/ again though
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I like Pidge X Lance, so hopefully season 3 will have some good scenes with those two. Maybe some Keith X Allura, depending on how it develops. I heard there will be a couple more female characters introduced, which is good because the cast is a sausagefest which caused it to be infested by fujos and SJWs.
It was deleted,
Leni is second best. Luan trumps her/
No, but you can't link to trash it seems.
>Having a fanbase
It's over son
Christ, was this made out of spite or some shit?
Where is it in trash?
fuck I was wondering why that looked familiar.
I've heard the Japanese otaku do it all the time

>not Lola


You can if you're not a newfag who hasn't read the FAQ.

/tlhg/ I would check the fanfic link.
There just isn't anything pidge and lance to work with. Give me an episode of them stuck on a planet together bonding or something. As is, its pure shipping. Pidge has had way, way more screen time with every other character except maybe Keith.
Anon, I've tried that before. It fucks up every damn time. Also, Lola beneath the pranking empress, tripcuck.
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There's a reason why LH threads have been moved to /trash/.
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Fuck off, tacololi. You're no longer a love interest.

It should work for everyone. It's just three meme arrows, two slashes, the word trash, then some numbers. How complicated can it be?

Also, Lola is objectively the cutest and best Loud girl.
>You're no longer a love interest.

>implying Paige won't be all but forgotten by the time the next Ronnie Anne episode rolls around
>implying anyone even gives a shit about Paige after her thunder was stolen by the revelation that Luna likes to munch rugs.
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I've posted that exact thing before and it always gets fucked up.
Also, Lana is better than nazi loli. Besides Luan is the best girl in the show, with Leni as a close second.
Ronnie and Bobby aren't coming back for more than a quick joke. Lori will get blacked and Lincoln will eventually bleach a slant. Sullivan will make sure of that.

>Lana is better than nazi loli
>eats boogers and used gum
>stinks like garbage and doesn't take showers
>better than an immaculate princess

>Lori will get blacked

Thankfully Clyde is too young for le epic homo jew to make Clori actually.

Bobby and Ronnie Anne don't seem THAT far away. Ronnie Anne was expecting to be back by home by the end of the weekened, and Lori and Lincoln seemed to be able to get there and back in less than a day. I don't think it'd be impossible to occasionally have an episode where Lori and Linc visit Bobby and RA or vice versa.
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>Lola is best
>will blackmail your ass
>constantly snitches
>will beat the shit out of you over a simple order
>will forcibly turn you into a drag queen
>too prissy to get wet
>too prissy to risk getting dirty
>so damn superficial that she can hardly look away from a mirror
>will destroy your shit over minor stuff
Long distance doesn't work well, one town over or otherwise, and she'll fuck a negro in her school. Lincoln is already looking for new pussy. Taco family is done and the Jew will get a new ethnic group to shove in, much like he did the dykeshit.
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