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Thread replies: 132
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So today is the last day of getting new episodes

How would y'all rate the week so far and what do you expect from Ronnie-Annie's family
Good crap, there were eps. this week?

Somebody hit me with some drives pretty please.
Didn't catch many, but I did catch last night's repeat of "One Flu Over the Loud House", which is probably my new favorite episode.
The week's been quite nice/10 but I have no opinion on the upcoming special.
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Dont do that to mama.png
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No new episodes today. Ronnie's episode doesn't air until the 29th
Love the loud house good episodes so far
it can only get better i feel
They were all pretty good. Can't wait for the special.

Really I thought it was today
anon you failed to protect her smile
I think Lincoln should be selfish for once.

It would be interesting to Lincoln be selfish

But with him being the only boy makes it tough cause of the younger sisters
has simon ever drawn something LH related?

He hasn't

Which is quite surprising

Course he seems to be hooked on Tangled right now
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A very solid and well rounded week of episodes. Pets Peeved was as good as I expected while Out of the Picture was completely unexpected. Room with a Feud had a lot of cute character interactions between different sisters while Spell it Out was focused on a single non-Lincoln character.
she looks attractive
she looks unattractive

they're not same character right?
Then post more Leni
That's it I believe. They're very lovely pieces.

Same character just different artist

Shit I didn't even knew he drew these up

Thanks for posting them anon
All of them are 1080p.

>Pets Peeved

>Out of the Picture

>Room with a Feud

>Spell It Out
who drw these again sampson or simon i used to know thier name anyone have a link?
why does fanart look better than actual show?
He also did some doodles on the flockdraw.

Name was literally linked to those posts anon


I dont know, but ive run into plenty of autistic guys that hate fan art that's not on model
>but ive run into plenty of autistic guys that hate fan art that's not on model
I don't hate it, I just prefer on model. JCM's stuff is pretty top-tier though.
because good fucking luck to animate 10 minutes at the fanart quality. At this level, with that sort of color, ti's not even a budget issue
yea but not a link i remember the name but whats his username where does he post? isnt he banned from alot of sites?
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Thanks again for all your work MEGA Anon

You've helped me out so much cause I'm always working during the day
He's been selfish several times, though often for the sake of privacy.
Explain why you guys hate the rambunctious angel that is Lynn.
Bloody hell Leni is perfect isn't she?
Guys, help me out.
The last episode that I have watched was the Christmas special.
What's the next ep and where to watch it and the rest.
11 Louds a Leapin' was the first episode of season 2 so you can just go forward from there. Watchcartoononline has most of them.
I just watched "Out of the Picture" today and I was expecting all the Lynncoln fags to flip at the bath scene and "Trying to recreate the photos"
Why did you have to remind me?
because you failed
Wrong episode, mate. Out of the Picture is where Lincoln and Clyde try and photobomb all the group pictures in the yearbook, fail miserably, and end up getting put in anyways as members of the yearbook committee. You're thinking of The Whole Picture, which is where Linc tries to recreate his childhood memories after the PC deletes his pictures.
Reminder that Jared Morgan regularly browses /tlhg/ and 4chan and keeps referencing in the comics and in the episodes.

you make that sound like its a bad thing anon

I mean I figured after we got a "loss" reference it confirmed that they come here
Did he ever post here or just reference he was here on twitter or something?
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He's the dude artist for some of the comics in the graphic novel and namedropped JCM in the comic. He's also the prop designer on the show, and threw in a fanfic reference in Room with a Feud.

Is he responsible for LOSS in Luan's room? Because if he is, he's ONE OF US ONE OF US
He's prop designer, so I'd assume so. Basically he's the one who actually creates all of the background objects and stuff that the characters interact with.

He's pretty decent, he's the one who keeps throwing in Lori's panties in to the show and likes to do running gags of how people can't spell Lori's name correctly. Bobby spells it as 'Lory' and Leni spells it as 'LOR-E'.

Fanfic reference?

Which fanfic
I think it's Leni & Anon or something like that? Go ask /tlhg/ for a link. The dude who wrote it is usually there. I just know of it because he does lewd art sometimes and he has a psychotic mother he talks about usually at this time of night.

everything Mapache does its godly
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Is just me or is Lenny gender swap pretty attractive?
Went to /trash/ for the first time in a long time thanks to this post. Jesus christ, 99 percent of that board needs to be nuked from orbit.
We're in real shitposting hours right now. Anyways I found the fic thing, it was this https://pastebin.com/1X2fMBrY

I guess the reference is the glow in the dark stars thing from that. It was also confirmed by some autist that went to a book signing w/ savino that there is a member of the crew who is an avid fanfic reader.

Honestly if you live with a bunch of chicks your going to see panties and bras all over the place
Yep. /tlhg/ is no different. Just a bunch of sad saps complaining about weird CC drama.
Lori, shit.
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LoudHouse_Mum's bum.png
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>girl drawn anime style
>looks attractive
Obviously. But this is a kids show, and a modern western one at that. Do you really think they'd normally show female underwear like that? Western media only jokes about boys underwear, not girls.
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Were you "personally" targeted or something, because I'm pretty sure you're the same dude constantly bringing this up in these threads. With they way you keep bitching about it, what you consider "drama" might be the most slightest of shit.
> namedropped JCM in the comic
JCM is already pretty famous for his Loud House stuff on deviantart tumblr and even twitter, where his stuff was shared. He isn't some /tlhg/ exclusive artist where mentioning him or knowing his name is somehow magic.
>a fanfic reference in Room with a Feud.
>Fanfic reference?
People, or specifically just one anon, likened Leni putting stickers on her ceiling to a fic where an anon has stars on his ceiling. However, this is easily like how people think throwing a Loss reference is a shout-out to 4chan, despite how prevalent it is on other sites.
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These threads are comfy.
>the last day of getting new episodes
Is the series over, is it just hiatus before season 3?

Also, Pastebin update when?
He runs his own board on cripplechan. kaatyun or something like that.
Nah, the series is still ongoing.
Season 3 starts in the summer.
I'm a bit late, but thanks a lot!
Here's another problem I have with /tlgh/, the anons thinking you're this 'ultra' or some other weirdo you never heard about and starting a flurry of autism.
Your problem is that you're taking things seriously and at face value, not just on 4chan, but in a general for an animated show of which more than half are pnly atill there for porn.
Too much Clyde
Leni is best girl.
Damn right she is.
Why is she so perfect?
Found it cute how Haiku wanted Clyde and Lincoln in the picture.
Too many reasons to list.

Not exactly Anime style though, eyes to round, face to long, nose to big, etc.
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Give me some examples.
Eh, might as well.

>Good hearted

Just to list a few.
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Reposting this for more potential
I just saw the episode "Spell it out", was it me or did the message one of Lori's friends leave her sound like Becky Prim?

Nice I didnt know this existed
is there a mega for spell it out?

Is google drive ok?
for watching, yeah
but it's low quality and you can't download it
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Best girl coming through
I want to rape Leni.
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You cant rape the cinnamon roll
You know I bet she wouldn't even mind.
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Leni figurine.jpg
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How much would you pay?
>"if sticking your meatstick into my pee hole makes you happy, then i dont care"
Are the clothes removable?
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So which sisters is he fucking?
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20-25 bucks

Now if it was pic related to the design of
>>92508552 the OP image and thr tinsel was removable

I'll gladly shell out about a 100 bucks or so
Doesn't look like it does
Is that fucking comic going to continue or what?

It is
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Boop the goth kid!
so wheres the big butts
Just one.
Well I'm fucking waiting.
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Sorry anon I didn't save them
Damn you.
I have no idea why I have a soft spot for things OMAM related but thank you for this
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But she's a kitty you can't boop a kitty's nose
Not with that attitude
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rapid boop.gif
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And this is to boop even further beyond.
I have specifically wanted to see that cute, protruding nose to be booped, and this episode delivered spectacularly.
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Oh hey is the worst loud sister

>Oh hey is the best loud sister

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How can the Rita maintain such a divine ass after having 11 kids

I mean just how is it possible

Plenty of exercise.
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The Loud House_Lets do it.jpg
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I don't get it.
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Thread posts: 132
Thread images: 46

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