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So this is the best Dead Girl Walking animatic, right?: http

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So this is the best Dead Girl Walking animatic, right?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEbBEsfrkBA

Also, general Heathers/musical thread, I guess.
Whats up with this threads lately?

isnt this a 1988 movie?
what the hell /co/, explain it to me
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Musical exploded last month for some reason and the fire spread to /co/.

Posting best Meant to be Yours animatic:

i remember watching the movie, what does this animatics have to do with it
it's a musical now and people are storyboarding animatics to the songs like this shit is a disney musical or something, some of them are really good tho
k, i think i get the gist.

thanks anon
>JD looks like Archie Reenacts Columbine

I fucking love it. I would have had a bit more overdramatic prancing from JD, a better transition between the chorus and the second to last verse, and nothing's ever going to top how the musical pulled off the note reading, but honestly it's a fantastic adaption. Really nails JD's character. Also liked the foreshafowing for Veronica's plan, it never quite spoils what she's planning to do, so the twist still works.
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>Veronica telling JD how beautiful he is while his head is in between her thighs
Yup, officially best one.
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Someone creative must be lurking on these threads. There's now a Dead Gay Son aniamtic in the works
Is Veronica /ourgirl/, /co/?

Also this musical is making me remember how much I miss the glory days of cheesy high school movies and films and cartoons and comics. Why don't we have more of that? It sort of dried off in the early 2000s with all the parodies taking the piss out of it (Mean Girls, Napoleon Dynamite, Superbad), then by 2008 it was more or less dead as a genre. The only thing keeping it alive now are all the reboots rehashing off the tropes of the 80's and 90's (Teen Wolf, Riverdale, Spiderman: Honecoming, etc.). I think it's high time we had some new definitive work set in high school.
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And in the comments it says she's going to be remaking her Blue animatic (and judging by the recommendations from the other commenters she might be doing Big Fun too), so that's one step closer to having a full-on animated Heathers musical.
Finished watching one of the camrips earlier today and I'm immediately in love with the music here. I need to dive into the animatics more, but I've seen a few of the big ones already. A shame that there isn't a good quality version of the show itself to see, at this point I'd pay just to get a non-potato quality version.
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All I want is a Heathers animated adaption animated in the Style of Sym-Bionic Titan

There's animated cunnilingus!

That seems to be the mutual consensus 'round here
>Slap me, pull my hair.

Where do I find a girl like Veronica?

Nothing spices up the sex like a little violence.
I think mostly because the social climate of high schools shifted. These days you won't find a trio of mythic bitches running the schools. That being said, I couldn't tell you what the new set up is if you asked.

>the glory days of cheesy high school movies
Recommend some movies, /co/. Let's have ourselves a cheesy high school movies fest.
Hair pulling is pretty common. It's practically Cosmo's #1 tip. As for slapping, idk man I wouldn't want to be slapped in the face so I can hardly expect a woman to want to.
Yeah, now the nerds are in charge and they're twice as tyrannical as the jocks were, because they've got brain-cells to rub together.
I'd settle for spanking.

I dunno man I just wanna hit something while I fuck it.
When I was in high school (about 2 years ago), we had a hybrid semi-attractive nerd squad running the school. Some of them were my friends even though I was an A-B's type of student. They were the "I'm taking every honors class available, student leadership, and on the prom committee. Nothing but ivy league colleges for me!" type.
Spanking is understandable. Considering the whole "grab my ass and (do basic non-sexual activity) with me" trend, I would have thought that was more common.
Even that's changing.

Honors courses are for the students that can be trusted to behave themselves in class -- they don't have to be intelligent.

These days, your old 'honors' students are in AP courses.
Spanking is the fucking best, man.

Watching the meat of her ass briefly conform to the shape of your hand for a split second before it springs back is awe-inspiring.
My mom took my sister (named Heather) to see the musical a couple months ago and I am mad jealous now.
I was in an upper-middle class high school as recently as 3 years ago, and there really wasn't anybody on top. I think what happened was that too many people fell into multiple cliques. Some of the coolest guys in school were in Band. There was a pretty big crossover between the "Computer Club" (the name nerds like me gave their excuse to play MtG and Starcraft Brood War for 90 minutes after school; I'm not into TCGs or RTS myself but all my friends were so that's where I was) and Drama. A friend of mine who's a total dork ended up dating a 10/10 for a while, and they actually had some shared interests. High School has become a lot more homogeneous.

This as well, kind of. As "nerd culture" entered the mainstream and anti-bullying messages finally began sinking in, it became more accepted and cool to be nerdy in whatever way. Of course you still have the fat guys with legitimate autism sitting around talking a little too loudly about competitive Pokemon at lunch (I still kinda like Pokemon, but that's what they talked about), but overall as things evened out, that end of the classic high school clique spectrum gained more than the other end lost.
You have to kill her now. How good are you at forgeries?
> sitting around talking a little too loudly about competitive Pokemon at lunch
I knew some kids who cosplayed to school and called each other by anime character names. Nice kids when they weren't sperging
This is the least-sexy one.
Was it rape?
but it's also the highest quality
Not super good, but I know a guy.
>High School has become a lot more homogeneous.

And what a fucking shame that is.

I miss when things made some fucking sense.

Do you remember that scene from the 21 Jump Street reboot? Where they didn't understand the new cliques and nothing made any sense?

I'd even prefer those new cliques to the mass of bland gray blah we have oozing through the school systems today.
"that works for me"
"okay, okay"
Nah, he was just surprised.
If 21 Jump Street is any indication, we can blame Glee.
>I'd even prefer those new cliques to the mass of bland gray blah we have oozing through the school systems today.
You completely missed the point of the musical. Veronica would be ashamed of you.
Cliques serve a purpose, anon.

Hierarchies, too, serve a purpose.

Bullies are a society's immune system; they're meant to stamp out deviant behavior before it can infect the culture.
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At least those guys never bothered anybody outside of being a little loud. The spergs that actually were part of the nerd club really grated on me after a while.

There were three in particular. One was your average awkward autist, one was a legit edgelord who was probably some sort of ____kin, and the really small girl that dumped the latter for the former.

There were a few times we tried to run Pathfinder campaigns, and as far as I can remember, a lot of why I didn't really pursue that was the dumb shit they did in those games. It'd take a while to get into it, but I think the best way to describe the girl is that she chose a pre-made Samurai character and just went along with everything the other Chaotic Neutral party members did despite the sheet explicitly stating Lawful Good, even after the concept of alignments was explained to her. Oh, and she wore one of those plastic fedoras, except it was purple and sparkles and LEDs on it.
Veronica was a murderous bitch who didn't know what the fuck she wanted, why would I give a shit what she thought?
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No, you're not going crazy.

Yes, they actually did a musical based on the old 80's movie.

Does it hold a torch to the original movie? Yes, and no, it's hit and miss.
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This is blatantly untrue.

This is the best dead girl walking

This one is also done by them

This is probably my favorite dead girl walking reprise

And obviously this one is hands down the best animatic of this whole thing

Simple facts here people
The Best Taste
I like the way Chandler and the Jocks were portrayed in this version of Yo Girl.

SO the musicals with animatics are
21 Chump street
Book of Mormon
Little Shop of Horrors
Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Am I missing any?
Actually, scratch the jekyll and hyde shit. theres only MLP stuff
Holy shit that was amazing.
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>all those totally shit art styles
Neat how the portrayed their deaths through the color of their drool stuff
So, does anyone else feel super attracted to Veronica's actress' voice. It's just so hot, what's the deal with it?
Candy Store might have a lot of bare art but it's the movement that really sells it.
For me it's main Heather's voice. Something about is just soo good. Like it has sexy queen bitch all over it.
I'm beginning to think the classic movie/tv high school never existed. I remember as early as 2008 when I was a freshman there wasn't any real hierarchy although people may still have their smaller social circles.

Of what pieces of classic trope high school held on. I remember the "jocks" were generally chill and actually had to keep good grades to stay on the team. Nobody ever noticed or cared about the cheerleaders, I don't think I even met any cheerleaders. People who would be considered "nerds" were probably the biggest cunts, and were generally outcasts for a good reason. As it turns out not bathing, talking only about Naruto, being misogynistic and generally looking down on the "plebeians" doesn't earn you social points. Though that didn't stop them from complaining about the "popular kids".

Speaking of which, if you were a "popular kid" then that means you were just generally likable and people wanted to be around you as if you were "popular" so to speak.

I don't know if the classic high school just died before I got to it, or if it was a complete fabrication in the first place.
Veronica's got that rare smokey/husky female voice that feels like its almost from the 20's.
I think the unusualness is what gets me
I have such a boner for both of their voices.
It kinda reminds me of Selma Blair's voice.

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What >>90551239, pretty creative. And also horrifying.
How does it feel to have the shittiest taste
>LSoH animated
I need it.... for research purposes.
2008 is far after it would've died. Reminder that a lot of the media that was made that used it came from the 80s and 90s, and those were likely written by people who had to go through something like that in High School, so it extends further back. It kind of started to die in media in the 00s, which means it died in the late 90s/very early 00s when the people making that media were in high school.
>elemental not having the shittiest anamatics
>not accepting Missyasylum being literal kino when it comes to hers
Besides Dead Girl Walking Reprise and Candystore (Which is Galaticbuns only good Anamatic ever), You sir, have shit taste.
That makes sense. I just remember watching tv at that time thinking that nothing about highschool made sense. I guess it takes a pretty long time for cultural memories to pass.
My dad was a high school student in mid 70's and he says there was nothing like bullying or school cliques at that time. I'm starting to believe that those high school tropes are just a myth.
Yeah we're basically living like the movie remake of 21 Jump Street. At some point the symptoms of the problems got dealt with like forcing jocks to study to stay on the team instead of giving them special treatment, making science " " " cool " " " so more kids would be interested in outside stuff, etc.

Though I honestly think the internet is a problem in that it's causing kids to think acting like a cunt is acceptable. Like imagine a 13 year old getting caught up with a bunch of sketchy neckbearded 20-somethings who keep swapping porn openly while bitching about politics. That 13 year old needs to get the fuck out of there for his own good.
>Yo, Girl, keep it together
>I, knew, you would come far
>Now, you're, truly a Heather
>Smell, how, gangsta you are

You can feel the despair creeping up inside her.
Meant for >>90551016
source of that image?
Reposting from the last thread. Wrote up some synopses for an animated Heathers series a while back. The first season is a straight-up adaptation of the musical, while the second and third seasons are "sequel" stories that, in my opinion, are logical followups to the original thematically and structurally.

I do some pretty spergy shit, though, like name side characters after the generically-named ensemble members from the musical. I also have Veronica and Heather M in a relationship after season one, which is a popular ship on Tumblr.

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I'm bad at art
I like it!
The Veronica/Heather thing is ok, but could definitely be interesting
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The weakest must go
>tfw my dad was a poor high school student in the late 60s and he talked about how high school in "the movies is just based on middle class kids from before 1965"
was it ever fucking real?
I'm assuming that JD just being reduced to a generic evil minion for Heather C. in S3's finale is just a joke on how character development can get reversed for some characters when a series is made for what's supposed to be a one-shot.
I'm assuming British kids did get raped in prep schools, though, and that they fagged for one another. That's got to be at least one cliche that's true.
Since I'll never be able to see Hamilton live, is there a list of all the songs that have animatics?
Not sure, but you can totally get the whole thing by just listening to the album a few times.
>she wore one of those plastic fedoras, except it was purple and sparkles and LEDs on it.
Dear god
I love her version of I am Damaged.

>ywn see a glorious 2d-animated little shop of horrors
>ywn have a trio of qt street urchins sing about you
There was an animatic of "Feed Me" in the last thread. You could probably find it with a quick youtube search

It's the same artist who did >>90551016 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=KmXVZKekN58
There's a playlist on youtube. Just type in "Hamilton animatics"
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Someone posted this in the last thread so I filled most of it out. Any ideas as to who would be in the middle?
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We're all in agreement that bottom right is best Veronica, right?
The gray coloring along with the red shading is a really nice style. I love it
Heather Chandler.
This demonstrates the not uncommon phenom of being so desperately horny that the sexiness flatlines.
So, any of you guys watch Team StarKid?
wow so beautiful
Agreed, but I'm not a fan of the Raggedy Ann face.

Modern bullies are pretty much entirely composed of the protected underclasses who can get away with murder provided they cite the appropriate 'ism.'

Bottom Right and top right my dudes
Is there proper porn of this or are the Dead Girl Walking videos the closest we have?

I need to hunt down some fanfiction. JD's dangerous psycho shit combined with Veronica's normalness really appeals to me.
I hate it when /co/ latches onto something relatively obscure and starts making non-stop threads or a while until people get tired of it. Same shit happened to Becky Prim.
>liked repo the genetic opera
>liked Hamilton
>see a heathers thread last night so look up what they got on spotify.
>love it.

See this shit and games like Lisa the painful are reasons why I love 4chan, I would have never even heard of this had it not been for /co/.
Are there any songs other than "I Love My Dead Gay Son" missing animatics?

I kinda want to stitch together a movie using the animatics.
Look up The Devil's Carnival, it's by the same guy who did Repo.


Are you an MDE fan, by any chance?
My favorite songs are Blue, Shine a Light, and Dead Gay Son. I'm not sure whether or not that says anything about me
What about them?
Veronica's "sex me now" face is as close to porn as I've seen so far. Share it if you find any
There's a My Dead Gay Son animatic coming soon. But most of the minor songs don't have one. I'll put together a list tonight.
I'm surprised I don't see their B@man show quoted more
The only other one on the cast recording I've never seen an animatic for is Shine a Light. I don't think I've ever seen a complete Beautiful though.
They made musical based off of the movie, and a bunch of teenage girls (apparently the new generation of internet animators, taking the mantle from the Newgrounds flash artists of old) are making storyboards/music videos of what the imagine was happening while they were listening to the song.

I for one welcome this new generation. And the fact these were done by girls makes them even hotter.
I listened through The Count of Monte Cristo English soundtrack on Spotify yesterday. I really liked it, but I haven't been able to find any English recordings of the songs no includedicated in the soundtrack. Does anyone know if any English recording software those songs exist, and where I may find them, or am I out of luck?
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>There will never be an absolutely soul crushing musical based on Lisa The Painful
What is MDE?
I've briefly tried to find some in the past, but didn't succeed, although it's possible some are out there, as i didn't look very much
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So do we hate this yet? 3rd thread I've seen now.
The drug or the sketch comedy group?
There's several. No one has posted them though because most of them are shit. The top middle picture >>90554389 is actually from the only good one out there
The last 3 threads have been all positive aside from the random poster coming in to hate on musicals in general

Bottom and Top right are tie for me, anon. Top middle is easily the worst.
This is pretty cringeworthy. Not gonna say I hate it but it's just so based on vapid trending that will be forgotten two months from now, mostly boring, terribly uninspired (based on really old and trite garbage) and basically awkward as hell.
that is some beautiful imagery that no one else has yet to do, goddamn. That whole animatic is fantastic. I especially like the blinking red light and shading.
>those moments of smooth animation
i came
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I want more fan art, dammit!
>or Bioshock
I'd pay to see that
bottom middle is the only one with an art style that's not total fucking trash
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>Welcome To Rapture
>Would You Kindly (has several reprises)
>A Man Chooses, a Slave Obeys
>a musical number from Sander Cohen
what other numbers would a Bioshock musical have?

well, a serious version would have
>no gods or kings, only man

a less serious version would have
>no gods or kings, only men
This was excellent. Really fitting and very funny, basically the unseen aftermath of Big Fun.
>Little Sister (Come Out & Play)

The first time the MC sees a Splicer trying to grab a sister (and also the first time we see a Big Daddy).
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I saw it pop up in my feed since I've been watching so much Heathers lately. Fuck, what have I become.
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>Suchong Laments
Suchong laments that he's hit a dead end in ADAM research. One of the orphans he's conducting unrelated (but relatively humane) medical procedures on keeps interrupting his song, which ultimately enrages him to the point that he shoves a sea slug down her throat..

>All the World's a Stage
Frank Fontaine tells the story of how he discovered acting and the thrill of making an audience believe in whatever outlandish idea he thought of, and how this escalated into a career as a con man.

I plucked these out of a post I made in a thread.. three years ago. Jesus, it's been that long and I still haven't added anything else? I suck.
I always imagined the phrase "help ya cheat" coming from the blue one. Also, why the fuck haven't we seen these characters since the second movie? We're two movies later and there's no sign of them. Did they die?
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>tfw npo cinematics of A Chorus Line
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Why doesn't tumblr like the Heathers when they pretty much represent all the stuff that triggers them? Rice white cis heterosexuals who bully fat and ugly chicks.

You either wrote something wrong or you just answered your own question.
Shit, meant why does tumblr like the Heathers.
Not a fan of the Heathers. Sister has listened to it for a long while now and it's just got stale.

I have to say though I really enjoy the Candy Store animatic by Galactibun. Fucking fantastic art style.

is you're sister single, anon
does she actually break his dick or kill him or something

or does she just fuck him
If you want a bipolar bitch that talks to and screams at the television, yeah

Watch the film/musical, anon.

And no, no one's dick gets broken as far as we know. Other things happen though, see "dead gay son"
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I can deal with that
I feel like a point was lost.

It's nice to see Ron Weasley's acting again.
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How the fuck is this even supposed to work? I mean what the fuck reason will they have to bully Martha Dumptruck when one of them looks exactly fucking like Martha Dumptruck?
Martha will be anorexic and they'll bully her for not being THICC(EEEEERRRRR) enough. They'll call her Martha Toothpick instead.
Don't Tumblrs regularly eat their own for not being "progressive" enough? Maybe they'll call them cisscum.
>The people who would normally be the victims are now the bullies
>Tumblrites will never realize that this whole thing is directed at them
>dick not broken
Unless it was in perfect shape and Veronica kept it as some kind of trophy.

well he did sort of evaporate. Not sure if that counts as broken.
That'd be an interesting character note.

Personally, IMO, the originally-written ending of the movie is canon, and JD's plan to bomb the school worked, and everything after the bomb gets shot is actually the afterlife.
>No high concept musical about raptures fall written by an increasingly unhinged Sander Cohen
>No trite predictable propaganda piece about Rapture's greatness is slowly being corrupted into an sadomasochistic nightmare
Why couldn't the Carrie musical have been good like Heathers?

In my experience the most "popular" kids were the ASB/Student Council kids, and they weren't mean. There's the occasional group of assholes but they're not in some sort of hierarchy or anything
I know for a fact that there are bootlegs circulating the web. They might be mostly on Tumblr though
And Eve Was Weak is the only good Carrie song.
It's different in private schools. Writers who went to private school think public schools are just like their schools, so they write what they know. People who followed see the cliques and just copy what they've seen.
There aren't as many good characters in Carrie. Heathers is a pretty good black comedy as is, but Carrie is way more personal and introspective, which doesn't translate as well to stage.
>no animatic for classic musicals
it hurts
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>tfw you keep browsing through the recommended video's and constantly see new animatics
There's fucking hundreds of them, I mean sure I liked the musical but I never would have figured it be this big.
The musical has nice music and you can get drunk while watching the different animations of it
>muh cliques

These aren't real except in the sense that fucking weirdos like JD get shit on. Such people either go on to live normal lives, go on to become serial killers or go on to become involved in media where they portray themselves as harmless nerds and normal people as evil jocks.
So in the late 2000s everyone on deviantart would youtube their own animations of characters dancing to anime music or shitty emo music. Now it's the late 2010s. Is this the new era of animation and music on youtube, this time involving musicals?

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the middle Heather looks like the American offspring of Bull Nakano
Hamilton is the only musical I'm aware of that has a high quality torrent. Go to The Pirate Bay.
At least they weren't politically homogenous then. The Tumblr users making Heathers videos are, ironically, Heathers themselves.
Maybe they'll be killed in the first episode and then the real Heathers will show up.
>are, ironically, Heathers themselves
Not really, the whole point of the Heather's is they're attractive, upper class, slutty white girls. They're the basic mean girls trope multiplied by a hundred.

Tumblrites are also extremely shitty people and vicious bullies, but they're an entirely different kind.
Freak! Lard Ass! Homo!
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They're gonna need to change just about every song in the musical to make this shit work, what the fuck were they thinking?

No, I really mean that, what the fuck were they trying to accomplish? "Muh progressiveness?" That's not really a great reason considering two of characters are supposed to be absolutely abhorrent human beings, one a complete fucking monster who's presence still steals the stage even after her death. If anything doing this progressiveness shit is more offensive than anything.
It really all depends on what angle they take with it. If what some people are suggesting comes to pass and the point is that they're actually showing that the marginalized are now bullying the majority for their "privilege", it would actually be really interesting; it wouldn't be trying to be progressive, but rather making a remark about how people who are "progressive" can be just as prejudicial and cruel if they simply use the cause as an excuse to mistreat others.

The closer they play it to the original the worse it'll be, and yet if they play it near-opposite and make the new Heathers sympathetic it'll be worse. The above approach is the only one that can work with this casting, but if they go for it, it could be really great.

Fuck, I didn't even know what this was a week ago and now I'm discussing how to adapt it.
Keep going.
I'm mad that they could actually make that work on an unsuspecting audience.
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Oh man, the ensuing shitstorm if they dare to take it in that direction would be amazing
>They're gonna need to change just about every song in the musical to make this shit work, what the fuck were they thinking?
This version isn't gonna be a musical, anon.
Honestly the truth is kids like fatty and bug-eyes are more likely to be bullies IRL. At my high school the only bullying was insecure losers picking on kids lower on the totem pole than them.
Which Count of Monte Cristo? The Wildhorn one?
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Because its original material came from the floptastic version from the 80s, and the revised version didn't do much to fix the story outside of ditching the bulk of the terrible songs. There's a lot of opportunity for a great story in there--like okay, you give that ending lyric to Chris but then don't go anywhere with her after that other than her being a shit?--but they didn't take it.

It's got some good moments. The World According to Chris is begging to get an animatic.

I saw a local college production that was only enjoyable because the actors were fresh out of high school and were so believable and emotional in the prom scene to the end that I actually started crying. The rest of the show... eh.

Oddly enough the original Sue and Chris in the off-Broadway revival are now playing Anya/Anastasia and Dimitri in the upcoming Anastasia show.
i'm not into lesbian things but, unf, i hope they kissed
Reminder that Heathers now has a School Edition for high schools

Even after cutting out all the sex, it's weird that they'd do this show in [THE CURRENT YEAR] when everyone's worried about the next white male taking his anger out on innocent children.
>Big Fun
>already worst song in the show
>now not even about drugs
Jesus christ, why even keep it in?
I can't tell whether this approach is cringe or brilliance.
From an administrative standpoint, it's the best way to go about it. It's hard to sell "sooo the show is about teens murdering teens, sex, suicide, and durgs..."

From a "remembering what being a teenager was like" standpoint, it's going to make the show seem lame as fuck to the actual teens because it's putting in this artificial ~*~let's talk about bullying and suicide and teen probzzz, everyone~*~ message that doesn't need to be there.
How does it work when high schools and local theaters do their own renditions of famous musicals? Do they have to license the rights for them?
If you're doing it legally--and not all schools do--yes, you have to get a license. The cost depends on the show, how many performances you will be doing, how much you will charge for tickets, and how many potential seats you can sell. You are also not allowed to change the show (add, remove or alter material such as songs or dialogue, change genders, or change time periods or settings) without authorization from the license holder who has to get permission from the show's creator--but so many high schools do this and it's hard to enforce.

Licenses come in many forms but the most common are:

School licenses: for schools, obviously. Some shows have school exclusive editions which are designed for younger actors; this can mean anything from cuts in adult material to changing keys and notes to make it easier for teens to sing. For some shows, schools are only allowed to apply for the school edition license and can't get the "regular" edition.

Professional licenses: the license is only available for professional theaters. There's no specific guideline but generally if you are paying your actors, it is considered a professional performance. Most community theaters are not considered professional. Sometimes licenses are restricted to non-professional theaters, often when there's a competing professional production that the rights holders want to take precedence.

General license: license is available for non-professional theaters, like community theaters, summer camp theaters, etc.
I like this one.

I dunno people started doing animatics a while back for some reason.
>now the nerds are in charge and they're twice as tyrannical as the jocks were

Are you retarded?

Jesus, what is with /pol/ types trying to push the whole "nerds are the dumb mean ones and bullying is good!" shit? Is it just that they resent not being popular in high school and just started projecting any positive traits they could on the popular people they wish they had been?

Because it's fucking pathetic. If you're an adult and still idolize high school popular people you are severely maladjusted, even by 4chan standards.
>we'll never have proper animatics of the Blacklick Valley Les Mis

for shame

>we'll never have a full copy of that show again, with its terrible voices and hilarious lyrics

Lovely people, even jokers need a little joke, and selling gloves. God, I wish I could relive "Don't they know they're taking gloves from one already dead?"

the tragedy of our time

tumblr is fat girls who use the internet against others

Ironically they make comics about white nerdy guys who do the same, but to a lesser scale

But it doesn't matter because I just want that artistic explosion to come back.
I rather like the reprise of Dead Girl Walking. It represents Veronica's ultimate triumph, over both JD and everything the Heathers stand for. It's her going her own way.
Oh and the guy who, in the actual show, is trying to buy Fantine is in the Blacklick version trying to buy a scarf but she won't let him. "Here's something new" and "I like to see what I buy" was literally him wanting to see the scarf she was selling and her being like noooooo.
Good. Les Mis needs to stop being shown so much.
A plague on your house.
Wrong play you fat nigger

Also it's "a pox" not "a plague"
>Blacklick Valley
It's all coming back to me now and I can't stop laughing holy shit. That production was something to behold

It started out better than I thought until they sang Big Fun. Holy Shit, how lackluster and boring
That woman speaks like every word she says requires and entire breath of air.
We *INHALE* brought in *INHALE*...etc.
>Heathers without sex and drugs
That's like 80% of the fucking musical, why even call it The Heathers at that point?
Call it "mean girls II the original" and take a day off
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>tfw when the first thread was posted you thought Candy Store was the hottest shit but after watching and spending sometime with the musical it's not even in your top 5
Anyone else on the same boat? For a musical about high school problems based off a lesser known movie from the 80's it's absolutely top-tier.
It's insane to me that no one archived this production. I suppose this is what happens when you leave memeing to Tumblr. They can't do anything right.
Big Fun is the worst song in the show.

Because there's still a murderer and it's still edgy in [THE CURRENT YEAR].
You're a fucking idiot.
I refuse your declaration to substitute my own- you're a fag.
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But the whole point of the Heathers isn't just "there's a murderer guys!"
The whole thing is about the problems teens face in regards to sex, drugs, hatred, suicide, etc. presented in a comedic way; the Heathers aren't just "the mean girls" so much as the embodiment of all that shit (Veronica drinks, takes drugs, etc. but isn't "truly a Heather" until after she causes Martha to attempt suicide).
Taking out half that shit and making it just about JD is missing the entire point.

There's a reason it's called Heathers, not JD.

Jesus, what am I doing, a week ago I didn't even know about the musical of even the movie, and now I'm over analyzing the fuck out of it.
>it's a pox

Get the fuck out of this theater thread, you absolute trash
is your post a joke?
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Am I only one who thinks Veronica's actor would be amazing if she did Ryuko from kill la kill?

In English, of course.
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I'd like to see a musical of this. It's basically "what if JD didn't have Veronica".
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>tfw no bully like Heather Chandler
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>sorry but I didn't mean to wake you
Wait, was she intending to rape JD in his sleep?
The first half of this post clashes with the second half
>it's not even in your top 5
What a shit taste

Did anyone else here feel uncomfortable about the ending, specifically the movie version?

It feels weird the way that the movie portrays JD's character as a whole, although I'm guessing his character just hasn't particularly aged well since the 80s.
She does have that kind of voice

Damn son, how hard are you spanking? My blows just leave a red mark once in a while.

If she's got a REALLY big ass I can see that happening though. Sadly I have not had the privilege of pounding an ass that phat.


This is stupid.
1) Cutting out the sex and drugs and rock-n-roll aspects ruins the whole point: the point is to show that teenagers suck. High school sucks. Everything about growing up sucks. The way kids respond to that in some areas is with sex and drugs. Neutering that just neuters the whole play.
2) IT'S A MUSICAL ABOUT A GUY WHO SLAUGHTERS HIS FELLOW CLASSMATES AND TRIES TO BLOW UP HIS SCHOOL. Why in the holy fuck would you put this on for actual teenagers? They're going to miss the point entirely and try to emulate JD because teenagers are stupid.
Elaborate on WHAT exactly you find uncomfortable rather than, perhaps? You're not being clear at all on what specifically unnerves you.
I just want Berserk: The Rock-Opera
Different person, btw. I don't find it necessarily uncomfortable, just more one-dimensional in the movie as compared to the musical. The Musical version showed him degenerate down into the psycho he becomes by the end. In the movie, he was already screwed up pretty hard and was acting like a creeper from the beginning. Musical JD has more depth to him between the song he gets and the trade off of roles after the terrible party. Remember that in the movie Veronica doesn't come to him, he goes to her while she's already in a rage, writing furiously in her diary over Heather C. it's a major mood and motivation change between the two versions.
I think it's his cartoonishly evil-ness maybe? I'm not really sure what about him makes me feel uncomfortable.
I somewhat feel that he seems like a vast simplification of the psyche of a school shooter type person.

On a unrelated note I also find it weird how Veronica refers to JD as a "cool-guy" at the end of the film, where as by today's standards JD would never be seen as a cool guy and right off the bat seems like someone who has several mental issues.

The weird terminator type bad ass shot on Veronica after she shoots up JD weird me out. I dunno, I just kinda can't see teenagers getting shot as bad ass no matter what the situation is.
It's the bad boy cliche, anon. Also the male yandere appeal, which is more of a recent thing.

And eh. That scene may have been meant to be dramatic rather than being badass, don't you think?
I mean, It's hard to see the scene as dramatic when JD goes on a long, but ultimately comically shallow speech on society, and then Veronica shoots him up after saying a one liner. This, followed by her whole deadpan cigarette scene seems like it's trying to almost make Veronica into some sort of 80s action hero or something.
she's basically a 2010s action hero desu
>you will never be held by JD while he whispers how precious you are to him

give me a reason to live
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What do you all think of Dear Evan Hansen? I've been obsessed with this show ever since the cast album came out. Here's an animatic of one of my favorite songs:

That's not the lyric, so no.

>Sorry but I really had to wake you
>tfw when this musical first came out a bunch of the teen fans on Tumblr were whining about the movie JD because he's me-e-e-a-a-an


JD is a completely different character in the film. >>90584753 put it well. The musical's version of JD is someone who is unstable who ultimately collapses, whereas the movie JD is already a sociopathic screwball from the beginning.
To be fair, the ending seems strange because it wasn't supposed to be there. The original ending has JD killing everyone in the gym and it shows them finally getting along in heaven.
>teens will never make animatics to Titanic: the Musical


Why must everything I love be unfashionable
I keep hearing about it but I haven't listened to it before. What's it about?
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Also this one's good but it has donut steels.

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>Why must everything I love be unfashionable

I'm always surprised Titanic isn't more popular given the subject matter. Maybe it's the ensemble style that makes it hard to hook teens, at least teens who aren't presumably into TItanic's history.
It's about a high school loner who gets caught up in another weird kid's suicide. Basically the kid steals a letter the loner wrote to himself and then kills himself, so everyone thinks they were best friends. Then the loner starts making up fake stories about their friendship because the weird kid's parents are really nice to him, and the whole story goes viral. It's a fantastic show with music by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul of La La Land.
>you will never be any of these people

My life is the best
i literally just discovered this five minutes before seeing this thread

cool to see that AMVs have evolved into straight up animatics and storyboards to their songs, which quite honestly, is what AMVs were often trying to be in their own right

fuck I love the internet
It's really interesting to look back on the evolution of this trend.
I read the original ending has Veronica killing JD then blowing herself up, then heaven prom. But it was some bs listicle so it could be wrong. Link to your source if you have it handy?

>arguably the 4th if not 3rd most important character
>Only sings in ensemble numbers or backup in other characters' songs.
>Even Martha fucking Dumptruck has a solo number, but not me
Being Heather Duke is suffering.
Here y'go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-218ZC6wbfg
>cool guy JD
He rides a motorcycle, wears an earring, and does a mean Jack Nicholson impression.

These were hot selling points back in '89.
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Thanks mate.
>no Waving Through a Window animatic
I was slightly disappointed in the ending. I guess I was just expecting a bigger climax. In the end, I very much enjoyed it.

I guess all we have to do is just sit here and wait for the right people to make animatics.
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You guys do realize girls don't actually bully each other and this entire thing is built on a lie, right?
They do but it's different from guys. It seems like guy bullies just find someone outside their circle to pick on, but girl bullies bring people in close to them and manipulate and tear them down, they don't seek out and pick on the uncool girl the way you see them do in cartoons. At least not in my experience.
this is objectively the best
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tfw no jd
an orchestral version of beyond the sea just as an intro that later dissolves into welcome to rapture

An 11 o'clock number for Tenembaum.
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>Why do I cry myself to sleep?
>Somebody hug me!
>Somebody fix me!
>Somebody save me!
>Send me a sign, God!
>Give me some hope here!
>Something to live for!
Hits just a little too close to home.
>Welcome to Rapture/Is It Someone New?
A chorus of tweaked-out Splicers sing a mournful anthem to their reckless addiction and how much "better" the new Rapture is, then sing backup for the Spider Slicer who attacks the Bathysphere

>Circus of Value
An annoying leitmotif that plays in pieces all throughout the show. Eventually forms an entire song if you cut it all together
>Finger guns and sunglasses
Motherfucker I was drinking
>"My plaace. Is heere. I FIIIiii-"
my sides
Girls aren't physical with it, they pretend they are your friends and then start being all sneaky about it.
>JD's emo hair flap
for what reason
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Check it out, this animatic was just drawn up like a day ago. Freeze Your Brain.

>tfw still only one half decent animatic for blue
I think Martha is kinda cute
Say hi to god
>no porn
what is this
Megan Llyod's animatics are great.


Seriously though, when did Heathers suddenly become so popular? I mean, I love it, but it seems sudden.
Where my Jesus Christ Superstar bros at?

I'd like to see a production with extremely historically accurate costumes instead of stylized, just to see the contrast.
Heaven on their Minds could use an animatic.
Heathers: the Musical trash, completely misses the point of the original movie.
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B-but, the stylized version is cooler

Nah, Jesus Must Die would be better
Pilate did nothing wrong.
What was the point of the original?
and Wicked misses the point of The Wizard Of Oz
Wicked is based off a book that's an adaptation of the Wizard of Oz, dumbass.
He's clearly making a joke, "dumbass".
That's not clearly a joke. You don't know how to tell jokes.
Alright, tell me a joke.
post heathers without posting heathers
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I don't have enough reaction images to express how fucking stupid and wrong you are.
We can be hideous cunts to each other
The musical fucks up everything by making JD seem sympathetic and emphasizes parts of the movie that are inconsequential, why is there an entire song about the part of the movie when they go to 7/11? And I don't recall Veronica wanting someone to "fight for" her.

One of the biggest problems of the original Heathers is that it's a comedy that isn't funny.
Heathers: the Musical misses out on a lot of comedic opportunities even though it's easier to be funny in a musical than in a film.

It also doesn't help that Heathers: the Musical only has five good songs: Beautiful, Candy Store, Big Fun, Dead Girl Walking, and Blue.
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Women bully each other all the time.
I've never seen cliques though.
I've never been in a school where there was a popular group that everybody cared about or paid attention to.

But I'm from New York City, and have been in school with mostly black people.
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>no Lifeboat
>no Meant To Be Yours
>no Yo Girl

the smolest boat
The style of humor used has nothing to do with the fact it's just not funny.
>the "Blue is a good song" meme
Lost me there.

Nice bait, though.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I thought Heathers was a riot.
>why is there an entire song about the part of the movie when they go to 7/11?

Because it builds JD's character while giving us an insight into how lonely he is (protip: if the only constant in your life is 7/11, you may have a warped home life).
There should be a musical fanart booru for this stuff.
I meant to relisten to Lifeboat, because I wasn't completely sure about it.

I'm speaking purely in terms of instrumentation.
Lyrically, Blue is trash.
What types of comedy shows and movies do you watch/like?
Damaged and the reprises of Dead Girl Walking and Seventeen were pretty good too.
I completely forgot about Seventeen, that song is good too.

>Top Tier
Candy Store
Yo Girl/Meant to be Yours (they're one song open your eyes sheeple)

>Mid Tier
Dead Girl Walking
Fight for Me
The Me Inside of Me
Our Love is God
My Dead Gay Son
I am Damaged
Seventeen Reprise

>Low Tier
Kindergarden Boyfriend
Big Fun
Shine a Light
Freeze Your Brain

I'm betting every Mid song has an advocate that knows it belongs in Top. Except maybe Damaged.
>The key to truly being a true Heather is being such an abhorrent person you can drive others to suicide
D-does that mean the symbol of 4chan should be a red scrunchy?
Some movies off the top of my head:

Burn After Reading
Hobo With A Shotgun
Hot Fuzz
Seven Psychopaths
The Cabin in the Woods
>>D-does that mean the symbol of 4chan should be a red scrunchy?

Yotsuba has 4 of the fuckers
>Blue top tier while Dead Girl Walking (either version) is mid-tier
How can one man have such shit taste?
>No Shine a Light Reprise
Hot Fuzz is funny.
Cabin in the Woods I didn't find funny.
Haven't seen any of those other movies.
Alright, lemme try. These are sort of in order from favorite to least favorite.

>S+ Tier

Yo Girl/Meant to be Yours
Dead Girl Walking (Reprise)

>S Tier
Candy Store
Dead Girl Walking
My Dead Gay Son

Big Fun
I Am Damaged
Freeze Your Brain
Fight for Me
Our Love is God

The Me Inside of Me
Blue/Blue Reprise
Shine a Light/Shine a Light Reprise
Seventeen Reprise
Kindergarden Boyfriend
>Yeah, now the nerds are in charge and they're twice as tyrannical as the jocks were
I saw 21 Jumpstreet too.
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You actually liked Big Fun?
Yeah, I did! I thought it was a fun song, not one of the standouts, but not as horrible as most people say it is. I think it's a fun thing to make a song about, there are some amusing turns of phrase in the lyrics, and I like the kind of unusual melody. Obviously everybody's entitled to their opinion, but can people explain why they dislike it so much? I really don't get it.
This is pretty much how I'd rate them too, except I'd move Me Inside of Me to A- or possibly even S-tier, and I'd create a separate C-tier just for the Seventeen Reprise because fuck that was a lame finale song.
Heathers is a good movie, but not a funny one.
I think the musical was a good opportunity for improvement, but I found it disappointing.

What movies/books/shows would you guys like to see become musicals?
I think Bobs Burgers could be great, and I really want a musical of Brian De Palma's Blow Out.
I don't know why either, I thought it was a fun song too. It's catchy and I especially like the Heathers' parts.
I would love it if they did that because growing up in high school and even in college the people who were the biggest bullies cringed onto "social justice" to cover their assholishness like how evangelical baptists cling onto Jesus. I remember when I graduated from college last summer, this feminist from my film class was raving over this girl with a feminist cap on and the proceeds to immediately make fun of the other girl behind her with a Christian themed cap on.
Anybody else here like The Devil's Carnival?

>>What movies/books/shows would you guys like to see become musicals?

As long as we're doing musicals about dark shit I'd like to see >>90580985 get a treatment.
*clinged. Auto correct
Balls are funny, anon. Deal with it. (And DGW is the song I would have put in top if I hadn't decided on a max of 5.)

I collapsed each reprise into its main song except for Seventeen's reprise, since that one is sort of Seventeen+Beautiful+Damaged all mushed together. I would actually call everything from Dead Girl Walking (Reprise) to the curtain fall one big Supernumber called The Big Finale.
*clung to
Explain why you love I love my dead gay son, son.

I'm genuinely curious.
It's a nice, big classical musical style song, and I can appreciate that.
Makes sense, I just have a weird obsession with that reprise and I rate it much higher than the original Shine a Light. I agree with you about the big finale supernumber too, although you could probably even argue that it actually starts at Yo Girl.
It does remind you of something you might hear in a 1950s musical, doesn't it?
Shine a Light Reprise is great, but it's also like 30 seconds long.
I like a handful of the top middle's expressions the most.
Top right is my favorite, but also my favorite for the Heathers themselves
The Ocean on his Shoulders with just Chorus for the silent Delta
True. I kind of wish it was more of a full song, but on the other hand that would probably slow down the pacing too much.
what are your favorite musicals guys
None, and I mean none of them look like they could be popular short of being the richest fuckers on the planet
Why is the cast recording of Me Inside of Me missing its first few bars of song?
Heathers, Reefer Madness, A Little Night Music. I used to be really into both versions of The Wild Party, but I don't think they have great books.
>id normally slap your face off
Hnnngh, please do, that would probably push me over the edge like a cannon ball
Not that guy. Movie JD is columbine kid, musical JD is some kind of tragic love interest.
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I feel like the TV show is going get the point of the movie more than the musical does.
Heathers, Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris, Guys and Dolls, the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Chicago, and Avenue Q. I could stand to get into some more musicals, though.
I'm not saying it's not funny but it doesn't really seem like it belongs in the top-tier catagory with all those other songs
>tfw you can't make a list like that because you consider way too many songs top-tier to pick a mere five
>No, I really mean that, what the fuck were they trying to accomplish? "Muh progressiveness?" That's not really a great reason considering two of characters are supposed to be absolutely abhorrent human beings, one a complete fucking monster who's presence still steals the stage even after her death. If anything doing this progressiveness shit is more offensive than anything.
when's the last time you've been in high school?
Maybe, but the Musical will still be infinitely better.
Not all that recently but I have a hard time believing a bunch of freaks like that could be the borderline worshiped rulers of the whole school.
The musical took a look at the movie for how much it sort of played with highschool tropes of the 80s and how much it jumped the gully with the Columbine stuff

The TV show is gonna lose a lot of that charm and forget why this shit blew up all of a sudden
>you will never bang veronica
>You will never sing about your testicles to a women you're about to rape
>Heathers being in your list of favorite musicals
A Little Night Music is great though, and I haven't heard any of those others.
I grew up on Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables so I'm really into them.
I also like Assassins, American Idiot, American Psycho, Rocky Horror, Little Shop of Horrors, Phantom of the Paradise, and Hairspray.
Especially Little Shop of Horrors. Theatrical Ending > Original Ending.
Heathers the Musical isn't good like that.
The musical took the concept of the movie and shit on it.
>a bunch of freaks like that
a black girl, a gay guy, and a chubby white girl are freaks? What flyover state did you grow up in?
>could be the borderline worshiped rulers of the whole school.
It's hard to believe that any three people could be the "boderline worshiped rulers" of a whole school.
is Carrie the musical good???
>What flyover state did you grow up in?
Ohio, maybe?

Camelot, Little Shop of Horrors, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Music Man, 1776, Les Miserables, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Evil Dead the Musical, Book of Mormon, Mary Poppins.
>you won't be a 1980s kid

But I can make up for it by being an 80s guy
>A black dyke, a mentally ill tranny, and some fat fuck are freaks?
Yes, yes they are, for fucks sake Beautiful, the opening song, outright shits on all of the above.
The Veronicas of 1989 are still out there anon, they're just in their 40s now. And they most DEFINITELY are down with fucking younger men. So don't you lose hope. Go live the dream, tiger.
He's not gay, he's gender-queer you shitlord.
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They made Heathers into a musical? And now people are making animations of it? Why?
Like really why would you make a musical of Heathers, it was an almost perfect movie.
the dazzlings are awesome dude
>>90602093 has a point, >>90601808. Heathers taking place in a small homogeneous town in the middle of Ohio was a crucial part of the plot. Even the Rich Kids in Westerburg were paupers compared to the Actually Rich Kids attending private schools in New York, Boston, etc.
>Evil Dead the Musical
holy shit I need that
Get the fuck out of my room, Mettaton, you're drunk.
>Death Grips musical never

Fucking why.
Dunno why they did it but it was a good idea, the musical is great.

But now that people are turning cult classics into musicals... Blade Runner musical when? I could imagine it working real well as War of the World style synth rock.
Well, yeah, in the context of the musical/movie they're freaks, it takes place in a homophobic town.
But in real life, no.

These songs need way more. I really want to know why the musical decided to make Heather D a bitch way earlier then in the film. If I'm remembering correctly she didn't get that bad until after Heather C`s death.
I don't think there could be a musical that violent and able to convey what it feels like to live in a constant state of paranoia.
I know Heathers isn't amazing or anything, but I just get so much enjoyment out of it. Reefer Madness is by one of the same guys that did Heathers, it's got a similar style and it's a parody of an anti-marijuana propaganda film from the 30s, as well as being a satire of PSAs, McCarthyism, and the War on Drugs. It's not as deep as I'm making it sound though. There are two Wild Party musicals, they came out in the same year but are otherwise unrelated. They're both adaptations of a poem from the 1920s about Jazz Age culture and a dysfunctional relationship. One is by Lippa and stars Julia Murney and Brian D'Arcy James, while the other is by LaChiusa and stars Toni Collette and Mandy Patinkin. LaChiusa's version incorporates some aspects from another poem by the same author to add race issues. I would recommend the LaChiusa version over the Lippa, but I wouldn't bother looking for bootlegs.

I like Les Mis but don't consider it my favourite, and I'm not super hot on The Phantom. I also love Assassin, Hairspray, Rocky Horror, and Little Shop of Horrors, and I haven't seen the others but I really wanted to see American Psycho.
But they're not supposed to be freaks, they're supposed to be outwardly perfect and inwardly abhorrent monsters.
The Heathers represent the typical mean girl trope, pretty and popular but substance abusing turbosluts that can drive lesser girls to suicide.

>But in real life, no
Four years doesn't seem too long ago, and back then we would shit all over trannies, dykes, and fatties.
Yeah anon's high on the 21 Jump Street meme. High school's gone soft but they aren't anywhere close to college safe spaces, nevermind some weird mean girls meets tumblr abomination.

t. 19 year old
>Undertale the Musical

It could happen.
It already has if you count fanworks, just look up man on the internet
(get ready for a fuckton of mediocrity with a few good songs mixed in)
They aren't freaks but they're never going to be the popular kids of a school
>the musical is great.

>But now that people are turning cult classics into musicals
Big Trouble in Little China: the Musical when? Flash Gordon: the Musical? Black Dynamite: the Musical? Ms. 45: the Musical?
Little Shop of Horrors and Hairspray were based off cult classics.
Why do you come into a Heathers The Musical thread if you hate Heathers The Musical?
>Reefer Madness is by one of the same guys that did Heathers
I don't really like Heathers, as you can tell, but maybe I'd like Reefer Madness for some reason? I'll download the soundtrack.
I'm gonna try and find the LaChiusa Wild Party soundtrack, if there's an official recording.
>I like Les Mis but don't consider it my favourite, and I'm not super hot on The Phantom.
My childhood was Phantom, Les Miserables, Music Man, and Hello Dolly, but it's Les Mis and Phantom that really stuck with me.
I forgot to mention Cats in my post, Cats is great, I want to go see it once I get some money. Do you think I should? I could watch the recording.
>but I really wanted to see American Psycho.
I want to see it, but I hate the guy who's currently playing Bateman, wish it was Matt Smith on Broadway.
Not them, but this is just stealth /musicals/.
>Flash Gordon: the Musical

Ehhh why not

It has a Queen soundtrack already
>Four years doesn't seem too long ago, and back then we would shit all over trannies, dykes, and fatties.
what? who did?
I'm not going to respond to the first part of your post, I don't understand what the purpose of you writing that out was.

>Yeah anon's high on the 21 Jump Street meme.
No, I wasn't implying that at all.

t. 18 year old, still in school.
>and emphasizes parts of the movie that are inconsequential, why is there an entire song about the part of the movie when they go to 7/11
How dense do you have to be to miss the point of Freeze Your Brain? The point of the song isn't to take an (un)important scene ftom the movie and give it a song. The point is flesh out JD, and it happens tp use a setting established by the movue.
>they're never going to be the popular kids of a school
In real life has there ever been a "popular kids of a school"?
Have you seen that happen? I've never seen that happen outside of movies.

The most accurate piece of fiction I've seen/read in regards to how high school actually works is Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl.
You said in the context of the musical/movie they're freaks, I'm saying that goes against the entire point of the Heathers.

Also, everyone who was white and heterosexual, and the muslims/Indians since we had a lot of them in my school. Obviously there was also a ton of racism from all sides since you got so many groups together.
Highschool kids will take any opportunity they can to hate you and use it.
>Why do you come into a Heathers The Musical thread if you hate Heathers The Musical?
To try and make y'all understand that Heathers The Musical is terrible.
Won't happen anon, the majority of people in this thread thought the musical was great, which is why these threads are up in the first place.

Accept it anon, you're in a small minority and always will be.
Where the fuck did you grow up? Where are you from?

Maybe my perception is skewed, is most of the country still openly homophobic and transphobic?
Gremlins 3 should be a musical.

And yes, yes it is, are you from Jew York or Commiefornia or something?
It's not very good. It doesn't take its story seriously in the slightest, and the music and comedy aren't good enough to compensate for that. There are 2 or 3 funny songs, but Do the Necronomicon is one of the cringiest things I've ever seen on stage.
yeah, I'm from Brooklyn.
And even when I moved upstate people weren't openly homophobic/transphobic except for edgy white boys who were trying to be funny.
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It was a different mindset that was a product of the times. 80's movies showcased a lot of the material greed and violence that was both parodied and encouraged at the time. Post-columbine changed perspectives on a ton of shit.

A lot of people see Heathers as being the proto-Meangirls, but honestly one of its biggest focuses was its satire on how the media sensationalizes death, youth culture, and suicide; and how it can nurture disconnection between people and the consequences of their actions.

The irony being that through all J.D's and Veronica's 'anti-society' schemes they end up creating matyrs of their victims that just further fuel into system they're lashing out at (i.e. see how the art teacher has a fucking field day with the suicides under the guise of 'community healing'). They were creating system where everyone is nice to one another, not from genuineness, but rather fear that they could be responsible for triggering someones suicide. The Heathers, popular kids, and social royalty operated very similar to how J.D. and Veronica did through intimidation and fear tactics, it's just they took theirs up a notch by flavoring it with murder.
That fucking sucks, an Evil Dead musical could be amazing.
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Reefer Madness has a similar vibe to Heathers, like I said, but I personally think it's better. It's somewhat similar to Rocky Horror with its parodically pure and all-American protagonists being corrupted by the evil du jour, but it doesn't have as much of that gritty weirdness as Rocky Horror and the music is more showtune-y and closer to Heathers. If you hated absolutely everything about Heathers I wouldn't bother watching it, but if you're still interested I would watch the movie musical first, then watch the propaganda it was based on, then the movie again to catch the references.

There's an official recording of both version of the Wild Party, and the Lippa is on YouTube. I would still check out the Lippa if you're interested, it's not bad or anything and it has some good songs.

If you really like Cats I would definitely go see it, I heard the revival isn't super inspiring but it's a good rendition for people who already like Cats.

Pic related is from Reefer Madness.
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To this day I am still grateful there is a state in the promise land that has worse gun laws than Canada, it gives me an opportunity to say "a-at least we're not New York"

I'm not really going anywhere with this, just wanted to thank you.
>when everything's hot but her face
>On a unrelated note I also find it weird how Veronica refers to JD as a "cool-guy" at the end of the film, where as by today's standards JD would never be seen as a cool guy and right off the bat seems like someone who has several mental issues.
Have you ever heard of sarcasm?

Also, Movie JD > Musical JD.
I think trying to rationalize JD and make him sympathetic is one of the biggest problems I have with the musical.
JD's entire character is a joke making fun of edgy bad boy types who rant against the system and society.
Christian Slater's character on Mr. Robot is exactly the same, but older and played straight.
who cares about having a gun
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I do, it's a very enjoyable hobby that comes with the added benefit of having a good means of home defense.
I gotta watch Reefer Madness if it got Kristen Bell acting like a slut, I didn't even know there was a film version of the musical.

>it's not bad or anything and it has some good songs.
I just expressed more interest in the LaChiusa because I don't know who Julia Murney and Brain D'Arcy James are, and I want to see how it addresses race issues.

I'll check out both though.
>I gotta watch Reefer Madness if it has Kristen Bell acting like a slut
It's only for one song, but it's highly enjoyable. The movie overall has lots of fanservice but no actual nudity.

Oh okay cool, I just didn't want to give you the wrong impression of the Lippa version. The LaChiusa version also has Eartha Kitt, Tonya Pinkens, Marc Kudisch, and Norm Lewis, and it's a pretty stellar cast overall. Also in terms of race issues I heard that in this version Queenie (the main character) was originally written as a white-passing black woman.
>someone plays a printer in the orchestra pit
They sampled the sound of a printer starting up in one of their songs, forgot which one
>was originally written as a white-passing black woman.
yeah, it says she was originally gonna be played by Vanessa Williams, too bad that didn't work out.
I'm from California and kids in high school can be assholes to others based on stuff like sexuality and whatnot. I think it's somewhat subdued though
Slater's been typecast as the charming charismatic antisocial sociopath for decades.
>Undertale the Musical
>The protag/human/Frisk never sings, or even talks, the entire play.

>every time she tries she gets cut off by a Monster who breaks into song
My high school definitely had popular kids. Not popular with 100% of the school, but with a good 80%. They were the type that would get 50+ people at their house when they threw a party. Then the little subcliques each had their more and less popular/liked members.
But what about Lisa: The Painful Musical?

I could imagine giant penis Sticky singing about implied child molestation, including a reprise where he comes back with an assault rifle and tries to save the world from Brad.
>To try and make y'all understand that Heathers The Musical is terrible.

Ok, do you plan on doing that any time soon?
When you say people though, do you mean anyone over the age of 30? Did you spend a lot of time with blue collar guys in their 40s, finding out what they thought of crossdressers?
Little bit sad it wasn't a Mad Stan gif.
>Fallen Down Reprise with Asriel guiding Chara through the Ruins in parallel to Toriel guiding Frisk
Where did you go to school and when?
I can't do it, I'm not prepared. It's been months since I last watched Heathers.
Sympathetic JD is the right fit for the musical as is, which is definitely softer in tone and more optimistic than the movie. A more hard edged, pure black comedy Heathers musical complete with EVERYONE FUCKING DIES ending would be pretty incredible but you'd have to do an almost complete rewrite.

Candy Store could stay in.
you know what the fuck I meant are you Danny Devito's character in Matilda
You're not gonna do it anon, Heathers is a top-tier musical and you getting triggered by that statement will not change that.

All I know is Dead Girl Walking Reprise and Damaged are some of my favourite songs, and those songs wouldn't exist if JD wasn't sympathetic
>Sympathetic JD is the right fit for the musical as is
You're right, but did you ever consider that the musical is shit?
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Have you ever considered the original movie is shit and the musical is an improvement in every way?
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>knowing what happens after this song
No, because that's wrong.
Heathers might fail as a comedy, but everything else in the movie is pretty exceptional, especially the wardrobe.
>Heathers fails at it's one job
>It's better than the musical, which succeeds exceptionally at its one job
k den
I liked the movie but I think the musical takes it to the next level. It just works. If they made a Mean Girls musical as a counterexample I don't see how it would work but the Heathers musical makes me think it should have been a musical to begin with, idk.
The Phantom of the Opera, Return to the Forbidden Planet, Rocky Horror picture show, Little shop of Horrors, My Fair Lady
>and I'd create a separate C-tier just for the Seventeen Reprise because fuck that was a lame finale song
Oh come on, it's still better than Big Fun. Kind of heavy on the generic pop style, but they had to do something to lighten it up after all the shit that just happened. The general public tends to dislike downer endings (cf. >>90585769).

It's mostly too oddball for my tastes. I really loved Grace For Sale, though.

The thing I like about the musical is the Greek Chorus of Heather Chandler and the Jocks. They're some of the funnier characters in the movie, and even though we feel the ripples of what they've done through till the end it's nice to see them again.
>Heather Chandler was just such a huge, impactful character she still manages to steal the show even when she's dead
How can one gigabitch be so perfect?
Avenue Q, Book of Mormon, Cabaret, Follies, Les Miz, Chicago, Spring Awakening, Fiddler on the Roof. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. And Rent and Annie, haters gonna hate
>Yo girl, feel a bit punchy?
>She’s not looking so well
>Still, you’ve earned that red scrunchie
>Come join Heather in hell

That was the turning point in the Musical.
Well obviously, that was the point Veronica finally slipped too far and became a real Heather, the music had to match the plot significance.
Is that Danny on the right?
Heathers the Musical is even less funny than the movie, at least the movie has this scene.

>Heathers the Musical is even less funny than the movie
If you have shit taste sure, but this thread is only for people with good taste, aka, people who like the musical.
Not that anon but both the musical and the movie is pretty funny in different ways. I guess it just the musical has a pretty modern kind of humor that relates to some folks, myself included, here more(kind of reminds me of Mean Girls but with murder), but the original wasn't without it moments.


>Praise Jesus. Hallelujah!
this bothers me the most. the only thing we have is Veronica's "sex me up" face in every Dead Girl Walking animatic. What a bummer
I know, I'm mostly just trying to trigger the guy who came to a Heathers The Musical thread for some reason when he hates Heathers The Musical.
oh yeah, this part was kind of funny.

Heathers The Musical has lazy SNL-tier tumblr-tier humor. Stuff that may work written out or in concept, but doesn't have any thought put behind it.
I forgot this scene, probably the funniest scene but I felt sad too
I told you why I came, to try and make you all understand the truth.
Again, there's only 6 or 7 good songs in this entire musical, and it's not a 6 song musical.
Good taste, anon
Heathers, Chicago, Les Mis, Sweeny Todd, Phantom of the Opera. Not a favorite but Gigi is decent. It was a little boring for my taste at first yet I couldn't stop watching.
I think of muscial JD as the bad boy beyond repair
Heathers the Movie is a good ol pitch black comedy
Heathers the Musical is a Dark Dramedy
And I'm saying it's never gonna happen, everyone here but you loves the musical.
Missy Asylum just posted Freeze Your Brain
Shine A Light (reprise) is an underrated gift
>everyone here but you loves the musical.
That's impossible, it's garbage.
10/10 analysis
The implementation is that all the Heathers are bitches. C's death takes away Mc's sense of butchy duty, but Duke sees it as the promotion she's always deserved. Either way Duke definitely should have gotten a solo piece to humanize her more.
She's one mythic bitch.
Missyasylum is by far the best, because her characters FLOW and also due in part to the fact that all the action doesn't take place in a huge void.

Her "Meant To Be Yours" is straight fucking chills.
>JD getting on one knee when he sings the line about marrying a lawyer
>Black Dynamite: the Musical
You say that as if it couldn't be amazing
>that split second imagery of JD with the bomb
fucking stellar
Only to you, I thought it was top-tier
Fucking fantastic.This is what an animatic should be, not just to portray an alt version of stage choreography. She actually uses the potential the medium provides.
>Animatics that are basically just poorly sketched slideshows
What's even the point?
>You say that as if it couldn't be amazing
No, I don't.
Where the do you guys download your musical soundtracks?
/r/CastRecordings has a tendency to upload shit with 128kbps.
Black Dynamite: The Musical would have the potential to be the tightest shit
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>tfw female
>will never belt out Meant To Be Yours or One Song Glory or You And Me But Mostly Me or Look Down on stage to thunderous applause
Have you ever considered making a rule 63 version where JD is a qt edgy goth chick and Javert is no nonsense dragon lady?
I considered it, but I think JD would be the only one that wouldn't be too much of a stretch to alter the story.

I still wouldn't have a glorious masculine tenor, in any case
I got my copy from there and everything's around 260kbps.

Alternatively, if you're into the FLAC meme, you can use this.
Nigga fuck Heathers I meant musical soundtracks in general
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Excuse me?

Try being male and not getting Defying Gravity, A Boy Like That, Glitter and Be Gay, So Much Better, I Dreamed a Dream, On My Own, Wizard and I or Astonishing to belt out on stage to thunderous applause.
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I love Duke and McNamara. I want to make an animatic for one of those songs, it seems like good storyboarding practice. A lot of these seem like they don't experiment enough with the limitless potential the animatic/storyboard can have.

Yeah, life sucks. Don't worry, there are a lot of musicals and songs out there.
But dead girls don't have sex. Dead girls can't talk.
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>Dead girls can't talk.

Says you
There's a ton of productions with characters genderflipped. I watched a production of Little Shop of Horrors where Audrey II was a woman. Also a Les Mis with a female Javert. Both were really well done. Anything is possible.
Just go to a school like the one I went to, with only one guy in drama and like thirteen girls. You'll play all the guys you want!
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She was drunk, isn't this rape?
That just means they can't say no.
I've seen several movies that beg to differ.
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What is exactly a "candy store"?
Preppy girl club? Something related to drugs? Euphemism for lesbian sex?

Also, I can`t get rid of "dead girl walking" playing in my head.
The song's just supposed to mean "welcome to my world, it's incredible, off-limits to the plebs, and I can do and have whatever I want".
i would like this production more with a female JD tbqhwyf
When you're a young, hot, popular girl in high school you're like a kid in a candy store: you can have whatever you want whenever you want it. In this context, it's essentially just a clever metaphor for Heather C. inviting Veronica into a world of opportunity and self-gratification at the expense of others and the cost of her morals.

You can join the team
Or you can bitch and moan
You can live the dream
Or you can die alone
Is metaphor
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women are dumb.
Same. My vocal range works a lot better with male songs. With female songs there's always that ONE NOTE I can't hit. Not to mention that the topic matter for a lot of female songs are romance and shit.
Same here. I'm not a contralto, but my upper range is too weak to sing most soprano comfortably. It sucks though, because I love the way tenors sound and it's totally different when an alto is singing it, even if she can hit the same notes.
Are these based on their musical appearances?
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Does anyone else think Nightmare on Elm Street would make a good musical? I kind of felt Heathers was a reaction to those teen horror movies. You have high school fun, and Freddy is such a hammy character, he would be a blast with the right actor.
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