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Hey /co/, hey /co/ A question of crucial importance came up

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Hey /co/, hey /co/

A question of crucial importance came up at /v/ and only you may know the answer: if Power Girl has the biggest breasts of DC, which female DC character has the biggest butt?
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Probably also Power Girl, she's built thicc.
Big Barda
Dick Grayson.
Why is it so fucking hard for artists to draw weights correctly?
There's more problems here than weights. Her anatomy is all kinds of fucked.
Artists don't go to the gym silly
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No one is bigger than the Wall.
Now I imagine a female character with a butt-window
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Had a chuckle. Thanks, anon.
I think Harley had a costume like that when she hung out with PG.
I will never understand what made someone think, "You know what would be a good team-up? Power Girl and Harley Quinn!"
Well, my dick likes this team-up.
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Goddamn Kryptonians
It's rather unfair that these Kryptonians never have to work out a day in their lives and as soon as a yellow sun hits them....Bam! Perfect but. Sure, being a soldier, Zod probably works out, but I doubt Karen or Clark has ever had to work out, I mean, how can they when everything probably weighs 1 pound or less to them.
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best everything
Pretty sure current continuity has it Clark gained his powers over time, he didn't start out a super powered baby. So he worked on the farm for quite a few years before his powers kicked in and even after that he wasn't lift the Earth strong just lift a tractor strong so he just did the same amount of effort just got a lot more done.

At Superman levels though, yeah there's not much he can do to really work out.

>Power Girl having the biggest rack

what about giant girls?
does anyone have a recommended reading list for Power Girl
came to post this

also OP, there was a niche character called Mighty Endowed, pretty sure her gallons were bigger
Everyone knows Dowd has big tits but not huge tits. Get your eyes checked, I've been saying this for years now.
Proportionately PG is probably still bigger
It's because Harley is now popular as fuck with the "wanting an abusive relationship, also QUIRKY girl" demo
/fit/ please calm down.

It's size in proportion, being a giant doesn't count due to if everyone was the same size, PG would be bigger still.
Didn't they actively gain muscle mass from the yellow sun?
no fuck this
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oh no....
how horrible...
Don't they just team Harley with everyone now?
>Artists don't go to the gym silly

They do at DC.
Alright, /co/.

When you hear "Power Girl" what's the FIRST THING you think of?
Head-first defenestration.
>My face is up here
I'll get to that in a minute.
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How fun she is as a character and how enjoyable her books were at their best.
That was a miniseries actually.
Now I want a pic of Livewire trying out a ass window on her costume.
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>It's rather unfair that these Kryptonians never have to work out a day in their lives and as soon as a yellow sun hits them....Bam! Perfect
She often has the best cock
I think nice personality

also nice rack
A unique color scheme and costume that isn't shared by many other characters.
People masturbate to Harley, people masturbate to Power Girl...WHAT IF WE PUT THEM TOGETHER?!
Fill my hole Superman.
Muh dick
Dead doggos.
Did it turn out well? Kinda want to read it.
Mighty Endowed vs Power Girl porn/doujin when?
She's the only comic character with huge breasts for whomever that issue is handled with anything approaching actual understanding of what that's like.
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It's really quick but I got work in a few...
Pretty much exactly this.

While I kinda hate nuHarley, my dick likes it, at least.
shit, thats quick?

that would have taken me twice as long and it wouldn't even be colored
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>if Power Girl has the biggest breasts of DC

This is incorrect. We have already proven through months of research that Phantom Lady's are bigger
Well Conner and Palmiotti did write Power Girl before Harley Quinn so there's that.
That was Palmiotti and Gary, Conner drew it but was not involved in scripting to get the writing credit
i really like butts
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I've read a few issues of the Palmiotti and Conner run here and there and I've enjoyed the character from what I've seen, so I want to finally take the plunge to start actually reading her.
I swear you're like porn genie or something.
This is the answer for most lady superhero team-ups.
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>They do at DC.
Do you even lift?

They've never been inside a gym
Give him a break, I know how he feels. I get autistic when I see a shitty guitar in a cartoon or comic.
t. /mu/
I remember when this was a small meme on /fit/.
/k/ here, can confirm, my rage is unending.
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I actually saved those retarded skullcrushers from /fit/
Fuckin' sauce me my dude.
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About how I'll be alone for the rest of my life.
glassfish, does a lot of stuff like that
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>TFW /fit/, /k/ geneticist
Reading comic books is suffering.
A cute face. Most artists tend to draw her face in a lovely way.
The phrase or the picture? If it was the picture, please elaborate
Thanks, man.
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Bleez has a pretty big butt.
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It was a few pages from that issue, but the one thing that stood out for /fit/ was when Selina started to drink out of the bottle.
>tfw Power Girl will never be your gf
>her and wonder woman are the reason for you super hero fetish
>they will never save you only to rape you after
The way he's supposed to be bench pressing, but he's actually either pinned under the weight, or doing a completly retarded skull-crusher varians.

Every single thing about that picture, that has to do with actual lifting, is wrong.

Hence the meme, that batman is so fucking strong, he's doing 500lbs vanity lifts.
>how can you rape the willing?
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Anon, pls. I just fapped this morning.
I bet she would share you with super girl
That run is literally the only good content.
John's JSA run.
I said good, not slightly above average.
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>Swore off lewd stuff few months ago
>This image
You sure are making it hard to not walk that path again, anon.
>Swore off lewd stuff

the lewd will always find you
>ywn be raped by a horny Powergirl

why live
You can do it, anon! Power Girl believes in you!
I like Bucha, but his Power Girl is just messed up.

Looks like she's doing that shitty Ara Ara stuff.
Livewire: Hey Supes, wanna ride the lightning?
Also, I'm not that good yet or I'd do it.
You already read her top tier content
PG has nothing else, maybe JLI but that is a good team and not solo PG
I love his art so much
Why do you guys like powergirl besides her tits, what comic is ops image from and What are some good powergirl comics to read?
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Im normally not a tits guy but something about her boob window is doing something to me
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Presentation is everything.
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>Hope Corgi
Where's the one where he calls himself delicious?
post more.
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are there any latina superheroes
We're never gonna see Power Girl again are we? She was too fun.
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And why not? I haven't been caught up in a while.
We'll never see her in a decent book again. Not for a long time at the very least.

She got booted to Earth 2 and was replaced in the main line with a black supergenius girl with giant powers or something.
>She got booted to Earth 2 and was replaced in the main line with a black supergenius girl with giant powers or something.
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>yfw this is the design for injustice 2
>tfw /co/ still knows what they're talking about
For what reason?
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What the fuck is this bullshit?
Am I the only person who thinks so-called 'genius-level intellect' characters who dont make and use gadgets are kind of worthless?
oooh she's a genius who still PUNCHES THINGS to solve problems. Greeeaaat.
>Am I the only person who thinks so-called 'genius-level intellect' characters who dont make and use gadgets are kind of worthless?
They definitely are.
Who is Powergirl? Why does she wear the window?
no seriously why does she have a window, and still does the "eyes up here" shit. why would she feel the need to complain?
Came here to post this. Bravo.
Women are full of contradictions.
Because she likes watching men squirm.
Genius level intellect doesn't even really mean anything anymore. It's been so watered down. Maybe Tanya is really fleshed out and interesting, maybe not, but that image does a shit job of selling her either way. Riches, brains, and super strength, oh my! Plus the absolutely cliched 'murdered loved one' motivation.
She likes having a reason to be angry with people.
I'm sure unlike you, he wasn't a faggot.
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Given reason is empowerment and distancing herself from Superman with the absence of his classic shield. Window is gone though, Earth 2 Superman is kill and his shield magically attached itself to her costume when Lois Lane Red Tornado gave it to her.
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>Window is gone though
Why do they KEEP doing this?
You know, Grey and Palmiotti just kinda suggested she's mildly exhibitionistic at times and doesn't actually mind when people look.
Look at the wry smile she's always wearing when guys DO look; she knows what she puts on her chest (or doesn't put on it rather) and finds it kinda funny that guys can't help but look.
Big tits
It was Amanda Conner, who worked on Power Girl Vol 2 before going on to do the Harley Quinn solo book. She justified the team up by having Power Girl crash land near Harley's place with no memories, and Harley fed her a bunch of lies about how they were a great duo.

I guess she really loved doing the Power Girl book, because she put Atlee, another prominent character from it, in her Starfire book for a team up.
Nobody really cared this time. Earth 2 is like purgatory.
Well that's because nobody cares about Earth 2. But if she ever comes back she'll need to but that shit off.
>implying she'll ever come back
If she does it'll be through some kind of relaunch thing, so yeah I imagine she'll have the window. At the start, at least.
I actually much prefer this explanation. There's literally nothing wrong with that. It's like the most logical explanation for what she's wear a gigantic boob window that highlights her massive tits.
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>At the start, at least.
I just want them to stop. Why have they not learned that people WANT the titty window? How many times must it get covered up before the backlash causes them to go back to the hooter hallway before they clue in?
Dat based Amanda Connor
On a side note, my gf also has told me that wearing spandex-ey type stuff and having big stonking tits like that can actually get really uncomfortable too because they get all sweaty and nasty and shit and having "ventilation" (her words, not mine) can actually stop them from getting too bad too quickly, especially if you work out a lot and start to sweat a bunch.

Not sure if Kryptonians sweat much though.
Isn't her suit cloth?
Most of the relatively few girls I know who read comics either don't care or think it's funny.
I mean let's face it; even the "modest" costumes that superheroines wear aren't actually that modest.
Who knows with superhero costumes.
The way Amanda Connor and others draw it it looks firmer, basically something very tight rather then just basic cloth or nylon or whatever.
Sometimes it even looks vaguely like fake leather.
I've always imagined it was just simple cloth. Probably don't need much protection most of the time, when you're a Kryptonian with all the powers of Superman. Especially since you're not from regular DC universe so Kryptonite from that universe shouldn't affect her.
>implying they don't do it to intentionally spark fights between both sides for that sweet sweet free advertisement
But I don't buy the issues where they fuck her suit up, and I actively sperg like a manchild towards my other comic-reading friends and then they agree not to buy it, either.

I WANT to actively give them my fucking money, but they keep telling me no.
This is important anon.
Does your gf have large boobs?
Tell us more.
She would actually need a super durable costume. All brick type capes do, or else they would get destroyed and be left nude whenever they took advantage of their super durability. Iirc Power Girl's costume has been shown to take a lot of abuse, so I don't think it's just regular cloth.
I don't think her stuff is armor per day, because honestly armoring a Kryptonian under a yellow sun seems pointless to me, it's just usually drawn these days to look like some stiffer material
I'm going to stop you right there, because if I tell you details you'all either just jerk off to imaginings that you don't need my help to do, or get depressed because you don't have what I lucked out on.
I don't care about the first, but the second I'd rather not spark.
That's true of Superman's costume even when it WAS regular cloth.
Kryptonian powers effectively suspend every rational law of physics and energy we have, and trying to apply some kind of consisten logic to them is pretty pointless overall given just how constantly changing their exact limits and abilities are depending on writer or needs of the plot.
Gigantic muscle girl
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They could've at least gave her a big butt to replace big bewbs wtf
i want to see a murdered loved one, but from strength turning on during sex, so its their fault and they go through a period of therapy to cope with something that was an accident.
for you
That one character that's only popular because of her looks. I'm almost certain this is the case.
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Imagine being trapped between Power Girl and Power Trap...

fat cheeto-eatin bitch never gets out of her fuckin chair
I miss the days when you could make a strong female character who also happens to enjoy her own sex appeal.
Will capeshit writers EVER learn?
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it isnt
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>Those itty-bitty titties
>That "My son's in day care" face
>Cape on BOTH shoulders
>Shit window that shows more collarbone than cleavage
What the fuck is this shit?
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one of multiple skins i hope. it isnt nearly white enough.
That Powergirl doujinshi Butch-a made was too short
true love
Can this get any more Mary Sue'ish?
why god must this happen ?!
>this character is the best at everything and everyone loves her
>obviously if people in the comic like her, then she's a good character that people IRL will like, right?
Y'know if comic book companies want to sell people on this whole diversity thing, they should probably stop hiring 13 year old fanficiton writers off of Deviantart to handle it for them.
Hope corgi! how I miss you
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Stop this.
I kinda don't mind it to tell you the truth. It looks like it fits.
For all of us.
Execution was retarded. Power Girl always made it a point that she didn't want a symbol, especially one that made her analogous to Superman. So when Red Tornado shows up and just hands it to her insisting she should wear it with a great big typo and it just plasters itself to her, it feels kind of cheap. Like there was no development that lead her from wanting individuality to wanting to honor her family.
She could just cover them up?
Why would she? She likes it when guys look, it's funny to her.
She has.

Uh why did it do that?
>implying you wouldn't stick to those tits like glue as soon as you got close
Obese breasts shouldn't be compared to huge breasts sagging over washboard abs. It's all about that sexual dimorphism. Breasts must be taken relative to overall bodyfat.
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Literally her titanic tits. I don't read much DC anyway.
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I must be dreaming.
You know what's even worse than the typo? It's not even the right emblem. So not only do the fuck up the dialogue for what's supposed to be a big emotional "passing the torch" moment, they can't even get the artist to draw the correct S-shield for that universe. And so far they STILL haven't fixed it.
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That forehead
>You will never be caught between Power girl and Power trap while they're both in full snu snu mode after some new bullshit color of kryptonite shows up
never change /co/
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A big butt indeed...
>left boob being bigger than right
>pro tip

that isn't always the case
Hitomi Tanaka has a larger right breast
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I've always loved her design but sadly I've never been too into comics.
How genki is she and where do I start? If her comics are any good that is.
Obviously Bleez, but where she is nowadays??? is she still a RL???

Hitomi is a genetic freak tho, and they don't look good
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this is just ridiculous
>Star reaction
Well, I guess I can forgive that since you're willing to look up a character as good as Peeg. Here you go.
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I just have a thing for cute blondes, sorry anon.
You have my thanks though.
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i beg to differ
Hands down the only right answer to this question.
>that body type
>benching 500+

First and only thought I had...
that doesn't seem like a lot
look at that fucking face, those eyes ain't spaced right man.
Read the thread.
she is cute as fuck
leave hitomi alone
You have to remember, she was mostly a side character on team books for the longest time.
Although she still had somewhat of a fanbase, the character most people prefer to remember really wasn't solidified until around 2003, and still didn't get her own book until 2009.
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The greatest love story ever told.
You really couldn't find a better pic to illustrate your point?
Hooters and Cidney doujins were better desu
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maybe, 1 sec
ok, now you can tell easier

her right breast is bigger than the left and still is
Oh. I see.

Still has a weird face though.
If it weren't for those massive mammaries she'd be a 2/10 easy..
she got cute eyes and i like her hair
>shitskin hair
into the trash
why does she get triggered when people stare at her cleevage window
Dear Anon?, and you dont post the source?
´Coz fucking "woman logic", dear Anon
she also has invisible nipples
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So are we posting Peej or what?
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>Metallica plays softly in the distance
Typical women.
>Oh my GOD, were you looking at my breasts? You fucking pervert
>This guy isn't even trying to look at my tits. What a faggot
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big tits
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How else are they supposed to look? They look like the kind of weights you'd expect to see in a cartoon.
its an edit?
I hate to be the one to tell you this....

it is.
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I wish I could find who drew this. I'd like to thank him and beg him for more.
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I really hate how modern media has to pander to sensitive, hairtrigger SJW/feminist types.

Video games, movies, comics, whatever - the majority of people do not care about or want forced diversity and fan-disservice.

Being a lover of oppai in the 21st century is a fucking pain.
You guys are getting mad at new powergirl but you guys are forgetting she's getting slade soon.
I think that works only is both sides actually buy comics and not only one.

There's supposed to be a lock that holds the plates on the bar.
Seriously, you're some kind of porn genie and I love you for it.
This is beautiful, thank you
>White Peej has big tits
>Black Peej has no ass

This offends me more than anything really
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Get that hag outta here.
>The new Hotness
>no edit where the action word is replaced with Trump
It would be worth a chuckle
So Superman is worthless?
Hopefully DC learns from marvel's death.
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>liking boobs over booty
You dug yo own damn grave
Dumb shit
Awesome work dude.
Does Power Girl actually have good comics
"Chadseid's looking at me! I-is there something in my teeth?"
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the wall.jpg
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There are several of them
I like the idea of Peej purposely using her giant tits to annoy people.
>draw bumblebee
>call it powergirl

but for what purpuse
Honestly, I would've taken a nice boob window as well. Black chicks with nice big, black titties are underrated.
Give her a booty window.
Is Peej still immune to kryptonite since she's from an alternate dimension?
Fuck, that must give her back problems.
>whites get scared
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Power Girl.jpg
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she is fine with them actually
Oh yeah I didn't even notice all that, I thought using a smith machine was enough of a meme
The back problems shit is a fucking meme spouted by women too lazy to have proper posture, and lazy asses with shit back muscles.
Red Kryptonite?
I want to munch on them <3
It's not fair
I want Peej to sit on my face.
it can never happen anon-kun. never.
I'm a short hair man
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that all I can give out the here, The other are NSFW
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Theres something special about how she draws women, not just luscious titties, that I absolutely love.
Godspeed, AC.
Damn right,anon.
All this triggering and she is completely harmless in the grand scheme.
why does every new black character comic books make need to be a genius?
>muh ironblack
>muh powerblack
>muh genuis black supremacist
>muh panther black
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look up black IQ
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power girl get's blacked
>completely harmless
Getting rid of Power Girl's tits and making her a nerdy black girl for no reason other than being "progressive" is not completely harmless.
also the bar always extends past the pl8s
That's a lot of weight. there would be some bend in the bar.
right so do they HAVE to be made geniuses or is realism required to be completely absent from comics
also good pic

Who's the black haired chick?
Asshole Power Girl.
boob window

She a clone or something?
I don't remember, honestly.
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getting there.png
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Loli, and not because of this cover.
Yes, she's a clone. Her name was Divine. She appeared for like 2 issues before Peej got swept up into an event (Final Crisis I think?) and then we never saw her again.
That was it.

The only thing I could remember is that she was a bitch, and I wanted her ass on my face.

my autism flares up when they have PlayStation controllers but are playing Mario or atari on the tv. i know the feel.
divine also had some of max lords dna mixed in cause hes got that much of an ego

Olson/PG is my OTP
I feel like I'm pushing my luck, but how about Superman taking Livewire up on her offer?

Lol, and then they did nothing with her. At least when DC makes a new Black Mary sue type character, they test it out a bit before doing more re-tooling and trying again, unlike marvel who just says "Here you, get to liking her now or you're just not part of the modern era grand dragon!"
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>Power Girl has the biggest breasts of DC
>fake tits count
It counts if it's New God genetic enhancements.
You're missing the entire point of Asians if to go for fat ones
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Ban Hammer Begins.jpg
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Dickbats/Peej is mine.
>Being this fat
>wearing clothes that tight
but we've discussed this years ago

Dowd isn't even as big as Peej, case closed
wish she kept those tits and lost the rest of that weight

those are supreme size tits
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>heavy material, such as gravel, sand, iron, or lead, placed low in a vessel to improve its stability
>placed low in a vessel to improve its stability
>implying physics doesn't work
asians are supposed to be anorexic pedo bait and if you don't think so you like dick in your butt and mouth
Who is this and got more?
3DPD porn made in Japan is so weird and unfappable
I do believe she had a lot of input, though, no? I was under the impression that while it wasn't quit the Ye Olde Marvel Method that she still did get a lot of freedom.
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If they were really worried about gains, I'm sure they have a gym somewhere in Kandor.
If there's no Kandor there's always red sun lamps.
>tfw Peej will never describe her nether regions to you as you try to convince her to use your pregno-ray
Power Girl and Spider-Man crack ship.
Biggest? Giganta
go fuck yourself
>the fingers on giganta's left hand

What the hell?
sometimes your thumb feels like a finger ya know?
>instead of being an ass thread it turned into a titty one
Shit thread,
>Doesn't have the original's best element: the asymmetric cape
>thread starting with Power Girl became a tit thread
The fuck did you think was gonna happen
Post Peej ass.
but, there are girls with huge tits and are asian
so your whole post is a lie

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that face makes me hard
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Can't help what I like, famalam. Ass is nice, but it's a shitload easier to sneak a fat butt and wide hips into media these days than it is a hefty rack.
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Very true.
Work In progress
There are multiple reasons. Some writers say it's a distraction tool, others suggest it's a blank slate waiting to be replaced with a symbol that Power Girl thinks would adequately represent her, but will probably never be found.
This right here: >>92259477
Characters in the DCU are literally able to identify Dick based on his ass alone.
>literally 12
>has boobs on her ass
Nah, Hitomi's a national treasure
Looking great man.
literally who?
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Fucking kek.
I think what looks like an extra pinky finger is actually miscolored rubble.
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Open defiance (and chest)
Fine, fine.
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PG Ass.jpg
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PG Bum.jpg
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You guys are weird.
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Angry Blu Booty.png
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I want to breed that schoolgirl.
i'm glad someone posted this before i had to

Anon! That girl has to do her studies.
Guy behind the Bleez mini-dump here: this is some GOOD shit, man. I mean... goddamn.
That's awesome dude.
Better Supergirl
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>All the new red and blue
I mean, it is the natural progression of these things.
I don't even now, dude.
Tineye tells me they're twins, Nadia and Dana Bruna.
Boob window
Isn't this that cuck doujin?
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>nobody has posted Mexican MJ

Cmon lads
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*Mexigwen, fuck
>thread about DC's biggest butt
>Bloody hell, how come there's no Marvel butts, lads?
its because it's just a supergirl skin.
now that Asian
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power girl2.jpg
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I'd read this.
I gotta say, yes, what first drew me to Peeg was how sexy I found her. Not just the boob window (which was definitely a big plus) but the whole long-sleeve/bare-legs thing, and the asymmetrical cape. And the short hair and musculature. Hngh.

But, finding her hot, I decided to look in to her comics, and I just happened to start with the Palmotti run. So yes, I got into her because she's hot, but once I read the comics I found she was a likable character that was fun to read about.

It's like going to Hooters because of the waitresses, then finding out that they actually do have good food.
The answer is most likely Orca.
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>ywn be raped by a horny Powergirl
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>ywn be raped by a horny Powergirl

how can it be rape if I want it so much?
When your dick start bleeding.
Go on...

but its power girl tho, I'd take death by broken pelvis even
When your ball are reduced to little raisins.
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Jon Kent Shaner.jpg
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/ss/ when?
Her fucking body looks like in elongated leg with tits when stands at a profile. What people see in her I'll never understand.
>Getting rid of Power Girl's tits and making her a nerdy black girl for no reason other than being "progressive"
Why pretend to read comics?
You know who's awesome? You're awesome.
Who is she and how is she related to the Supes family. What is her definite origin.
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>DC turned into Marvel
Tit-window hag only good for her jugs.
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I hate how the Arkham devs overlooked that in the games.

No homo.
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Bleez 3.png
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Aight, off to bed. Thanks for love and ideas everyone!
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Step out of the way DCfags, A real nice chest and booty is coming through.
the MNF flash
more orca?
You're a bad artist

A tall blonde with big boobs who are semi exposed, and a red cape on one shoulder.
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Orca - Redfred.jpg
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someone had to say it.
this panel would be hot without that stupid dreamworks face
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Dick Grayson should have been Peej's sidekick.

They could be Power Girl and Power bottom.
She's good in Deathstroke. Haven't seen her in anything else, but as far as racebent reimaginings of characters go, Tanya's all right in my book.

Plus she's gonna get SLADE
Michael and Steve.
Work on your faces
>muh genuis black supremacist
>muh panther black
Which are these? Panther isn't new.
>2 years later
>all these replies
How do anons feel this strongly, but not know about this already?
Check the date anon

Kevin Smith wrote that panel, the Hell did you expect?
/co/ not reading comics isn't a meme.Probably more than half of people talking about comics only watch the movies and play the video game.
If they aren't presented as the average in-universe, then what hit is realism taking?
Death by snu snu
Greatest Peej pic ever.
Henced why he said "turned" as opposed to "turning"
>>Death by snu snu
the why I want to die
Wtf is going on with PG's arms and legs here?

I believe that's Tomomi Motozawa
woman logic
Working out is what makes kryptonian built, tho. Superman in flashpoint, who had never done much in his life, was a gangly, skinny mess.
What were you expecting outside of 90% tits?
My mother was fit as hell when she was younger, and still had to get a breast reduction because her tits were fucking up her back so much.

I need to draw Power Girl.
So would Peej's tits still be soft to the touch if you don't have super strength? I figure if she's Kryptonian she has to have super durable skin right?
That joke about tentacle hentai in her solo run.
Did she have posture problems or other spinal issues? What age did she get the operation?
Of course they'd be soft.
You just can't hurt them.
Pics or gtfo
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>She got booted to Earth 2 and was replaced in the main line with a black supergenius girl with giant powers or something.
fuk this shit
you are an anon amongst anons anon
I guess I just can't picture them as squishy or soft if they're also indestructible. I always figured that implied inmalleable too.
Kaho Shibuya is better.
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Saw it coming but i still fucking lmaod
I'm sure there should be a real life equivalent.
I guess like how fat is soft and malleable but it's absolute HELL to chew through?
You feel me, anon?
they were 50's-60's huge?
as in, maybe E at best?

fuck you, gib pics or fuck off
she is a cutie

i wish i saw her when she was in CA with Hitomi and Anri
That makes sense. Or maybe it's just fucking comics and I'm overthinking it.
It's pressure dependant. All Kryptonian skin is. The more pressure you put on it, the more impervious it becomes. If you grab Peej's tits and squish them around, it'll be totally normal. If you try to hit them with a hammer, they will remain unharmed. The more force you exert, the more resistance you will get.
Rest assured that would just be very possible to rest thy weary head on PG's luscious bust.
Or luscious butt.
How do you know? Have you touched her boobs?
That's just wrong, otherwise people like Doomsday or Darkseid could never hurt a Kryptonian.
Also, that'd allow syringes and other sharp points to break the skin.
Which never happens under normal circumstances.
>The more pressure you put on it, the more impervious it becomes
I.E. things that have a high pressure like syringes would have no effect
Yes I have.
There is a ceiling that heavy hitters like Darkseid and Doomsday can overcome.
Someone needs to post that New 52 Superman pic of Clark benching weights as heavy as the planet.
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Smells like bullshit.
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>tfw Dallas roads

They piss all their transportation budget away on new toll lanes for 35 but can't fix all the downtown roads.
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is power girl the only character with a power girl boob window?

are they others?
Honestly, I don't deserve someone as good as her, so I'm not that sad.
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I have a folder of 2,376 images that suggests there may be one more.
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Came for the tits stayed for the writing.
It always weirds me out when I found out theres another anon living nearby.

Also Dallas roads aren't nearly as bad as the ones in Michigan. Lowest road taxes combined with extreme temperature change turns the road into a moonscape with no money to fix them.
how nice she must be to hug.
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Ban-Luck is a Chinese agent of GRAMPA



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>muscle girl with big tits
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>Superman in flashpoint, who had never done much in his life, was a gangly, skinny mess.
He was also force to living underground with no sunlight at all.
Well I don't have anything to compare it to except New York roads which are not bad assuming they aren't indefinitely under construction.
you should look up bonten.
draws a lot of meaty girls
not always muscular, but fullbodied
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Meaty in more ways than one.
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>these last several posts
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What are good Powergirl porn comic reads?
The one by Butcha-U. No others.
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More of this.
Here's some gameplay
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It's like that reactive material the Army's working on. Touch or squeeze them gently and it feels like normal flesh. Smack them hard and it's like slapping concrete.
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It is well documented that ball collapse can be treated.
But repeatedly in one day ball collapse?
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he was never seen again
*Thicc Grayson
i mean, ive hugged huge tits before, but in that outfit i would want to.
Dick Grayson is the sexiest comic book character.
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I just did dis. Any decent as a redesign?
>You will never be this much of a faggot
doesn't look any diff than normal
like, at all
old Amanda Waller
unfortunately peej is a 'premier skin' for supergirl, and only comes with an original and alternate colour scheme (>>92271200 is the alt)
it just looks like you removed the cord from her cape?
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