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But what do they taste like?

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Thread replies: 120
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But what do they taste like?
the uncertainty of whether this thread will be allowed to stay up
I'm surprised that Goblin worked so hard for free, what a faggot.
Who said it was for free?
Oh I'm sure that Goblin isn't worth much to society otherwise. Nobody would hire "him" for any real money.
Yet, what was that stack of cash that Marco gave him?
Money he ultimately didn't keep. Anon I'm not talking about the Goblin, have you been to the threads recently?
Ahh, that "goblin". The JDIF fucker that's deleting threads. Yeah, something needs to be done as this shit is getting old.
So is this the thread or the "couples that are canon" one? Thank God the good people at 4chan hired people who truly want to improve this site.
There will probably be a proper thread now that fool is gone.
Is he?

He janitor-kun, suck my dick you turbo faggot.

Now we'll know.
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I'm pretty sure it was an LSD joke. There was another one in the first episode.
What does radiation taste like?
Rice Krispies based on the sound
What fucked up Rice Krispies are you eating? Are you in China?
They crackle when you pour milk on them
boy I wonder why threads keep getting deleted
can we have just 1 thread that isn't 80% filled with the whinging of a handful of autistic newfags?
Yeah, but the last time I did that, it didn't sound like a fucking Geiger Counter.
Are we supposed to ignore it when every good faith and legitimate attempt at discussion ends up getting deleted anyway. We're complaining because we tried following the rules and we still got deleted. If Janitor doesn't want to play ball neither are we.
Hey, >>93157564 , found the "goblin" here >>93157634
Stop deleting threads then fuck wit, suddenly we won't have anything to complain about and we won't make multiple horrible threads which IS THE EXACTLY WHAT'S HAPPENING NOW. YOU'RE CAUSING ALL THIS TO HAPPEN, NOT US! YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER
>every good faith and legitimate attempt at discussion ends up getting deleted anyway
I haven't seen one of those in a week since you autistic faggots have been shitting up literally every single thread you get your hands on
What's that bush thing in the middle-right?
Oh, look, the JDIF janitor has come out of his snake hole. You'll learn your place very soon, newfag.
lol you actually think I'm the janitor? I don't even know what to say to that. Maybe try to get it through your thick fucking skulls for one second that some of us in not-sveg actually wanna talk about sveg and not your shitty asinine complaints about the moderation on 4chan
Her name is kelly and that is her boyfriend
It's the asinine moderation that causes this, you fuckwit janitor. You're not fooling anyone with talk like that. If you knew your place and respected it, you wouldn't be called out like the shit fucker you are.
Just move to trash and stop complaining, holy shit
If you weren't the janitor you wouldn't support his actions. They're indefnisble. He's silencing a group here that hasn't broken the rules more than anyone else up until now. Attempts to have real discussion are deleted regardless, so we can't do anything about it. If you're not the janitor you're just a super retard.
You mean the hot dogs, right?
>Just move to Trash
That's a meme response, not a realistic option. Either way, no fuck you. Why would we do that to ourselves when we have every right to post here?
He's the janitor, who's currently getting BTFO while claiming he isn't the janitor fuckwit.

I'm not into roleplay anon, not my kink. Though it's kinda hilarious. Man you really are fucking deluded. Consider seeking mental help.

Indefnisble eh? No, you're just retarded because you don't understand the rules and refuse to abide by them. Like literally hiatus not-sveg has been fine for months right up until you guys came along and started cross-linking and making shitty ops and complaining when your shitty threads got deleted for breaking the rules. Is it really that hard to understand that this site has rules and your shit will be deleted if you break them?
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Because you're going to live there, get the clue already
Okay look, you guys are becoming like /tlhg/.
So it's best that you just move to /trash/ and become like them
Are you actually just going to call everyone the janitor? The threads getting baleted is dumb, but get over yourself dude.
>No, you're just retarded because you don't understand the rules and refuse to abide by them.
You're not even trying to hide the fact you're a janitor now.
A janitor who goes around samefaggin'. Yeah, whatever.
Wow guess figuring out that breaking the rules gets your posts deleted means I must be the janitor. Pretty low bar nowadays I guess?

Seriously, the shit you're saying strongly reminds me of someone I knew in my real life who had schizophrenic paranoia. Do you have a history of mental illness in your family?
>Haha, c'mon guys. Us real Star Vs. threads totally agree with this new Janitor. We love having our on-topic threads deleted.
Hey, >>93157763 , see how bad you're getting called out? Stop now or face further embarrassment.
You gave me the kekkles.
Like in the show, they said it tasted basic but good, so like, maybe properly cooked hot-dogs that have been laced with drugged meat?
All I know is I want to try one cause no-one is tripping balls like that from something as tame as weed, you need to drop acid
I'm shaking in my fucking boots.
Wow, it's almost like our whole fucking problem is we're following the rules and getting deleted anyway. The only person who doesn't understand this is the janitor himself. Look at the catalog.
>Shit OPs
>Multiple threads
>Rule-breaking and off topic posting

It's almost like by inappropriately applying the rules you're driving everyone to ban evasion and you're causing everything you set out to stop!

In other words you didn't just fail but you failed in every way possible! Fucking kill yourself as slowly as you can.
It has to be embarrassing to not get a real job, rely on mommy and daddy's money, and still fail at doing a job for free.
It's legit killing me how you keep using "you" as if I'm the janitor. But keep venting man it sounds like you have a lot of stuff you need to get off your chest
Then name one thing he's done right then. Why would you defend him? Why would anyone posting here defend him?
Because you are, failed at your "job", and still think you're doing a good one.
Who the fuck else would you be? A sadist?
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If this thread, or the posts in it haven't been deleted, why do you think your talking to the janitor who was deleting posts and threads? You guys aren't actually this dumb, are you? Just talk about the fucking show.
Holy fuck you're right. If he's actually a janitor he just lost everything. Report! Report it now! That's an instant removal!
Because it would further reveal your position as a Janitor or you've already been fired from the "job."
I don't care what he's done. I care about having threads about svtfoe. Whinging about the moderation is not that, and it gets threads deleted. So if I can convince you retards that that's the case and that your complaining ain't gonna achieve shit, we might, just might be able to regular svtfoe threads again talking about actual svtfoe, cos shit was fine before you started posting shit ops then whinging 24/7 afterwards about them getting deleted.

Wow yeah man you got me. Maybe I'll get removed tonight then you guys will have nothing left to complain about, right? So we can go back to regular svtfoe discussion yeah? That'd be real swell
Probably because we flat out said we're watching for when post get deleted so we can learn more about his shift. Also what the other guy said.
>Is it really that hard to understand that this site has rules

How sad is it that you want to make a career moderating 4chan (while doing a poor job of it). You're done here and in life.
Nigger, not a single person had a problem with the threads outside complaints of autism and the occasional multiple threads which we always understood being deleted. This janitor is on a power trip and nothing else. There's race bait and "what does she smell like threads" up whenever he's deleting Star related stuff. He's just an autistic retard who has no idea how to actually do his job or WHY he has his job.
Yeah, rules, on 4chan. Been a thing since the site started newfag.

Yeah man it's all over for me. Spam reports on me and I, the janitor, will get removed from my position even faster. Then you'll go back to regular svtfoe discussion, promise?
Why are you so defensive Mr. Not Janitor?

You're doing a fantastic fucking job playing devil's advocate by the way. We really appreciate it!
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Calm your tits not-scruffy.
I feel you have very strong opinions on this subject.
I have an asshole.
Both are full of shit and no one cares about them.
Wouldn't you be a bit defensive if people insisted you were someone else and that you should kill yourself as slowly as possible and so on?
You realize the mods and other janitors aren't stupid and you can't keep this up forever right? If you stopped now, you could get away with it. But if you continue to reply to every post and preach about the rules you're going to slip up again or someone else with the authority to strip your title away will eventually agree what you're doing is doing nothing but shitting up the entire board.
I came into this thread to discuss goblin dogs. You fags are a fucking joke. Get over yourselves.
If you weren't the janitor you'd just leave the thread. We don't fucking know you. Why do you need to prove anything?
You're the fag here, newfag janitor.
Guise, I just realized we're totally off-topic.

But watching Not-Scruffy have a live meltdown is so much funnier.
What we're doing is an attempt to fix the problem.
he does it for free
Oh I realize. This power trip is going out in a blaze, I've got to make it as obvious as possible that I'm abusing my power so that I.. okay I can't really figure out how to end that train of thought but yeah man it's all gonna be over for me soon

Because I'm fucking interested in goddamn fucking SVTFOE and I'm sick of literally 80% of every fucking thread for the last shitting week being filled with this totally asinine autistic screeching
Well no one would pay him for anything so it's not really a choice.
Which makes it that much more sad.

You could make it faster by giving up.
It'd not only be faster but he might keep what little authority he has too
If he learns from it, respects his place, and doesn't fuck up again, then he can keep it. Otherwise, he needs a good raping.
now where did I put the button to delete all your guys posts?
Yeah, I gave you too much credit. You'll slip up and really fuck up soon.
If you wanted to talk about Star then you'd have dropped this stupid act and would've pretended like you left. I do it all the time when I say something stupid. You're clearly defensive and butthurt so why are you continuing to do this?
a new S3 promo can't come fast enough

(because you're all faggots)
No, I wouldn't because I would never be involved in such a situation since I'm not an autistic idiot.

But I'm really enjoying this meltdown.
You're not even allowed to joke about being a janitor. For someone so preachy about the rules I thought you'd have known that. You already fucked up and admitted who you are dude.
It's as sad as it is funny. Power tripping janitor on his last legs.
>If you wanted to talk about Star then you'd have dropped this stupid act and would've pretended like you left
What? I don't even understand this logic here, could you spell it out for me? because that literally makes no sense

you say that like I'm not starting to enjoy the roleplay.
I mean ahem I'm hovering my finger over your ban button as we speak, that I could remove you with the touch of a finger fills me with uh determination?
This isn't /pol/ or any other site with IDs. If you suddenly replied to your own posts and said "Haha what a faggot" we'd have no idea you were a different person. If you want to post Star, fucking post Star. If you stop responding, we won't care whether or not you were really the janitor and we could move on. But because you're so fucking defensive, it's clearly you so sorry but you fucked up.
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Tries to fan a shitstorm.
Everybody calls him out on it and laughs at him.
Calls everyone a faggot.
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You're thinking his IQ is higher than it really is. That's why he's a janitor. Just enjoy the dumpsterfire that is this dumbfuck jani.
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... you all realize this is a joke by some random anon, right? I just want to make sure we're on the same page here.
Keep trying, Scruffy.
Stop trying to use logic.
His kind only understands this.
Wow it's super funny. Especially the parts where it's just him getting pissed. What a master troll.
what the FUCK is star
Janitor-kun keeps deleting her because the OPs aren't good enough. Thank God they improved so much, look at this thread.
A damn, dirty BUG.
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Would you actually like to talk about Star? Cos I'd love to. You idiots are the ones that keep derailing each and every thread complaining about the janitor.

I made pic related a couple weeks back when the trailer dropped then I took a bit of time off not-sveg cos real life shit kept me busy. Has there been any more interesting discussion or info revealed on what people think the purple entity is? I had started to think it's probably not a literal entity that moon made a deal with, and instead might just be a manifestation of the "darkest spell" in the same way that Stars animals and shit are sort of personifications of her spells, but I dunno if people have discussed that point one way or the other. Care to fill me in?
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Actually if you really are not the janitor it's even sadder.
I mean what kind of person enjoys this kind of stuff?
Why would get defensive AGAIN and not just post the chart? You might be a cool dude, but you've been a total retarded asshole this past week. If you just stopped being so sensitive and ban happy we would love to discuss Star Vs with you. But we need threads to do that, and all you ever contribute is posts related to justifying your own actions. Literally cool it with the deletions for one day and we can move on. Otherwise, we're going to keep bitching.
Again, you're giving a power-happy Scruffy too much credit here.
I thought this was schadenfraude inducing cringe.
Someone is screenshoting all this for future threads right? I would but I'm on my phone for the moment.
>Inb4 phone posting
I don't have a choice, someone banned me on my desktop
Never said it was funny, but its pretty obvious it's not Scruffy-kun, and just some nigga.
Dude I don't understand how you could seriously think I'm the janitor. I can't understand any scenario where the janitor would be as into the show and as into not-sveg as I am and be doing all the things you say they're doing. Like what would the motivation be there?

But seriously though, surely there's been some discussion on purple entity in the last couple weeks? What have people been thinking? At one point I saw someone post a picture of a storyboard of Eclipsas full chapter with Eclipsas husband in it but I don't even know where to begin in understanding how he could be connected to the purple entity/darkest spell, if at all. Surely there's been some discussion on that point that someone can point me to?
Yeah it's a real laugh riot epic troll he's doing.
Wait, can Sruffys ban? I thought they can only warn.
Because you are a Scruffy, you dumb faggot. You aren't and haven't fooled anyone in this entire thread.
Yeah but mods are lazy so they just approve everything
Of course you don't think it's funny, your the joke.
Just discuss the show in the other thread, it's too retarded in here.
That would explain a few of the stupid bans I got, then.
>your the joke.
I hate to be that guy, but it's you're. Unless you were trying to make a joke but, that really doesn't work anymore. It would definitely go over this idiot Scruffy's head.
>The posts pointing to when he said "I'm shaking in my boots" and exposed himself are missing
>Suddenly he's telling us to move to a new thread.

Nice work
Congratulations you've figured it out. Funny that you still don't want to talk about Star though? I'm really beginning to think you're just a lonely autist who hates not-sveg trying to get us banished to trash by samefagging your retarded complaints ad nauseam. Well too bad, cos I kinda like trash.

No kidding. It's not just that this thread is filled with retards but the fact that this thread is probably going to be deleted at some point for being full of retarded shit makes people really hesitant to start actual discussions in a place like this.

Peace out fellas, enjoy banging your heads against a wall forever
>you still don't want to talk about Star though?
Too bad I had and we have a proper thread now. Though, I'm not holding my breath on how long it lasts with faggot janitors like you.
we can't have proper discussion when our posts/threads keep getting deleted
Fuck, I can't figure out the archives. I got the post number but nothing else, I wish I kept my browser tab open. Anybody know how to find deleted posts?
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It's the bottom most post on my bookmarks. How do I find it after he deleted it?
like 80% of the posts here are obviously the same 2/3 anons
Ok, Mr. Not-Scruffy.
Cool, we all still know it was you Janitor
Thread posts: 120
Thread images: 15

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