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So this show just showed a 14 year old having sex with a 20 year

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So this show just showed a 14 year old having sex with a 20 year old.
Thought we had laws against showing underage sex.
Nice. Was it /ss/?
I do not think a 14 year old counts towards /ss/. But they did show it on screen which was really strange.
It was the other one.
Wait, the new season is out? Sweet, how is it?
Pretty good. If you like seeing a family getting constantly shit on.
So, a pretty good depiction of a failing family.
This didn't broadcast on tv, right? Probably sidestepped the FCC guidelines
I absolutely loved the first season, would you say this holds up against the first one? I'll def watch it but I don't have time right now..

Netflix Original afaik
Only is its obscene.
Let me guess; it was a 14 year-old boy with a 20 year-old woman.

People would probably flip their shit otherwise.
High fives all around for a teenage boy with an older lady. Otherwise, a 14 year old girl and a creepy guy is not going to fly.
A bit better I would say.
They toned down Frank a bit and overall the story is pretty good as well.
A solid 7/10.
/gs/, /sl/ or /ll/?
Neat. Looking forward to watching it, then. Thanks!
Who will stand up for the poor, prosecuted pedophile?
Do you mean "persecuted"?
Link to the scene?
no harm done
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good enough for the President of France, good enough for a Netflix show nobody watches
Episode 6
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Women aren't equal, anyone who thinks they are is retarded.
A 20 year old woman is about as responsible as a 14 year old boy.
Season 2
At leaat they didnt show underage ween
Stewie is 1 yet does tons of sexual stuff
Yea, Family Guy had a baby giving birth to a bunch of dog-baby hybrids on network television.
It's weird but I think what makes that acceptable is the fact that stewie is a supergenius talking baby. The show itself is so far removed from reality to begin with, that they can get away with completely taboo topics and society won't react as you would expect for a show where a baby is treated in such a way. A show like this is still grounded in reality while being a cartoon. So if the genders were flopped you could expect the normal societal reaction for such an act.
Thus the logical conclusion is that if you want a show where insane shit happens to a teenage girl, you should create a world that's incredibly far removed from real life in both set up and character actions, like Meg from family guy or Morticia in Rick and Morty if that ever becomes a thing.
Because it's a fictional cartoon. But aren't there some countries where this stuff is illegal?
Yes, there is such a thing as illegal fictional characters for muslim majority countries and europoors.
>fictional cartoon
Wasn't there some lives action scene in an Adam Sandler movie
I think America is one of those countries.
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Lolicon as a fetish, should be allowable and acceptable in general. Fictional drawn underage characters in sexual situations is harmless.
name of the episode?
The Supreme Court ruled that it's legal on a federal level, but some states still have laws against it. Generally speaking, it's legal in blue states and illegal in red states, though there are exceptions.
It isn't even that; for a male is very easy to reach a satisfying orgasm in a short period of time with mere visual and little physical stimulation; a woman requires a lot more both physical and psychological involvement, therefore, it's commonplace to think that fulfilling sexual acts between a man and a woman requires more effort from the male, a little boy bedding an older woman evokes an idea similar to a hamster (a little creature with no intention of killing other creatures on their own) attacking a tiger and surviving, whereas the other way around you have something akin to a tiger playing around with a hamsters despite there being more fitting prey available. One scenario looks heroic and the other more like an act of weakness, laziness or cowardice.
This still boils down to a woman being on the level of a boy, or a tiger being on the level of a hamster.
All Hail King Julian straight up talks about murder and killing sometimes.

Its great to be digital.
Actually, all states (with the exception of Oregon) have obscenity laws that define the legality of depicting minors sexually in art. Blue or red state, it is generally not allowed to distribute physical loli art such as selling/sharing print material to your neighbor or at comic con.
And she's not hot. We learned that on South Park. NICE.
We do. There are already news reports of SWAT busting down the doors of the company that makes the show and demanding that they pull that episode off air. They've also stormed AMC and demanded them to cancel The Walking Dead since it shows people murdering each other and as we all know murder is illegal therefore any depiction of it in fictional media is automatically illegal as well.

tl;dr You're a fucking retard OP. Go kill yourself.
Do you even read the words that you type?
laws don't really matter if they're not enforced though and with the way the niggers here want to kill all the cops and muslims trying to blow everyone up cops don't care about cartoons
So? There was an Adam Sandler movie where a middle schooler fucks his teacher, on screen no less
Do you?
Why is Bill such a pussy
>the people who apply law on the street to pedestrians are the same people who apply law on the street to drivers are the same people who apply law on streaming services and networks are the same people who apply law to threats against the integrity of the nation
Yes, but that's irrelevant.
he's the venn diagram centre of peter griffin and hank hill
He said Bill, not Frank.
What bloody hell, another fox flick?
anyone got pics? wont be able to watch till saturday, and im wondering what the big to-do is.
>Frank never literally puts his kids through a fucking wall
Talk? A lot of the villains are one-offs because they keep dying.

The latest season was a ride.

>Julien thinks Maurice is dead, gets depressed, and becomes suicidal
>has to go to court to get his soul back
>Mort's crazy and has multiple versions of himself in his head because he keeps devouring versions of himself from the multiverse
Oh, I wasn't aware of that. There was an infographic I saw ages ago about the legality of loli/shotacon, but I can't seem to find it now and I might have misunderstood it. Thank you for the correction.
oh my. Who is she again?
Vics girlfriend
Was it femdom?
>Red states once again confirmed to be sexually repressed NEET's
Kevin has the biggest balls of franks kids with maureen in second place
Of course it didn't. There's uncensored scenes of the cool neighbor doing coke off the steering wheel while driving in a residential area.
They did this in Malcom in the Middle and no one cared.
Oh sweet Christ that bush is so 70s I fucking love it

F is for family is great
>promise of tits
>face full of surprise BUSH
You complaining, faggot?
Vic is so cool
Not at all. I like the idea of normalizing female bush because I often wear mine in a similar natural way, even though it's not currently in fashion
you say that like men don't grow pubic hair
My girl used to keep it so nice, but she has been leting it grow out for a little over a month now and I am fucking loving it. Keep it up femanon, people like it more than they think.
Is it just me, or does this show have character development?
Is there such a thing as Catholic military school?

I can't believe her credited name is literally 'Cutie Pie.'
first they came for the pedophiles but because i was not a pedo i did not stand up
>ywn be /ss/ed
Frank is going to become eventually one of those progressive guys. The story always haves him getting used to the newer times, and by the season finale he always becomes supportive of something that would be considered big in that decade.
>They toned down Frank a bit

Is he still threatening to put people through that fucking wall?
At least once every other episode.
Netflix doesn't adhere to FCC guidelines since it's an internet service and since it's pretty much premium cable
Damn, that's what I keep hoping for. Does the younger boy get shown doing anything?
He's shown fucking the shit out of Vic's girlfriend
Who came first: the lady, or the tiger?
where da vids man
Come and get your love, indeed!
Sorry, I meant the pussy kid. The one who went trick or treating and was stripped to his underwear.
They didn't show any actual sex, just the scene implicating it.

F is for Family is comfy and the ending of this season was hilarious.
wait, did you watch the episode?

the brief sex scenes were certainly animated, but the view of their genitals covered
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He pisses on Jimmy Fitzsimmon's old fort.
Okay, that's good. I'd rather have more, but I'll take this.

>Julien thinks Maurice is dead, gets depressed, and becomes suicidal
>has to go to court to get his soul back
>Mort's crazy and has multiple versions of himself in his head because he keeps devouring versions of himself from the multiverse
this can't be real
Canada, UK, and Australia to name a few
you mean SEX and by that you mean not ACTUALLY showing the ACT of sex, but implied grunting and noises

they would NEVER show real deal sex because CHILLINS might be watching the cartoons
Is this anywhere in the actual episode? I've dragged the seekbar back and forth several times and haven't seen it. I'm not gonna watch the show in it's entirety to find it.
They don't actually show his dick or her snatch, but they do show them in sex positions and doing humping motions.
Nvm, found it in the beginning of episode 7.
To be specific, it's legal to draw lewd minors in Canada but illegal to share. In contrast to France, where it is illegal to draw but legal to share.

Loli/shota art is 100% illegal in the UK and Australia though for sure.
you promised me dicks, what a disappointment

/co/ blowing something completely out of proportion as usual
It has the same showrunner as Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated. It was bound to get nuts eventually.
There was nothing wrong with the way it was treated at the show, it was not considered a good thing and had bad consequences, and it was not intentional on the part of the adult, if she knew he was 14 it would not have happened.
This should be okay. If homophobic Japland can show little boy dicks in cartoons, we should be able too. At least more than the Simpsons Movie and Bobby's World and Rugrats and King of the Hill and maybe Foster's Home.
Australia straight up banned flat chest chicks in their porn.

Great...download link to the season?
No you idiot he clearly meant the act of showing it. That's like saying it should be ok to watch cp since you're not fucking the kid in whatever scene.
Yes. It's right after he runs out of the haircut girl's house in case you found that.
Shit should have read it. Meant for
but too late.
I think the condom Frank used in the finale was one of the ones Smokey popped.

Calling it: Frank and Sue are gonna have a 4th kid.
This isn't the 70s. The FCC doesn't regulate anything but public broadcasting now.
It's straight up stated by the end when Frank's employer said baby over and over again while poking holes in condoms.
>you mean SEX and by that you mean not ACTUALLY showing the ACT of sex
Watch the show m8.
They show him plowing the fuck out of her.
Hell, the one thing they DON'T have is the grunting.
What episode boys?
Also is this show any good?
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How is that a bad thing?

Malcom was 16-17 and the woman like 40. It was different.
>tfw had this exact type of opportunity as a teen and chickened out
Live and learn, I guess.
What does Ben's piss smell like?
Just finished watching it.
Can't wait to see the baby in season 3.
Since Season 2 came out 2 years after Season 1, Season 3 should come out in 2019.
The old Jewish guy is easily the best character in the show.
I'm worried for Vic
>do dumb teenager a favor by helping him get on the radio
>he repays you by messing with your woman
I want Vic to unironically murder Kevin. That sack of shit needs to go.
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>Not pic related
this is a good show, genuinely funny writing and voice acting namely burr and rockwell
Plus the song at the end
>not just SCOOPSCOOP
missed opportunity
Thing is, the show is animated in France. Still, during the scene you never see actual penetration, just the motions they make, so maybe it's still legal?

He also got Frank those tickets for the concert. Kevin was right to feel bad, Vic has done nothing except help him.

If it's lesbians I don't think people care that much either.

I think the thing with Stewie (aside from being a super genius talking baby) is that he also doesn't really look a lot like a baby. His head is shaped like a football, his eyes are far apart and beady and it looks like he has a comb-over. Stewie could completely pass as a midget.
implied it? They show the kid plowing her in 3 different positions. Then showed post ex.
I need rule 34 on the mom and Vics girlfriend.
need pics for... uh... research
Go watch the show.
You're not missing anything.
It's going to be a long time before the other two can ever be shown.
It's fine for french animators since the drawn frames are essentially censored in the scenes and is done for comedic entertainment, not as explicit porn to fap to.
It was the 70's, no one gave a shit.
The sex scene in season one was way better
I wonder what family member will get laid in season three
>waahhh being a girl with pubes is just so hard woe is me :(
Try being a guy with a hairy back.
>His teacher
>High metabolism
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Cheap-ass Syracuse Muthafuckas
>/gs/, /sl/ or /ll/?
ok i'm out of the loop, what do these mean? i'm guessing /ll/ is /lesbian loli/?
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