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Star vs Face Swaps

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 649
Thread images: 226

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Reminder that human technology > mewman magic
page 10 save rave
keep this thread warm while the other one finishes cooking
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Thread's dying too easily.
Well of course since they have magic. That said, if they ever developed magitechnology they'd be far better.
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Manna is the best ship, pure and perfect.
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We need a Marco Jackie headswap
I hate Janna

But I'm sad now wtf. What type of gypsy curse did you put on that image
Hourly Mewman Obsession post
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Thread is a little slow

Post your cutest star
Another thread still active, wait for that one to die.
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Quick, give me ideas for writefagging
Cute or lewd, or both
Star finds out about the jews and becomes a nazi.
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the truth, anon.

never trust a spic.
In all seriousness, the chemistry between Marco and Janna is explosive.
Marco did the right thing. Never trust a thieving gypse, that whore was probably trying to steal marcos wallet or something like she always does.
Samurai Marco's adventures chasing after Hekaku
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>gypsy wants to get into his pants
>doesn't want to have kinky gypsy sex

wtf is wrong with this man
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isn't janna confirmed to be a spic?
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No, you fucking dumbass.
Marco is the spic and Janna is the gypsy. She's a thief, she studies paranormal/curses/black magic, and is a major whore.
I love you star, why can't you be real?
she is real, she just doesn't know how to get to your dimension
After eating her weight in sugar and nachos, Star binge watches all of the fast and furious movies. Now she wants to be like toreto.
You'll probably get banned for this post
>banned for a day for posting a picture of trump saying you have to go back
>in the thread where multiple anons were spamming porn
Wouldn't it be universe? Star already knows how to get to her universe's Earth.
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My bad, for some reason thought Ordonia was Mexican instead of Filipino.

>not tapping that flip ass
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wtf im for her now
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>It was Star's turn.
It's not Marco's fault, it's Janna's.

Janna is in denial of her feelings because she thinks them unbecoming of the self-image she's created. It's like how she loves pink but lied that her favorite color is black.

Deep down she's a huge romantic who wants Marco to love her (her celebrity crush was a romantic poet who wrote about obsessive love, but being Janna she focused on the "dead" part), but she can't be honest about it to herself and therefore sabotages herself whenever she interacts with Marco.

I would not be surprised if it turned out that a few years ago Marco actually did pick up on Janna's signals and straight up asked Janna out, only for Janna to sperg out and insist that she was just joking, causing Marco to dismiss Janna's advances as cruel joking ever since.
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**L A N D S L I D E**
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>still at least three months until s3
Post the webm
You know the one
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anyone can draw star if they try
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Backstory episode when?
rightwingjackielynn is my favorite follower on tumblr
What a shitty edit
>p-posting world leaders is /pol/ and not allowed! Nevermind that posting Obama, Biden, and Ron Paul for 8 years went unnoticed
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Janstar is canon
Janna was assumed by everyone to be a gypsy, until her surname turned out to be that of a flip
I therefore assume that her mother is a gypsy and her dad is a flip
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that person is probably a dude but no joke i would wife a girl that was rightwing and like jackie

too bad girls like jackie are liberal and probably voted for hillary
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>still undressing

ok but srs, maybe now i think is being forever but when this comic is complete it would look amazing and it's gonna be awesome
Anyone who isn't a commie can be redpilled and brought over to the right, commies are beyond salvation.
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ah, i hadn't considered that option. seems legit
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If Marco waited 16 years to see Star again we can wait 3 months to see Star again
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L-like this?
The ones that are, are quiet about it because they don't want to lose their commiefornian friends, and if they aren't they can still always be redpilled.
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>not waiting for the superior gravity falls comic update
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dubs of truth, thanks anon i must believe
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>Star vs and gravity falls will never have an official crossover
Would Marco be a good boyfriend? How far could you take advantage of him before he lashed out?
>see you in Marcos closet

What did she mean by this?
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Does anyone here use Svtfoe as motivation for your daily life?
I know it's autism, but this show makes me happy. I doodled a picture of Jackie and I keep it with me, and when I look at it I just get happier because i'm thinking of the show.
Pic related, it's the Jackie, it's a little off-model but it's mine I guess
Anyone else this teeth-shatteringly autistic?
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>tfw try to draw star
>tfw i will always be autism-tier drawfag
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>username is jackielynn
>supports starco
I'm thinking about watching those how to draw star videos to learn some basics of drawing.
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Still got a long ways to go. But I'm beginning to get somewhere. I've got years of drawing to re-learn.
The face is legitimately the hardest part. I've experimented with various body proportion styles enough to be able to more or less accurately get the shows if I try.
But the face. I've stuck with that regular anime type face for too long.
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i'm just tired of waiting for everything
she's in the closet, duh
She's a dyke and wants to meet star in there.
Marco is a better man than us.
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>that new In the midst of chums page
>that Star
Eh. He's trying his best, but he doesn't really know what to do. He's not terrible or anything, and most of him doing a bad job is in one episode, he does fairly decent in every other one. He does rush to people he thinks are in trouble over his GF, if his GF is also perfectly fine, so that's a thing.
He probably wouldn't mind you taking advantage of him unless you lied about it.
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>The worst possible way to end the series.
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enough to take his wallet and his dignity
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Don't beat yourself up over it. Look at me, I'm perfectly capable of drawing pretty good drawings and yet I'm struggling with drawing a different style.
Drawing is a very iffy thing.
disney cancels it a week before S3
Jantom and MoonxToffee.
Anything else is acceptable.
2 ways actually
It was all a dream of some autistic girl whos name is star and the show ends in the Comic series' universe
Time Travel all the way back to the beginning episode,everybody, including all the villains are buddy buddy, and they fly into the sunset thus erasing every other episode besides the first one
>see you next summer!
She stalks Marco.
Happy ending, let's go out grimdark.
>Would Marco be a good boyfriend?

Only if you're Star. Otherwise prepare to be a lower priority than a girl he claims is only his friend.
Starco gets confirmed but only in the last episode and we never get to see how they are as a couple.
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What if Starco is on the wrong side of history?
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basically, he's the embodiment of /co/ but the difference is he actually gets girls.
Dude you fucking win i almost feel that future pain
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Looks like we're still on foreplay for the next few weeks
>no hair streak
please don't say things like that that
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everyone in favor of this say kek
You guys are fucking retarded. I live in Southern California and there are no such thing as Gypsies here, the closest we got is Indians and Armenians. TONS of flips though
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But we've seen them as a couple the whole time, they just didn't realize it.
Heavenly Quads, I know how it works, I used to be the same way. Critical Spaghetti Density, crippling oneitis, and a near complete inability to talk to grills, but he gets away with it by hiding behind pretty boy wizardry, gradually learning by fucking up, but still keeping his relationship because, once again, pretty boy magic.
I am so sorry you're stuck with poos.
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can't blame area for trying to whore out during the hiatus
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if you're jacked and mexican you can pretty much get away with anything

>but not anymore
>Marco is about to do the deed
>They are interrupted by a surprise visit from Moon
>Moon shocked about what she's seeing
>Moon tells star about toffee returning
>Star leaves earth and blueballing marco
>BF ends
>Does anyone here use Svtfoe as motivation for your daily life?
I do! I'm finally getting my shit together and retaking control of my life, because I know that if I want to meet (and keep) my own Star one day, I should try and become at least half as good as Marco
What animal fits Janna?
Armenians are white
Well the show is pretty much the first thing to force me and try to learn a different style. Other that, no big impacts on life.
Then I don't want to be right
I thought I was the only one here who did that but it feels great to know others are going though the same thing, using Star Vs to better our lives.
A storyboard artist wants Janna to end up with Jackie. It's not the worst ending but a few people here might not like it.
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They're also rude as hell, pretend to not speak English when we tell them to "please keep moving, this is a federal building" and are the most likely to vomit in the terminal.

Fuck Armenians.
>A storyboard artist wants Janna to end up with Jackie.

But I think Janna actively hates Jackie or at least that's the vibe I get from her whenever those two interact.
>Starco is the Zutara of this decade

I'd laugh for weeks.
some cartoon or anime actually inspired me something

for example : try not live a miserable life
There's no mystery about how they'd be as a couple. They'd be just like they are as friends, except with kissing.
They were very close in BMB riding in the same skateboard when they both saw Tom enter the school. I'm not saying they're going to end up together, merely saying they have support from people who work on the show.
They're friends, though Janna did start acting a lot colder around Jackie after Jackie and Marco started going out.
Half the time Janna was seen in S1, she was hanging out with Jackie.
You're paying a huge compliment to Zutara which was entirely delusional and had no basis in the show itself.
How so? They may not be as close as each of them is with Star, but still
>tfw only watched atla within the past 6 months

What /co/ even like at the time?
They seem like good friends.
>skateboarded together during bmb
>jackie saved janna from rats in bon bon
>janna checked up on jackie during starcrushed
Zutara was at least half the fandom and the other half was mad at/making fun of Zutara.
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>Its a "Storyboarders actually believe they have any authority or validation to impact the story or that their opinions matter at all" Episode
Sigh I want this meme to die
When did glorified speed-cartoonists become so self-important
I've started to eat healthy and exercise.

I'm thinking about joining a Dojo.
>They'd be just like they are as friends, except with kissing.

Occasionally with a hand down each other's pants.
as a jarco shipper i think i'd prefer that to tomkie desu
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When Sugar gave hers free rein. Now they all want a slice.
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It and a couple of other cartoons have helped me start to get my shit together in life
>we got 3 full make out sessions with Jarco
>we only get 1 short kiss when Starco in confirmed because someone who works on the show didn't want to gross out the fanbase any longer with multiple kisses during the seasons

How would you react?
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All ships happen during the series. Then we get the most messed up gruesome ending in all Disney History.
isn't the show storyboard driven?

not that it matters with supreme overlord nefcy taking the wheel
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>Anyone else this teeth-shatteringly autistic?

I have a massive crush on Star and it makes me want to study more, work out and get it together. It's gonna be tons of fun when reality hits me like a brick. Hopefully things will be better by then.
storyboard still need to follow scripts
It's storyboard driven but that doesn't mean the storyboarders have any right or reason to exert creative control over the story or characters. They're paid for their hands, not their ideas. The Show is nefcy's brainchild and it's the job of her and any other writers to construct the plot and characters. If the storyboarders and artists were in control of that, every character would be genderfluid/tumblrkin and in a gay relationship of some sort.
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Major gay pairing just for the sake of muh representation
Jackie turns out to be a guy.

Foreshadowed by the reveal of her piercing.
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They steal Marco's underpants together
>A storyboard artist wants Janna to end up with Jackie. It's not the worst ending but a few people here might not like it.
>Deceased Princess of Cucks Star Butterfly, >Unleashes her cuck fury on the world
> While searching for cinnamon
>After Marco's callous choice in women.
Star dates Marco and tries to force a harem on him by talking to all the girls and tom into being in Marcos harem.
Was that stain really there in the original?
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godspeed anons. hope you all find your stars, marcos, jackies, toms, jannas, heckapoos whatever in life
Just thinking about how much I love this show is enough to light up my day.
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>Starco ending happens
>after they awkwardly kiss they realize that they're better off as best friends
How would you react?
Tomco is the Zutara of this show
From wikipedia
>"In describing the process, Nefcy said that the show is storyboard-driven, with each episode mapped out by the storyboard artists. The storyboarders also do the writing, taking a two-page outline and turning it into a full script."
what if star told you to do your best
Absolutely disgusting. If this show ever dips in quality it will be because of this, mark my words. That's some 1080hp bullshit
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i'd do it for her
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You know, I was a ponyfag for 6 years. I always cringed at the people who were like " THIS SHOW CHANGED MY LIFE" "WTF I LOVE FRIENDSHIP NOW". I never really felt any relation to it because I was lucky enough to be socially awkward but have many friends and acquaintances that had a positive view of me. I barely had any enemies in high school, and I was semi popular by having a weird sense of humor and never being a prick to anyone.

But this show? This show and all the interpersonal and intrapersonal relationship stuff is ripping me apart. The way Marco spent 10 years nodding, his social awkwardness, his desire to spread his wings and find adventure despite his neurotic cautiousness, the fact that his parents weren't around as much as he'd have liked. And he steps in front of himself every which way. I can't even begin to say how much I relate to it.

Star reminds me of myself too, the younger part of me that I squashed throughout the years. It was the part of me that made people like me. That energetic, eccentric, fuckup personality. The loud, spontaneous, but deeply caring and loving individual. The crazy kid everyone thought was funny that never seemed to fit into any one group. That was me, before I grew to be very cynical over years and years of pain and confusion. I identify so much with Marco and Star that I feel like I'm their neurotic kid or something.

I'm not saying any of this lightly, but this show actually made me realize how alone I truly am, and that if I want to find a girl even half as good as Star, its time to buckle up and get my ass in gear.

I will though. I will find a girl like her one day. Its not a matter of if, its when.

Sorry, but I've been silent on this for a long time, I had to finally say this to you guys.
I'd put the minimal amount of effort that I could succeed with in whatever it was I was trying to do just to spite her.
thanks anon
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Not sure they've left enough room for that, as it were.
Thank you, anon. And thanks to all the other anons. I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one who is actually motivated to do great thing in life because of their love for the show and/or Star Butterfly!

And yet we are all still here so in the end it doesn't matter.
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>but I do think Janna’s super gay
What did she mean by this?

Didn't a scooby live action movie ended in a similar fashion with Shaggy and Velma?

Anyway, I'd be disappointed.
Godspeed anon. I believe in you.
You too anon.
I believe in you too anon.
Do you really want me to post real-life Filipino... evidence to prove that?
Right now, the only thing I look forward to is the arrival of my Star and Marco's Guide.
Then it will be the comic collection, then the s3.
Then probably s4, then death.
Just kidding about the last part, I'll keep on not giving up trying to improve myself until I can rely on more things in life to be happy.
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I am having a blast learning this style.
>Interview End

Kek at Star being salty
>The storyboarders also do the writing, taking a two-page outline and turning it into a full script.

Well, ok
In most case, writer and storyboarder is different person
Thank you anon, one day maybe I will find my Jackie. I hope you find whatever you're searching for too, Svtfoe-related or otherwise. Godspeed man.
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Good luck, anon!
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>shoulder massages

Timeskip showing the next generation and lefting things ambiguous.

Also, this: >>90918360
What a wholesome episode of /svtfoeg/

Let's all thank Daron for making such a great show that brings us all our own happiness.
I'm sure Nefcy wants us to do our best, too
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How long till /star/ board gets made?
tumblr wants to make everyone gay, especially girls who blatantly lust after a boy
After /su/ gets made. I say this as a /sug/fag.
how long until the last starchild is dead
disney's gotta save their shekels

at least it's better than having someone like alex hirsch have full control over the show
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>10 episodes into season 3 everything goes back to normal
>The MHC is completely fine
>The two wand pieces get reunited
>Ludo sheds his character development and becomes the wacky antagonist again
no nips?
We aren't even priority on /co/. /su/ would be first, and /jojo/ would probably be before that if anything.
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The only thing I see happening that's even remotely close to that is splitting up /co/. One board for capes, another for cartoons, with generals being allowed.

I don't know what that would do to the culture of the board though. It might be easier to just make /cog/ and clear this board's catalog up by a significant amount. It seemed to work really good for /v/. Now if you want to discuss games in a non general format, you can go to /v/ (why would you though). And if you want to general fag, go ahead over to /vg/.

A similar thing may or may not work for this, but I'd love to see it trialed out.
Dare to share your age?
This literately made me go "awww"
Good god, did you really spend 10 hours making that? Looks nice btw
I know that feel anon
Presumably covered by her jacket. It's a kids show after all; have to keep it family friendly!
She wants Janna to be gay and so will interpret everything she does through that narrative fallacy.
What episode has she worked on? I don't see her anywhere in the list of storyboarders.

Also I'm kind of scarred of the fact that she considers Janna gay. Nothing wrong with gay per se, but it kind of ruins my perception of Janna because I think she has a crush on Marco (and i know I'm not the only one). Hopefully this is just her headcanon and not an official position.
So pic related wants to be in a harem anime? Cause that what it sounds like.

Delete this.
Can't they just make Brittney a lesbian or give Starfan 13 a girlfriend instead of trying to do it with characterts that have shown interest in multiple men?
thats where you're wrong, i have no idea of the webm you're talking about.
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I don't think you understand how severe the MLP threat was before the creation of /mlp/

It was like all of 4chan was being invaded by the ponyfuckers and no topic was safe. The only thing remotely comparable at this point is /pol/ and even they aren't as bad as ponyfuckery was.
that's the only way to get good. you will suck, but with time you'll suck a little bit less
Thank you Daron, your show is one of the best things to have ever happened in my life
This is a MASSIVE exaggeration. It would be occupationally be brought up on other threads and everyone else would scream and throw a fit and derail the thread at a reaction image.
Question: The next time someone who works on the show posts something that might upset some of you, should I bother posting about it here or just stay silent?

I kinda regret mentioning what happened last Saturday here with that storyboard artist.
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Yea. I'm turning 26 next month. I think shit is changing in my life because of the circumstances of it. Had two serious deaths in the family in the last two years that left a huge void. My parents are now the oldest generation, and I'm busy trying to run a business with my brothers.

Its not ONLY this show that did it. But it certainly helped give me perspective. That's life my nigga.

Star is best girl though, that I know for sure.
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Yea, I'd imagine from a story perspective it would just complicate things.

i'm torn because i'm jarco but i have a huge lesbian fetish and a thing for tanned girls

>time skip
>everybody meets up at the castle for Ludos memorial service
>Marco marries a literal who vampire bat
>Can't they just make Brittney a lesbian
Too late.
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This show makes me want to change who I am and what I want to do in my life,but god damn the obstacles I have to jump over to fix every fuck up I've made.Makes me feel disheartened. Good luck to you other anons out there.
This may just be old faggotry, but i think you must be a newfag.

When MLP hit 4chan it was catastrophic. Every thread on everyboard was infected with cute, friendly ponies doing their damndest to get your dick in them. You couldn't scroll without the little fuckers jumping up at you.

Star, SU, Gravity Falls. They're good but not even their combined might could hope to equal the cute/lewd/horror that was mlp. I'm sorry, newfriend, but your fandom was obsolete before born.
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I wonder why?
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anyone else currently watching BON BON THE BURTHDAY CLOWN on disney right now?
prepairing for maximum cuckolding
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Justin is as much of a homo.
"Never said they weren't bi or experimenting!" says the eager, progressive college grad
So that means Ludo is Pops and Star is Rigby?
pretty much
Tom and Marco are pretty homo too, but they're still straight, or at least have only expressed interest in grills.
As someone who was fat (and unattractive) and now skinny (ok looking), that image brings up the reason why I hate interacting with people these days. I know they would hate me if I was fat again and their blatant hypocrisy makes my blood boil.
So they do show Star Vs in Disney Channel. Why not show new episodes there? I don't get it.
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Don't give up, anon. Maybe you won't be able to fix all your fuck-ups, but you can still do better than how you are doing now, and you know it. Come on. I believe in you.
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they want people to pay to disney xD
also topcuck
I'm just going to admit it. The horsefuckers had us on the ropes and /mlp/ was the nuclear option to try to restore the harmony of the boards.

It worked but no other fandom is even close to forcing that kind of action.
I lost 20 kg in a year. No one cared. Only a distant relative who saw me once in 2 years dropped his jaw. That was the only reaction I noticed. Now, I've put on 10 kg again, but I'll get rid of them again. FOR STAR!
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but anon if you could fuck a fat girl or a skinny girl with the same personality which would you fuck?
>a cartoon character so perfect that her mere existence encourages me to be a better person

there will never be another cartoon like this
The fact that it works both ways doesn't mean that it doesn't suck. It just means it sucks for everybody.
>I know they would hate me if I was fat again

I wouldn't hate you for being fat, you'd just register in my brain as more of an animal than a person. I don't know why my brain does that with fat people but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't unfairly biased against them.
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Good luck anon, I believe in you.
It's about treating people with respect. I treat ugly, fat, good looking, and nice people all the same if they're nice, with respect. I even talk to the homeless people who smell like piss if they ever need something, unlike the people who ignore them and go out their way to avoid them. At least that's how I go about with things.
Is it going to be cute and perfect when it destroys Jackie?
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>unrelated pic
>using wrong pronouns
Aside from that I agree wholeheartedly
I know I can do it. Just as before, the smile and optimism of a cute, blonde girl will motivate me.
i know, i just think that you can complain but it doesn't change the fact that you need to look at it from the other person's perspective

if you look gross, then you should strive to fix it, at least the things that can be controlled like weight, fashion, skin, hair and muscles.
Jeremy was a dirty jew rat and marco was redpilled to hate him greatly.
I do find some motivation, though it's really nothing more than not giving up. Which, frankly, I really want to do sometimes. Besides being more cheerful than I'll ever be, Star is a fighter. She doesn't back down even when things go terribly wrong, and I expect that'll continue into S3 (though there will inevitably be some stumbling) That's an ideal I can grasp onto.
true, bitches will always be bitches.

good on you, anon.
You're a good one, anon.
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Yup. Pretty much. Would glassaric be skips though?
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I wonder if Daron knows how many lives she changed by writing one of the most endearing cartoon characters of all time? I wonder if the writing staff knew that adding personal experiences in would make people identify with these characters more than I've seen with alot of shows.

I never felt this way about other cartoons. So why now? I don't get it.
Uh, Jackie is Skips.

Glossaryck would be Muscle Man or something.
Your post along with most in this thread is reaching high levels of autism.
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>YWN take a whiff of these puppies after an hour of them being cramped up in her boots

Life is truly suffering.
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I know right, these characters are so much fun to draw.
Those drawings are really cute.
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>tfw if we were to let them know how much of a positive influence this show has had on our lives some of the crew would think of us as creeps after seeing our ages
>one of my favorite episodes airs on regular disney
>realize too late just as it ends
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get out normie
No, you just see it and dismiss it as "autism" when it actually has nothing to do with autism at all. You just find it cringy so you use a word that has little to no meaning anymore to express it. Its not "autistic" to identify with a cartoon. In fact, i'd argue its the fucking complete opposite of being autistic. Its like using the word cuck. Its been so misused that it might as well mean "asshole" or "pussy" at this point. Same thing with autism.
Apparently according to tumblr, children's cartoons have a 90% proportion of bisexual characters.
feels bad man
tv is always the superior way to go
the background music sounds even better on my surround sound system then it does on my Beats that i notmally use on my computer
If this is autism, I'm fine with it. I think it's pretty great how this cartoon and these threads make a small positive difference. Let's face it, life sucks, and you need to take inspiration and smiles when and where you can get them.
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>Things Marco developed a fetish for over the course of the series.
Love spikes
ALL of them.
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He is a pure aryan, Marco needs to go back.
thing is i didnt even know regular disney shows Star Vs. i thought it was only on XD.
Plus i havent watched any disney shit since Kick 2010
Multi-dimensional drifting
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Some of the crew are liberal shithead cal-arts students who equate drawn pictures of cartoons to literal pedophilia. Then there are the down to earth, obviously have suffered, people, like Daron and the writers. You can tell the disconnect between "LEL IM A STORYBOARDER I ONLY GOT THIS JOB CAUSE I GRADUATED FROM CAL ARTS HURR HURR IM IMPORTANT (you aren't, anyone can replace you)" and being a head writer/director.

So I don't really care what the crew would think. I think Nefcy would be flattered honestly. And I think she is. The worst thing she could do is chastise her adult fans, when this show is obviously not "just for kids". I'm sick of that shit.
Shoulders, feet (both Star and Jackie teased him with them), wings, clone orgy, mud fights, tentacle rape.
>Birnbaum (German for pear tree) is a German, Ashkenazi JEWISH surname
Multidimensional Spikes.
Don't forget, Daron and Adam our /ourguys/.
Oy vey!
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Trying to think of better colors and field ideas, but I think the sigils are on point.
Based marco is an honorary aryan, jeremy belongs in an oven.

Fuck what the crew thinks, I'm going to lift for star and make a few improvements just for her.
Volpe is also one of us. And actually, a lot of the older people who work on the show would be ok with adult fans, I'm sure.
You have to remember that Nefcy was an awkward autist who was crazy about Sailor Moon when she was growing up. That's how she came up with Star.
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i want to kiss janna on her chin
With your fist?

Because I can get behind that, Anon.

Oh wait, that's just me.
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Regrets? Absolutely 0
I've been meaning to draw massages for a while now. Surprised no one's done it before me.

Yes indeed they are.
Big chins and gangly, androgynous bodies
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Says the person whose wife has less political power than the spike-goddess.
Why is Marco wearing pants if Star is naked?
nice try Janna
Because he's giving her a massage, not the d

are they gonna bring this up again ?
like , will he actually use a sword now ?
I kid, of course

Please god just keep drawing massages and shoulders. And maybe foot massages too?

WE'RE NOT WORTHY! WE'RE NOT WORTHY! No seriously tho, please don't stop any time soon.
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Well, she's going to feel his boner poking her in the butt either way so the pants are just getting in the way.
Seeing all these drawfriends makes me want to pick up drawing. I've always been an absolute shitter when it comes to drawing

I want to git gud and draw fanart for shows and games I like.
Probably? He hasn't really had a good opportunity to use anything he might have learned after RwS.
It's purely platonic. Why would he be aroused?
What boner? He's just giving his bestie a rub down. Don't make it weird.
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Guys, I'm really scared.

I used to really like SU, it seemed like the best cartoon ever made just a year ago. But somehow it has turned into shit since then, it seems to have lost any sort of direction and any semblance of consistency now.

I'm really worried the same can happen to SvE, especially the longer it goes on, and it did just receive a fourth season. The two seasons we had have been excellent, but I worry the quality may drop later on. Especially with all these storyboarders sperging out about the fandom and headcanoning crack. I know they have little overall control, but still.
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comic did it
>It's purely platonic. Why would he be aroused?

Unless he finds Star physically unattractive, he should still be aroused by her naked body even if his feelings are platonic.
don't bully
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>her wings are fluttering in excitement and arousal


Please, don't stop now anon.
That's way too Helga Pataki
These encouraging drawfriends makes me wanna pick it up again after giving up on drawing 4 years ago ;_;
I hope this happens. the show is shit now.
it was supposed to be a action series but now it's all romance bullshit.
fuck defacy
I feel like working with these guys should be fun.
Let's trust our lord and savior Nefcy
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Its about to go full Game of Thrones. Mark my words. She wouldn't describe the series like that for nothing.
I can confirm this. A big platonic hug gave my bestie a boner.
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I believe in you anon, we all have the potential to git gud. I'm going to start drawing and try getting better.
I hate that comic with a passion, Janna doesn't get *that* mean
If cerain storyboarders and tumblr have their way it's going to turn out that Janna was a lesbian all along and the only reason why she bullies and stalks Marco so much is to fuck with him because he is a priviliged heterosexual male.
Do karate and be kind to people, ya salty virgins.
On top of that eventually get really fit and be outgoing.
Its not hard.
I'll be honest, Idk what else to draw.
I only had the two ideas in terms of massages.
I'm willing to get at least one more in though.
No foot massages though. Drawing detailed feet is a pain.
How about thight massages then?
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Calm down heretic.
Get this shit off this thread.
it literally ended with star confessing her fucking ''''''love''''''

season 3 is gonna be more, romance, dog on head, dumster hero bullshit.
t. Janna
Hand holding or hugs
Where's the Marco part of House Starco?

At least put a dot on there to symbolize his mole.
Thank you and godspeed anon ;_; may we reach our ideal selves one day.
Yea, even established comic artists don't draw feet. Its one of the hardest things to draw IMO.

I'd say something comical like Marco offering to give Star a "platonic" massage in front of jackie or his parents and him being completely oblivious about it not being acceptable.

I could just imagine Star making all types of lewd moans and noises and Marco's just blissfully unaware how awkward it is.
>She wouldn't describe the series like that for nothing.
Yes, she would. Saying that your show is like "insert other popular show here" is an easy way to get people to watch it.

Heck, GoT was ptiched as The Sopranos in Middle Earth because it would be an easy way to get people to watch it despite having little to do with those other two franchises.
Yeah just forget about the remaining plot points like, I don't know, maybe toffee?
I was thinking this, yes.

Too bad I'm not too good at drawing physical contact. I'll try it either way.

This is a comic idea, anon. If I do do it, I'll work on it tomorrow. Today's already ending.
Jackie finding a picture of your last drawing and demanding Marco explain what's going on there.
The problem with moringmark (and most tumblr artists) are that they're all art, no story: they draw fast but never pause to think through the story or characterization.

Compare for example moringmark's "twin" spaziline who draws Janstar comics of Janna sticking up for and protecting Star from Marco.
The info she has in Gift of the Card and the ass slap puts Janna in beyond creepy territory.
Fine, it'll be terrible. Just don't watch it. But me, I'll be soaking it all in.
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I could actually see that because it is like sopranos in middle earth. Game of thrones has alot of black comedy elements. Its dark, but also makes you laugh at times. The whole house concept is like different gangs and mafias and stuff. So I CAN actually see that parallel. I think you're going to be surprised. The political drama shit JUST started. I have a feeling its going to shape season 3 profoundly.
wow. I thought the cuck stuff was only memes, but that's pretty bad.
Creepy is not the same as mean.

She obsessively collects personal information from Marco and creepily flirts with Marco; she doesn't bully Marco.
Also, Janna wants Marco's butt to smell good.

That's unsettling no matter what it might be implying.
Why is Star so happy about sitting on Marco's boner?
homos lusting after you doesn't make you a homo if you don't lust back at them, it just means that you're handsome.
The Sopranos comparison works because they're both fundamentally about political maneuvering between factions.

The Middle Earth comparison is idiotic and representative of the fact that small-minded peons don't know anything about the Wars of the Jewels and Rings except "similar to medieval Europe and has dragons."
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Then how come he hasn't tried to fuck Star or Jackie?
Meh, I just took it as "Its another high fantasy thing" instead of making direct comparisions between worlds. Obviously magic is much more of an element in Tolkien's works. There are actual wizards and elemental magic. Its much less pronounced in game of thrones.
So are morningmark and spatz dating now?
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What is Star Butterfly up to?
Because both of them only let Marco sub
He walked Jackie home gently after the concert, to make his very existent curfew.
Mark is actually very good with making stories, but he often gets characterization wrong, in my opinion.
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>You will never have Marco's sloppy seconds

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No sir. If you wanted TRUE autism, all you had to do was ask.
Culture wise, these threads remind me a lot of the mlp generals on /co/ before /mlp/ was made. I doubt they will ever become remotely as popular though.
To make Rafael a grandfather.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah shit.
Sorry, guys. I'm tapped out for tonight.
Maybe tomorrow.
What do mewberty flakes taste like?
Cinnamon, of course
Period blood
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More important, will MoringMark keep making SVTFOE content or did he stop liking the show?
aw, no worries anon. Have a good nights rest.

Ill try posting a drawing if I get to acceptable tier.
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I don't know but they seem sticky
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People always have to go over the lie don't they.
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>Come get a whiff of these puppies Anon!
>They're not bad at all, I showered a couple hours ago!
>C'mon anon, don't you wanna put your nose right between my "cute little toesies" and take a nice deep sniff?
>There ya go, that's a good boy. Mmmm, you really know how to please your pretty little princess.
>Oooooh! Lookie what we have. Is that a Banagic Wand in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
>Cmon, lets get out of this crystal place and back home where we're more "comfortable"
I really don't get this meme, why are they "twins"? Why did they suddenly began making collabs? Also, aren't they are from the opposite sides of the planet?
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>TFW that's me
What can I say, I have a very creative mind. I'm sure Daron's OC Sailor Moon character she shipped with tuxedo mask must have been just as cringy.
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He fucked Jackie in the last episode. At least that's what a comic showed me.
>pure Aryan

not so pure if you ask me
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Everyone knows Raicosama can predict the future. He predicted the blue stripe being natty, for example.
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I think Marco's gay. I'd have literally kissed every inch of Star right after the Bloodmoon Ball.
I'll give it to Marco, it's hard not be seduced by these eyes.
MLP didn't really spread to the rest of 4chan until a couple months after it premiered. The early months it just built up momentum on /co/ until eventually crossboarders began posting it on /v/ and /b/, and once /b/ caught on it just went viral and infected every major board on the site, and from there it began spreading to the wider internet. 2011 was a time of reckoning.
Starfan13's daily routine.
He wanted to, but was informed by Star that she only needs a friend.

She deeply regrets ever saying that now.
Did she just kiss him after giving him a blowjob?
He did gush over being a queen.
No. That wasn't a kiss anon. She snowballed his cum into his mouth.
Sharing is caring fammo.
Justin fucked Jackie in the last episode?
It's called snowballing, she blew him, kept the load in her mouth, then forced it into his when they kissed.
fucking nasty

star probably would have swallowed it, that's why she's a better girl.
I can easily imagine her doing the same
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>dog on head
>Thirty seven, Star! Jackie sucked thirty seven dicks!
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While this show is already popular on /co/, should more people from here spread the show to other places of 4chan? In hopes of making the show more popular?

Or should we be content at the state we're in?
>fucking nasty
greedy little shit
i bet you never shared your juice packet in kindergarten too huh
In a row?
>fucking nasty
And you would just cede your precious home-grown gains to a female just like that?
Never gonna make it
I don't see the need to make the show more popular, I enjoy the level the fandom is at now. Like other people have mentioned, it reminds me of pre-/b/ MLP. Active and engaged, positive about the show, and a healthy dose of perversion and autism to keep it interesting.
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>He doesn't share
This is why you'll never have a gf. You can't hold on to your gainz like that brotato.
No, keep this the fuck off places where it doesn't belong.
>fucking nasty
If you ain't willing to eat it don't expert her to.
Because this is a Disney show and there's not going to be any 14-year-olds fucking in it.

At the end of the 4th season he can always fuck both of them during the timeskip to the epilogue.

my life is not even super shitty.
I am constantly working on my self and getting closer ( although I will never reach) the person that I want to be.
however I accepted that I am alone on my way.
I wish deeply to find somebody like her so we can take a part of our journeys alongside.

I feel really weird about this.
I have more intense feelings for this girl from a cartoon than I have had for a real one in years.

its kind of reassuring to hear that I am not the only one here.

I just wished that more women in the real world would be like her.

...also I would really like to know if girls even watch this.
No need. Other boards already come to us. We're good.

>shilling a show from /co/ to other boards
No. /co/ is already embarassing enough
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>Active and engaged, positive about the show, and a healthy dose of perversion and autism to keep it interesting.
>Other boards already come to us
Good point.
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Huh, that Janna looks a lot better than her in-show design and I'm not entirely sure why. Perhaps her proportions are better or something, nice to see fan art like that at least.
>He doesn't finish in his hand and immediately consume it post-jerk to recycle gains
This is why Jackie can definitely bench more than you, anon
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Justin ArmBURG is a good Jewish boy. His virginity is for his future wife, and even then, he's not interested in marrying either of those shiksa.
It's a childrens show, not new religion, calm down
Nobully, just curious. How old are you?
>fucking nasty
if you're so picky about the conditions under which you'd kiss a beautiful girl, you might be gay anon.
Because he's a beta faggot
But you're going to make fun of him.
>Justin ArmBURG is a good Jewish boy
jews don't eat shellfish. he's either a bad jew, or a goy.

You can make fun of me all you want honestly. This is an anonymous image board and I rather enjoy the bantz.

I've been writing and creating worlds in my head since I can remember. Its a doubled edged sword though. While its nice to brainstorm and imagine, it can also lead to overthinking things.
Nigga, why would I make fun of other people when I myself am on 4chan posting in a thread about a cartoon for kids.
Mewni corn is shit
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he's a good catholic boy. just like marco.
How many did Star suck though?
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>t.Starving Monster
keep crying bitch nigga
Daron was just some LARPer,

Adam could be legit though.
Daily reminder that Star is evil and Marco is a weapon.
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>The difference between human and mewman sexual organs.
Daily reminder a couple of anons from not!-/sveg/ asked Adam himself in an AMA if he lurked here. Adam was very ambiguous with his replies but leaned towards yes if you caught it
[citation needed]
That sounds consistent with what we got so far, but got the post? I haven't seen that one.
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Don't make me look for it, I will. I just checked it on mobile last night.
I'll look for it, but if other anons want to post it before me be my guest.
I need the source of the original pic, please
post proofs
my girl does that to me every once un a while, but only after making me cum hard, i dont even care at the moment, man she loves to lick my taint and balls
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Humans do not have a gear shifter
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tfw when you realize the drawing you requested in a general thread was from that man
>Humans do not have a gear shifter
I lost my shit
I mean, as long as you don't dwell on those fantasies for too long. I've been there and I definetly do not reccomend it.

Ever thought about writing facnfics?
Fucking sauce me, you madman.
Yeah, Raico is the source of most Jarco things
They're also going to have to come up with a reason for why her celebrity crush is a dead male poet.
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Thanks anon. I know that such things can be harmful to the psyche, I've gone through hell of alot of it as well.

I've written alot of anonymous greentexts for quite a few years now.
Who knows, I could have posted some here even.
I've thought about it alot, but I've never actually written real fanfiction I guess. Very long greentexts though. I should try to experiment with an actual prose format. Hell, if it gets me writing again, I'm all for it.

Didn't some really popular series or movie start out as Twilight fanfiction?
I think cuck has almost completely appropriated fag around here.
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Overthinking things is why I'm on /co/ in the first place.
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>1 year ago
>he could be in this very thread
Hello :)
I mean seriously guys. He name dropped cinnamon toast crunch TWICE.

Jesus christ. I was one of those idiots pushing the whole cinnamon stuff. I had no idea he'd actually FUCKING SEE IT.
Nice dubs, Adam! :)
I knew about this since forever, I was merely sharing a post for the people who didn't believe it. There is a reason he's known here as /ourguy/
No! I'm NOT-Adam!
>Adam knows my age and what me and other people have posted about Star Butterfly and how she's an inspiration for us

I'm sorry I've shamed you all /co/, in Adam's presence. I'll show my way out.
I'm almost sad this meme died shortly after Adam noticed it.
Shitskins should stay together where they belong. Race-mixing is bad enough already.
If you ever get to write any try posting it here, i'll be sure to check it out. Most fanfics I've read so far when it comes to SVTFOE are really weird. All the characters are, well, "out of character" and it doesn't feel right.
It died when RwS came out, and Hekapoo posting devoured the entire thread for a whole weekend and pretty much killed off all the old shitposting.
>Who knows, I could have posted some here even.
was it you who posted the greentext about Toffee raping star, killing her, and then it all ends up being a dream
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Fuck all of you and your autistic "Starco" ship

Jarco is here for good, and you're all gonna have to deal with it!
This. It's the worst hell imaginable
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>Adam was probably a cinnamonposter at one point.
>Adam was probably a waifuposter at one point.
>Adam was probably a cuckposter at one point.
>Adam was probably a shoulderposter at one point.
>Adam actively participates in threads and shows posts to other people
>He showed it to Eden one time
>She makes that disgusted noise she makes when the monster yells at her during Oskar's phone call
>He never shows her anything from here ever again
>Whelp, time to shoulderpost

/ourguy/! /OURGUY/!
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There's a lot of storyboarders who ship Tomco. It don't mean it's gonna happen, anon

I know that you are most certainly fakes. But knowing Daron and especially Adam, and the times we live in, I know it's not entirely impossible for at least one of you to be for real. The possibility - however small - that Adam and Daron could be in this very thread actually messing with us, both endlessly amuses and scares me.
>time to not see us
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Is it weird that I honestly don't care.
Aside from posting those drawings of Marco massaging Star, usually all I do is start the whole.
>I love seeing her
Chains. And generally try to shift the focus onto the show or at least onto Starco is cute and perfect, when I notice that the thread is going off rails.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, these Star VS. threads are among the most tame and lovely threads to be around. So considering the relative threads around it, I'd say we have nothing to worry about.
>30 year old men in body of 14 year old boy

Holly shit...
I find it funny how Tumblrites are freaking out about Between Friends
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wtf does time to not see us mean
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Its still to date the only "ascended" meme this fandom has, unless I'm mistaken. And that's pretty impressive for how long its been around for.
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Can some anon explain why mountain dew is associated with star?
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I wonder if he's seen my autistic posts about how I'm genuinely in love with Star...
English isn't his first language.
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Here I spent another ten thousand hours for you.
I see.

Well, it's time to not see me! ;)
I wish Eden wasn't so busy with that "being on TV" nonsense so she can mess with the fans.
fucking rude
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I'M the REAL Daron Nefcy! Fuck off you fake! if you're the real Daron, please don't hate me
What was your favourite episode to work on, Eden?
Sorry Ms. Sher. You do very good work. Say hi to the Janitor for me.
Hi guys, please love me again :(
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I honestly think its quite possible he likes her character. I mean, who seriously admits he ships the character her voices with another character... Adam is more /ourguy/ than anyone realizes.

I also think that we have no idea if she truly despises us or not because of it. Is she busy, or does she think we're a ball of degenerates who simultaneously jerk eachother to completion? Is she avoiding acknowledging it on purpose? Does she not believe in the message of the show? Do we creep her out?
You really dropped the ball on that finale, dude
fyi, you're terrible in bed ;)
UGGH DON'T EVEN POST DUDE, you're gonna curse this show with your very presence. Back away sir. Back away now!
i think someone said she wasn't starco because it's too predictable.

so yea, not one of us.
>does she think we're a ball of degenerates who simultaneously jerk each other to completion?
maybe this one
This scene bothered me, and I don't consider it a nitpick. Star blew up the sign while Marco was still in the stadium. Wouldn't he immediately recognize the debris and large green explosion? It would have been nice if they followed up with that.
We could know it's you if you tweeted something right now, and yet we still wouldn't be sure. It looks like the perfect plan to me!
She said she wasn't Starco because Marco and Star's relationship reminded her of a friendship with one of her guy friends poor soul
Don't worry, I love all the Darons equally.
Eden hates the show and the fans.

It's just money to her.
I think she said she just thought their relationship was mostly friends/family/platonic.
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Now in color.
This. For all the hackposting, the worse Gravity Fall episodes aside from the finale were the ones were Hirsch gave too much control to boarders. He did this in response to boarders quitting and trying to stab him over his micromanagement.
It's a nitpick. The scene accomplishes its intended goal just fine.
Eden confirmed worst cast member? is she still fuckable?
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there was plenty of explosions.
the band entered the venue by blowing up the fucking wall, then threw an exploding hammer in the air. plus Marco was too busy kissing to look around. i can totally see how everyone assumed her blast as part of the show
Would you like to be a kid in this family?
>This whole chain of events

Just post Star or Starco so we can get back to status quo.
Rude. She does a great job, I can understand her desire not to get involved with our autism.
I see that they got what they were going for with it; I just thought it could have been handled a bit more gracefully.
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Nobody asked you, Eden.
>What’s up with Star’s relationship with Marco? Fans are already shipping them.

>I know, I think it’s silly! It’s actually funny. Talking about The Middle, Charlie McDermott, who plays Axl on the show, is like one of my best friends in real life, and I kind of observed throughout the season while recording this… I was like, oh my God, Star and Marco, it’s me and Charlie! Completely. And then Charlie just came with me to this panel we did for women in animation, so I got to introduce my real-life Marco to everyone. … But Star and Marco, it’s just kind of, no, they’re best friends! It’s almost better because they’re just like a team for life. There’s nothing wrong with romance, but I don’t think that’s Star and Marco.

This was back in 2015, but by that time she already recorded BMB and was doing some season 2 episodes. It kinda bums me to know about her views on Starco though.
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Alright. I'll buy that.
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>Eden's face when she opened up the script to "Starcrushed" to do the first table read.
That's the spirit. Bringing the status quo right back.
What's with the elaborate ammonia diagrams all over the place?
Daron, that's too many Marcos. You have to cool it with the Marcos.
Which Marco is my dad? Can it be Adam?
So, s3 exactly when, guys?
Axl is a goddamn piece of shit, though.
considering all ships have Marco on them it makes more sense to emphasize the girl's characteristics more than Marco's
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Her face gets to me. Fuck.
Every time I post this particular picture it gets to me.
That's up to Disney XD
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I cant wait for Starkapoo in S3
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>starting by introducing her real-life marco
Early July to share the month with the premiere of Ducktales.
I've never watched the Middle, is Eden good in that show? Is Axl like Marco? Does Eden in that show like Axl?
You may be adopted.
that's the artist's signature/watermark

the pic is made of separate images, and each one has its own watermark
Yo fyi storyboarder=writer for the majority of cartoons and the separation of the two is the exception to the rule.
because he's a 30 y/o man in a child's body
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This thread began so well, why did hit ahve to descend into this hell?
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>he's a 30 y/o man in a child's body
Let this meme dies already.
Sorry, that was my fault :(
what if star fell asleep in the car on the ride home
What hell? We're discussing the actors and the show. Are you seriously fucking kidding? Is it the lack of cuck memes? This thread is LEAGUES better than others.
It's the hiatus effect, it'll only get worse with constant threads. Though it has been pretty terrible the past few days. Here's hoping the weekend thread format can come back, though I have little hope for that happening any time soon.
YESSS I was actually wondering about that. Considering I'm eventually looking to getting into storyboarding, I was wondering whether or not they're the actual writers. Thought that does bring a lot more pressure to the table.
>a box of flour
Axl is Eden's brother and nothing like Marco. Eden is good but very, very different from Star. Also she's called Sue.
This thread is fairly decent.
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as long as is funny and it triggers others I'll drag it out of hell's gates if I have to
>replying to a billion posts
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After a loing and very exhausting day at work, the most logical thing to do when I get home is to post Cute Stars on /co/.

So post your Cute Stars.
It's funny, even if those were the real Adam ad Daron we would never know.
And by funny I mean infuriating REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>We're discussing the actors and the show
No we're not, we just have a bunch of anons pretending to be Adam and Daron and seeding chaos.
Mine is a picture of Star, moon with her back turned, and a dancing laser puppy. Wow. My life is gonna kick ASS!
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Oh shush and post cute and perfect.
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>Axl is Eden's brother and nothing like Marco
>If Eden was Star she would have friend zoned Marco by now and Marco would be happy with Jackie
>not checking when the opportunity arises
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Literally NOBODY is taking that seriously. Its a joke. Not one person here is adam or daron, and nobody is seeding chaos, calm down.

but seriously guys, keep it going, we're watching ;)
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Uh, okay.
>tfw fat and lonely
>college dropout
>min wage job
>browse these threads to give me some happiness
>but in the end I'm still depressed
>no chance of ever getting a qt star gf
I'm gonna end it. Thanks /co/ for all the laughs tho.
>when I post we have threads like these
>when I lurk we don't
S-Should I post more often?
DON'T GO! ...you haven't even finished the show yet! there's still 2 more seasons!!!
Or you could start going to >>>/adv/...
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Smaller version.png
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If it's the camera roll, it's me and my cousin. If it's the last thing saved onto my phone's gallery, it's this picture.
Which one is it then?
Don't do it anon, things may be bleak and dark right now, but if you hit rock bottom, theres only one way you can go.
Don't. You can literally change all those things.
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If "camera roll" is exclusive to my phone, and screenshots count, then uhhh...
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For you. Big guy.
It was then I realized that I had never taken a picture in my life.
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So do nothing and give up. What the fuck do you want us to do? Tell you to stop?

I think you need to toughen the fuck up. From one morbidly depressed, once suicidial idiot to another.

You can actually change those things. But you refuse to take responsibility. Its not easy, nothing is, but throwing in the towel is one of the most cowardly and selfish things you can do.

Do whatever. I can't stop you, but I hope you find the strength to realize that your feelings aren't you. Why don't you look up some people who have survived suicide attempts. Watch them tell you about the instant regret they had as they plunged from a bridge. Making such a permanent decision in a shitty emotional state is not a good idea.
Star, because you can't fuck your cousin or can you?
Thanks for the (You) goyim
It's legal in a lot of places and not terribly likely to result in birth defects.
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Is Justin gay for Marco?
what if star got an infection she didn't tell anyone about and it started to really hurt and turn green
No, I'm not worried about birth defects or moral issues, I just don't know if your cousin is hot or not
Trips don't lie
It's not gay to be in love with a princess.

Do you think Starco is gay?
Who isn't? If Star didn't exist, I'd go gay for Marco
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I actually don't care if you're kidding or not. I hope you find it in your heart to slit your throat atop your parents grave for us.
Reminder that Adam posted this during the cuckposting/Star-deprecating crysis peak:
By the way, I'm gay for him https://www.instagram.com/p/BRkNK9egg_U/
I'm not the guy with the cousin, I'm just pointing out that there are unlikely to be legal complications or health issues to worry about so that the guy with the cousin doesn't try to fall back on either of those excuses.
This cousin is a dudebro.
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Some day we'll start getting mysterious vocaroos of suspiciously accurate impersonators of Starfan13 and Marco reading and reacting to our autistic greentexts and "what if Star did X" posts
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Cute Smiley Star.png
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>*Cheeky smiling face*
Not happening m8
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What do you think of the voices in Spanish? (Spanish from Spain, not South America).
Do you like Star's?
He seemed gay for Star at first, but never did antyhing about it
what if you had to get up early and didn't want to so star put her little butt on your face
Japanese Star is still true Star.

Keep in mind that Eden Sher hates Star and she hates you too.
Then I wouldn't want to wake up early every morning.
Literally and unironically what did he mean by this?
Oskar is pretty much perfect.
Star is really good.
Marco sounds a little too whiny/nasally.

>Japanese Star is still true Star.
No, fuck off you faggot. Star sounds okay in Japanese, but Marco sounds terrible. English voices are by far the best.
Huh, I'm actually surprised how nice this is. I actually do like Stars Spanish voice, yes.
Me parecen bastante buenas, y además de eso no traducen los nombres ( Estrella Mariposa por ejemplo).
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boba tea.png
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By the way, I really think the guys have very much fun at work. For example, let's firstly look at Adam's obsession for boba tea:

And now look at pic related from Raid the Cave, where they've made him call it "purply bubbly tea thingy".
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Latino Star is all I've ever wanted
>Marco sounds terrible
considering Spain's boner for translating some things and others not I'm pretty surprised
"Long time no see?" maybe?
how about Mexican Marco?
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haha it's le ebin jojo voice the one that sounds completely off-character. xD
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Star trying to act womanly, but just comes off as cute.
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>mom jeans
Spanish Star sounds really good

I hate how Marco sounds though
Marco in Star's clothes
Star with lovebites all over?
You forgot to say "ora ora XDDD"

2/10 try harder
In my autistic scenario in wich Adam frequently browses /co/ he meant "we love you Star, even if some people like to see you suffer a lot".
But probably what he actually meant was I have no idea.
Baby being smug
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Star sleeping past 2pm
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Faking suicide for the sake of you's and getting people to actually help you

You deserve this
Janna stalking Marco or being austistic please
Star in Marco's clothes but the underwear is on the ground or she's holding it and looking puzzled or something.

Basically Star wearing Marco's clothes but she doesn't understand the concept of underwear.
The only time L posting wasn't the biggest cancer in the thread.
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I don't like Marco. Star seems okay I guess, that's definitely not the best scene to show off anyone.

>Star sounds okay in Japanese, but Marco sounds terrible
You what
Kana Ueda fits Star well, and Marco's voice plays him in a good range of boyish to manly.
Adam and Eden are the definitive actors, but the Japanese casting is more than serviceable.
Hekapoo parting her hair to show bare skin where her eye should be.
You mean like there's no eye under that hair?
Star sounds way too intentionally, "I'm so cute!"
Marco sounds way too confident/deep.
>This song plays on the radio and it makes you think of star
No one like you by scorpions
>Japanese Marco is bad
Marco sounds fine, what's your problem with it?
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Yea. Messing with people's empathy for eachother is actually kind evil, I'd argue.

I'll still take those posts seriously, for all the ones being sadistic shits, there are actual people behind some of them, and they're suffering.

L is deserved.
You guys are acting like attention whores are a new thing, I don't want /sve/ to become a hugbox.
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Sure thing.
Marco working on getting his ripped RWS bod back.
Thank you there isnt a lot of baby
What if the guy (girl?) Actually killed himself and that's just some dick trying to play it off as his own prank?
The guy being a dick still earned that L though.
How smug is 2 smug.
Marco and Heckapoo as Al and Peg from Married with Children
That would make Star Kelly and Janna Bud.
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So did Eden, at the start. And it was even more jarring because her voice is much deeper.
I've only seen Blood Moon Ball and Mewberty in Japanese, she's definitely less cutesy in Mewberty.
>Marco sounds way too confident
I guess I can see this, but I don't mind it. I'd rather err on the side of too masculine than too boyish/childish. Pronouns-wise, he's using boku, which is wholly appropriate for Marco. As long as he still spills his spaghetti around Jackie, it's fine.
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we need to go smugier
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this upsets me
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Only the smuggiest will suffice.
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Where is this from?
Does Eden actually hate the show or is that just a big meme perpetuated by you people?
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Like this?
big meme
This is cute and perfect.

Meme. She doesn't seem to care as much as, say, Adam, but she probably doesn't hate the show.
But dorkier.
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Star and Marco kissing.

It's a meme. Just some anons being upset that she doesn't ship romantic Starco, unlike /ourguy/ Adam. She loves working on the show, or at least I heard that she gets very excited when voicing Star.
A little less on the lips, but you've pretty much got the concept down really well. Good job, your art looks great.
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Love bites.png
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Fuck it, I drew it myself.
One last drawing for the road so I can feel good about going to sleep.
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Well... if I knew what it was, maybe I could be upset with you?
She just doesn't care about it, the show is beneath her.

But it's fun portraying that as malicious hate.
>She just doesn't care about it, the show is beneath her
[citation needed]
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Wow, that's really good. Saved.
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Compared to Adam and Daron's constant fan engagement, she looks worse for just doing her job. She's never indicated she doesn't enjoy doing the show, it's just not her life like it is for some of the others on the crew.

As long as she keeps up the stellar voice acting, I don't care how she feels about any of this stuff.
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Oh my
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got caught.png
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Maybe this one will change your mind about Marco's voice. Or maybe not.
Stay quiet, last time it was over-blown and kept being the topic of convo over like 3 threads. We also don't want any fags to start some shit online
This Anon has it right.

It's just a job to her. Just a way to make money.

She doesn't care about it beyond that.
God, Star's voice is perfect.
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Sorry I forget not everyone is autistic enough to instantly recognize the font like I am...
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star pls control yourself.png
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Man star is just a lustful bug aint she
Thanks for the praise. Took about a dozen drawings but I'm finally starting to get a feel for the style. It's a lot more loose than what I'm used to.

I absolutely adore causing "Oh my" 's.
I just love pushing boundaries.
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Yeah I'm definitely not a fan of him.
And I take back my complaints about Eden trying too hard to be cutesy in the first few episodes. She was, but her doing it is a lot more tolerable than someone with a high-pitched voice doing it.
This is the thing before season 2 came out, since it says "a year ago", right?
So he'd be referring to stuff changing in S2, right?
Keep on drawing my friend. It's great!
Why would that trigger you? Doesn't that hint that Star likes Marco, and this was during the beginning of season 2
I love this image so freaking much. I think I'll have to come up with something similar somewhere down the line.
Well he is talking about S2 but maybe about the finale (how much of that was even decided upon at that point idk). I'm just afraid that their relationship will stay platonic.
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So I'm stuck on an island with my badly burned hand?
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Marco must have the heart of a saint to have lived with her for a year with nothing happening.
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oops didn't mean to spoiler all of that...
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star pls.png
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have another
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or is this one better
we didn't deserve Bluejr
he left didn't he?
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Marcos little secret.png
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Dance like nobody's watching.
Im not into sjw agenda but at this point, I'm up for whatever makes suffer that traitor scum of marco.
This is amazing! Thank you so much.
yes please
si por favor
Well the show is on hiatus, it's to be expected. Hopefully he'll be back for season 3, particularly if the show keeps up the quality that season 2b displayed.
Do you have a blog or a gallery for your stuff?
Still looking for ideas?
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Lay 'em on me
After reading the tie-in book, I had an idea for maybe something set shortly after the events of "Monster Arm". Star, still exhausted from sleep deprivation starts profusely apologizing to Marco after she read about the monster arm spell and learned that she nearly killed him, and Marco comforts her.
Marco introducing Star to the concept of brushing her teeth by brushing them for her.
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I don't know if you have a specific reason for this, but here you go.
Sure, here you go, it's full of garbage and some of it might be NSFW. http://dead-carl-artblog.tumblr.com/
I like the way you think.

This is super cute, pls do it.
Marco's parents leave for vacation, Star accidentally freezes the entire house in a solid block of ice, Marco and Star start having cabin fever, or start drinking, etc.

Literally any of those things, or not. How about Star stealing a bottle of wine from the castle kitchens and sharing it with Marco?
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