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How is it possible that Mabel is such a horrible character? Why

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How is it possible that Mabel is such a horrible character? Why gravity falls has such bad characters (beside Uncla Stan the only good character)? And why are there fucking morons who think Gravity Falls is better than Gumball?
>And why are there fucking morons who think Gravity Falls is better than Gumball?

Enough with your shilling already.
>How is it possible that Mabel is such a horrible character?
Because Alex Hersch as a huge boner for his sister. He can't portray Mabel ever being wrong because then his sister would be wrong.

>Why gravity falls has such bad characters (beside Uncla Stan the only good character)?
Most of the side characters were good, though. Robbie, Tambry, Thompson, Bill, the giant head with the arm sticking out of it, the sheriffs, Mermando, Tad Strange.

And why are there fucking morons who think Gravity Falls is better than Gumball?
I have no idea, but I've never watched Gumball.
Bill the dude almost defeated by a robot built with random parts in the midst of apocalypsis by a bunch of normal people. Totally a god
How he was defeated (read: how the story is written) is irrelevant to the quality of the character.
because the creator self inserted himself as dipper and his sister as mabel. Like that's where he got their character designs. He couldn't write his sister aka mabel ever being wrong and it fucked her character
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Mabel's time as come and gone. No there's a new quirky star girl.
If you watch the series assuming that Mabel is secretly in love with her brother, does it check out?
>Base the main characters on yourself and a loved one.
>The main protagonist is an either spineless or stupid loser in a constant state of suffering, while the deuteragonist makes several important accomplishments and is quickly liked by anybody important who's not a villain.

I guess Nefcy and Hirsch have something in common after all.
what is good about Bill ? the dude is pure hype, a dude with a cool design and a cool voice, the end. He was supposed to be a being an all-powerful being who was going to fuck us all and he almost did nothing
I still think having Weirdmageddon be stuck in a bubble for its entirety was a bad writing idea

Mabel is probably the worst character ever created in the history of mankind. In the other hand Star is qt, I love Star !
I like to think Star's suffering is partially to make up for Mabel getting away with every thing.
Mabel looks like she's about to make Waddles squeal like a pig
I hear a lot of /co/'s thoughts on Mabel, but what are their thoughts on Dipper?
is shit, there is nothing special about him
Boring and bland, just like a lot of protagonists.
Dipper's Cheeks
you cheeky bastard
2/10 made reply
He is great. There aren't many smart characters that aren't walking stereo types.
I wish there were more smart characters who were types of walking stereos.
This. I dont care if it's explained off somewhere in the book it serves no purpose to needless force status quo like that since there would be season 3 and it doesnt make sense. Why the weirdness is even concentrated in Gravity Falls is underdeveloped in the show.
I know that its best to keep certain things a mystery but Gravity Falls did not find the right balance, because the nature of the town in the end isnt a mystery but a glanced over side note.
Twin Peaks did it better by explaining why demons are constrained to that area and hint towards it being an explanation for why there's so much suffering in this area. Lynch and Frost successfully served both practical plot related purposes and thematic purposes. Hacksh just comes off as lazy and incompetent.
He isnt a poindexter BK kids club stereotype but he does fit the stereotype of being awkward, nervous, and scrawny. Overall he's bland, gets minimal character development, and is basically a plot device so interesting things can happen around him.
>Most of the side characters were good, though. Robbie, Tambry, Thompson, Bill, the giant head with the arm sticking out of it, the sheriffs, Mermando, Tad Strange.
Most of those hardly qualify as characters.
The whole point of Bill's "death" was to prove he was just another god wannabe you see in fiction.
I agree
Never watched this show, why do people hate her? Is she another Lisa Simpson?

People say she's a cunt but can I have an example?
She's a self-centered, co-dependent, narcissist who abuses her brother by guilt tripping him into sacrificing his happiness and never once returns the favorw
Underrated post.

She's selfish and no one calls her out on it.
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They don't they just hope by posting these threads everyday people will post Pinecest art and they're always right people do. They can't get enough of that incest action.
Are you the weird Gumball fag who would come into /sug/ sometimes and try to start some retarded fandom war?
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Daily reminder best girl would have gotten more screen time if season 3 happened.
literally no proof of that at all.
>being this new
Theres an entire unfinished plotline surrounding her with the painting and the related symbol. It's an objective fact that she would have gotten more screentime, at least one episode.
>objective fact

Completely ignoring all the other crap GF pulled that "would totally get more screen time if it had a season 3". Jesus you people never cease to crack me up.
Also it doesn't sound much like an objective fact since you're so passionate about it. Maybe you should look up what "objective fact" means.
She did once, if only once
Mabel's worst girl

She might be worst girl but i'd still cum on her braces.
I never realised just how terrible these kids are because everyone was busy obsessing over the msytery parts of the show when it aired

and we all know the mystery shit meant absolutely nothing at the end of the show, and the only thing that actually happens in the show is Dipper drooling over Wendy or Mabel drooling over a random boy, I will never rewatch it
bill was only good for 1 season, anon
same applies to most of them, actually
>How is it possible that Mabel is such a horrible character?
She's a 12 years old girl to begin with. Then there's sugar overdose, delusions and overall stupidity.
I marathoned the show when it was close to ending and thus didn't dabble in discussions with fans throughout. The impression of Mabel I got was that she could be rather unfair to Dipper sometimes, but I generally didn't find her too bad because she always felt like she got the unimportant B plots most of the time while Dipper was still the real star unraveling all the mystery stuff, which is what I was most interested in.

I did end up not enjoying the incest vibes, apparently Dipper X Mabel is the fanbase's favorite ship? I usually like incest, but not when I feel there are better options and I came to like Dipper X Pacifica instead. I wonder why its development was suddenly stopped after Northwest Manor Mystery. I just found out that a post-series Journal has a page where Dipper lets it slip out that he likes her, so it feels like wasted buildup and potential to me.

>you will never see pacifica turn from spoiled rich bitch into a fun, adventure loving shorts-wearing tomboy

That being said I wouldn't mind seeing a drawfag doing thiat.
A big problem is that they tried to act like Dipper and Mabel were two sides of the same coin and both equally the main protagonists while they really weren't
>adventure loving shorts-wearing tomboy

Eh, I want her to retain her femininity while joining in on adventures
>the "mabel is a horrible character" meme

im so sorry you plebs cant appreciate a character that doesnt change
t. someone who doesn't know what "shill" means.
>im so sorry you plebs cant appreciate a character that doesnt change

If she's a deeply flawed character and a supposed protagonist, then no I can't appreciate that she doesn't change

You can never get rid of that, even if she's wearing shorts and doing manly adventures, she'd still be quite feminine and hot. Would be a delicious blending of flavors, my dude.
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>apparently Dipper X Mabel is the fanbase's favorite ship?

Not according to the fanfic and fanart count it's not.
Oh boy, seriously?

I guess I can see the appeal in a crazy sort of way, them being enemies and all.
>you're so passionate about it
Youre projecting, Im not. Even this poster >>91002582 aint me
There is literally an unresolved plotline in the show that would have to be concluded in a second season
>Completely ignoring all the other crap GF pulled that "would totally get more screen time if it had a season 3"
What did you mean by this? What an incoherent sentence. GF cut a lot of things so yes, a lot of things would get more screen time.

Are you two ESLs misinterpreting "more screentime" for "most screentime" or "more than any other girl"?
Anyone else get a weird. "incesty vibe" from the twins?
Wow. Is Bojack, dare I say, /our horse/?
A lot of people
Well fujoshits are just particularly prolific and dedicated generally and it's not like there's not plenty of Pinecest (that's Dipper X Mabel) and Padippica or Dipcifica (Dipper X Pacifica). It also depends where you are /co/ is a constant war between Pinescest, Padippica, and Wendip, reddit like Padippica. I wouldn't be surprised if casuals never noticed any possibilities outside of Wendip. Then there's Japans strange love of Mabel X Bill.

But despite the conspiracy theories here I don't think you were supposed to think the twins wanted to boink each other and the ship stuff wasn't a big focus. The creator seems confused by Pacifica's great popularity and her two "redemption" episodes were about throwing her strange fanbase a bone apparently, maybe.
why the fuck this ship exits
>ESLs misinterpreting

Since when did screen time become a compound word?
>Gravity Falls vs Gumbal
I like both shows for different reasons
I wouldn't really compare them
This takes me back.
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*screen time*

If there was a third season one make a fair estimate that all the unresolved plot lines would be resolved. A fourth season was never planned and there's no reason to assume they'd leave even more unsolved with that extra time. I really dont understand why you simply refuse to believe a main character would not have another appearance if there was a third season.
Just because it's often misused doesn't make it a "buzzword", you projected on to my post by claiming I was passionate about the subject. I see no problem with my use of literal, in contrast to a plotline that's conclusion could be debated or be written off as simply unsatisfying. I dont have to justify either of those last two things because your comment on them were non arguments by the way.
*one could
She doesn't ever change. In Love God, she plays matchmaker with Robbie's relationship, and it fucks the group dynamic and she learns not to do that.
Then, in Roadside Attraction, she does that with Dipper, and then Dipper hurts Candy's feelings and Mabel blames Dipper.

Earlier in the same episode, as they're about to leave, she grabs his personal box from under his bed, and accidentally dumps out the contents, revealing pictures of Wendy.
Mabel, the person who has a scrapbook section dedicated to her failed romances, with numerous pictures of her ex-crushes, completely understands Dipper's feelings and HAHAHA just kidding, she shits on him for it and tells him to get over her already
So, new Dipper/Mabel clothes swap pic: https://68.media.tumblr.com/e434747565653c3dba46599e9f24bd53/tumblr_inline_omz8oxU4dS1r3hceb_540.png
So, how would the show change if the twins were both boys or both girls?
At least Mabel isn't a cuck

more important, would you have watched the show if Mabel was the smart one and Dipper the dumbass one?
That would be weird. Their personalities would otherwise be unchanged, right?
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>hating Mabel

Shit taste
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good point
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because it is cute.
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That's fucking adorable anon.
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We'll always have Reverse Mabel's inappropriately sexy legs.
Is there any AU where Mabel's an antagonist but has her canon personality?
There's no point in comparing Gumball and Gravity Falls. They're two completely different shows and people like them both for different reasons. If anything, Gravity Falls reminds me more of Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated as weird as that may sound.

I think Dipper is a really good character, who actually grows as a character throughout the series. Only problem is that he feels any guilt for leaving Mabel, who was nothing more than selfish.
>Implying Gumball wasn't an insuferable cunt in S3 & 4.
Some Reverse Pines stuff has them maintain general personality traits, but it was mostly older works.
You can't call someone out on their English when you clearly have issues with it. What sort of mental gymnastics are you trying to pull? Stop shilling m8, you're going with hypothetical situations which can't be argued for or against so what you're saying is pointless since it can never be proven either way.

Again I'm going to stress this, if you're going to call out someones English then you should be able to at least spell out your sentences correctly. You can't use memes to defend your stance when you were the one who called other anons out on their English. What you're doing is asinine and you're argument is invalid.
Back to /pol/ with you.
She was neither on the giving nor receiving end of any vore.
That sucks
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Okay so I was thinking of actually giving this show a chance because of this Bill cosplayer I met who said good things about it. But apparently you guys seem to hate it in the same way you hated Korra and you treat this Mabel character like she's the Uber-Satan of animated characters.

Why ?
What did she do ?
Did she seriously ruin the show single-handedly ?

I want to understand why is this character hated just as much (if not more) than the likes of Lisa Simpson.
The shows worth watching. Mabel is just a character that always fucks up but never gets called out for it, or develops from it.

The show is still pretty good, especially season 1.
Season 1 and the first half of Season 2 were really excellent. But the second half of Season 2 was really showing the showrunner's hard burnout and it took a sharp nosedip in quality. Most of the hate comes from the finale which retroactively ruined the show for many people. It was really quite bad for many reasons, one of which being that it absolutely destroyed Mabel's character and is the source of most of the anti-Mabel disgust.

I'd recommend that you watch it, all the way through season 1, and until the halfway point of season 2, when Grunkle Stan's mystery gets solved. It's not that the solution to his plotline is responsible for the series getting bad, it's just a handy coincidental marker for when the series started to plunge. After that whole thing gets solved stop watching and just enjoy what you had.
Watch the show and decide for yourself. Don' let these retards dissuade you it's a great show.
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Don't be too hard on Mabel. She'll realize the mistakes she did sooner or later and learn from them.
There's some truth to the Mabel hate but a lot of it is based on /co/ removing context or inserting their own interpretations into the show.

Just try a few episodes out and see if you like it
I never hated her, really, she gave the show a little of comedy, and even if at the darkest Gravity Falls wasn't even that dark anyway, she made the show a little more light-hearted.

HOWEVER, in the finale Mabel left such a bad taste in my mouth. Really? Are you going to guilt trip your brother into being your friend (for a character that literally never had a problem making friends) over he becoming the next Galactic Detective? That's literally Dipper's dream, hell, the fact that Dipper acts like it's all cool and he always cared more about Mabel is what pissed me the most.

Just eat it up and grow up, you are holding your brother back, you little, retarded, annoying, whiny, needy, fucking cunt.
Remember that cringe scene where Hirsch referenced the annoying Ocarina of Time fairy? Imagine that in every scene of every episode. That's Referenceball.
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>I want to understand why is this character hated just as much (if not more) than the likes of Lisa Simpson.
Alright, so basically,

>Apocalypse happens
>Everybody in terror, people are dying (or at least getting petrified) at a horrifying rate
>One guy gets the orifices on his face swapped randomly (see picture and remember he's screaming throughout this process)

>Meanwhile Mabel is in her own fantasy dreamland bubble where she's not just protected, she's actually having the time of her life
>Dipper risks everything to try and save her from her 'prison' just to find out that she's living in luxury and in no real danger whatsoever
>She refuses to leave her private heaven bubble even as everyone she knows is suffering in agony just outside
>When dipper tries to get her to leave she lashes out hardcore, turns her world against him, and replaces him with a "better brother" who's more charismatic and cool

>The whole plotline is finally resolved when Dipper promises to sacrifice everything, to screw over his future prospects with an apprenticeship so he can coddle his sister because she was scared she might have to grow up
>Mabel finally decides to leave the bubble now that she's gotten exactly what she wants and this is seen as a good thing, Mabel never faces any sort of consequence or compromise whatsoever
>I wonder why its development was suddenly stopped after Northwest Manor Mystery.

Because the cutoff point for Gravity Falls isn't the end of Season One. It's the episode right after NMM: Not What He Seems.

That is the last good episode. And the reason for that is because it was the last episode Hirsch made before he decided he was sick of working at Disney and needed this show to end fast. So everything after Ford returns is just trying to tie everything up and get it all over with, and it's the point where everything goes to shit.
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What the fuck ?
Is this real ?
Who the fuck wrote this shit ? That sounds awful.
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>no cool uncle to go on adventures for dipper
>no pacifica for dipper
>no wendy for dipper
>didn't even get a chance to betray Mabel at the end

Fucking why, Alex, why
I thought his dream was going to a technical college and starting a ghost hunting show
>doesn't know what shill means
>you're argument is invalid.
>still has nothing to say
Apparently his dream is babysitting his sister forever.
>this meme again
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Because their love is pure.
Also, said apocalypse is (arguably) all her fault
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cuz the best part of waking up is pinecest in your cup.

Cute, and totally believable.
>linking to sfw pics
It's just that the shittier things Mabel has done with fewer consequences were at the end of the series. She became less of a co-lead and worse of a person, but up until 2B she was fine.

If you watch it, just skip Roadside Attraction. It interrupts the main plot, there's little humor in it, no lore, and it's easily Mabel's worst episode.

It's not entirely honest
>When dipper tries to get her to leave she lashes out hardcore, turns her world against him, and replaces him with a "better brother" who's more charismatic and cool
Dippy-fresh existed, yes, the but the world turns against Dipper after Mabel loses control of her bubble-powers
she was immediately placed in the bubble world before the statues-apocalypse-suffering thing, so she likely doesn't even know about how bad it is
The rest is pretty accurate
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>the hate comes from the finale which retroactively ruined the show

Alex couldn't handle that 4chan & tumblr figured out his 'big twist' during season one. He actually went out of his way to create and leak a fake screenshot.

Remember when we thought there might actually be lore?
Remember when we thought the symbol wheel might actually mean something?
We loved the show, and many anons loved Mabel, but the ending was like finding a dead rat at the bottom of the punch bowl.
I miss old /gfg/. /CryingSpaceRocks/ and /BlondMabelWithMagic/ just isn't the same.

On the one hand, there are a couple hints the bubble has mind-control/hypnosis properties, but they did a piss poor job of making that clear.
On the other hand, after a summer of surviving giant robots, man eating monsters, Gideon, ghosts, interdimensional demons, and seeing Dipper summon zombies by mistake...
she still chooses to trade away her great uncle's ominously glowing science artifact in order to get her way.
This thread again...
>why are there fucking morons who think Gravity Falls is better than Gumball?

'Cuz GF has plot, better characters and it is not based on "lol muh rundom"
Kek /10
>Remember when we thought there might actually be lore?

I always thought it was weird people made such a big deal about lore. It's like, everything in the show is about the Pines family and their immediate problems. It's not like a fantasy series with a bunch of background details or anything.
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I miss it too anon
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>It's not like a fantasy series with a bunch of background details or anything.
They went out of their way to design the totem pole using Kolus, a figure known for imitating his brother (the Thunderbird).
When /gfg/ spotted this, Hirsch went out of his way to record this https://soundcloud.com/shmebulock/soos-reacts

We weren't sure if they had swapped names, so we were calling them 5tan and 6tan in the threads. We had hopes the series could deliver more. We were so wrong.
The thing is there WAS a lot of hints and shit, but only in regards to Stan's twin existing.

Everything else was just so much wind in the trees.
If that hack used the time he spent misdirecting fans writing maybe he wouldn't be so shit at it.
surely you jest
>surely you jest
surely I do. Star is a deeper character that recognizes jealousy and clinginess as being bad things
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ah cool no qualms there
Yeah, that was always the real mystery.

fans just made up a lot of shit
The real mystery was the friends they made along the way
You called an anon out on their English then you use a meme and say you shouldn't call people out on on their English. Seriously how does your mind work?
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>I came to like Dipper X Pacifica instead. I wonder why its development was suddenly stopped after Northwest Manor Mystery. I just found out that a post-series Journal has a page where Dipper lets it slip out that he likes her, so it feels like wasted buildup and potential to me.

Wasted potential is right
Time is not going to be especially kind to this show, its episodes, or its fanbase at all. As we move farther and farther away from the finale, what Gravity Falls was will seemingly be forever foreshadowed by the vitriol over what was horrifically mishandled, what was never done, and exactly what shall never be.
It's only been a year since it ended, though, and people have been saying stuff like this since shortly after the finale
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>finally an episode where Mabel can learn how much of a selfish cunt she is
>"lol no she's totally pure of heart and everyone else is the jerk :^)"
Friendly reminder that the unicorn was fucking right, if unintentionally.
Alex Hirsch is a bitter fuck who was "ditched" by his sister so he turned Mabel into an insufferable cunt but his self-insert sticks around her anyway because that's what Hirsch wants to do irl with his real sister.

It's sad but hilarious that a man pining for his twin sister's cunt actually made a cartoon about it. That's why they're called Pines. Dipper Pines, in verb form. Lmao.
no one else gives it shit like /co/ though not even close we're an anomaly a stray insignificant point of data
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Is "fucking morons who think *INSERT-SHOW-HERE* is better than Gumball?" the new "fucking morons who think *INSERT-SHOW-HERE* is better than SU?"
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>Time is not going to be especially kind to this show
Given that Star Vs is chugging along with lore & romance, and Steven Universe keeps going,

Hirsch & GF are gonna be remembered as the weakest link
and the one that bailed early because "being an adult & running a show are hard work!"
How the fuck would that happen? As time goes on the exact opposite will occur because as we move away from the autistic screeching of fans who didn't get their headcanons fulfilled any stigma surrounding it will dissipate and you'll be left with the show as is. The show itself will endure, but the forums filled with essay length diatribes on Mable being shit and the million incorrect fan theories will not impact future watchers as discussion of the show fades away.
>everything after Ford returns is just trying to tie everything up and get it all over with, and it's the point where everything goes to shit
Changing the formula by bringing and focusing on an unfun character fucking up all the established dynamics does that.
Ford was pretty plain for somebody who got so much buildup, and he barely interacted with anybody other than Dipper, Stan, or Ford.
Ford was a mistake, plain and simple.
Bill*, not Ford.
>Alex Hirsch is a bitter fuck who was "ditched" by his sister so he turned Mabel into an insufferable cunt but his self-insert sticks around her anyway because that's what Hirsch wants to do irl with his real sister
This makes so much sense.
>A supposedly large part of the finale is Dipper choosing between Ford and Mabel.
>Ford and Mabel have maybe three interactions in the entire season, all under 30 seconds, and none of them are related to Dipper.
But Mabel will still be shit and finale will still be 100% pure refined nonsense. I don't see how time could possibly redeem it beyond "Meh, nothing to be worked up about this shitty cartoon".

And if you think that both of those things are terrible that's fine and I'll even agree that Mable is flawed and the finale is disappointing. However, I think that a lot of the hatred is a result of fans spending so much time analyzing the show and building up ideas in their mind that could not be lived up to. The post I was responding to seemed to think that this would somehow stay with the show, but I think that without all of the exaggerated fandom hatred it's not as bad in reality or at least not as obvious to someone who just wants to watch the show rather than spend weeks picking it apart.

I can understand thinking the finale is a clusterfuck after hyping it up for months before it airs, but for people like me who were able to watch it immediately it was not nearly as much of a letdown. I think time will be kind to the series.
>what Gravity Falls was will seemingly be forever foreshadowed by the vitriol over what was horrifically mishandled, what was never done, and exactly what shall never be.

Dude get off the fucking internet, not everyone cares that much
That meme and the way you speak reminds me of /pol/. Maybe you should go back.
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It's two sides to two extremes, really.

Here on /co/, people wallow in the misery of how "bad" the last part of the season was, and it was pretty damn weak compared to the rest of the series and full of disappointment, but it wasn't a complete fucking shit show. It's downright insulting to say cartoons like Steven Universe or Adventure Time are better, because the production value of Gravity Falls was still on a whole other higher echelon.

At the same time, it does have major flaws that need to be discussed, and you'll NEVER hear those get touched upon without being downvoted or banned to oblivion on other places of the internet. Hirsch blocks anyone on his twitter for even a whiff of negativity, and surrounds himself with a cadre of yesmen and lickspittles who praise his every move, laugh at his every shitty Drumpf joke, and don't offer him any real insight into his faults as a cartoonist.
So what was the deal with Mabel being obsessed with 80's flair?
She always puts her feelings first and Dipper is always expected to prioritize her happiness over his own.
It's a cute quirk, like her oversized floppy disk shirt.
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>Bill and Dipper
>Secretly care for each other

Really, anon?

I didn't make the fucking thing and it's not about this show it's just a random fandom meme about fans shipping enemies more than friends in general (2 and 3).
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>it's a /co/ spergs out and overreacts to disappointment episode
Is that last one a joke about SasuSaku?
Considering I find her annoying as fuck, I'll take whatever justification for her pain I can get.
As a gumballfag myself even I can say this is bait.
Gumball and Gravity Falls are two entirely different fucking shows. They're both good for their own reasons. Trying to compare them is foolish.
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last one is Mabifica
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The superior Mabel.
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Now we're getting somewhere...
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jump hug.gif
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Post Cute twins
'Cest is unnecessary. Just cute.
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I hated Soos more than Mabel honestly.

Like I don't people that look like him. I just hate the whole "hurr nonthreatening dumb fat guy" trope because people like that are not fucking chill to be around in real life.
>fem dipper
>Boy slut Mabel

Already 1000x better than the original
I think that's just Mabel and Dipper in swapped clothes.
Why was this deleted?
I miss that nobody makes endearing interactions between Dipper and Mabel like this ever since the finale.
Anon, which fat guy touched you in a no no place? You can tell us.

What was it?
>ywn have a true sister
To all those that do, bust one out in her mouth in memory of the rest of us.

>hurr nonthreatening dumb fat guy
I do have one of those , though, you just have shit luck. Fatties who learn to be charismatic to compensate for their appearance are awesome
Short drabble about Dipper and Mabel hugging. Probably got deleted because it counts as a fic.
>delete boards.4chan
>type desuarchive
If it wasn't archived before deletion, it was just a cute short fic
I din't get why the mods delete those, honestly.
for one thing, gravity falls IS better than gumball. gumball is a fucking meme.

mabel is cute

Oh, okay
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that's not appropriate mabel.jpg
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hold my hand.jpg
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No other cute pictures?
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Not him, but here's one. It's my only copy, don't lose it
Okay anon, I will keep it safe.
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Bigdad's Pacifica.jpg
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Since all recent Gravity Falls necrothreads need at least one of these, I'll just get it out of the way.
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This triggers the co.png
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best au

Bigdad always welcome
I always disliked her, but fucking Weirdmaggeddon 2 made me hate her, and it sucks because I rewatched the series with some friends, and I noticed that Mabel triggers a lot of bad shit.

Because of her what happened to Dipper? He was fired from a summer job that he actually liked, was almost killed by a shape-shifting monster, had to see his crush date a guy that he hated, was possesed by a demon, almost lost his journal lots of times...

Just to name a few, yeah, she's a shit character, Dipper being bland is just a little better than her fucking selfishness
She let her brother kiss Mermando in front of her
I'm mad already
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A lot of those things weren't her fault though...

I agree that the writers dropped the ball with Mabel towards the end though and ignored possibilities for her to grow and change and that was shitty.
What exactly is happening here?
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Reminds me of Joss Whedon in the second avengers movie, with that stupid ass romance subplot
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A drawfag made it based on a theory an anon had; If Dipper and Mabel had synchronized allergies, then they must have synchronized "other things."
People who work creative type jobs almost universally hate themselves. Or even

>people almost universally hate themselves
This is cool, is there more?
Not really. The idea didn't take off in a big way like Monster or Reverse.

There's one or two pretty meh stories, and then no one touched it to my knowledge.
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I remember that DP did a few more things and that there were a few fanfictions but that it didn't become a crazy popular international phenomenon like some of the other gravity falls aus did....
That's too bad, the period really sells lovecraftian mystery.
>single-handedly causing apocalypse

"why u hatin muh mabal?"

So kind of like that Telepathic Orgasmic feedback loop shit that happened back in /gfg/
That was a weird thing to take off. There are at least 3 fics about it that I know of. This is the only one I have a link for rn though.

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That's a rather promiscuous slogan for a girl her age to wear, isn't it?
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>I hated Soos
what the hell is the story behind that picture anyway
Mabel is dead.
As far as I know there's not background, just bad end
To be fair everything wrong with Sasuke is Danzo and the Curse of Hatreds fault

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Reminder that Giffany did nothing wrong and Soos should have stayed with her.


Because they have terrible taste. Unfortunately, all the incestfags moved on to The Loud House instead of killing themselves like they should have.


You know, anytime I think of this episode, I can't help but think of the parallels with the Baby episode from Star Vs.

>both involve a silly funloving girl getting called out on their shit by a magical creature.

But while the Unicorn was revealed to just be bullshitting, erasing any need for Mabel to have an introspective moment, Baby was pretty much right, and Star knew it and just had to take it while Baby berated her. You ever see her feel guilty over the failings Baby pointed out, and start practicing her magic in earnest after Baby shat on her spell-casting.


I still like Mabel, but I have to admit they really dropped the ball with her towards the end of the series.


Pandering to adults. If this show was made 10 years from now, Mabel would be obsessed with the 90s. If it was made 10 years ago, she'd be obsessed with the 70s.
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Stay mad fag.

I always will
I wouldn't call Mabel being dead a "bad end" since that would actually be character development of some kind.
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dont cut.gif
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Not the fucking pinecest thread again
>autismo stays triggered
Way to state the obvious.

god fucking fucking damn it

that's designed to "load" slowly on purpose you absolute motherfucker

Any pics of Dipper dressed as Mabel, but Mabel staying the same?
Talk about melodramatic
Moringmark is a gift to all cartoon fandoms.
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Dipper vs. Wendy's weight.png
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Would Wendy have still worked as a character if they made her closer to Dipper and Mabel's age?
It would make Dipper look even more pathetic.

It could work, but without age I think she would be more grating in how great she is.
Is this one of those roleswap AUs?
I wrote a few ghost Mabel stories
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>why are there fucking morons who think Gravity Falls is better than Gumball?
Why are nowadays Gumballfags so retarded?
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It's no wonder Pinecest is so rampant when they didn't have any potential love interests for Mabel who didn't turn out to be evil or a one-dimensional weirdo.
I don't think they'd be able to get away with the stuff they did to Dipper if he were a girl
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it's that time of day again
They're fucking 12, shippers are just nutjobs 100% of the time.
how do...do you do that?
With a .gif?
You know nothing about writing at all, holy shit.
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>You know nothing about writing at all, holy shit.
No actual argument, I see.
>The Top 10 List on the same night Alex appeared on Letterman talked about adjectives to describe Donald Trump's hairstyle
This argument was so shitty it turned me blind. What the fuck, retards? At least be mote entertaining about it sometimes.
This exactly, they were literal running gags.
So I finally watched this show. Fucking /co/, you all lied to me. Mabel is an okay character, and yeah she does some dumb shit, and it gets kinda annoying just once in the finale, in her dream world or whatever that was. But that's not nearly as bad as you all paint it. If anything, Stan's ridiculous behaviour in the last episode is what you should be mad about. What the fuck was that? Yes, his dumb brother was too much of an asshole to even talk to him after he got back to this world, and really it was all (literally, ALL of it) Stanford's fault in the first place, but that doesn't mean you can't hold his hand this one fucking time to save the world, and settle your personal issues later. And he's an adult man, and he knows what's at stake.
We criticised Stan's bizzare characterisation. But the problem with Mabel is not what she does, it's what writing allows her to get away with.
It's a Stan nearly gets his niece killed over a grammar correction episode.
Honestly, I'd be fine with the whole "Mabel being the harbinger of the apocalypse" things, had it actually been addressed and gotten a solid conclusion, and I think most people would be, too.
But there's nothing to address there. The apocalypse was the result of Ford's and Dipper's autism.
Indeed. Mabel being seduced by Satan preying on her insecurities are fine. Mabel having those insecurities and entitlements heeded as a happy end is not.

Every time the show might look like it's about to call Mabel out or have her make sacrifices, it swerves into nonsense to avoid it.
You didn't have one either.

It was literally ad hominem.
I wasn't the guy you replied to.
Gumball went to shit when they made gumball a selfish little shit.
First part of my post is still right, then
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Girl Bipper.jpg
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>Girl Dipper in Sock Opera

Probably wouldn't be seen as acceptable.
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Girl Bipper 2.png
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It's just a handful of people constantly pushing their Mabel hate meme.
Did anyone buy the Funko Pops?
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might have just switched outfits
I'm saving up money specifically for them. It's either that, or I do like Grunkle Stan: I steal 'em.
She caused the apocalypses.
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