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Can anyone explain how the time paradox from killing Aku erased

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Can anyone explain how the time paradox from killing Aku erased Ashi from existence but not Jack? I mean if Jack kills past Aku, there isn't a future Aku for Jack to fight for over 50 years. Wouldn't the only Jack that still exist be the past Jack that past Aku just sent into the future? Only difference being, his journey would be much easier without the hitmen, Aku or anyone contesting the time portals.
The only possible explanation would be that Aku comes back eventually and kills future Jack for good in the past after coming from the future. He has his reign of terror for thousands of years and eventually the young Jack that was sent to the future fights Aku all over again.

But that's fucking retarded so let's just accept that Genndy is a hack and move on.
>Aku sends Jack into the far future
>"Aku" sends Jack back a few moments after he initially left
>They cancel each other out
>Aku only sent Jack a few seconds into the future
>Also why Jack hasn't aged
Hey, I've never thought of time travel like this before.
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>That picture
Would have been better if the two jacks met in the time warp. Have them grab hands and switch the direction they're going. Future Jack and Ash get thrown back into the Aku future and past Jack returns to the past. Then you get a cool dynamic fight scene showing both Jacks fighting both Akus.
Jesus that would've been great
jack himself was a time anomaly, thats why he could not age. aku's first use of the time portal fucked the whole timeline up. jack was like a book on the wrong shelf, when he returns to the past he returns to his proper shelf and now the time line is repaired.
the flow of time is restored and now jack can age again. unlike jack, ashi was not from the past so she again is a book on the wrong shelf. according to genndy's rules of time flow if your a time anomaly in the future you don't age but if you're a time anomaly in the past you disappear.
That would have been really cool. You could even continue to just have two jacks living.
One who never lost his family of endured decades of hardship, and one who went through everything but has the woman he loves and helps rebuild the future.
I just realized one things.

What happen to the other jack that was "send" in the future?
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There's only one jack. Jack is sent and branches the timeline from A to B, standard and Aku winning. B line Ashi sends Jack back to moments after he was warped in A. Everyone in the future is theoretically erased with Aku's death, since that future can no longer exist and Earth advances as normal.
Aku likely could never transport himself, or there can't be 2 versions of one person at the same time or something. Ashi survived from her own willpower like Nia did but didn't make it to the wedding.
It's easy but people keep complaining. This is how it was going to end regardless once Jack jumped back. Reupload b/c image was stupid tall.
it doesn't make any sense, there's nothing to explain

Just kidding. i assume he dissipated when he killed past aku because the past didnt exist. Jack undid everything aku did from the point where aku sent him into the future....but we wouldnt fucking know that because that rushed ass ending
Delet this picture
oh shit that would have been awesome, perfect callback to the original and we get the best of both worlds
kek, so that jack is just fucked, he is send to the future, and erased by another version of him, even if he did nothing wrong.
That wouldn't even work because then Ashi would survive without Aku dying.
I actually really like this idea. At first I thought future Aku was going to come help past Aku out, but this is just so much better and offers the best of both worlds.

A conclusion people wanted was Jack to stay in the future with Ashi and defeat future Aku, but that'd leave past Aku to have a 1000 year reign and Jack wouldn't allow that.
That said this is Genndy so no way we were going to get a perfect ending like that.
holy shit he died for our fucking sins


this this would have been azome
This would actually make up for how shit this season was.
(That and two PROPER Aku vs Jack fights - not this anti-climatic 50+ years of experience Jack vs weakened past Aku)
I've been puzzling over the time travel logic set up in this show trying to work it out for a while, and other than "time travel is fucking stupid" the only other conclusion I've been able to draw is that, yes, our Jack should have faded away too.

If Ashi cannot exist because the future doesn't exist, then our Jack cannot exist because he is only in the present because of what he did in the future.

There's no reconciling this with how it played out in the show, just a standard time travel plot hole that almost every show is guilty of.
>Genndy so no way we were going to get a perfect ending like that.
pretty much this genndy was deadset on giving jack a bittersweet ending
How do people not get this. They showed that scene to let you see that Jack was thrown into the future and came back in time a little bit after he was thrown into the future. Its still the same guy.

I like this idea a lot. It's also a clever way to show a timeline split and justify the existence of two Jacks without a bunch of heavy-handed exposition.
why didn't aku go back in time and help himself
Jack wasn't born in the future. That's why he doesn't disappear. If killing Aku were to effect him, he'd simply not have ever gone in the future to begin with and forgotten everything. If he went farther back in time and killed his dad before he was born, that'd be the equivalent of Ashi disappearing. Time lost it's effect on him and possibly her since the portals are weird like that, and it wasn't until he directly kills her father that she dies. She probably could've lived in thw past just fine if Aku was never killed sinve he still sent past Jack into the future right before future Jack and her arrive. But that's not the case, so.
The events of Jack's creation still existed in that timeline.
The events of Ashi's no longer existed in that timeline.
he was probably freaking out.
I was wondering this myself. he can create time portals but doesnt jump in to save himself.
But that would change the original premise of the show. Jack never would have entered the future to begin with. Making future Jack a paradox and likely ceasing to exist.
does anyone have the full picture of aku holding the sword in victory?
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it's impossible to chase someone back in time, as soon as they've time portaled they've already beaten you there

Aku shouldn't even have been able to say "oh no", technically as soon as Jack and Ashi portaled out Aku had been dead for 1000s of years
okay, so the reason why jack isnt erased is kinda simple, because hes the same jack from this timeline. what happened was that jack got thrown into the time portal, had an adventure that lasted fifty years,then he got out back into his regular timeline. aku even said that "Hes back already?!", which means that even though jacks adventure lasted 50 years for him, it only lasted a few seconds for aku, who was in the present. another point of interest to note is that ashi came from the timeline that aku was ruler, and since ashi went back in time before the events of aku sending jack to the past to stop aku, she was ret coned out of existence because the timeline she came from was ret coned from existence. if were gonna think about this, we gotta think in the laws of fake time travel, because if we were to think about it from the viewpoint of aku, itd be quite boring, and only would last 30 minutes as a show.

Maybe your present self can't exist in the same moment in time as your past or future self. Future Jack only returns after Past Jack is gone.
well jack didn't ages through the 50 years so maybe time really have no effect on him.
>Time lost it's effect on him

I disagree with a lot of what you posted, but the whole "jack is somehow changed by the time portals" plot device can be a convenient excuse for why he didn't fade away

otherwise it still doesn't make sense
This guy explains it better. Jack kills her dad. He just goes back to his time.
There is no reason why he would disappear.
The events of his creation still exist and when he was in the future he was simply a being outside of his own time.
multiple timelines

Aku still lives on in the world that Jack left
thanks for the tldr, i forgot to include that. i often forget that i make these long-winded statements on certain things, and forget specific things.
ashi never being born means there was nobody to send him back to the past
Yes, he should've have if the effect was instantaneous but he did so the answer isn't really sufficient
And Aku being dead means there was never any horrible future for him to travel to.
Interesting theory I just thought of:

Is the reason Jack doesn't age because he was always destined to return 5 seconds after the initial portal?

Like, his timeline is already laid out, and because he's outside his timeline for 50 years it doesn't "count" or something.
This is fucking genius. Someone send Genndy this so we can remind him what creativity looks like.
If that were true Ashi wouldn't have disappeared.
oh, that'd actually be really fucking neat and convenient for the plot sake.
As far as the timeline is concerned, Jack left the time line for a solid two seconds, then reentered, killed Aku and everything went back to normal (including Ashi disappearing).
That's what I've been thinking.
Either that, or the Jack that was sent into the future in the finale lives on in the Akuless future and becomes the emperor Jack from the prophecy (even though the portal is destroyed).
In a closed loop timeline. This story is like Terminator 2 where it surpasses fate and creates a new timeline. The time portals are more powerful in this regard because they can literally create new timelines and alter fate like that.
>all these high scores

What the nigger fuck is this.
>everyone except Jack and his parents don't exist anymore, please ignore all my plotholes faggot-sama

Next time you feel like jamming a dick down your throat, why not practice on a loaded shotgun?
thank you!
okay so, is the spartan king meant to be a descendant or himself?, because the answer could either mean
>they retconned that ending
>the rest of the future still exists after jacks goes back
>his speech implies he never saw Jack again (and that it implies none of the other Spartans did either)
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>Why don't all these characters exist thousands of years in the past?
>Why isn't Charlemagne still alive in 2017?! What bullshit is this

Anon you're a fucking retard.
>erasing everyone the viewer ever cared about is a good ending

It was miserable and you know it.
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>tfw you started watching back in middle school in 2001
>tfw this was the shit ending you were given after 15 years
I think it was either only a possible future that the time portal forsaw or it was the Jack that was sent into the Akuless future.
"He has the sword".
>>>everyone except Jack and his parents don't exist anymore

What did you expect? No really, what the fuck did you expect? Jack had one mission. Did you think he wasn't going to achieve it?

lol. I bet you spent the whole series moaning about how Ashi ruined it too.
>the irony of you posting that gif as yfw
>after the explosion of akus tower bullshit, ashi does not say " i felt him leave me" and aku is able to slowly regenrate within her without them knowing
>fast forward to wedding, aku splits out of ashi and takes her powers away, and berates jack for not finishing him off because muh waifu
>aku steals sword, tosses it
>kills everyone
aku future still plays out as normal
Now, I spent most of it wishing I was Jack with her.
There was a very simple solution that would have solved this: Make Future Jack arrive BEFORE Past Jack even gets there. Stop Past Jack from being portal'd to the future. Then, Past Aku is defeated, and both Future Jack and Ashi fade away together. That would have made the most sense.
But wouldn't this cause future Jack and Ashi to stop existing as that future with Aku's terror disappears when past Aku dies?

You know fuck. It it. Let's go DBZ multiverse logic on this shit because that'd make for a hell of a better battle and conclusion.
It'd at least be better than the ending with got.
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>Ashi's final words were exposition

Even for a character I didn't like, this is just cruel incompetence.
A simple "I love you, Jack" would have been fine.
But somehow Genndy thinks we're too retarded to understand that, because Aku is dead, his daughter is disappearing too.

Seriously, just compare it to the scene from Gurren Lagann.
They managed to have both exposition of what was going on AND a genuinely heartfelt scene.

Ashi never once told Jack she loved him, come the fuck on, their romance was the ENTIRE POINT OF THE SEASON.
if this was a possibility, they wouldnt just fade out, they wouldnt exist in the first place and past jack wouldnt encounter aku.
And have a jack that didn't retain the memories and finally come at peace with them? No. Fuck that. That's worse.

At least this way it's still our Jack so to speak.
Yeah, basically. The closure could have been Past Jack seeing Future Jack and Ashi, smiling, and fading away in each others arms as they kiss, and then disappear completely. Past Jack would feel confused, but happy, and go back to his parents happy as well. He would have been set free of his duty of killing Aku.
Why not have the Jacks tear the time warp in two with their swords? Would that explain it well enough?
so while i get that the time travel was a means of character development and less the focus of the plot, we can agree that Gennedy had ages to think of a satisfying outcome that didnt break the time travel rules he set into place at the beginning, right?
Because people fading away from a paradox is just something they stole from old films anyhow. It has no basis in nature to imitate in any strict way.
>all those years of meeting people, saving people, making friends, all erased
>the only thing that bothers Jack is that the girl he met a week ago is gone

This is the most mary sue moment I've ever seen.
Ashi is SO perfect that literally everything that's ever happened to Jack pales in comparison to how sad he is that she's gone.
Jesus christ the tone of the ending could have been exactly the same, just replace "Jack is sad about losing Ashi because of time travel" with "Jack is sad about losing nearly everyone he's ever met because of time travel."
"Your time in this, how did you put it? Aku infested land, continues!"
We just need to face facts, while Jack is nice and kind, and willing to help people that need it, he NEVER felt at home in the future, and always saw himself as a tourist. He never gave up on going back to the past, even when all the time portals were gone. So no, those memories would only cause him pain, since he hated the future so much. I feel its a deeper message to die for your goal, with the one you love, then to have the one you love die alone, when they made all the decisions in the first place.
i meant that the fading away bullshit wouldnt happen, the timeline where jack get sent to future doesnt exist to begin with. past jack would arrive at akus palace to just find it empty, and then go home with his family. ergo, the events of samurai jack wouldnt transpire, creating a paradox
Its funny because what Jack wants, and what the fans want are entirely different.
>Jack has always wanted to go back to the past, and not a SINGLE moment in the series tries to teach that holding on to the past is a bad thing.
>Constantly sees himself as a tourist, even when the portals are all gone.
>Is so dedicated to his dream that, if Future Aku were killed, AND Ashi were to die, he probably would have just spent his eternity walking around the world forever, EVEN when the episode showed that he has friends.
>Yet, the fans care more about the future then the past.

So I guess all those PTSD scenes of torture from the past didn't mean anything to you?
>the fading away wouldn't happen
Not a option.
>the events of the show wouldn't happen, creating a paradox
How is it a paradox to the tv show? We saw what happened in the Aku Future, erasing it now doesn't do anything bad.
Why did you post your wrong opinion twice?
theres no point in further explanation, if you dont understand after i very clearly laid it out maybe you should give up trying to comprehend whats beyond your mental capabilities
It wouldn't be much better explanation than what we're given.
The time paradox randomly affecting her was so contrived Genndy felt he needed to deliver some exposition. (honestly if this was the way they were going to go about this, just have her do this IMMEDIATELY after Aku died. Then the "I love you" would be a great final line.)

I'm sure Ashi at one point or another confessed her love to Jack prior to the wedding.
DBZ multiverse logic would make more sense than what we got.

But see, all the characters we liked and most of the events we cared about were in the future, rather than the past. I liked the Scotsman a hell of a lot better than I liked a bunch of faceless dead nobodies.

That's the problem with using timeline shenanigans as a plot device. People tend to get attached to the world the story is actually set in, rather than the ideal world the protagonist is trying to create.
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You posted the wrong one.
>Scotsman didn't get a goodbye of any kind
>just a short conversation right before the climax

This really got to me. I was really looking forward to their reunion as soon as Scotsman was reintroduced and they really didn't do much with it.
Fuck dude, all those characters who very literally died for him and he doesn't react to it at all or even say anything.
Thanks for this picture, OP. It made my day.
>That's the problem with using timeline shenanigans as a plot device. People tend to get attached to the world the story is actually set in, rather than the ideal world the protagonist is trying to create.
It can still work, it just needs to not go so far in the future that the people won't exist. Then undoing the bad future doesn't kill them all off, they're just happier versions of themselves. If you do enough timeline shenanigans (see Steins;Gate), you can even keep them all meeting each other.
This doesn't make sense.

If Jack traveled into the future and had an adventure wit Aku for 50 years, the present Aku should've experienced the 50 years. They're not all "on the same timeline".
It would have been better if Jack was looking out at a crowd celebrating his victory, and then starts hallucinating the Scotsman, fish guys, ravers, woolies, etc in the crowd. With each one he sees, his face falls lower and lower, and he just ends up frowning at the floor as he realizes all the friends and allies he left behind.

Fuck, anything but the rushed "oops no Aku means no me bye Jack" shit that Ashi pulled.

ps: Why did she call him Jack anyway? Did he really never tell her his real name before they were to be married?
Should have made the poll after the hype wears down. Like, a year from now.
Let the fucking meme die.
I was hoping this would happen but as a final goodbye to Aku before he is ultimately killed.
Are there any Time Travel stories that don't have plot holes? You can literally deconstruct every single time travel story out there with an endless barrage of questions.
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Because Time Travel itself is a Paradox unless it's predestine.

And I rather enter a universe where everything's on fire than to discover the horror of the future that I cannot change.
My ancestree
More important. Explain why she disappeared later right at that pivotal moment and not the second Aku was killed?
>Did you think he wasn't going to achieve it?

Literally yes. The entire show was building up to the idea that Jack had to let go of the past and accept that he can only fix the present and prepare for the future. Him literally going back to the past is retarded and simplistic.
>How do people not get this

Because /co/ is the dumbest board on 4chan
I think that they were going with the "Jack is the only thing actually removed from time" angle. Kinda like how Raziel in Legacy of Kain was the only being with true free will.

Jack doesn't age while in the future even though 50 years passes during the show.

It could be that he is just outside of time's grasp and because of that he didn't age, remembers the future and Ashi, and wasn't erased when he defeated past Aku.
The only problem with this ending is that the characters aren't given proper information to make the choice they do. It's a last-second twist to fuck with the audience as opposed to, say, the characters coming to the conclusion that Ashi must sacrifice herself and Jack must accept that she will become a memory by going back to the past.

Did Genndy forget screenwriting 101 or something?
It sounds cool but wouldn't it cause future Jack to cease to exist? Past Jack has to go to the future to close the loop
Ashi did realize it. Jack didn't. Look at the scene when they are going through the portal.
After she made the choice. Choices aren't interesting in stories if the characters don't realize the consequences of their actions when making them.
Besides, Ashi isn't the main character.
I think, somehow, Time recorrect itself to the point that Aku only threw Jack 5 seconds into the future instead of XXXX years. It won't be long that Jack will only remember his adventures and Ashi in his dreams, and nothing more.
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Well, that make it even more depressing. I fucking hate any "permanently lost memories" case.
This makes ashi and the future friends from nothing but a memory to literally nothing. Jack is suffering less, but at what cost?
Thought of this too. Young Jack gets sent back to the past, Old Jack returns to the future and kills Aku.
Now there are two non-contradicting timelines. Still sucks for all those people Aku tortures in the future, but at least there's one timeline where it doesn't happen, and Jack can take comfort in that while he's boning the everloving fuck out of Ashi.
If you spend more than a second studying your argument you'll see that it's self-contradictory.
If he were dead for 1000s of years then Future Jack wouldn't exist either...
If you change the past everything that happens is a self-contradiction.
Wait a minute. Aku's death erased Ashi but not her effects (so people still remember her and the Jack is still in the past). Does that mean that even though a new good timeline has been created the bad future still exist and only Aku was erased from it (while he was still fighting Jack's friends). That would mean that they still remember what he did for them.
>Jack kills past Aku
>This erases the future timeline, if it didn't Ashi wouldn't disappear (multiverse theory)
>The Scotsman and all Jack's allies may or may not be born assuming the butterfly effect from Aku doesn't change, but they'll never live through the tyranny of Aku and never know Jack.

Really Ashi should've faded the second Jack killed Aku and Jack.
Pretty much this. But the headcanon people are jumping to is "Jack didn't age so time lost it's affect on him, therefore the blatant paradox that should've wiped him from existence doesn't affect him."
If multiverse theory's a thing then technically it wouldn't matter what happened it the past. That would only create a new universe without Aku while future Jack could have his happy ending with Ashi and friends.
Time travel is illogical in the first place.
How and why they are when and where they are dont matter, from the perspective of the universe.

What matters is the internal logic of their existing in the first place.

If 1+2=3 and 4+5=9 on one side of a cube, and 3 and 9 goes to the opposite side of the cube, but 1 is taken away, then 3 ceases to exist, while 9 continues to exist, regardless of 1 being taken away, as the simple matter is that they exist at all, there is no need to justify the fact that they are where they are, only that they simply are.

In addition, the reason Jack did not create a temporal paradox is a matter of perspective. Jack did not go into the past, he went to his own present that he was displaced from. Its where he belongs. He was flung into the FUTURE. Ashi, meanwhile, went from her present, Jacks future, to the past, Jacks present. Consider Jacks future, Ashi's present, as the side 3 and 9 originated on in the initial hypothetical, with the side they end on as Jacks present, and Ashi's past.

From the perspective of reality, Jack, and the materials that make up Jack, as well as the continuity that Jack has, vanished from the present, reappeared in the future, then returned to the present.

Likewise, from the perspective of the universe, Ashi never existed in Jacks present, only in Jacks future, as she went back in time to her past and not her present.

This allows Ashi's reality to be overruled by Jacks reality as Jacks continuity makes sense from the perspective of reality. Jack was there, and continued to be there, while Ashi was never supposed to be there.

tl;dr time is a a fucking bizarre concept and it just works.
The problem seemed to have less to do with the time travel but rather because Aku was killed and she literally has a piece of Aku within herself. He gave the cultists a piece of himself to worship and Ashi's mom used it to create her. It isn't so much the time paradox but rather for Aku to truly be vanquished the piece within her must also die, and yet it was a vital part of herself without which she (apparently) couldn't exist. I figure the Aku part of herself was slowly burning away like all the other fragments only it took longer with her. When it burned up she "died" because the magic was the only thing that made her possible.

Frankly this is the only way it makes sense because she still exists as memories and all of her actions still exist. She didn't erase herself from time due to never being able to be born or whatever. Same as Jack remembers everything he did and his sword is still able to permanently end Aku.

For bonus points it would be interesting if the Aku piece in her was slowly dying ever since she touched the sword to throw it to Jack.
Hyper-Stable Loop

jesus it's not that fing hard to understand. the future existed then when jack went back and killed aku he erased that entire future and time simply corrected itself and overwrote it. which is why ashi faded away.

jack wasn't flung back to the future because of the bootstrap paradox. jack still existed and all his knowledge, training and skills from the future existed because he himself was from outside that future. he is the sole living record of the the future that no longer exists.
Killing Aku as they did should have caused a temporal event that threatens the destruction of all things. The gods would have been neede to weave time and space back together.

They should have killed Aku in the future instead of going back in time to fo it.
People will probably grow to like this ending with time.
Why should people come to like a very mediocre ending that was painfully rushed?
The problem with what you suggest is that Jack himself, his experiences, even his enhanced sword which was reforged by the gods, did not fade away and they were very much part of that future, very much NOT outside of that time.

If you're trying to make this some kind of balanced temporal equation Jack himself needs to be accounted for yet he is not. All we know is that Ashi cannot exist without Aku, and the most logical reason is because she is part of Aku and he is part of her. Why? Well here is where I seriously doubt any kind of technobabble is going to help you because you have to remember, anon, Aku was magic.
Hard to say. Right now /co/ is stewing in a feedback look of its own bile. People convincing other people it is shit and attacking anyone who suggests otherwise. Hivemind? Hell no, more the serpent that eats its own tail.

What I expect is in the future the tone may soften however we'll probably always see that anyone who says anything other than it was shit is dank memeing or a newfag. Such is the way of 4chan.
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>that fucking picture
How did Ashi know when and where to take Jack to?
Same way she knew how to use her powers. She's Aku, babe. The mindfuck works both ways.
First thing you must know is that it is impossible to "go back in time", EXACTLY because that would cause a paradox.

What happens is that you go to another dimension set in the past. Killing Aku in the furure would not change the past, and killing Aku in the past would not change 'the future'.

This means that everyone on that alternate timeline is fucked.

To all who were disappointed with the ending, here is a fan-edit 'good' ending
>Can anyone explain the time paradox

No. Not here, not there, not in a box, not with a Fox.
It would have made sense if there had been no paradox, and Ashi would've just died because the Aku half of her got destroyed. She could've hid that from Jack and fought it off until the wedding in some attempt at stoicism.

That's not what happened, but imagining it had might give you some peace of mind from dubious time paradox mechanisms.
what the actual fuck this is genius
what about the one episode in which jack jumps into one of the other portals; but is literally grabbed and pulled back out back aku?

I'd like to think the "Back to The future" movie explanation to time travel is a good explanation.
What the fuck. People are coming in writing paragraph after paragraph of how they would try to fix the ending, and you come and do it perfectly in a few sentences.

The ending wasn't bittersweet. It was just bitter.
Such is life.
At least his friends don't have to put up with Aku's bullshit.
There is no irony. A lot of us are bootyblasted and we aren't afraid to show it.
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