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Bittersweet Candy Bowl

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Thread replies: 535
Thread images: 137

>Heart about to explode.
>Paulo calling her name

Now deck her in the face.
she is going all out isnt she?
this is like 5 chapters worth of drama all at once
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Now dick her in the face.
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>DaisyxPaulo is actually happening
>Lucy's been back for one chapter and suddenly the plot is going full speed
You're welcome America.
>sign describing emotions character is feeling.
Oh. Hmm. Don't really like this.
Just cover your genitals in ice cream Paulo.

Fat girls love that shit.
I can live with this
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a bright future.png
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Making BCB Great Again.
Paulo is gonna be Daisy's rebound. And I don't think any rebound has ever ended with a healthy relationship.
Yeah that really killed it for me. That's some autistic middle school girl level shit.
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Damn, as shitty as this comic gets it sure has its ways of making me feel all warm and fuzzy
Doubt she knows when to stop.
will they fug
>happy paulo is back
Fucking finally
All it takes is a pull at the heartstrings
Yeah, that's some no effort tacky shit.

I guess every time I feel the art couldn't get any worse it suddenly finds a way to prove me wrong
>Daisy and Paulo just making up
>Shippers going mad

Sorry for being the voice of reason, but you guys know there is still a Mike and a Lucy in the equation?

Only friendshipping is acceptable at this moment.
What's this furry nonsense?

Take it to /b/
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Post >yfw DaisyxPaulo is finally happening
Maybe she did it take up space because otherwise that page-width panel would be too empty.

A++ paneling btw

Oh come on him and daisy have been at odds for what? 5 months right? The heart bubble didn't take anything from the moment...but this is my opinion and I respect all your opinions.
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I mean it was obvious from the beginning
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>Paulo has 8 fingers
Now how many can he fit into Daisy?
Hey, good to see you!
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Varying degrees of arousal..png
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>this is my opinion and I respect all your opinions
I think it used to be done earlier in the conic to denote little things like Lucy's deaf ear and Mike's sensitivity to loudness. It feels kind of like a throwback
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Just because it's 4chan doesn't mean it's not possible to act civil in conversation.
Its too good to be true.
A throwback to when the comic was amateurish shit more so?
Because it isn't.
What program are the kids using these days for irc?
>Daisy rebounds from Abbey to Paulo
>She'll still drop everything for Mike

>Now that she hates Mike Lucy is willing to give Paulo a chance
>He won't cheat on Daisy
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Be honest /co/, which BCB character would you give a pink belly to?

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>lucy is back
>abbey is thrown to the curb...well throws himself to the curb

>suddenly everyone else lives are improving.

How does she do it?
>Giving Paulo a chance
She's been distancing herself from the table since she's shown up
Lucy's in her own spinoff comic now
>Now that she hates Mike

>Lucy is willing to give Paulo a chance
Not likely.
He needs to get his ass kicked
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>lucy distances herself from the only guy who wants to date her and can deal with her awful personality
dumb fucking cat
>She's been distancing herself from the table since she's shown up
Ambiguous. She ditched them at lunch to look for Augustus, a powerful impulse even if she didn't expect to find him.
>looking for augustus
>when she like most assumed he graduated

Nah she was just taking a walk and happened to see final fantasy cat hasn't shown his final form yet
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She had to help out Sephiroth

>yfw Sephiroth sees Paulo and Daisy together, and develops a hatred for him, which causes Lucy to turn on Augustus and cause them to fight

And we havent even touched on the situation with how Rachael will react yet
Reminds me of Daisy's reaction to him still being there
>She ditched them at lunch to look for Augustus
No, she ditched them because Mike was at the table
im betting all of my chips right now that its not paulo calling for daisy but somebody else
if im right and its abbey im gonna scream
>She ditched them at lunch to look for Augustus
No. She ditched them just because. Bumping into Augustus was coincidence
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She seems to be looking around on this page here. She knows Augustus would lie around outside.
so its safe to assume daisy will likely be one of the first to be fine with lucy and augustus being friends?
But she was surprised to find him.
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Paulo Daisy Taeshi Colored.png
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In celebration of this page.
>He doesn't look around when taking a walk
Also, she's surprised to see Augustus in the same page and the pages afterwards
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I can dream damn it
mike/pauloxdaisy are the thinking man's otps
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> Ambiguous. She ditched them at lunch to look for Augustus, a powerful impulse even if she didn't expect to find him.

Glad someone pointed this out. Even if she wasn't looking for Augustus, we have to remember that even before "December" Lucy was already avoiding the table (Example, "Fade Away" chapter when the cast throw Tess a birthday party at the school lunch table. Lucy is nowhere to be seen).

She was already distancing herself from Mike and in turn, everyone else since it's essentially a package deal and escaping to Augustus to keep herself distracted.

Now she's coming back to the same place she left off, and we're still not 100% sure what's going on in her head regarding the whole friend situation.
She didn't even know Augustus was still in school. She thought he graduated
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At least try to read the comic man
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>those fucking tits
Paulo can't handle how cool and fluffy Daisy is.
lucy needs to stop hitting people
>if im right and its abbey im gonna scream
Abbey probably won't appear before we see what happened on that other table.

Like it can happen, but it would suck a lot if he appeared just for cheap drama completely disregarding where story has left him.
>she'll never wear clothes that emphasize her bust again
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>we get to see her naked again
It's a clear violation of the "Show, don't tell" rule of good story telling.

I find it hard to believe she went looking around outside (as she did for a while before "December" when she would hang out with Augustus) without any thought of him at all. She didn't think he'd be there so it was more like she was reminiscing about the one person she has a clear, un-muddied affection for.
go see your psychiatrist abbey
No. She was just taking a walk
She wasn't looking for anyone
>shitposting as an abbeyfag
Almost as bad as shitposting as a shipperfag.
Abbeyfag please go and stay go
it looked more like she was looking around and seeing if anything had changed, seeing as she was gone for roughly a year
You make a compelling argument...

the ONLY thing that prevented paulo from perving on daisy is that he's convinced she's completely out of her league and doesn't consider him worth much

if he believes she's this attached to him he's going to go on another one of his little fantasies and consider her the girl of his life

just you fuckign wait
how is it perving if he genuinely likes her
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The more I read this the less I know what you're trying to say
>he's convinced she's completely out of her league
>using draw request doodles as primary source
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>aPaulogists have THIS short of an attention span
>he's convinced she's completely out of her league
>she's completely out of her league

I knew Paulo was a faggot, but a tranny now too?
this is more him thinking he's a retard than being out of her league datewise
He brought as many arguments as you did. But his theory made more sense. Why would she be looking for Auggie?
She deeply appreciates Augustus for saving her life but expected to never see him again. Having at last returned to the place she spent the most time with Augustus she's seeking something like nostalgia.
>Looking around and thinking about Augustus ≠ looking around for Augustus.

You seem to be supporting my position. Is this correct?
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I like it because it's a more cutesy/innocent style, which is what I really want for the relationships here

It does clash with all the chapters of the last few years though
Not the same anon just wanted to end that so we could get back to more important things.

Like molly and doughnut posting.
That's not semantic at all
I go a museum to think about history, I don't go there searching for historical figures
They are completely different tasks
I've become far too disappointed in the art direction and Tumblr shilling the last few years to let something like that fly.

If it was a one-off thing and the other two problems mentioned didn't exist, then it would probably be a whole other story
The Minivan.
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>molly's doughnut
All ships in this comic are most basic shit of "First true Love" Daisy will get with Paulo cuz she is always crushing on him, same with Lucy/Mike ect. You fucking watch. It's so fucking predictable and safe.
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That's all I want, desu
>Daisy will get with Mike cuz she is always crushing on him
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Don't jinx it you nigglet
>Daisy will get with Paulo cuz she is always crushing on him
Daisy main love is Mike.
Daisy will get Augustus
Paulo gets Lucy
and they all have a happy perpetual fourway
Am I in the Twilight Zone?
Augustus must be like lowest on Daisy crush list. Daisy would take Mike, if impossible maybe Paulo.

Lucy doesn't even think about Paulo at the moment.
She's mostly gonna miss The D and comforting Paulo due to Lucy being gone
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Molly is pretty great.

Are the catscounts going to start selling doughnuts this year?
You just need to turn off shipper googles.
I thought "December" had killed that "first girl wins" animu romance thing along with the tsundere shtick.

I'll be pretty disappointed if it was just an extended runaround.
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augustus X a knife from abbey

worst character dies
second worse character goes to jail
But why didnt Abby die
>worse than abbey

top kek
Abbey wouldn't knife someone, but if he did it would be Paulo as payback for all the distress he put him through.
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It'd be funny
>daisy bumps into Augustus by accident
>Augustus apologizes
>Anger issues hovering over him like a dumbass

He deserved that snarky retort. He's not worth it either
You seem to ignore however that Augustus is known as a criminal. And that he was a rapist (even through Taeshi retconned it so that he became less rapey). There is a reason why Lucy said her friends would leave her because of him.
Exactly, it's the same with jokes or other kind of intentions.

M8 this is the opposite of that, the outer layer might be, but when you dig down it's the exact opposite.

Which just makes current art choice so jarring.
What did she retcon?
Did she change the actual comic?
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>but when you dig down it's the exact opposite
I don't understand
She basically remade that situation, but from an angle that Augustus came as less rape-prone.
Which situation? The whole daisy date thing?
Trying to push yourself on a girl is rapey.

Nobody knew that before the retcon.
Augustus' credibility as a threat has always been handled very badly. The worst he ever seemed was a pointless asshole in the page or two before the "attempted rape".
Augustus pushing himself on Daisy. Go read the old pages.
that isnt rape
Attempted rape.

As I said, she later retconned it to make clear he wasn't going to rape her. But the damage was done.

oh, you're new.

you should probably go to /b/ and lurk more faggot
I would have to put them on for that shit to make any semblance of sense.
Rapist? If you mean that time he tried pushing himself on Daisy, he tells her that he only wanted to kiss her. There's also a BCI comic showing that if he had gone through with it instead of being interrupted by Abbey he would've only kissed her and left
Like going back to animu tier bobblehead wasn't a prophecy of the cliché direction.
after impregnating her right?
It's a joke, he's been posting it in every BCB thread as of late
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This is not a "new" page. The "attempted rape" is a meme.
That's a different one.
>Rapist? If you mean that time he tried pushing himself on Daisy, he tells her that he only wanted to kiss her.
Yeah, and? First off you cannot push yourself to a girl and then say 'oh wait it was just a kiss'. Nobody would believe you.

Second off, there is a reason why I said she made sure to show that wasn't the case. Because that looked very rapey.

>There's also a BCI comic showing that if he had gone through with it instead of being interrupted by Abbey he would've only kissed her and left.
Pay attention to what you are replying. I already adressed that.
The attempted rape came with the page. She later made clear that he was going to stay on the kiss.

So no, not a meme.
>People think Augustus actually loves Daisy
>It isn't Augustus subconsciously going after fatties because they're wellfed
>Thug: Man, you're way too soft. I woulda just gone for it rather than patiently woo her.
>Augustus: I wanted it to be her decision, otherwise it just feels so wrong.

>attempted rape came with this page
>I've found some good opportunities.
>We'll make sure ol' green eyes will pay...

>two years later in story (10 realtime)
>fucking nothing has happened
I didn't say 'this page', I said 'the page'. The page where Augustus pushed himself on Daisy.
Augustus must be a melanin enriched gentleman.
And a few pages later it gives him a line that is strongly inconsistent with an apparent rape.

I can see why Daisy and Abbey would think he's a rapist, but the comic immediately went out of its way to show that they're wrong.
>And a few pages later
Which was exactly my point numbnuts. Which was because as Taeshi said she thought it was too rapey.

>I can see why Daisy and Abbey would think he's a rapist,
Are you incapable of reading or pretending? It doesn't matter what you think, the point is that Augustus has a rep as a rapist.
>Which was exactly my point numbnuts
A few pages later is not a retcon.

The scene itself was written so that there are alternate interpretations of all of Augustus lines. Daisy was freaking out and interpreted everything in the most threatening manner possible.

>the point is that Augustus has a rep as a rapist.
Which never comes up except in that one scene with daisy 1000 pages later. She doesn't even seem that bothered by someone she thinks tried to rape her.

It, for instance, didn't come up when Lucy started hanging out with him when the idea that he was a bad guy and might do something bad to Lucy would have been a decent red herring if it wasn't actually what was intended.
Okay nobody really answer my other question lastime so I was forced to read the rest of the bullshit (that was probably what anon intended instead of actually answering the fucking question) and kept going knowing I only have to catch up 2 years worth. (The characters seem exactly the same as when I last read them .....hmmm)

Here's my reactions.

What the fuck is up with the Mike X Sandy relationship? It's so incredibly alien. Is Sandy getting fucked by disgusting old men to make ends meet? What a boring ass date with cringe meek Mike behavior. What the fuck. Is this supposed to be relatable to anybody? I guess if I pretend the super model thing is like dating a deployed military person? And her outburst was just ptsd?? Goddamn

And Lucy commited suicide ? Okay??? Fucking stupid to read. White cat , of course, gets saved for her stupid tween special snowflake shit

Abbey's backstory reminds me of Dumbing of Age for some reason. Abusive assholes everywhere

Homeless cat got statutory raped by pedophile girlfriend of some gangster. And he continuously doesn't call police due to gaslighting. Okay

Like fucking damn. At least Paulo and Matt conversation was finally resolved. And is Matt supposed to be fat? He isn't deformed anime chibi like everyone else
>Is Sandy getting fucked by disgusting old men to make ends meet?

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>Is Sandy getting fucked by disgusting old men to make ends meet?

i hope she blushes even harder next page
>unintentionally hears an accordion
Just have the words "BA-BUMP BA-BUMP" in the background, surrounded by a heart
>Is Sandy getting fucked by disgusting old men
Yes, and most of those old men are dogs.
>What the fuck is up with the Mike X Sandy relationship? It's so incredibly alien. Is Sandy getting fucked by disgusting old men to make ends meet?

No, the difference is they're spending their developing years apart and are becoming different people who aren't compatible, though Mike is still definitely trying to hold onto how things were when they were kids. His idea of a date is taking her to an arcade and trying to race her up a hill. Sandy's a fucking model who probably spends her time surrounded by other teenagers infinitely more mature than Mike is.

I doubt she's being fucked by dogs or anything, but I'm willing to bet she's met someone who lives where she does and who she's more attracted to. Her "you're so nice" line is a suggestion that there's someone else or she actually doesn't feel as strongly about him as he does her, but she still really does care about him.
bcb version of clerks when
Daisy crushes on Mike because he makes her nethers tingle. Last time I checked, wanting someone's dick isn't the same as loving someone.
Daisy loves Mike since the black white pages of the comic.
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Oh, and Sandy's definitely immature in her own way. She's probably being worked to the bone by her mom, but she's also been a model since she was what, ten? She's used to getting what she wants and her ego is slightly inflated from her modelling. When Mike is teasing her from on the hill her reaction isn't to point out he's being immature, she yells at him to grow up. Mike's immaturity comes out as a sort of naive innocence while Sandy's just sort of explodes to the surface.
Will they fuck?
I honestly expected Sandy to have turned into a really snobby, popular type girl. I was surprised she was so nice and accommodating to everyone. I guess maybe she could also have needed to develop a good public persona for networking. I think we can also assume Mike must be pretty good looking by in-universe standards for her to not be unimpressed with his appearance.
What do you think is hidden behind the $60 pay wall?
They will and Paulo is going to spoil Daisy rotten.
they've been friends for forever and she always sticks up for him and cheers him up constantly. theres more to it than just wanting his dick obviously
I like it. The character dynamics are so complex that it's weirdly refreshing having something given to us straight for once. Plus I think it gives this sense that Paulo's caught off guard and wearing his heart on his sleeve, as it were.
>And Lucy commited suicide ? Okay??? Fucking stupid to read. White cat , of course, gets saved for her stupid tween special snowflake shit
I liked that it was confirming very hard that she's been mental all along. The way she ends up pathetically writhing on the ground (although the execution isn't great here) is a rebuke for her diseased personality. In the last chapter it looked like she learned something from all this, but it's not clear now.

>Abbey's backstory reminds me of Dumbing of Age for some reason. Abusive assholes everywhere
At least there's only one in this comic and the fact that Abbey and Molly weren't beaten is a slight change from the abusive parent stereotype. I also liked how consistently maladjusted the mother's behavior was.

>Homeless cat got statutory raped by pedophile girlfriend of some gangster.
He might look like an elementary schooler in that chapter because lol bobbleheads but I think he was supposed to be 13. Not pedo-level, but still kinda fucked up, which is what the whole chapter was aiming for.
Been thinking this for a while, especially because the ships were apparently set in stone from the beginning (before chars like Rachel were possibly conceived) and the basic setup was conceived in Taeshi's childhood.

Honestly I'd be perfectly happy with those ships but I'm interested to see how Lucy and Mike could possibly reconcile on that level.

There's also the possibility there will be very few endgame ships with the current characters and we'll get more of a "and everyone was finally friends again!" ending.
That would be too discreet and subtle for a comic that went fullretard chibi to claim it's cute weebshit.
That reminds me, was lucy almost getting raped retconned aswell?
Tfw when you support a brother-sister dynamic for pauloxdaisy
>Taeshi regressing into her teen years to make the comic easier to make
If you don't think LucyxMike and PauloxDaisy will be endgame youre a retard

It's to painfully obvious
Kinda dull!

Jesus Christ how horrifying.
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>she was so nice and accommodating to everyone
>Called Daisy a fatty fatty two by four that couldn't fit through her kitchen door
Well it's gonna happen, so you'll have to come to terms with that sooner or later. It's for your own good anon.

I'll just tilt the balance to hate-reading this comic.

It won't be a big shift.
What I've been doing since day 1
i hate that this is GOING despite how much theyve shat on each other to the point of one of them commiting suicide. realisticly they will never be more than friends at this point and even that is stretching it, but i bet some meme drama shit is gonna make them love eachother
The argument in the last thread made me check if I still had that webscrape of the forum that I made right before it was nuked since I'm a good citizen shitposter..

Sadly it seems like I had stored it on that harddrive I had that commitment soduku.

But I found the E-books of the first 3 books and ancillary shit from back when I was gullible enough about whenever or not the comic would go the low effort ~progressive~ pandering route complete with weeb regression of the art and nonlogical "Paulo is a gaylo" pander chapter and "Lucy 2.0 except Lebanese" Madison.

So here you go, my buyers remorse that turned me into a "PIRATE FUCKING EVERYTHING" faggot regarding shit like kickstarters and alike:

Someone take one for the team and tell me if this is a virus
I call not it
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We can only hope anon
She didn't say it outright, she implied it, but she sugarcoated it immensely. She's not very bright, it came to her mind immediately but she didn't want to be rude so she said something ambiguous instead. If she had no nice-girl filter she would have said it outright. She also could have told Mike she didn't want to meet his loser friends, so yeah, she was being accommodating.
Cheers, m80. Let me see how crap these book extras are.

It's OK. :^)
Taeshi's gonna have to do some absolute literary acrobatics to get Lucy x Mike to work
>Veronica Vera and Oliver Bareham © 2013. Please share with friends, but not on the public web. We appreciate your support
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I just did it too, it looks all right my friend :^)
Mike finally confronts Lucy about what happened, sincerely apologizes, she's like eh but actually impressed, l8r he breaks up with Sandy, all depressed and shit, Lucy is like o shit i just remembered i think he's hot, they fug. The end.
You have impeccable taste.

Silly orangutan but yeah, shit went downhill right into a abandoned mineshaft

Thank you my tomodachis
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If it happens, then I'm fully convinced Vero is a irredeemable weeb hack.

I wish dropping truthbombs wouldn't count as being rude.

Some people just too daft to get it otherwise.
>If it happens, then I'm fully convinced Vero is a irredeemable weeb hack.

Guess what
Maybe her stamina would have lasted if she hadn't done literally years of filler.

She could have stuck this thing into the ground and started a new project like a motivated artist.
it pays the bills
Get a job, Suitcase.
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>years of filler
and miss out on gay paulo?
What does he even do honestly
He protects Taeshi from mean comments by not reading them to her.
He maintains the website
I think
The girlfriend was getting statutory raped by the gangster though.
They can't claim I'm not giving them the benefit of doubt, but so far it's REALLY not looking good for them.

Maybe Suitfag should put his degree to use in a part time job instead of letting the mental wreck be the sole breadwinner, so her mentality, actual shred of creativity and artistic talent didn't get ran into the ground, and thus being forced to rely on gayshipping and "OMGSOCUTE" art directed at adhd tweens.
Can we talk about how fucking pathetic the new comment system is

I get they need to promote their comic but honestly in my personal opinion it's just done worse. I used to love checking the site not only for the new updates but to read comments & reactions as well, while now I only go to 4chan for that and more often than not I read the new page from here, aka haven't been on the site in weeks
Maybe it's the halfassed hackshit the last few years that's the primary catalyst to the 'mean comments'

But apparently he's not the smartest at math, so logic on that level is most likely confusing.
I like this enough to read it but I don't respect it.
You and me both brosef.
the comment section wasn't exactly a place for brilliant discussion
Never claimed it was, just entertaining to read and partake in
Paulo is always groping Lucy and she comically beats him for it.

The correct would be Paulo getting busted by sexual harassment. Imagine if it was Lucy groping Mike balls.
It was like shitposting, but with normies.
Fun for the whole family.
the correct what
also thats gross
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>Yeah Paulo used to be a sack of shit, but he's changed!

Daisy deserves better than any of the cast honestly
YOU'RE gross.
Maybe you both are right
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But it's true; he's no longer a cheeky early-adolescent boy. Messing about with girls has generally been pretty painful for him, actually.

Now he just wants to be loved.
Wasn't that back when it was a more lighthearted mango wannabe?

I can't remember precisely anymore, and fuck giving them pageviews.
>Imagine if it was Lucy groping Mike balls
that's kinda hot
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We will never have this again
Is this a Drawn Together reference?
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Okay but that first panel is a mess. Paulo is drawn so shittily, and I get that Taeshi wanted to do something cool taking the text directly from Tess' old speechbubbles, but lord next to that mess it makes the whole thing look so fucking lazy
I keep them unwashed especially for you, anon.
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Wish we could turn back time...
To the good old days...
oh my...................;3c
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Cry more, Abbey
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>I think he was supposed to be 13. Not pedo-level

D-Dont summon him anon!
>mad because her childhood friend who doesn't even want to fug her is hugging her.
You can tell Paulo is a poor because the walls have cracks in them.

This is called "visual storytelling".
Yet everything else looks like it's in top notch shape except Paulo seems to suffer from stunted growth
Yeah the bobbleheadification is particularly bad here
When do you think it'll reach critical mass?
>When do you think it'll reach critical mass?
Have you seen Rachel?
I know they're pandering hard to the "inclusive" crowd, but including a slut midget is just silly.
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>not pedo level
I just spent the last two days bingeing this and it has consumed me.
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We've been stuck in here for 3 years
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It's time for the volume 3 bonus comic "Mother's Day".

It's a good thing we have that establishing shot of the elementary school because the characters look no different than they do when they're in high school.

Lucy is already a bitch.
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Good thing the teacher made clear that her parents aren't divorced. Priorities.

She doesn't want the kids to think she's a freak.
>It's a good thing we have that establishing shot of the elementary school because the characters look no different than they do when they're in high school

No kidding, holy shit Taeshi didn't even try
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Is this one in the book or is it apart of the stupid online membership program?
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IS Paulo's dad lazy?

He seems to be pretty passive in the face of his wife's hatred but I guess we don't know what his perspective is.

Paulo's looking exceptionally elementary-school aged and not like a teenager on this page.
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Doing good work, Anon. Thanks.
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> The final calm before the storm that caused everything to go to hell.

That page is still cheesy, but pretty tragic in retrospect. It was already after she was warned about Mike growing apart from her at that point, and triggering her self-awareness on how shitty she was acting. But she had no fucking idea how much worse it was going to get.
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David actually does look like a kid because his face is smaller.
You unfortunate soul.
we're becoming a AA meeting, except accidentally roping others in
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I guess he means in the mundane sense rather than the legal one because if she married another guy they must be divorced.
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>3 years
I've been there since 2010, kiddo. And I'm sure there's some fellows from 2006-2008 here too.
You better strap in!
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It's in a book. Volume 2, not volume 3 as I posted before.

The paywall club doesn't include these things.
There's trying but failing, and then there's not giving a single fuck.

This is the latter.
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David is a bro.

It's a good thing his friendship with Paulo is a consistent element of the series and doesn't only come up like three times, right?
I've only found out about this comic a few weeks ago.
Tell me how to get off this ride now before I can't.
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Now you're stuck here with the rest of us.
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I started reading almost exactly 7 years ago (the first update I saw was casting call 1 on 3/22/10)
I put 3 years because it better fit with the joke
I-I want the ride to end, Mr. Bones!
I started reading when Lucy returned and have been following since but haven't read more than 30 pages of what came before it.

Funny thing is I had conversations about it here in /co/ and a lot of people agreed with what I said

I might buy one or two books @ anime boston this month, tho
I did it once, but it lasted only as long as I remembered it. It was near the beginning, in 2011.

I went on a long trip, with little to no internet access, so my usual routine got forgotten, about the whole "check comic every M/W/F.

That's the only way to do it. You must purge it from your routine.

The first comic I saw, the one that was https://www.bittersweetcandybowl.com/c59/p10.html
I didn't read what came after, as I don't like picking things up in the middle, so I went to the very beginning and binged the whole thing. The fact that I was sick as a dog helped.
I remember it was that exact page, because over the course of my reading, I became a fan of PauloxLucy, and no matter how unlikely that ship became approaching the page, I "knew" everything was going to somehow turn around.

Then I found out that whole thing was a "what if" chapter.

I'm still fucking mad.
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Tried to warn ya babe
how is that inclusive?
this heartwarming
thanks anon

damn this chapter is gettin better and better
finally david otp will be true

My heart...Daisy stahp, dogs can't climb trees, david is a national treasure that must be protected
That's some A+ teaching there.
That's exactly what happened, I kept seeing threads for this on here and figured "well if everyone's talking about it, it must be good, right?" Now I need a therapist
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>"well if everyone's talking about it, it must be good, right?"
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I was telling a friend of mine who frequents /co/ about some of the antics of the tae and luggage-man, I may have encouraged him to read these threads.
I might have accidentally another soul.

Matt get out before it's too late.
Didn't you see the astronomical amount of bitching about the art and writing as a red flag?
damn why the two main dogs are top dogs ?
totally bros
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These threads are what made you want to read this? That's like reading a cuckold regret thread and thinking, 'Damn I want in on that.'.
>That's like reading a cuckold regret thread and thinking, 'Damn I want in on that.'.

You cheeky asshole, I now have ice tea in my nose.
It was mainly the people that had read this thing for years and were complaining about it yet still reading that peaked my interest. I now understand what they meant when they said "it's horribly but I need it".
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That's not even an original fictional fast food name, is it?
fucking kek
>>90898294I just realized, we've spent more time with Mike and Lucy being on terrible terms than we've had them being friends, haven't we? Why am I still here?
May as well call this chapter "Abby's Absolute Nightmare" since every page Abby gets more and more BTFO.
Is there a compilation of these, I missed a few
This series is actually a reboot from ancient comics Taeshi did as a kid. She handled the re-started series kind of badly; it's like we're already supposed to know the characters and their relationships. It doesn't spend that much time with Mike and Lucy being a tsundere uguu couple before Mike goes ga-ga over Sandy and leaves Lucy behind.
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I saw a thread with lucy about to jump and gave it a whirl out of curiosity. Bonus that it's mainly cartoon animals slice of life instead of furry characters must fug everything kind of deal like most online comics with cartoon animals.
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Did somebody say "Abbey gets BTFO"?
You know, I knew that there were old kid-doodle comics she used to do, but I never factored them into the, for lack of a better word, timeline. That definitely makes the falling out feel less drastic.

Still, Mike starts visibly getting tired of Lucy's shit in chapter 42, and now in chapter 96 they're still not speaking.
The series she did as a kid is literally nothing like BCB, I waded through that whole fucking summary she drew.
That was just one arc.
It said it was like 6 arcs.

If you think Lucy being a magical girl battling evil clones should be part of the timeline go ahead I guess.
>3 years
Get on my level. 6 years for me
How so? I must remind you that Abbey dumped Daisy (again) and that Abbey fully expected Daisy to stand by Paulo.
I started at pretty much the exact same time.


Haven't read this in years, but I remember young me getting his heart torn out at all the bullshit everyone experiences throughout the comic, Jesus Christ.
But there's this weird assumption that *of course* Mike and Lucy are *supposed* to end up as lovers (from the cast themselves) when Mike is actually obsessed with Sandy from very early on and mostly just tolerated Lucy's bad behavior.
Because they both obviously wanted to fuck in middle school until Sandy waltzed back into Mike's field of vision.
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we might finally see this happening
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7 years for me, though somehow i managed to stay off the ride for a good 4 years until these threads reeled me back in and i binged all the chapters i missed

we'll never truly be free
Yes, because everytime someone apologizes obviously they are going to get in bed.

I want furries to leave.
Why is Paulo full on groping Daisy? Daisy is for loves not lewds.
>David's dad left him as a baby
>David is the stereotypical black boy
oh, the irony
Jesus christ that's almost exactly what happened to me. Only it wasn't the threads, it was boredom.
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i meant they both in a relation, daisy is for marriage and a succesfull career

hes not gropin, hes just resting his arms , like a hug
Mike's hung up on Sandy from chapter 15. That sounds like a good way in but nearly all of those chapters are ~5 pages long and it's kind of The Yashy Show at that point.

There's very little of Mike and Lucy being "normal" before it starts disrupting a routine it hasn't established.
>the fat, homely one is to fall back on for a stable relationship once the flings with the hot, crazy ones fall apart
I thought only women did that.
>I meant they both in a relation
And their relation is little sister-big bro. It's like when she confessed to Mike and he refused it: they had a beautiful friendship for years, why ruin it with shipping?
Might as well put all that chub to good use
That's true, but that's more about Taeshi doing a shitty job. I'm pretty sure she didn't take these comics seriously at all at first.

And Mike is awkwardly wishy washy between Sandy and Lucy for awhile after that.
>daisy is for marriage
Yes, the girl who is the most likely to cheat is for marriage. If you are into cucking I guess.
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i had actually forgotten all about it until that day i saw the thumbnail for a /bcb/ thread in the catalog and it all came flooding back

i was almost free. i could have made it. CAN'T WAKE UP
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One day we'll all be free anon. One day.
I never stopped reading it, though I only started discussing it with other people once I saw the threads on /co/
>just resting his arms
Yeah, when I tried to use that excuse I got slapped and that was the end of that date.
but i wantem to find love , they are perfect together
paulo x lucy is dead as much as abby
paulo x rachel is good but way uncertain
diasy x abby is whatever is after dead
daisy x augustus is not posible cus lucy cockblocking

who iam supposed to ship ??
mike and sandy ??
lucy not bein my fav this chapter

i bet you hate mike for fork in the road too
Have you considered that characters don't need to have a ship to be happy?
>paulo x rachel is good but way uncertain
I think Paulo's just not into her. He's got narrow vision on things he cares about and the fact that he hasn't noticed that she's been pining for him (until plot device/diversity hire Madison tells him so) means he got no real interest.
I'm new to this comic, how often does the creator take breaks?
Three pages of this a week isn't exactly strenuous. She'd do an extra page a week if her patreon was fat enough so she's not hurting for time. She doesn't have another job.
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Finally, a reason to post this image
She doesn't take breaks very often. She actually follows her schedule pretty well if she isn't sick or at some con.
guess so,
but again nobody is happy for long here

iam new in this of shippin and havin a waifu
let my waifu be happy with the 2nd best boy
1st is david in case you wondering
Does anyone have the image posted at https://archived.moe/co/thread/89810440/#89847601?
The archive only saved the thumbnail
>That Daisy
DAMN, baby got FAT

>Paulo X Lucy is dead.

Whoa there sonny, she's currently rocking a ice queen facade as a coping mechanism against Mike as a whole, the rests occasional stupid outbursts and Paulo's untimely advances.

But that doesn't sink it as hard as Daisy "I only dated him so I didn't feel alone" X Abbey "I'm a control freak and future wifebeater" is.
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>That's true, but that's more about Taeshi doing a shitty job.
Well, yeah, that's my point.
i think that exactly make that ship dead anon
You know, some people here are saying Mike x Lucy is dead and with really good reasons but i'd like to see a very long and painful reconciliation.
It's a better scenario than anything else
Thanks anon!
Does anyone know when the dating sim ad was being used? I don't exactly remember when I started reading this train wreck, but I remember that I got hooked in because of that ad. Anyone can help me?
You seem to be suggesting that we're JUST ENTERING the last part of a four part structure:

1: Mike and Lucy have a dysfunctional relationship due to Lucy's maladjusted personality
2: Mike rejects Lucy and she falls to pieces
3: Lucy is reassembled but hates Mike for rejecting her
4: Mike and Lucy painfully forge a new, stronger relationship almost from scratch

I can see that in principle, but this comic blew its "long and painful" wad with those years of filler. I want shit to finally get going.
>i'd like to see a very long and painful reconciliation.
We all do, but such miracles only happen in fairy tales or shoujo knock off western comics
Oh, wait.
I like Mike but he has to solve some issues too.
MAYBE Lucy solved her's but in few pages I'm starting to doubt that.
Anyway, if Taeshi focus on that... maybe it won't be so long

That's why I read fiction
I worry you're missing a step between 3 and 4, Anon. It feels like Lucy is reassembled, and in place Mike starts to fall apart. THEN comes the long, painful reconciliation.
What? You wanted her to be all like "hay guise, what did I miss?" and be completely cool with their stupid comments and questions the very moment she came back considering what she went through?

It's probably gonna be more fillery shit when she finally opens up to the less stupid ones in the group when talked to 1on1.
>3: Lucy is reassembled but hates Mike for rejecting her

This isn't true...it's the way he treated her after the rejection that made her mad for his sweet imaginary GF. The whole parasite business
>but this comic blew its "long and painful" wad with those years of filler. I want shit to finally get going.

Preaching to the choir.

>That's why I read fiction

You talking about fanfics?
just tought she was over with mike, not hate him
now shes like
"oh yeah i hate you now too, bitch mode activated , again"

it gets annoying we having two separate stories , what the gang does and lucy & augustus family bonding adventures
>now shes like"oh yeah i hate you now too, bitch mode activated
She's more like "I still love you so I'd rather stay away from you and try to forget about you because I'd suffer again otherwise."
oh, didnt saw it like that
guess iam just tired of all the mike hate
Abbey looks like an African american version of peridot

Can't wait for Diasy to cheat and the Paulofags REEEEing for months

accordion version of Epona's Song was the best musical part of BoTW.
You can't be tired of something justified.

Dude fucked up REAL BAD, which is why Lucy fucked with him by whispering what she did despite his ability to hear it.

She basically cemented the fact that a "lol I'm sorry, we friends now?" excuse from Mike would be nothing short of a gross insult and marginalizing what he did.
kill Augustus
/co/ bcb storytime when
U wot?
Why would we ever?
It'll have to be focused on the most complaint or rageworthy parts for anyone to have any interest in following such thread(s).
>She basically cemented the fact that a "lol I'm sorry, we friends now?" excuse from Mike would be nothing short of a gross insult and marginalizing what he did.

I agree but she did that in the worst way possible.
could be as fun as the bi-yearly Serenity storytimes, is all I'm saying
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That was how I came into this, because of the chaos that came from this page. I needed to know what drama this was and ho boy did I find out.

The worst part is I am pretty much Lucy and my Mike is living his dream life right now as I try and figure out my own.
for all the shit Taeshi gets for her art I have to say I love her facial expressions.
Lucy's face when saying that Paulo wouldn't leave her is marvelous.

Also, anon, if you're a Lucy then pls stop
Because Jem drew it, and I'm thankful for that.
sometimes i think ppl feel sorry for lucy just cus hot cat tatas

she was a fucking mean bully to mike for years
then sudenly an "i love you" just right when he made clear multiple times he have a relation alredy and she expected to be loved back

as mike said , she tried to change way too late

mike was in all the right to hate her and give the speech
He just fucked up in his tone during the speech.
the realistic thing to do is just forget lucy and date someone else who likes him like daisy or stacy if god wills it

but its way more likely that he's gonna try and force their relationship back together despite the fact that lucy is likely still a cunt
I truly hope the parallels you see between yourselves and those characters are vague generalizations
yea, realistic speaking they wouldn't be friend anymore, probably not even on talking terms.
I think the most mature and realistic scenario is Mike apologizing, Lucy acknowleding it, even accepting it but just to put it behind and give them both closure.

Most people won't reach this level of maturity so I don't expect it from depressed melodramatic cats

It wasn't an intentional thing. It just kills me seeing how similar we are.

>Be the weird girl in elementary/middle school
>Only have a few actual friends, and one of them was the boy I really *really* liked but couldn't tell
>Jokingly would make fun of him while I loved him like no one would ever know
>We finally got older and as I really wanted to talk to him about it, he was a lot more resistant to me and we started to drift.
>Be called a 'puppet master' because I didn't know how to handle my emotions and was inadvertantly manipulative as fuck
>Shit happened and I had to leave school and we were separated
>Be me now, in grad school but still all sorts of fucked up from a litany of mental issues
>Check up on him on FB and see he's engaged to the girl of his dreams

I wish I could go back and do things differently, I truly do. But I can't. I like to think I've gotten better being a semi-functional PhD student, but I know it's not really much.
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if he comes knocking at your door one night, you know what to do bang him
So this still sucks, huh
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>Is Sandy getting fucked by disgusting old men to make ends meet?
She's getting BONED by dogs
He's engaged like, really engaged? Gonna marry?

Damn, this sucks anon, but it seems that your infatuation with him is something very, very old. Aren't you being blinded by nostalgia?

I sometimes talk to my first love. The image I have of her is definitely better than the person I meet to drink from time to time and this helps me forget her.
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> I like to think I've gotten better being a semi-functional PhD student, but I know it's not really much.

I'd reckon that's better than an elementary crush

Really, truly engaged. It is definitely a lot of left over infatuation, but us being ripped apart when I was 13 left me a huge mess that couldn't cope. Obviously we're not the people we were then and I don't even think we'd have anything in common anymore, but every time I see old Lucy and Mike interactions I can see him and I.

He was my first kiss too which makes it suck more.


plz no FITR
It was back in 2010 unless I'm remembering wrong, because I'm 80% sure that's the one that I saw.
Okay, so am I missreading this, or is there stealth shipping in the OKCupid one?
I mean why would Sue be looking up how much of a match she is with Paulo?
Why would she look disappointed?
>"well if everyone's talking about it, it must be good, right?"
I fucking hate normalfags
I see.
desu the only reason I read this shit is because it makes me remember a time when my relationships, crushes, flirting etc where a bit more inocent. I used to enjoy a bit of drama during my college years.
I cherish those memories fondly even though now as an adult I have no patience for so much misunderstanding and lack of objectivity.
Anyway, so I kind of understand what you mean
I fucking LOVE molly's face in the second panel
Me too, anon. Let's be friends.
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I just want to fuck like 5 of the characters, get off my dick
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>ctrl "sue"
>only 3 results
Get fucked Suefags
>3 people said this
I don't know if it's you guys, or me, but someone's about to have a revelation
Did this somehow roast a janie's sensitive jimmies?
What are you, some kind of racist?
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Who is cutest cat?
daisy and/or amaya
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Guess who the writer is?
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>tfw I forgot this happened

Mike is such an ass
mike is also mostly right
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literally donut steel tier OC's
He's not wrong, he's just an asshole

For whatever reason Lucy attempting suicide as a result of her being mentally unhinged was so convincing to me that I forgot Mike triggered it with his lack of tact.

I still ship them though. I'm a sucker for generic tsundere love stories
he was at the boiling point for a while so when he exploded, he really let her have it. i really like mad mike and hope we get more soon
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I am just tired of all the drama
I just want my happy ending, I want off this ride I've been here for 7 years
we all are...
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What the fuck, Daisy is still being a spineless drama queen. Why won't she fucking kill herself already.

Worst is that Paulo is still buying her shit. I want Paulo to fucking kick her on the place where her nonexistant boobs should be.
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wew there, calm down there anon, no need to be so angry
shes just insecure which is super cute
What was here
That'll just bring more disaster with it.

He was technically right, but damn did he make it a homerun of pure douchebaggery.
the only douchbag thing was the paulo bit. everything else was blunt and completely true
I gotta admit David looks pretty cute there. It's like one of those cute tearjerker comics, but with an actual background and written well.

Still a psycho with stunted feelings, no remorse and creepy dead eyes though
The douchebag bit was playing on all her insecurities during the rant like a cheap fiddle.

And also suddenly exploding when she wasn't being a bitch at all but actually trying to be supportive.

Take those two things out of the equation and he'd be fully in the right.

But now he's the one with metaphorical blood on his hands.
it really is but she's waving it around so often and so shamelessly it comes off as very annoying and cheap
he was just fed up after all those years that her insecurities more often than not left him hurt or bruised in some way. one second shes nice, the other she hitting him with harsh remarks or fists. it only makes sense, seeing as he tends to bottle up his emotions, especially around her with how difficult she is, that he would attack her insecurities. as for the sudden explosion, i know its not much but he was at the boiling point for a while at that point so the comments from her about her being glad that mike could finally be "happy again" and that "he needed this" likely came off as snarky comments to mike, which set him off
Goddamn this.

She should at least show attempts at trying to control her emotions.
You know I went to high school with a girl who you could easily make arguments for being shamelessly flirtatious and waving around her cute insecurities to lead on poor boys dumb enough to fall for it. I'll admit, I was one of those dumb boys. Unlike the other dumb boys, I didn't go all in, ask her out, only to get shot down. I didn't have the balls. So, I just shoved my feelings down and went on with my life. Eventually, I made friends with some girls and guys who were friends of hers and we ended up hanging out together at school. Turns out she wasn't a shameless flirt and intentionally leading on boys for fun. She was just autistic and attractive enough for her inability to figure out how to properly interact with people to come off as cute, flirtatious, and endearing rather than the autism it actually was.

And think it's the same thing with Daisy.
So? who's ready for daisy's birthday to turn into complete hell!
daisy is our autistic cinamonroll of cuteness
Makes sense. She isn't being malicious, she's just clinging to her autism to seem cute since that's all nerds like her can do.

Cute autism is still autism though. She is being very annoying and cheap right now, but probably only because she doesn't know any better.

Someone (I'd say Paulo, but he's a white knight for Daisy) needs to make her understand she is overusing her feelings and it is going to make things all worse for everybody. One effect solution I could see for this situation at this very moment is that she should probably just bear with it and then finally kill herself.
This should be a meme
that ends up emphasizing that he's no pure and innocent saint either.

Which means he still have a lot to learn and need to take full responsibility for his actions with no quick halfassed apologies.

So his conscience needs to take second place while he needs to understand how and why she feels like she does is now first priority.
I remember the original ad. It's actually an animated gif of Sue scrolling through a bunch of profiles. I remember all the other male characters having a low match % and David being like a 92% or something high.

Sue's unimpressed expression never changes.
C'mon Tae and Suit, you know you wanna make Daisy a genuine autismal.

After all, how else are we supposed to interpret the purpose behind the "Paulo is also a penis enthusiast" chapter besides being SocJus pandering.
he needs to appologize for being way too blunt and exploding on her and perhaps offer to either start things off anew or to just agree to never speak to eachother again. i dont think he should apologize for his feelings during the rant as it shows that its what he honestly thinks of her bad side which is honestly the side of her he sees the most. personally i think he should just ignore her and move to a new table as thats the rational thing that mike would likely do, nut that doesnt serve to create drama so it wont happen
What's this furry nonsense?

Take it to /b/
I don't think Daisy means to do so fully intentionally. It's been established how she envies people like Lucy who can attract all types of guys seemingly without trying, which is why she still has a level of attachment to Augustus. Not to mention her other insecuritiesas well, like her insecurity about her body. She comes off as those type of people who speak through their tears to get their point across, like how infants cry when it comes to pretty much everything. Babies don't do it to be deceitful, it's how they communicate their needs. The girlfriend of one of my friends was like that, to the point where her crying led him to delete a mutual friend of ours from his contacts since the friend in question was a girl
If the apology also includes that his own rage made him blind to her good side and when she was being genuinely nice, then I can deal with it.

Probably also worth to throw a hint that his rage also made him exaggerate part of his feelings.

But yeah, he better be clear on the fact he doesn't blame her if she doesn't want to be around him anymore, but rather doing it to make things right and trying to de-escalate the potential for further conflicts by being more than willing to talk it out if required.
>The girlfriend of one of my friends was like that, to the point where her crying led him to delete a mutual friend of ours from his contacts since the friend in question was a girl

I sincerely hope you called her out on it, complete with "crocodile tears" accusation.
I'm not really that close to his girlfriend, I've only met her a handful of times since they live in separate cities (it's not really a long distance relationship, she just went to a different school in a town a half hour drive away.) They're still together as far as I know, but I don't think he's been able to text our friend since then.
I would argue that the friends following him bit was also him playing on Lucy's insecurities, too. Mike revealed during "Happy Hour" how nobody everyone trats him as a joke and nobody likes him. After Lucy confessed her love and Mike understandably rejects it, what are the other reactions:
- Daisy berates Mike for being a meanie
- Paulo calls him an idiot for passing it up for an imaginary girlfriend
- Sue is pissed because more drama
- even Abbey is confused

Nobody takes his side or understands his feelings. Mike resents the fact that no matter what happens, Lucy will be favored and he'll be made out to be bad guy. As if without even trying, Lucy was not only making his personal life miserable, but his social life too.

During "December" he's brutally honestly, but i think the "who says they won't join me" was the point he knew better, but was so bitter that he wanted Lucy to feel the same sting he felt. He knew no matter what, they wouldn't abandon her. They'd just assume he was being a dick like thry did before.

But Lucy was in such a fucked up state, she believed every word of it.
I don't know why Taeshi tries, she'll never top this masterpiece
For some reason this feels like something investigators would find in a composition book in a serial killer's house.
>everyone treats him as a joke and nobody likes him

Well acting like a little bitch certainly won't win him the respect of others
What I got from that was Tsubasa Chronocles kind of thing. Author realizes Sakura is incredibly Mary Sue. (Probably from reviews) so they try to put her into becoming a badass situation. Have her split her skull and be all edgy while doing it so she can become a non-Mary Sue character with forced depth
So this comic is basically a angsty furry soap opera, right? Is there any end in sight?
>Tiff is in this
Jordan's gold digging crush has existed that long?
I hope she kills herself mid-party and no one even bothers.
Abbey was always nice with women.
Until his anger gets the best of him.

Being around someone like Daisy who'd lust for others while next to him would definitely make him snap and show him as a father's boy.
>Until his anger gets the best of him.
He only slammed a bully and then Paulo several pages later. It was only once and the latter case was after a huge amount of repressed emotion.

In this logic Lucy would be a future husband beater since she always kicked the crap outta Mike.

>Being around someone like Daisy who'd lust for others while next to him would definitely make him snap and show him as a father's boy.
Frankly even if he snapped I doubt he would hit Daisy, mostly likely it would be the guy in question. Heck he couldn't even shout at his sister without feeling like a monster.

I'm the girl that the guy fell for/got engaged to in this type of situation.

I feel awful for the other girl because I'm 90% sure she's still in love with him after all these years and I don't blame her.

>tfw you are Sandy
the problem wasnt that his feelings were invalid its just that he's childishly small-minded, compared to everyone else who can handle balancing their grief with others' emotions

stuck in kid-mode, he's unnecessarily bratty when mad and fit to ignore other people's emotions when convenient
Bullshit. Compared to everyone else? Have you even looked at everyone else? All these kids don't give a single fuck about anyone but themselves. They are ALL bratty, and if you don't see that you are blind as a fucking bat.
Well, they are repeating themes

Mike himself has dealt with realizing he was ignoring feelings twice (Daisy and Lucy) and its been highlighted that he's aware when he goes too far with his putdowns

Im not saying the rest of the kids are saints compared to him, Im just saying they're tad bit more cognizant when it comes to navigating other's wellbeing, where Mike tends to be more tunnel-visioned with his "correct path" (being with his childhood love). Even Paulo, albeit sloppily, maintains a level soft-heartedness when navigating a garbage love life
>where Mike tends to be more tunnel-visioned with his "correct path"
Not that anon, but wouldn't the mistake be with the girls who keep flirting with the boy who everybody knows that is taken and says so at every opportunity?

It's literally trying to provoke Mike into cheating. And yet Mike stood true to Sandy.
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>Is there any end in sight?
No. It's being stretched out as long as money keeps coming in.
You're right in that Mike's faults don't involve Daisy's lack of self-esteem and Lucy's attachment issues, leading to them being pushy. Its more where Mike attempts to convince himself that his "perfect path" is flawless is where the issue lies and his touchiness on the subject makes itself apparent to several characters throughout the comic. With the cracks in him and Sandy's relationship being reinforced I'd be very surprised if the comic didn't end with Mike finally learning to let go of the past
>David and Sue are 92% match
This is probably as close as we'll get to official confirmation that everything that happens in this comic is shadow puppeteered by the two of them, as complimentary forces of Chaos and Order.
Even if Mike path isn't perfect, that doesn't change through that Mike is a taken guy and those girls are trying to make him cheat. That's very scummy, a parallel being made with trying to seduce a military wife.
Mike didn't refrain from leading Lucy on, until he snapped and remembered that Sandy existed
I agreed with you, that doesn't make him a bad guy

>You're right in that Mike's faults don't involve Daisy's lack of self-esteem and Lucy's attachment issues, leading to them being pushy
>Mike didn't refrain from leading Lucy
After how much time of her constant attempts? Solitude plus constant heat are a dangerous combo.

And that really doesn't excuse Lucy from attempting snatching a compromised dude.

>until he snapped and remembered that Sandy existed
Yes, because his conscience remembered him. He felt tempted but in the end he resisted.
here's hoping it goes worse than the slumber party
>After how much time of her constant attempts?
I mean right after Sandy left. Mike treated Lucy as his rebound.
i hate talking to you people about this comic it just makes me sad
post cute cats being lovey dovey instead
>I mean right after Sandy left.
It wasn't right after.

>Mike treated Lucy as his rebound.
Mike treated Lucy just like he would treat Daisy, as someone for support. The fact however is that Lucy wanted what he couldn't give.
polyamory is the quickest solution for all your love triangle problems
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aPaulogists and Lucyfags represent here!
Drama Leader standing by
>not a sexual harasser
Paulo speaks the truth so hard in this panel
so any of these cats fuck yet?
Why do you want to know?

the white dog, purple cat, and the tails/sephiroth knockoffs
Paulo did it with two.
Augustus did it with one.
Daisy, Lucy, Mike, Abbey, Sue, Amaya are pure.

From dogs David is pure. Rachel is full slut mode.
mostly because i tried to read it before and the constant "will they or wont they?" teasing got too much for me.
They are in high school. Fucking is for college.
Jessica also did it with Paulo.

She probably scissors her gf too. Looks like Tess was right about her being a slut after all. Also Tess fucked her ex.
Oh anon...
I must have went to a bad school then
Daisy, David, Sue, Mike and Lucy have had sex in AUs and are thus tainted despite not being canon.
Mike, Lucy, David and Sue were already adults through.

Daisy is a cheating slut.
cheating and "pent up" dont go together
Mike is a happy go lucky kid who has a hard time realizing his fuckups before they've done quite a lot of damage.

But that's his autist like tunnelvision and focus in action.

Then why are you here?

Not the smartest way of wording it, but still right.

But this reeks of Paulo getting the reboot treatment because it means it's easier to write him as a drama stirrer.

I bet the "I like men too" thing is the only exception to getting hit with that.
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They go perfectly since one doesn't justify the other.
>Mike is a happy go lucky kid who has a hard time realizing his fuckups before they've done quite a lot of damage.
Which fuckup?

The complaint about Mike is always December and it's usually 'he should have been nicer about that'.
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> Alternate future with Sue fucking Paulo
> Paulo covering his face in shame, crying for Rachel the whole time.
> Sue having to be on top, yelling at him to shut the fuck up and to hurry up & come so she can go home.

This is my head-canon.
Sue's play was such animu bullshit it was hilarious. She should have been the one committing suicide out of embarrassment. Pont escultura
>> Alternate future with Sue fucking Paulo
>> Paulo covering his face in shame, crying for Rachel the whole time.
>> Sue having to be on top, yelling at him to shut the fuck up and to hurry up & come so she can go home.
That shit happened in between pages
Hey, me too, only started a week or two ago but now sadly up to date :(
This. What gets me are the morons who insist Mike is at fault for Lucy trying to off herself (despite having apologized and asking to clean the slate just before). By that logic, Lucy is completely responsible for his verbal dressing down by virtue of her years of abuse. The truth is more nuanced but BCB fans are often too autistic to accept that.
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>despite having apologized and asking to clean the slate just before
>implying he was being sincere

Only because queen sandy decreed it so after he said lucy should just die
Go back and read the play chapter. He saw Lucy singing and got nostalgic/regretful. Sandy opened his mind about it, that's it. Kid was genuinely concerned when he heard something happened to Lucy later on.
>Only because queen sandy
How to easily spot a lucyfag.
it was a mix of genuine "wow she looks distant and messed up in the head" and because sandy motivated him since shes a gud girl
Ding damn Dong.

He's Incapable of thinking for himself and always needs his girlfriends opinion, even if she's only got a vague feedback from him to work with.
Do you honestly believe his growing hatred of Lucy in spite of everyone getting mad he didn't go with the flow is somehow not thinking for himself? Mike's problem is he hangs on Sandy's every word but even she could only get a begrudging agreement to try out of him.
all she did was made him realize he didnt want to be beat up or harrassed on a daily basis where the only reason he delt with it is because his friends would shit on him if he lashed back. dont give me that vauge feedback shit, its the truth that she did that
As someone who regularly dreams about former crushes, let me tell you

The dreams are 10000% percent better than the people. I wake up everytime wondering what could have been and then I remember there were other crushes.

I hate to pull the fish and ocean card because I hated being told that, but it's pretty relevant
Apparently Sandy blew every rich sicko pervert pedos all over the world
>t. Lucy
dont bring Ding Dong into this he just wants to make funny rhymes
>implying Daisy isn't as salty about Sandy if not more so.

At least Sandy vouched for Lucy after Mike's bitchfest. What did Daisy get for being Sandy's childhood bff? Treated like Sue.
i hope daisy brings it up to mike at some point, maybe when she's consoling him after mikexsandy dies in the pits of otp hell
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>yfw Mike and Sandy eventually break up
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I feel like Daisy did have a jealous moment and said something about how... flirtatious Sandy was. It was uncommonly catty of Daisy at the time, too. I cant remember what chapter.

Point is, Daisy can be an ice cold bitch sometimes.
her sentiments are the same as lucys in that she dislikes that mike likes the chick whos miles away instead of the one whos always around like herself. she really wants to win the mike bowl, i hope she does
Beats waterworks Daisy
Don't you mean watersports Lucy?
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>tfw the series ends when Sandy decides to cut all ties with Mike, having made more "adult" friends, who actually understand her and her lifestyle instead of just hanging onto her out of some act of desperation, thinking it's what he's "supposed to" do
>Mike can't handle it, and goes into full on nuclear meltdown mode, burning all bridges, while Lucy becomes closer with the main group again, as Paulo refuses to turn his back on her, and Daisy clings to him
>The exact reverse of that threat he gave Lucy about being abandoned by the group happens, and Mike finds himself utterly alone, having pissed off disappointed everyone he took for granted
>It ends as Mike tries to kill himself much like how Lucy did, but Lucy shows up to try and talk him down
>Mike slips and drags Lucy with himself on accident in a reverse of the scene from when she fell of the bridge
"House of the Rising Sun" starts playing
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Fuck, I can see it.
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>Treated like Sue
I don't wanna enter your magical realm
if only mike was that retarded
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> next panel pans out to Daisy wistfully saying "I guess life really is a bittersweet candy bowl!"
>The End

Someone post it. I'm on mobile and too lazy
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Gotcha covered, m80.
Thread is on its way to the archive anyway, might as well.
I forgot about this, thanks anon
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and desist
Nah Sandy will wreck him emotionally after he opens up about his doubts, and combined with his experiences elsewhere he'll decide being open about stuff is an invitation for pain. He'll pretend everything is fine.

That or he'll feel used again and get hyper cynical.
he's gonna do the lucy thing of staying at home and talking to nobody, locking himself in his room
We all agree that Mike x Sandy has no future, right?
The date was cringy as fuck.
I just hope he doesn't get cucked but that is what would happen in real life, not even joking
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>We all agree that Mike x Sandy has no future, right?
Unless Sandy stops being a "I'm mature now" bitch or Mike stops being childishly naive and shortsighted, then yeah, it doesn't look good.

They're together because they don't wanna be alone, and nostalgia goggles, not because they have much in common.
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just realized lucy's family likely woke up to these two sleeping in lucy's bed
And a piss-soaked scarf next to them.
they'd probably be pretty pissed
Literally shit tier fetish.
What pisses me off about this is how it draws you in with this cute shit. Lucy being a total bro, Mike being sympathetic. Then while your guard's down, fucking piss.
It's actually 1 tier higher than shit.
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Fucking what

any sane person would drink piss over eating shit
Why did he not get her a towel? or a cup?
This is just weird
>We all agree that Mike x Sandy has no future, right?
Not really. I do believe Mike and Sandy can work out. They just need to settle down and sort their issues.
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When their issues is that they grew apart, then that's really unlikely.

Not impossible, but VERY unlikely.
best course of action is to agree to wait after high school then get back together imo. mike needs to get his shit together before he can even begin to date someone who's so into their work as sandy is
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