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Why do Tamaraneans dislike Kryptonians?

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Why do Tamaraneans dislike Kryptonians?
Because Lobdell.
Because it was an elitist planet that saw themselves above everyone else.
Kryptonians were superior.
Kryptonians = Master race

Tamareneans = inferior race
But they literally are. Nothing wrong with acting superior if you actually are superior.
Like it takes that much to be superior to a Troq.
Kryptonians were xenophobic, they created the "Perfect" society but permitted no one from leaving. Which is why when colonization of Draxamite was happening, Kryptonians tried to kill them by tampering with their birthing matrices.

Tamaraneans are space cats.
Everyone dislikes Kryptonians
They were pricks to the points of let themselves be destroyed for not asking for help.
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>Tamareneans = inferior race
Damn right.
they both get power from the sun but Krptonians blow them the fuck out
Kryptonians were the biggest assholes in space this side of the Guardians. Nobody liked them.
if they were so superior they wouldn't be dead
Didn't the Guardians decide to send their shittiest lantern to warn them of their pending doom half hoping that he'd botch the mission (which he did)?
they sent that dumbass dog thing?
So what you're saying is Kryptonians were essentially space americans?
Kryptonian bitches thought they were top dimes, but them Tamaraneans are natural 10s.
I think the Quardians saw them as a threat or something? I remeber that was once mentioned that both species reached the same thechnological level.
Not until global warming causes our planet to blow up
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Don't talk shit about Tomar-Re.
Why would she even care? Her people sold her into slavery. She literally grew up getting reamed out by space lizard and was raised on cum. Now she's out preaching their cultural norms?
Because Kryptonians are actually Human/Tamaranean half-breeds.
It took the most ridiculous leaps of writing to have them die off. "Hey, we're invincible space gods under a yellow sun and even more powerful under a blue one but every single one of us is still willing to stay here where we're powerless!" Superman's original origin where he was put on board the only available rocket made a lot more sense.
That's in impressed how creative this is
>We will never get a comic about Krypton conquering the universe
Fuck why even read comics?
But we did. It's called Invincible.
That's his current origin. Krypton regressed technology wise.
Their gov could never control a population that survive in space, fly at light speed and literally shake worlds with their punches
Invincible is way too focused on Earth bullshit. I want Star Wars type focus.
Read Dragon's Egg or almost any other critically acllaimed sci-fi book if you think that's creative.
Dragon's Egg is good. So is Ringworld and most of the Known Space stories, but avoid the Man-Kzin Wars unless you are into HFY.
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But Starfire likes Superman now.
>unless you are into HFY
Whyever wouldn't you be?

Could someone explain what's the difference between Kryptonian and Tamaranean powers? They're both empowered by the sun and have the standard flying brick powers. But apparently HOW they're empowered by sunlight is different?
From what I can tell, Tamaraneans can manipulate the energy in their bodies better (big blasts from their fists and whatnot, while Kryptonians are limited to eye beams). Kryptonians on the other hand have much greater physical power.
>(big blasts from their fists and whatnot,
isn't that only limited to the fire sister since they got experimented on
>Dragon Ball Z
Maybe. My memory of Starfire's origin might be a little hazy.

Her eye blasts are due to experiments she underwent, but I'm not sure about her fist blasts.
Don't Thanagarians also dislike Kryptonians? Or am I remembering incorrectly
I figure most races in the universe hated Kryptonians. They were a very arrogant society, tolerated because they kept to themselves, being isolationists and all plus it's not like you'd want to give an army of kryptonians an excuse to leave their red sun.
Thanagarians and Kryptonians were always trying to out-arrogant/decadent one another.
Because they use the "T" word.
Krypton conquered everyone. The other aliens remembered that.

They're both solar-charging aliens, but Kryptonians have a much higher power cap and more varied abilities.

Only Starfire and Blackfire can produce energy attacks, due to experiments, but all of them can fly.

However, in a straight fight, Starfire can also drain a Kryptonian of their solar power reserves.
Kryptonians are dog persons. Tamareans are basically cats how resemble humans.
Starfire likes Superman now.
Nah, girl just want some fak
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>Because Lobdell


The start of her solo as part of the DC You Sneak Previews was a cute issue where Kal was the one who took her to Key West.
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Inferiority complex
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>Starfire likes Superman now

true - pic related >>93439910 and attached

Would the solar charging abilities stack in a Kryptonian/Tamaranean hybrid?
reading this made me realize, one of the things I dislike about Superman is how he'll never truly be shippable due to Lois Lane being Supes' one "true love".

I never knew I wanted Starfire and Supes together until I read this. Holy smokes.
Tamaraneans are kinda like African Warlords of Space. They like to go around spreading war and other bullshit in their wake, those fucking Troqs deserved to get fucked by the Kryptonian Fleet.
That and they were scared of them. The Guardians pretty much erased any blue and yellow suns sorrounding the Kryptonian systems.
Thanagarians dont have a leg to stand on though. A lot of races think of them as the galaxy's biggest dickheads.

They were right to be scared... These people can get ultra powerful from yellow suns to the point where there's few beings that can put them down without exploiting their weakness. Even Green Lanterns can get wrecked by them and they wield the most powerful weapon in the universe.

It's honestly quite astonishing to me how Darkseid didn't get the bright idea to kidnap a good chunk of them before their doom and use them as an unstoppable super army, similar to how Frieza used the saiyans as an uber army until Beerus told him to blow them up.
Well, look at it this way.
Starfire is on the Teen Titans.
Which is led by Damian.
Whose best friend is Jon Kent. Who is going to appear in Teen Titans soon.

Starfire is going to think he's the cutest thing ever.
I'm not as SS fan, but...

Kory and Jon Kent...

there's some writefaggotry to be had there. and artfaggotry as well.
>I'm not as SS fan
that reminds me there was anon here who said it was gay to like ss
I see it as being she thinks he's cute in a little brother way. Like Damian if he weren't a little cunt.
Meanwhile Jon's getting a head start on puberty because of the orange supermodel that likes to dote on him.

That was Superbro and it's not like he and Diana were married....

>Darkseid didn't get the bright idea to kidnap a good chunk of them before their doom

That was a plot line in Levitz' Worlds Finest (the PeeGee/Huntress of Earth 2 team up book from the New 52 ~ where Huntress had been the Robin to Bruce's Bats and Selina was the Mrs. and Helena's mom) - once PeeGee & Huntress made it back to E2 and were there to watch the planet explode in that EFF UP that was Futures End/E2: Worlds End, so ... Levitz used an arc where he created a new Apokolips 'God' female who was trying to get Kal-El from Jor and Lara, who refused, then she tried to steal him from Martha and Jonathan .... why they didn't just steal random Kryptonians is beyond me.

The trade is actually pretty good, it's v6 - The Secret History of Superman and Batman [on Earth 2, of course].

Jon is currently ten years old. He's maybe turning 11 this summer or fall.
fucking trogs
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Please dont bully g'nort
I would totally self-insert as Jon for some straight shota with Starfire

>the only ones to learn they gain powers are the explorers
>they notice the change once they go outside their radiation proof ships
>they see further, become tougher and can fly even through space unaided
>drunk with power, each time they decide fly home basking in their own might
>upon entering their home system, they lose their powers under their native red star
>intertia carries their now dead and frozen bodies the rest of the way only to burn up in re-entry.
>Joe-el knew this from studying samples and images of an unforseen meteor shower once, that he learned then was an entire colony returning home dead
You're one step away from justifying slavery...
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of course a bunch of sexual hedonists don't care for repressed body-shamers
>liking troqdermensch
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>She literally grew up getting reamed out by space lizard and was raised on cum.

>her hair is flaming

That's actually pretty neat and alien looking.
I thought all races didn't like Tamaranians...something about them being warmongers due to being powerful, quick to anger, and ruled by their emotions or something. I don't follow DC/Marvel alien race history and relations.
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Anon, no. You're triggering my shipping impulses.


>Starfire will never have your ass
So at one point they fly around conquering shit as a people. But never happend to stay on a planet or solar system long enough to get powers?

The hell is point of colonizing if you just lock your people up in ships and take over shit plants? Its like leaving your troop in tanks 24/7.
>repressed body-shamers

Byrne's shitty cannon never happened
eek barba dirkle, somebody's gonna get laid in college
This is Starfire's anal fisting face.
If you are, just read everything by Ringo and Kratman.
So they were space europeans?

This is a blue board anon!
That...actually does sound like Kryptonians.

Man of Steel has it's problems, but if the empowerment process was as painful as they indicated, that could also be part of why they "stayed in the ship" and never got empowered. Most of them probably didn't have the training to endure an agonizing power-up. A percentage of them probably wen mad, and another probably couldn't ever gain control which meant they were too dangerous.

it would probably be easier to consider it some sort of sickness and a curse, and instigate procedures to protect their people from that happening. After all, their ships were arguably as powerful, and far more useful, than a bunch of god-like retards blowing up and crushing every they come in contact with because they can't control themselves.
I don't think any alien race likes each other, at least not in the 21st century.
>one but every single one of us is still willing to stay here where we're powerless!"
The Kryptonian Empire used to be a bunch of invincible space gods ruling the universe but then most of the suns on their colonies mysteriously started turning red *coughguardianscough*. Kryptonians were then nearly exterminated by their furious former subjects, except for a few places like Daxam and Krypton itself.
Kryptonians were nutty isolationists.
Starfire is a space-racist
Supes was raised on Earth his whole life
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Tamaraneans looks really really backwards and primitive to everyone else. They come from the space equivalent of a third world shithole where everyone is naked and eat live animals they find and catch, then they just fuck in the streets and generally not give a damn who is around.

To all the civilized worlds they are disgusting unwashed fucking barbarians.

Meanwhile they have a shitload of advantages like being artificially evolved to be capable of flight and super strength and have all the technology and modern conveniences for a comfy life just because of the solar system they happen to come from. While none of it came from their own effort because they never stopped eating, killing and fucking long enough to figure out what the hell agriculture was all about.

So it's a mixed bag of
>They are backwards savages from a third world shithole
>They have powers for no reason
>They fell ass backwards into modern space society without any effort

So people hate them, are a tad jealous of them, and generally do not want any of the Troqs in their neighborhood.

Think of them as East Turkey of space, they are nasty 10th century tribal weirdos who smell weird, but just too damn important to global politics to leave alone so they are front and center and get all the free NATO and America stuff and funding they will ever need. And they can fly and have mid-air sex.
Just what would happen if it went near a blue sun?
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How could Kryptonians conquer everyone when all you need is a red laser or a MASER to stop one?
So how exactly would a relationship between Superman and Starfire work?

supermin: wanna fug?
thotfire: lol ok
Kryptonians = humanoid plant people

Tamareneans = humanoid cat people

Kryptonians aren't respecting the hierarchy where plants are meant to be stepped on and eaten.
Cultural norms can be ingrained.
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they did not actually rely on the yellow sun advantage. rather their technology was advanced enough to stomp everyone that stood against them.
You think he popped a boner in there and that's the context of the next panel?
Arent they space nazis?
One ship running on autopilot fucked up so many planets.

They had giant crystal ships that regrew parts when shot and would crystalize a plant surface killing off everyone.
More like Space Zimbabwe rape army.
Nobody likes Kryptonians anon.
They're all assholes. Superman being the single exception.
No other alien ever really had anything good to say about Kryptonians. They were elitist dick for the better part of a few hundred thousand years.

And that was coming off being imperial expansionist dicks for a few thousand.
Traps are gay. SS is pedophilia-lite.
Yep, and then when you're in the dumps don't expect anyone to lend you a hand.
I'd like to see the rest of that dialog
No he isn't you dumb shit. There is nothing wrong with acting superior if you are actually superior. If your argument against that is a slippery slope will return us to slavery then every leftist talking point is demolished because it means the slippery slope is real.
>There is nothing wrong with acting superior if you are actually superior.

What the actual fuck? You're a fucking cuck.
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