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Ok, so I know this has been discussed a lot, and a lot of people

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Ok, so I know this has been discussed a lot, and a lot of people don't like her design and think her disgusting. So on one hand she has a lot of legs, but on the other hand, for six gems, look how fucking small she is. I imagine you can only be so stable with that many gems, but the fact that she's held together and not ginormous might show that it's not "hurr durr rape" but is a fusion that's genuinely happy and consenting and all that good stuff. (also I think she's cute in a wise doting grandmother kind of way)
Also: "Fluorite is a stone of mental order and clarity. It is used to enhance mental clarity and reduce instability and disorder. This brings a wiser, more balanced view of life and improves decision making,. These traits enable one to manifest ideas and bring plans to fruition."
I agree with you. /co/ has been ass blasting everything nowadays, it is genuinely surprising to see actual opinions. Also, the design is simple, yet somehow effective.
>look how fucking small she is
Nigga look at Sapphire, Fluorite is like 20 times her size. For 6 gems, that's REALLY big.
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She's small compared to other fusions made of just two gems (size chart isn't necessarily canon but it gives you an idea)
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Anyone else notice she sounds like the giant turtle from the Neverending Story?
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That size chart is bullshit. Sardonyx fits perfectly inside Steven's house, yet she looks bigger than it; the Ruby fusion (I think) is fucking huge, or at least bigger than THAT; and Alexandrite and Malachite? Are you fucking serious? Weren't they the same size in Watermelon Island?

also how many vargubas does fluorite have?
Yes! That was literally the first thing I thought when I heard her voice and I thought that she was probably a really bing inspiration for fluorite.
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Again, it's more of a general idea, she's smaller than a lot of the fusions of two, not even taking into account unhealthy ones like Malachite.
>the Ruby fusion (I think) is fucking huge, or at least bigger than THAT
I think that's the Ruby fusion from the Answer that only had 3, not the Ruby Squad fusion.
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She reminds me of the catipillar from Alice in wonderland.
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She looks like this
she's a walking orgy
and thats a bad thing how?
>6 gems in a fusion
Probably the most powerful non diamond in the show and it's a retarded granny.
It's an anthropomorphic Peridot rape train. That is not ok.
It's better than ok.
You will be the first to go on the day of the breaking point.
She reminds me too much of Cathy Pillar
The disgust seems to come from a. Waifu fags seeing Peridot gems on her and flipping shit and b. people still thinking of fusions as sex rather than relationships.

Leave Harem Grandma alone
I am more concerned about these abominations even existing.
Rebecca is a hack and this is a prime example of bad writing.
What do you mean?
Kill it with destabilizer.
>size chart for shapeshifters

They can be any size they want. can we stop arguing about this?
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Don't remind me.
What do I mean?
Oh I don't know.
What about the fact that everything has a purpose on homeworld and there are no things out of place?
OR Why even have around things that came out wrong?
OR EVEN Why not recycle them near instantly the moment they come out? Don't they have the technology to see what will come out? Resources are scarce after all.
more importantly, Shouldn't it have twelve eyes?
So can the granny unfuse, at all?
Why wouldn't she be able to?
>We've been here for eons

Flukes happen, there's only 10½ of them
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Stop being mean to fusion granny.
Why is she even an outcast? She can just unfuse and be a group of really close gem friends/family. It's not the same as if two gems fell in love. Miss me with that polyamory shit.
I'd say it's because she's made up of a lot of physically weak gems maybe? Really shitty late stage Homeworld Kindergarten stuff. I think if Crystal Peridot fused it would be a very diminutive fusion.
Whoever keeps posting the "Flourite is a conniving rapist / rape mob" thing needs to go and stay go. It's a very upsetting concept and doesn't make a lick of sense for the vibe the Crewniverse tried to accomplish with the Off Colors.

They're basically the island of misfit toys, but gems. What the hell purpose does it serve to brew up a fucked up headcanon like that that's illogical and viscerally disturbing? Is that anon just trying to be super edgy because they're 12? Or do they really think it's an original, TWEESTY concept?

Either way I still like the off colors. They're cute and show a variety of fusion types and relationships we've never seen before. The two headed one is a conjoined twin, the not-Garnet is a cute possibly accidental hybrid who doesn't seem to know how to unfuse, and Flourite is their old (possibly senile) protective mother figure. It's a fun dynamic.
That raises even more questions. Why were they even let go? How did they manage to stay hidden in a fucking kindergarten?
Kill yourself, SJW.
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Its 4chan man people will make the most fucked up shit you can think of out of the most innocent of things.
If you cant handle that you might want to leave for your own good.
The impression i got is that since Floruite is made primarily by Era-2 Gems the instability, weakness and small size was from that and still "better" then running along as their parts in their eyes.
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She needs to be killed with fire. Or maybe a can of Raid.
Because it's not polyamory. It's peridot rape.
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