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/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons

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Thread replies: 578
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Hipsty Edition

>Upcoming Releases:

>Out This Week:
Darth Maul #2 (March 22)
Rogue One Digital (March 24)
Rebels 3.20/21: "Zero Hour" Parts 1 and 2 (March 25)

>Rebels 3.19: "Twin Suns"

>Rebels Recon: Twin Suns

>Download links: (Check here for new Rebels Episodes + Books, Comics, Films, etc)

>Canon Guide:

>Legends Recommendation List:
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What is she, /swco/?
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I caved and bought Darth Maul #2 because I was getting impatient waiting for a storytime.

Holy crap, that was good. It redeemed the mediocre first issue for me.
Killed in Order 66
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What if the Vong arrived in the galaxy during the clone wars. Imagine them finally reaching the supposed new home, only to find massive armies of droids and machines trying to take over the galaxy. they would be pissed.
>Obi-Wan sides with Dooku when offered to join the CIS
>More Jedi jump ship upon learning that Dooku's warnings are indeed genuine
>Clone Wars become a Jedi Civil War...

...and then my idea came crashing to a halt upon realizing it could just accelerate the Sheev's plans.
What if Qui-Gon killed Maul and trained Anakin?
How is she?
He would have steered him clear of Sheev.
I liked it as well. I wasn't ready for that Revan mention though
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the wat
Great thread
Your memeing aside, I wasn't expecting Aurra Sing and Cad Bane to show up. Also, the Scourge of Malachor scene was baller.

In addition, I'm actually really liking the way they are mixing eras, with races from TFA showing up in this pre-TPM story.
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tfw no storytime
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What happened to the rest of Blue Squadron? The ones that engaged the Star Destroyer the ones down on Scarif that weren't shot down after the planet shield went down?
Here's an idea:
Post something you really loved from the old EU that you are sad is no longer canon.
Then post a criticism of that same thing you liked that justifies why it should no longer be canon.

I loved the Jedi Knight games which have a perfect Star Wars aesthetic, sounds, and themes while letting you explore tons of cool planets and fight different stormtroopers and force users.

But, Kyle Katarn was a ridiculously overpowered gary stu and you defeated the Empire and the Sith "once and for all" like 20 different times.
Man you guys really don't like keeping that canon guide updated, do you?
most likely folded into red squadron.
Dead until confirmed otherwise. If they had a face and didn't appear in another movie, they're toast.
Kotor is boring obvious choice.
x-wing game.

shield generator on top of the fucking bridge is stupid. they are suppose to be the radar dome.
Yes but what aspects of it are you sad to see gone? What aspects of it are you glad to be gone?
pod racing
>But, Kyle Katarn was a ridiculously overpowered gary stu

Thanks for saying this. I think people who simultaneously hate Rey and love Kyle Katarn are massive hypocrites.
Kotor but Revan is overrated.

I don't like the idea of things existing 4000 years ago that look very similar. I can buy technology never changing but why do we get ships that look like a different tie model. It makes sense in the sequel trilogy since it's only 30 years later so it makes sense to have sucessors, but I roll my eyes at all the not-stardestroyers and shit.
The idea of Kyle Katarn being a defector who joins the Rebellion and slowly realized that he's force sensitive then goes onto help Luke train the New Jedi Order on Yavin IV.
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>Socorro is a planet in Star Wars
>Pic Related

Wow, even in Star Wars New Mexico is a shithole
I hate Rey and love Kyle but that's a matter of personality. I recognize Kyle to be a total bullshit character who happens to look cool and have a great voice actor. And that Valley of the Jedi "oooh lemme give up my force powers oh now gimme back I wanna be a jedi again" was such fucking trash.

BTFOing bandits with Lando and exploring the galaxy as Jaden Korr was great, but it doesn't excuse some of this nonsense.
Kyle Katarn being a gary Stu is a by product of 90s era video game where you have people like doomguy and duke nukem.
That's fine. I was mainly talking about people who hate Rey for being overpowered but turn a blind eye/don't notice Kyle being overpowered.
Here's a much better guide that I manage. I've suggested adding it to the OP countless times but for some reason the guy who made the original guide doesn't want to replace it.
This is true, but the EXTREME BADASS archetype was half comedic and half expediency for video games. It becomes a huge fuck up to consider the fantastical exploits of a video game protag as canonical history as the old EU did when it tried to explain away the dozen or so different manners of the theft of the death star plans.
I hope when we finally do get more Star Wars video games that they either realize that not everything about them has to be canon, or at least work hand in hand with the story group to make sure they don't go way beyond their boundaries.

The fact that the EU had to take desperate measures to canonize Dooku dying in some throwaway shovelware GBA game was ridiculous.
>The fact that the EU had to take desperate measures to canonize Dooku dying in some throwaway shovelware GBA game was ridiculous.
this still blows my mind
It's so strange that it unironically made me reconsider my definition of "normal human behavior".
Not even joking.
Kyle has always just been an excuse for the player to go places and do cool things in various Star Wars contexts. Nothing more or less. I've never felt he was a particularly good or interesting character. He's just a vehicle.
don't forget scorpion vader
They didn't actually try to canonize that though, did they?
>The fact that the EU had to take desperate measures to canonize Dooku dying in some throwaway shovelware GBA game was ridiculous.

That was a clone.

anyway enough talk about katarn, let's talk about other EU stories that we like but which have serious flaws that we are glad are not canon
Worse, it was a "Force doppelganger", which raises way more questions than the alternative would have.
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As we needed more proof that people are just too dumb to understand the PT...
Look at Maul in the top panel.
Now remember how people pretend that Maul wasn't well characterized in TPM
Next, remember the scene in TPM where QUI-GON does the thing Maul is doing in the top panel here, while Maul paces like a hungry dog.

People claim that they wanted more show and less tell in the PT, but when they get it, it goes over their heads.

I am aware of the explanation provided by the overseers of canon, but the explanation from a novel was that it was a clone.
So what you're saying is that Maul is more characterised outside of TPM? Good to know.
I tend to ignore prequel haters out of hand
I don't like the PT as much as the OT but anyone who doesn't like the PT at all is either a tryhard poser or legitimately retarded.
>So what you're saying is that Maul is more characterised outside of TPM?
Is this a meta joke where you pretend to be a PT hater who can't read?

Because if it's not, you just embarrassed yourself mate.
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>TPM had good characterization because of what happened in a comic that came out 18 years later
the whole era existing, pretty much.
This is nuts.
Are you really that dumb?
Learn to read, honestly. That's not even CLOSE to what I said.
That's literally the example of Maul's characterisation you gave. The comic is not the TPM.
Why is /co/ so /co/ntrarian? I like Rebels, TCW, and the prequels, but Episode V is my favorite movie and that triggers /swco/.
>people pretend that Maul wasn't well characterized in TPM
Well, it's not really pretending. He's as characterized as he maybe needed to be, but there's very little to him. I've always felt trying to expand his character as much as they have has mostly been a mistake, or at least needless, though. Whether that comic does or doesn't contradict what little is there (I haven't read it yet, but it seems like a good catch on your part) doesn't change that.

He should have stayed dead and a one-off threat.
Star Wars is like Zelda games where if you list your favorites/ranking of the series, you are guaranteed to piss people off.
They're only slightly better than /v/ when it comes to the "angry virgin hipsters" department.
The fact that you can say you like other Star Wars media than Empire Strikes Back indicates you aren't a fairweather fanboy who doesn't really care about the franchise and just tries to fit in. 99% of the time if somebody says "my favorite star wars mobie is the one where vader says I am your father xd" they're trying to appear "cultured" because "professional" critics say that it is the best. These same people tend to have nothing but contempt for the prequels, TCW, Rebels, the canon books and comics, and even Return of the Jedi (muh ewoks are so dumb). As such anybody who says ESB is their favorite cannot be trusted to have a legitimately formed that opinion on their own and must be asked to clarify and justify.
Yet you're here too...
Since this guy
was also confused, i'm willing to concede that I worded the post poorly.
(this guy got what I was saying though >>90947044)

Let me try again.

In TPM, Maul characterized as an attack dog through his actions in contrast to those of a Jedi.
(meditating v. pacing and staring down)

In that comic page, the writer has Maul meditating like Qui-Gon, completely the exact opposite of what the character would really do.

A complaint people give about the PT is that it tells instead of shows, but as we see here, when Lucas shows instead of telling, we get idiots like Cullen Bunn who can't see it.

I like what Richard Brody said about Lucas and the PT,
>I suspect that the world-making, the narrative architecture of the self-extending mythological power of the “Star Wars” series, got in the way of its own realization. Could the word be too sacred to Lucas for him to subordinate it to the profane cinematic image? Could the import of the invented mythology be too great, in Lucas’s mind, for him to subject it to the ambiguities of visual transformations? Did he know, or surmise, that the enduring authority of the series would be based not in his direction—however original and distinguished—but in his stories? And, if so, did he conclude that he wasn’t prepared to submit them to the all-too-readily misunderstood realm of the image?
As we see with Bunn, Lucas was right. People are just too stupid for purely visual storytelling.
I agree with you but you need to delete one of these posts that's too much textual clutter
way ahead a' ya partner
I see what you're saying but I don't think Maul's pacing was really interesting characterisation, after all, Obi-wan was doing the same thing. I think that scene speaks more about Qui-Gon's character who was meditating while in a precarious position. Pacing while waiting for the screen to shut off would be what any rational person would do, to be ready to fight. The comic possibly draws a parallel but I think it's a bit of a stretch. There's a different context. One is meditating in the middle of a duel, the other is meditating in his room. Even if it was an intentional parallel, it doesn't change how Maul was characterised in TPM.
>after all, Obi-wan was doing the same thing.
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Tell me about Darth Bane. Why does he wear the mask?
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>I think that scene speaks more about Qui-Gon's character who was meditating while in a precarious position.
YES, and Maul is chararcterized by his CONTRASTING action.
Not just his action, but his action compared to Qui-Gon.

This isn't that hard dude. You really seem to WANT to think that Maul was poorly characterized in TPM.
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He was on his Toe's ready to fight, jumping in place, are we really going to split hairs here? They're both clearly very eager to get fight.
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Because he was a cunning warrior. And a good meme.
ready to fight=/=staring down while pacing+testing the cage with your weapon
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To conceal his freakish makeup
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Republic Commando/Battlefront 2 campaigns. It was nice to get a clone perspective of the war.

I honestly can't think of any major flaws. Not saying they're flawless masterpieces, but they didn't do anything ridiculous enough to make me think "oh god I'm glad that's gone", and while they don't fit the current canon, I'm not sure they can be criticized for discrepancies introduced by another work years later.
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I fucking hate that we will never see Thrawn and first season Krazy Kallus work together to catch Rebels and traitors. What a waste to be bring Thrawn in so late.
If someone washed it off, would he die?
>he is going to die

I hate filoni.
I get that, but again Mauls actions seems more rational which is why it's less interesting to me. Just saying that I "get it", it's definitely characterisation, but according to you only >>90947044 gets it despite not commenting on the scene at all.
>but according to you only >>90947044 gets it despite not commenting on the scene at all.
I was assuming he "got it" (got it=/=agreeing) because unlike the other responses, he didn't actively misinterpret my post.
They're both staring each other down. Why would Obi-wan test the cage when he already saw Maul try it? You going to tell me that the pacing alone is what speaks a million words about Maul's character? It's the contrast to Qui-Gon's meditating that matters.
>You going to tell me that the pacing alone is what speaks a million words about Maul's character? It's the contrast to Qui-Gon's meditating that matters.
Your first sentence here disagrees with me, but your second agrees.
I am glad this exists.
"Are we blind? Deploy the garrison!"

Also, Filoni secretly loves destroying your hopes and dreams.
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The fight choreography in this scene is objectively great.

Why do people pretend that it isn't?
this is just evidence that there was nothing substantial to Maul in TPM. Him pacing back and forth during a duel doesn't mean he wouldn't ever meditate. I mean this is the guy who says the sith will have revenge in the most quaint possible tone of voice. There is nothing in TPM that contradicts that comic panel.
>this is just evidence that there was nothing substantial to Maul in TPM.
As this guy said,
you're trying way too hard to fabricate poor filmmaking.
But for what reason?
Which brings me back to my original point that Obi-wan's actions also contrast Qui-gon's, so it's not exactly unique to Maul.
Do you not see Maul literally struggling in his meditation?

And Obi-Wan wasn't pacing. He was incredibly jittery and anxious, chomping at the bit. The only one who had their head on straight in that encounter was Qui-Gon. Maul's characterization was written all over that duel, from his twirling his lightsaber and grinning excitedly as Obi-Wan approaches him to his pacing in front of the meditating Qui-Gon to his "playing with his food" as Obi-Wan hung above certain death. Action tends to speak much louder than words. Maul had been anticipating this for years and the comic expands on his anticipation.
That's tangental to my point tho.
This just screams "the room is about to explode and/or vent atmosphere".
>to his "playing with his food" as Obi-Wan hung above certain death.
This was so great to me as a kid.
I don't understand people who say they didn't like TPM as a child.
Replied to the wrong guy.
You made a post and I replied.


I think he's pretty open about it.
Which brings me back to my original point that Obi-wan's actions also contrast Qui-gon's, so it's not exactly unique to Maul.
It's a bit of a stretch to say that because he hungrily paces while in battle, he never would quietly meditate.
>In TPM, Maul characterized as an attack dog through his actions in contrast to those of a Jedi.
>(meditating v. pacing and staring down)
>In that comic page, the writer has Maul meditating like Qui-Gon, completely the exact opposite of what the character would really do.
Except, with the exception of that one panel, the overarching theme of this entire comic is Maul's hunger and impatience. The comic is perfectly capturing the characterization you read into him during the duel pause. But like >>90948064 says, it
>doesn't mean he wouldn't ever meditate
I think Maul's contrasting action to Qui-Gon's meditation paints a pretty clear picture of the dark side's lack of introspection.
Thank you! This is probably my favorite duel ever. It literally has both of them exploding towards one another, fighting much faster and so much more furious than they had just shortly before. There's so much pent up energy and emotion, and even Ewan and Ray have admitted that they were kind of making a game out of it, trying to see who could legitimately score a hit on who first.
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>I must be a prequel hater
Did you just stop reading? There is nothing in TPM that says he would not meditate. And him jumping around like a retard is not characterization that contradicts the comic.

Are you just the Darth Maul version of this guy?

I replied to the wrong guy is what I meant. I already explained my take on it >>90947569
and >>90947864.
Is he on the Ghost?
see >>90948221

Good question.

Can we stop trying to win this internet fight and just agree to disagree? It really kills my good mood when I feel compelled to keep posting about a topic a was only emotionally invested in in my initial post.
I don't think it's the film they really dislike, but the fans, especially normies, who jump in the bandwagon with the popular opinion. Kinda like how the people pretend that RO is the only good prequel or that Episode VII is a masterpiece.
See >>90948221
All right, let's do this till the end of the thread then, you faggot nigger.

see >>90948221
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tfw storytime never
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>Sidious and Vader both have meditation chambers.
What did they mean by this?

Sith are all over introspection, they just get in touch with different emotions.
They might really believe that, though. I don't think RO is much better than ROTS myself, but I can understand why others might think it is.
>>Sidious and Vader both have meditation chambers.
Source on George calling Vader's de-suiting chamber a meditation chamber?
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I want a movie about Maul.
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I don't know about George ever saying that but I'm pretty sure it's identified as much in Tarkin.
That's what happens when you call out people who criticise the prequels as "tryhard posers" and "legitimately retarded". If you're going to interpret someones pacing for characterisation, you're going to have to accept that it's not for everyone, and it doesn't make them morons.
I know this could be considered shaky ground in a court of law, but I was explicitly talking about the word of George, not canon.
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Also the butterfly twist and "come on" gesture he does towards the end before he Force pushes Obi-Wan into the melting pit. In fact, his entire fighting style is a visual manifestation and expression of his character in contrast to the Jedi who were actually a lot less showy. In fact, when you think about it, he does a lot of pushing and kicking Obi-Wan and/or Qui-Gon out of the way. Watching it again, Maul was definitely having fun and toying with them until Qui-Gon pressed the attack at the end. Only then did Maul decide to finish it. Obi-Wan was a challenge only because Maul hadn't expected him to fight with so much anger, but as the duel progressed Maul regainee control as he quite Forcefully pushed Obi-Wan's anger against him, as if to mockingly calm him down.
>If you're going to interpret someones pacing for characterisation, you're going to have to accept that it's not for everyone, and it doesn't make them morons.

This. Opinions and all that.
>If you're going to interpret someones pacing for characterisation

There is no possible reality where it isn't. A character doing a contrasting action to another character is the DEFINITION (really *a* definition) of characterization.
>all the Maul we've gotten
>still not enough
I don't think you people will rest until you've fellated Ray Park in his full makeup.
>Here's an idea:
>Post something you really loved from the old EU that you are sad is no longer canon.
>Then post a criticism of that same thing you liked that justifies why it should no longer be canon.
The Old Republic era comics (just the comics, don't care about games). Ulic Qel-Droma, Exar Kun, Zayne Carrick. These guys were all, respectively, the man!
There's the oft-mentioned issue of technology and aesthetics being too similar to things 4000 years down the road, though this is only egregious in Zayne's book. Also, I like what we've seen/heard about Force Ghosting in new canon, so the Force Ghosting shenanigans of Dark Siders like Marka Ragnos, Freedon Nadd, Exar Kun, etc, had to go.
Thank you mister
You really shouldn't have put that mental picture in my head
I'd settle for a porno
The old Republic mostly (fuck Revan)

I liked it but at the same time it's pretty weird how stagnant technology was, in many cases it was more advanced than what we got in the movies. Tales of the Jedi got it mostly right with the aesthetics. Another thing is overpowered force users. Every Sith lord or Jedi was a walking Death Star.
It's just not very compelling characterisation for everyone is what I mean. Why do you think we show Vader choking officers and such, surely he looks intimidating enough. The film is two hours and characters have to grab the audience within those two or else it won't leave a good impression. Thing's that can be reflected on and analysed post film are nice, but you something that leaves a lasting impression first.
Those aren't guns, anon. Cargo containers.
That's a good way to look at it and I'm not going to fight you over it, but to me, actions that speak louder than words are actions such blowing up Alderaan and such.
Your rationale for it not being compelling
is extremely poor.
It implies that Maul's actions like "playing with his food" (taunting Obi when he's in the pit) don't leave an impression in the film.

You are speaking as if from a mindset where you assume the film is poorly made, and then you try to justify that opinion.
I can't believe Ray Park was only 24 during filming.

>tfw several years older than that and have never accomplished anything as cool as being fucking Darth Maul
>actions that speak louder than words are actions such blowing up Alderaan and such.
But what makes that good in your book that Mauls showing and telling doesn't share?
wow I worded that poorly
Forgive me, i'm drunk and I just drank 2 five hour energy drinks.

And you never will, just like 99.9% of the population.
Not that guy, but I played Anakin Skywalker when I was 9 fucking years old.
>Forgive me, i'm drunk and I just drank 2 five hour energy drinks.

The UPPER clamshell. They actually use parts of naval turrets from model kits stuck in there. There's also a picture somewhere from one of the new mobile games where the GR75s have very clear and obvious cannons (though with cartoony exaggeration)
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>tfw 24 right now
When did people decide that it wasn't okay to think that Darth Maul/that fight was cool anymore?

I remember for the longest time even people who didn't like TPM loved that fight.
They don't leave lasting impressions for everyone is what I mean. It's like the difference between gesturing to someone to look intimidating and actually demonstrating your strength.

>You are speaking as if from a mindset where you assume the film is poorly made, and then you try to justify that opinion.

Just so you know, I don't think the film is poorly made
Which of these is the least shit? I need something to read and I've done the rest.

Battlefront: Twilight Company
Lords of the Sith
Heir to the Jedi
A New Dawn
Dark Disciple
>>90949095 Meant for>>90948937

Don't worry, you'll feel much worse when you're 30 like me.
>ywn Q-ship one of those transporters
>ywn sink and loot imperial patrols and transports with it
>ywn do this to the point where your ship becomes legendary
>ywn be the Möwe in space
Just to rub it in a little more
>am 18

I've got time r-right guys
Oi lads, what happened to the rest of the storytime? Was looking forward to it
I fail to see how body language isn't a definitive example of actions speaking louder than words. Your mere presence and intent can be communicated through your body language. It can be masked or expressed. It may not be as poignant as a Vader Force choking officers or his allowing Tarkin to destroy Alderaan while making Leia watch, but body language from stance, to gait to walk is perhaps the most important facet of character. Just notice how it changes for Luke throughout the OT and ST. Youthful and energetic in IV, alert in V, tall, stalwart and wisened in VI and sagged and resigned in VII.
Let me be real with you. Nope.
>It's like the difference between gesturing to someone to look intimidating and actually demonstrating your strength.
I don't follow.
Gesturing IS showing.
Any time, m'lady.
Yes but one demonstrates better, or is louder, than the other.
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best ranking coming through
>one demonstrates better
No really, I don't follow this logic at all.
Who cares what people think?
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>Ya blew it tier

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Well shit, I actually agree with this.

>Ya blew it tier
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>no The Clone Wars
any ranking that doesn't include ROTJ within the top 2 is trash 2bqhwyf
Okay, how would you get a better feel for someones strength, when they flex in front of you or when they arm wrestle you? Probably not the best example.
Out of those, Lords of the Sith is the only one I've seen talked about, let alone with some degree of praise. Can't vouch for the others, but LotS has moments where it can be difficult to put the story down.

>R1 last
>2 above 6

Now I know you're trolling
But flexing in front of you shows just as much about a character as arm wrestling would.
Where would TCW movie rank?
Switch ANH to first place and you've got a winrar
>TPM before ROTS
>ESB before ROTJ


dumb phoneposter
its unfair to include just the TCW movie, its more proper to include TCW as a whole
OK tier
I meant that people straight up believe that the films were trash and had no redeeming qualities.
How long will it take before people start realizing it's okay to like the prequels again?

I say "again" deliberately because people forget that the prequels were generally well-received for a time, especially Episode III, which many genuinely called a great movie at the time of its release. I don't know when/how the fuck it became popular to say all three movies are equally horrendous abominations of mankind.
I just noticed Those jedi starfighters strongly resemble Mando Kom'rk fighters
It's as simple as- people don't care as much about the truth as they do about appearing trendy.
This process has already begun, the kind of normies who pay attention to RLM are dying out. The next great paradigm shift will be the reversal of edgelords and EUfags calling Rebels BABY SHIT FOR BABIES when the next great Star Wars series comes out.
Probably not the best example, but I'm trying to compare magnitudes. It honestly doesn't share enough for Maul to be a compelling villain to me. Call me an idiot if you want, I really don't care anymore.
>Good but flawed tier
>Ok tier
>Phantom Menace on the same level as Return of the Jedi
>Revenge of the Sith only okay

Pay alimony.
>It honestly doesn't share enough for Maul to be a compelling villain to me.
I don't think you think this.
New Star Wars Show

The B-plot of Jedi was pretty terrible though.
It is an example, they just don't speak loud enough to me anyway. Star Wars to me has always been poignant and doesn't require close watch to understand where character is at. I think you're really overestimating how much people remember when they see a film. Mauls gestures during a fast paced fight wouldn't likely stick in the audiences memory.
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Probably never since the younger ones who are new to the internet keep falling for the memes.
People should like what they want.

I don't care for the prequels (or The Force Awakens, for that matter) and I probably never will. But I don't care how other people feel about them.
I don't think anyone's calling you an idiot. We're just calling attention to another facet, often overlooked, of visual storytelling. It's simply a matter of us seeing things differently. We know where you're coming from (mostly because your example is much more overt and to the point), we only wish to help you see where we are regardling subtler, unspoken depictions of character.
>that George Lucas meddling

And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Darth Maul.

Agreed. I'm not a fan of the Prequels, although I like what they add to the lore, but I wouldn't argue with people who do like them.
I think the biases and general bad opinions SW fans (read:OT babbies) have irreparably damaged both your and the fanbases' ability to honestly look at the PT.
>tfw Order 66 hit hard back then
>tfw Order 66 hits even harder now that you know the characters
hello Plinkett
>>that George Lucas meddling
sigh where

>The big thing is George Lucas wasn't George Motherfucking Lucas when he made those films. He had to listen to other people.He got the ball rolling and without him there would be no Star Wars but he did not represent the majority of the content on the screen.

people who think like this infuriate me to no end
I don't get this.
Order 66 hit me like a brick in '05.
The whole we don't care about the characters angle never made sense. It's about seeing how the Jedi were exterminated, not about caring about fucking Adi-Gala.
Besides, we have Yoda feeling sick for that character connection angle.

Oh fuck off, it was weak and you know it. Nobody says 'I like RotJ because of whatever the fuck Han and Leia were doing in some woods'. Doesn't make it a bad movie, but it brings it down.
Near the end of the video
People who grew up with the OT have been around for a long time and being so vocal for so many years gave the impression everybody hates the prequels. But now those who grew up with them are starting to speak up as well.
>speeder bike chase
>chicken walkers blastin shit

why do RLM fags conveniently forget everything cool that happens on Endor, and this is excluding the kino poetry elements, they just go "muh ewoks, muh romance"
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Yeah, me too.
Can't say I was suprised, but I was certainly disgusted by how much George's efforts are minimized after I read this book that shows that he was (OF COURSE) the primary architect and master of the universe.

When I first found out about PT/Lucas hatred was the day I went NEET. I lost faith in people.

Same. I don't really get the "I don't know and therefore don't care about these guys". Not just for SW mind you.

I mean I get it it's not the same as a character you know getting offed in a movie, but why would you not feel bad about the betrayal in this example. It's horrifying to think that people you fought with moments before would just turn against you and shoot you in cold blood.
They're right to a certain extent though. George is best suited to the role of ideas guy. He thrived on Clone Wars.

>RLM fags

Nigga I don't give a shit about RLM. Endor dragged and was boring as fuck.

I definitely see it, especially now. The subtler aspects of the PT is what makes it stand out on it's own and I can appreciate it, just more so in other parts of the PT. I'm trying to represent a perspective of someone who see's it but doesn't have it work for them. Though the majority of the audience probably doesn't realise it's there. I just don't like when people project like >>90949640. Have a good night, I'm signing off.
The last sentence of the comment you posted was obviously sarcasm.
This is wrong, people who loved the OT loved the prequels just as much for the longest time until a coordinated effort by lazy hack comedians conspired to trash everything about them and George Lucas especially, culminating in the RLM reviews which were a dedicated hit piece and historical revisionist ploy.

The silent majority always liked them, a vocal minority always hated the franchise in the first place.
Skywalking was famously full of shit though.
>They're right to a certain extent though.
George is an exellent director and American Graffiti, THX 1138, and his SW films prove it.
You're wrong but just for a laugh what's your source on it being full of shit?
I know it's blasphemy, but I unironically think that Rogue one is the best star wars movie
>George Lucas is a dingus. No true Star Wars fan actually agrees with his direction. We say "thanks for inventing lightsabers and the force but the rest of your ideas are garbage"
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I'm the same way, I felt it was as good as A New Hope, which is my favourite film out of all of them
You're allowed to have that opinion. It's a wrong opinion, but it's a valid opinion, formulated by personal tastes and preferences as opposed to being manufactured by others for you to consume.

are you the guy that threw a shitfit over mistaking Pollock for Kaminski last thread?

That's not blasphemy. Its my shared number one together with Episode 5.
>are you the guy that threw a shitfit over mistaking Pollock for Kaminski last thread?
What's your source on Skywalking being full of shit?
Why are you ducking the question and trying to create a strawman?
I was 5 when TPM came out. Can someone tell me if prequel hate was something that was always around? Did it only come up when the plinkett reviews? Did it really become "cool" to hate the prequels one day? I never knew they weren't liked as a kid, but I was just a kid who didn't have decent internet until I was a teenager.
>He had to listen to other people.

No, if anything it was the exact opposite of this. This is exactly why Lucas felt he had to escape the studio system. Without that process, Star Wars would not have been the hit it was. He definitely had people to consult and took time away from directing for the next two movies, but for the most part he stuck to his guns when it came to thematics and overall story. He more or less did the same thing with the Prequels, but his deciding to take the director's chair again in the absence of the help he had before meant that they wouldn't be as accessible to a broad audience as the Originals were.
It was never around with people our age until it became a meme.
It was always around with crusty OT babbies.
His direction in the prequels wasn't good, though. The movies are fine and the stories are great, but a director who can't get good performances out of otherwise talented actors is hardly competent.
It bothers ne how shit is the TFA poster in comparison to all the other ones. It is made kinda similairly to the prequels ones but this time without any sense of style or coherency.
Post motages
Oh don't mistake me for the guy that said Skywalking was full of shit, I was wondering if you were the guy that posted the hit piece The Secret Story of Star Wars or whatever it was by Michael Kaminski and got buttflustered when someone mentioned Pollock, being unaware of the actual secondary source for the tertiary document Kaminski published. I don't personally know anything about either book except what was posted in these threads.

I think either The Simpsons, MADTV, or The Daily Show with Jon Stewart made it a meme first, but then Plinkett came along and really made a mess
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Prequel hate has always existed, mostly by those who were already adults at the time.
I feel like "the prequels are terrible" is a meme that people spout because it's the accepted/safe opinion without really forming an opinion of their own.

It's like the equivalent of saying "Navi from Ocarina of Time is SO ANNOYING."
On the flip side, how long will it take before /swco/ stops treating any dislike for the prequels as a meme?

Well, I'm a Eurofag, but I remember in my country when the first two films came out, there were a lot of mixed feelings about them. I think the overall feel of them was 'eh, they're okay'. I don't remember how III was received, I didn't see it in theaters either.

But to fair the hype here was a lot less than it was in Murrica, I'm sure.
>His direction in the prequels wasn't good, though.
Yes, it was.
As good as in any of his other films.
ANH has exactly the same cheesy, rough style that the PT has.
>I feel like "the prequels are terrible" is a meme that people spout because it's the accepted/safe opinion without really forming an opinion of their own.
Congratulations, you just thought more about the PT than 99% percent of the haters do.

You've taken your first step into a better world.
you're allowed to like dislike them for their own merits and faults but you can't be a nostalgia goggles revisionist hypocrite about it

>mature game for mature gamers such as myself
Or maybe, just maybe, the person actually doesn't like it.
Not until it stop being a meme.
So maybe in a few years when TFA is looked at as it really is.
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Just enjoy the fucking movies

New Star Wars Show.
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He's a big sith
>you can't be a nostalgia goggles revisionist hypocrite about it
How is changing your opinion hypocritical?

I just saw Billy Madison for the first time in about 15 years ... turns out that movie sucks. I liked it as a kid, and I see why, but it's not a good movie. Sandler's other films from that time hold up much better.

Why can't I do the same for the PT?
Dislike for the prequels is fine, but blindly saying "THE PREQUELS ARE THE WORST MOVIES OF ALL TIME FUCK YOU LUCAS FOR RAPING STAR WARS" is obnoxious.
>enjoying TFA
I'll give you that, but THX was co-written with Walter Murch. Also, George never wanted to write THX, he had to do it on Francis Ford Coppala's insistence that "Every great director needs to know how to write."

Once Francis saw what George had written, his response was: "You're right, you can't write."

>American Graffiti
Co-written with Willard Hyuck (who went on to direct Howard the Duck, fun fact) and Gloria Katz. Also, now's a good time to point out George's directing style at that time. Having done a lot of work on documentaries previously, he preferred to retreat and let the actors do the scene the way they wanted. "I'm really gonna make this movie in the editing bay" were his words at the time.

>SW films
Look, if I were to tell you how many people were actually responsible for making the movies work, we'd be here forever. Suffice it to say, Marcia Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Alan Ladd Jr, Gary Kurtz, Howard Kazanjian and Lawrence Kasdan would disagree with you.
Sure, I don't disagree with that. But the hate here for TFA and JJ is exactly the same shit.
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This tbqh. It's fucking Star Wars.
When liking the prequels becomes cool
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>still no details on when and where Zahn will be
my nigga
Because Sandler films were never good?
The fact that you compare GL to Sandler just shows your insincerity.
This. /swco/ lacks the self-awareness to realize they sound exactly like Simon Pegg talking about the prequels when TFA gets brought up.
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But hating TFA is objectively correct.

Even more, it is actually canon.
Yeah, and that's kind of ironic. People here who blindly say TFA is as bad as getting stabbed in the urethra are no better than the people who whined incessantly about the prequels imo. If you can't see the good elements of TFA (yes, there are lots of bad elements, but good ones as well) then you need to calm down.
>people who hate on Lucas and the prequels are memes
>JJ ruined the future of Star Wars with TFA
This thread, every fucking time.
Pick one.
I was about 12. I fucking loved the TPM and so did kids my age but the OT fans were extremely bitter and mixed about it. My local news had multiple stories dealing with TPM before and after. I remember lines going around the fucking corner and some of the bitter and mixed comments.

AOTC got a lot of praise during its release for not having Jar Jar or "political bs" scenes. People were blown away by the final battle scenes. Also, AOTC didnt have the pacing issues as TPM, it jumps straight into the movie.
>Can someone tell me if prequel hate was something that was always around?
Not to the point it's reached today, but mixed reception was always apparent.

Plinkett didn't engineer public sentiment so much as present it in a way that was easy for people to latch onto and digest -- sometimes without critical thought. Still, opinions being popular isn't justification enough to assume expression of said opinions is insincere.

>Mindlessly enjoy anything as long as it has 'Star Wars' written on it
>Don't rate and compare things to other things for personal amusement

In that case, hating Attack of the Clones is canon, too.
Everything about your post is wrong but this in particular, just isn't true.
>Suffice it to say, Marcia Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Alan Ladd Jr, Gary Kurtz, Howard Kazanjian and Lawrence Kasdan would disagree with you.
GEORGE is the one who saw that the edit by the original guy wasn't working. It's BECAUSE of George that the movie is edited with a faster style.

And if you knew anything about George, you'd know that he was considered an excellent editor in his own right by everyone he knew.

Not really. TFA is actually total shit.

I don't really like the Prequels, but at least you can get some enjoyment out of them. TFA is one of the most boring and dreary films I've ever seen. If it didn't rip off the plot of ANH it would barely be a Star Wars film at all.
>JJ ruined the future of Star Wars with TFA
But that's not true, Rogue One is well recieved on this board.

I fucking knew it, that fucking cohost is the ss poster
Pick one.
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Post Sienar
>The fact that you compare GL to Sandler just shows your insincerity.
The fact that that's what you took from my post just shows you have no argument.

I can do that with loads of movies; I just chose the most recent example. Do you have any interest in actually responding to my point?
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>I'll give you that, but THX was co-written with Walter Murch.
And? The visual style is why it's striking.
You're trying way to hard and it just makes you me sad how much you drank the Kool Aid.
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>I still like it because, hey, it's a Star Wars movie

That's my general view on the franchise. There are definitely some SW movies I like less than others (okay, a lot less), but I still have an overall love for the franchise so I can't be too down on them.
That's not what I said. I'm talking about people who meme on the prequels for the exact same shit they ostensibly defend in the OT (particularly ESB). For example, one of the most common complains is TOO MUCH CGI EVERYTHINGS RUINED. Which is preposterous because a very great deal of scenes in the OT used bluescreen composites no different than what is done to insert CGI objects, while the prequels had oodles and oodles of miniature sets and models, far more than ever was in the originals. That's nostalgia goggles hypocrisy. It's manufactured solely by idiots to sell their sour grapes opinions.

of course Lawrence Kasdan would because he's a self-aggrandizing asshole who never liked Star Wars in the first place and constantly tried to take way more credit than he ever deserved

but that's wrong because we try to find good parts in TFA that could have been whereas faggots like Pegg and Abrams don't make the attempt to like anything that the media's interpretation of nerd culture doesn't tell them to like. They despise the prequels out of hand, not for any flaw of their own
>the irony
Jesus Christ. People got enjoyment out of TFA, even if you didn't. How delusional are you that you think your opinion is the only acceptable one?
forgot the O
>that alternate take of the catwalk duel with the panning camera at 7:37 to 7:40

Unf. Someone needs to make a fucking gif or webm of that. It's literally a finished shot
That all you got?
Film is a visual medium, dog.
How is he comparing them, he's just using it as an example of how perspectives on a movie can change over two viewings spaced out over many years. This fucking thread man, I'm not coming back until the next episode hits.
>getting this retarded over a adolescent sci-fi fantasy story with glowing laser swords and talking rabbits
Stick to Citizen Kane and Casablanca for real movies. Star Wars has always been and will be run-of-the-mill popcorn flicks for kids.
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That's not Sienar though. Kuat made those didn't they?
>How delusional are you that you think your opinion is the only acceptable one?

I don't, but TFA fans do. Everyone has 'guilty pleasure movies' and that's fine, but don't tell me it's some kind of high art when it can't even get the basics of filmmaking right. The PT had an original story, that alone puts them above TFA.
You could get away with that argument during the silent era, maybe. Since then the medium has evolved and there's way more to them than pretty looks.
Interesting taste, I guess.
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oh we're actually being raided by redditors rejected from /tv/, that explains the tired baiting meme opinions in this thread
A thread full of people who will read books for 6 year-olds because it ties into the Star Wars TV show is actually criticizing people who enjoy a movie for what it is.

Think about that.
7:35 to 7:45 actually. Looks so good, wish it made it into the final product.

He is a good director, but most of the problems with the prequel trilogy have to do with his presence in the editing room. Directors should not be micromanaging editors.

I am 100% certain that if you handed all the raw video and audio tracks to a top-tier editor, the resulting films would be on par with anything in the OT; especially Ep III.

Is he right?
>still haven't stooped so low as to read the childrens books for my star wars fix

I've been resorting to legends instead
>I don't, but TFA fans do
Nice straw man generalization. You're literally no different than people claiming TFA is better than the PT.

>The PT had an original story, that alone puts them above TFA.
I like the PT, but that's retarded logic. Lots of shitty movies have original stories.

I never claimed TFA is high art either. But I enjoyed it, and so did tons of other people.
Good job.

Sienar stole some of the designs for the TIE fighter. The solar panels and Ion engines from the ETA and V-Wing were Kuat not Sienar. But of course the Empire went to bat for that idiot.
It definitely not the same. I don't think most of the hate is for the film itself, but more towards the director and his hypocrisy.
That aside, there are couple of individuals who do lose their shit when TFA.
To be fair, they're actually decent from what I've read. I mean, they're literally written for children, but the stories are entertaining.
>Everything about your post is wrong
kek, prove it

>GEORGE is the one who saw that the edit by the original guy wasn't working. It's BECAUSE of George that the movie is edited with a faster style.
You're saying George looking at the initial edit and saying "This isn't fast enough" is on par with him re-editing it himself.

>And if you knew anything about George, you'd know that he was considered an excellent editor in his own right by everyone he knew.
Why isn't he credited with editing any of the SW movies then?
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Post failures
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>blaming reddit and /tv/
People like you ruined 4chan. Look at the devestation that is /tv/ and /pol/. YOU did that!
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>he hasn't seen George's best film


It's about how man is out of step with nature in a bad way (we move too fast), but how nature is still much more powerful than we are.
Notice speed. The car zipping by. The camera focusing on the filmmakers in the desert (after it had been on the animals), followed by sped up footage.
Then it stops dead, and shows us the power nature has to wash away our works, and to turn out the lights.

ALSO, notice the at times rapid editing AND the interesting use of sound, things Lucas bashers say were ONLY because of Murch and Marcia in his later work.

Nope. Film is visual. Books are books and movies are moving photographs.
How is it not the same?

People hate on the prequels because they don't like the movies and they think (however wrong they may be) that Lucas tainted the franchise.

People hate on TFA because they don't like the movie and they think JJ tainted the franchise.
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>Why isn't he credited with editing any of the SW movies then?
Why isn't credited as co-directing Jedi?
Why isn't he credited as writing the second draft of Empire?
I'm not blaming /tv/ at all, I lurk there often and I'm defending it right now, because not even their shitty opinions suffer that kind of entry-level shitpost with (you)s. Those fuckers get laughed out of /tv/.
>actually trying to extend the flame war
>Why isn't he credited with editing any of the SW movies then?

>I don't know how editing a movie works
The editor is always at the mercy of the director.

Watch this video at 45:40, then kill yourself.
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>TPM is bad
Nah, but that may still be my nostalgia and love for pod racing and Naboo ships.

He is sensible about all of it though, so that checks out.

>Sienar is the Messerschmitt of SW
>Sheev or someone else had a boner for them and probably took resources away from other projects just to fuel Sienars latest insanity
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/swco/ right now
>movies are moving photographs.
Movies are versatile, they exist for numerous purposes, what matters and what we're talking about is why the Star Wars movies exist.

And you're right, George is a fantastic director/editor when it comes to his smaller, more personal art films, but when it comes to the realm of plot and story, he struggles.
All of the Inquisitors, especially Seventh Sister
>Those fuckers get laughed out of /tv/.
Who gives a fuck? /tv/ has to have one of the lowest IQs on this website.

You have people there who think the pH of stomach acid is that of bleach. The same anons have been using the same meme for almost 10 years. This is a board that worships feet and idolizes 12-8 year old girls. Get the fuck outta here with this popularity shit. This isnt high school no more.
>The editor is always at the mercy of the director.
Okay, so all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't make TPM work. George couldn't make it work and neither could his editors. Well done.
>It's a "George Lucas doesn't listen to other people" episode


I wish these cocksuckers would actually do some research into the development of the movies, all 6 of them, so they can see not only how much of them were created entirely from the mind of Lucas, but also how much of them was created with the help of other people, prequels included.

Filoni talked about getting into huge debates with Lucas, and how Lucas would often admit defeat and let Filoni have his way. One such example was about something as silly as Plo Koon being able to breath in space. This was EPISODE FUCKING TWO OF TCW. And Lucas let Filoni have his way.

This myth that Lucas refused to listen to others, or seek advice/help from others, needs to fucking die immediately.
>moving the goalposts
wew my good lad

Thanks for playing.
>This myth that Lucas refused to listen to others, or seek advice/help from others, needs to fucking die immediately.
It's not as much that as it was that people simply didn't push back as much during the PT, because he was in the director's chair now.
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I agree that saying cinema is a purely visual medium is fucking silent era studio retarded, but come on
>when it comes to the realm of plot and story, he struggles.
how do people like you even think these movies came to existence? That Lucas just accidentally blundered into all the REAL people who made the movie and took credit for it?
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What about TPM doesn't work for you, editing-wise?

Hard wode: what about TPM doesn't work for you editing wise regarding an editing failure of a scene.action that TPM has that has a similar OT counterpart that you think does right what PTM does wrong.
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i only read Lords of the Sith and A New Dawn out of those, I think I would recommend A New Dawn. Do you like/watch Rebels? If you do, that'll boost your enjoyment.
Plo koon breathing in space is still stoopid
>George Lucas doesn't listen to other people
That's only half the problem. George listens occastionally but a lot of the time, people are too afraid to argue or negotiate with him, or tell him when he's wrong. He's too exulted for them.
>I have severe autism
That is the only reason I will allow this.

why are you here if not to autistically discuss star wars? Why waste your time?
>that image
George actually wrote the bulk of Empire.
We wrote the second draft, which introduced the father twist and Yoda and cemented the general progression of locations.
Not that anon, and I'm not even answering the same question here, but Attack of the Clone had a massive editing flaw during the scene at the droid factory where Padme is stuck in a bowl that is about to be filled with molten steel. The scene is set up in a way that makes it look like Padme is about to get roasted alive but it turns out it was just a trick. That may not be a flaw necessarily but it's horrendous editing.
I know that, which is why I needed to preemptively post this addendum before people go "b-b-but muh kasdan muh bracket"


That wasn't him. His wife won the Oscar for editing ANH.
Lucas created the films the way he wanted to regardless of what people thought of it. Got to respect him for sticking to his own vision and not making films specifically for the fans or for money. I can understand why people would be mad.
JJ on the other hand made TFA as a middle finger to Lucas. The film itself relied on fanservice and nostalgia to please "fans". It was nothing but a massive cash grab.
There's a good reason to why Gareth and RO are much more respected.
whoops I meant to reply to
I don't think anyone could've made TPM work to be fair. The finale is where that becomes really clear, cutting between four action scenes which seem to have completely incongruant tones. Qui-Gon gets shivved and it cuts to slapstick with Jar Jar, and you can't take any of those parts out.
It's only because of his mask, and it's only for a few minutes.

Filoni argued that it made perfect sense, considering Greivous does the same thing in ROTS.

When put like that, Lucas agreed it could work and let Filoni do it.

Not really Lucas's fault if people are too scared to at least ask him stuff.

Also Lucas doesn't get credit for his seeking out of other directors to make the movies, but everyone he asked turned him down, insisting that he could do it on his own.

Spielberg, one of those people, did at least help Lucas a bit behind the scenes though.
Are you screwing around?
As a kid I loved that sequence precisely because you don't know when she's gonna be roasted.

It's not horrendous at all. We are kept guessing along with Padme.

Jesus dude, that's one of the more out of left field things i've heard, PT bashing-wise.
>Lucas created the films the way he wanted to regardless of what people thought of it. Got to respect him for sticking to his own vision and not making films specifically for the fans or for money
Yeah, I respect that completely. It doesn't mean I can't criticize his creation. I think his vision was great, and I like a lot of his ideas. But I don't think he did a good job as a storyteller for much of the PT.
>how do people like you even think these movies came to existence?
I only said he struggles, he's not a fucking invalid. ANH took him quite a few tries to get right and he still needed help with figuring it all out, same with ESB and Jedi.
>new comic released
>zero talk on the easter eggs in it
>movie talk for the 1000th time

Failure of a general.
>Qui-Gon gets shivved and it cuts to slapstick with Jar Jar, and you can't take any of those parts out.
The music smooths t over though.
I never have a problem because the music segues into the next scene with Jar Jar very well.
If I had to guess, that's what George meant by "diminishing the effects of it". He probably asked Williams for help.
The scene is shot in a way that seems like a cheap trick on the viewer. You see Padme in the bowl right before the valve opens and dumps molten steel, only to reveal that it was pouring into an empty bowl. The editing made it look like the steel was pouring into the bowl Padme was in.
>The editing made it look like the steel was pouring into the bowl Padme was in.
...That's exactly the point.
You're supposed to be scared for Padme, and it works.

I think you just got pissed at Lucas' cheeky sense of humor.
>Not really Lucas's fault if people are too scared to at least ask him stuff.
No, it's his fault that he had 3 previous films where people said
>No George, don't do that
And yet he still did it with his prequels. It was his chance to show that even with no budget constraints or people saying
>No George don't
He could still make films on par or better than his original series. He blew it.
Anon that is quite LITERALLY the point
>He could still make films on par or better than his original series.
He did.
>thinking /co/ actually reads comics
I always spell that phonetically for some reason.
Rather than complaining about people not talking about it, why not actually start up a conversation about it? What did you want to bring up specifically?

spill the beans plz
We were talking about it though, earlier in the thread, last thread, and then the storytime moved to a completely different thread

Frankly I think the storytime should have just happened here, I don't see why not. 20 posts to the bump limit, boohoo, at least it would be keeping the Star Wars comic in the Star Wars comic thread, and there would be more incentive to talk about it.
Oh good, we're doing another lesson on how opinions work.
>He could still make films on par or better than his original series. He blew it.
ROTS is proof that he did though
>Aurora Sing
>Cad Bane
>Mosquito thing from TFA
>Nar Shadaa
>Crossguard lightsabers
#1 anime crossover right there
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Looks like the old Black Sun Vaksai is canon again. Neato. And what looks like that one Hutt yacht
I agree m8.
But their opinion is that ROTS is shit.
I'm gonna post cool star wars stuff now
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But that's wrong!
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I love the Boga.
Thank you anon
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>tfw no Nubian ship to call your own
English is a retarded language.
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Based Clarkson, don't take Ewan's bad opinions lying down.
Also, Clarkson's favorite Danny Boyle movie is Sunshine, so he's got great taste.
Sometimes it is, yeah.
All languages are retarded in some way shape or form
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I think the Hutt yacht belongs to Grakkus. You can see a pirate UFO which is Hondo's. The ship next to the Hutt yacht is belongs to the Trandoshans.

Some very interesting shit in these panels.
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Star Wars is for nerds.
Darth Maul #2 has the greatest turnaround I've ever seen from one issue to the next. Darth Maul #1 bored and disappointed the shit out of me whereas #2 was jam-packed with continuity and worldbuilding.
>he's still there
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This panel makes myy dicc
>bottom left
Oh shit, it's Constable Zuvio's people.

That's a badass spread.
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Top tier taste.
Move RoS and Rogue One to good but flawed
I was kinda hoping there'd be some reference to lil' Bossk or something as well. How old is Bossk during TCW, anyway?
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I love hangar scenes with maintenance or pre-flight stuff going on.
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>someone saved my dank meme
That might BE Zuvio. Which raises some questions.
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Yeah, Darth Maul #2 is one of the most exciting issues the Star Wars comics have had in a while now.

Quite timely too.
Alright, one of you Anons is TheDidact118 right? I see him everywhere on the Star Wars sub and he always comments about stuff I'd hear here
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Same. I need more hangar pics
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So apparently Marvel is re-printing Son of Dathomir.

What are the chances that we could see Darth Maul/DM: Son of Dathomir collected together in a hardback?

C3PO/Shattered Empire, Lando/Leia/Chewie and Vader/Vader Down were all grouped together for the hardbacks, but my collection wont be perfect unless Son of Dathomir is hardback too
There's no information for canon, but legends said he was 31 when the clone wars started
I wonder who the white haired guy being protecting by the three Iggy bros are? I swear if IG-88 is on the right.

The Trandoshans totally want the padawan for hunting reasons.

Also nice to see a Vodran after going to the planet in the new Resistance book.
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>That might BE Zuvio
idk, this is ~60 years before TFA, right? Not to say his race doesn't live to super old age, but still ... that's a long time ago.
>Grakkus the Hutt
Man, the story group is doing a great job at tying shit together between different eras. We've now seen Grakkus in PT, OT, and ST era. Pretty cool iyam.
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aw yiss
That's a neat piece of art. Got more ?
There's the fact that the 501st seemed to be everywhere at once over the time period of like a day, and stepping all over the other clone legions' toes.
Had 9 the first time i watched TPM and i liked it, my class was hyped when AToC and RoS was about to release so i dont remember any kind of hate
Except from my dad when we watched AtoC, the bastard laugh like a maniac when Yoda was fighting Dooku
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Of course. Bossk is the best.
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oh this is nice
It's funny, my dad likes TPM as much as the OT, and he likes ROTS a lot, but he doesn't like most of AOTC.
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Unfortunately I don't think I got any more.
This is why people in this thread think the PT wasn't criticized when it came out: Because almost all of us were literal children. I was 11 when TPM and my friends and I all loved it -- I didn't even listen to what adults said about it.

I was 17 for RotS though, and I was a little more in tune with what the rest of people were saying, and I remember it being criticized like crazy, even if they were saying it was the best of the three.

Hell, I even remember all the CGI "looks like a computer game" complaints when Episode 2 came out.
Just when I thought I've seen all of Mcquarrie's art there's always more. I wish a could find something that absolutely has all known Star Wars art works he's done. The art book has 800 pages but goes for $250
aw chiss
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I see Grakkus, Hondo, the pykes, the black sun but who is the guy in red with the ig-bots?

What time is Zero Hour gonna be on? 8-9? 8:30-9:30?
I think the pykes look neat as fuck, I want to see them again
also the trando hunters from that ahsoka and chewie arc
What I think is the dumbest part about the whole thing is how the younger generation turned against CG.

I like CG more than stop motion, paintings, puppets, rubber suits, models, and mate lines and i'm not afraid to say it.

Frank Oz is a god though.

>this trooper is 100% CG
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Yeah the price is way too steep.
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why would some one want to buy a jedi?
I like those Magnaguard precursors
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Young Maul is one hell of a ___________
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Still the best A-Wing design.
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oh please anon, if you had the chance to buy a jedi girl, you would take it?
I think CGI is great, don't get me wrong. But making the clones CGI was a mistake if you ask me. In some scenes, like pic related, they look fine. But there's a lot of times where the lighting just wasn't there. And when the alternative is to just build a plastic suit like they did for storm troopers, I think practical would've been a much preferred method to go.

The best argument for the CGI though, for me, is Yoda. He looks fantastic in pic related, and he even looks good in close ups. Even if the puppet in TPM hadn't been a bastardization of the original OT puppet, there's no way it would've looked as good as the CGI version.
>yfw the battle of malachor was a literally ground based battle of yavin which dealt the first killing blow to the sith empire

He will never reach the likeness of Spielberg or Lucas classics
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I agree with you about Yoda.

Food for thought, McQuarrie thought the Storm Trooper costumes were bad caricatures of his designs.
I prefer CG troopers, because they move "cooler" and less awkwardly.
I was 16 when ROTS came out and I legitimately remember walking out the theater at the end saying "that was fantastic." I thought it was a literal 10/10 at the time, and pretty much everyone I knew said the same thing.

Nowadays my opinion has gotten more critical but I still like it.
>not protecting a qt jedi girl from Order 66
You just know if you buy her it's gonna end in a Bastilla fashion with you dead.
Those are IG-86 assassian droids you nigger
that's what the fanfiction I'm writing in my headis about
People say this about everything, but ROTS was the most intense theater experience 7_
year old me had ever had.
Are you blind?
Look behind and to the left the IG droids.
Mine is about Tarkin I cannot judge you
>Malachor establishes the ancient Sith didnt use only red lightsabers
>everyone using crossguards
So the Thought Bomb is canon?

To think, we could have gotten a brand new fighter in TFA.
>and pretty much everyone I knew said the same thing
Exactly -- that's all anecdotal evidence. There were also plenty of negative reviews too. Though, admittedly, nowhere near as many as for Ep 1 and 2.
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Good taste
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>look closer
>see this
I still think the OT puppet looks better than CGI Yoda. CGI Yoda is of course afforded more options for expression and blocking, but the contrast between him and live actors is a lot more jarring. A puppet of course wouldn't have allowed all the lightsaber duel stuff, though. Not that I would really mind it being gone.
Even though it was a small redesign, I still fucking love Poe's X-wing.
look at RT
Most critics liked ROTS.

I don't trust critics, but you appealed to them so i'm pointing that out.
>but the contrast between him and live actors is a lot more jarring.
In what way?
When there was a puppet in TPM it didn't seem any less jarring than the new CG version.
The point of the clones is that they're, you know, identical.

You'd have to get a dozen guys with the EXACT same height and build as each other or it wouldn't work. Or get Temuera Morrison in a clone suit and have him do hundreds of takes, and composite them together. Which would just look worse.

CGI was the best way to go. Better for an effect to look consistent than "good."
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>this was canon once

I dare anyone to find a computer game that looks half as good as Episode 2's CGI.

Not that Episode 2's CGI is fantastic, but the lighting, textures, and detail are far beyond what any home computer is capable of running in real-time.
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I like thinking about him back when he was a captain. He seems like he got shit done.
Noone could've taken that part of the game as canon.

Eventhough dance battles with Sheev should be.

Oh don't get me wrong, I really like the T-70; and in-universe is kinda makes sense (at least after reading Bloodlines). The New Republic massively demilitarized, and it's likely that Incom is offering up entirely new fighters as 'upgrades' in the same way that Boeing sold the Superhornet as an upgrade despite it being practically a new jet.

Also, is it just me or did bloodlines seem like an attempt at un-fucking the bad world-building in Episode 7? I feel like the Story Group must have worked overtime to pull that together.
Is that actually Hondo, or is it just a generic Weequay pirate?
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I do the same with commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo

I still have to read the Tarkin book, all I know of younger Tarkin is from his clone wars episodes
I don't know why so many people got legitimately pissed off by that. I think it's hilarious and it's obvious that they weren't taking themselves seriously when they made it.
It's like getting mad at Lego Star Wars for doing a comedic take on the series, I don't get it.
You're in for a treat. It's scattered throughout the novel, but Tarkins family Pushed him out into the wild and made him prove he can survive and was practically raising him to be the best tactician. I loved it, but I also loved reading and have a big attention span.
The puppet in TPM was fine aside from the odd look of it.

When the CG Yoda was more muted and reserved he looked fine, but when he got more animated that's where it got jarring and the contrast was stronger. Probably because of small things like lighting, I'm not sure.
>that's where it got jarring and the contrast was stronger.
Hm. I don't see it.
>Malachor establishes the ancient Sith didnt use only red lightsabers

>So the Thought Bomb is canon?
No, get your DBZ shit out of here
>No, get your DBZ shit out of here

>what is Rey's "power up" moment
Luceno can be a bit dry at times, in my opinion, I'm taking my time with Catalyst at the moment.

However, I appreciate how Tarkin and the Emperor designed the Imperial uniforms to have no epaulets. Tarkin will forever have a place in my heart as a result.
>what is Rey's "power up" moment
That is not in any way comparable to the Thought Bomb, which was very DBZ-like
Ezra picks up a lightsaber on Malachor and the blade was green
That could have been the saber of a dead Jedi, no?
Rey literally closes her eyes and gets stronger for no reason.
the Journal of the 501st from Battlefront 2 was fucking rad but also had some weird inconsistencies even before the canon wipe (like how the narrator was somehow in three different places at the same time), and it just doesn't fit in with nucanon including but not limited to:
>Mygeetan power crystals being the source of the Death Star's power
>the 501st getting shuffled around different Jedi officers rather than being Anakin's personal legion
>clones knowing about order 66 ahead of time
>the imperial 501st being pure Jango clones
>a band of rebel prisoners breaking out of the Death Star is how the plans were stolen
Could have been a trophy of the Sith that killed the Jedi that belonged to.
This is possible, it was on the site of some great battle apparently
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I loved Tarkin but it's pretty fucking dry. to me, it's god tier, up with catalyst, but I can see peoples complaints about it. I loved it just as much as catalyst, I am glad to see Tarkin getting love because he's most definitely my favourite villain.

How far are you in catalyst?
>Ezra picks up a lightsaber on Malachor and the blade was green
So? where is it indicated that that came from a Sith?

It's far more likely that it's from some dead Jedi during the battle.
Were the crossguard sabers specifically Sith weapons or did the Jedi use them too?
That's not "DBZ" m8. Otherwise Luke's moment in Ep4 is "DBZ" too.

DBZ is shit like the Thought Bomb
Are there any characters currently getting better treatment in canon than they did in Legends?
>for no reason
She's channeling the Force. There's a reason to it. The issue is how flippant and comedic she/the movie is about it. I felt like I was watching Buffy.
>Otherwise Luke's moment in Ep4 is "DBZ" too.
Luke's moment is nothing like Rey's.
Luke hears Ben.
Rey just gets a power-up from nowhere.
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best ranking v2.png
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Am I going too far with this whole 'old timey poster' thing?
Krennic has rescued Galen, Lyra and whatever the baby's name was

It wasn't, but it's possible that's what the other anon was referring to when he said
>Malachor establishes the ancient Sith didnt use only red lightsabers

I can't think of anything else in canon that would verify this claim beyond the season 2 finale. It's entirely possible it was a jedi's lightsaber
You're too far with your bad opinions, that's for sure.
No, but you need to move Episode III up to "Great tier"
Nah, it's good.
I can only think of Maul.
>Luke's moment is nothing like Rey's.
It is.

>Luke hears Ben.

and then proceeds to fire proton torpedoes perfectly into a small opening that a targeting computer couldn't even hit.

>Rey just gets a power-up from nowhere.
So does Luke.

what would you change?
No. My ranking would be different, though.
>So does Luke.
He just follows Ben's advice.
He doesn't suddenly get more powerful.
You went from the Empire to Fish Jews. As afar as villains go that was lackluster. And a duel with Maul doesn't excuse Jar Jar, whiny Anakin, or fish jews.

No RoTS wasn't shit, but it wasn't the sort of quality we expected. In each of the OT films, you could watch every scene with no trouble, the pacing keeping your attention the whole time. RotS, while having good scenes, had horrible pacing, blowing its load too soon and putting 40 minutes of yawn before it got good again.
Fuck you. I love all those things and the Empire strikes back is my favorite. Your issues are your own so learn to control your autistic prejudices.
I'd put my dick in your ass, m8.

>had horrible pacing, blowing its load too soon and putting 40 minutes of yawn
The intrigue was some of the best stuff.
Plagueis, Obi asking Ani to spy on Palps etc...

thanks for the feedback m8s

>He just follows Ben's advice.
Who tells him to "use the Force". Just like Rey gave into The Force

>He doesn't suddenly get more powerful.
Yes he does, he suddenly makes a shot that a targeting computer couldn't. The torpedoes curve into the opening.
Depa Billaba.
I like Grievous' TCW characterization more than his EU characterization.

I like villains who talk mad shit, but get their asses kicked constantly. In the EU, he felt like an edgy 12-year-old wrote him as the most badass unbeatable villain who can fight 12 Jedi Masters at once and win in 10 seconds with only 30% of his power.
>>He just follows Ben's advice.
>Who tells him to "use the Force". Just like Rey gave into The Force
Exactly. Rey just knows for no reason.

It's okay that you like TFA, but Rey is badly written.
You need to switch places with ROTS and TPM

>I'd put my dick in your ass, m8.

I'm not Ezra
Athletically pleasing.
The difference between Luke in ANH and Rey in TFA is that Rey suddenly gains skills that she's never had or even heard of before.
I forget, Bossk kept getting shafted or something in Legends, right? And it ended with his workplace getting blown up and him going to prison for some reason?
*Aesthically pleasing
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Read that post again. I said that the fact you DO like things other than ESB proves you ARE NOT a plebeian faggot. That's a compliment to you. It is possible to legitimately have the opinion that ESB is the best Star Wars movie, but this is an extremely rare occurrence and is usually indicative of distaste for every other piece of Star Wars.
>Rey just knows for no reason.
Maybe because of the many previous mentions of The Force earlier in the film?

>It's okay that you like TFA,
I don't, it's my least favorite of all of the films.

>but Rey is badly written.
She is, but that moment is not different from Luke suddenly knowing how to use the Force when he's told to.

What the hell does "dbz" even mean?
I think the EU writers legitimately did not realize he died in ROTJ, too.
>but that moment is not different from Luke suddenly knowing how to use the Force when he's told to.
He's been given guidance from Ben earlier in the film as well.
You're wrong m8.
Dragon Ball Z
>He's been given guidance from Ben earlier in the film as well.
Very, very little
>he died in ROTJ, too.
What is the context for this image?
As opposed to Rey's big fat NONE.
>The intrigue was some of the best stuff.
And it took all of 10 minutes before they went back to boring exposition and hammy dialogue between Padme and Anakin. If they just kept their mouths shut, like they actually did once, and just let the emotion on their face say everything, it would have been great.
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That art is from the Galoob Micromachines Action Fleet Death Star playset

those were the comfiest toys

we see his same costume reused in Jabba's palace (along with dengar and boba fett and maybe ig88) and in the sail barge, though we don't know whether that was actually him or if he died there
>Palpatine giving Maul asthma
A true Sheever.
I'm sure he was on the barge, but Bossk is smart enough to know when it's time to get outta there, I'd think.

Obviously, but what makes something "dbz"? Being absurdly overpowered?
*Mathematically pleasing
>boring exposition and hammy dialogue between Padme and Anakin.
I disagree m8.
I think the scene where Padme says "How long is it going to take for us to trust each other? Don't shut me out, let me help you" is beautiful.
>and hammy dialogue between Padme and Anakin. If they just kept their mouths shut, like they actually did once, and just let the emotion on their face say everything, it would have been great.
t. someone who has never seen a realistic married couple talk and interact
Luke used the force make one shot. Feeling the right moment to launch and/or directing them into the hole is in line with other uses of the force throughout the series.

Rey used it to gain combat skills that carried her through a fight. As far as I can remember nothing like that has happened before. There's tapping into the dark side for raw power, but that didn't seem to be what she was doing, and even the sith had to train. No one just calls up the force and gets swordfighting lessons beamed into their skull.
>No one just calls up the force and gets swordfighting lessons beamed into their skull.
We Matrix now.
That moment is established by Obi-Wan's introduction to Luke of the basic idea of the Force, which is that you can sense something without your usual senses. Obi-Wan's guidance is also foreshadowed by his exchange with Vader. Everything about Luke's victory is hinted at.

Rey's tide-turning doesn't really have this going for it. We know she's tough with melee weapons, much like Luke is a good pilot, but the flippant way her connection to the Force is established is the real killer. "Oh yeah, the Force! Lol" just doesn't have the same kind of resonance, and it feels false as a result, especially given Kylo's background.
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How was this achieved?
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>Obviously, but what makes something "dbz"? Being absurdly overpowered?
that, and(in regards to many force-related things in the EU) seems to completely contrast with what we know of The Force and how it works, how it's presented.

Where it seems like it's just magical energy superpowers that are absurd and powerful

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By not being autistic?
I remember when people first figured this out and tried to use it as "PT=bad" fodder.
error in the making of the life-size version.

the CGI model has space for the R2 unit to fit
Lol you are retarded m8. You think Gold Leader expected the Force to curve his torpedoes? It's made very clear in the movie that torpedoes have a preprogrammed flight path and the computer or the Force only has to tell you when to release them.
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>ywn see THE ADVENTURES OF STARKILLER, EPISODE I: THE STAR WARS as it was originally described
Did they ever finish that The Star Wars comic anyways?
>Did they ever finish that The Star Wars comic anyways?
yep, it was pretty cool
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>both Jedi and Sith attack Maul with different colored blades
Please go away with your meaningless buzzwords.
Mas Amedda
It's a photoshop. The movie scene has a buldge. Jesus, people keep getting fooled by memes and bad edits still. It's 2017 ffs
They're supposed to all be Jedi
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A thought?

Also, why are Simpsons posters usually some of the more obnoxious posters on the site?
>Most critics liked ROTS.
Right, I'm not disputing that. But there were still negative reviews, and I'm also talking about the PT as a whole. AOTC has 65% and TPM has 55% (which is rotten).

Now, critics aren't always right, as you said, but my point was just that the prequels were by no means universally praised upon release, and "I hate the prequels" is not a new phenomenon at all.
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>I still think the OT puppet looks better than CGI Yoda
I find it hard to say one is outright better than the other, but the puppet simply couldn't have done the things Yoda did in the PT, even if you ignore the lightsaber duels. It worked for the crotchety old hermit, but not the Jedi master we see in the PT.
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That's the beauty of it. They are both good.
Looks good to me mate.
Can you show the scene with the bulge? Because I looked at this: https://youtu.be/itkl7cHcX_E?t=15m4s

Still nothing there.
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>The Star Wars Show's co-host is a /ss/-fag
>Ahmed Best knows what happened to Jar Jar in Empire's End, and said it's "True to life."
>Or get Temuera Morrison in a clone suit and have him do hundreds of takes, and composite them together
For wide shots or crowd scenes, CGI would be fine. But scenes like when Yoda is with the clones on Kashyyyk and there are just a few clones around, it wouldn't have been hard to get Temuera to do a few takes.

Also, the whole "they need to be the exact same height and build" thing is overblown. They just need to be roughly the same height, as you can use lifts to add a few cm here and there, and the build is completely covered by the suits. Even still, that really only matters when they're in formation. If they're all walking around, you wouldn't even notice small discrepancies. How hard is it to find a half dozen guys that are also 5'7"? (also I never realized he was so short)
I don't get what is wrong with this image.
Who's going to watch the movie and be distracted by that?
Well duh. But I'm just saying that was a common complaint -- mostly by parents in my experience. People say the same shit about lots of CGI. Doesn't mean they're right, but they do say it.
Not that guy, but I prefer CG because the way the Troopers move in the OT is so fucking dopey and clearly just just guys who can barely see.
CG may not look true to life, but they move like lethal soldiers.
The Clones in Episode 3 were mo-capped by actual soldiers, thats why
it's just to show it's not a photoshop
The initial argument was that somebody obviously photoshopped the bulge out to fool people.
>But scenes like when Yoda is with the clones on Kashyyyk and there are just a few clones around
The scenes were fine. They're not heavily featured and most of the time they're in motion and composited well with the shots. Also, not a damn person complained about it at release. People didnt even know the Clones were all CG
Oh, well whatever. I just know that sometimes stuff like that can take me out of a movie, but R2 looks like he's got enough space that it doesn't bug me.
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The very next angle of the shot features the budge.

Nice try
>but my point was just that the prequels were by no means universally praised upon release
Not that anon, but that's a silly point to make because few films are. Even ESB wasn't.
>The movie scene has a buldge
You could implant a bomb into her head and make her a slave with inside knowledge of the Senate and Jedi Temple with force sensitivity which would also help you easily kill Senate guards. Or you could sell her for double the price you bought her as a hostage since the Republic would probably pay handsomely for her. Or you could go in the middle and torture her for information on the Senate and Jedi temple, sell her to the Republic, then use the funds to finance your weapons and armor when you infiltrate the building you want.
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I think you had too much time too think that out anon
>The scenes were fine
I'm not disputing that. If that is someone's biggest complaint about ROTS, then they're autistic. But "they're fine" doesn't mean "they can't be improved."

I think the awful matte paintings in the OT are fine too, but it would've been great if they looked better.
Sure -- I'm not debating that. I'm debating the idea that prequel hate is a new phenomenon. There are posters here who think it all started with Plinkett, which is just objectively false.
TPM had a positive score on RT before the 3D re-release in 2011.
wasn't disputed
Didn't know that, but it still doesn't change my point.
Page 10 and new thread when? REEEEEE
>tfw I saw the 3D re-release in theaters before I knew about the publics' perception of the PT
People seemed to like it but I can't really remember too much about the audience reaction.
Back then I still assumed when people said "I like Star Wars" that they liked all six movies.
We're at page 9 niqqa
I was thinking getting a hand job but with like

The force
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New thread
ROTJ was amazing, but Ewoks ARE dumb.
ESB is the best star wars movie.
I love CW, Rebels, EU books, Canon books, literally every Star Wars game ever made, pen and paper SW in three variations, as well as tabletop games.
Only contrarians to the max deny ESB to be the best movie of them all. Popular opinion is not necessarily bad.
Thrawn has no idea what he is doing. He is just saying it was a part of the plan when it wasn't and then succeeds through sheer dumb luck.
Vong were awesome in the sense that they are a completely new and alien threat, but they were also grimdark and edgy.
they are dancing, not fighting. Why would you hit the opponents sword when they are completely open? Mauls kick visibly and blatantly doesn't even touch Obi.
>they are dancing, not fighting.
Yes, they are using the force.
shitty excuse for bad choreography.
why swing your sword around when you clearly don't want to hit your opponent?
>bad choreography.
But it just isn't. Nick Gillard is trained professional.
So what? A child can see that they are not actually fighting but doing a bit. That's not a good fight scene. The choreography would be great if this was a fucking musical or something.
>The choreography would be great if this was a fucking musical or something.
It is indeed a dance.
Now go watch Vader falling on the railing for no reason in the ROTJ fight and be happy.
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