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How do we fix her /co/?

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How do we fix her /co/?
A Stilt-Man solo series. It's the only way.
We don't. We let her go nuclear. That's how we recover her.
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first rule
draw her like a hot woman with curves
Not make her the center of the universe magically beloved by everyone would be a good start.

>Carol once shot Stilt-Man in the balls repeatedly for not knowing her name.

Why must you remind me?
No. No more gay shit. That always ends with a heavy case of Adventure Time.
Kill her

An arc where she recognizes that her reason to be a hero since House of M is egotistical and stupid and did more harm than good to herself and the world as a whole, which makes she decides to step down the hero business for a while.
And walk the Earth like Superman: Grounded?
Wait till movie comes out where she's awkward quirky eccentric girl.

Discard all previous continuity and characterization and copy the movie.

It's called the "Tony Stark Method" and it worked on Star Lord too.
And /co/ used to say that synergy wasn't a thing.
>it worked on Star Lord

00's Star-Lord was pure pragmatic hero material. Now he is an imbecilic man-child.
Marriage with Spider-Woman.

It worked for the casuals.
You can blame Bendis for that, not synergy
Aw shit, it'll be a shit storm with her shitty fanbase.
Another rape story
Step one: Bring back the drunken murder with long hair
Step two: We keep Jess has her rock and possible love interest
Step three: Shes the Maverick of the government, Steve plays by the rules, she bends them.
Step four: She's really critical of aliens given her experience with the Skrulls. Not saying full on racist but skeptical
But synergy motivated Bendis in this case.
>Step one: Bring back the drunken murder with long hair

Superior Captain Marvel, when?
Im not saying synergy is always good, but you can still cater to that crowd and not go full retard. Bendis killed War Machine off because he thought he would die in Captain America Civil War.
>Superior Captain Marvel, when?
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Carol of Murder was cool.
Team her up with Kamala. Reverse the dynamic of Clint Barton and Kate Bishop, and apply it to the Ms Marvel duo. And then make them fuck off to space.

And then you've basically got Two Broke Girls in Space. But with crime fighting. And hopefully some alcoholism on Carol's part.
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Super moms, ft. space baby!
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Get her a better writer and artist. Seriously, Marvel are doing shit in both departments.
One page that is more entertaining than her entire Captain Marvel stint combined.
Make her go full fascist.
She already was Bush's drone. But they missed an opportunity of creating Dark Reign II with Trump.
They were on the other side.
>She already was Bush's drone. But they missed an opportunity of creating Dark Reign II with Trump.
Make it canon
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Has there been a reference to her alcoholism yet

If not, start there and keep going

Especially with all this pressure
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No, make this canon.

Yes, during CW2.
>make this canon
No thanks. Carol is forever destined to be Jess' Mom and her kid's grandma. Deal with it.
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>No, make this canon.
I hope never.>>90423833
>No thanks. Carol is forever destined to be Jess' Mom and her kid's grandma. Deal with it.

Are these real?
I mean officially released by Marvel?
>Are these real?
>I mean officially released by Marvel?
Contest of Champions A good book that no one bought.
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Stop having her act like a massive cunt would help
Get a writer dispassionate about her or what she's supposed to represent as in someone who's not out there to prove something about female characters or superheroes.
Take her back to what she once was, and give up all notions that she'll every be Marvel Wonder Woman or that they need a woman to begin with.
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full page splash of her and Jess 69ing.

Ewing curse.
>people who know exactly what they'd do with it

Is Carol afraid of herself? Who the fuck was in charge of writing this?
Break her down and make her filled with regret, and then build her back up
I would be interested in that. Have Kamala be the one that shows Carol why she messed up
Make her the villain.
Seriously, she has probably the best traits a villain could have, and also a story of how she got to that point.
>Bendis killed War Machine off because he thought he would die in Captain America Civil War.
You serious?
Is this real life?
Tony lost a decent friend cause of a movie misunderstanding?
Have her admit to not knowing what the fuck she's doing. Carol is not leadership material. She's too impulsive and has a volatile temper.

She's not cut out to lead or make unilateral decisions. Just have her admit to that and then have some supporting characters really help her out.
Stop pretending she is a hero and make her a straight up villain. There aren't enough villains in Marvel worth a damn and she is the biggest cunt in the MU right now.
Have her learn she is actually a pschic copy/clone/recreation created by Xavier after Rogue killed her draining her powers (cannon) and freak out but not tell anyone.

Then bring back the Original.

We clone saga now.
>You serious?
>Is this real life?
>Tony lost a decent friend cause of a movie misunderstanding?

The [central] idea is good but something personal would really help the audience get to that ‘they’re going to do it again’ thing. Do you know what I mean? They have to go the distance. It just so happened that the same person was Tony’s friend and Carol’s romantic friend and I did say out loud, “I don’t know exactly where they’re going to land in the Civil War movie but I know Rhodey gets hurt and I’m worried about even the concept of poaching something. It’s not something I want to do. Nobody at Marvel on any level felt that what it was because they saw where it was coming from.

I know people think that Marvel lets me do whatever I want. But that’s not a relationship that I’m interested in or would be very helpful to anybody. People who do really keep me honest said, “Oh no, no, no, this is a completely different story.” We knew what we were going to get out of it down the road.” So I went with it. I thought I would get more sass about that. I didn’t. I was surprised.
Resurrect Rhodey and make a Captain Marvel/War Machine book. Have them team up to fight terrestrial and extraterrestrial threats.

Then try to make their relationship an actual tangible thing instead of bringing it up when you need to build up drama in a shitty event.
>>90427603 Captain Marvel Storytime
Bring all the Former Marvels back and have them all go on fabulous space adventures. Make her and Genis fight constantly. Make her realize she is a constant fuck up in a line of fuck ups (with the exception of probably Mar-Vell.)
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Nah put her with Jess instead, her and Rhodey makes no sense.
Old costume
Bigger tits
She is /pol/s kryptonite, leave her be
>We also had to deal with the fact that, for a completely different reason in the story, Rhodey took a hit in the “Civil War” movie. I actually didn’t know where that was going to land in their final edit, so I had to take that into consideration as well.

Source: cbr.com/bendis-on-war-machines-death-she-hulks-fate-raising-the-civil-war-ii-stakes/
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And Long Hair.
Look, I'm personally not a fan of the pairing. I'm just saying if they're going to make them a couple, they should put the work in instead of just half -assing it.

I mean, odd are if either book gets made, it'll be written by a subpar author who ends up making yet another quirky "down to earth" female-led comic trying its best to ape Fractions Hawkeye run.
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Quit stretching for every opportunity to talk about /pol/. Go cuddle with your Nazi dakimakura or something.
>Raising the civil war II stakes

Man, I bet CBR feels real silly about giving the book that much credit.
Long hair
Escher girl body
no more lesbian

Make her more like supergirl instead of wonderwoman
>Kat Dennings as Whor being space buddies with Carol in 2 Space Girls.

I'd watch it.
She needs a sex tape. Stat.
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Time for her to join the 20000 mile high club?
I want to see Karla Dom Carol, and steal all her bitches from her.
> Long hair
> Thicc
> More Lesbian. Predatory Lesbian.
What a fucking stupid lazy narcissistic hack.

>Karla gathers multiple moonstones
>basically makes a new infinity stone
>goes on a wrecking spree
>they basically fight it out like a family guy skit but in space, tearing through shi'ar empire and random worlds for shits and giggles
Make Rhodey a crazy cyborg again and bond him to a space station/ship. Then they can have weird space adventures where the Captain is in a relationship with her ship. They can double cosmic team-up with Beta Ray Bill and Skuttlebutt

Why..does she have a dick.
> Rhodey-Ship can transform into a giant nigga-mech.
no more interracial aswell
that shit is degenerate
Well there's a fancomic where futaKarla impregnates Carol and then fucks Jess.
>Why..does she have a dick.
Artist Fetish
Carol Lesbians the Marvel Universe

Half of her allure is her predatory nature and having a vagina.
So you just know about the character through masturbation? nice.

Anon, don't be such a catty bitch
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>>90432267 Captain Marvel Storytime part2
Her powers are bland.

Really my only problem with her and a lot of Marvel characters at the moment.

She shoots lasers is really strong and can fly...okay?
Look if that poster thinks that they already haven't tried to move her more towards Supergirl then he's never read a comic with Carol in it.
Carol always was a more aggressive, more violent and more of a white girl, than Wonder Woman ever was. Making her more like Wonder Woman would involve giving her some kind of compassion or inherent kindness, whereas they have just tried to make her a blank slate for girls to self insert into, which is making her more like Supergirl.
This needs to happen.

Carol nailing all the pussy in the MU.
Alcoholism, a dysfunctional co dependent lesbian relationship with spider woman, punching aliens, and long glorious golden hair.
>Mark Waid
I don't get why you think that's going to fix anything
>I don't get why you think that's going to fix anything
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Trash her and give the title back to DC
DC never had it nor should they.
Carol being a fascist.

That's no surprise.
DC doesn't need the title.
> Beloved by SJWs.

> Is the most right-wing character in the Marvel Universe.
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If she's going to stay butch she has to get with a woman already.

This half-assed fence sitting isn't making anybody happy.
Are you saying Carol should stop sitting on fences and start sitting on faces.
SJW's are right wing
just a different flavor
This is what amuses me no end. She's upheld as this female icon, the best, etc.

Yet she likes killing, loves war, and hates aliens (i.e people who are different).

I was going to say they seem pretty authoritarian these days. Like cultural authoritarianism, its kind of a new thing.
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Go back to her and rogue being split personalities, they're little catfights inside their own body was pretty funny.
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Long hair is crucial and imperative

Stop making her the wonder woman of marvel and tumblr feminist interrical lesbian bullshit
WW manages to be a lesbian feminist with long hair, what's Carol's excuse?
let her be a neurotic, homicidal mess again. i have no idea why they thought it was a good idea to throw away her prior characterization, but it wasn't

give her solo book to Bendis, his Avengers run was a mess but at least Carol had some fun moments in it
That's why it needs to stop
The lesbian and interrical thing is not selling
Karla sofen has a better characterization than her

Stop making Carol into a feminist lesbian leader
Karla had a better Ms Marvel costume too

They should just kill off Carol
>>Get her out of military
>>Give her a career as a struggling vaguely right wing Sci-Fi writer
>>Embrace the fact that she's barely a B-Lister at the best of times.
>>Conflict around writing another book after being gone so long doing fascist bullshit, and trying to keep super heroing as a highly unpopular B-Lister
>>Jessica as her not exactly hetero life partner
>>Make it basically Broad City set in Marvel New York.
Another brain wipe. Start semi-fresh once more.

Basically give her something besides "Generic Space Adventures no one really cares about", "Captain Marvel is the greatest and everyone loves her, but do they love her enough", "Carol ruined my life and sucks", and of course "Twee Reference to Avengers 200".
Kree Empress Carol who steps on the Skrull and has her harem with Jess, Kamala, Simon and everyone she has ever been attracted to.

She gets everyone preggers even the occasional Kree because they need to jump start their race but little do they know that in a few thousand years the whole Kree Empire will be composed of alcoholics.
Well, if we go with MCU take. Removing X-men from her past especially Rogue. Could unfuck a lot of what went wrong with her character. I think Carol being rule 63 Hal Jordan in a way in MCU could work. Just not the Ryan GL movie we already got but something a little better put together hopefully.
Post the edit where she tells the muslim girl about her dick and asks if she can fuck her mouth
Let her be a misanthropic, impulsive, self-hating fuckup.
shift the focus to superhero action instead of character drama, make the super villains the real stars of the book

obviously this will require Marvel to actually invent actual threats for Carol

get rid of the Ultimates, Spider-Woman and New Alpha Flight they are an anchor hanging hanging around Carol's neck, she doesn't need them.
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Pray that MvCI does well.
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Long hair will be the game changer

Also enough with the butch stronk lesbians
Its so unappealing

People seem to like her more when she gets shipped with cap
>butch stronk lesbians
>EVERY single butch stronk lesbian is never actually a lesbian
>everyone does the same thing and pats themself on the back for subverting cliches
>subverting the cliche is more of a cliche than the never-seen 'cliche' itself
>Carol, I read your new book and I have to ask, did you just copy the events of the Kree-M'jdoc War knowing that no one on Earth would catch on?
>Of course not. Sure, I used a real life conflict as a basis, but outside that it's really all about the characters.
>Okay, let me rephrase. Did you copy the events of the Kree-M'jdoc War and then insert a bunch of thinly-veiled fetish bullshit?
>Yes. But I wouldn't really call it "thinly veiled."
>Give her a career as a struggling vaguely right wing Sci-Fi writer

So a right-wing female John Brunner.
i dunno , she is heavily MARKETED that way with the hair and shit but I have never met anyone who actually likes her, right or left, sjw or pol
>alcoholic big sister Carol teamed with neurotic Kamala who is rapidly getting her childhood innocence taken away
>in space
I just realized that sounds like the premise of Rick & Morty. And honestly, I think I'd be down for it.
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Street-level mom and cosmic-level mom, trying to raise their son together. Fund it.
God damn. Alex Ross is unnerving but really good.
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Gee I don't know maybe take better advantage of the fact that she's CAPTAIN FUCKING MARVEL
DC are the ones who killed your precious SHAZAM like petty bitches in the first place.
Give the rights to the creator's descendants.
I know right?
She helped me see the benefits of conservatism.
Yeah I really dug that fucking issue for all the callbacks and metatext but that specific line was hella clunky.
It ain't even a fucking "symbol", you're LITERALLY in a bar.
I find it ironic that the most iconic Marvel stories about women are about them turning evil, and yet Carol - despite having amassed multiple reasons & opportunities over the years - never has. Even in Civil War II she was a big old softie, Tony was the one blowing shit up.
Nobody tell Reignsfag.
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oh shit I bought that last Black Friday
He literally didn't have to say anything beyond: "A bar, appropriate." Like they think all their readers are morons or that one of her defining traits is a complete mystery.

Then again Marvel does treat their readers like idiots, and most of Carol's history has been sandblasted away anyway.
Morty=notmuslim. He wouldn't go off trying to convert the infidels.
Give the rights back to Fawcett.
>oh shit I bought that last Black Friday
From the sound of it, a lot of people here just want Carol to go to space.
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Bring back his son, so he can rape her again!
It's too bad all the people behind her voted for Trump, huh?
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IIRC the only thing they didn't mention in that issue was the rape.
Although they DID lampshade Shooter.
>first scene of the movie has a guy called Marcus come onto her
>she knees him in the balls
Marcus is black.
How will audiences react?
That sounds good, especially since the orginal Ms marvel (kamalas town) kind of has become tiresome. But make the adventures smaller, more personal. Jojo-level.
We don't
We kill her and fucking forget about her
Is Carol the Korra of Marvel?
Make her have twins this time.
Stop trying to force her as some type of goodie two shoes captain america mascot. Giver her back her old costume, and curves. Quit weaseling around the issue and have her go full dyke with Spider Woman. Fixed.
he needs to be half black, remember he is Miss Marvel son
Sure, 4 u maybe, but here in sweden its been like this for 50 years or so.
drunken /ll/ with Kamala
But that'd be haram, anon.
I may need a link to this, for scientific purposes
>Is Carol the Korra of Marvel?
The people in Korra that worked alongside her didn't know what they were doing either and were not cut out to lead though. Marvel has people that have a plan.
>>90457988 Storytime .
Why the push for all these new legacy characters?
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>mfw this dialogue
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it's Hopeless.
Give her longer hair (no shaved side shit either) and add lesbo shit.

Then I'd care about her.
>Give her longer hair (no shaved side shit either)
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yaaaass long hair
no shave side
no lesbian
no butch
no interracial
no SJW tumblr feminist leader type

Kill off Kamala she drags her down
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shipp her with cap
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Delete this.
You can't fix everything with lesbians.
But that Carol was super gay for Wasp.
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She had great taste, then.
Sandblasted several times by now, right?
1) Make her less of a cunt and more of a sometimes-bitchy dom
2) She can keep the short hair and her current uniform but draw her curvy and hot, less Marvel's WW and more Marvel's Peej
3) Put her back together with Spider Woman (who needs to go back to the pic related costume)
4) Lots of adventures where she's behaving like an actual superhero fighting unequivocal evil, fuck the moral conundrum bullshit
5) Lots and lots of explicit cuddling scenes involving her and Jess, may have to go MAX to get away with this
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or just kill her off and use moonstone
Jess is for straight men only you Carol shits

And Brand is for furries like Beast

How does she have so many bitches in her Harem?

>Implying Karla would mess with a beta like Carol
Honestly I'm not usually one to go for this kind of stuff but for some reason I find this kind of cute. Especially from the oh no you got cosmic in my street level and vice versa angle.
Bring old Carol the fuck back.

I knew the moment I saw that dyke haircut and that "Rosie the riveteer" homage cover, that Carol was well and truly fucked. She'd been one of my favorites since the first thing I read with her in it.

Truly, Deconnick, in thinking of a strong, powerful Wonder Woman-like figure for Marvel, did you not realized that WW got to be where she is in a "dated" costume and with (gasp!) long hair?
Carol doms all the others, but Karla doms Carol.
For the sake of diversity, of course.

Except, you know, actual original diversity would be hard, like, they'd have to create NEW characters omg. So instead we get this and they get to be popular riding the coattails of the ones they're replacing.

If you think about, it's kind of racists that they introduce diversity like that. It's basically Marvel saying minority characters would never sell without leeching of a white established character.

or writing original characters is hard. I mean you only have a handful of decent, well rounded black characters.

Blade, Spawn, Black Panther, Luke Cage..and they have to be able to sell as themselves.

So maybe it isn't so much that they need to but like movies and television, they're risk averse, so it just makes them look racist since they're always playing it safe. I mean if it was my money on the line, I'd do it too so I can't really fault them and not be a hypocrite.

Even if I would rather want them to try original shit instead of stealing from other characters.
where the fuck is the new info for this game? did it get secretly canned or something?
Because the old ones were failing. Comics enjoyed a brief heyday a few decades ago when their only competition was actual picture-less books. Now they have to compete with the internet though, and they're not doing a great job.

Sales are down across the board, and everyone's solution is trying to appeal to new audiences. New audiences don't necessarily want to read about a bunch of straight white men though. They want a few blacks and women thrown in. But new characters almost always fail, so their solution is to make the new characters old characters. You like Spiderman? Here's Spiderman. You never read Spiderman before? Here's a latino/black kid we think you'll like. Everybody wins.
Well I would risk it, so no, I wouldn't personally be a hypocrite in pointing it out. I mean, imagine if Stan Lee had brought back Captain America as a teenager instead of introducing Spider-man when he realized there were no teenagers protagonists in comics?
Sales are down precisely because of their new approach. Dependable, used-to-be-loyal buyers are gone, new ones might pick up a few comics because they heard it was diverse, but they get bored and leave soon. According to your theory, books like Captain Marvel should be tops, but she fails so hard she's been relaunched several times.

Nobody wins. Minorities don't care. I'm Mexican. I'll throw a mexicanized Batman in your face and call you a disgusting SJW for doing this.

Only idiots who care are writers like Bendis that cry because they think they've done minorities some kind of historical favor.
>According to your theory, books like Captain Marvel should be tops, but she fails so hard she's been relaunched several times.
I never said their new approach was working, just that it's what they're doing. Used-to-be-loyal buyers are gone because they're growing out of comics, and new ones aren't taking the bait.

So what would your solution be? I think latino characters are too few personally and I'm white, there is a void to fill there that I don't think has been filled by something super popular. If anything while I dislike weird America approach they're taking..

I feel like they need a traditionalist approach for mass market appeal. Like the Matt Murdoch of mexico kind of thing.

I mean while what's going on with the cartel's is terrible, it feels to me there is a great artistic opportunity there, like Sicario kind of shit.

Like grand theft auto taking advantage of crime ridden ghettos in merica' kind of thing.

I don't think we've seen something yet.

I feel like John Carpenter's Vampires could be an interesting parallel for a mexican character. Then again it might just end up like new Dusk Till Dawn Tv show.
Hey, I'm feeling ya. If they were gonna do mexican characters, I'd prefer them to create new characters to be Mexico's superheroes that get to interact with older, established characters, and not just the disadvantaged chicano street kids that we're used to seeing in comics.

Of course, they'd have to create original characters. And with the political climate being what it is, perhaps people wouldn't go for characters whose adventures happen not in the U.S all the time.
Stop making her into a wonder woman tumblr feminist

Make her a female long hair, non butch, non lesbian hal Jordan
Adventures in space
Her association with Kamalakhan gives her unwarented baggage
Its like she has to carry a literal sack of shit

the only way
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After civil war she was done in my book

Im not putting up with marvels SJW bullshit
Kamala is pure. Not happening
Well she did fuck up, and Kamala is the only sane one
Explicit hand-holding action.
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It's funny that they use Alex Ross and old designs to signify the timelessness of it all because pretty much all of them have had legacies before and they're nowhere to be seen on this pic.
I think I'm failing to explain why it's ironic, but it is.
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Oh boy.

just in time for monday Carol thread too
Already a candidate for the shittiest Marvel variant cover of 2017.
stop hyping her
it can't be done. she's never going to be anything more than a heavily-pushed midcarder.
Star Wars' covers are usually garbage too.
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Everytime we have a thread about the character, it goes to the post and image limit.

People really care about Carol. She had great stories and moment.

Looks like a Bruce Timm/Darwyn Cooke face, but it doesn't match with a realistic style.
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I don't like her name, and hate her powers.
Just let her die and make another char instead.
>and hate her powers

Marvel need a DBZ character since Sentry is gone. they'll be in trouble if the god of destruction comes there.
Well how about they drop all this cosmic retarded bullshit and do more street shit.
They don't NEED a dbz character. And they don't need gods or cosmic magical beings able to destroy multiverses blablabla
Modern people (Read, people older than 16 and living anywhere else than the 80's) don't want that shit, or don't care, and the people that are already here didn't start reading comics for that.
Just let the japs do those retarded jap things and marvel needs to do super-hero shit.
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How is this bait?
Or is that your 'I have no arguments lol' answer?
Are you mad because I said bad things about your japanese overlords? Get off my board, memester.

Fund it. Especially since Kamala hates Carol at the moment for putting Stark in a Coma. Add in some shenanigans that seperates Kamala from the inhumans (Like being arrested and threatened with the Raft for helping the Inhumans and Carol bails her out, out of guilt by offering to supervise her under Alpha Flight). Then space adventures.
>Don't worry about the comic sales, bro.
>The movie will save her character
The DBZ thing was ironic, so yeah, don't be triggered. And you're not talking to only one anon, i'm not the >>90472938 guy.
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>97. Mighty Captain Marvel #2 (Marvel) - 24,172 [89]

I like the guys on top better

Guess I should start visiting /pol/
Liking quality has nothing to do with /pol/
grow long hair

become disgraced and have to take exile in Latveria. where she works for doom.
Mid carders sell more comics than she does.
Everything wrong with Marvel summed up in one picture.
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I dont see Carol as Marvel Roman Reign.
got the page(s)?
How do we do gay right in media?
Ask the Japanese
You throw out the word gay, and anything attached to it, and just have two people in love that happen to be the same sex.

You treat it exactly like a straight relationship in EVERY FUCKING WAY, except they're the same gender.
>You treat it exactly like a straight relationship in EVERY FUCKING WAY
That'll make for some awkward sex scenes.
how? every movie just had two people making out and squirming under the sheets. doesn't matter what naughty bits they have unless you're watching porn
>under the sheets
What kind of Christian movies are you watching?
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Long hair
Make her more like Starfire in the comics
And Steve will be her robin

Whoever created this doesn't understand anatomy.
>>90478421 F
Some professional doesn't too
Sup /co/. I'm coming from the Halo General over in /vg/

So 343 finally fired Brian Reed, who was the lead writer for the company. Would you guys like him back? I'm sure he'd like to write for Marvel again

Because seriously, keep him the fuck away from Halo.
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>tfw Carolfag
>tfw you're 100% right
What did he do so bad?
So guys what is the worst Carol picture. Looking the most like a guy.
That one
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I think this one from mighty captain #1
Can someone find the one where she and Cap and Tony are all talking. She has a massive chin and a flat chest. I think it was something related to civil war.
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I prefer my Carol feminine, sorry m8. Brie will keep her hair long for the movie, and everything will be back to normal.
Yeah I hope so too. I just want to prove a point on a forum that long hair is better, by showing one of the really bad examples of the Dyke cut.
Best Carol.
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Caldwell's A-Force
Jesus Christ.
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Best Carol had a very strong chin.
>Everyone except (((Nova))) and (Phoenix) is some SJW replacement theory bullshit
Fuck, I want old Marvel back.
Same oh well.
Still thinking it's only a thing from that decade and it'll came back to normal, as usual.

Everyone prefers the real Thor and a poor Peter Parker.
>>90485653 Storytime part 2.
Give the reader a single reason to fucking care about her.
As is she is duller than dishwater and has nothing about the comics that she is in to change anybody's mind about that.
And yet Marvel continues to drag her out like the prized pig assuming that everyone will love her as much as they seem to.
Kind of like Cyborg with DC
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Carol's in the new GotG season coming up, debuts on the 11th.

Maybe it will improve?
I feel like I'm pretty lonely in thinking the current costume is an improvement over the previous one. Is the hairstyle even an issue for anybody outside of /co/? I really can't see why people would get upset over it.
I still don't believe this in universe Carol cult that they keep pushing

I know it's to pander to the irl fans, it just feels so dumb. She switches her costume and suddenly she's got fan clubs and everyone loves her?
>She switches her costume and suddenly she's got fan clubs and everyone loves her?
Pretty Stupid. KSD made carol a sales poison.
>the irl fans
Who? There barely were any at the time the issue was written. Next to nobody gave a shit about Carol when she was still dressing as a go-go dancer, and that still hadn't changed much.
Ms marvel #1 (2006) 73k captain marvel # 1 (2012) $2.99 Marvel 41,582
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having long hair and not being a butch lesbian

couldt not be mentioned enough in this thread

Civilwar2 made me hate her as a leader
Hey, I'm with you, anon.
>carol sucks, how fix?
>give her the same haircut as 99.9% of other female superheroes

At least the current hair is distinctive.
>At least the current hair is distinctive.
The end
I like how she's barefoot for most of this issue.
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you cant , just let her go.
My Fetish
By making it illegal to depict female superheros, for one thing
Seriously these things are fucking cancer, you are all horrible people bringing down an already stupid and awful medium down even further with your obsession with female superheroes despite how universally awful they are.

Oh hey there VP Pence. Still think Mulan's a work of fiction?
isn't Jean's legacy herself?
What the fuck are you talking about? Female superheros is something clearly should've been done away with a long time ago, they are cancer, killing a already pathetic medium. is it such a bad thing to remove them from the equation.
Why is everyone sad?
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Oh you.
Let's see
>They attract waifufags
>Waifufags are cancer who do not care about things like quality, only their dicks. gladly butcher shit to fill their needs
>They attract sjws
>Sjws are horrible people who care more about their warped politics, gladly butcher shit to fill their needs
>They're all just generally obnoxiously dressed annoying bitches on top of it
>Women being capable of having the mind set of heroics.
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>Women being capable of having the mind set of heroics.

Yep, you're backwards. Go back to /pol/.

No actually I'm going to bed now so I don't have to read your whole "women are inferior" spiel.

So yeah, go back to /pol/ anyway.
>No actually I'm going to bed now so I don't have to read your whole "women are inferior" spiel.
Keep running from facts, you filthy coward, see where that gets you, I'll tell you now, it won't be fucking pussy shit for brains. The sooner the world and media adopt a Confucius outlook on sexes, the better.
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>>Women being capable of having the mind set of heroics.

I thought maybe you'd pull some actual examples from comics, but nope, there it is!

I'll bet you don't even read comics; /pol/ was a mistake.
Are you shitheads that pussy obsessed you'd lower your stands just to look at some?

Nigga who gives a fuck about pussy. This is a comics and cartoons board and I'm calling you out on not actually being interested in either, since you're clearly only here to push your retarded political agenda
Male superiority over women and women's lack of mental maturity is fact.

Holy shit I give zero fucks. Why don't you go jerk off about it on /r9k/ with all the other betas
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