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>Jack LITERALLY killing children now They're teenage

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>Jack LITERALLY killing children now

They're teenage girls. They were brainwashed from birth and Jack didn't have to kill them. They were still babies for crying out loud what the fuck.

Look, I don’t give a shit how /co/ feels about killing people or what their own thoughts of that looks like. I am not in the least interested in whether it's “really justified” or not. I care what Jack did. I care about the cultural and institutional realities that made what Jack did possible, and made him think – with very good precedent for thinking so – that he could get away with it. And those – the actions and structural realities – have everything to do with immorality, no matter what Jack or his father think about "muh bushido code"

... Jack can kill all the teenage girls he wants – nothing changes the fact that this was, no question, brutality at work. Brutality isn’t just hate. It’s inequity. Privilege for some and contempt for others.
You had this exact thread earlier.
kill or be killed nigga, there was no other way unless he could solve years of brainwashing in 5 seconds before they killed him
He has become the same as the wolf that saved his life to survive, and he accepted it because he, for the first time in his life, had no other choice.
His father's words just helped him to accept that at some point, there's no escaping it anymore, and it's your head or theirs.
I'm reminded of that hulk comic I heard about where someone said in all his years Hulk has never actually caused a human death. I mean, really? all those rampages? not one single collateral casualty? it's donepurely to make him overly squeaky clean, so they can then contrast that. it's actually a pretty immature thing to do
what the shit? the mod deleted my "(YOU)"?
Oh, come on!
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How do you think Jack feels about killing them?
How do you think Jack's feelings might change about the experience over time?
What decisions were available to him to evade them?

What moment could he offer an alternative to his attackers to dissuade them from harming him?

What demand would you have for him to engage his attackers that would insure the least amount of harm to his attackers without sacrificing the greatest amount of safety to himself?

Would you hold yourself to that same standard?
Could you hold yourself to that same standard?
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He's pretty much resigned himself to it after Episode 2's death. It's like fighting child soldiers - you cannot win, you can only lose.
Within the episode itself, Jack offered them up a choice - he even tried to offer it up again upon first refusal.

It was pretty apparent that Jack didn't want to kill them, but he came to realize that if he didn't, he would simply be running from them until they eventually killed him - and nothing would deter them until they did. Kill or be killed.

gr8 b8 m8
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>Caring about the daughters of Aku dying
Fuck those hoes, they thought could 7v1 him and still lost.

I think the real character we need to mourn about is Scatbot. May he rest in robot heaven.
You know, even right up until the point he had Ashi on the ropes, he still didn't want to kill her.

Had she relented, he might not have dropped her, but she kept going on and on about how he should die and how she will stop at nothing to kill him, so he was like "oh well" and dropped her.
How many times are you going to keep spamming this?
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Did you forget that you were watching adult swim? Better yet a show about a Samurai who kills robots, aliens, and cyborgs on a daily basis?
>Jack didn't have to kill them
Pretty sure he tried talking to them before and they made their choice
I think it's fine. It works in terms of the narrative - Jack has never needed to kill anyone before. So much so that he started clinging to it, obsessing over that fact. But from the start, he never needed to follow a "code" of not killing. Hell, he's killed tons of incredibly humanlike robots.

The regret and guilt will come, when he gets to know Ashi and finds out that, really, they didn't have a choice in the matter, that their actions weren't reflections of their true selves. And I think that that will definitely contribute to his mental issues. But in the end, it won't really matter. He is an experienced killer. The only difference is that instead of being covered in oil, he's being covered in blood.
Sure is a lot of heavy spoilers
You know... it's honestly for the best. The brats don't even recognize fucking NATURE.

They got confused at the sight of a deer. They had no chance to survive.
Fuck 'm

Jack is a weapon. He was purpose built to kill Aku. They were given the opportunity to move out of the line of fire and chose not to. A bullet doesn't change trajectory for every doe eyed moron that jumps in the way.

Nice bait by the way. It really is hilarious that some people think they can civilized and disinfect all media and human thought and emotion and turn reality into their giant personal safe space. I see your parody, OP, and I appreciate the message.
>The existence of a lofty idea is all that's needed to prevent evil
I understand where you're coming from, because I've also been a college sophomore, but what you're arguing for amounts to "suicide by altruism."

You also don't *have* to eat, especially since there are people more deserving of the food than you, right? I understand that you've been trained to think that your decisions *must* be masochistic in order to be moral (since everything is a power dynamic and you're either the oppressor or the victim) but you need to think your way out of that self-defeating pit.

I imagine OP DOES think that. Most people that argue for "justice by hugging" seem to think that all inequalities and injustices can be persuaded or educated away. Every murderer is just "one good heartfelt conversation" away from becoming a model citizen. This is especially true for women and children, who were never really evil to begin with and were just tricked or threatened in to the situation in the first place. Remember, women only have agency retroactively if the consequence of their actions are seen to be beneficial, otherwise it was DEFINITELY a man's fault.
anyone have a link to the first two episodes?
ur just mad he killd ur assasin fu
I do believe strongly in the possibility of rehabilitation for most people but I still think OP is fucking nuts. Like wtf was Jack supposed to do it was basically a wartime situation.
seriously though, jack is in the right.
why is that in question?
>a wartime situation
>well does it HAVE TO be?
That's exactly the thing that OP, whether trolling or not, doesn't seem to recognize, and it's what a lot of these lofty liberals seem to do when they approach these issues.

There's an implied "but what if it WASN'T a wartime situation?!?" As in, it's not really their fault that they were born and so it's like, wrong to *punish* them for just living their lives. Couldn't we, just like, all decide to change overnight and just stop fighting?

That brings me to my second point; "deserving it." You see this come up in discussions about police violence and rape and all sorts of violent incidents. There's this weird "fair universe" fallacy they engage in where you're not allowed to see anything in terms other than whether or not the victim "deserved to die," as if the only factors to consider are abstract moral dilemmas.

Newsflash: you can provide material support for a negative consequence in your own life whether or not "the bible or law" says you "deserve it."
It's not. OP really is just baiting with this. Those women were a legit threat and had staked their lives against his goal. The narrative did a good enough job explaining that.

But this thread isn't about what happened in the show. It's about the idea that we shouldn't depict these kinds of situations because it's mean and insensitive and doesn't reflect what our values should be as a society, etc.

No one that bothers posting on 4chan instead of their usual hug box echo chamber REALLY thinks that. 4chan has built enough of a reputation that those folks know they'll get no end of shit here for it. So the people that post here angry that the fictional world doesn't conform to their morals are the people looking to rile everyone.

This the OP is pure bait. If we weren't here he'd argue with himself and he probably will anyway. Some people just like to see shit fly in a big internet fight.
kiss cartoon
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He killed them. Kills them dead. Put the first one down dead before she even knew what hit them.Pushed a bitch off a cliff. And dropped one to die. Savage af.

I agree OP. It is really dumb how certain elements online think that entertainment media should be sanitized of anything uncomfortable and appeal only to some lofty moral ideal. I too think it isn't some either/or prospect and that both can exist and people can be entertained by one while still aspiring to another in their personal lives. I like the way you're making fun of the culture of outrage by pointing out how ridiculous it sounds, and it's depressing that there are loud voices out there that actually think this way.
>Look, I don’t give a shit how /co/ feels
And we don't give a shit about what you think. Do the world a favor and go drink industrial strength bleach.
>single file to yama's aisle
holy shit
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Would you prefer it if he fucked them instead?
Why not both?
They aren't children. Quit getting mad over your waifu being killed.
In what order?
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This was well earned
>teenage girls

Are they though? I don't recall their ages being stated anywhere in the show or out.
I know they say jack never killed a human before but what about the viking in the lava golem?
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Super Sentai Fuckinger when?
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I can't help but feel bad, though. These girls were born and raised only to kill Jack yet they still get slaughtered

I mean fuck, they don't know what a doe and a stag is and it's almost like someone should do the "Talk" with them

I thought he died of old age after the curse broke?
It was after a big fight where the viking specifically wanted jack to fuck his shit up so I'm counting it.
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>Jack LITERALLY killing children now
Apparently in the future that is Aku, "children" are fucken stacked.
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>image search "daughters of aku"
>half of results relate to blossom

How and why?
>they made their choice
sure they werent brainwash to do so. sure.
He gave them a chance to walk away. He warned them that it would be all on them if they decided to keep pursuing him. Everything that happened afterward was out of his hands.

The Daughters of Aku are the first human/living enemies Jack has ever faced that have been this persistent and this out for blood. To Jack, it was either run forever knowing they will always eventually catch up or fight back and eliminate the problem.
fandom autism canon, I don't know how that started
aaaand that's why i kill babies. (wtf mate you said shit)
Where did Jack get a metal spear in the woods?
a guy called bleedman has been doing a webcomic based on different cartoons, in this aku has a daughter called chi, is not blossom but their hairstyles are similar
They aren't babies, motherfucker, they are young adult women in their physical prime. They popped out of nowhere and tried to kill Jack with no provocation. Shit, he even gave them a chance to turn around and get the hell out. What did you expect was gonna happen?
It's made of wood bruh
Isn't that the guy who made Mandy responsible for 9/11 in his shitty Grim Jr. comic?
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please, don't remind me of that autistic pedo
>Samurai "Got Stitches, Slew Bitches" Jack

My sides.
They are between 17 and 20 if I had to hazard a guess.
The scientist is not human.

The bounty hunters didn't die.

The viking died of old age after having his Aku-tomb destroyed, and he asked Jack to do it, making it ethically unambiguous.

The gargoyle is an evil monster, Jack has killed those before, they're not people.

None of those bounty hunters he drew cut are human, and it's not clear they're even dead.
He gave them a few chances. The stated one, when he broke and ran, when he funneled them onto the log. Even when the last was hanging for her life I get the feeling Jack would have walked if she had just given up.


He just seems tired and resigned, yeah.
I saw his look as more of a "Yeah whatever bitch, enjoy falling to your death." kind of weariness. He's been dealing with shitty loudmouth assassins for 50 years, these just happen to be literal cunts as well.
Bait or not, there are plenty of simps like you. The human species would be better if simps like you were murdered by WOMEN. After all you would not defend yourself from a twat, you are a simp.
>I can't help but feel bad, though


Welcome to the flaw of MOST Human Males. The few men who don't irrationally worship pussy reign supreme.
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sweet summer child
why not? and how not?
Are the other 4 seasons this good?
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/co/mblr wasn't a lie after all
First of all, how do we know that they're teenagers?

You forgot The Pig Sheriff and The Hillbilly and The evil DJ
nigga shut the fuck up jeez
A little inferior in animation and art, they were made 12 years ago. Also, there is little to no continuity between the episodes, so it is a little frustrating. For example, there is this episode in which Jack learns to Jump Good and the ending of the episode could have turned the next episode into a series finale, but it continues as if the first episode had never even occured.

The action is amazing.
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She posts here sometimes. I think the aku/blossom stuff is a bit creepy, but she's all right and i'm not one to talk
A lot of those sound like music titles.

>Here I am babes! Scaramouche and the Seven Daughters of Aku! Live in... whatever the name of this podunk is! For our first song, Six-Pack, All-Wrath, then Undertaker Motivator, Maiden Massacre, and our platinum single Single File to Yamas Aisle! Yeah!
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Are you Samurai Jack's brain ghost?
I just had an idea for a scene
>Jack is talking with Sudoku Jack who's taunting him for killing the Daughters because they never had a real choice
>he slowly becomes more warped until he transforms into Aku
>Jack snaps and wildly attacks his inner monologue while screaming
>he snaps out of it and realizes what he's done
>drenched in blood clutching a weapon standing before a mutilated deer corpse
>it's the same "minion of Aku" the daughters saw
>with those hips
Not if my dick has anything to say about it
Does it really matter?
Fund it
>secretly a robot
>not dead
>was going to die regardless and wanted it
>made of stone
>not dead
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>brain ghost
Its called a subconscious hallucination you child.
>i cum.
THE strongest way to end a post
Thats dumb, Jack, nor his ghost, knew the girls backstories, he probably didn't even know how old they were, all he knew is they wanted to kill him, he gave them a chance to back out, and they chose to attack. Fuck off with all this "Jacks gonna regret killing!" nonsense, he already got over that in the cave
yeah they're not kids, they're not teens. The bit where they were hopping around on pillars, maybe. they're adults now.
I adore this post.
>They were still babies

Incorrect. The Timelapse in the first episode was their entire lives to the point of maturity. It was to show how sheltered and abused they were in that cave dispite Aku knowing nothing about the inniatiave to train thse Daughters, still having Robots built for him and offrings made to him daily to the point of monotony. The Daughters were trained their whole lives to battle and fight the samurai on equal grounds but they learned no social skills besides pure hatred for Jack's existence and that if they showed even a bit of weakness they would be left for dead.

It was a lost cause, and nothing would have came of leaving them out cold as they would storm back and continue the pursuit, they didn't even stop to question the loss of their Fallen Sister, just to show the lack of emotion in them.
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>we're not in the timeline where Jack is at his wits end during the fight, collapses, and starts crying with one of the girls saying "pft men"
My main problem is that like a really big chunk of the robots Jack had destroyed previously were obviously sentient beings, so making a big deal of it now comes off as kind of weak.

I mean I guess he's from the past and all and he could have a mindset of machines just being devices, but if that was the case you'd expect him to dismiss nonhuman or at least nonhumanoid aliens the same way.
You say subconscious hallucinations, I say brain ghost, it's all semantics.
He literally offered to let them walk away

There's no discussion to be had, they forced his hand and he had to defend himself so that he can carry out the responsibility that is much greater than any of them to get back to the past and defeat Aku, saving probably billions of lives
They're literally hard wired by Aku to be evil though
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Didn't even bury the poor girl.

Left her in the open to be fed on by crows and become the bulging, festering breeding ground for flies.
As is the way of nature
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>I cum.
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>all those years practicing getting shot at by arrows
>two of them get killed by pointy projectiles anyway

These chicks, I swear.
Here's your (You)

To be fair those were glowing arrows in a dark cave.

They were not prepared for Jack's ninjutsu.
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Well you have to admit, they were on fire, which is probably a bit more visible in the dark relative to an all white snow blindness inducing setting.

I dunno, that's a basic moral paradox, isn't it? If you're forced to be evil, you're not really evil? Like how a being who's forced to be good isn't really good. An element of choice is essential to being something that morality applies to.
>i cum
Those girls were wearing black in a fog induced snowy environment.
Aku is pretty much made of evil. I'd don't think there's even a possibility of him doing any good for anyone, except by accident. He's still the villain.
>I cum
He keeps pump hand strong
>I cum on cat she ______________.
Yeah, this is why (the closest we could get to) actual (assuming you understand that cinematic versions thereof are based on intentional PR hype and exaggeration over centuries) ninjas didn't wear all black when they were out on business. That was an adaptation of the black suits Japanese theatre people wore to indicate "ignore me, I am not one of the actors, I am moving props on-stage".

Presumably, actual ninjas would've utilized appropriate camouflage for the time an environment of their given missions (including dark navy for night and white for snow), even taking into account the rarity of actual ninjas actually going out and attacking people in the field, given that they probably passed themselves off as the gardener or house servant then poisoned someone and disappeared when necessary 99% of the time.

The sisters weren't particularly ninja-ish, they're high mobility open combat skirmishers.
hiss at penis
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How is this bait thread still up? Everyone's discussed it to death right after the episode, there's no need for this one but under the guise of "damn jack, killing innocent women teens is too far" assblastation. He had to, the only way he'd not have to is if they got redeemed (fuck off, and Ashi's already doing that anyway) or just didn't exist in this narrative, but it's obvious they needed a second hand story and Ashi apparently, so this is what you have to deal with as it's the less autistic route it could take. I'm a high class weapon. There's no fucking reason anyone should non-baitingly be upset that women, specifically, got beat up at this point. Why are you watching episode 3 when you should've seen episode 1 that both had them being punched in the gut as actual kids (not your projection at this point) and setting up anyway he'd have to kill them, unless you were rooting for a fucking redemption arc for all 7, in which case fuck you harder.
the fact that they're brainwashed does not mean that jack have to understand them, he's just trying to survive.
>your choices have clearly led you here has had mine i give you a new choice leave now and live or stay a choose your destiny
What if instead of killing them he just raped them?
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>It always seems bad at first... but then I start killing people
It's still nothing else but nuts and bolts, to be honest. You may say that they are not robots, but they are behavior themselfs like thay are just another fucking bloodthirsty robot, so it's still nuts and bolts, just from flesh and blood.
Nowhere is that specified. Stop projecting your own ideology.
I hate bait threads like this
>unless you were rooting for a fucking redemption arc for all 7, in which case fuck you harder.
that'd be true kino though, jerk
this entire post
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Shut up you whinny cunt it's just a bloody cartoon
>letting your would-be killers alive because they are young
How stupid are you?
Good form.


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>I'm a high class weapon.
Why is this post so great?
>jack kills the black teletubbies
Ignoring OP's bait, is the new season good for ryona sensibilities?
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>i cum
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gullible morons buying this shit.

Is this a apropriated body type for Jack?
His arms should be bigger IMO
The sisters were trained in a dark cave. Jack was trained in all kinds of areas.
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>trips of I cum
Not like we have good mods to deal with shitposting. I mean, we just had a "east vs west" shitposting thread that reached bumplimit with 100+ posts.

Sage, also.
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Stop making excuses for them.

Jack isn't a mindreader and he couldn't know their circumstances. As a group they should have and in some moments were stronger than him. They tried to kill him. They nearly succeeded.

Even if he did know their circumstances, he couldn't have turned them off their path. He warned them. They saw he'd killed one of them, and ignored this warning. This is the most he could give him: a privilege few warriors would give another. They spat on his gift.

>they were just children because they didn't know the birds and the bees

STOP making excuses for them. We all know why you are: it's because they are cute girls. That sort of attitude demeans all women, infantalizes their decisions and their agency. All women are harmless babies who don't know how to make choices according to you. STOP being a misogynist.
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fucking glorius. I cum. Get fucked sjw sheltered babies LMFAO
Not bumplimit. fuck.
Whatever. You know what I mean.
Has Jack ever messed with computers?
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>i cum.
Jack has no idea that they're victims of brainwashing. All he knows is they're trying very hard to kill him, and they won't stop short of death.

And he's almost certainly going to learn about their lives in the coming episodes, as he and Aishi are thrown together by circumstance and get more dialogue together.
>character introduced in Chapter 8 (2013)
How is this still ongoing? I always assumed it stopped in 08 or 09
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>. Brutality isn’t just hate. It’s inequity. Privilege for some and contempt for others.- 139 posts and 36 image replies shown.
go watch a nature documentary sometime you illiterate plebeian
That comparison is particularly apt because half of the entire episode last week should've driven that point home to this dumb autist.
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I don't know who keeps making these, but you're doing god's work good sir.
I was actually talking about >>91071358
As for snafu, well, who knows, the only webcomics I know that have lasted nearly as long have a total of 20-100 updates in 8 years or so.
>soul purpo-

God damn it you got me too.
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Unrelated but is there a Samurai Jack version of this?

If not could someone make it?
What was Jack supposed to do? Brainwash them back? Is that what you want? An entire season of nubile young girls being reconditioned into perfect, submissive waifus according to the Japanese ideal of a woman?
Is it time to go to Japan?
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Why are you watching the series if you knew well before that scene that they were evil in a "good vs evil" story where good prevails usually.
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Should I change the spelling of "purpose"? I tryed to copy how Jack's father sounds to me
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They chose their destiny. He gave them a choice.
Just nut and bolt.
Just nut and bolt.
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Ill rephrase, because of his father's ching chong bing bong origin, he speaks engrish instead of English; and because we know this to be true, I put that into the image I just made through how I spelt the word "purpose"

The question still stands, how is the spelling, and if it's bad, how should to be spelt?
first post best post
Don't be a cringeguy, no audible spelling.

Do it normally.
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Anyone have all the new-jack OC?
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Spelt correctly
For what purpose? Never take anon advice. You do you.
what is this copypasta from

when people try to mimic SJW speak it's usually really obvious but here it's not, which makes me think that this is someone's actual rant that you're posting here as bait.

also, I'm looking at the samurai jack tag on tumblr and no one there gives a shit that jack's killing women
Well now both of them are out there, people who actually use those images will be able to choose which one of the two they like.
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no but they care about whitewashing instead lol
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Pretty sure there's a Japanese website where you can make your own.
>Jack was actually a chicken inside a robotic body this entire time
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>i cum
Holy shit what a post
Is this the same artist who did those GOT paintings?
Its been 13 years and i STILL pissed off about X9 episode, as we dont know what happened to lulu sweet thing.

It was the only episode that made me cry. Even rewatching the series a month ago preparing for season 5 i still cried like a bitch.
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>lulu sweet thing
stop saying this
This flag does not seem to be of a genuine nature.

Ironically, they very likely changed his skin tone because someone at CNHQ said "you can't have Asians be yellow like that, it's racist."
>caring about racism
That Demongo is cute
But his comics fucking sucks
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They failed pretty hard but in their defense, Jack now has 50 years of experience in a 20something year old body. Granted they had the upper hand at first but the cult basically sent their lambs out to slaughter.

They were prepared in some ways, but their dogmatic 'don't defend teammates' training under minded their biggest strength which was the fact they outnumbered Jack.
I'm thinking it's more along the lines of that they couldn't find a yellow skin tone that matched the visual style they were going for. White/pale is much easier to make aesthetically pleasing with the surrounding environment, they can reflect a lot more colors off of it without looking like a weird, sick mixture.

They did it decently in the original series, but this new season is much more intense in the art style. Or maybe he'll return to yellow-ish after he completes his mission, who knows.
Lulu-posting sweet thread when?

There's also the fact that they grew inside their temple all their lives, they really have no knowledge or experience in the real world; they don't know how to hunt and track down their target (other than by stating the obvious from very unrealistic plot-convenient events), they don't know how to identify or prepare for an ambush, don't know anything about the environment they would fight in and probably were only trained in one or two styles of combat; compare to Jack, who traveled the whole world dominating every martial art he could find.
So what you are saying Aku's daughter would be an excellent name for a Samurai Jack fan band?
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>implying asians can't be pale

Jesus fucking christ, see people, this is what Tumblr does to people. It makes them incredibly racist.
He's not fully Asian, that guy in the pic
Even though this is fake, it's also not true. Jack's skin tone has always changed drastically depending on the lighting and the episode.


During this episode you can see Jack's skintone shift from the more yellow-y tone to the paler tone you see now. Jack is more pale now as a nicer contrast to the scenery.
he gave them a chance to repent which is more than they would have given him
You sound like the kind of faggot who would fight for zombie rights and would want freakish aliens to operate on us because of our human privilege.
>Even though this is fake
It's a real post but I'm not going to argue, I just posted it because it was funny to me and semi-related to a discussion here.
>Scatbot in the bottom
>look up her DA
holy shit
this is kind of cute
This makes me more uncomfortable than the implied underage rape of blossom by Him in bleedman's comic.

Really? Because that sounds far more unsettling than weird crack ship fanart.
One had the decency of not actually depicting something that looks like rape, my friend.
It's pretty easy to tell from Jack's expressions that killing provided no satisfaction for him whatsoever. It was just a chore like any other.
>he even tried to offer it up again upon first refusal.
That was something his father didn't even do. That's a pretty subtle way to tell that Jack is even more reticent to kill than his own dad.
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>It was just a chore like any other.

Patrician taste.
Hell, not only that, he disengaged from the fight at least twice and waited for the daughters to come to him.
You can count that as euthanasia, at worst. Besides, Jack was fighting a Gollem; he didn't imagine he'd go back to human. And then that human got aged up to death. It's hardly the same as killing.
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>i cum
>I can't help but feel bad, though. These girls were born and raised only to kill Jack yet they still get slaughtered
Good. You were supposed to feel a little bad. Just wait till Jack finds out they were raised in parallel to him.
Jack isn't and has never been some extreme moral fag. In his quest to end the ultimate evil, he always strives to do the right thing but does not hesitate to cut down those in his path.

Jack does not give a shit about robots even though he knows they are just as intelligent and sentient as humans. Jack has cut down humans, aliens, and monsters in the past but since they usually pose little challenge to them he makes an effort not to kill them and only severely wound them.

The only reason jack has now decided to kill organic life/humans as well is because after killing Mulan he realized that it isn't a big deal and simply had to be done. The daughters were likely the biggest threat Jack had faced in a long long time and he had to go all out to ensure his survival.

Whether or not Jack will have an arc where he begins to sympathize with the daughters and regret killing them or intelligent robots remains to be seen.

Since Jack's sword could not harm innocent people, he may have used that as his moral compass in the past. Since he doesn't have it anymore, he's begun to shift to a more grey area.

Side note: Since Jack's sword cut X9 even though he was just trying to save Lulu sweet thing does that mean the sword doesn't give a shit about robots either?
OP has been making this exactthread constantly and it is confirmed bait. Janitors/Mods have been deleting it. These threads are usually just /pol/ false flag shit-posting.

Report OP thread and any samefagging he does defending it.
>deleting a thread with worthwhile posts because op is a fag
This is why people had you fags.
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We're witnessing a legend, /co/.
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Your post made my laugh but the more I read it the more concerned I get.
Include me on /r/4chan faggot.
This is OP. So are a lot of the replies.

What you need to understand is that OP does not actually want to talk about Samurai Jack. The bait is to get you into the thread and focusing on them. The last thread was to lure you in soe OP could have a /pol/ thread.
OP sounds like a cock sucking liberal faggot. Probably a BLM and Bernie Sanders supporter who thinks you can hug your way out of everything.
i just often flub up things i type and somehow only have dyslexia in text form. i know it's probably odd to slur speech with a keyboard, but it can all be attributed to me being really fast at typing and no desire to proofread. also i wanna kill myself
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>I'm a high class weapon.
Bear of Interest, is that you?
Why would you count what was a mercy kill his opponent begged for?

They are teenagers at the earliest. Even then I'm pretty sure they're old enough to be tried as adults.
You know he would have let her up if she started begging for her life.
>staff delete attempt at forced meme post but leave the thread up.
I'm getting sick of this shit.
>Ninjitsus two of them using his old "hide in white' technique

>Kites the remaining 4 in a running battle, uses their own weapons against them, ends up killing one more

>Moves the last 3 to a log where they have to engage him one at a time. Uses his zen technique from the archer and lion men episodes to drop them in combination with his shaolin fighting skills.

They lost because they were trained to kill. They were trained to ambush and keep on the pressure until Jack was dead and like we saw last episode that worked pretty good.

But Jack was trained to fight.They couldn't handle him when he went full tactical against them.

I just really like all the small references to past shows the fight made.
very cynical anon
so if someone is triying to kill you the answer is to just let them?do you realize that they were 7 to 1,and that they were not exactly defenless or unarmed right?i think you are a fucking idiot OP
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>talk shit, get cliffed

fuck my sides hurt now
can someone tell me why mods aren't deleting shit threads? more than that, why they not deleting /co/mblr threads and posts?
I've seen this thread twice times and it was deleted both times. I can assume the janitor/mod/s on right now are not aware that this is a copy paste/bait thread.
Post their exact age please
Hopefully because they realize deleting threads with good posts just because the op is an idiot is idiotic unto itself, as it only leads to the people remaining being shitposters who don't care if their discussion go to hell.
Fuck off idiot. Shit posting is shit posting and should not be encouraged.
You think you stop shitposting by discouraging non-shitposting posts? Because that's retarded and makes me think you are just trying to get SJ threads deleted to cause butthurt.
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>character with a no kill policy or concept of honor
>takes a life
>feels bad about it
>remembers an experience with his father and the advice he gave him
>gives them the opportunity to leave
>just flat out kills them
Best way to handle this. We don't need 8 of these 10 episodes to be Jack brooding over whether he should kill the bondage assassins.

After 50 years of this, some kind of Batman code nonsense would be stupid. It would be like him trying to reason with Aku. Just rip and fucking tear
I agree. It was handled well in this episode. I'm glad it came up and was an issue. But it didn't need to last more than an episode.
You don't hate a rabid dog, but you still have to shoot it.
These girls were brainwashed from birth to be evil killing machines. You can't fault Jack for defending himself.
there is no robot heaven
only robot hell
>Jack didn't have to kill them
He really did.
ITT: OP simultaneously trolls everyone while parodying today's spineless culture


The only stipulation of the sword is that it cannot be used by evil to harm good.
>Jack didn't have to kill them.

They were coming for his porridge.
The fact that you've gotten so many (yous) for this blatant troll thread makes me disappointed in this site.
W-what was it.
I missed it.
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Desuarchive is your friend.
Oh he's trying to force his meme again how cute.
What was >>91065222 ?
>makes me disappointed in this site.
you don't go outside of /co/ do you?
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Gotta get back, back to the pack
>"My dad can bisect your dad"
Fuck off
Jack's killed plenty already before desu. The robots Jack killed in the past seemed sufficiently advanced enough to have personhood if you ask me.
>you need to consider the background of whomever you're killing
>even when they're trying to kill you
>even when they turn down the opportunity you give them to walk away
>even when they are completely uncaring about the death of their allies/sisters right next to them and keep fighting

Whatever you say, Tumblr.
Must be my male instinct or something, it felt like a great injustic to raise and indoctrinate such cuties into killing machines and then see them murdered since they don't know any better.
I guess Genndy intended this? For us to sympathize with some of the villains. Hell, even Aku had a pretty feelsbadman moment.
A lot of blacks and whites in morality are mixed in the final season and I think a lot of people will find this confusing.
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>Got stitches, slew bitches

fucking lost my chocolate
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Life isn't fair.
jack gave them a choice
hell he even attepted to give it to them twice
>even other people on Tumblr thought that post was dumb
>#they even made his face look more white
>implying that whitewashing everything but the face is somewhat preferable and that whitewashing is a spectrum

An anon was saying that jack had no choice. But at the end he said "I cum."
I dont know why the mods deleted it. I thought it was pretty funny

Are they supposed to be children? I got the impression they were all 20 something. Why wouldn't they wait for them to be fully grown before sending them after Jack? Or were they counting on Jack not having it in him to kill teenage girls? And if so, why cover their faces?
Where did he got the spears? He had only one knife but used 3 spears

>Mosquito bites

>Stop projecting your own ideology.

What did he mean by this?

The same place the Daughter got the spear from when Jack threw her off the cliff; thin air. She didn't have one before Jack grabbed her, but manifested one out of nowhere when he throw her.
>Implying Asians are piss-yellow
This isn't Steven Universe
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>Dodge machine gun fire in episode two
>Get hit by thrown knives and spears in episode three
How strong does Jack have to be to fucking snap that hoe's neck just by punching her?
Huh, how about we compare his reaction to the killing to Superman's from Man of Steel. Pretty big difference. Jack just had a shocked look on his face for a second and slightly grimaced, which was the facial expression he had for the majority of the episode anyway. Kind of reminded me of spilling milk or some other insignificant "oops" event. Then he realized he had a dagger in his side and ran away. Didn't even say "sorry," "oh no," or "what have I done." It's not Jack's fault, but the writers' and artists.
Nips are white skin actually but the samurai jack creators know american kids are retarded and would see jack as a white man the colored him yellow.
Jack can slice through fucking robots he is stronger than any human.
Well, its kind of implied the girls have their weapons hidden, but Jack was suposed to lost all his weapons

>Hiding an entire Naginata up your ass

If he let them live, they wouldn't have changed their minds and say, "We don't need to follow this man anymore" because they were brainwashed into being hugely autistic assassins. They still would have followed him around and make future attempts to kill him
Well then it makes sense why tumblr is so confused.

If you don't see the ashi face turn coming you might be retarded. It's been obvious since the character was announced.
Why didnt they wear armor?

Jack doesnt have his godsword that slices anything so there is a chance tge armot could parry. Based on their superhuman physical traits the armor would feel weightless to them as well.
>not wanting to kill a bunch of teenage girls
What is wrong with you
they didn't know jack had lost the sword, so i'm assuming the aku cult felt that maximizing their speed and maneuverability was the best option to avoid Jack's nuclear buttfuck sword.
He was literally being hunted down, and it sounds like you want him to apologize to a corpse.

On fight or flight situations, it's regret later. Do you think soldiers apologize to enemy soldiers as they shoot them?
those are like real world d cup
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>Smaller than the palm of their own hand
that's a front on silhouette, their boobs aren't sprouting out of their sides
you do the math
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>Implying boobs don't part
>Implying you can't see their pointy nips head on
>Implying they're not small in profile too
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>i cum
>it's been over 2 hours
>mfw I'm still laughing my ass off
even if i were to accept that they're parted, they'd have to be pretty big to be able to create a shape of that size when pushed from the chest out to their sides
the point is just style not nips, this is a kids show (but nips can be and often are off centre)
they're not small in profile, check your tit privilege

>they're not small in profile

I want chestlets to leave.

Shut up OP...

We all know that you secretly got off while watching the Samurai brutally penetrate the Daughters of Aku with those cold, crude spears of his...
That Sammy Davis-bot in the first episode was based.
a D is not small

Jack's entering border territory.
Someone post the link to where can I download the new episode
I need a "Fuck You I Cum" shirt
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Can someone make pic with all of their deaths and how did they die, please?

The way he dealt with the threat is proportional to how serious and real he perceived it to be.
It's Adult Swim, what do you expect
Hussar Jan
Anyone have those names for jack like ben "6 million more" or Mike "like men im turning the dial to 10" pence. Something like that for Jack I saw a few now i forget them.
Hussar Jan.

Please give me a (you), it's the best idea I've had this past month.
proof that mods hate fun
-Not human
-Knocked out
-Not human
-Knocked out
I keep forgetting Jack is actually fucking prince meant to rule one day. Huh weird...
This should explain things:

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Isn't a sword a weapon to kill?
Even Kenshin acknowledged it and he killed tons of people before becoming a hippy.
>Man randomly shooting around is the same an accurate bow shot or thrown knife
Where Jack aiming, he would probably had better luck, but the whole point of the scene is that he's so overwhelmed by the sudden attack of thsi magnitude he can't get hold of where to target or where best to move.
He's probably canadian.
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I could spend all day watching this.
the i cum post got removed
knew i should have capped it
>snaps her neck with a fucking punch
Holy shit Genndy does NOT fuck around when he's outside of the PG rating borders
Then again I figured it out on the childbirth scene

>kids of /co/ reply to another funny post forever
>it gets removed
>all in a god damn bait thread
Glad to see SJ returning brought hoards of kids here to be annoyingly juvenile

It wasn't funny, and it wasn't worth getting that stupid over

I'd say talk about the thread topic but it's just as retarded and meaningless because it's bait that got 300+ replies anyway, I mean have you even SEEN OP respond?
That escalated quickly.
Aku stop talking about your daughters boobs.
I loved that log fight, especially where he just throws one of them off.
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Time to go back on the coach my man.
Gotta get back, back to the pack.

Looks like Asanagi's style.
Gotta get back, back to the pack.
le fucking kill yourself i am not kidding please commit le sudoku oh whoops i sure as heck mean cuttting your stomach open you SJW faggot try not to offend any Arabs next time you retarded pussyshithole
Is that Russia, anon?
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New flavor of the month, autistic S.J.W's
>Go crawl back to the pit of dumbler.
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Look, when Jack goes back to the past it will be as if they never existed.
There is no morality it's just your stupid male biology aka your erect cock doing the thinking for you. Guys like you deserve to be killed. Guys like you enabled Feminism and Gynocentrism which has RUINED Western Civilization.
Yeah, just let her go already. .

>I would have let go after the second syllable.
I think a very small part of him hoped she would have repented or acted human instead of being just another generic baddie.
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Indeed, how they say it in the states?

>This ain't your daddy's Jack.
I wish I could murder OP.
One thing that I noticed. Why did they rush him one at a time? They clearly thought it was a bad idea since they hesitated. Especially since they could have smashed the log and let him drop.
>female link
This isn't Steven Universe or Wander over Yonder. Talking things out doesn't always work in some cases, sometimes it just makes the situation worse.
There was no room for them to rush him all at once. If they just smashed the log then Jack would fall, but they wouldn't be able to confirm if he actually died and may accidentally let him escape
He made them you dingus
It's okay none of it will have happened if he goes back and changes the past.

Nigga could literally rape babies and it wouldn't matter in the end, if your goal is to get back to the past then anything is justified
If this does well, any chance of a Sim-Bionic Titan resurrection?
In Episode 2, after Jack killed one of the daughters, he heard the others running towards him and then barely escaped.

Didn't the daughters learn how to move silently? If they only moved quietly, they would've killed Jack.
this desu.
He could have been hallucinating them coming for him.
They were chasing after him, it was a chase sequence. They heard the battle and hurried to his position.
They can move silently, but it's also slower. Besides it was a hollow cave anyway senpai, kind of hard for 5 chicks to not make a sound when running through it
>it was a hollow cave anyway
oh yeah, duh, thanks for pointing that out to my dumbass.
This is some lazy ass bait, why is this thread still going?
Because people just used it as a chance to talk about Jack
>Look it up
>It's real

>young hunk
the fucker is like 70 years old
He's killed before. Those assassins; the big russian, the cat twins, the bayou gentleman and the zimbabwe warrior. I don't know why they're making a big deal out of him killing the girls, considering if he goes back to the past he can undo all of shit in the future.
>The bounty hunters didn't die.


You mean to say slashing someone with a sword and throwing bombs at them, then leaving them in the snow won't kill?
>GILF fucks 2 teens raw
I'm getting sick and tired of this autism. Jack is not a sociopath, he had no choice and he feels terrible for what he had to do.
>Samurai Fap
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"I'll become a bloodthirsty wolf if it means ridding this world of chaos."
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what is it with evil blue jack thats so...unsettling

why the fuck does regular jack even talk to him. is he that fucking crazy or did something happen that split his psyche
I'm so glad Jack's back, desu. It makes me excited for something again. It reminds me of when I was a kid and I would always be excited for a new episode of my favorite shows
Blue Jack's a hallucination of his darker, suicidal feelings, so letting those emotions go unchecked probably will lead to him actually killing himself. Plus, who knows when he's actually talked to someone that wasn't a baddie? If it's been a few years, the social isolation is probably fucking with his head.
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nailed it
Do you think the Daughters Of Aku dream of sleeping with him? I'll bet their mother told them stories
>asians are all squinty eyed yellow skinned people
wow, this guy sure is a racist
To be fair, considering how stupidly tough characters are in this world, I think it's reasonable that those people would still be alive.
>slashing someone with a sword
>what is beating someone with the side/back of a sword
Usually a bad idea, unless your sword in indestructible.
>throwing bombs at them
Boris was still in one piece after the explosion, the bombs weren't very powerful and he was wearing armor; he probably only got a concussion.
>Leave them in the snow
The warrior princess was still alive and conscious and only one of the others was weak, small and unprotected against the weather enough for that to be an issue.
nice b8
This must be pasta, and if it's not, it should be.

we're all children of someone
Kill yourself you sad sack of shit
I just love Jack's face. He was done with this shit fifty years ago and he's not gonna sit through it now.
post evil ghost Jack webms please.
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>sleeps in caves, fills up graves
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Post jack cumming on the sisters gifs please.
The entire appeal of Hulk's character is that he, by existing, puts others in danger. If he's not guilty of mass manslaughter, he's worthless.
>I am not in the least interested in whether it's “really justified” or not.

"Muh heroes don't kill!" fags in a nutshell. Comic book superhero codes are not guides to morality. The "never-kill" mantra has no practical use in reality.
You know, it's people like you why the West will collapse by terrorism.

You should watch netflicks Narco and find out that when dealing with the bad guys, you need to be as brutal as them.
>The "never-kill" mantra has no practical use in reality.
what about never killing civillians?
You know, brainwashed children killed men and women in my platoon in Iraq. Julie was a young mother.

A libtard tumbler neo Nazi feminist college student like you don't know what it's like to track down the murderer of your friends and see a child without remorse or feel like what they did was righteous.

There were no civilians, only enemy combatants, so your question is irrelevant.
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jack has never killed before.jpg
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Well you guys were invading his country...
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>cultural and institutional realities
This is not even subtle.

Yeah he's probably messed with at least a few thousand at this point. He's probably better tech support than most computer shops at this point.
hot jack oc
The fact that you would rather have people die than defend themselves, that's why we hate you. I could tolerate most leftist bullshit, but self defense is bad? Fuck off.
based explanation anon.
The fuck you talking about? Self defense is good. That kid was defending his home and country against foreign invaders, just like any proud American would.
got go back back to the >>>tumblr
Just shut up and fuck already
I mean, if there is a situation where you can avoid it that's one thing. Like if you catch the enemy off-guard. Obviously it's different in a "kill or be killed " situation which is where Jack found himself in.
I wonder if some people actually watch the episode. Jack had a whole flashback and shit.
I didn't understand your greentext at first so I thought you were making fun of Sufjan Stevens and the whole line was one song title
You both are this new or something?
Lone wolves in real life are alone either because they're seeking out a new pack, or they got their ass handed to them by an alpha and are outcasts. Wolves that stay alone are essentially losers that end up dying quickly.

Nice edge there, Billy. Have your balls dropped yet?
The Jacks on the right are pink though, not white. Japs aren't pink.
That or just create an alternate timeline where Aku never took over. Both realities possible existing.
>Lass Lobber

My fucking sides
MLP could've managed it.
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This meme is the most cringe inducing proof that this new season brought a bunch of kids here that will never leave.
why are you holding jack responsible for his actions but not the daughters of aku as responsible for theirs?
Of course not. Asians that don't fit old-fashioned racial caricatures are not really Asian.
kys yourself self, this bait was very thinly disguised and still made everyone sperg
>didn't even finish drawing Jack
>didn't even draw a background

How overworked are those Koreans?
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>Moistens with Wolves
In case anyone is curious about what OP copypasta'd from

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>bait thread gets 400+ replies
Im just surprised how fast the time is going. In universe seems about 5 months have passed.
What's new about that?
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A terrorist is about to allahu ackbar you, do you try to fix that brainwashing before they press the button or do you scatter their brain matter on the nearest wall?
Ok these gave me a good laugh
Isn't that what you idiots said last week?
>Not watching this show
They turn out to be his kids, right? I bet they turn out to be his kids.
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Makes sense, got his ass handed to him via time portal, outcast in a future where he failed
Gotta get back, back to the pack.
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63 ways to say Man That's Good.jpg
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>Targets are found on the playground
>You must be this tall to live
>Silly rabbit, crypts are for kids
>Tots on the rocks
Holy shit
Gotta get back, back to the pack.
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emoji skull.png
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I liked these cute doggo emojis so I made this.
They're also fiction. Fuck off back to Tumblr.
>"get out of my secret club reeeeeee"
Fuck off.
Is this an album cover?
>cultural and structural realities

the only good thing to come out of SJW brainwashing is that they have these huge words that mean nothing and are an instant huge red flag for anyone to notice how retarded you are
>Girl Power Outage
Why was this post deleted? It was a work of art.
Yeah. It's fanmade. Next year your ears will explode. Do you recognize the style?
I don't understand why murricans are so terrified of heroes killing when they have a humongous army budget. The beloved veterans killed a lot of people and unlike Jack's enemies, the veterans's enemies were starved farmers from third world shitholes.
If you take a swing, you're in the ring
>The beloved veterans killed a lot of people

When you have kids pointing a gun at you, they deserve to get shot and killed. War is war.
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How will the Samurai defeat Aku?
He came. He saw. He cum.
He'll penetrate aku with his long hard sword
That's the point
If I wanted embarrassingly childish jokes I'd go to Youtube comments or Reddit.

If I wanted the waifu emoji spam of OMG CUTE!!!! I'd go to Tumblr.
Gotta get back, back to the pack
subhuman nigger filth
Gotta get back, back to the pack
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Ameritards dont care about killing, they just dont want their kiddos to think killing is ok.
>ameritards don't want their kids to think killing is ok
>kids grow up to be regular ameritards who think killing is ok anyway
We dont want to dampen their sensitivity to gore otherwise they may engage in psychopathic habits.
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>Jack encounters one teenage ninja autistette first ep
>Jack is ambushed by 7 scatting jazzbots second ep
what a short season that would have been
Jack was was educated by experts across the entire world with a diverse set of skills. These girls spent their entire childhood in a cave getting beat by a fat bitch. Of course they're going to be retarded.
>>91065198 (You)
His schizo self specifically says that he's never killed before
Plenty of robofags but never flesh and blood


unless you want to argue with the show
every day we get further from god
Gotta get back, back to the pack
Then where do all the calculators go, jackass?
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2017-03-28 17.21.06.jpg
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Thread posts: 449
Thread images: 103

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