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Why is DC so high on this character. He seems really lame. Are

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Why is DC so high on this character. He seems really lame.

Are there actually Cyborg fans?
I want to like him, but they don't do anything interesting with him
He's the only good TT character along with Starfire
If there are fans, it's cause of the cartoon. Certainly not the comics.
>marketable JL black character
that's the only reason
Which is funny because his comic is actually good.
maybe black kids are glad to have a super hero.
He's the DC version of Carol Danvers.
His name is completely generic and he has no personality to speak of. What bugs me most though is that he has the technology to shapechange and look like a typical human, but he still looks like that.

That said, he's harmless and non-intrusive so I don't mind him as a Justice League member.
This isn't about Luke cage
>He's the DC version of Carol Danvers.
Call me when Cyborg forcefully leads multiple team books and relauches his solo book every 6 months.
>He's the DC version of Carol Danvers.

It's this.
thats not Harley Quinn
>he has no personality to speak of
You mean he has the standard non-offensive personality given to black males in comics.

People like Harley Quinn, and she is unambiguously successful.
>People like Harley Quinn
I don't and I wish other people didn't
No, people jack off to Harley Quinn. That's about it.
Delusion isn't healthy.
Growing up in the late 80's, early 90's I used to watch the old Justice League cartoon with him in it a lot.

I was a massive scifi/robot/cyborg fan as a kid so I loved him. I dunno why but he's way less appealing now since DC has been pushing him hardcore.
Another anon broke the possible explanation given a return to Barry Flash among other things.

Geoff Johns is in the chair now for chief creative asshole, and his favorite GL is Hal. Most people who grew up watching JL know GL Jon Stewart though, there was the GL TAS but its influence on the masses is tenuous.
Anyway Geoffrey can't have Jon stealing Hal's spotlight as the DCEU is building, but he can't get rid of one of their most renowned black male characters in the JL roster without some potential concerns.
Well, DC can't or won't prop up Static, Black Lightning has no thunder, you can just forget Mr.Terrific and how far you can stretch a shapeshifter like J'onn representing black, white or green is what it is, fortunately for Johnny boy the relatively equally successful DC animated series Teen Titans managed to prop up another DC black guy in the eye of the masses and so here we are.

Just swap out Stewart for Cyborg and you make room for Hal.
Loved the Teen Titans cartoon version, what is this shit? good ol' cyborg was blue, what is this heresy?
You say that as if multiple generations haven't grown up with him on TV
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Wow forgot pic. Vic is great
> he has no personality to speak of
No fuck you, that's not actual criticism but a vague and baseless claim.
It's cause they made him a founding member of the justice league. Thats too iconic of a role for Cyborg and one that eclipses his actual character.
>Another anon broke the possible explanation given a return to Barry Flash among other things.

>one that eclipses his actual character.
You mean being the house mom for the Teen Titans?
>You mean being the house mom for the Teen Titans
How about you try and actually read some comics
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>I wanted to be the guy who brought back Barry AND Hal. I wanted that just to be me. I gave up Blackest Night to do it. You have to remember, I had co-created that story with Geoff and I was supposed to do that,
Behind every tyrant is a fall guy.
I read the Teen Titan comics before Flashpoint and that is what he was. He was like their guardian especially in the later issues with Kid Devil and Static. Only time he actually did anything was in his solo mini and Flashpoint where he was Captain America
Teen Titans Cyborg is great. Justice League Cyborg is meh
They want a black character and he's the most popular one they got because of the Teen Titans cartoon.
He is arguably the most popular black hero. But when the Black Panther movie comes out TChalla will probably take that title.
>Implying a character matters and not the writer.
You know a casual when they say something like Johns is a great writer, but Hal/Cyborg is boring. They're boring in his runs just because Johns is an extremely mediocre writer who can't write.
He's black.
There are other black DC heroes.
I like him from the teen titans. I like that he actually got to grow up. Maybe establishing a relationship with the Titans and not make him a JL founder would be better, but I prefer him to be what he is now over the shit storm Beast boy and Raven are stuck in.
I'll take Harley fans over "Carol" fans any day of the week.
>Jon Stewart
>locked into being old
>character thoroughly assassinated
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They don't have him hang out with Billy enough
Black Lightning would have been my preference for time Black JL member
What the hell is black lightning's personality? backstory?
As a kid he was my favorite titan
Why are they so insistent on making his design so fucking ugly? Can you name one comic Cyborg design that doesn't look like shit?
Yes actually. Then they fucked it up again.
>Black Iron man
They think they need a major black character (they don't, they can easily get away with not having one) and he's the only one they can think of.
This is not correct
Movie synergy.

They seriously should have just gone with Steel. Have it be that he somehow ended up with Jor-El's powersuit and, inspired by Superman, tries to fill his void. It actually follows on naturally from the events they've set up in the movies so far and would be an interesting and more human member of the league.

Sure there'd be jokes in the media about the Shaq movie and calling him black Iron Man, and /co/ going on about "How could anyone be inspired by THAT Superman?", but god damn it'd be better than some dragged and dropped character turned into a ps4 NPC.
He's black and normies know him

this is correct
Are they tho?
Has anyone actually asked them or is it just another case of my shitty sociology degree speaks louder than a million minority voices ever could
I'm Latino and I hate every single Latino character I have ever seen in this kind of thing, none of my other Latino friends like them either
Joker, Two Face, Penguin etc
Lex, Metallo, Doomsday etc
Cheetah, Giganta, Ares
The Rogues and all the evil speedsters
Sinestro Corps, Orange Lanterns
Malefic, White Martians

Every other character listed has decades of solo comics.
Cyborg was the only Titan from the W/P era to never get a personal villain that stuck around and has only had a solo for what, 2 years?
Grid is a crime syndicate guy and as with the rest of the crime syndicate, he works as a JL enemy, not a cyborg-specific one.
>all nanotech belongs to Iron Man
Tony get out of here this isn't even your universe

Him being the youngest member of the JL has potential to make him interesting but they never really do anything he just full fills the generic i sit on the watchtower and do tech stuff role.

He could also benefit from another younger hero being on the league with him to play off i am hoping the movie has him and flash kind of buddy up like that.
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It seemed like that was exactly where they were going with him and Shazam, and then they just...didn't. It's like they had all these Ideas for Vic and then just dumped it all when they couldn't find the notes.

I'm sure we'll get that Shazamily comic soon.
Why didn't they just make MM shapeshift into a black cop? I mean he could have used his telepathy to use the boom tubes too.
Because cyborg is a more popular character
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Never ever
I don't like him as a league-er from the getgo while Wally is still in the Titans. Wish they retcon that Cyborg was also in the TT. Plus J'onn is pretty popular, he's in almost every incarnation of the League plus he was well liked in the JLTAS
Have you ever read Robbie or Jaime?
Well your people are basically white so it'd make sense that you'd prefer white heroes.

Stupid spic.
But he wasn't in your new favorite show
Ahh, there we go.
As a kid I probably would've liked him. I fucking loved robotics/cybernetics and all that shit. Hell I would've probably wanted to be him.
Well, at least until I saw how much he jobbed, then I'd just go back to hating all black characters in media
People liked him in the Titans cartoon because he had things like defined personality traits, interests outside of the team, character journeys and insecurities, villains, romances, etc, all the ingredients for a good character.

I don't know why they don't just copy that version directly for the comics.
I actually like Barry a bit more but isn't it a proper argument that Wally shouldn't be stuck in the Titans since he's been in the league for years. Dropping the name of a legacy character shouldn't make you spazz that much you autist.
The same reason comics never learn from more successful media: comic writers are terrible
>Black Lightning has no thunder
Black Lightning has a rights issue with the creator, Tony Isabella
>you can just forget Mr.Terrific

Go fuck yourself

The 2011 movie had John as the GL. When Geoff was working on n52 with Lee he knew he had to replace Manhunter with Cyborg to fill the black quota to protect Hal from being replaced and have better arguments for the new movie. The League needed a negro, and Johns as consultant and executive knew that Hal's ass was still in danger.
I liked the DCYou run. I like the new solo series. Just wish he was cool in everything besides that. He's literally just transport guy or tech guy outside of his solo. Kinda lame. They should do a Cyborg arc in the JL book or something. The latest one was a Flash centric story and most have been Superman/Batman centric. Cyborg just doesn't get to do cool shit despite how awesome his powers are.
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Cyborg is fucking priiiiiiiime for good stories but writers don't know what the fuck to do with him.

Every writers he's been given has been as typical comic writer as you can expect. What you need to give him is a good sci-fi/futurist writer and not just repeat the ol' "Am I man or machine" storyline.

Next explicitly outline his powers. Sure there can be a bit of wiggle room for going Super-Cyborg via 4th World but having him be ALL TECH THANKS TO AMORPHOUS GREY METAL BLOBS is the most boring shit in the world. Think Deus Ex, his powers are set but they can be expanded upon. Start him at basic nano prosthetics/cybernetics before upping him into New God shit etc.

Next, pick a good design for him. Drop the red outside of maybe the eye. The most iconic look for Cyborg is and will mostly be the Teen Titans design with the soft pastel blue. Tech god =/= covered in silver junk, this isn't the 70's anymore, it means being modern and ahead of the curve which in todays technology is sleek and built-in so slim him down and don't be afraid to show a bit more skin so its clear he's not just a guy wearing a suit with a half-metal face. Cyborg is a character that should be afraid to be redesigned as long as you keep the core design elements like the half face.
The DCYou design pretty much nailed this outside of maybe adding some additional blue and working in his logo.

Now he needs villains. Go American Gods on this shit, have a villain be terrified of the oncoming tide of technology that he represents and wanting to stop him. Vandal Savage would make a great nemesis for him because he's seen so much and he wants to take advantage of this technological factor. Grid is a great villain, representing everything Cyborg could become, so pull him away from the CS and have there be a non-CS version in the universe, maybe an AI he contains within himself that pushes him and wants control.
And finally a 4th World. If DC wants so bad to tie motherboxes and boom tubes to Cyborg then give him a head-to-head 4th World enemy, someone that interacts with him regularly, mocks him, his technology and his world. Someone Cyborg would never be able to trump in a 1 on 1 tech battle and forces Vic Stone to think as opposed to Cyborg.

Finally you need to decide who the fuck is Vic Stone. Okay, a former athlete turned superhero. But is he hot-headed? Or is he a very go with the flow kind of guy? How much angst does he have over being Cyborg? How long does it take him to accept who he is now?
Now outside of that what are his interests? Something that carried over from TT was that he's a video game nerd. So outside of that what else does he do?

Also one more thing. Decide if he can hide his "costume"/"body". It means a lot if the character can just choose to look normal at any point, writers can use it either way to address the "Am I man or machine" kind of story.
I actually like the Cyborg in TTG.
He has the potential to be amazing, if they just ditch the "Woe is me! I don't like being a superpowered machine man." and just go full high concept sci-fi.
>He seems really lame.

Welcome to 99% of DC characters.
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