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Beauty and the Beast

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Meh, it's still gonna make money, so it won't stop the trend. Maybe the next one could be a flop.
sorry WBaby but your days are numbered
>Maybe the next one could be a flop.

Shit, that's going to be Mulan and I am honestly hyped for it much more than this or Cinderella. We know it already changes some shit around instead of being pretty much the cartoon
What an obvious Kremlin shill! Why do we allow Russian influencing our movies? Just because there is a gay character and USSR can't be progressive, doesn't mean we will stand to have our country hacked, bribed, and gutted by Putin.
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>that article
Have adults always been such passive aggressive babies or am I just growing up and noticing it more?
Disney doesn't flop

Man whatever else the movie does they're not going to have a Beast that actually looks as good as the OG Beast.
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The guy is a neckbeard and everything.
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Cough cough
>the writer of one of the best Catwoman runs ever
I trust her opinion.
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Depends on the society near you

In some places they're just aggressive
They haven't.

The way adults, all over the world, behave today, is atrocious. Horrible, greedy, cowardly, spoiled things, encouraging each other to have kids and play house just to validate their empty, tragic existence.

Not to say having a family is bad. Just that no one is doing it correctly, have any real values or have any actual concern for the near future and just want to leave a mark on the world in some way, even if they have to pollute it.
jesus grandpa at least try and pick something from this DECADE
*rolls eyes*

Nah, senpai, that's what every generation says and does. You're just an adult now, so you're being introduced to adults as they treat each other and not pose for children.

The human race is a big fugazi, a big play. Some people rebelling childishly against the idea of adulthood and some people thinking childishly that to be adult is to be self-serious, pompous and anal about rule and order. Human condition. Personally finding meditation helps with that.
>i-it doesn't count because it's old!
You're adorable.
not just that shitty WB that was the previous record holder for best March opening weekend

>Disney’s live-action musical “Beauty and the Beast” has opened with a magical $16.3 million at Thursday night preview screenings in North America.

>The preview gross was the biggest of the year and the biggest ever for a Disney live-action title, finishing above the preview numbers for “Iron Man 3” and “Furious 7.”

Fuck off faggot, you're just as bad
>this backpedaling
CGI Lion King is next. That shit gonna make big bucks only because Lion King is in the title.
>every generation says and does
There's only been a handful of generations that look at this world as a place they could affect individually. From an historical standpoint, most people were born, lived, and died all in the same 50 miles radius.
there's clearly an alt-reich homophobic bias

fuck off and die please
Nah, mate, I'm very much not /pol/ and find the ideology spouted from the most stereotypical parts ofthe board to be abhorrent, but this really doesn't look like a good film to me. It seems really derivative and coasting entirely on being the animated movie but in live-action. There's little sense that they're using the live-action medium to add dimension to the story.
Stop propagating that bullshit. Her run was generic as fuck.
I would love to be able to meditate, but if I'm doing it to forget about how horrible grown human beings behave when they think they can get away with it, I would have to remove myself from society altogether. I really, really hate it, I don't want to drink anymore, and I don't want to live in the US anymore. This is kind of a good talk because fucking off to the wild is probably the best option I have right now anyway.
The Lone Ranger and John Carter off the top of my head.
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I got u senpai
>There's only been a handful of generations that look at this world as a place they could affect individually. From an historical standpoint, most people were born, lived, and died all in the same 50 miles radius.

Isn't that a victory, though? That individual humans are starting to have the means and freedoms to define their own lives rather than having them defined from someone else with power?
I never seen anyone NAIL IT SO PERFECTLY
>That individual humans are starting to have the means and freedoms

Not most people. There is a hell of a lot of collateral damage in this dept.
It sounds counter-intuitive, but I find that when you give people the opportunity to be better, they will be. Cynicism is understandable as a perspective, looking at the world and general human history, but I think that it's self-perpetuating. Humans acting horribly because they assume everyone else will.

I try not to think too much about other people either good or ill. Comparison with others, whether you think them superior or inferior to yourself, whether you base that judgement on ethics or how hard they work or sexuality or whatever, ends up getting you caught in emotional traps.

I can sympathise with 'fucking off to the wild', to be honest, anon; I do think that we're getting increasingly out of touch with nature, and that's for the worse.
Man I was just pointing out inconsistencies in how people think about others worldviews. Don't go all philosophical on me.
>your movie is a piece of shit
>mouseshills: "b-but it's going to make money!"
Everytime. Disney is to artistic integrity what meth to healthy teeth
Which is why I use 'starting'. Obviously there's a ways to go and powerful men who use their influence for ill that need challenging.
Lone Ranger would have bankrupt Warner Bros, that much of a bomb it was. This year's Pirates may go the same route
>Lone Ranger

Oh fug I forgot about that. What a goddamn disaster.
that was 06? jesus
>mouseshills post copypastas from /lit/
But they aren't being challenged. They are the ones who are going to live on and pass on their ways. Because their way works, while everyone else is being driven like chattel into the wild or into serfdom.

I know this isn't /co/ related but this is why people have a knee-jerk response of "edgy" because they're so used to endless horse shit and don't want to be reminded of their neutered state of being.
ide go see a disney made live action alladin.
That's not true
I actually agree on that front, anon. I won't say 'their way works' because that suggests that those with power are working in the best interests of everyone, but it does work for them.

And their methods do need to be challenged or at least not played into.

People don't like being reminded that they lack power. I think that people have a response of edgy to that, yes, but I do think tact is important as well if you want people to listen.

have you ever read Prometheus Rising by any chance anon?
So people get tired and leave the thread that offended their corporate masters?
Nope, I'll definitely keep it in mind though.
>$332.2 million

Try again
>mfw both headlines are true

What a soulless machine Disney has become. I seriously hope this shit doesn't break the BvS meaningless record, that's the only thing that would hurt these psychopaths. Just like they don't give a fuck about oscars, but Suicide Squad cucking Doctor Strange was a massive blow.
Give it a look, it's a bit dense/esoteric at first but it deals with a lot of the concepts of power relations and how those with power are able to keep those without complacent. It's an interesting read, I think you'd enjoy it (based on 3 or 4 anonymous messages sent on an imageboard lel),
>no spider-horse carriage
>final battle sucks
>Maurice's Lumberjack Mecha is replaced by a fucking ballet set

God damn it.
>Just like they don't give a fuck about oscars, but Suicide Squad cucking Doctor Strange was a massive blow.

What does keep people caring about the Oscars.

I'm a film fan, I care about film. But why is so much energy expended by news media covering what amounts to a self-congratulatory award ceremony for the ultra-rich? What's achieved there? There's very little artistry involved. Yes, it's ostensibly celebrating artists, but the Academy could do that without so much overblown pomp. What's all the spectacle for?
>trying to sell French stories in the official year of the muslim
Fuck critics. This movie is going to be a success. Disney doesn't make bad movies.
>What's all the spectacle for?

At this point the award ceremony should be private, just for the people who want to show up to the afterparty and eat swan meat and do tons of cocaine or whatever they do.
Maybe if they advertised the gay character more it would havd gotten some special tumble brownie points
>I'm a film fan, I care about film
What are you doing in a board about shit movies?
>Disniggers have to push how much they hate BvS in every article

If Disney fags like to call BvS a flop, but B&tB can be compared to it, then doesn't that make B&tB a flop?
I feel like this is bait, but it's sad that people actually think like this
>Disney doesn't make bad movies.
Not that someone likes everything Disney has put out, but that one could become inured to a corporation like this
>thinking that was a blow to anyone

Nigga, nobody but WBfags care. They repeat it like a mantra and everybody just laughs at them for being so retarded.

Also, how was Strange cucked? The only Oscar it was seriously up for wasn't even in the same category that SS won. Do you know what 'cucked' actually means?
Inertia from when I was a teenager and I still like some comic books, to be honest.
Wow. The lumberjack of doom and Gastons song were the two bits I was looking forward to. They seriously didn't bother building that? Even with cgi?

I work in theatre and building that thing with practical effects would have been a dream come true.
Heh, sure.

>gotta make another cent!
The problem is that they made the exact same movie they made 26 years ago except with worse singing and an openly gay LeFou.
>Nigga, nobody but WBfags care.

So all those people having a meltdown over SS winning an Oscar didn't happen?
By being destroyed by both Harry Potter grampa or something and Harley Quinn. And if you think anyone buys your HAHAHAHA threads as anything other than you crying over that, you're very wrong my shill friend.
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>Board about shit movies
>About movies
People can have more than one interest you actual autist.
Oh hey, Valentine wrote this.
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>multiplied by 2 makes 54
>add a 1, which is what the Oscar looks like
God this shit is dumb.

They're critics,they're an award organization, this shit is all arbitrary.

Why do you have to prove that what you happen to like is so much better than what other people like? Why do you guys care so much? If you enjoy it, that's fine, if you don't, that's fine too.

What's with this dick-measuring contest over something that you had no part in making?
It's fucking bait dude
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>the Oscars don't count because muh marlel didn't get any
It's fine by me but there are shills here and it's fun to trigger them.

Suicide Squad is a piece of shit but I love the flick because of the reason stated above
>literally say 'both sides are stupid in this debate'
>you must be a Marvel fanboy


I can appreciate your philosophy more anon.
The film costed $350 million including marketing to make, you fucking idiot.
Hell, I remember it going up against Madagascar.

I was still in 7th or 8th grade.
Welcome to the internet.

Any company dumb enough to pay someone to shitpost on /co/ would have gone under years ago.
They pay other companies to do "online promotion" or "viral marketing", or whatever. Shitposting on a slow board like /co/ costs cents because it's just one guy with a tab open while he shills somewhere else at the same time. Better believe because it's true.
>Genevive Valentine
Based Valentine.
It's a remake of a Disney movie starring the feminist of the moment and featuring actual faggotry. I am very surprised Ars didn't like it, even if the authors main complaint seems to be "Belle wore a dress".
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This. Its fine if someone wants Godfather pastiche #47854, but it pretty much stripped Selina of all her character to achieve it. She became bland and brooding and angsty to serve the story, instead of actually putting the character of Selina in such a position navigating the pitfalls.
>>Suicide Squad is an Oscar-winning piece of shit

but it's set in 16th century france.

she should be wearing dresses.
i applaud emma's effort, if it wasn't disney she would have sunk it
In the end it's still just a movie about a bland girl falling in love with a rich, big, hairy, man dog.
Fuck off, Cranky.
I was always weirded out by the relative similarities those two movies had.
Sort of an Antz and Bugs Life deal

If the farm girl was played by a black man and the movie consisted of him sucking Beast's feminine penis for two and a half hours while ranting about Trump Ars would have rated it 10 out of 10.
Did you somehow forget the flops they had in recent years?
Lone Ranger, John Carter, Prince of Persia, Tomorrowland, and Treasure Planet if we go back a little farther.

Live-action adaptations of beloved animated Disney movies, however, do not flop.
People seemed barely aware of the Cinderella movie, and it still did great.
>only the smartest 27% of critics liked BvS
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Everyone forgets Mars needs moms. Can't say Ii blame them though.
we agreed never to talk about it.
>Mars needs Moms
Sounds like a porn movie set in Rome.
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>you can ask any Tom, Dick, or STANLEY?!?!?!?!

what did he mean by this?
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Mulan may flop. These days the idea of Ra Ra Girl Power is a dangerous risk. This isn't the 90s anymore. A lot of people, especially men, are tired of this Gynocentric shit. Wonder Woman's film is going to determine whether or not Girl Power still sells. If WW flops? Then Mulan is in serious shit.
It's a bad acting choice.

The audience knows that "Tom, Dick or Harry" is the traditional phrase, and therefore "Stanley" written in to complete the rhyme is a joke to the audience--but LeFou in 18th century France wouldn't know that, which is why it should be played/sung straight.

The actor decided it was necessary to break character and comment on the line, which oversells its humor and kills it. And the director, being a hack, allowed this.
People won't watch the Mulan remake for girl power shit, they'll watch it to hear "I'll Make a Man Out of You" on a big screen again, and it will be boycotted it if it doesn't have a 100% non white cast.
I mean men on here are tired of it, most men I know keep their heads down. Gotta watch out for the echo chamber effect.
i know SO MANY fucking 45 yr old moms going to see that movie, they must have flooded the place with their lust for disney and wanting to be young again
Honestly thought it was better than the original but since the original was just average too it didn't improve on much.but isn't this more of a /tv/ subject?
>it will be boycotted it if it doesn't have a 100% non white cast.
No, Asians are also privileged so people will be asking "where are the black people" despite it being an Asian movie.
Can you tell us what did it have better over the original?

I personally liked new Jungle Book over old Jungle Book because it told a more coherent story, but everything I see about new B&B just makes it look like a 1:1 remake.
by any chance how much have you interacted with other men outside of 4chan?
>a lot of [trumpkins and socially out of touch men on 4chan] are tired of this [perceived] gynocentric [media]

Fixed that for you.

In any case, Mulan transcends "girl power" movies, it's about a mythic national military hero who was also a woman. Also, Chinese market.

A live action Aladin, especially in the current climate, would be awful.

>Every casting choice would be bitched about by both liberals and /pol/tards.
>Genie would never live up to Robin Williams.
>They'd go through so much effort to make sure the film doesn't evoke Islamophobia in anyone that the film will suffer, and fail to do so anyway.
That song has a lot of poor line delivery choices.
More minorities!
it is a 1:1 remake, however some of the flaws of the original stemmed from the fact that it was a product of it's time and made for kids. With the remake being more modern and meant for everyone it feels more down to earth and well, human. other than that you're right though, it's literally just beauty and the beast. it's not a dramatic take or someone else vision, just beauty and the beast updated for modern audiences. and that update gives it the minor edge for me.
People watched Mulan in the 90s because it was an animated movie made by Disney.

People will watch the remake because of nostalgia.
>it is a 1:1 remake,
So the exact same thing?

>just beauty and the beast updated for modern audiences.
What the fuck does that even mean?
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>attempts to pretend there's something there that wasn't there before

I've not read the article, what's this supposed to mean? It pretends like it's new but it isn't? Someone explain
BFG, Alice 2, and Pete's Dragon were three of last year's biggest flops.
>So the exact same thing?
not literally a 1:1 remake. I meant it figuratively as in there's not enough change to the core story, characters, dialogue, etc to be considered a new take on beauty and the beast. it's just beauty and the beast updated for the modern audience.

>What the fuck does that even mean?
The changes they did make were to fix the problems of the movie being a product of it's time. Things like Gaston being an actual sociopath rather than just MANLY AND EVIL, LeFou actually being gay instead of Smee (him paying the people to sing "gaston" instead of gaston just being THAT liked is one of those little improvements over the original.), the beast and belles relationship not coming off as Stockholm syndromey, etc. These little changes give it an edge but all in all it's the same movie. if you liked the original you'll like this one.
It's literally just a reference to the last few lines in a song in the film (around like 2:10). Or at least the original film. I haven't seen this remake so I have no idea if they canned it or not.

I guess it's a reference to how its publicity is focusing so much on how progressive it is for having a gay character and a few minorities in unimportant roles but in the end it's the same old story of the girl that falls in love with the rich monster that captures her.
I haven't seen it yet, but I do like the idea of Beast being more civilized rather than not even knowing how to read or eat in a table despite being a fucking prince.
The beast is way more developed than before and there's more of a reason for belle to fall in love with him besides "he's kind (even though I was his prisoner a while ago)". still doesn't get a name though.
Are those actual figures or is that /tv/ math where everything costs 5 times their budget because reasons.
200 million production budget with reports of 150 million marketing budget
>That fucking drug trip that was "Be our Guest"
Holy shit don't care what anybody says, shit was golden.
That's how DCucks roll.
reports from where? /tv/?
depends on their sources you limp dicked retard
I'm laughing so hard at Emma Watson picking this shitty Disney remake over La La Land. It's even better when you compare how good Emma Stone was in that to how dire Watson is here, it just shows the difference in charisma.
Yeah, I can't imagine at all why a female would ever jump at the chance to actually become a disney princess.
Even if they spent 0 on marketing it would still be a flop because they only get half the money.
>actresses get to be Disney princesses
>actors get to be superheroes
What a time to be alive!
Honestly, Watson made the right choice dropping La La Land for this. That musical was boring as fuck and completely undeserving of all the hype. It was pretentious without the substance that warrants it, artsy without being artistic, and the sets drifted from ironically cliched art film to cheap high school play. Watson knew that any disney movie will make a fuck ton of money so she went with it over a dumb movie that wouldn't sell well. She probably just turned on acting auto-pilot like Natalie Portman in the star wars prequels and she will cry over the poor reviews all the way to the bank.
They should have made Beauty and the Beast a superhero movie about Beast using his superhuman powers to help people. Gaston gets jealous and Belle falls in love with him, but Beast has to spurn her love since if his curse is lifted he can't protect the city from EVIL WOLVES AND WITCHES anymore. "I'll make sure no one else has to suffer the way I did!"
they should have had a polygamous relationship with Beast ending up with both Gaston and Belle.
There was a tv series like that where he lived in the sewers or something I believe. The 90's/00's were a hell of a drug.
Isn't there a very recent one where the "Beast" is just a handsome guy with a scar on his face?
Whoa that's awesome! Know the name of it? He should have teamed up with the Hunchback. Hunchback v. Beast would make a great movie/TV special.
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Well more than one scar, but yeah, Beastly
>get best actress oscar or star in a soulless piece of corporate trash
Alright, I'm a full marvel fanboy and hate everything the DCEU has put out, but that's uncalled for.
Alice 2: Johnny Depp's Fashion Nightmare
>Victor Zsasz as: THE BEAST!
This is the one I was talking about
I had to sit through the panel for that at comic con, I think they showed up the whole pilot
Beauty the Beast &
Wait a minute. Do you mean to say that /co/ ISN'T a movie board?
But then how do you shove in the classic songs that are 90% of the reason why people are even watching the remake?
is sexy french maid in this for 5 seconds so i can fap hard like in the original?
Yes, but she is black now.
Gaston listens to them using his Walkman.
god dammit culture!
french maids are white and busty, not black and dumpy
You can work them in. I imagine Be Our Guest can be when he invites one of the head witches (also mob boss) for dinner as part of an undercover sting operation. The movie would also be part crime procedural.
They can ask that all they want, but we Asians don't care about the stupid sjw shaming tactics. We'll just laugh.
>"Beauty" and the Beast
>starring Emma Watson
It was ruined from the get go.
>we Asians
post feet
Beauty and the Beast. It starred Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman as a sexy lion man. The more recent CW show is VERY LOOSELY based on its concept.
Then what about the Asian girls complaining about Iron Fist and the Ghost in the Shell movie?
Or the museum exhibit.
Asian-americans are very whiny, I have found. You're right though, Chinese and Japanese are impervious to the sjw agenda.
So /co/, for once even the Walkers are on the "it's shit" side

Thank you! I'll be sure to watch an ep when I can. Maybe you can watch it with me.
Exactly. The sjw shaming tactics are tools which can be adopted to be used against whites, because we have observed that whites are vulnerable to them. But they're not tools which can be used by blacks against us.
>implying those plebians can recognize Disney kino if it hit them over the head
>nobody but me seems to like Quantum Leap
>the one time I see a post even tangentially related to Quantum Leap it's this not very good shitpost
WW, Mulan, Sirens, and Cap Marvel are both coming out soon, brother.
Regardless they tear Emma Watson apart
Why didn't the Emma Watson just "Adieu" herself out of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each remake following the girl wonder and her pals the Castle Furniture as they fight frightened villagers has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Disney approved the idea to live-action the series; they made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for their "vaults". The Beauty and the Beast series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Harry Potter series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the original was good though

"No!" The characters are dreadful; the songs are terrible. As I watched, I noticed that every time a character underwent an emotional change, the movie instead had the character "sing a song."

I began marking on the back of a box of crab legs every time that trope was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the box several dozen times. I was incredulous. Disney's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that they have no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Beauty and the Beast by the same Alan Menkin. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are watching Beauty and the Beast at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to watch Sausage Party." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you watch "Beauty and the Beast" you are, in fact, trained to watch Sausage Party.
Everyone likes Quantum Leap, what are you talking about?
I'm glad, but I have my doubts about Captain Marvel and Sirens, for different reasons of course.
Anon just wanted to appear special for recognizing an old show.
Me too.

Even WW looks like a greenscreen mess, but, meh. Wimmins is wimmins.
>I noticed that every time a character underwent an emotional change, the movie instead had the character "sing a song."
That's what is supposed to happen in the musical; songs are supposed to divulge important character development or advance the plot. That is part of the reason I disliked La La Land because only one song actually did this. At least in Beauty and the Beast the songs were memorable.
But yes, this movie is for kids. That's what nearly all disney movies are for. This film isn't supposed to be some stellar work of cinema. Did you think Great Mouse Detective was marketed towards adults? No.
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>this movie is for kids
>This film isn't supposed to be some stellar work of cinema

This is the kind of logic that lowers the bar every generation. Keep shoveling lack-luster shit on kids, and that will be their standard. Then they'll use the same logic to shovel out another lazy production for their kids, and repeat.

Fuck you blind. An audience deserves to be wowed, no matter who they are.
>the Disney defense force doesn't even watch the source material of their products
like we needed more proof you guys are a retarded cult.
You are responding to a pasta about the Harry Potter franchise.
I suspected but I didn't even read it all lmao
>An audience deserves to be wowed
>post shitty CGI reaction image
Regardless of what people "deserve" or not, what gets made is what makes money. Why are people surprised by this?

Don't want crap like the B&B live-action remake? Don't watch it.

Is it making money? Turns out people do want to watch it.
Kids do not want to watch a fucking lynch movie or taxi driver. It is part of the developmental process, which is why forcing them to like high brow culture is detrimental to their well-being and will fuck them up for life.
As an American, we don't have a unifying culture to set guidelines to branch from, adjust, and correct.

It's anything goes.
BFG was sabotaged because they were upset at Spielberg over some shit.
La La Land was poop and probably paid less
BFG looked good, but then again I only saw parts of it from the backseat of a car at the drive-in. I heard it was all right, but derivative due to Spielberg being in his daddy phase.
I forgot Alice 2 and Pete's Dragon existed until they played on a plane I was on

wtf happened with the dress, why does it look like shit
Spent the budget on making Beast "hot."
they let Watson design it


Didn't she also refuse to wear a girdle at some point in production for really stupid reasons?

And no, I know it wasn't due to how uncomfortable those things can be.
But what if call the people who made the film homophobic and misogynistic?

Will this confuse everyone enough to allow me to slip through the cracks?

I even liked the ending
>Is it making money? Turns out people do want to watch it.

As opposed to what option? When shit is being put out, your options are shit.

And is the image that I post along with a comment really that important to you?

Because the only other option is grimdark edgy art films. It is impossible that there is anything in between. It's either Animated Titanic or Apocalypse Now. I didn't say anything about "high brow culture," I said a good movie. If you can't tell the difference, then that's on you.
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>Apocalypse Now
> grimdark edgy
you sound like a massive pleb. Don't even bother replying with more of your shit taste or opinions.
Yeah refused to wear a corset and refused to wear the long gloves too I think
>As opposed to what option? When shit is being put out, your options are shit.
You can just choose not to watch something. Your impulsive desire to consume whatever media is readily available to you has little to no weight on its quality.
Because it was sexist.

Y'know when tumblr of all places called her out on it then you know that was a stupid ass reason.
Didn't she miss a shot at being in La La Land because she made some outrageous demands before she would accept the part?
>p-please stop.

Honestly, I did. I don't really recall the last time I went to a theater, though I do recall it was because I actually wanted to see a specific film, not just to go to the movies. I stopped watching TV some time ago as well, and just choose specifically what I want to watch online.
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Kids movies can optimistic, but that doesn't mean they have to be shlock. These are made and produced by adults who should know better.
So if someone chooses not to watch things they don't want to watch, they're a fedora-tipping trench coat mafia boss? That seems to conflict the previous argument of being an impulsive consumer. You either do one thing and are wrong, or do the other thing and are wrong?

If those are the options, I'd at least opt for the one that saves me my time and money.
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>I am the most intelligent guy in this 4chan board
>I have no rebuttal.
I appreciate it.
It's a play on one of the lyrics from the Tale as Old as Time, and yeah I see what it's on about.

All this praise that it's not stokholm syndrome this time (which it wasn't), and that Belle is a 'strong independent woman' (which already she was), and Le Fou has gay subtext!
I don't think I have to comment on the last one.
>Le Fou has gay subtext

Has anything been said about how they're going to handle that for international audiences? Isn't that shit no-go in China and Russia?
Nice tears, hon.
>pre-sales rate how good a movie is
>not how good marketing is to get people to see a shitty movie
Frenchie get out!

get a load of this faggot
Who could've ever thought that hinging your movie on an "actress" popular not for acting ability but because she was jailbait 10-15 years ago and hasn't had a notable career since would give bad results?

>The sequel to a franchise nobody wanted makes $100 million
I fucking hate the Chinese. Not only does their language sound ugly, not only do the nouveau riche turds make nuissances of themselves globally whether it's being shitty tourists or buying up as much foreign property as possible but they allow garbage like XXX or Transformers to basically continue perpetually because they absolutely eat up anything that has explosions and pedestrianly fancy action scenes.
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Who could have possibly forseen that a soulless, unnecessary cash grab might have been bad
>encouraging each other to have kids
What? There's been a constant push in the media (both news and entertainment) basically saying that kids are a horrible burden that shackle you and that you can't afford and that living the child free life should be the millennial ideal.

If anything, combined with other things there's a marked effort to de-emphasize the concept of the family in modern society.
You should look up how the latest Resident Evil did
>They haven't.
>The way adults, all over the world, behave today, is atrocious. Horrible, greedy, cowardly, spoiled things, encouraging each other to have kids and play house just to validate their empty, tragic existence.
>Not to say having a family is bad. Just that no one is doing it correctly, have any real values or have any actual concern for the near future and just want to leave a mark on the world in some way, even if they have to pollute it.

>my brother
>uhm or sister
This guy right here. Come with me to the BoTW threads on /vg/ you'll be happy there.
They're just so dumb in the worst ways, I can't escape them, it's like a sardine can of head hitting idiotic insanity everyday.
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I can only hope that if we ever get a Kingdom Hearts film it'll be CGI instead of a live action/CGI combo.

Although I would like to see how the Disney teams that handle non-human CGI would handle the Heartless and Nobodies.
They've decided not to release it in at least one country.

Though I've also hear it really isn't much more than subtext so I don't know what the fuss is.
May as well ban Timone and Pumba.
>As opposed to what option? When shit is being put out, your options are shit.
Surprise, nobody HAS to watch any movie.

If nobody'd watch B&B, more movies like it won't get made. Sadly, people are eating up Jungle Book, Cinderella, and the rest of these low-effort remakes.

You can go watch better movies, and wait for a movie you like to come along.
Please take your cancerous JUST meme back to /tv/ and stay there. Forever.
None of the live action disney adaptions have been good. Not a single one. I'm sure someone will pretend jungle book was good because it pulled a bil but it was actually trite and easily the worst thing favreau has made.

Anyone actually looking forward to this is an idiot that knows dick about film.
This needs a CIA edit
GitS looks like it misses the point entirely anyway.
>easily the worst thing favreau has made
Iron Man 2?
Oh god, that's Emma Watson? Terrible.
Cowboys and Aliens?
I don't get it. I saw it, and thought it was pretty good. I'm sure 4chan will hate it because it has implied homosexuality, black people, and interracial relationships, but I'm surprised other people don't like it.
>Jungle Book
>live action
It was 98% animation though.
>The film titled "Made"
Alot of people don't know that oscars are just bribery for an award that can be used to make money off of the people who don't realize it has little to do with actual quality anymore.
>your movie is a piece of shit
>DCshills; "you just don't understand the deeper meaning" "we won a make-up Oscar"
>six hougs and thigty minutes lateg
>The dude playing the beast is the same guy that's doing an awesome job ad David on Legion
Wait what
Get soulless piece of corporate trash or get soulless piece of corporate trash that MAKES YOU A PRINCESS complete with accessories.
Gee. I wonder which a person might choose.
>not even tangentially related
Huh, I wonder why he would post something like that.
Nobody has posted John Carter.
*grabs your bulge* OwO what's this??...*rapes you*
Madagascar was rushed to push its release ahead of The Wild. That's why the character designs are so simple. Ironically, this made the characters much more visually appealing than the slightly uncanny valley animals in The Wild.
Mulan had a black guy. He was Mushu.
Oh this is just some white supremacy wishful thinking. "If we have a unified culture everything will fix itself". No, you're just creating a different set of problems. Fucking look at the other countries with a 'unified' culture. Live in China, Russia or Saudi Arabia for a while, see how you like it.
Nobody ever talks about it.
yeah it's a shame how shitty Japan, South Korea and Israel have gotten. Surely diversity is strength for some reason.
>Sarcastically implying they're doing well

Anon you don't want to live in Japan. I know your weeb anime shit has convinced you it's the land of milk, waifu tits and honey but it's really fucking not. Japan is a country where they have to put up signs begging people not to kill themselves because they're already skyrocketing above the rest of the world in that department.
holy shit you sound like the Mass Effect Andromeda fanbase
I actually think that was mostly white people for Iron Fist, and people don't give a shit that the Major is white, they give a shit that the movie looks like garbage
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pic related is the only reason I know this movie exists
yeah, yeah, but the men aren't breeding
do you know how good of an opportunity this is
im not gonna read the article, but dollars to donuts one of the author's complaints is about everyone being white
Why are french people always played by british people? How is this not racist?
Japanese women are shallow as fuck and just want a gaijin bf to teach them English and buy them tacky trinkets
and most of them are like dead fish in bed
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I don't think he's actually gay. What probably happened was that the organised preliminary screenings got a really lukewarm reception and they decided to put a "gay button" in to up the critical factor because they know critics/reviewers are more interested in being politically and socially relevant than giving a review/opinion on the technical aspects of a movie like acting, set design or story or whatever.

"So is the acting good?"
>"Socially relevant and courageous"
"Yes, yes, but was the acting GOOD? Convincing?"
>"Echos with the sentiments of society and its misgivings"
"Look, I'm just asking if you think the dialogue's not wooden, at least.
>"Gives a well-veiled message on the backwards-thinking state of Hollywood."

And so on and so forth.
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>one more time, think of your parents, siblings, and children
To be fair, that sign is up in the goddamn suicide forest.
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Does anybody hate the realistic crap that Disney's been doing lately?

I fucking hate it, as it strips the charm of the originals. Makes movies look even more generic and unappealing.
I haven't seen any of them, but I kinda wanna see the Mulan adaptation.

I wonder if there's enough asian talent for a full cast, or if there's a way to get around this.
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Recently played KH for the first time. I wan't aware it was a Final Fantasy crossover series, though I did know SE were involved. When Squall showed up I was fucking FLOORED at how stupid it was. Just thinking about why this series exists just boggles my fucking mind.
Went with my girlfriend a couple of days ago.
She really liked it. It was what she wanted, and what she expected.

To me? I was really just a live action version of the original. I still liked it though.

The only parst that really irked me was when LeFou turned against Gaston.
Also how much the theatre lost their shit when one of the goons seemed to enjoy being forcible dressed up like a woman by Madame de Garderobe, and when LeFou danced with another man.
I mean Jesus, pat yourselves on the back much?
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Bloody hell, not sure how I missed the reference honestly. Ta lads. I still don't really get it though. Does the movie try to force the agenda that it's bold, new and so progressive in comparison to the original?
That seems to be more the work of the media, if that is indeed what's being referenced by the something there that wasn't there before. I honestly didn't even know people were sort of shitting on the original.

Piss off, I've no need for your incessant shitflinging and I probably won't even watch this film anyway.
It does absolutely nothing to the originals.

The biggest problem is that it shows that Hollywood has no good ideas left so Disney would rather make money off nostalgiafags.
That's when adaptations of animated movies fail at this.

You can easily have any kind of person in animated movies without worrying having to show the actual person. Only thing to worry, is the voice and how it sounds.

In adaptations, you have to worry about this, because you need to follow closely the original source and it's context. And that depends on how much talent for a specific race. And guess what? It's limited. See Ghost in Shell's "whitewashing", because they couldn't find a suitable asian actor to cast for it. And as the result, it doesn't follow the context properly and failed horribly.
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Come on mate, this is a common critique.

I don't think it makes it more generic and appealing though, it's live action, the genre isn't inherently generic unless you think that way.
Not that I'm a fan of these live action remakes at all, animation is the way for me but from what I've heard these aren't that bad at all and they've put work into trying to make these something good. I've seen Jungle Book, it was decent but none of the others. I watched a bit of Cinderella once but something about the way the actor smiled threw me off and I stopped.

Is there anyone here who's a big fan of the originals and quite enjoys the remakes we've been seeing? A lot of them are just the same story with little differences, just not animated this time.
My problem with all these live action adaptations is how lazy and unoriginal they are. They only tweak little things and play them off as revolutionary (gay Lefou).

Moreover, they think they're creating something better than the source material, by making it either more "diverse" or more feminist. I recall a comment from one of the actors saying that this new version of Belle is "not just another princess" which made me think "why is being a Disney Princess suddenly a bad thing?"
Mushu is red. You're not pulling a fast one on me!
>LeFou turned against Gaston.
That happens? Of course that the new gay character isn't going to be allowed to be a bad guy.
>When Squall showed up I was fucking FLOORED at how stupid it was.
Squall was fucking awesome in that game shut up. Of all the things to complain about and you choose that hill to die on.
They totally had a suitable asian actress for it. It's just that ScarJo would bring in more money and the eastern market (China and Japan) don't really give a shit about whitewashing.

The movie looks awful anyways, with whitewashing and without.
>and they decided to put a "gay button" in to up the critical factor because they know critics/reviewers are more interested in being politically and socially relevant than giving a review/opinion on the technical aspects of a movie like acting, set design or story or whatever.
Which of course is why this movie is getting fantastic reviews.
There should be a sign like that on the Golden Gate Bridge.
At least with Cinderella, they expanded on the prince because he was a blank slate in the original.
Gaston is more of an asshole in the movie. He even ties up crazy old Maurice to a tree so he can get eaten by wolves.
not until it is internationally known as "Suicide Bridge" the sign is mostly there to try and stop people from killing themselves because it's bad press for Japan.
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milfs and centurions
China, communism. Russia, communism. Saudi Arabia, Islam.

Japan, anime. South Korea, witch cults. Israel, Judaism.

The entire world is a mess! Nothing can stop it from being terrible!
Eh, in the cartoon Belle is a bigger bitch than in the original story.
I wonder if that's ever dissuaded someone and caused him to turn his life around.
Cinemasnob said it was okay, but doesn't know why they even bothered making it other than $$$. He said it's like they added another 20min to the original animated version to give some characters development but that's it. If you're going in expecting something totally different you'll be disappointed.
The hope is that the signs, additonal patrols and other security will reduce the suicide rate in the forest by a fifth by seven years after they were posted. No idea if they've worked.

It's funny because all they really needed apparently was a nice old man that would talk to the people and offer them some tea.
That guy operated in The Gap, a suicide hotspot in Australia, not Japan.
>Iroh is real
Maybe Judge Dredd will work. "Suicide is against the law! Stop or I'll shoot!"

Japan needs to up their game.
I know.
If he was in Japan, maybe it wouldn't be called the Suicide Forest.

Fucking KEK.
There is an old guy going around talking to people.

I think his job was mainly to mark out dead bodies but he kept finding living people and talking them out of it.
aren't they finally putting up the net now?
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They finally approved it but there's been 2 delays so far. Supposedly construction starts this year and it will take 3 years.

>The bridge district’s barrier plan calls for a net extending 20 feet below and 20 feet from the side of the span, although it will have to be modified in certain areas because of surrounding terrain. It would take about three years to build.

>While people could still jump into the net, such occurrences might be rare because the net would act as a deterrent. A similar net was placed more than a decade ago on the Munster Terrace cathedral in Bern, Switzerland, and since then no suicide attempts have been reported.
so are American women
It's genuinely one of my favorite game franchises just because of the sheer absurdity of how stupid it is.
The more I thought about Kingdom Hearts, the more I was reminded of Star Wars.
There was nothing in Doctor Strange to nominate for Best Makeup of all things.

Mads's eyes were impressive, but they don't compare to Croc's whole body.
Mulan has a 2018 release date but Lion King could too

is it weird i'm kinda slightly interested in this PIrates? The villain's kinda cool...
Mads's eyes were half makeup, half CGI.
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Just came back from a showing of it. It was of course not as good as the original but it was pretty good. Emma was actually maybe the worst part of it whenever belle is supposed to feel enchanted or enraptured by the magic of the castle I just felt she wasn't selling it enough, but there is one stand out moment where Emma is singing Madame Gaston where she just really sells being upset really well.
The opening was the worst part I guess because the actors hammed it up in a really boring way for the townie song.
Generally the musical direction was less appealing to me then the original as well on Be Our Guest they lost the sorta slight off set on the choral parts during the rising part towards the end as well as the singers singing a lower harmony on it and that bugged the hell out of me.
It was still a lot of fun and I can see a young child going to see this in the theaters and growing up loving it so I think it did its job just fine.
They should've got Emma Rossum, they really fucked up that cor Belle
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>Your empire was built upon 2D animation
>Insult the existence of your 2D animated films with unnecessary live action remakes
Susan Egan will always be the only Live Action Belle for me.
Completely forgot that Emmy Rossum is trained in opera but is versatile enough to do contemporary musicals and pop.

Still wouldn't she have been too old?
Why do you guys care so much about a movie that you're never going to watch?
How come suicide is only so predominate in first world countries?

My assumption is the lack fo unity within family. When people do have families now they honestly have no idea what they are doing or wwhy its so valuable to themselves and society as a whole and neglect it.

People lean more and more to individualism as a result of being betrayed be their families ect ect. A very depressing environment. people having smaller and smaller families also meant the elderly had to rely on the government more and more as it became more difficult for the family to micro manage as it became smaller on average.
>that's probably what Emma Watson was thinking
the writer's grasp of the obvious is truly inspiring, Disney has a business to run
The suicide rate in my city alone is higher than Japan, fuck off.
Pic related, muh city.
I think it is a sense of meaninglessness to life brought about by industrialization coupled with the resources or education to establish this meaninglessness.
She's 30, just 4 years older than Watson
Well, family can bring a very strong meaning to life, especially when you have a wife and children.

But a lot of people i knew grew up with a single parent or broken/breaking family on average. You then turn to worth in materialism when that emotional fulfillment is lacking, but then the materialism is also bleak and purposeless.

For me, the family is the country on the molecular level. Every class and age is accounted for. The elderly, men women, children. Its very important to make sure families are catered to the most in that sense because of this.
>Emma Watson turned down La La Land for this

Wonder what she's thinking
I don't care about owning anything and I'm never gonna have a spouse or children. And I think many others are the same way? What are they to do? What about the people like them in countries where most of the stuff you say is already the norm? Countries like Japan for instance.
Honestly, i was like this but i fell in love with someone i met off vee and now my life has never been more dank.

I'd say devote yourself to a skill you enjoy and benefits the country, or try falling in love, if you feel directionless that is. Family isn't for everyone, but having no purpose will probably be more harm than good in the end. You just have to find something that works for you.
I have a purpose. I write and edit comics for all-ages audiences. So I guess there's that. I've tried falling in love but no one will have me. But this ain't a blog thread. This is about Beauty and the Beast. So I'll get back to that.

Probably wondering when the first Sound of Silence memes are gonna crop up. Or think the entire world is wrong. One of those.
IIRC there's a guy like that in the Tojinbo cliffs but Aokigahara is just too big for that.
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>How come suicide is only so predominate in first world countries?
Not that much, but since murder rates are lower and violent deaths are rarer in the first world, suicides have a relatively bigger impact.
>gay subtext
>gay buttsex

Has this anagram ever been more relevant?
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I'm saying there is no culture at all.

Also, culture does not equal race, maybe educate yourself a bit if you're going to attack an actual white supremacist in the near future.
Millennials are the first generation to grow up so coddled since perhaps Victorian England, and before that the Renaissance, and before that the early days of Imperial Rome.

In other words, abundance and prosperity are thus far the most culturally destructive phenomena imaginable. It castrate entire societies in just a few years.
>Live-action adaptations of beloved animated Disney movies, however, do not flop.

Petes dragon.
>Ron Perlman as Beast.
Also They look like an 80s Glam couple. Except if Furries got started in the 80s.
>black woman
>turns into a WHITE feather duster
I don't think it's particularly relevant now
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I rewatched the original tonight.

>Western Animation/Disney will never produce anything this good ever again


Why bring up BvS when talking about Beauty and the Beast? That makes sense unless BvS has the pre sales record
>because they're already skyrocketing above the rest of the world in that department.
Wasn't that Norway or Sweden?
Disney would NEVER be capable of making ANY kind of KH anything. Not even a 5 minute short where say Sora is fighting Lingering Will with no dialogue (so think something akin to some segments of Samurai Jack).

But why would Disney be incapable of doing this? For one thing KH is very action oriented. The second and most problematic aspect of KH? It's a story of a boy going on adventure. A white boy who combats evil antagonists and aims to defeat more.

Disney is for GIRLS. The concept of a competent white male is disgusting to that Estrogen leaking company. Hell if they made a KH anything? Bet you money that they'd make Sora even dumber than what Nomura has done and make him suck so horribly at fighting (like Eugene from Tangled) that Kairi is the true protagonist and she's a top untouchable infallible Mary Sue like Rey from DISNEY Star Wars.

Good God man, you don't ask the most Gynocentric corporation in the planet to make something that's male-friendly. To work at Disney you need to be a woman or a castrated emasculated beta male.
>It's a story of a boy going on adventure. A white boy who combats evil antagonists and aims to defeat more.
I wish it was that simple.
>Bet you money that they'd make Sora even dumber than what Nomura has done and make him suck so horribly at fighting (like Eugene from Tangled) that Kairi is the true protagonist and she's a top untouchable infallible Mary Sue like Rey from DISNEY Star Wars.
Sounds like Birth by Sleep to me.
Birth by Sleep was shit. So all the male characters are either retarded or get their asses handed to them by a twat who is unrealistically competent because Girl Power bullshit about a female character who is a Man with Tits even though women IRL are NOTHING like that? Fuck Nomura. And lately Nomura has been spamming Aqua in places where she doesn't belong like in KH1's ending. Fuck that mangina.

Honestly by now I expect KH3 to have Sora be so shitty at everything I expect Kairi to randomly surpass him in power and fighting skill because Nomura just loves shitting on the protagonist to make every other character look good.
Disney is known for its catastrophic flops as much as its successes.
They were in dire straits in the 70s and 80s until Little Mermaid saved them for a while. Then again in the 90s until Pixar kept them afloat.
>A white boy
I don't play it, but isn't it Japanese?
Sora isn't Japanese. He's obviously Caucasian (white). Come to think of it, in Dream Drop Distance Sora meets the cast of The World Ends With You who are factually Japanese. When he first hears Neku's name even he comments that it's an unusual name (because Sora has never been to Japan). Even Riku also comments that Beat's true Japanese name is complicated as well.
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Princess Eilonwy isn't a Disney Princess because The Black Cauldron didn't do well.

Atlantis: The Lost Empire didn't meet expectations. It was supposed to be a big hit, and there was going to be a follow-up television series and underwater attraction at their park. Princess Kida never became a Disney Princess either.
Racist much??
Looks dreary. I can see why the people there would want to kill themselves.
At least they pretend to try and make the effort to be monogamous. If you're gonna go to Japan you might as well just hire a prostitute since most of the time they'll be about as loyal.
You're kinda doing it wrong if you use a town of 60,000 to a country of a hundred million. Also not factoring in how cases are reported. A lot of countries will hide suicide rates by simply filing cases as missing or unsolved homicide for years. The US has high infant mortality due to how we'll count a baby that lives five minutes outside the womb, Cuba in comparison only counts 2 to 5 year olds as infants.
I'm still sour that Atlantis never took off. The sequel pilot thing had some interesting ideas.
Anon get out there. Someone out there might be a match for you. They won't make you whole and force someone to force you to be whole, but they'll make you happy. Failure hurts, but finding someone that cares about you is an amazing feeling. Keeping fishin', anon.
The OG Beast was transformed as a kid according to the Disney lore, and since we don't see his parents as well the servants being useless in taming him it's understandable.

He does look cool, too bad he's wasted in a Jack Sparrow movie. They should've just had Barbossa as the headliner for these movies. Jack Sparrow is boring at this point.
Also his hair reminded me a bit of
Everybody shut the fuck up for one goddamn moment and let me ask something.

Does Emma Watson take the knot in the movie or does it happen off-screen?
Spoil me on why it sucks. I have neither enough time nor money to be watching this movie in theaters. Thanks, /co/.
I'm 30 and nothing's happened. I think it might be done.

Oh for all of those wondering about Mulan. It's got a director, Niki Caro. And the cast is gonna be mostly Chinese nationals.

As for Aladdin, its director is Guy Ritchie and there's currently a casting call for Middle-Eastern talent between 19-25.

Question: if you could do a live-action adaptation of any Disney film, which would it be and why? And what would you change?
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>pic related
just torrent it, dont be a bum
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>a net takes three years to put up
>POTUS plans to build a fuckhueg wall along the entire southern border of the US in four
Not even trying to start /pol/ shit, I just need someone to explain this to me. What makes a net alongside a bridge take slightly less time to implement than the Goliath that will be the US/Mexico border wall?
Pretty much. I can guarantee anyone on /tv/ pretending to care was a falseflagger.
>its yet another anon that doesn't know how RT works
27% didn't like BvS, 27% only said yeah, go ahead and see it. Big difference. Thats how bad BvS was.
I actually liked that movie, though I was biased because of the concept artist.
Chinks are animals.
Didnt he live in a sewer?
The US/Mexico border isn't located 220 feet over San Francisco Bay.
BvS was the best though.
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>Not knowing 52
>Not knowing Grant Morrison
Mfw you googled both of those up and will try to reply with a witty comment stating you knew those terms. Nice dubs though
tumblr is well aware of LeFou's sexuality and they're actually upset by it. they think that it's an obvious ploy for attention and that if they were gonna have somebody be gay it should be a character who's name isn't "the fool"

So how much we talking here. 1.2 billion?
>final battle sucks

Disney made the Beast less threatening to lessen the parental complaints, Like his fangs are smaller and less bulky and made Gaston more despicable

>Maurice's Lumberjack Mecha is replaced by a fucking ballet set

Well the Automata set is based on a later scene in the movie so it has a narrative role
>Except if Furries got started in the 80s.
They did, though
>>How is it better than the original?
>It's better than the original because it's the current year
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>Disney made the Beast less threatening to lessen the parental complaints
>Make the Beast less of a beast
Does the Beast get an actual name in this?
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Wait, let me guess what the article is going to talk about with these keywords:

>something about skin color
>body type

I have to be on the ball with at least 3 of them.
His name is Adam in the original I thought
That doesn't sound very French.
It's not french in origin but apparently not an uncommon name

Pretty sure it was adam though
Emma watson is a shit actress and person who was never that hot with man eyebrows

So no shit shes gonna fail the role of a beautiful girl
should have gone to someone who's actually french
I hope all live action Disney shit fails then maybe you fucking faggots wouldn't drag your non-comic non-cartoon turds to this board.
you and me both my dude

but you and I both know that is not going to happen.
Pretty sure, that's a fanon name
I guess she's hot by poor provincial town standards.
Quick google revealed something interesting
>What was the Beast's actual name? Neither the movie nor the stage musical give him a name. In the DVD commentary to the movie, the creators mention that they neglected to give him a name. However, in a licensed CD-Rom trivia game that came out years after the movie, he's referred to as Adam.
It makes me sad that this movie is such an obviously soulless moneygrab. At least Cinderella felt like there was some love put into it.
This movie suffers from a lack of 'giving it their all' it feels like, like they could have gone big and beyond but didn't
Pretty much everything about this movie is a downgrade from the leading lady to the shitty costumes and it pisses me off because you know it's going to lead to even more fuckery when they do Mulan.
Do you really have to show up and durka wash every single thread?
why do these movies flop?
is it the animation? the characters? what is it?
Emma Watson is still too old to play Belle.
Why would you give representation to white people? They're all the same, according to tumblr. There are no cultural differences because they have no culture!
Jackson pls
>UPDATE, FRIDAY PM: “There’s something cultural going on.” That’s just one remark from an exhibition chief today who’s floored by what’s looking like a $169 million-plus opening for Disney’s live-action take of Beauty And The Beast. Some even believe it could hit $177M, but we’ll get a more definite grasp on that tomorrow. The wide spread stems from the immense amount of pre-sales, which beat Batman v. Superman on Fandango, as well as the anticipated amount of walk-up business.

BvS was the previous March record holder with a $166 million opening. But hey at least you have that oscar for a category no one works in or cares about anymore
I'm mostly upset that Gaston isn't even close to the size of a barge.

They should have just gotten a wrestler for the part.
>Not the size of a barge
No way. Disney can make LeFou a fag, but they won't do something like this.
Shoud've gotten Brock Lesnar. Just imagine it.
Glorious. I don't think anyone would even mind if they disclaimed that another dude did the singing parts.

Or if another wrestler could sing that would work too.

you're right what was I thinking, character integrity, ridiculous of me.
54 plus 1 doesn't equal 52 you mong
>French people
sounds like someone doesn't know Terryology
>it will be boycotted it if it doesn't have a 100% non white cast.
There's literally no reason for any non-Asian to be in a live action Mulan movie, though. Aside from Mushu.
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>tfw Emma Watson isn't hot anymore

what happened anons
You know the answer

British genes?

It's because she looks like a female Orlando Bloom, and not in a good way.
They don't like it because his name "the Fool" and he's a villain.
he's really more of a sidekick than a villain
I mean does anybody really hold anything against, like, iago?
no, he's just a fuckin bird
>Orlando Bloom

Woah. but also what happened? She used to be beautiful.
She was never hot, and I never understood why anyone thought she was. She honestly hasn't changed at all. It was literally just a jailbait thing -- nothing about her actual looks.
Different preferences maybe? Naw.
Man she was always a frumpy grumpy looking girl and she still is, that's her appeal.

Why I'd say you were never truly attracted to her in the first place!
No, it's been increasing.
That's what I always assumed, but then, I'm not the one left wondering what changed and why she isn't hot anymore. To me, she's always had thin lips, a wide jaw, and a huge forehead.
Forgot to say: Deep nasolabial folds that always make her look much older than she really is.
Women often go downhill after 25, don't mention that to any women though unless you want them to be very upset.
This. No one's hiring people in house to shill on /co/ specifically. You hire an agency who usually sub-hires another agency who hires people who have to make x amount of pro-y posts in z hours and who will go through a list of popular sites to do it.
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This is why anime is superior. It's been pulling this shit since the 70s and making it work.
This. I've been dreading it ever since it was announced about a decade ago.
How are those fixes?
Nah, 70s. Shit goes back a long way.
I wanted to watch Taxi Driver when I was five.

And I did.
Japan has the same birth rates as the UK, Germany, France etc just without immigration. They're looking to moving beyond the 20th century paradigm of a state social security system with pensions and such and looking towards future optimisation and heavily roboticised societies. Japan's currently ranked at 17, below India, Russia, South Korea (2nd), etc and is steadily declining. In addition crime is very low, social cohesion is excellent and still retains it's heavy industry, a lot of domestic manufacturing and, very importantly, it's all owned within the nation, as is the bulk of its debt. Japan is going to be in a far better position economically and socially than most of the world for the foreseeable future.
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>Read about Mulan,Lion King live action remakes.
She was hot when she was fourteen.
>American women

Not happening this time.
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There are.
This. There are people who go into the forest and try and help people there.
His voice ruins it for me. Not nearly deep enough.
Welcome to local politics.
Belle was a cunt,
Fuckin Belle singing that he hates her life in the country, not taking a comfy life as a Captains wife, if it wasnt for her luck to find a faggot beast that was desperate to save his ass and their fuckin servants that pushed her into love him.. she would be old and alone after his father died.

Gaston was an stubborn idiot that wanted to smash hermione pussy so hard he fucked up and got killed, also a good comander would rally with several idiots to kill the beast, then claimed victory for himself.

Townies were idiots for not just burfing down the fuckin castle.

> Mulan

Ok, whatever, just give us a good mix of Make a Man out of You

> Lion King
> Live action

Literally what.
That's because they already have shit societies.
Japanese men got so upset that women were getting good jobs and demanding husbands that actually made something of themselves that they started only jerking it to anime and their population is in a nosedive.

And China is fucking China.
The logistics of working on a bridge where it's hundreds of feet above water and where thousands of people have to cross over every day vs just building a big wall.
Didn't John K say that the original furries were basically all failed animation students/hobbyists who just couldn't let go of their failed Disney OCs?
Is this the power of Common Core?
Their population is dropping because successful people don't have as many children.

Without immigrants to pad out numbers most first-world countries are going through the same thing.
I think he meant
>5 + 5 = 10 = 5 x 2
>5 2
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>the consequences of jumping from this bridge are fatal and tragic
So immigrants save countries from stagnation and deterioration, you say.
so we're just better off watching the broadway play?
But who you gonna call?

However, many first-worlders refuse to see the sad reality.
lets not mince words, that film was a shameless money-grab and everyone knew that
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If I had to go through their educational system AND all the bullshit employment standards I definitely wouldn't care as much about having a family.
Nah, population drop is a good thing, it eventually just stabilizes into a consistent rate of birth.

Corporations think it's bad for the economy so they constantly push for immigration for cheap labor without considering long term consequences like how there aren't going to be enough jobs for everyone. You know, like now.
>Nah, population drop is a good thing, it eventually just stabilizes into a consistent rate of birth.
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Well, Japan for one.
>French """people"""
They all look the same to an SJW!
Not even that. If you're counting "followers of Gaston" as villains, then the entire world is the bad guy!
What is that graph supposed to prove, Japan still has a larger elderly population than young people in 2050 compared to the more stable India in 2100.
>Nah, population drop is a good thing
do leftists even realize how insane they sound at times?
>Is India aging like Japan?
>Here's our completely unsubstantiated 75-year prediction based on no data at all.
From my point of view, the Jedi are followers of Gaston!
Can you even find enough english speaking chinese to make that movie?
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So why do most BnB movies just make the Beast look intimidating when the original story made it clear he's meant to look like the most repulsive thing ever?
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Best adaptation of Beauty and the Beast ever made.

Prove me wrong.
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What about David Cronenberg's Fly?
That movie takes a much more tragic turn of events
I saw it yesterday. It's not great but I don't see why people are calling it terrible.
Hermafro-ninny is in it.
>I'm saying there is no culture at all
Then you're as stupid as Midwesterners who say "I have no accent."
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Friday Estimates
kill yourself
>may challenge
No Disney definitely kicked WB's ass AGAIN
yeah the movie wasnt the worst, but I can see why people are tired and bitter about it
The consensus on negative reviews seems to be, "Yeah, but we've seen this already. And it was better-done as a cartoon with 45 minutes shorter a runtime. What's the point here?"
>less on Thursday
>less on Friday
Tell me again why anyone thinks it would make more on Saturday and Sunday?
A title or concept that doesn't seem to have a lot of promise. You have to hook people, and if you don't even need a trailer to do it, you're doing alright.
First, what do you mean less on Thursday or Friday? Less than what?

Second, unless there's a holiday somewhere in there throwing off habits, that's always the pattern. Big jump on Friday when new movies come out, numbers then go up even higher on Saturday, then Sunday's box office is roughly around Friday's numbers, give or take, then everything drops down to non-rush crowds for Monday through Thursday.

For accounting reasons, Thursday night pre-opening shows are publicly reported with how much money they made Thursday night, but are then folded in and officially counted as part of Friday's opening day and not included with Thursday grosses.
Who the fuck wants to seen an inferior version of a movie that came out 20 years ago?
I will never understand normie media consumption habits.
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jesus fucking chirst the thumbnail makes it look like a zombie or some shit
There are people reporting that Beauty and the Beast will somehow do more than BvS despite doing less on both Thursday and Friday. I'm just wondering how they came to that conclusion.
The funny thing is that it wasn't at first. Then suddenly, as if there was some sort of "shill button" pressed all the next reviews were positive. Just look the previous reviews: nearly a page of back-to-back negatives and then suddenly a burst of positive ones.
>the biggest ever Disney Live Action Opening

Why does Disney always give tout every one of their movies as breaking some kind of record?

>Doctor Strange was the highest grossing Live Action Marvel movie starring one hero named Doctor Strange in history!
It's a good way to trick people into thinking "wow, everyone is watching this record breaking movie. I better go see it too"
No doubt, but the early 1980s are when it started organising into a single fandom, and not just a bunch of dissociated sci-fi/funny animal ideas.
Disney can't let Tim Burton and edgy YA novels steal away that tween demographic
like that part where gaston looks in the mirror and calls himself handsome and shit.
i was kept thinking his reflection as robbie rotten
>See Ghost in Shell's "whitewashing", because they couldn't find a suitable asian actor to cast for it.
Too be fair, most Jap shit looks like white people anyway.

It automatically puts you through to suicide counselors
>looks like
They ARE white people.
t. never seen how westerners look in anime
They draw them as white, yes.
only retards would complain about whitewashing Major, a transhumanist character that exchange bodies like people exchange shirts.
but hey, people ARE retards
Regardless, most Jap characters could be whitewashed and all that would be strange about it would be the names. It's what made 80s-90s localized games feel so natural.
>not getting a big name like John Cena
They already tried it with Watson.
>vulture nose
>tiny blue eyes
>receding blond hair
I prefer how they draw woman honestly.
But we already got a live-action, it's called S
Fuck off jap, the rest of the world isn't attracted to little girls
Yes they are. Most of the world likes teens. Just that most of the world doesn't allow children.
America has an Anglo culture. I'm from the UK and it's so recognizable. It has other European flavours too. Makes sense as it was created by Europeans, who still make up the majority of the nation. Nothing to do with "white supremacy," which is just another term racists use to silence and attack white people.
>Ned the Chav feels oppressed by non-whites
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She aged, and is now old .
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that fucking creepy smile coming to get you wtf
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