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/sug/ - Steven Universe General

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Thread replies: 802
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Last Thread: >>92270541

>Lion 4, Doug Out, The Good Lars, Are You My Dad?, and I Am My Mom
Drive: https://su-g.pw/4u4qy
Direct: https://sug.rocks/dl.html
Marebucks: Starting https://marebucks.com/sun/122
Dailymotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/stevenbombsfordays
Stuck Together: https://mega.nz/#F!w6xyBDYR!zGTNesKi5s89QOW5WmGCxg

>4 more episodes will come later
>SU Soundtrack coming June 2nd.
>"Keep Beach City Weird: You Can't Hide the Truth!!!" now available
>Art book "Art and Origins" available for pre-order
>Graphic novel "Anti-Gravity" available for pre-order

>Episode downloads
1080p: https://mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw
1080p alt and comics: https://sug.rocks/dl.html
Comics, soundtracks, older 720p/1080p episodes: https://mega.nz/#F!Y5E0BKjK!UsE19rOYDa5Ttl5QRFwgtw
Streaming: https://marebucks.com/sun/
>Official airing schedule in EST (click to the right of the logo)

[LEAKS] (make sure to use spoiler tags)
>2 minute previews and screenshots from CN server
>Leakbot and other cool /sug/ stuff


>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads

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>Steven will never ask you to take off his pants
>No link to Stuck Together
>Spoiler OP

You fucking idiot

1080p with subs for Stuck Together: https://mega.nz/#F!w6xyBDYR!zGTNesKi5s89QOW5WmGCxg
can mods spoiler the OP because OP is an idiot thanks
Are you blind or just retarded?
Didn't even know another one leaked. Thanks anon.
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>Throwing a pants-shitting tantrum over a leak that everyone expected

Spoilerfags are cancer.
ep was nice desu.
im still salty lars is up there despite this being a decent episode for him. but i dunno we've been through this song n dance with lars before so im not sure how i feel.
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Gems should swap outfits
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I tried to add the link to stuck together but I did it wrong opps
Okay it is in there, but it's not listed at the top

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These fucking cliffhangers guys, ugh, and I just made it worse for myself for watching this leak.

on the other hand, that aqua face was something straight out of nichijou or nichibros
It was a nice episode
But there was 4 minutes of Steven and Lars talking
Why post such a big spoiler in the OP?
If it makes you feel better we'll get more in a few days
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So, do you think she counts as redeemed?
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he's gonna do it
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Alright but can you guys please stop spoiling it? Because my internet is slow as shit and it's taking hours to download
So let me guess...

Topaz got shattered.

But nobody knew what was gonna happen you retard. Now the first thing guys who are just waking up are going to see is something that ruins the episode
There's a spoiler from the ep in the op you tard, that's like telling people not to be mad about being told darth vader is luke's father just because they knew star wars 5 would come to theaters
No, but she was close.
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Unlike Peridot when she was confronted she stepped back in line

She's actually more of a coward than Peridot, which is pretty funny
She's just a literal who

she's kinda of a meme for the mexican version of the onion
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I'm mexican and I never heard of her.
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>Topaz's girlish voice
To be fair did you have any idea who the fuck most of the main VAs were before SU started
are you chicano?

if not, ve mas cine mexicano wey
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>tfw a fun zuke episode that isn't weighed down by autistic shipping fanfcition
Also this
>ve mas cine mexicano wey
Her VA reminds me of someone from Adventure Time.
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I hope Ashly Burch voices MG, but I'm sure it's another homeworld gem.
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So she's like pic related?
That's probably why she never talks, it's to be intimidating with that voice.
>a single still ruins the entire episode
Get the hell over it you big baby.

You too, spoilerfag.
WOW GOOD EP i want to hug topaz
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Is it up on dailymotion yet?
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It does if you spoil the climax you fucking faggot
that is a man
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thats a rock anon.
no gender there.
What is this?
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Nah as I said before, pretty obvious it's MG

Topaz might have a big manly dick but she is a PUSSY
Mmm, melodrama

they're pretty fem and use the pronoun she.

So for me its lesbian sentient space rocks whose bodies are mostly high quality holograms
Also, it's officially Season 5 according to the CN app.
looks like megas
how would you know?
I now accept the design cause she sound cute and just acts tough but is a softy deep down
>those dolphin sounds from spongebob
Kinda soon for that
Looks like we got a whole Steven and Lars arc ahead of us

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this face
she is sweet all the way through, not even a bloodthirsty sadist like bismuth
Of course a faggot like you wouldn't have an argument for his shitty behaviour
And no new OP
There will never be a new op...
Those weird bird and dolphin noices
Link to video? I can't download stuff because my computer a shit
Yeah well that's what the BAR is for, so you can have a lot of big and fast.
Oh yeah, why the dolphins?

>*aqua not fucking hearing them*
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Why does Zuke keep making cuck jokes about Jasper
Watch it while it is up

Spoiler you shit,

also, I've seen this face before, in anime.

Is it Gintama?
If this was Zuke's last ep, that face is a great thing to end on. Her final legacy
She has legit empathy making her a good person.
you just said topaz is a man.
That was pretty funny

Zuke can be pretty good, its a shame the shipping stuff ruined her
>they're escaping
>aqua finds them
OOOoOOoOHhhhh thank god

that wasn't me
Hinting at us returning to the zoo????
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Kinda reminds me of this
They couldnt escape since they already in another galaxy due to being close to homeworld.
she was getting wet over the idea of shattering aristocrats
She's still got 2 or 3 left I believe

Once we are close to the uprooting, we will know
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So the Diamonds ban fusion because it gives gems feelings?
>muh soft voiced butch lesbian
Why do we let Zuke get away with this?
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Riddle me this /sug/

CN did announced the season finale arc will be on the app before TV.
Why did they uploaded this new episode without announcing it?
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Jasper had feelings anon
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It makes them into cute sweethearts like Malachite
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Looks.... familiar.......
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well they seem to let "enforcer" type gems use it.

Probably cause they're weak on their own for one reason or another, and fusion makes them stronger
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why would zuke have any say in VAs? I'm pretty sure that's not her job.
What argument do I even need? I'm not a melodramatic woman who screams "ITS RUINED" over something trivial like this. Shut up and watch the episode. Or are you not done crying yet?
>still not fat
will she do the spanish dub as well?
could care less about ur opinion..
>Wipes away her tears with Steven's pants

Zuke doesn't pick the voice actors, anon
shut up bitch

she's got hottest VA so far by a longshot
edit her as fat yourself kek
Her voice is so nice.
I don't even think it did, it's not her fault the writers aren't including Lapis/Peridot in important plots
less ominous, more adventure-y
The way she danced with Lapis, I feel like she was no fusion virgin
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How the fuck does this shit leak with such consistency anyway?
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calm down fag
season 2 didn't have a new OP until a few episodes in, I think

maybe we'll see something new for sdcc 2017
Ending credits music ok(ish) quality
she's just a lonely virgin that watched a lot of fusion porn in her free time
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Gems are probably like Vulcan that favor logical thinking over emotions.
The Diamond know how emotions can distract and cloud a gems judgement. Look at Blue diamond
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>tfw your StevenLars bromance you've always wanted is happening at high speeds
>they even shouted each other's names while being separated
Thank you, Sugar. And thank you Zuke, I guess.

I hope the quality of this arc improves. It's off to a decent start, although I thought Aquamarine was going to be a bit more brutal on Topaz.
Why didn't Steven tell Topaz she could be a fusion on Earth when Aquamarine asked her what she would do next? I understand he thinks that he needs to be punished for what happened to Pink Diamond and kind of wanted to go to Homeworld, but he's also risking Lars' life by not trying it.

CN straight up put it on their website

Apparently this is their plan for the show now
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The bomb was planned to be released early on the CN app, but this one doesn't even have a scheduled air date. I have no clue, this breaks the "2-days-early" trend that SU normally isn't a victim of to begin with. Seeing as though it's bugged it definitely came from CN's servers.
I still blame the Brazilians.
What are you talking about anon? She admitted to trying to force a relationship between them

Its not the writers fault Zuke kept pushing their undeveloped relationship as romance
They're definitely going to fuse
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So is the next one coming same time next week?
What makes you think gems would like living on this rock?
official release on the CN app. Unsure if they do it on purpose, since this wasn't advertised

people generally keep their eyes open for new releases if we get the usual previews/screenshot leaks from Turner like what happened with Stuck Together
Not them and I watched the episode, but I'd be pretty ticked off if I opened /co/ and saw the OP pic before I had a chance to watch the ep.

Just accept having that as the OP pic is a dick move, what's there to argue about?
It's the fucking climax of the episode. You did a shitty job and now you have no choice but to double down on your retarded doing. I'm eager what your whining will be now.
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>I've never done it with another guy before, Lars.
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not the same but very similar, just sitting there in my /a/ reaction pic folder
hahaha Lars would've died on the way back from oxygen deprivation because Topaz didn't know any better
So it leaked at midnight sharp?
because the next time a ship didn't come back, there probably wouldn't be any last minute deals or tricks to save their asses, probably just a platoon of hand ships or whatever igniting earth's atmosphere
It strikes me that Lapis can travel through space.
And they've already made a vehicle capable of escaping Earth's atmosphere once.

So... yeah.
I am pretty pleased with it as well, I really hope this leads to Stars
this is different and i don't think it would work
especially if she fears yellow diamond.
Like seriously there are only 5 gem on earth against what? all of home world? Good luck convincing topaz again after she was scared straight.
that is more of a look of regret, aqua's is a look of disgust
Holy shit did Aqua's wand just disentegrate that escape pod?

Most OP gem confirmed.
>What the fuck is this bleeding heart bullshit
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there's that popular expression from Soul Eater
Is there an actual way to watch Stuck Together right now without having to download anything?
They advertised the bomb was going to be early app released on last friday. This episode will probably be mentioned after they air are you my dad/ i am my mom.
She smashed it against the wall
>That reaction image
I have never seen it used more perfectly
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soul eater has a similar one as well at the end of the first excalibur episode.
That's just her technology. I'm pretty sure there's better technology on HomeWorld.
No. Streaming kids are no allowed to enter the cool club yet.
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sure, for me personally tho, it was this pic
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We'll have to verify if the episode is still available on the CN app. If they take it down, it was an accident like they did with the last bomb.
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Hey /sug/, so i found this old page from when i was a kid, apparently my plan for "Taking Over The World. I thought it was pretty silly.
How about you read the thread
I just don't think writing some low-key shippy dialogue is a big deal, the real disservice to their characters is the writers sidelining them and never making plots that goes into depth with their characters
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Will he have two dicks?
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Really good episode. SU isn't letting me down.
a solid plan
That is a more solid plan than the Rose had for saving Earth.
No anon the escape pod disappears meaning it was atomized.
with this
Thats actually a pretty good plan.
They warped from Earth to HW awfully fast. YD could invade earth at a moment's notice if they discover the fate of the Cluster
lol i actually myself thought it was pretty good for a 5 yr old
>Aquamarine could have instantly killed Alexandrite anytime she wanted.
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Are we getting an ep about "meanwhile, on Earth..."?
is zuke gonna redeem herself with their final episodes?

They are purists. Same gem fusion is fine, since it apparently doesn't create any new gem types or emotions. Ruby say something like fusion just made her feel bigger.

It's different gem types fusing that they hate. It's unpredictable, often unstable and creates identity issues.
Who else really started liking Topaz a lot more?
>pinches Steven's cheek and calling him cute
porn when
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Does this mean...
more homeworld pearls?
That would be too good for SU.

thanks man/girl/whatever.
wait, so redeeming gems in one episode, by accident, is fine and good now?
oh thank god it
wasn't you know who
As long as Lapis and Peridot do not appear on her episodes, she can do a decent job.
>Homeworld can travel intergalactic distances in about 15-20 minutes
I'm really wondering how they're going to wrap this up. With how advanced Homeworld is and what the show is like, I think a big battle for Earth won't ever happen.
>Episode ends right before we get a glimpse of homeworld

I'm so fucking hype, this is literally what I've been waiting for since I started watching this show
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So once again the day is saved, thanks to..... The Crystal Gems!
this seems way more upbeat than the last ones. And it reminds me of another theme but I can't recall which
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Oh yeah, that shit was the best
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so hyped for the next episodes
nervous/business pearl?
no one's been redeemed. Topaz is just the gentle giant that fans thought she might be
it's a one off character so who cares
Aquamarine is upset that the fruit is yellow
post yfw The Trial has an arena full of new gems

Well, this leak helped me get over the hockey game, so I'd say this leak happened at a great time
God, I want to molest Aquamarine so much.
>Steven almost talk no jutsu'd his way out of this
>it didnt work in the end

Better episode than expected
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Well, I guess it wasn't a "True" redemption, as only the fusion was sentimental about the whole thing and it was mostly a "I know the feeling of being together" moment.

However, Aquamarine's entire thing at the end was . . . interesting to say the least. Maybe not redemption material, but interesting development at least.
I won't even have a face at that point. Too much faceing will completely destroy it
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When was the last time SU was this good? Not even You are my dad and I am my mom were this exciting
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My lord.jpg
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>Top 10 Most Shocking Anime Confessions

Also, why do you think Lars and Steven were separated? To be put into different jail cells or something?
How did aqua get two extra gems?
we will never see a widescale, extended battle like that. It wouldn't make any sense with how few of the Crystal Gems remain. BUT a giant giant giant woman fending off against whatever ultimate weapon the Diamonds concoct would look really cool
>pearl voices herself
So will we finally see White Diamond?
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topaz what are you doing.png
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>ending song changes
>actually sounds decent
>mfw you hear the dolphin sounds
They could always show close ups of crowd reactions.
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got you covered guy
I wanted it to be that they hated being forced to be together by their job
So they wouldn't plan a revolt? OR maybe it's because Steven is going to a high security place
i laughed.
>Not even You are my dad and I am my mom were this exciting
Ok Zuke, you can calm down now.
It wasn't so exciting when half an episode was only Steven and Lars talking
for a moment, I thought Lars and Steven would fuse... listening to Topaz talking was refreshing.
i think it was aqua's pride telling her it wouldnt be a good idea telling the diamonds she got overpowered by a dumb topaz
she S W E A T ? ?
>they put steven in another one of those destabilizer cells because they think he's a gem again

here we go
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So when is the next ep due out/expected to "leak"?
I don't understand what she meant by the "uprooting". Perhaps she learned about future story pitches that she's not involved in.
>teardrop tattoo
so she's a serial killer?
i`ll admit, that episode was fucking great, despite the Steven and Lars fucking each other while Topaz watched.
why didn't steven just bubble to pop topaz again? lazy fuck
lars goes to the zoo, steven goes to trial
why would they bother with a human?
Lars goes to the zoo while steven goes on trial
You'll know when it happens, just like Stuck together.
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>Lars actually owning up to his shit and growing up
Guess that makes Ronaldo the worst character now.
Lars is gonna fucking die, isn't he?
>we're not even on Earth anymore

Because he only wanted Lars to escape not him.

[s]maybe since he turned himself in...?[/s]
when has ronaldo not been the worst?
Really hope this ep gets more people onboard the Steven x Lars ship, but that's probably too much to ask.
That would've been really interesting honestly
I hope we do eventually see a fusion where it's not like taking ecstasy and the components become addicted to each other
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I can't say I ever expected an episode boarded exclusively by Zuke which is almost solely about Steven and Lars just talking to be good
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I ride the Zuke hate train too but come on. This episode wasn;t all too bad.
>Homeworld gather pearls to make some beads, just like humans do.
>anal beads
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What was the last episode that got leaked while /sug/ was on /co/?
Gems are inorganic thus time has no effect on their lifespans.
>that "lol who died" image looks distinctly like Amber's art
>amber hasn't been storyboard revisionist on the last few episodes (like how the last few episodes before Chille Tid didn't have zuke as storyboard revisionist)
>Amber confirmed killing or at least maiming lars
When do you think Hamber's first episode will be? If Raven quit in July and didn't work on Season 5 then Hamber's first one should be one of the next few episodes
Haven't seen new episode yet,
anyone got a link beside mega, that shit ain't working for me
Stuck Together
I think it'll be the next episode Hilary boards
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It wasn't bad at all, but to say it was more exciting than the season finale it's overreacting.
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>tfw we probably won't see Topaz ever again after this arc

That leaked board was either drawn by Jeff or Amber >>92278502
>Amber kills off Lars in her very first episode
We don't actually know if there's an upper limit on gem lifespans. We do know that time does have some effect on them - older gems appear less colorful than newer ones.
shh, quiet
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Q U I T E ! ? ! ?
That's the Soul Eater face

They use a bit of cartoon logic here. Not sure how they can sustain infinite lifes without any other energy source than their own harvest.
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lapis will uh save the day by bringing the entire ocean to homeworld
Wow, thanks based anon
I'd say the only bad thing about the episode was how even after aquamarine ordered topaz around lars and steven think she can't hear.
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Raven's last episode was in season 4 and Colin said his last episode was the good Lars, so Amber's first episode will definitely be one of the next four, probably the next one with Hilary.
That's better.
Previews Saturday at midnight, episode wednesday if today is any indication
is it me, or has the music these last few episodes been on point? also:
Is it true that you get emotional after a good fucking/being fused?
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You're late to the party desu
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This scene was iconic.
I've heard a few people reference that now. Can someone link to what the hell that is?
Is Stuck Together out now?
Obviously she reads lips.
Holy shit, wasn't expecting that.

Are you guys expecting The Trial leaks soon?
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Aqua is one tough cookie
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>On a mission to catch six humans.
>Bring a ship without any prison cells.
steven chewing out lars even though his plan was never going to work was one of this more dickish moments
hah, and you guys said topaz didnt actually like fusing
it appears they are just posting this one early
Topaz is the prison cell
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Give me all the Aqua pics you've got
topaz helping Steven and Lars out of nowhere like that is such horse shit writing.
I read somewhere that coming during sex/masturbation makes the person feel relaxed or something afterwards, and the stereotype for sex between loving individuals is that they'll just start to cuddle or be sappy, so I guess?
Fuck off, pedo.
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Gracias amigos.
I didn't know it was going to be leaked so soon.
So are we finally going to see White Diamond in the next episode?
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well I drew this >>92277524 and pic related
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Is Lars or Topaz the bigger pussy?
She's gonna be in the game.

Fuck zuke. How could she possibly fuck up this stupidly simple episode?
>topaz helping Steven and Lars out of nowhere like that is such horse shit writing.
We already know a lot of the servant/worker class gems are a lot nicer and more willing to help than their superiors. It's not too surprising, especially after we saw all those Amethysts.
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>Everyone is happy about Topaz
>MFW I'm panicking that the show will use her to explain shattering
Maybe Aqua had headphones on.
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It strikes me that Lapis can travel through space.
And they've already made a vehicle capable of escaping Earth's atmosphere once.

So... yeah.
It's because we're reaching Home World now.
It gets more and more upbeat the closer we get to the heart of the alien world, rather than just a ghostly presence
She's a HS dropout what do you expect
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stop it anon
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We need to see more topaz to clearly justify the stats
This desu. The dialogue was kinda shit too and why the hell did she give up when Aqua started threatening her? It's not like she couldn't just go live on earth with the Steven and the rest of the misfit gems.
Pretty much this: >>92278665

Low-tier Gems that don't obsess over their Diamonds seem to be incredibly willing to rebel.
Lapis is a fucking enigma

that or they didn't think that far into the show

I've been saving this link just for that occasion
She was talking to the Diamonds, pay attention to the episode
Fuck you're probably right. What if the character the staff alluding to dying wasn't actually Lars, but Topaz?
we don't do that anon. never.
Lapis is an asshole though
>Go to shit for 20 minutes
>130 new messages
And this shit was dead as fuck last night
wew lad
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>Steven could have convinced Topaz to join them on Earth to be free to feel feelings after aquabitch came along
>Steven will never get that chance ever again
Well, even if she is queen bitch of dick squad, she would be willing to help save Steven.
this episode was pretty zuke
Aquamarine and her voice remind of another evil midget character but I don't remember which one
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Post yfw Lapis is revealed to be the true big bad
>anon doesn't know
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Aquamarine, despite being all of a foot tall and looking like a pixie, is probably the most alpha character on the show.
Episode here
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Post yfw the next episode unveils large amounts of new gems
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Can't post the good ones here
Pic unrelated
iirc, she also voices peppa pig or maybe it was that rabbit.
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>No qt double dates with garnet
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But that's just Lapis
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Won't be able to handle
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You guys ever notice Lars's face here? Almost seems like he was originally smoking, but they cut that part out.
looking cool for the cool kids
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Topaz has been listening to Steven since he got captured the first time. She was probably moved by how much he was willing to do to help his friends. Steven seems to have that effect on people and gems. He can bring out the best in almost anyone. Topaz isn't the fist gem he has turned to his side.
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it probably wont, or it will be 2 or 3 at most
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>the influx of porn to come
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Blue Diamond > Aquamarine > Sapphire > Holly Blue > Blue Pearl >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lapis
I can't believe they're using steven going to homeworld as a lars development arc
sounds like something people here would make up as joke worst case scenario
I know
he could have let lars escape and then hand himself back in once lars was gone
>Even closer to Aquamarine

top kek

Greg has found pills, and eaten them.
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Aqua >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sapphire > Blue Diamond > blue Pearl > Holly Blue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lapis
Or whistling.
Lapis > Aqua > Sapphire > Blue Pearl >>> Holly > Blue Diamond
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>tfw they`ll show a second of a room full of peridots, all with limb enhancers

plz anon, the idea is wonderful but i dont want to be reminded of what could have been
Wait, I'm wrong.
It can't be Lapis with those tits.
She is becoming my favorite character, I honestly hope she never becomes redeemed or at least keeps her sociopathic personality if ends up helping in some way. I needed to see at least one character react to Stevens shtick like this.
Naw nigga, you ever watch anime? This is how they hype up a character so the audience likes them more just before they kill them off, making their death more impactful. Lars is dead yo.
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>Blue Diamond > Aquamarine > Lapis > Blue Pearl > Holly Blue > Sapphire
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>Topaz eventually decides to stop being cowardly and go full-out in helping Steven and Lars
>Yellow Diamond catches her
>MFW her las appearance is her looking up, crying, as a shadow falls rapidly onto her
shit taste
let me drive my van into YOOOOOooUOUouUOuouoUOuuoUOuoUOUOuoUOuoouUOuuOuoUouuoOOuouOuouOUOUUuouooUUOuoUOuuUOou
Meh, I would only put her at 7 on the asshole scale.
Aqua >>> Lapis > Relevancy >>>>>> The rest
Worst taste possible
>I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker
maybe it's an Era1 Aqua
That's the joke Anon
it's only one of them

Why does Lapis get so much hate?
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my opinion mostly matches /sug/'s in pic related

its Lapis > BD > Bloople > Holly => Saphire >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>literal shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aqua (but she's fun to hate)
Why does a shit character get hate?
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>Topaz`s last words are "I`m sorry, Topaz"
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best glorious gracious diamond > holly > aqua > lapis= sapphire > bloople

i put bloople last because we've only gotten glimpses of who she is. unless you mean design wise, i'd put her between holly and lapis
That would be dumb as fuck.
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>BP that low
escort you and your shit taste out
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>No character
>Worst color
because she's shit

oh look an old irrelevant poll a lapisfag spammed votes in with an ip changer
I can't speak for everyone but I dislike her for how she has developed lately. She's incredibly petty and the near-shipping incident flanderized quite a bit.
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>yoo the fuck you talkin about
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Did the full episode leak?
No, but her immediate 180 as a character helps establish that Homeworld isn't full of true believers. We now have her and the Famethsyt as proof that there's new rebels to be made on Homeworld and off of Earth.
She's boring as fuck?
I find her badly written and very overrated.
If you look at the Rubies, their colors indicate the order in which they were made. Eyeball's the oldest and her colors are the most faded, Leggy is the youngest and hers are the brightest.
Buttmad Jasper and Perifags.
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that would be amazing honestly. image how mad "lapis is an abuse victim" tumblr would be
You're not from here
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Lets do it again then:





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No, only 11 minutes of one
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Fuck off waifuscum
Ironically it would fit, though. People who were victims of abuse are the most likely to become abusers themselves.
Aqua > Blue Diamond > Holly > Sapphire >>>>> Blue Pearl >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lapis
Fuck you, I made a better one.


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That would be an amazing, cringe inducing, sight
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>am a Jasperfag who loves giant buff chicks
>Aquamarine is turning me into a lolifag and I like her more than new big gem
>yfw Steven leaves Homeworld before meeting any new gem and only interacts with Blue and Yellow Diamond and a few familiar quartzes
Midnight Saturday
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Your shit taste is showing anon, pathetic
this desu
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this is even worse, fuck you
because she's beautiful
Lapis is SHIT
>does awful stuff but is never really called out for it
>supposed to be mental illness representation but it's badly done
>shit writing
Lapis isn't a victim of abuse though. Unless you mean before the whole Malachite situation, than maybe. She abused Jasper, not the other way around
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I don't got no problems
She's perfect, she's beautiful, she looks like Linda Evangelista, she's a model.
Dude there are fucking rocks on this giant rock that have bee here since the Permian period.

Aging is a biological thing thus inorganics cannot age at all.
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Would /sug/ agree that S1 Lapis > The rest of the show Lapis?
Even worse, only ONE of the Topazes gets shattered, leaving the other one all alone.
She was poofed and forced into a mirror to do a bunch of shit against her will, that counts as abuse, no?
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So you have all problems?
She's always been shit, but yeah, she was less shit back then
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Lapis is my queen since mirror gem
and all you anons are going to pretend you've always liked her when there's a good episode with her
Ep was alright, but all the Lars-Steven conversation wasn't interesting to me. Topaz was cool though and the last 3 - 4 minutes were good.

Does Steven really not know that Lars is going to be taken to the zoo?
I want cute Topaz fanart and I want it RIGHT NOW!
meh i wouldn't consider it abuse.
>shit continuity
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I have another poil that strongly suggests this is true
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Well, the problem is that Lapis in Season 1 was a non-character and needed to be expanded upon to be interesting.
We took the S1 bait, and we were rewarded with a hook
It would be hilarious if the rose quartz rebellion was a ploy by white diamond to eliminate pink diamond because the latter was planning on seizing control of the diamond council and homeworld.

Every pink gem is a traitor. 4D gem chess
You have shit taste
It would be dumb to take it down now tho, even if it was an accident

Its already out there and they know people will upload it elsewhere so mightiest well keep it up so people watch it on their site instead and they can get the views
Post the full on /trash/
Okay just watched it and I enjoyed it. Topaz crying felt a bit like a parody of the show, but I guess that was the point. Overall, not bad, 6.5/10.
This. She constantly does questionable shit but nobody calls her out. It's even worse considering what she's supposed to represent.
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..pls, d-don't waste your vote on m-me
I dunno where they are, but it's not Pink Diamond's Zoo.

The yellow glow of the walls suggests YD's domain.
>does awful stuff but is never really called out for it

silly anon, it's okay to torture someone for months as long as they were kinda mean to you first
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It's not even a contest.
>What is "dubs"?
Are you a diamond?
Done and done
>Next episode is Blue and Yellow Diamond sitting Steven down and giving him a complete history of Homeworld, gem origins, the Rebellion, along with a slideshow of all gems and their possible fusions
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Aqua crying.jpg
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>Zero for Peedee
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I think its just cause the pearlfags aren't here right now.

I would vote for you bloople if I didn't waifu saltwater
>New thread
Oh well, thanks
that's it. This is the episode finally snags an emmy
we've only met rose and the earth quartzes as pink gems and only one is a traitor
Why do kids write stupid shit like this? my boss' son gave me a letter on how he would start world war 3
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inb4 SU goes A Clockwork Orange
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This is actually something that really pisses me off and probably one of the very few things that can make me hate a character.
Fuck off, even as a Pearlfag I can recognize BP is shit. Aquamarine is best blue.
>memefags from redit liked how lapis acted like a retarded autist in a meme episode
>that or more ip change spam
If Aqua narcs on Topaz and causes this to happen, there is no way she is getting "redeemed."

inb4 "oh no I didn't want the Diamonds to go that far I'm sooooooooorry"
>The next episode will be Steven connecting to Onion's mind to play a game that's on free trial
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oh anon, you ship P A R A L L E L S too
how about some blue salt-water
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Why do fanartists always draw Pink Diamond like Cutie Honey.
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>BP is shit
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cuz pink is a qtie honey of coursh
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We were wrong, it's Aqua that gets shattered for failing to get all the humans

.>they will all be silhouettes
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blue saltwater is great
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You're shit.
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yooo i just realized is aquamarine heavily influenced by Stewie Griffin
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Of all things I expect in a /sug/ thread,RPDR references are certainly the last, henny
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Get the fuck out
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Same, I can't stand those types of characters. I know there's karma houdinis in real life, too, but I also hate those, so I don't know why writers think I'll like them in fiction.
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Aqua being redeemed would probably kill me. Just let her be a villain.
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>We all only get what we deserve
>does awful stuff but is never really called out for it

I never got this. Greg called her mean, Connie called her out nearly drowning her and acting like a child, Peridot called her out breaking her tape recorder( Steven even called her mean for this one) and she acknowledged what she did to Jasper and that she was rude to Navy.
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Ashly is going to voice her right?
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aquafags would be on suicide watch
>Spoiler in OP pic
You're seriously the worst kind of person
Id kill myself Aqua is my only reason for living.
id be cool with it
plus aquafag tears
What were you living for a week ago?
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> http://www.strawpoll.me/12940565/r
>there is this many aquafags on night /sug/

I hope daytime /sug/ corrects this mistake
Let's talk about this.

Peridot and Jasper have called her out before, and they've both had pretty thorough descriptions of their perception of Lapis's nature. Steven is stubbornly forgiving of her actions, but only because she's so devoted to him. We know that Steven is willing to forgive anyone if they show weakness and are receptive of Steven's feelings.

The CG have never seemed to acknowledge Lapis, other than that Steven likes her a lot.

Lapis is a ticking time bomb ready to blow any time. I think it'd have been better if the crew wrote her off by having her travel the Earth like she wanted to, rather than grounding her in the barn with Peridot like some sort of parallel to real life depression/trauma.
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She won't get redeemed but I wager she'll show a bit more compassion (not much) towards her underlings.

She does strike me as the sort of boss who gives her employees a hard time but tries to keep them out of the worst trouble they can get into.

She'll stay a villain, Topaz might run away back to Earth later though
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A lot of good taste you mean
Steven Universe.
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As long she doesn't appear
more likely to happen since they made Aqua clearly an unlikable cunt so that if she dies, no one would feel sorry for her
Its the dolphin porn
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Steven Anime.png
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Am I the only one who was caught off guard by Topaz's voice?

I thought it'd be butch as fuck desu
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Worthy punishment for being mean to best fusion
Kill yourself lapisfag.
Stuck together proves you wrong m8
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That WOULD solve the problem of a gleeful psycho in a show with "no villains."
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I have to admit, I've done a complete 180 on Topaz since her first appearance. I thought she was just kind of a witless lackey, but now we know she has an actual voice and personality. I mean, she hasn't shown a ton of depth (not enough screen time and lines for that), but we've learned at least a couple of things about Topaz:

>She's tired of going on Homeworld missions and craves some variety of independence
>She's happier when both her components are fused together rather than separated

The first point shows that she could possibly have the makings of being a potential Crystal Gem/friend of Steven and the Gems. The second point is also worth considering, because we know of another Gem who loves being a fusion all the time: Garnet. If wanting to be a permanent fusion is Topaz's thing, then I could definitely see her forming some sort of kinship with Garnet.
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Do you think we'll get a Season 6?
Why do Lapisfags like Lapis?
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I think, she's flavour on the month, all dependent on what happens with her character.

She's also great for lolifags, so theres that
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No Blue character has gotten more personality than her, and that's a fact.
Designsfags are getting BTFO
That would be really interesting

Gems who don't like being forced together and want to be their own gems

They'd be the opposite of Garnet
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Is it just me or was anyone else surprised that Aquamarine didnt just Syndrome Topaz and tell the Diamonds about their attempt at mutiny?

I thought for sure she'd let them get shattered just out of malice
my brother was expecting her to be like ME TOPAZ ME BIG

honestly same
She showed compassion for Topaz who is by defintion a deserter.
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thats arguable, Holly has probably as much personality at this point
Holly is shittiest gem.
yeah, it was surprising. Kinda cute that her silent no-nonsense expression is a just mask for work.
Aqua > Lapis
Topaz > Jasper
It wasn't "compassion" it was out of necessity.
She needs Topaz to do all the heavy lifting for the mission. Aquamarine probably snitched on her immediately after that.
I guess no more leaks for tonight. I'll zip.

Good night, everyone!
I kind of liked Topaz but I didn't think much of her, I thought she was just going to be a speechless brute.

Then the dainty-ass voice came out with the tears, and now I love her. Even her awkward little legs seem adorable to me now.
She might be afraid of being blamed for insubordination. It's safer for her to keep Topaz in line than to get anywhere near the Gem Inquisition.
Is this now a guild wars 2 spoiler thread?
>hop on to flavor of the month
>save tons of images
>forget about them after a while
>look back in their folders one day
>get nostalgic AND horny
FOTM characters are great

Well she has that wand thing.
>Holly has probably as much personality at this point
Yeah, but try to say that with a straight face.
Holly was just a blip in the series and now she's dead and buried. The only one who still cares about her is the one Hollyfag who post her every night.
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now kiss
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>Topaz > Jasper

This is going to upset the jasperfags in the morning
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Would you fug, /co/?
Why did Raven quit?
Jasper is dead and buried deep underground
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Are you implying we won't see the famethyst again?

bruh, they have to put Lars in the zoo you know?
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sleep tight
Smell Steven's pants? That's disgusting Anon
Waifaggotry ended with Jasper

Now Topaz is my new best waifu
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>mfw The Trial takes place where Stuck Together ended, with Topaz carrying Steven
>mfw Topaz and Steven chat with each other for a second before taking him wherever he needs to be
I just wanna don't want anything to happen to Topaz, please sugar
Why wouldn't we?
I love Topaz now but Jasper > Topaz still stands

no but she cute

I would her VA
>waifu-hopping slut
Is Aqua a loli or midget?
would hug, not fug
see >>92278667
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Will Jasper ever have someone that will fuse with her and stay like Topaz and Topaz? Topaz is also a slut who wants to stay fused forever and doesn't like being split up.
yfw we barely get to see homeworld, and all we get to see is a trial room and a prison cell
>Of course she cant hear you Steven, she has those big headphones on

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Seeing SU clips in VHS quality makes it look like one of those old Hanna Barbera specials they'd sell straight to video.
I'm sorry I recognize when a better option comes along, anon
They're not in the zoo now, and they could easily get rid of Lars.
They won't be relevant again, there are better chances of a Garnet arc than they coming up again.
god, that fucking design of Topaz is awful.
Collins last ep was the good Lars? Whose gonna board with Jeff now?
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>tfw Aqua gets shattered instead
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literally tweedle dee and tweedle dum
anyone else ship Garpaz?
It's because kids are creative af, and reality has yet to influence their imagenation.

TL;DR, kids are high on blue pills.
Gays be lurkin
I'm still disappointed we didn't get to fight his sister.
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I love vhs filter thanks to this show.

Extra aesthetic
I liked how she'd picked up the facade immediately after almost betraying aqua, still makes her intimidating
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I'm actually starting to like their version better.
What if the trial "room" is a floating building like all the Gem ruins on Earth? Panoramic backgrounds of the entire capital city.
>any minute now these characters are going to turn into GI Joe villains
>aaaannny minute now

Yellow Diamond doesn't care about the mission to collect a bunch of stupid humans, she sent Aquamarine specifically BECAUSE she trusted her to be able to shift gears if the situation changed.

When Aquamarine says "we'll never speak of this again" she means it. Topaz got carried away with her "feelings" provoked by that silver-tongued witch Rose Quartz, but Aquamarine was able to talk her down.

I know you're trying to extrapolate what's going to happen next from the little bits of information we got here, but no one's going to twirl their mustache and say "You have bungled for the last time, minion! Now you face the crocodile pit!"
All topaz needs to do is put her thumb over aquas gem and press down
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i mean, i reckon she might be gone forever but she got plenty of fleshing out. she's a bootlicker who plays nice and sweet with aristocrats but is a total cunt to her underlings. she also seems to think blue diamond thinks highly of her, and is left speechless when pearl makes her see how much of a failure she is.

>inb4 dumb hollyfag

anyone doubting we will see the zoo again has issues. we only really saw the humans one episode, they will come back and so will the zoo gems.
kill yourself /sug/
It will most likely be:




for the next few episodes, not sure if they've hired anyone new or not
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I love you too
>>inb4 dumb hollyfag
Nah, that's just a bunch of headcanon and try to make a character more relevant than it was or it will be.
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Aquamarine being devoured by crocodiles when?
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>you've bungled for the last time
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They're at homeworld, not the zoo. We'll see them again but who knows when.

Or maybe the Zoo outpost is parked outside homeworld at them moment.
I'm getting mixed messages here.
how are those headcanons? im not saying she's important, im saying she got kinda fleshed out in the space arc
That didn't even cross my mind
Thanks anon
>Steven could've just asked Topaz to go back to Earth with him and Lars, and be free
>no i have to kill myself because i hate my mom
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I'll leave this Lars here, /sug/
Please take care of him.
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Jasper is best gem and Aquamarine is best loli
what are you talking about.
also i was joking don't kill yourself
>non-dyke voice for Topaz
Mildly surprising, incredibly cute.

So is there air on homeworld?
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>Aqua and Topaz with lars and Steven presenting to someone of higher authority
>After the debrief all seems cool
>then Aqua mentions Topaz attempts at betrayal
>leads to Topaz getting shattered

What would /sug/ think of Aqua then?

snitches get stitches after all
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underrated post
No in fact this was the final episode
It's literally how real attempted mutinies go down, if the captain is to retain the loyalty of the crew she has to do a hard reset on whatever sparked the insurrection, even if that means leaving the guilty unpunished.
Season 6 comes around, and comes to an end. All our questions have been answered. We finally know who Lion is, we finally meet White Diamond, and all that good stuff. Peace between Homeworld and Earth is established.

Then, Steven snaps back to reality and realizes that ALL THAT was just a future vision. We're still in Winter Forecast.
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has anyone draw the topaz(es?) like twins yet?
So, it seems like most of the Gems really like affection and love. Seems ironic that the Diamonds don't allow them to feel it considering they act like a bunch of sisters themselves.
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Will do
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I never cared for Topaz desu
I'm just hoping for a character that doesn't have redeeming qualities.
Now draw him and Steven frotting through their loincloths.
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When will we get more of best character?
>I'm just hoping for a character that doesn't have redeeming qualities.
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That's too lewd for Steven
Honestly, the Diamonds at least have their grief ruling them. Aquamarine and Holly Blue are just stuck up bitches. Its great.
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onion is cute
He apologized when he fucked up, and also cried.
That's redemption in SU

Wait why dont the diamonds shatter steven instead if rose is this big war criminal
No he isn't.
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b-bad P-Pearl, n-no!
So close. It'll be like what you said, but then Garnet snaps back to reality showing that the entire series was just future vision. Rose asks Garnet if she should go with Greg, to which she replies 'You really shouldn't'
You wanna get really lewd, draw them holding hands.
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He already appeared in this bomb
>Steven could've just asked Topaz to go back to Earth with him and Lars, and be free.

I don't know anon was there enough time for him to use his talk no jutsu, even then I get the feeling that it would not have worked, Topaz might have been a bit too scared to do anything and considering how close they were to Homeworld it might not have ended so pretty.

He's probably gonna say something when stuff goes wrong. Then theTopaz's will rise up then one will get shattered or something and it will be kino.

>No I have to kill myself because I hate my mom

I get the feeling this is why he said nothing... maybe.
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>I don't know what Topaz would do without Topaz
They'll probably make the connection that a Gem shouldn't have a fleshy human body pretty quickly and demand to know what the fuck he is.
>we'll get more in a few days
How do you know? Why does CN do this shit? They want to kill this series that bad?
I mean ya but the way its been handled so far isnt bad so im fine with it, these episodes have actually been some of the most enjoyable episodes we've had lately. And im happy we get Lars without sadie
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Which fags do you reckon are relying most on an ip changer?
it'll go back to sapphire, who then tells her diamond that they're about to be ambushed
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Then you'll have to wait for the actual drawfag to appear
They'll probably think that Rose is just disgustingly obsessed with humans and it now living inside of one like a suit of power armor.
Damn it. I knew Topaz would end up as a soft spoken good guy.
Why is Jasper the only decent villain? Why is Sugar such a hack?
If he's really the best, why are you letting him down in this poll?
Aquamarine my nigga. She's been great so far.
blue diamondfags.
did you notice the jab at jasper in ST?
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I want to see steven fight for his life in some gladiator shit
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You think that might be foreshadowing for one of them getting shattered and the other getting their heart broken?
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>Why is Jasper the only decent villain?
That spot was taken long ago, freaks.
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was there a new eppy

That'd be too sad
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Sorry, I ate it.
Nah, Aquamarine seems genuine when she said she wouldn't speak of it again. It seems like she actually likes Topaz somewhat.
>"You probably just act mean because deep down you're afraid you're weak"
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stuck together.jpg
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Gee I dunno

Russian hackers.
>series ends, flashes to sapphire who has been standing like a statue in front of BD for longer than usual
>sapphire? sapphire!
>oh, apologies my diamond. The rebels will be defeated and captured, but I must make one small request
>what is it?
>keep the rubies an extra 20 or so feet away from me
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post yfw they're all shit designs
Aquafags are annoying pedos.
This will do just fine, thank you.
in 2o minutes when season 6 is leaked in full
Blue Diamond, Aquamarine, Sapphire

Fuck, marry, kill. GO
Who knew Topaz would end up being the cute one.
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Good morning /sug/
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>tfw this is likely to happen
March birthstones used to be jasper and bloodstone. jasper was phased out and replaced with aquamarine.

deepest lore
just watched stuck together and theres a huge plot hole. you can literally here the giant, loud reverb when steven, lars, and Topaz are talking. somehow aqua has just gone temporarilly deaf and doesn't hear them planning an escape. i knew a zuke solo episode would fuck up somehow
Who made this?
Fuck Sapphire, Marry BD, Kill Aqua.
>Greg called her mean
oh no how terrible
>Connie called her out nearly drowning her and acting like a child
played as a joke
>Peridot called her out breaking her tape recorder
implying that fucking matters
>and she acknowledged what she did to Jasper and that she was rude to Navy.
and by the end of the episode she was laughing her ass off about being right when she could've very easily stopped Navy from escaping
since you know
the ship was flying the fucking ocean
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Kill Aqua, Kill BD, Kill Sapphire

Kill all xenos
BD and Sapphire
she knew but didn't care. she probably knew they weren't going to succeeded anyway
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good night, m8
Fuck Sapphire
Marry BD
Kill Aqua
BD and Sapphire
>Fuck her again if she refuses
wtf, why is Stuck Together out already???

honestly CN wtf?
Ah, I thought it looked familiar, but I hadn't seen that particular pic before. If only he lived long enough to make more.
its the only way to get good ratings. its not a leak
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Jasper is a great character who I find very interesting but I think she is too much of a jobber to be a good villain.
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He appeared on /trash/ weeks ago.
Don't know where he is right now.
I think their doing an app promotion by having the first episode of season 5 be released on the app the same day when the season 4 finale airs on tv.
Because that's literally who the crewniverse probably based PD off of
Aquamarine is new best gem
cursed image don't open
Well if there's any more I implore you to post it. Especially lewds.
why didn't steven use his fucking bubble once aqua found out about their attmepted escape?

this fucking episode, god damn.
oh fuck Constanza edit now
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shes so rapable
use it how
Probably, but that doesn't mean steven cant fix her. Might even finally shed a little light on pink diamond. Maybe Steven can fix her if he can find her.
I wanna make her eat all of the eggs.
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some serious gangbang shit going down
She was very easy to grab, I doubt she'd be much of a threat after this.
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I think that's all.
No lewds though, maybe he did some lewds for /tlhg/
that was worrying. Aqua is actually useless without her wand...
That actually would make a lot of sense, would also show how strong the diamonds are.
All you gotta do is take her wand and then she's just a 45-pound girl
topaz and topaz gang rape aqua when?
I'd appreciate a link to anything involving Lincoln
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I'm surprised Topaz has got a more feminine voice than Jasper, Garnet and Amethyst, I was expecting her to be voiced by Hulk Hogan
Also Aquamarine might not be as much of a meanie, she still spared Topaz instead of calling her traitor and doing sick spins, hope this is a good sign
I also want to have sex with Aquamarine
Lapis has a whale penis
And fucks dolphins
Ergo Lapis arc INCOMING
>"I'm sure the diamonds will reward you...by separating and shattering you"
>"No Topaz, just do it, you can come home with us"
>"Oh ok, thanks steve"
>poofs Aquamarine and flies ship back to earth
Why didn't that happen?
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Go to their general on /trash/ and look for the booru. I think they have him under "Dipper" as name.
they're gonna need her when Jasper shows up. too much juicy emotional content jsut to let it go like that.
because good is dumb
God I hope homeworld isn't just endless halls like a large space station
I can't stop listening to "a revolt huh" speech. Her voice is sex.
>hope this is a good sign
A good sign for what?
I don't remember where, but I thought it was hinted somewhere that Aqua and Topaz were going to be the villains for the next SU game. So sometime during this arc they're gonna make up and be the baddies again.
>everyone thought she had some sort of battle mode
>everyone thought she had awesome super powers that would make Topaz look like a chump even without her wand
>she's just a weak blueberry fairy with an overpowered toy
Jesus fucking christ look at the destabilizer she's holding compared with the other ones. That's incompetent. How did nobody on the team catch that?
i keep expecting her to start throwing wads of dosh into the air or something
Aqua broke the escape pod and the ship was already in port

Them just leaving at the point would be very suspicious
you fucker I was hoping for dolphin porn
So they're down to 3 boarding teams instead of 4? Youd think they of hired someone else by now
Steven wants to atone for Roses mistakes so he would not want to leave the ship regardless.

Though I will say it would have been more effective to watch him say this and she still not do it because the Diamonds hold that much weight on them.
That's not good at all
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It'd be nice if there was actually a set language/code for HW writing. I guess it could all be gibberish, but that's boring.
I got the feeling during Aqua's talk that gems that feel emotion are ashamed of it. Especially a YD gem. Kind of fitting considering YD herself is the same way.
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>Wean ho
Wean no
they hire retarded Koreans what did you expect?
Hes unimportant
Predictions for Lars' Head?
Anything that makes her a recurrent character and keeps her from fucking off and not appearing ever again like Jasper is good enough for me
I'm sorry, but do you want? That's how the show does its call outs. When Amethyst turned into Greg's dead wife she got off with just cleaning his garage. When Pearl nearly killed Steven and manipulate Connie into feeling like she was nothing she got off just saying she was sad. I don't why Lapis's character is signaled out for this. If you're expecting some kind of severe punishment where a character loses everything this is the wrong show for that.

>implying that fucking matters
The post stated that she was never called out for anything it's a time where she was called out why doesn't it matter.
>the end of the episode she was laughing her ass off about being right
The point is she acknowledged that she was rude to a seemly innocent person. She laughed because it turned out she was right in the first place.
>she could've very easily stopped Navy from escaping
Lapis's power aren't instant.
>one topaz gets shattered
>aqua somehow spins it so it's steven's fault
>"look at what you made us do" etc.
>topaz renews her role as villain fed by hatred of steven causing other topaz' death
I can see it.
"The new Lars" in space
they had the triangle/3 diamond insignia on the ship, but the computer screens have the original 4 Diamond symbol

I wonder if that means anything
Steven goes into Lars' mind since Lars is at the zoo and Steven is in prison or something
>Wean no
>Anon we
Anon we what?
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Pearl did 9_11.jpg
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Christ. Literally nothing happened, and Lars was shitty yet again. Why did they think we wanted to be left with Lars? Why is this show so shit? Why does Steven cry like a fucking pussy in every single episode? What a goddamn pussy.
A Godfather parody with Steven waking up to Lars' head instead of a horse's
first Amber episode

Lars fucking dies
everyone thought there'd be a lars steven fusion but the total opposite happened instead
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Jasper is still the best character. How did this happen?

Honest question, how do you manage to consider a character that never did anything relevant or particularly interesting the best character on the show?
This is actually the best piece of text we've seen yet, because we know roughly what it means from context. If I remember right the only other extensive HW texts we've seen are the pillars in the Sky Arena.

Looks like they use an ideogram for the Diamonds. In the lower left of the image there seems to be an icon of a planet with the Diamond ideogram + the dotted "o" which makes me think that combination of symbols means "Diamond Planet/Homeworld" or something. So, is their script logographic?
she checking those dubs
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she's the most beautiful that's why
It had to have been in the original boards. Koreans aren't going to take an accurate drawing and make it that far off. They work purely by the book. We've seen how lazy Zuke boards can get.
We all know this arc ends with steven starting a civil war then fucking off back to earth in the chaos for another 10 episodes of status quo before the plot shows up again.
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None of the other characters have become as good as her yet. Except Pearl,she is debatable.
I mean there was that time Centipeedle tried to write to Steven
>That's how the show does its call outs
And that makes it good? Are you retarded?
>oh yeah I'm sorry that I used pretty much did the absolute worst thing that I could say and do to you besides killing Steven because I was jealous, but I did clean up your garage with the other two morons so everything is forgiven right? :)
jesus you're some kind of retard
Ask Lapisfags
That episode makes me think that all of the scripts in the show are gibberish, because her handwritten text seems to have no relation to the printed text elsewhere.

That said, Centi IS from thousands of years ago, not in her right mind, and handwritten scripts can be very different. I don't think they went that far thinking about it though.
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They only like Pearl because they want to fuck her. Jasper is the only good 'character'.

Oh Lars take my pants off and spread my ass to show my rosenquarts asshole.

Yes Steven I'm a coward, Lars said in a puff

Topaz remained quiet as Steven had the runs all over her back.

Topaz began to cough partly from the smell but partly from Stevens dry heavs. What would Aqua think of her now? A proud orange gem, doing her work. Struggling with rebellion in her mind as Steven and Lars had a horrid bum spread affair with copious amounts of erupting Bits from a rose quartz.

Lars catching the bum bits in his gauges, tearing up about being a loser.

Steven too begins crying. It's because of me that we are in this mess Larz.

Topaz wondered..is this human love.

Aqua Marine showed up. Her smug expression misinterpreting the situation, he looked at the site before her. Topaz was now Brown..paz. Aqua mis interpeted Steven's lower display as a challange to the diamans. What happened next. Shuck the ship.

Aqua marine shape shifted a giant reflection of stevens rose quarts anus and then again and again. Until there were Aqua Marine energy projections of anui. How dare he challange the Diamands. Aqua was a proud gem was was simply not to be out done. The Anui surrounded Topaz. The repeated farting on Lars from all sides had forced Topaz to realize how alone she really was.

Stevens plans had worked. He made Topaz self conses at the expense of Lars little self respect. He could now move on with his next plan.
because they thought you would like to watch it
so why did aqua just let topaz almost commit treason and not just smash her with her wand
Jasper and Bismuth got royally fucked for their crimes.
are you sure is the same martha higareda?
Im gonna theorize here for a bit but maybe she does have a heart and spending so much time with Topaz and then listening in on her crying made her pity her.
I don't say it was good. I was arguing against the statement that Lapis is disproportionately forgiven for her actions. This show is really soft on its characters.
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because she's a cutie patootie deep down who loves her bodyguard servant

or something
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guys help me waste this image limit
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Is this still season 4?
Because she, like countless characters who had every opportunity in the world to shoot their adversary, held her fire for too long and let herself get tackled. There's a reason for the saying 'shoot first ask questions later'.
She probably didn't actually expect Topaz to attack her. If she really doesn't rat on topaz then topaz may be her only friend.
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So... Homeworld isn't planet, its space station, ring-world or something else

Not much of a Lapisfag, but I'm pretty confident that extending the planet's oceans in a futile attempt to reach Homeworld and fusing with Jasper in order to imprison her under the ocean are some of the most interesting things ever done by anyone on this show.
Bismuth got fucked, Jasper's downfall was kind of her own fault.
Needs more lewd
There was obviously more to it. Whether it's an unspoken affirmation things on Homeworld aren't as orderly as they seem, or Aqua is a hardass with a secret soft spot, or something else, we don't know yet. You would've caught it too if you were less autistic.
I ship this
who'd fly the ship
Had to think about this one for a second. Either Aquamarine actually feels for Topaz and sees her as somewhat of a friend, or perhaps, she plans on doing the bad stuff to Topaz anyways, once she gets what she needs out of Topaz.
Hollowed out planet?
The point is Jasper was rightfully punished (by the plot) vs. those examples other anon made. They were hardly punished at all.
The way aqua called topaz a big boulder makes me think she has some sort of soft spot.
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Well, we already know what a mere Gem colony would look like. Homeworld would definitely be some kind of insane megastructure.
Imagine if you took a planet, looked down at it condesendingly, shook your head and said "hey, look, random clumps of matter clinging together by weak gravitational forces: THIS is how it's done." That's Homeworld.

It's a planet except instead of silicates, ore deposits, and molten cores, it's just one large crystal lattice.
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Pearl is interesting and honestly has more potential for interesting development than what the show has explored with her so far. She and Jasper are kind of similar when it comes to hiding their inferiority complexes with superiority complexes, but instead of projecting the things she hates about herself onto others and putting them down to make her feel better about herself like Jasper does, she convinces herself that she was more important to and knows more about Rose than anyone else and constantly fixes and cleans things to make herself feel more needed and useful. They also both feel very lost and directionless without the person that gave them a purpose in life gone. Because they both are so insecure about their strength and value they both can easily become dependent on others to feel strong and confident in themselves, especially when it comes to fusion.
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a peridot
>Stuck together
Another crying episode.

>The Trial
Probably not actually Steven being tried for his crimes. Do you faggot think they would actually introduce plot one episode later?

>Off Colors
Probably Famethyst gems involvement. We last saw them at the human zoo and not home world so who knows.

>Lars Head
Steven+Lars fusion or they just body swap so Steven can use a human body to escape undetected.

Aqua is smug as hell, so do you really think she would want to explain that to the diamonds? She can't tell them that Topaz almost poofed her either. Aqua has to handle this on her own to preserve her smugness - which ironically might end with her being shattered.
Both those posts were by me. I think you misunderstood the point I was trying to make.
what is she going to do, call space AAA?
Calling it now, it's an infinite pocket space inside a much smaller external planetary body, like an extreme macro version of the temple, with interiors that are always changing depending on who's in any particular vicinity.
but why did they build a megastructure? Those things are way more expensive and way less efficient than Habitats

then again Gem pops don't grown naturally they have to be made so filling up Habitats would be a pain
>tfw homeworld may not even be planet, but rather a super massive space station
well, at least it ain't a moon right?
Left Topaz>Right Topaz
In my opinion. Steven, Pearl and Amethyst are good characters. Jasper has the potential of being really good. Lapis had the potential but it was thrown out the window. Peridot was good but became shit. Garnet isn't a character.
So does this mean that Topaz and Topaz won't get to be together anymore? Why did Aquamarine want them to unfuse?
Could Homeworld be a Home Dimension?
Because every time they fuse Aquamarine gets jealous and butthurt she can't join in on that double topaz action
They will be when sent on missions. They don't get to fuse whenever they want, just when they are needed together.

Aqua had them unfuse since one of their prisoners, a human, had to go one direction, and the other, Rose Quartz, had to be taken another. Aqua ain't about to do no heavy lifting. (Or waste her time using her wand either)
Because they were taking Lars and Steven to different places?
It's possible that after the Rebellion, Homeworld came up with a new language, or different castes have different written languages, which is why Centipeedle's notes were completely different.
Because fusing makes gems compassionate and misbehave accordingly.
How is Aqua supposed to shatter one Topaz so the other can cry about it?
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Crystal gimps about to get wrecked. All hail her illustrious Aquamarine.
>They will be when sent on missions. They don't get to fuse whenever they want, just when they are needed together.

Yep, this. Homeworld views fusion as purely functional, not emotional.
Yeah but Pearl had no trouble deciphering Centi's handwriitng, so I'm not sure it's due to the corruption.
How so?
She's cuter
What do you think the individual topazes sound like?
>Garnet isn't a character
The same you retard.
like her voice actor doing slightly different voices
Exactly the same, maybe a slightly higher octave?
They haven't changed the ending either. I was expecting it to change since Steven is in space right now, like they did with the barn
give me a new thread you piece of shits
*cough guys*

page 10
is just leak from misseps or CN app?
She's not. She'll never be a character again. Finding out she was a fusion literally killed her assassinated anything of interest to do with her.
Aquafags here
Pearl said it was actually legible despite her corruption. Also handwritten forms can have different styles. Maybe that was cursive. The symbols we've seen on structures do look pretty blocky.
"So long, and thanks for all the fish!"
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