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Captain America is HYDRA!

Sam Wilson is a brooding wimp!

Jack Flagg is dead!

The USAvengers are led by some guy from Puerto Rico.

It's time for a Real American Hero to step and save the nation.

How American is she?!

It's in the name!
Get out spic
Shut up, Miles.

You were asked, but still, shut up.
Well this character can literally kick interdimensional portals open, so good luck with that.
Has MAC met ANY of these people? And why would anyone like her? She's such a fucking cunt.
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Remember, kids. If you love the Multiverse, just remember, it's only there because of lesbians!
So no character of any worth other than Storm was asked?
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Look, buddy. Marvel needs a Wonder Woman. And a Harley Quinn. Gwenpool might have the latter covered, but they've got to hedge their bets.
Nothing is better than the cure.
How can you say something so blasphemous?!
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Monica doesn't have to take this. She used to lead Nextwave, ya know?!
>capture her
>restrain her
>force her to work for ICE
>instant deportation service for illegals via spic portal
America Enrico Chavez Guatemala Perez (unwillingly) saves the day!
God, this colouring is fucking up the lineart something fierce.
And why is it that the female characters whose most interesting aspects are their "standoffish cunt" personalities so prone to get reinvented as "so inspiring yaas queen"? Kate Bishop, Carol Danvers, and now America...
>Look, buddy. Marvel needs a Wonder Woman
Maybe if they hadn't completely fumbled her from the get-go. Just place all bets on Carol now.
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Get it? Get it?! You get the metaphor this page is speakanating to you?!
Dammit. There's no hope for this book is there?
Hell yeah.

The CURE!!!

Yaaaas! How you like that brown fist, whitey?
None at all. Wait, you had hope? Really? No offense. I'm just genuinely intrigued here.
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Endless Trash!

>The USAvengers are led by some guy from Puerto Rico.

PR is part of the US anon....
Did you think anyone on the Ultimates was going to give her a good review?
As far as I know, just Kate and Loki.
Who's from Puerto Rico?
Keep telling yourself that
I have to try. I like America purely on a base conceptual level. The writer is an unknown. It was a crapshoot.
In a better world, maybe.
>can't make it state #51 because that would mean adding another awkward star to the flag
>puerto rico
go back to the theaters, casual
Kamala's one of those too now. Thanks to Mark Waid. Jerk.

Or the alternative, the bland and the saccharine like Moon Girl, Squirrel Girl, or Hellcat.

this is a storytime of pain
You liked that little prick? How about a bigger one?!
The coloring is fucking awful. It's like they stopped after the flats.
>>Need the gay flag to point out that they are gay.
Subtlety is dead. Kieron Gilleon fucked its corpse just to prove it.
>Kamala's one of those too now. Thanks to Mark Waid. Jerk.
Simple solution. See "Waid" on the cover and then ignore it.
Stick to Wilson for all Kamala needs.
Hot damn. I hate Westside Story now.
Oh god I've read this preview page so many times already and It still sucks as much as the first time.
>one of
Who bitch this is?!
I like her 90s Superboy costume
OH hey, the first time America being a cunt actually was shown in a negative way!
>Kamala's one of those too now. Thanks to Mark Waid. Jerk.
Thankfully, Wilson's still on her solo, so it's not THAT bad.
>Or the alternative, the bland and the saccharine like Moon Girl, Squirrel Girl, or Hellcat.
For all the flaws with Squirrel Girl, I think her personality works, especially in shit like New Avengers. I'll give you Hellcat. I like Moon Girl.
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>better than the cure AND mcr
Dear Straight, White, Flatscan, Terran People...
>Add me on beamchat

Don't you live in the opposite side of the multiverse?
I hate everything
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It still hurts.
Is there any hope left for Marvel?
I'm confused. Why is Disney paying you to storytime something they're trying to sell? Is this one of those weird marketing things?
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Hold the fuck up. Pure black is the absence of color, not white.
But it's true anon, other latinos hate Puerto Rico there all yours enjoy them
There's Star Wars and thats about it really.
I'm a huge social lefty and encourage inclusiveness in media (when done well), but this is just exhausting trash.

I'm sure this title is for someone out there, but unfortunately the plot and terrible writing are just not for me.
Absence of color = white
Absence of light = black
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He's not the only one incapable of grasping how people talk.

Just look at Americ-I'm calling her Chavez from now on-Look at the first thing Chavez says on this page. Not even Frank Miller would have made Diana say something this moronic.
>Prodigy is back
I have no strong feelings towards this whatsoever.
Mosaic is cancelled?
It's confirmed?
>Post yfw America defeats the cosmic jailer with her brown fist
Oh my god they're all chicano trash, no wonder americans hate us
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Don't get used to it.
Best bet on when it's canceled? I think it'll make it to 6.
Any time people write Miles, he just keeps getting worse.
>white just means the absence of color
White is all colors. That is why shining a white light through a prism makes a rainbow.
That someone out there ought to die for the good of the rest of us. Or at least get better taste in books.
Seeing how the bottom left >>90333323 is the writer, I'm not surprised.
Explain mixing all the paints together then.
And Blamed those Racist comic fans for not buying the book.
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>What the holy menstruation are you doing here?
We can only hope. Marvel loves keeping trash like this afloat in an attempt to make it stick.
Oh boy I know where this is heading

It'll reach 6, maybe 9 if it gets good blog press and Marvel wants to milk it for a bit.

Then they'll do a collection and market it on some latin-oriented and queer blogs.

Author will probably burn a few bridges via twitter due to the cancelation announcement.
>Pure White Energy

>Is Pink

Was the colorist just having a laugh?
Oh here we fucking go.
Holy shit this is bad. Please tell me this is some edit where the person thought to write the most horrible liberal bullshit possible.
>No color
Okay, did anyone pointed this out to the artist yet?
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My god! She just punched out that homophobic, gay, anti-semitic, jewish Nazi! She truly is the hero we need! Now all she has to do is set Steve's hair on fire and she'll be golden.
Get a prism, anon.
This is one of those Kate Leth style "I write what I know, so she's going to college and maybe the mall" type of stories, right?
>Sam Wilson is a brooding wimp!
Hey, at least he's being written in character
Yeah that's sound about right, if we're lucky.

Although I have this bad feeling that it'll last longer than Mockingbird.
>Americans throw bomb at her
>She knocks the bomb back at them
>Bomb explodes on the other side of the page and Americans cheer that she deflected the German bomb
How rushed was this?
Get some paint anon.
this is one of the worst comics i ever read
I love Fifth Element. Fuck you for doing this.
And he's a happy naturalized citizen.
>Character of worth
Man, Prodigy was that one character in New X-Men that you really just sort of forget about looking back.
Every other character on the team was way more interesting than him.
Hitler Spencer outta nowhere
Scanbro you read too fast, Cap is right behind her.
And not someone who claim to be a "Real American" is having America in her name.
Thing is, why should MAC care? She's in another dimension. Does she go to every dimension to punch out Hilter?
It seems clear to me the the perspective had shifted in that panel man
Storm is shit. Loki is where its at.

Liberals keep going "How could people possibly support Trump?" and then produce shit like this. I can already see the praise of "It's perfect"
Roberto Da Coasta Aka Sunspot aka Citizen V. Leader of the USAvengers and billionaire.
Sunspot is Brazilian.
He's from Brazil.
I actually so work with paint, and you do not create white paint by "removing all the other colors from it".
>What the holy menstruation

Women were a mistake.
most of my favorite X-Men get more spotlights outside of X-Books
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>Is there any hope left for Marvel?

>Nova already selling cancellation numbers on its second issue

Post the rest of the issue.
>Every other character on the team was way more interesting than him.
This is the case with basically any black character on a team, is it a curse for them to always be the least interesting?
>10 reasons why America Chavez is the perfect new hero for this post-Trump dystopia
Why is she leader of the Ultimates?

Is it because she hit Carol with a chair?

Is that how they pass leadership titles?

Is this secretly professional wrestling?
>this shameless shilling on the first fucking page.
>Puerto Rico
The fuck? He's Brazilian you dumb fuck.
You certainly don't make white paint by adding them all now do you?
Do mexicans even call each another 'primas' (cousins)?
I think the "'till next time" means that IS the rest of the issue
holy fuck
it's like the writer is doing this just to create the worst ever self-inserting wish-fulfilling fantasy comic
imagine if i wrote a comic about my wish of fucking and abusing 5 vietnamese bitches while being high and marvel published it
Ha wait what
What a fucking awful person jesus.
Yeah that's Hitler alright. He was just infamous for wandering onto battlefields.
>Leader of the ultimates

The reunification of the ultimates was a fucking secret!
The art is pretty but that coloring is just bullshit
>Marvel needs a Wonder Woman. And a Harley Quinn.
Why? They have other girl characters that have a decent fanbase and say more interesting things than Wonder Woman and Harley.

What the fuck is wrong with the writer? What's with that fucking obsession about being brown?
Ah more writing like teenagers are "supposed" to talk.

Why is a horror game the only thing not to write the kids as total spegs. Until Dawn being the game in question BTW.
No, you make it by adding pigment that is colored white.
So that example fails, but is irrelevent, because the author was talking about white energy (light), which objectively contains every wavelength (color) across the visible spectrum, not "none of them".
You have to go back.
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Is this the worst MAC has ever been? She's tolerable in Ultimates, in Young Avengers she wasn't *too* bad, but this is just putrid shit.
>Much respect


Remind them of this on twitter or whatever.


Sick burn.


It's Marvel, baby!

What was she before?

I miss Everything is Illuminated


Punk them on twitter.

Told you.

You mean like what Marvel's been doing for the last decade?

I like how that implies he was bad from the start. Which he was.

Take heart, chum.

Ewing might just make that happen. Make the Cosmic Jailer a Trump stand-in, I mean.

People read and like that book?

He just ain't the same without that badass costume THAT PETE DESIGNED.

You're right to do that to an extent.

Rule of Quirky

Lazy is the New Black. Plus you gave this the okay when you started buying books like Superior Foes


Spencer is against punching Nazis by the way. And punching. Which would explain why the action in his books is usually ass.


So she can pay tribute to Jack Kirby's 100th. It's basically her version of the Kamandi Challenge. Meanwhile, Spencer turned Steve into Hitler.

I seriously can't believe that Black Mask is making a CALEXIT comic. Where the hell is SINATORO?!

What this >>90333904 guy said.

The recap is worse in my opinion since it insults Clint and stresses how gay and brown America is.

Trump's recent speech was pretty all right.

Like sexy abuse or straight-up violence? Or a mix of both?

Par for the course.

You are a fool.

Their movie asses belong to Fox. If it were up to me, I'd make Chat Sanduval the MCU's Wonder Woman.

You'll make it, pal. Not me though. I was just posting the first issue for the laughs and the (you)s. See ya!
Marvel doesnt confirm shit. They just wait for the title to not be solicited. Mosaic is probably dead after 8 or so
I would put that on my pull list before Captain Mexico.
And her logo is a nice callback to original Miss America logo. Shame everything else is crap but the costume.
Wrestling has better booking than this.
Even watching Chavez and Danvers hot potato the title of Yaas Queen before a blow off at Civil War II would have been better than what each character has gone through.
It took me till now to get they were calling monica 'mon' and not just doing some weird fucking Bob Marley thing.
>Peutro Rico
Sunspot is Brazilian.
Galactus said so.
Strictly sexy, degrading abuse
Don't blame us, I thought it was stupid too.
>mega boost in powers
can't she already do everything?

>I miss Everything is Illuminated
Asshole teased a return on his twitter just yesterday, he better fucking deliver.
I'm sure he meant womyn
But she makes portals. Why the fuck would her gf have to move with her. Whu?
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Aaaaaand im out.
>Like, better than the Cure AND MCR

Welp, I think that's the quickest that I've gone from being interested in a book to not even wanting to finish the pirated version that I didn't even have to pirate.

Why is there such a disconnect between youth culture and comic writers? Didn't they pull this author from some YA books?

The Cure was big 30 years ago. MCR is old enough to be passe to the new generation but not old enough to be "classic" in the same sense as the Cure.

"Like, she's better than /music/."


Ewing puts in the work to humanize America by giving her this girlfriend that worked well for her and spends time building up their relationship just for her to get dumped in the first issue? Bullshit.
Man this is practically parody as it is. It's like they made a comic of nothing but out of context panels /pol/ bitches about
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How can they even THINk about pbulishing that?:D No wonder, they cancelled all books to become "less politcal".
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Illuminated Wars can't be topped. It simply can't.
If she has a girlfriend how can she sleep with different women in each issue? You need to think about these things
>1. She's a badass 'She'
>2. Did we mention she's badass? No, seriously.
>3. She's latinix and proud of it
>4. She's queer friendly and normalising
>5. She's a queer POC
>6. She's a badass queer person who isn't defined by how queer they are
>7. She represents queer diversity
>8. She's more American than Donald Trump, it's in her name
>9. She's a badass Queer Person and WE NEED THEM RIGHT NOW!
>10. Seriously read this book
So Sotomayor is something other than a joke of a judge made a justice for rubber stamp decision-making in this? Still horseshit.
This entire thing is self-indulgent wish-fulfillment without any substance whatsoever. The writing is also way too on the nose even the few promising character notes are strangled it. This >>90333400 for example would have worked better without the caption.
Standing around to pose for that long feels really unnecessary.
I like her costume designs.

The character just feels like something put together by a teenager wanting social justice. Why does the fact she'a a lesbian matter?

I swear we'd find the cure for cancer but all some people would focud on is the sexuality and skin color of that person
They'd never expect it


That is because he almost has no personality, he was just a bland nice guy for Surge.
1. She's KICKASS. If you don't trust us, ask SPIDER-MAN
2. She's a quirky rican. That's not derogatory because I'm not white
3. That means she's brown
4. She likes women
5. She's a hip teen in college who knows all the cool slang and uses it often
6. She's with Her
7. She is a woman who is kickass
8. She is America! See what we did there?
9. Her girlfriend dumped her
10. We need money
It makes her "empowered" and not a slut. Wonder which buxom famous babes she'll be bedding.
She's not a bitch when anybody but Waid writes her. Even Bendis made her cute, if on the flirty side.
stop being it.
>She's with Her
That's a good one
All this talk, and she dates a white girl. Kek
Maybe its like that Netflix documentary thing and they are only acting like ghetto garbage to make a point to whitey, or something.
Not enough mentions of Trump
Why does Marvel thing stroking their own dick would endear anyone to a character? This is obnoxious.

Absence of color is black you dumb nigger
But she changed the timeline or something so now he's not President, or something maybe.
Tumble says:

>>america kissed girls n punched hitler in the face in the first issue of her solo and if that doesnt set a standard for this book then i dont know what does

>>That last panel was iconic
White boys triggered so hard right now
The bottom right panel looks absolutely disgusting.

This comic is just off the rails.
If someone asked /pol/ to write a ironic nu-marvel story it would look exactly like this.
I'm almost sure someone is having one big fat laugh.
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>It's so big, like if the HUNGER GAMES had starred Rue. Or it's like the Marvel version of Zayn's career post-One Direction
An adult professional, ladies and gentlemen
>have implied sex
>still clothed afterward

I thought this was a progressive book that would bravely show real queer relationships. Or do lesbians have sex with their clothes on?
I am legitimately curious on if she's a menstruation worshipper as part of her religion.
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>For princess Leia's sake


I keep hearing they are but evidence doesn't point that direction.
Im not white and i am triggered right now, negro.
*People with taste who want good stories, characterization, and dialogues in a comic instead of hamfisted politics, virtue signalling, and self-indulging wish-fulfillment triggered hard right now
I could talk you in Spanish but i wont follow the examples of the comics, instead i will call you a nigger faggot.
Blame Wiccan as her pantheon is just pop culture bullshit.
Couldn't she just abuse limbo or get a time machine for time travel anyway?
Someone get this person on Champions! They're up on all the hip pop culture references. Woke af, G. Rivera is lit and no doubt keeps it at 100

Catch ya on the flipside hep cats!
White males truly are the most sensitive bitches on the planet
>So that example fails
Well no it doesn't. You just dodged the point with semantics.
"White is the absence of color" is still correct and the one-liner still technically works. See: subtractive color.
Maybe YOU should go back.
What would he think of the current Marvel universe?
Everything about this storytime makes me wish I was dead
I am not white and american. You fail, fag.
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What about him.
Well they're not wrong, it is iconic. It has been since Cap did it 80 years ago.
I am a door-skinned latinamerican and I am as triggered by this shit as you could get. I want to fucking die so I can stop feeling I can be associated with this fucking people.
God fucking dammit. I LIKE Ms. America. I was hoping she'd get an ongoing at some point. But fuck me, man, this was horrible.
Fantastic Quads confirm that this is all Wiccan's fault, and by extension, Wanda's.
wtf that isn't carol
who is this hack?
This is what this page reminds me of, for some reason.
>"Why the fuck hasn't anyone cured cancer yet!?"
I read the first page and I already don't like this character. She's nothing like "a Wonder Woman."

Carol would probably be closer to one but she's largely irrelevant until her movie.
>In the next issue

Are you crazy? This isn't Hitler! This is Larry, we are just actors making a play to cheer up the troopes! Why the fuck would Hitler be here?
They probably will try to code disapproval of this book (or even disinterest, because "silence is compliance", dontcha know) as some sort of dogwhistle for Trump supporters, in some craven ploy to boost sales. But the 1st issue alone is so shitty that it's bound to turn story-focused people away (maybe people who are into comics for the art see something in this rag, all this "non-house style" stuff is starting to blend together for me at this point). And then they get to be lumped in with Trump supporters, whether they actually are or not.

If media consumption actually worked the way lit crit chumps pretends it does, this book would be directly responsible for creating more Trump supporters in the world after its release. Random, benign people would have been browsing through the comic rack or looking through issue dumps online, and then they read the first issue of 'Murrichavez, turned their noses up, and BAM - MAGA caps just spontaneously pop up on their heads and take over.
>How do you do, fellow kids.
Probably written by a white boy
Que te jodan comemierda el cómic sigue y seguirá siendo basura.
I don't think the writer thought this through.
This is the Carol Danvers song.
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This is the writer
Gabby Rivera
Yeah, that figures
I thought that was a McDonald's bag at first
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>the worst ever self-inserting wish-fulfilling fantasy comic
>Sonichu is better than an official marvel comic

When the fuck did Storm even meet Ms. America?

At least ask somebody else on the Ultimates like T'challa or Carol.
>T'challa or Carol.
>She acts like a brat.
>She hit me with a chair unprovoked.
>still kept our trademark dead inside rapist ten thousand yards stare
Heh. Serves her right.

Sonichu is art, dude. Not compared to this or ironically, just art.
Maybe she's misunderstanding and thought the interviewer was asking about America the country rather than the person.
>Maybe she's misunderstanding and thought the interviewer was asking about America the country rather than the person.
Storm confirmed Trump supporter.
>"It's so big, like if the HUNGER GAMES had starred Rue. Or it's like the Marvel version of Zayn's career post-One Direction."
>"But is better because it's America."

I have no words.
Yeah, you're betas alright
It's our fault, really. /co/ made a collective wish years ago, and the ramifications of that wish is taking years to unfurl. We all wanted C-and-D listers to get ongoings, and by God are we ever getting them. We've been stuck in Act 3 for a few years now; the shambling corpse of Marvel is at our door, asking us to take it in; but we used up the last digit on the paw for lewds, and there's no way to repel this ghoul.
There is a difference between visible light and pigments within paint. Black paint is made by mixing purple and yellow.
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I can't find the webm of Joker snapping his own neck from TDKR animated movie, so this will have to do as my reaction to this.
No they fucking don't. That's some Cholo gangbanger street gang trash. We call our friend's parents aunt/uncle sometimes but I have never heard anyone call anyone else "prima" like that.
Have you considered that this is intentional edge? Like when people prattle on about Bitch Planet and being non-compliant and all that middle-class fantasy bullshit?
>It's so big, like if the HUNGER GAMES had starred Rue

It also wouldn't change the narrative of the rural states sticking it to the weirdly dressed, camp, sociopathic city folk
Tbh tía would have been better
That is clearly a German hand grenade.
Carol calling Chavez a barely tolerable brat would be funny.
Tia would've been way better, I wish people would just not write slang if they're just gonna make everyone speak like ghetto trash.

It's trash. I never thought representation would make me this fucking mad but hey here I am, what has this author even done before this? She sounds so fucking amateurish.
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>what has this author even done before this?

She wrote a book, it seems.

I'm so sorry anon
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>you are a bruja
what ethnicity is this fucking bitch? no one in any part of mexico would enjoy being called a bruja as slang.
There was a time just a few hours ago when my mind put great stock in the notion that representation was important and should be encouraged.

Now this and other media have made me not as sure.

I really want to speak about this. WHO THE FUCK thought, that it is a good idea, to let her write a comicbook for MARVEL?
>the narrative of the rural states sticking it to the weirdly dressed, camp, sociopathic city folk
I thought Americans that lived in big cities loathed rural states. Y'know, "flyover country", "Jesusland", all that shit. Why did city folk lap up The Hunger Games so readily?
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>tfw Squirrel Girl isn't even in the bottom five books at Marvel anymore
>White males truly are the most sensitive bitches on the planet
True, it amazes me how they'll go into a thread to read a comic that they know they'll hate and then bitch endlessly about it, and even if the people bitching weren't white, it's still a pathetic trait for anyone to possess.
She's @QuirkyRican (no, seriously, that's her profile name on Instagram).
From Amazon:
>“Even if Holden Caulfield was born in the Bronx in the 1980s, he could never be this awesome.” Inga Muscio, author of Cunt Juliet Milagros Palante is leaving the Bronx and headed to Portland, Oregon. She just came out to her family and isn’t sure if her mom will ever speak to her again. But Juliet has a plan, sort of, one that’s going to help her figure out this whole “Puerto Rican lesbian” thing. She’s interning with the author of her favorite book: Harlowe Brisbane, the ultimate authority on feminism, women’s bodies, and other gay-sounding stuff. Will Juliet be able to figure out her life over the course of one magical summer? Is that even possible? Or is she running away from all the problems that seem too big to handle? With more questions than answers, Juliet takes on Portland, Harlowe, and most importantly, herself.
She looks like she wouldn't be out of place on Orange is The New Black, Jesus.
So when this eventually crashes and burns will her excuse also be that she's a real writer and that trifling comics were below her anyway.
hold up

they made a secret wars one?

where can I get it?
where can I get it
>Here are 5 facts about America Chavez

1) She's a girl
2) She hits hard
4) She's cute and I love her
the coastal states need to collectively be set a flame then flooded
Ah, the old "you can be a white dudebro even if you aren't white" thing. Why do you want to make a paradigm where "good whites" can basically call minorities porch monkeys and house niggers? Do you really think they'll use that policing shit properly?
Yes. Because they're liberals. They lapped up the Hunger Games because they thought the Capital represented the patriarchy exclusively because of Snow, ignoring all of the effeminate, evil faggots that populated it.
No where was that said in that post.
No, it still is. It's just not the worst. Still bottom five though.
this is why comics are a bad hobby
Imgine buying this
>White males truly are the most sensitive bitches on the planet

>and even if the people bitching weren't white, it's still a pathetic trait for anyone to possess.

Same logic.

You don't have to be a white male, to be as pathetic as a white male. You don't have to be a dude, to be a dudebro. You don't have to like Trump, to be a Trump supporter. All you have to do is step out of line, and you're in the out-group.
>comics are a bad hobby because bad comics exist
>it's like the Marvel version of Zayn's career post-One Direction

Dead on arrival?
This is why nationalism is coming back.
Oh, sweet merciful Jesus.

This is awful.

People buy this?
Could you imagine being this pathetic? >>90333969
Where were you when Marvel officially became Sonichu tier?
>dat author self-insert
Don't insult Mr. Gumb's timeless masterpiece.
This wishes it was anywhere near as memorable as Sonichu.
you messed up your post number, anon, I think you meant this, anon. >>90335639
you messed up your post number, anon, I think you meant this, anon.>>90335702
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How come the only representation people seem to give ethnic groups is the gangbanger washed out ghetto culture that minorities have in the USA? God forbid they actually have to research someone else's culture instead of just calling someone X ethnicity and throw in some fucking slang on her dialect.
Holy shit this was so damn awful, I knew it was going to be the moment the idiotic writer called her Queer, but still...

Ignore all the race baiting, just the fact that these random people know confidential stuff about her life is retarded from a story standpoint, fuck this, this book managed to actually upset me...and marvel is promoting this shit, instead of actual good books they have that get cancelled and get 0 marketing...

I like America Chavez, never had a problem with her character, but yah fuck this book.
They are like that, all these fucking latino americans can't talk spanish for shit, cheapen the culture they want to cherish so much and the names of the characters are the most hilarious retarded things.
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I wanted to save these for Unstoppable Wasp's story time but given the race baiting in America I guess I can drop these here.

Unstoppable Wasp's writer loves stronk brown lesbean grills
Jesus Christ.
>go into a thread to read a comic that they know they'll hate

fuck you
I'll bet most of us didn't come in here knowing we'll hate this comic
there are many good comics starring PoC or LGBT people I've enjoyed (and 90% of /co/ posters, too)
books like Ms Marvel, Ewing's Mighty Avengers and Ultimates, Green Lanterns, or Young Avengers
please don't tell me that this shitstorm is as good as any of those comics
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>hey guys see I think white people are the problem too, buy Princess plz?
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By far Jeremy Whitley's worse sin is looking up to Bendis as an inspiration though.
this is fucking cringey, the writter clearly has talent to tell stories but is too busy with ''LOOK, LESBIANS!!! AMERICA IS THE BEST CHARACTER EVER!!EVERYBODY AGREES!''
Lol without white males you wouldn't have shit but mud huts and malaria
Don't fucking go and spam hate on her twitter, she will victimize herself like every other writer that got their books cancelled that wasn't a white male main character(there was no twitter controversy for Black Knight, Hyperion, Solo, etc).

No I'm not a white person(according to the northern Europeans), for those posting about whiny white males.
I'm not on the up and up on current Marvel, but can't Carol fly? Why the ship?
>I wanted to save these for Unstoppable Wasp's story time but given the race baiting in America I guess I can drop these here.

So, do you just stalk the twitters of creators, just so you can find them saying something /co/ntroversial, so you can get (You)s or do you do it for something else?
But ... White isn't the absence of color, black does.
Even Hal Jordan knows that, and he had the brain of an avacado.
Scanbro wasn't kidding when he said this was the worst thing he'd ever read. Jesus Christ.
Holy shit
This was worst than I thought
Well, I imagine Tieri would laugh if he received the hate, anyway.
I mean, the guy's a hack but he went an extra-mile to piss off Punisher fanboys. He's probably used to people talking shit.

Everybody loves or thinks about America! she must be a great character! So popular and relatable!

I remember back in the 70s when people started reading Spider-man, he was well liked because in universe he was really popular, fans, fangirls, spider-parades every issue!
>The USAvengers are led by some guy from Puerto Rico.
>It's time for a Real American Hero to step and save the nation.

1) I know it's a joke and he is Brazilian but isn't Puerto Rico in America?
2) Isn't America Chavez an alien from another dimension where America doesn't even exist?
no, Prodigy was way better than Elixir and Dust
(not to mention Tag, Icarus and that little shit Wither)
the explosions seems to be right in front of the soldiers, not back there in the background
It's so obvious that the author probably wanted to have America punch Steve himself, but editorial stopped her so they just had Hitler suddenly appear out of nowhere.
If she thought it was too easy, why did she leave instead of sticking around like her fan wanted?
Dont worry the maker will kill it.
Guacamole, you philistine.
>Named America
>Doesn't have the American Flag outside her home
You could still have the rainbow one next to it.
Exactly, there are a group of fucking retards here and in many places that see a black person for example and say it's Marvel agenda and the books sucks, but there is an equal maybe even greater amount of retards online that defended shit like this book, or Mockingbird, based on the same things.

Ignore the racial part of the comments, read the damn book and tell me the whole thing doesn't sound dumb and sloppy, you can try to ignore the racial baiting, but it happens every two pages so it's pretty hard to do it.
How can you post and steal wallets at the same time, Juan?
what good is the thicc if it doesn't like men?
(You)'s are always nice but I just honestly came across these posts while browsing Twitter absent mindedly and thought it was relevant to a comic about literally punching out white energy
>brown lesbian aggressively fists white girl
did they ever explain how the lesbians from her home dimension reproduce? do they grow dicks or are they hermaphrodites or something? or just muh magic?
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people have been saying this book would be shit and do what people have been complaining marvel does with their books ever since it was announced but this went well beyond what anyone could've expected, its crazy that this got past an editorial department. It doubles down on all of marvel's shit with even worse writing and no subtly at all.
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>believing in Ultimate Reed

Yeah, no. He's been jobbing ever since Secret Wars ended.
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>Stick to Wilson for all Kamala needs.
Wilson can't write Kamala forever, anon. A character shouldn't need one specific writer to be a good character.
They're futas.
Don't worry no one is buying this shit.
So how old is America and what grade level is she in?
Cause if she's an undergrad freshman, shouldn't pretty much her classes be ... Normal?
Like English, History, Calculus, Sociology, Microeconomics?
Just a basic sweep of core required classes?
None of us talk like that, this is some next level computer shut in SJW shit.
>9.5 / AiPT! - Alyssa Jackson
>Overall, I'm really excited about this series and I can't wait to see where the team takes America next.

>9.5 / Doom Rocket - Molly Jane Kremer
>Recommended to anyone looking for a superhero book that spends as much time developing its leading lady as it does punching baddies, because looks like we'll be seeing lots of both.

>8.3 / Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho
>“America” is off to a strong start that captures all aspects of this character in a way that will please longtime fans and new fans alike. I can only hope that this series is allowed to run its course and be all that it aspires to be.

Comic book "reviews" were a mistake.
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really makes you think
Yeah and this is goong to sell better and then go down the toilet and the only reason it is selling better it's bevause it got promoted.

Nova came out so quiet it pissed me off.
Wow. Comics critics are somehow worse and have less standards than horror movie critics.
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>Como la flor. Con tanto amor
That's the shittiest university motto I ever read, sounds like something Frida Kahlo or Violeta Parra would came up with

>The department of radical women & intergalactic indigenous peoples
I give up
They gave Nova a 100% overship.
>Thank the Pama I'm dead
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I never thought I'd ever say this in my life

As a actual Puerto Rican I feel offended

Who the fuck even speaks just injecting random spanish like that, if I'm speaking english I stick with english
I wish this issue wasn't so up it's own ass. Some eXiles-style multiverse adventures with America could have been cool. Instead we get the same regurgitated, self-indulging plot we see in every new Marvel #1.
>Protag has a down-to-earth life situation which is blown out to moderate fantastic lengths
>Meets some other young characters in pursuit of their goals
>Finds a new mission in life which is seemingly proactive but doesn't have much to do with actual superheroics
>Denounces or replaces older version of character with the grace of a pachyderm on rollerskates.
Same shit, different coat of paint. Also I usually like Joe Quinones's pencils, but the inks and colors have absolutely murdered them. I don't give a shit about the pro-queer narrative stuff because it can work with a talented writer. Unfortunately this book reads more like a Buzzfeed "Top 10 America Chavez Moments" listicle than a fucking sequential narrative.

Also I know I'm that guy, but erasing the original Young Avengers run has really killed my enthusiasm for most Marvel stuff. The way they talk about Kate in these books drives me up the fucking wall. She's supposed to be a badass, but it has nothing to do with her putting Clint down. They respect each other, even in Fraction's book where Hawkeye was going through some shit. They were always friends and they supported each other in their own weird way.
They still don't hold a candle to video games critics, they are the absolut worst since they trick casuals into buying shitty games. Nobody actually listens to comic critics
aren't you happy that you are finally represented?
>Already 300 Replies

How else are we to know she's a chico, me gusta?
Wait, she is learning woman studies? Or history?
Why is she in a class about intergalactic revolutionaries?
Fuck, at least Unstoppable Wasp has a cute artist and art. This just makes me vomit
>That creative team
It's like they just picked out people with hispanic last names instead of people actually suited for this.
Clearly what Puerto Rico needs to do is conquer nine other state-sized territories and give them to the States.

Mexico looks like a nice fixer-upper, no one will care about the infrastructural damage. Have at 'em, son.
duh, someone has to overthrow the patriarchy, stupid
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>Fuck, at least Unstoppable Wasp has a cute artist and art.
it really doesn't. Wasp's jaw is fucking scary
I see the comicosity guy who was worried about this quickly stepped to the party line.
I went in to this shit with an open mind, but if you would've told me this was written as a parody, I would've believed it.
>Holy mestruation

Are we supposed to hate America Chavez with all of our gut? Is this what the author is trying to do?

This is "learn my pronouns normiefag REEEEE" tumblr shit.
Holy fuck
I cant, I'm sorry, bye.
B-but anon, it's funny!
If I were Ewing I'd leave Marvel. It cannot be healthy, working hard to save characters and then having them ruined again.
>America Chavez fans
They think her comic is so good it's DC
Call Franklin Richards

We need a new Marvel Universe
>intergalactic revolutionaries

So you can get all the "revolutions are awesome!" without any of the ugly real life politics or collateral damage.
I agree with her until the last tweet

>it's all whiteys fault!

grow up
This is such blatant Amerikate set-up.
Because they didn't want to cure cancer.
They wanted to turn people into dinosaurs.
he can't. the current MU has an anti-mutant barrier called terrigen mists
Because she made the team this time. Before Carol made, but the current team was formed by MAC.
if it's a quote from an x-book, doesn't it make it not-canon?
>Only women are shown to love American Chavez
>No reason to showcase her weird ass fanbase at all yet they do it as a transition

The author must live in its little world if they think America Chavez is a beloved character. She is a C lister at best with some fans here and there.
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>giving the pure white a bit of the old "brown fist"
Can't wait to see the sales figures for issue 2.
What a nice Giffen comedy book this could have been.
Reminder she's existed since 2011.
I'm glad we get her backstory again here in case we missed it in the first three pages.
The author also unironically believes in the "Make America Mexico Again" and "La Raza" crap.
Christ this is completely fucking awful, I hope this doesnt influence Ewing to write her this way in Ultimates, I'm actually gunna have an even harder time hate fapping to her now
This is a typical novel-writer-doing-first-comic page. Monologue is more what you'd get in a novel, especially with these like leitmotif phrases. But there's no room, so.
If she wants to be American, she's American.
Bet I just rocked your worldview, huh? Bet you're asking yourself some real hard questions right now.
>Giffen Comedy Book
He's lost his touch honestly. The last best thing he did was the Sugar and Spike Trade. Blue Beetle is crap.
It's a self-loathing cuck, anon.
He'll find someway to retcon it to make sense hopefully.
Jeremy Whitley is a middle-aged straight white dude.
All would be forgiven for another volume of SPACE: PUNISHER

why am I not surprised?
If you are too dumb to get the metaphor of this page immediately you are too dumb to criticize this comic. I'm not saying it's good - it's really bad. But still.
Sugar and Spike was really good though.
I KNEW the "critics" would like it, but I'm glad to see the vox populi telling it like it is.

Guys, Marvelhaters or Marvelfags, let's be honest here: this was bad. Really fucking bad. It reads like a fucking parody, but it is not.
Considering I'm from Brazil, yeah. Does that mean I can be an American while living in Rio de Janeiro and never visiting America?

Kick ass dude. Can I get some benefits with that?
you guys are idiots. Ewing ALWAYS plays the ball with other writers, ALWAYS, he did reference Squirrel Girl book + he also is the kind of person who supports the SJW views

but this is what happens when you overhype a shitty writer like ewing
>the format of this post
Never post again.
I dont know if his other work has been shit or overly SJW but Ultimates is alright
>10 / Comicosity - Allen Thomas
>If were being real, America #1 nearly brings me to tears. The story is constructed in such an intimate, real, and human way, something which is heartbreakingly rare in comics. Theres so much that I can see in the everyday life of queer people of color, but the entire team takes it even further by looking at the wonderful details of a young lesbian Latinas life. I cant speak to the totality of Americas of experiences as a queer Latina, but I imagine theres something in this story that many people, especially those who rarely if ever see themselves in comics, have been aching for, and moreover that they deserve. This first issue is everything I wanted and more, and it speaks to the optimism in me regarding representation and the hope that maybe, just maybe, the House of Ideas will listen to what the readers of this story will say, are saying, and have been saying for years.
I was a marvelfag for about 11 years now, barely paying attention to DC, I only read their best stuff (Fifty Two was fucking sweet and so was their backlog with Moore and Morrison) but around 3 years I've been losing my interest in marvel. These characters are a chore to read. I feel tired after the storyline.

Meanwhile, I'm greatly enjoying some recent DC Comics. The China's Superman one is my current favorite ongoing.
Incidentally this gets done a lot in much more masculine/patriarchal idfic. It's kind of interesting to see it here.
that's good for you, but any book that ewing touches get's quickly cancelled, because majority of readers aren't interested in his dour and boring writing
>Allen Thomas
Let me guess, is a white guy
Genuinely indistinguishable from parody
>>If were being real, America #1 nearly brings me to tears
that's a good summary. he should stop there with his review
How the fuck is anything Ewing has written dour?
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Because he knows The Score, anon.
Is it by Nuzlocke or someone else?
Same. This book just angles at nothing edgy or adult enough for me. And Hogwart's U is my least favourite idea for the college thing.
Guys like this are why comics will never be mainstream. No taste morons will be impressed by anything that panders a little to them, instead of actally good stories
Don't argue with Ewing anon.
I feel the same now, but I was marvelfag for more than 11 years. But then again, I recently realized that I only truly liked the X-Men from marvel, and they were this glue that got me interested in Ghost Rider, Punisher, some other characters. With X-Men being tainted, I just don't have any goodwill for marvel left
>Ike "The Kike" Perlmutter is a know Trump supporter
>he is letting all this shit in his comics, so more people get polarized and become Trump supporters
Holy shit! How many dimensions of chess are we in right now?
he's a gay black dude
Well she's in Issue 3. Hopefully they get back together.
>the House of Ideas will listen to what the readers of this story will say, are saying, and have been saying for years.
Enjoy being cancelled in the fall when Marvel goes full-meat and potatoes.
It'd be still better than this monstrosity.
Spanglish gets spoken a lot in my house but it's usually unintentional subconscious shit like interchanging 'Door' with 'la puerta.' Here it just sounds so forced.

>Fear not, mi gente
I'm embarassed.
Hell, I even saw most of the people on reddit talking about how they didn't like it and how it felt too pandery
I'm starting to get the impression that critics consider stuff like this to be realistic because the critics are also cloying assholes who love snarky asides and look forward to hero worship, and they relate to this behavior.
YA is long dead. Patriot has vanished and even Loki is getting reverted.
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>he is letting all this shit in his comics, so more people get polarized and become Trump supporters
Giffen has always been variable.
>Kate Biship, a.k.a. the "Real" Hawkeye
Make it stop
It's funny you should say that given the chapter is actually named GTFO
I'm gonna assume this is sarcasm cause I can't imagine this straight faced.
Every time Amy Schumer talks about her vagina, I lose my fucking mind.
>love the costume
>hate everything else about the issue
America was kinda okay in Young Avengers. Why is she such garbage now?
Something something Superboy costume
It's a running joke. Don't be autistic.

Who would name a university after Sotomayor, anyway?
>guy finally shows up.

It's ok. He's a safe half gay.
Literally all the comments there about this issue are negative.
Obviously it's an interdimensional app. Which is why she didn't say to add her on >>90334610
>No I'm not a white person(according to the northern Europeans)
Are you a Slav?
This is beyond shilling, random characters are literally speaking into a camera and telling us we should just think this character is THE BEST

And they are using outdated band references and slang on top of it, what the fuck
Cool Uncle Blue Marvel is out of character, but I like it.
>The author must live in its little world if they think America Chavez is a beloved character
The way modern writers try and get the audience to like a character (especially ALL NEW PROGRESSIVE QUEER PEOPLE OF COLOR characters) is to show how everybody in-universe loves them and thinks they're great >>90333323 rather than something complicated and actually endearing like say, character development. Which always makes their stories read like terrible fucking fanfiction, not really surprising since that's pretty much all this is.
A very funny one, huh?
Yoooo dat butt
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Mind it, characters who have never interacted with Chavez.

When did she become Mile's "sis from another miss"? We will never know.
Wait, they exclusively hired Latinos to work on this book? How is that not racist?
Is there NO reviewer who will call this out for the steaming pile of shit it ts?
F'fuck sake Monica's code-name was Spectrum, she's standing right there!

Jesus fucking Christ, it's like a stormfag reviewing the Turner Diaries. Only the completely delusional and ideologically subsumed could mistake anything in this comic for being "real" or "human"
"Holly menstruation, I'm very human, puto! Look at the reviews written by mi gente!"
I want to die.
I can never cosplay her again.
Latino is not a race.
the reviews are normal

If they say they dont like it they´ll be labeled as racist or some shit
"ay chico, checa those triples, chico!"
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idk why but seeing "queer brown girl" in print made me want to never describe myself as such ever again
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I'm curious as to why they don't try adapting other Disney properties, such as Disney Princess.

At least, the little girls demographic has proven economic viable. It's better than the tumblr legbeard audience, Marvel keeps trying to capture.
So anyone got any reactions from actual readers (outside of /co/ obviously)? Does the average Marvel reader think this is good?
>Magic/Mutant Power Test Zones
Is this one of those things where by trying to help one side you end up shitting on the other? Like what are mutate students supposed to do? They're not an oppressed minority, but they're still a minority, and they need to get control of their abilities just as much. Hell, most magic types should already have some formal sort of training, right? So it makes even less sense for them to be included while mutates aren't.
No he will kill it. Already hinted in ultimates.
Not even Reddit liked it.
Also long distance relationships exist.
>The USAvengers are led by some guy from Puerto Rico.

It's time for a Real American Hero to step and save the nation.
>How American is she?!

Fail or great bait?
Wow. That was bad. Like, really bad.

I think the major problem is that there's a ton of shit going on. She's beating up a being made of pure energy with a bunch of other heroes, shilling her not-twitter account, breaking up with her girlfriend after she didn't want to move with her to a college and being a bitch about it, that she's a member of a super hero team where I don't recognize a single face besides Black Panther, time travel is involved, and she punched a randomly appearing Hitler in the face.

There maybe a good story in here, somewhere, but it's just too much crap at once to make any sense of it. Why not have her fly solo for a while? Show off her power suite for new readers, and what she's capable of on her own before stapling on super-hero teams. That way, any new readers don't get flooded with a shit ton of exposition before they get invested. Why not build up her relationship with her girlfriend for a bit before they break it off? Show them trying to make it work, but it just doesn't. Right now, it just looks like America is being a petulant child because her girlfriend isn't willing to uproot her life... When America can fly and can teleport! There maybe a limit to her powers, but they don't explain what they are in the book so I don't know if that's an impossibility. And here's another one that's bugging me: why is she going to college at all? She seems to know how to handle her powers just fine, and it's not indicated anywhere else that she's college aged, so... Why? And now she's time traveling, and beating up Nazis. I feel like that entire last page should be a story arc, not just relegated to end of her first issue.

Granted, there's a ton of other little shit to nitpick here, but I feel those are the major points.
I'm seeing this as its direct opposite while I'm reading. A bunch of pasty, blue-eyed skinheads celebrating Naziism. My kingdom for self-awareness in millennial creators.
Why are you using such vague politically correct language in the first place?

You're not "queer", you're gay, or bi. You're not "brown" you're black, or mixed race. Don't stoop to fucking tumblrspeak.
>Men saying "YAAAASSSSS"

Colony drop when?
>that she's a member of a super hero team where I don't recognize a single face besides Black Panther
I agree with the rest of your post, but come on, the Ultimates are one of the very few good books Marvel is currently putting out and it's the only book that Ms. America has ever been in where she's tolerable.
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Being a Puerto Rico myself I am excited for this new cape cursader but the only problem I have with this is that she's tan. Not all puerto rican are tan. Some of us are white skinned with fair hair, heck some of us even have gingers and blondes too. So I am happy but also I am kinda tired of the same tan spicey puerto rican look that people keep drawing. We are not all a bunch of Dora's. But I'll see where this goes.
Hopefully that means this comic'll be dead soon. Just like Rue.
>You're not "brown" you're black, or mixed race
Y'know, there's other races than just white, black, and white+black.
>Does the average Marvel reader think this is good?
Is it a rhetorical question?
She's not Puetro Rican. She's from an alternate dimension called the Utopian Parallel that's basically Paradise Island. She's not even American.
Well then you're Indian or south east Asian or whatever race you are. "Brown" is not a fucking race.
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How does having two moms make her queer? Is lesbianism genetic? This sounds so stupid.
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Man, I don't even know anymore.
I enjoy angry story times.

It's a bonding experience.
Than what the fuck is she? Are they implying that brown people are aliens? Dats racist
They do need a good writer to be a good character. How many good writers does Marvel have?
>clearly has talent to tell stories
Where did you get that from any of this?
where the fuck do you think you are?
Even from a technical aspect it fails, who is interviewing these people? They must stick to walls, just look the angle in the panel with Miles.
Why is it that whenever people don't like a bad comic someone throws a tantrum and calls them sensitive or triggered?
T'Challa and Storm would love Trump, given where they're from.
Are those vagina doors?
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Excuse me? What would be Hitler doing in the middle of battlefield?
>we've got Hitler in our sights
>What would be Hitler doing in the middle of battlefield?
If you ask me, I think the writer wanted the Wonder Woman audience but mistook WW1 with WW2.
Shouldn't liberals find the implication that someone raised by two moms would become a lesbian offensive? I mean haven't they been trying to convince people that very thing WOULDN'T happen for years so that gays can adopt, because gay parents raising a gay child implies homosexuality is learned behaviour rather than being genetic?
Everyone from her dimension is gay.
>I'm Captain America...
>Did you say Hitler?!

I know he said Hitler on the previous page, but this exchange is hilarious with everyhing else going on.
Easy (You)s.
Reminder that marvel gave America an ongoing because they didn't want Image to steal their diversity bucks.
Man, this page is so fucking bad.

I'm LITERALLY SHAKING while laughing at this.
>holy menstruation
She's from the lesbian dimension where everyone is a lesbian.
She was an Image character than Marvel poached?
Honestly a history of blameless super-revolutionaries makes a lot of sense for a universe with 4 colour superheroes, even if it is fucking drivel.
>calling that "thing" a man

Have some standards.
Was Prodigy already gay? Or is he just in this because he's black and the writer wants to make him America's gay bestie?
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>I'm Captain America
No, other way around. It's like how Liefeld created Bloodstrike at Image after having created Deadpool at Marvel.
Casey created America back in 2011 for Marvel. That's his Leonard the Duck (the creator-owned character Steve Gerber used because he couldn't get the rights to Howard).
So wouldn't it have been more progressive to make her straight?
Casey and Dragotta created America Chavez for marvel. But went to Image to create the Miss America they wanted to make.
Where´s Onslaught when you need him?
Well you know how it is with liberals? two steps forward, three steps back.
Gillen made him bi in Young Avengers.
Wait what? I thought the whole point of it was that the Utopian Parallel was outside of the Multiverse and that America literally couldn't get back because the dimensional rifts that led there were closed forever.
Fucking why?

Do they really think that high of their shit creation?
The America Chavez they created canonically doesn't wear underwear
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Why? For what purpose? Are they asexual aliens or something? And why make her skin color a big deal? Should we know what her personality first? This is confusing. I smell pandering for brownie points.
When you mix all the colors you get an ugly shade of broHOLY SHIT
In my defense, I haven't read any Marvel books in quite a long time. It just seemed they were more obsessed with patting themselves on the back for being so progressive that they forgot to write good books.
They were just cashing in, anon. They never gave a fuck about MAC, then Marvel put in the work to get her a fanbase and some popularity mostly off the backs of Gillen and Ewing's work with the character. There was a bunch of commotion from said fanbase about the lack of a Ms. America ongoing so Casey announced "well, if Marvel won't give you your ongoing then I will!"
The point is, Hal Jordan's a fucking idiot.
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>That's the shittiest university motto I ever read, sounds like something Frida Kahlo or Violeta Parra would came up with

That's because it was a song made by the Queen to Tejano.
Because Gillen is flaming and he was indulging himself.
Marvel doesn't write the books. They hire people to write the books. Some of the people they hire are bad at it and others are good. This is an instance of one of the bad writers. Ultimates is an instance of one of the good writers. It's just that people would rather talk about the bad than the good these days because DUDE OUTRAGE LMAO.

The fact that this thread is about to hit 500+ posts while Moon Knight got all of 10 posts is an example of that.
>Justice for all

Not for her girlfriend lol
Ewing's bad and can't even sell a book when he gets an artificial boost from over 50 variant covers.
Her dimension was created by the Scarlet Witch's gay son at some point in the future when he goes full reality warping god.
What's hes problem with hair?
Oh David, you deserve better than this
Why did he create it and why did he fill it with lesbians?
>bitch Ewing is STILL shitposting

Its kinda like how Dobson has the potential to actually be a decent artist, but you have your head shove so far up in their you can see first hand the process of how grinded up food turns into shit.
>WHO THE FUCK thought, that it is a good idea, to let her write a comicbook for MARVEL?

MArvel has been hiring outside the industry for a while. Probably because their cheaper and they don't know how shit Marvel can be.
>I'll ignore a fact so that I can spout my shitty meme
wew lad
It's just sad that they would give her a personality cause yelling out buzz words to get people hyped is just a cheap way for writers not to give a fuck about characterzation.

>She brown people! :D
>She has two moms!:DDDDD
>She's queer! :DDDD
>She can punch holes in walls!:DDDD

No build up as to why and how. ugh just that she was bored of the hero scene or some nonsense but even that doesn't have weight to it.
Seemed like a good idea during a masturbation session.
Why not male gays? Why brown?
Why is the god of the Lesbian Alternate Reality Utopia is a white gay dude who creates an entire dimension of hot looking brown lesbians?
He was supposed to be a turbo nerd. The boring stick in the mud of the team. Why Kyle and Yost decided to keep him around is beyond me. Tag was more of a bro.

The whole thing with his powers somehow making him gay makes me wonder how they didn't also make him a gender confused fruit by that logic.
But the book is good though.
Joe Casey's a big ol' troll with an inflated view of his own importance vis-a-vis 'commercial' comics

Not sure the book will ever actually come out
If I had to guess, the point is that it's a place where you can test your destructive superpowers without the risk of killing bystanders.
I think is good.
She already existed when Gillen gave her that origin. He had to shoe-in homos in somehow.
By the by, Casey's America wasn't gay, she had a boyfriend. Gillen dismissed him as an experiment.
I'm impressed how convoluted this is.
>her nose in panel 2
>Rojelia Amante
>Viejas Heladas
This reads like some shitty story written in a latin american lefty college campus, oh wait, IT IS. It's just like the crap they publish around here!
I think comic books were a mistake.

Actually, i think the entire entertainment industry is a mistake. Its obvious no one knows what to do anymore. We need a hard reboot of all the entertainment companies, tear them all down and start from scratch
>mi gente
as a puertorican I would like to apologize in behalf of the entire island.
Plot twist:they actually are related
I swear to god, I hate that that's the only Young Avengers that anyone seems to read.
I think someone asked Gillen once if the Utopian Parallel included trans women and he begged off answering and basically said "I'll let the readers decide that for themselves"
I want to fucking kill myself.
Horseshoe theory at work
Man duck you this isn't our fault. This is cause the law says you can't smack your kids anymore. Now they do this shit
It's also a shit hole in massive debt and it would add millions of new demoshit voters. No thanks
>Light skin
of course
So just like California, but somehow more white.

A lot of the Disney stuff is being taken care of by IDW, at least in the states.

And I don't think they want to do any crossover stuff that isn't KH... for some reason.
If you love Drumpf, buy the comic. You know why.
I liked how he played off of his team mates, he had good chemistry with Hellion, Surge, Rockslide and Elixir.

And his powers are pretty cool. The combined knowledge and skills of all of the X-men. That should be more than enough for him to be an awesome hero. But he's always just used as the smart guy.
What about this hideous abortion of a book is at all good?
Thanks for embarrassing Puerto Rico. I want to fucking move, for every attractive woman there is at least 4 of these dykes here.
>Puerto Rico is the USA's secret weapon in the Second Mexican-American War
I would read a comic with this premise.
It would also mean adding electricity to PR.
electricity? Explain.
Was I only one that thought about pic related?
Fuck this is bad.
When Scanbro spoiled it two days ago I thought there was no way it would be that bad.
I'm sorry I doubted you based Scanbro.
if you lived here you would get it.
It's okay. I try my best to be accurate, but I did make a mistake on the last page (Cap turning into Hitler) and I missed a ton of other cringeworthy stuff, like the whole West Side Story part, holy menstruation, etc. It's worse now that I've read the whole thing instead of just skimming it.
A lot of my Mexican-American coworkers will switch back and forth between English and Spanish mid-sentence when talking to each other.

They don't randomly stick in non-English words when talking to me, though.
You mean the constant power outages? Because we do we electricity.
>Dredd gonna bust a nut inside the magic lesbian pussy
I swear Marvel has awakened a rape fetish in me

FUCK YOU, get your fucking hands off The Fifth Element.

Also the fuck, her moms are lesbians and she's also a lesbian? Are they serious? Is it genetic now?
The whole planet is females only. So everyone is lesbian. That's all they know.
This is the worst comic I have ever read.
And that's my problem, how? I don't care about their company policy or politics, all I care about is the product... And, as you've admitted, most of Marvel's line-up has been lackluster, so why should I bother reading the backlog when the chances are it'd just be more stuff like this?

My big problem with this book is that it feels like it's right smack-dab in the middle of a story, even though it's a #1 issue. This should be a jumping on point for new readers, or ones that may have gotten brave enough to give Marvel another chance. Instead, we get a crowded mess that doesn't allow the main character to support a story on her own.
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That's not really a whitey's fault argument. If anything it's pointing out that white people are usually the only ones with the luxury of thinking that pretending X y and Z doesn't exist is an option.
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>Colony drop when?
Char no!
>Char no!
Char YAS!
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>He doesn't know
I doubt she's been in a school since she was 5 and she has never struck me as a well educated individual. I am actually astounded she was allowed into college in the first place.
Im saving this shit and i dont know why
Possibly the worst comic I've seen in years, when will Kamala kick her ass? She's the superior brown qt
It is special* college for special* people.
Couldn't you tell from those pages?
I hate the fact that I live in a world where that (qt) could mean: Cute or Queer-Trans. I hope you mean cute.
I meant cute, I didnt even know (qt) could also mean queer-trans
ikr, want to commit suicide together?
I'd love that, lets die together
Get a room, fags
Can I join?
Don't Hate plz

Everybody is welcome to join us.
>Hunger Games

This just became the most entertaining story in this thread.
>Everybody is welcome to join us.
Convince me.
I'm thinking of putting this comic in /pol/ if its not already, should I?
Well not everybody. Anyone except lesbian latina aliens form another dimension.
What metaphor? Is this a "Trump is bad" thing or something? The entire thing comes off as a complete nonsequiter.
Do it, the last time someone posted that Kamala fanart of her crying about the muslim ban and that thread got moved to /pol/ and it carried on over there for quite a while
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and let's never see this comic again until the weekend of pain
Are we still talking about mass suicide?
You know what's really funny?
Some fucking white males created a queer latina character, gave her some awesome stories and a small, but dedicated fanbase (Casey, Gillen, Ewing), then Marvel brings in a queer latina writer (for obvious diversity reasons) to write her adventures, and what happens?
She completely botches it.
You really can't make this shit up.
White men have to create these characters because nobody else is capable even though it isnt that hard, just like how Miles was created by Brian fucking white man Bendis
The souls of the people of Earth are chained by gravity
and shitty identity politics Amuro, fuck you
>awesome stories
Where are these awesome stories?
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Vengeance, Young Avengers, Ultimates by Ewing
I didn't like Gillen's YA and am Ewing hater.
>Holden Caulfield

The ENTIRE POINT is that Holden is a precocious and socially stunted child who can't reconcile growing up with his views on the world.

Why the FUCK do so many people not understand this? You're supposed to pity and sympathise with him, not admire his bold stupidity and tantrums.
Why be an Ewing hater
People like the concept of the character. She's queer brown Carol and this will be solidified when the sales numbers come in.
>Zeonigger shit talking identity politics
Oh please.
In Hueland there is a cult following for a character named Doutrinador.
He speaks of the anger the general population has for those in power, who claim to say they represent the working people when in fact they benefit in their suffering,

It's a decent comic, a bit preachy but the Doutrinador character sounds and acts like a character in a comic book with a political opinion instead of being "HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW YOUNG PEOPLE YAAAAAS" or whatever the fuck it was this comic.

Latin America loves it's comics, it's American characters and we are more than capable of making our own. Don't put this -shitty writer- and character as somehow fault of the people in South America or think any less of them as creators. This is one shitty writer with one shitty character and I'm right here by your side, disliking this shit for -the same reasons you do- with an added serving of feeling infantilized and fetishized by some first world fucks.
Ewing is a continuity buff. And that means not ignoring the most terribly written shit by your colleagues, both past and present.
My comic shop at at least 30 of this sitting on the shelf with two copies of the 1:25 available meaning at least 20 people had this on there pull. I wish I had a comic shop with a less shitty millennial clientele to buy from and support.
So what's worse: This, "Hellcat", or "Squirrel Girl"?

Or do all three co-exist in a trifecta of awful female-led solo titles? Are there any others we should add to the list? I'm looking at you, "Hawkeye".
More accurate than the reviewers. But fuck, it turned out to be even worse than what you pitched.
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