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what the fuck is his problem?

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File: 364335-76540-john-byrne[1].jpg (40KB, 439x640px) Image search: [Google]
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what the fuck is his problem?
he's an autistic hack man child
Severe autism.
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fetishes took over his brain
good artist though
It's underrated how Byrne wrote and penciled Action Comics and Superman for about two years without ever being late. That kind of work ethic is rare.
He identifies as a leaf
Not enough underage girls
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>there was a time when X-Men was the best selling comic book that everyone was reading

Hello darkness my old friend..
I've come to talk with you again
Seeing a real man, a real alpha male, is obviously a problem for you. Well you pencildick beta, John Byrne is here to save comics and you chicks can just stand aside. John Byrne has the talent. John Byrne has the skills. And I hear (from a reputable source) that John Byrne has an eight pack. Stand aside you little shits.
nothing, he is /ourguy/
You make it sound, like that changed
I enjoyed his Superman stuff as a kid, via the Marvel UK reprints. That arresting image of Supes with The Joker rictus grin was great. I also enjoyed his Namor run a few years later.
But the man is, undoubtedly, a cunt.
how many boxes of porn pics of marvel and DC characters do you think he's drawn.
How long do you think it was till he realized it's not as fulfilling if you draw them.
/pol/'sguy? Or /co/sguy?!...'cause he fuckin' ain't /co/sguy...that'd be Aaron Diaz, daring to bravely speak out about Eisner's white privilege (Jew, but Honourary Anglo, very much so).
He's the evil Chris Claremont.
>what the fuck is his problem?
More parents should slap their kids. His thought he was precious and let him have his way all the time.

Also you're a retard for spouting a meme, OP
nobody cares about diaz.
Byrne is a pedophile, autist, suffering from not-muh syndrome, an asshole, and a sperg.
He's the epitome of /co/
Age of consent.
does not exist
at this point he's spent decades marinating in his own filth
I like his art
Did he ever do any western comics?
This, and not in the meme sense.

Tell that to the cops, it should go over real well.
I know nobody cares about Diaz! it was sarcasm my dude.
Now you explain Byrne in THAT light...yeah, kinda makes sense
Been considering buying his She Hulk run, is it any good?
Only bought a few issues at the time (I was feeling adventurous) so maybe I'm the wrong person to ask, I know a lot of /co/mrades seem to hate his run on Namor but (at the time) I loved it. Maybe I should re-read it, see how it stands up.
It's the character defining run. If you like She-Hulk chances are it's because of the things Byrne codified there.
Does he ink himself? I can't remember
It did, the main X-books are selling at like the 30,000 level
Mentally ill people on cr destroyed the sales.
"Fetish" in this case means wanting to fuck children.

When the flick "Are All Men Pedophiles?" came to netflix my roommate told me to watch it, because "not everyone understands how it's a fetish that can't be controlled". So I made an anonymous complaint to my RA and he disappeared from the campus mid-semester.

That shit doesn't fly. "I'm a functioning adult, but I want to fuck children and can't control myself. It's not my fault!" Fuck you.
Anyone knows why Byrne hate Chaykin?

Gtg report homos.
Ha, go to bed, Andy
No. I just reported homo-criminals.
Yeah. I did, too and he disappeared from college, either by choice or not.
Does he? I got the impression that he's generally okay with Chaykin's work more than he is with Moore's. Of course, I remember Chaykin saying in an interview he thinks Byrne doesn't like his work, but I don't know what specifically.
Yeah homosexuals are evil.
Well, not all pedophiles are homosexual, just some.
He outsourced his backgrounds to korea.
Most pedos are into pil boys or both genders as a baby.

Actual likimg jailbait girls is normal.
Sorry about your pedophilia, anon. Hopefully you'll get caught before you ruin someone's life.
Nah. Its normal bro.

Thousand of years men married young women. Now theyre marrying older women that give chikdren autism.

he looks like Waid's dad
>what the fuck is his problem?

No trigger discipline, on top of being a paedo autist.
If it is normal, go to your facebook or go to your boss and explain why you're attracted to underage women and how it's natural. After you get your computer back from the FBI, I'll be interested to hear your thoughts.
Sim/Gerhard proved pencillers who do layouts should have dedicated background artists
Yeah, if they're lazy hacks.
He's an autistic pedophile. I actually just read the first part of his OMAC miniseries earlier this morning and there's a part where OMAC saves a village and they reward him with food and a young girl. Byrne does at least make sure to say that OMAC "thinks" she's at least 18 before fucking her.
Feminists changed the law out of jealousy.

Normal is whatever society deems it to be. One time we used to eat our seniors in old germany, or cavemen raping females.
Sounds like you're not comfortable with people in your personal life knowing how you really feel because you know what that would mean for you legally.

If you really feel like you're just acting "naturally" you should get help before you ruin your own life and that of a child.
Nah. Society oppresses people.

Homosexuals was frowned on by your grandparents was simply because it was the norm to do so.
You also attacked homosexuals, earlier.
>>91514187 this, look at Chris Ware or Francois Schuiten's backgrounds and architecture, to name but two...might work in the factory system but ideally a good cartoonist *should* be able to draw anything well.
Chaykin shoots his mouth off a lot as I'm sure you know, maybe he said some things about Byrne over the years?
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