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Thread replies: 121
Thread images: 63

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This better?

They both look enormous there
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is this a cheesecake thread?
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I should really hate this design but the idea of her going full THICC when she's older is too damn hilarious.
got the source on that, reverse search give me nothing
she actually has skin i think only her arms and legs are actually skeletons.
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Gaz 3.png
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Is this the Gaz thread or the cheesecake thread?
Her feet are becoming hooves.
i think cheesecake would be better since you can post gaz and other characters.
Those are boots anon.
Is there a difference on /co/?

But (teehee) she can't fart with her boobs.
The hoof like feet are wearing boots, yes.
Bigdad has been going downhill in quality for a while. Sucks desu
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Go be gay somewhere else, anon.
Actually I'm Jewish on my mother's side.
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W-what are you doing me!? I am feeling things that are very un-Irken happening to me. C-cease this a-at once s-sister of the D-Dib-monkey! I d-don't know what Mind Powers Y-you are using, b-b-but they shall not work on ZIM!
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how naive and childish
He was lying in this anyway
Even if he were serious here, boobs are IMPROVEMENTS to asses when it comes to sex characteristics. You are saying you would rather use an outhouse over a watercloset.
This is the most accurate fetishized depiction of Gaz BigDad has drawn

Want more
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keep it up anon you're doing god's work
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Kind of cutting it close here.

Merry fucking christmas you freaks.

Change the hair color to the proper purple its suppose to be and is my ideal Adult Gaz body.
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Bigdad I used draw under the persona Darnact?

That's rad.
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>changing a character to the point they look nothing like they are supposed to look
>taking a character whose body was basically a collection of sticks on a small rectangle with a giant cube head and adapting their design into something actually capable of stimulating arousal in a non-autist for the purpose of pinup fan art

Wow, yeah, what utter madness.
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Superspoe Gaz.png
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I agree that the only way to make Gaz sexy is to go off model on how she looks in the show, but some if the more recent Bigdad art does make her feel like a soulless copy of the original. He had a good balance but lost it somewhat along the way.
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I wouldn't say "soulless", more so separate. At this point the character has evolved so much it's practically Gaz in all but name. It gained a "soul" of it's own, ironically enough.
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What does that even mean?
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>Claims he likes it THICC
>Later on ends up doing this to Ashi
Sending mixed signals right there
The black man rapping considers white people to be so unappreciative of the fine ass, that it takes an extreme to provoke any reaction.
Thus, he is stating "The ass is so fat/thick/fine that even white men would shout at it".
I like the titty monster Gaz but I'm still more fond of her adult design with more modest proportions

Almost every fictional girl I like gets hit by the THICC meme. Hex maniac, Filia. Just fucking kill me
Skullgirls Filia?
Because she's canon chubby, you know. That's not a meme, that's her actual design.
Why would you shout at an ass?
To call the attention of its owner
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Guess I'll keep this thread alive with more Gaz.

For me it's Tittymonster>>Normal>>Stortstack with Gaz
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I feel like Tittymonster Gaz had more personality.
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I wasn't a fan of that fanart at first. But now, I thought up of a good "Cavewoman/Amazon Gaz" AU story thanks to it.
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"Come here and conquer THESE planets Space Boy"
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I mean, in context in makes sense. For decades, whites having a big ass was considered a bad thing. Girls even used it as an insult. It's only VERY recently where that seems to have faded out and people have learn to appreciate all of a woman's assets.
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This is good.
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One thing I noticed about Bigdad's Gaz as that he never once references her love of pigs.
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2B Gaz
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Well, All out of thicc. See you all another time.

Here's some kawaii uguu Gaz

You are a man of refined taste.
This is how Gaz should look when she's older, literally perfect.
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Might as well post some non-Gaz cheesecake.
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I never liked Gaz as a kid.All these people saying they had a crush on her I don't understand. To me she just felt like a generic "dark, emotionless" character.

I do like her personality in the comics though, where she's more like an actual sister to Dib mixed in with her pessimistic personality from the show. If she had that personality from day 1, maybe I'd understand why all these people crushed on her as kids.
>When the artist finally starts shading
>When the artists chooses the shittiest way to shade shit and ruins the coloring of all his pictures

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Some people like dark and emotionless though. It's like Tsundere and the Ice Queen, the appeal is to humanize them and see if you can soften them up. I do agree that she's much better in the comics though.
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the shading is kinda of alright but i do miss the tan lines in the top pictures.
Those delicious tanlines were fucking murdered.
tanlines are still there they're just way less visible, unshaded version is better
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Don't fight it Zimzam.
Just let nature take its course.

She also had actual feet.
>muh detention animay
Its a pretty good manga
Yeah but they are almost not visible at all, its still pretty great though.
My preference for adult Gaz is
Tittymonster>Tall lanky Gaz>>>>>>>shortstack
She really doesn't feel like she'd grow up to be a shortstack to me and I wish Bigdad would go back to his old design, even that one flat pic he did of her was better than his current design
this drawing makes me angry.
None of these designs are even close to the style of the show anyway, and what the creator would do.
Just a question for the ZaGr people here, why do you think Gaz would go for Zim of all People? I'm not asking why you ship them, because I know that answer is that it's cute and it's not fujoshit. Just hypothetically how do you think they would get together, and what do think would cause Gaz to give shit about relationships at all when she's shown to not care for any companionship at all, let alone that of a narcissistic alien?
I dont think she would in any esay, im not sutr she even knows he exists ir cares for him.
I'd say the best design for adult gaz is tall and lanky, I just like bigdad's old titty monster design for obvious reason
who's the twink?
pussy ass white bois too scared to shout
Come on guys dont stop posting picks of gaz.
>exaggerated and ridiculous fanart of a character i don't know

God this board sucks
Beat it, kids.
I remember one anon thinking her left buttcheek was a ballsack.
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Holy phoneposter Batman!
How can you not know gaz?
My glasses broke in half this weekend and im still waiting for them to be fixed. Im also at work and cant use the pc to access 4chan.
A few reasons. Both are loners who hates the human race and find Dib annoying which is something they can bond over. Zim is someone she could hang with on account that he's slightly less stupid then most people she knows. Both are competitive as hell and hate to lose, maybe they could form a relationship though their rivalry over something like video game which they both enjoy. And of course both are mean, angry and cruel individuals, Gaz has once shown interest in Zim's life when she almost wanted to see him experiment on Dib if she didn't have to ho to a family dinner.
I feel like Zim and Gaz could at least form a friendship or a respect for each other, they just need something to trigger it. Lack of interaction between the two is the main problem with the ship.
Now I'm just drawing from personal experience here, but I imagine that after a while, Gaz would get tired of isolation.

Yeah, sure it's all fine and dandy to just fuck off by yourself and immerse yourself in vidya and toons for while and not deal with other people, but after a while the lonliness gets grating. Talking to yourself loses its charm, and you find that older you get, the meaner and more bitter that little voice becomes, to the point where you start dreading having to hear it. And there's always that nagging feeling that you're missing out or have missed out, that you're not getting the whole package deal of life, and that if you don't start now, you never will. Or that you are the way you are not by choice, but becuase you can't make amongst normal people, that you're defective or inadequate. All while that little voice you used to talk to starts chewing you out, blaming you for being an incompetent fuck up. It would be maddening.

But again just speculation from what I know.

As for why Zim? Well Judging by her contempt for humanity and her Lack of shown friends, I imagine that she's just thought of as "That mean, moody Goth bitch" and left alone as no-one would want to deal with her. Zim at least, Respects and fears her, and is only somewhat deranged instead of a full blown idiot like her peers at the skool. She could probably bully and intimidate him into doing what she wanted.
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These >>92404379 >>92404479 plus electra complex.

Zim is a scientist, after all.
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You speak like the Father of Lies.
Who's this beast?
>look at me guys i made a maymay
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Gaz from invader zim
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Who cares?
Post green thicc.
Also, the hate sex would be amazing to watch.
Holy shit, that mabel. Hhhhhhhrrng
Thread posts: 121
Thread images: 63

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