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ITT: We share our unpopular opinions

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Family guy is underrated, or more like vastly over-hated

The Season 4 of Dexters lab was the best one and the original artstyle was always inferior
the past three seasons of The Simpsons and 2 of Family Guy have been really funny
Geoff Johns has never written a good book in his life
Sing and Trolls were better movies than Zootopia
> Darkseid War was fucking great.
> Grail is a mary sue but she is still menacing & sexy as fuck.
> The side cut on women is sexy as fuck.
I like SU
You lie
I prefer American Dragon's season 2 artstyle over the season 1 artstyle.
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I find pic related enjoyable and funny.
Family guy really isn't that bad, it's certainly not the best cartoon out there but it has its moments
also I like Rick and Morty
Return of the Joker, and Batman Beyond in general, is not that good.
Swap out Family Guy with American Dad and I'll agree
Illumination isn't really that bad.

Same about Family Guy.

Zoophobia was a good webcomic even if it had its flaws.
>every romance would be vastly improved if it were between two cute boys
Debate me.
American comics > manga > European comics

And I say this as a Eurocuck. Most of our comics don't know proper pacing and for pages you'll just have talking heads.

The only exceptions are the Italian and UK comic writers.

Naturally this is just a generality, but I still hold it to be true 9 times out of 10.
But AD is as vehemently hated as Family Guy. It's also leagues better
why debate if I agree
There doesnt need to be a 'reason' to make a character gay, its up to the creator and its not automatically SJW shilling unless its actually written that way
Teen Titans GO! is actually pretty great
Hero Kings/Queens/Leaders are kinda outdated.

Their mystical societies rarely do anything that be damsels, act like elves, or invade the rest of the world in Elseworld stories.
Fucking this.
Changing a show's artstyle after an entire season is almost never a good idea regardless of quality.
With no explanation whatsoever, you do realize everyone's gonna assume you're shitposting?
You could say the same about every post in this thread.
Not if it's also uncommon, not just unpopular.
I honestly wouldn't hate it as much, if CN didn't run daily marathons of it.

If they cut it down where it at least takes up about 20% of the schedule instead of 50%, then I'd be inclined to like it more.
>still paying for cable
Fucking plebs, when will they learn?
Avatar: The Last Airbender was never really /that/ good. It was better than most, sure, but a masterwork? The jokes and humour barely hit (Even for a kids show), the big bad lost all mojo upon his reveal, and it went on too long with too many monster of the week villains.
Don't you have an anime studio to blackmail?

But yes, you are correct.
Name a better cartoon then.

Completely disagree on the humor BTW, it was second to none. There's a reason it spawned so many memes. And I literally have no idea what you're referring to with that MOTW comment, this is probably the LAST cartoon I would criticize in that respect.
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>The Season 4 of Dexters lab was the best one and the original artstyle was always inferior

It's time for you to leave.
Continuity and canon in the big two is a stupid idea and should be abandoned. Let the writers write the individual stories they want to write. If taking elements from other runs is something that suits the story they want to tell, good, if not, also good.
>Let the writers write the individual stories they want to write
No, that's what alternative universes are for, fuckwit.
Seriously, that's literally what they're for.
Why would you want to turn the main universes into just another alt?
Because the ratio of "alternative" universe stories to main "canon" universe stories, favor the latter, tremendously, in the current way of things. And I consider continuity an obstacle to storytelling, as I explained. Since continuity-writing is the main way of writing, it obstructs a lot.
If the ratio of alternate/canon was reversed, I wouldn't mind.
>And I consider continuity an obstacle to storytelling, as I explained. Since continuity-writing is the main way of writing, it obstructs a lot.

>I find an arc not being completely done in anything but bite sized bursts bad for the plot
Well okay Rebecca Sugar.
/co/ is blowing out of proportion how disappointed they are with Samurai Jack season 5. It was a great season and a good way to end the series. It was flawed, nowhere near perfect, but great nonetheless.
Maximum Carnage was good, I never understood the hate for it and figure it's just a meme in time
I agree, but it's still not even close to the original.
injustice flatout sucks, if supes really wanted bats dead bats would be dead in seconds.
also hope invincible ends its run with everyone deaded.
one piece will never end until its author dies then they will get some hack to rush finish it from his notes, assuming there is any.
I agree, the first 5 seasons of Family Guy are pretty funny and comfy.
They are too different to make a fair comparison, to be honest.
Each episode of the original was its self contained story. Sure, there were very scare and far in between continuity nods, but for the most part it was all individual stories. Season 5 feels more like an extremely long episode; if you put it like that it surpasses the rest of episodes in some areas while others not so much.
>implying you can't have a 50 issue arc taking place pre-crisis
>implying anything not following canon has to be short
Thinking like this , is why we have the problem.
Continuity is not at all the cause of the issues with season 5. That's a very poor excuse. (As is surpassing the original in "some areas" when said original was not trying to excel in those.)
There are issues with season 5; that I do not deny. What is mean is that the formatting between season 5 and the rest of seasons are too different to be comparable. Season 5 is better off if you look at it on its own, while of course acknowledging the canon of previous seasons.

Besides, the areas I find it surpassed the original 4 in were present too in those original seasons.
Curious, what are those areas?
The action was better in certain episodes, for example, episode 2 and 3.
The background art stuck with me more in season 5; the designs of the interior of the monster in 4, the forest and temple in 2, the cliff in 7, the cemetery in 6, etc.
I attribute it to the advancement in technology and the effort they put in mimicking the show's original style with digital means; that made a huge contrast.
Also, I loved Jack in the original, but he seemed more real and interesting in season 5; hell, I was actually concerned he might die at the end. He's always been a simple character, which is perfectly fine, but I really loved the layers of complexity they added him in season 5.
Johnny Test wasn't bad.
Nothing amazing but far from bad enough to make you wanna change the channel.
It's very hit or miss with me. There are episodes I like and episodes I think are incredibly stupid
No, thinking like you can't have a core decade-spanning continuity while still jumping around to different time periods and alternate realities is why we have the problem.
It's a matter of percentages. The way they focus on canon, limits stuff.
Then you should be writing original characters than working on characters that have a history if you feel their canon stifles your creativity.
I, as a reader, feel writers who have the option to write stories for canon or for noncanon have a higher chance to produce something enjoyable than writers who only have option for canon.
This. I like it a lot, i know the jokes are childish and shit but i got exposed by it by my nephew and its pretty funny. When you stop comparing it to the original cartoon its pretty good
I always have something for these until the thread appears.
Let me jut address the elephant in the room like always and say it now; Rick and Morty is reddit tier.
Has your nephew watched the original?
I wish Homestuck didn't turn to shit
Steven Universe and Star vs. are incredibly shitty shows and their threads are the cancer of /co/
>unpopular opinions thread
>first reply mentions Geoff Johns

Like a fucking clockwork.
The Dark Knight Rises is one of the best superhero movies, and /co/ only slams it because muh maymays.
Spider-Man TAS was awful.
Ultimate Spider-Man was extremely overrated.
Sing is surprisingly good. Not perfect, but it was much better than expected.
Captain America: Civil War was a mess, and immensely overrated (though I blame the producers and meddling hands more than the Russos, since the concept alone sucks).
Pre-Flashpoint DC had three generations of heroes to tell stories with, to their now zero.
I unironically enjoy TLH.
Legend of Korra(excluding season 2) was good.

Marvel's current cartoons are decent at worst,

Right Now Kapow and Elena Of Avalor are underrated.
I feel like the people that say that about Johns never read his Wally West Flash run. It is debatably one of the more consistently good Flash runs of all time.

Also, on topic, JMS' ASM run is awful. It has some of the worst Spider-Man stories of all time, some of the dumbest retcons in comic history (Sins Past, Spider Totem), and despite the praise people give for his Peter dialogue, it never saves how horribly plotted every one of his stories is.
Marvel Adventures was a better alternate universe than Ultimate Marvel.
Marvel Team-Up Vol 3 was Robert Kirkman's best work.
>Ultimate Spiderman
do you mean spiderman unlimited becuase i'm pretty sure the ultimate spiderman is hated here
>Legend of Korra(excluding season 2) was good.
This. I had a lot of fun with Korra to be honest. Maybe I have shit taste, but I liked it enough. It wasn't as good as ATLA, but it was good on its own.
I don't like Ren and Stimpy.
I did enjoy book 3 and 4 as well, and I just got into right now kapow (it's sad to hear it got canceled tho ti seemed more like a cartoon network show than a disney one)
I can understand liking Books 1 and 3, but if you seriously enjoyed Book 4 I don't know what to say.
1 and 3 were pretty awesome. 4 started off interesting, then it made some questionable choices. I stuck till the end, of course, but it didn't feel as grandiose. Although I really liked how the events of Book 4 were the result of what happened in 3.
bassicaly what>>92854189 said
Book 4 only seemed to start off interesting if you weren't genre savvy enough. The questionable choices were largely telegraphed early on.

(Can't really argue with that last point though, even if was a cruel reminder of just how much potential the other seasons had squandered.)
I'm talking about Bendis' run.
Book 4's problem is that they treated it like it was in the middle of the show's run instead of at the end. Outside of book 2 it arguably had the biggest "well what the fuck is gonna happen now" ending that they tried to pass off as "oh Korra's story is over, happy ending :)!". Like the whole premise of the comics is Korra coming back to a shit load of problems she literally walked away from, which was incredibly out of character to me.

Anyway I agree that books 1 and 3 were good, I liked what book 2 tried to do with regards to Korra's personal conflict, even though it did it really badly.
I suppose so. I'm just a sucker for Imperialistic characters; whether they work towards good or evil. It's a type of character I've always found fascinating, so I was pretty hyped to see Kuvira. I was hoping for a few references to how the Fire Nation had tried this already in the past and how bad that had gotten. Hell, I actually expected Azula to step in in old age and have some sort of interaction with the heroes; I'd have preferred her over Toph. But for what it was, it was... decent enough. I never really felt angry watching or anything, empty at worst. It could have been a lot better, but it still had great animation, characters I liked and a plotline that, though very, VERY flawed, still help up enough to keep me watching. I'm probably a minority here, but I don't find any of Korra's books as repulsive as everyone says. At worst, boring.
I hate Samurai Jack, the Boondock and Cowboy Bebop.And i know they share something that just don't click with me
The best Batman cartoon is Brave and the Bold.
>MFW The Music Meister isn't in Injustice 2 yet.
What does "reddit tier" even mean other than the obvious connotations of retarded internet tribalism? Is it just code for "thing I don't like?" I agree that Rick and Morty isn't amazing. Reasonably entertaining, sure, but I think it suffers from the same thing a lot of "nerd" media suffers from where its fans insist that it's "ZOMG TEH BEST THING EVAR" and constantly berate you for not liking it even watching it
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best superhero film of all time
I was here for years and still can't tell if hating capeshit is an unpopular opinion. I know it's not uncommon but I thought the ones that hated it were just louder. I prefer keeping quiet and discharging my opinion into threads like these. But anyway, boy do I really hate capeshit. And I do mean all of it, even the videogames. I can't even suspend my hate long enough to appreciate a work of capeshit for having good qualities independent of capeshit. No, it's nothing but capeshit and will never rise above its condition. I can't stand these bunch of mask wearing costume party fuckheads trying to be serious and meaningful, or even humorous and relatable. Fuck them all and the multiple universes they fuck around in. I feel sick whenever a new capeshit movie is being released. Too many capeshit scans in a thread makes me leave. Rage swells up when I hear people praising capeshit in any of its forms. Even talking about it makes me want to throw my cleaning robot out the window. Whenever I see someone wearing capeshit apparel I just want to rip it off his body and fuck him in the ass. Shit, too bad this isn't a get it off your chest thread or I'll tell you how I really feel.
>ultimate spiderman is hated here
No, Bendis is hated, but Ultimate Spider-Man was excellent.
I don't either.
I don't think it's horrible or anything, it just does nothing for me.

>The Season 4 of Dexters lab was the best one and the original artstyle was always inferior

Yeah fuck off. Season 4 barely has anything to do with his lab or him making experiments. It's mostly about his lolsowacky family.
Oh ok
Too Japanese? They move too slowly?
Red Hood's OK. He's not great but I'm not pissed off by his existence and popularity.
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I wouldn't go so far as "pretty great" but it definitely gets a bad rap. When they're not rubbing TT-fans' noses in it or forcing shitty memes, the show can actually be pretty funny. Dan Hipp's artwork is actually kinda fun to look at too, and thankfully doesnt follow many of the same annoying trends set by Adventure Time and the like.
Teen Titans Go! is a good show.

The Lego Batman movie was bad.
The first 3 episodes of SJ season 5 really are much better than the rest, it's not some contrarian /tv/ opinion.
That's not unpopular in the slightest anon.
I loved all of season 5 and even I will admit that.
Johns' Wally is pretty terrible
Young Justice is a better show than Teen Titans
my apartment gets basic cable as a free bonus.
>90s Spider-Man is the best Spider-Man cartoon
>Steven Universe and modern SpongeBob are pretty alright and mostly get hated on by bandwagon-fags
>The /co/-side of a fandom of a mainstream show is just as worse as the other side, no exceptions. (This is mostly due to waifuism).
Young Justice is the best animated superhero show outside of JLU. But that shouldn't be unpopular.
I prefer classic-Disney to classic-WB.

Spadetron was an interesting take on Ultron and was one of AoU's few saving graces.

Spider-man Unlimited wasn't a bad show.

Teen Titans is a painfully mediocre show with occasional moments of brilliance.
I feel JLU's cast is spread far too thin for any of its moments to feel impactful. Even direct plot threads from Justice League don't click like they ought to. Because characters only get so much time, their big moments don't feel earned. It's unsatisfying.
Homestuck wasn't that bad
I just don't get people who don't like Teen Titans. It's the most well-crafted cartoon ever made by far
The Cadmus arc is the best storyline in any superhero show.
I mean, the first season basically consisted of:
>Hey, here's a problem with this place.
>Let's dick around and accidentally make it worse!
>Oh, no, Zuko's here!
>Aang fights Zuko.
>The people/town's problems are fixed.
>The Gaang fucks off on their Dues ex Machina---I mean Appa.
Seriously, there was a reason the show improved notably when Appa was taken. The writers used him as a crutch.
I mean, the first season was okay. Johnny was likable, he cared about his parents and wanted to make his Dad proud of him, he had a cute rivalry with that academic chick instead of that horrid rule 63 counterpart called Sissy. I mean, what happened?
That was only the basic plot structure though, unlike in many other cartoons they actually had a LOT of other shit going on (except in the Great Divide episode, which is why it's hated).
>Sing and Trolls were better movies than Zootopia
you either have to be baiting or you literally have shit taste to even believe this. Even if you DO Hate Zootopia, it's objectively a better made movie than Sing in literally every way. I don't know about Trolls since I never went to see it, But Sing is objectively worse my guy.
The new seasons of American Dad are better on TBS than FOX.
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