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They keep rushing

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>doing Nightwing before Robin
>Death of Superman and Dark Night Returns in the second film
>Zod in the first Superman film
>Suicide Squad before any of the villians show up in the hero films
>Ares in the first Wonder Woman film
>showing the entire Justice League in BvS
>showing Parademons and the omega symbol before Darkseid ever makes an appearance
>Crisis Flash's warning to Bruce before he ever meets the Flash.

Why does DC and WB keep trying to rush their universe?
I don't even care enough anymore to get angry or disappointed. At this point I just hope for the best and expect the worst.

"Wonder Woman" sounds alright based on the recent spoilers and "Aquaman" has a pretty solid cast.
WB cares more about getting whatever shekels they can get without caring than the almost certain higher volume they would if they gave a fuck.
I would literally not care about any of this if the scripts were good.

But alas, they are not.

How many more films until DC crashes and burns guys?
At least they aren't rushing Green Lantern


How is that rushing?

>doing Nightwing before Robin
Affleck has been Batman for years in that universe.
You dont need to do 3 Robin solo-flicks before introducing Nightwing.
Plus: Robin was already mentioned two times.

>Death of Superman and Dark Night Returns in the second film
So? Knightfall and DKR was used in Nolans 3rd movie.
They always adapt the most famous storylines for the movies.

>Zod in the first Superman film
>Ares in the first Wonder Woman film
Because using Ras Al Ghul in the first Batman movie was a worse decision than Mandarin in the 3rd Iron-Man, right?

>showing Parademons and the omega symbol before Darkseid ever makes an appearance
>Crisis Flash's warning to Bruce before he ever meets the Flash.
foreshadowing... its okay when its done in comics, but reeee if its in one of my mature comicbook flicks
Ras Al Ghul was pretty bad in Begins desu
>Affleck has been Batman for years in that universe.
Affleck has been Batman in one movie.
>Knightfall and DKR was used in Nolans 3rd movie.
Third movie was the last movie, not first one of the series.
Alright Marvelbros, how can we stop DShit?
Let them continue.
DC/WB was never going to do Robin. They are embarrassed by the property in live action.
>cherry picking points

your family must be so proud of you
Fuck Marvel and fuck patethic vermin like you.

>Affleck has been Batman in one movie.
And that one movie acknowledges that he has been Batman prior the events of this film.

>Third movie was the last movie, not first one of the series.
BvS was the second in the series, not the first.

It was the worst foreshadowing that I saw in a movie. Completely out of nowhere.

The scene is practically a meme.
Haha no, this fag here >>90191888 is likely false flaging ironically, implying that you need to be a marvelfag to find the movies shit.
>And that one movie acknowledges that he has been Batman prior the events of this film.
Not him, but it's generally better to show rather than tell, otherwise it just comes off feeling hollow.
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Why didnt they release the prequels before Episode IV?
I dont believe this Obi-One nigga has been a Jedi for years.
You're right, and that's a common complaint. We never see how great the Republic and the Jedi supposedly were. We never really see WHY the Empire is so evil and needs to be stopped.

Admittedly, after the prequels came out, we STILL didn't see these things, but that's an entirely different problem.
Why you still care, OP? DCEU is a mess and I have no hope for them anymore.
Difference is that Obi-Wan wasn't acting extremely OOC compared to most versions of the character, it was actually Obi-Wan's introduction to the audience.
>BvS was the second in the series, not the first.

Are you retarded?
>Ares in the first Wonder Woman film
How is this rushing? Diana has like, two villains, Ares and Cheetah, and Cheetah doesn't work as a big bad.
What about Circe?
How many movies DC movies they are planning to do?
>Why does DC and WB keep trying to rush their universe?

It's a desperate and very obvious attempt to try to copy Marvel.
There are already like, 4 spin-offs based on Bat-related characters.
It wasn't a problem as long as the OT were the only films. They were self-contained.

But once you start elaborating, the audience will expect certain things. That's why the prequels and TFA fell short, they're full of holes. Just as the prequels never did deliver those things, the TFA sequels won't help.

You shouldn't rely on expanded universe material, put that shit in the actual films.
no, you
In the pre-production? 15.

Wonder Woman and Justice League are coming out this year and Aquaman coming out next year.
>In the pre-production? 15
Please tell me you are joking?
>the prequels were bad meme

I really can't expect anything other from a paid Disney shill.

You really wouldn't know what is amazing cinematography and deep themes even if it had sex with you. You can't say that you are a Star Wars fan without truly embracing all of it.

Kill yourself, prequel-hater mouse Disney shill, marvel is paying how much?
>15 freaking movies
Literally why?
>doing Nightwing before Robin
This is kind of dumb but it's not a real problem. Doing Nightwing after establishing that Robin is dead is dumb.
>Death of Superman and Dark Night Returns in the second film
Yeah, this was awful.
>Zod in the first Superman film
There was nothing inherently wrong with this.
>Suicide Squad before any of the villians show up in the hero films
And then they didn't bother to characterize most of them. Sad!
>Ares in the first Wonder Woman film
As opposed to who, Cheetah? And besides, this will be the only Wonder Woman movie, might as well go big.
>showing the entire Justice League in BvS
Shoving a bunch of Justice League trailers in right before the title fight of Batman v Superman, around 2 hours into the movie, is unparalleled hackery and corporate creative bankruptcy. This alone defeats all claims that BvS was "trying" anything or was an art film.
>showing Parademons and the omega symbol before Darkseid ever makes an appearance
Yeah, this was retarded, normies had no idea what was going on.
>Crisis Flash's warning to Bruce before he ever meets the Flash.
Yeah, retarded. Fuck the DCEU.
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>Why does DC and WB keep trying to rush their universe?

Robert Downey Jr
What's the problem? Marvel is the same. And that's not consolewars shit, I'm just saying they both go nuts with the planning.
All movie studios are doing it, really.
With Disney Wars I'm disappointed and angry. With the DCEU I'm more disappointed than angry,

Probably because the DCEU will end someday and the slate will be wiped again, while Disney Wars will always be canon as long as Disney owns it, which will be forever.
And the prequels were disappointing in hindsight, but not enough to make me angry, just chuckle and shake my head.
>Doing Nightwing after establishing that Robin is dead is dumb.
There's....more than one Robin
>>showing Parademons and the omega symbol before Darkseid ever makes an appearance
>Yeah, this was retarded, normies had no idea what was going on.
>>Crisis Flash's warning to Bruce before he ever meets the Flash.
>Yeah, retarded. Fuck the DCEU.
How is any of that retarded? Foreshadowing to things that are coming is a common trope. I don't give a shit about if normies know what's going on lol.
How autistic do you have to be to bitch about a movie showing Darkseid's henchman before he himself appears. Oh fuck, Intergang appeared in S:TAS first!! Fuck the DCAU!
He really is the only thing holding the MCU together now. I dunno if that was planned or not, but it's scary to think that he's it as far as cinematic glue goes.

This is from a DCfag btw.
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And here I was trying to have a civil debate with you. I don't blame you though. You probably think you're in the right. Regardless of what you think of me, I hope you have a nice rest of your day.
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>yfw watching this thread turn into a /v/ flavored shitshow

It's not the fact that DC is doing worse than Marvel or vice versa; it's the fact that the movies are objective garbage. It's like if someone were to tackle something like The Filth and make it a 90-minute quipfest. It's an insult to not only the fans of the source material, but also a direct statement of their lack of care for someone who wants to watch a good capeshit movie. I took my kids and sister to see BvS and they still hoped for a good capeflick even though they aren't into comic lore like me. We were so disappointed that we stopped giving a shit about dceu altogether.
Darkseid is all but confirmed to appear himself anyway, even just as a cameo.
Are Marvel currently planning 15 FREAKING MOVIES? Be honest because I really don't know
>Why does DC and WB keep trying to rush their universe?

Being able to rush in should have been DC's strength. They had the massive benefit of Superman and Batman being huge before hand and the JL cartoon was pretty damn popular among their target market while they were growing up. Warner could have dived head first in with Justice League and done solo movies for the popular characters after.

Open with Justice League, they've been working openly for a couple of years but they've never worked together. Hyperclan shows up, convinces the world they're here to help and quietly takes down the heroes, while imprisoned they find J'onn and he tells them the truth about Hyperclan being white Martians. They escape, rescue J'onn and regroup, differences are put aside and they plan how to take down Hyperclan by working together.
Follow Marvel's example of phases, a few of the League get solo movies, introduce a couple of new characters and work towards a big end game. Motherbox in one movie, Furies in another, Orion in something else, Apokolips and New Genesis are going to war and Earth is caught in the middle.
>it's the fact that the movies are objective garbage.
Subjective, more like. I'm a huge fan of Superman and I think this is a faithful adaption. It's a bit different, be he is Superman. I'm sorry you disagree.
>How is any of that retarded?

Because it's random, done just because Snyder wanted another dream sequence to make the movie less linear and as a terrible advertisement for future movies.

Bad writing.

Aquaman is going to start shooting soon, the rest are in the planning stages

Gotham City Sirens
Black Adam solo
Deadshot solo
Green Lantern written by fucking Goyer

That's all.
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no it's pretty objective
They're never going to beat Marvel, because Disney has the entire world enthralled by everything they do. As long as DCEU films have their niche, it's okay.
and The Flash and just maybe Cyborg but I bet that's dead

Justice League Dark with Del Toro is dead but it just had a cartoon movie
>Marvel is the same
No they aren't. Marvel movies are mediocre, but Disney suites are seriously smart compared to WB and know how to plan their movies.
>As long as DCEU films have their niche
they don't not after those 3 massive piles of shit
Here's a chart of all the comic book movies coming out in the next few years (it's a bit outdated and I've scribbled all over it but ignore that lol).
We sit back and do nothing at all
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I bet that for you, to be a "true" Superman you just need to "want to save people" (which the DCEU Clark is more conflicted than most versions of the character anyway).

But why you think that this version capture who Clark is as a character?

Just so I can know if pic related doesn't fit all of your criteria.
>They're never going to beat Marvel

but Marvel can't even make a kino

Zack Snyder made a kino
RT critics are clearly being paid off. Every MCU and even fucking TFA are above 80%
They probably have ideas for 15 movies (if you include stuff like Doctor Strange 2&3 etc). I think 9 films are actually in production.
Its good writing when Marvel shoves in Not-Darkseid in every movie for 10 years before the actual payoff, right?!
The Nolan films carved out their niche, so TDKR survived in the year of Avengers despite the Bane memes. The DCEU hasn't so far.
And Harley solo movie and Batman who still in pre-production. Also, MOS2 and JL 2.
Nothing wrong with doing Nightwing, just make sure Snyder is nowhere near the property, would probably have his main antagonist assrape him as a joke.
because they're this thing called "good" I know it's a foreign concept to you retards

also fuck your (You)
You should look for how the rating system work there.

And anyway, audience reaction on the site from regular people is 64, which is still mediocre at best and barely whatchable at worst.
The First Avenger deserves above 80%, despite having no Nazis

The Force Awakens should have had Man of Steel level scores if not for the hype and member berries
And Suicide Squad 2.
It was OK in the first avengers and GOT, but bad on AOU. The dream sequence on BvS was worse than Thanos on AOU tho, as well as the clips of JL.
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The percentage is just how many critics liked it, isn't it? I don't really care. There are other beloved movies on RT that have low percentages.

Forgot the picture

I don't need to explain myself or prove anything to you but I'll go with it. To me, Superman is just a modest man who cares a lot about Earth and doesn't want to hurt anyone. So I guess yeah, ultimately you "just" need to want to save people.
Clark's whole thing in BvS is that he believes Batman is going too far in his vigilantism and most of his lines are about doing the right thing, who matters, questioning his role on Earth, etc. It lines up with the comics to me. I definitely have some gripes but I think the good outweighs the bad.
The Harley solo was always going to be Sirens, the reports said female-centric

Just Chinese whispers again
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>Zack Snyder made a kino
sure he did
Man of Steel scores is too harsh

Maybe between SM3 and TASM1 scores
>Are Marvel currently planning 15 FREAKING MOVIES?

Probably a lot more. They've supposedly got movies planned through 2028, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-04-03/kevin-feige-marvels-superhero-at-running-movie-franchises#p1 and release 2 or 3 movies a year. There's 6 due in 2017-2018, GotG 2, Spider-Man, Thor 3, BP, Infinity War Part 1 and Ant-Man and The Wasp. Even if they step back to just 2 a year for 2019-2028, we're looking at 26 movies planned out.
>This meme again
1- You don't know how RT works. If a critic gives a film 6/10 it counts as a positive review- a Tomatometer score of 80% indicates that 8/10 critics thought the movie was at least a 6. The Average Critics Score is the average score given to the movie by critics. BVS' Tomatometer score is 28%~ but it's Avg score is 4.9.

2-WB has actually been caught paying for good reviews recently (for Shadow of Mordor).

3- WB owns RT.
HAHAHAHA! Wow you "people" really are scared! Trying so hard to spin EVERYTHING in a negative tone.

"B-but no mention of Ben Affleck..."
They're just trying to catch up with Marvel. Marvel's been working on their universe since 2008, and the higher-ups at WB want to somehow achieve the same thing in only 2-3 years, now that they've seen how much money they could make from it.

Of course, being executives, they're fucking retarded, and have no idea how anything works. They hire yesmen to tell them that their ideas are good because nobody sane would.
Why is The Force Awakens always mentioned in these threads?

I'm assuming that, because it's usually that one autist who does.
What is happening in this scene?
Exactly. Marvel's Nightwing movie was so successful that DC had to copy it ASAP.
>why do the keep rushing
To fucking try and catch up the the success of Marvel because they want those numbers?

Fucking duh dude.
Harley's actress herself announced that they are planning a solo.

And let's be honest, there a very big chance that most of movies they are announced are not going to happen and this is the problem.
Because it's a premium example of a horrible movie getting good scores just because it's made by Disney.
>because it's usually that one autist who does
You really gonna pretend only one person has ever noticed?
>You really gonna pretend only one person has ever noticed?
No, but it's usually the same autist who posts it in every DCEU thread.
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I respect your view of Superman, but I disagree with the idea that "just wanting to save people" is enough to make a good Superman.

Mainly because it is THE BASIC trait of 90% of comic book heroes on movies, and it doesn't make each one of them "a good Superman".

For me, Superman needs to be charismatic besides helping people, he is someone that tries to be an example and that people want to follow. This is why he gives the best motivational speeches.

But I don't see Snyderman being able to do this, he is playing a Superman with no charisma and barley any lines, which is a shame because Civil acting as himself feels more like Superman than when he is on the movies.
Marvel movies earned their praise and love, it didn't.

Companywarfags call the MCU mediocre and safe but TFA was ten times that and got ten times the accolades.

Plus MCU movies don't make the universe radioactive and the previous movies pointless, they just kill their villains early and undermine drama with quips.
Are you retarded? They tried to force SS into becoming GOTL without knowing what made it work.
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Lex offers the guy a Jolly Rancher, "it's cherry!" he says, as he has cherrypicked all of the cherry flavored ones out because they were his favorite. The guy is hesitant so Lex sticks it in his mouth, in a very homoerotic gesture

Now, as for what this scene really is, or what it contributes to the narrative, I can't really say. I've heard some argue that it demonstrates to the audience that Lex is powerful and he can do whatever he wants, but when I saw the movie I honestly did not interpret it that way, I just laughed out loud because it was gay as shit
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>For me, Superman needs to be charismatic besides helping people, he is someone that tries to be an example and that people want to follow. This is why he gives the best motivational speeches.
Yes, I agree! And that's part of his arc in DoJ. He'd been doing things the way he did them before, silently and subtlety, but that wasn't cutting it anymore and he realized that by the time he "died".
I understand if you think that's a dumb thing to do with the character, or they shouldn't have gone that direction, but I think it's interesting that this is something he has to learn-- being open about himself after hiding for so long.
He still has hints of that charisma when he's allowed to, with Lois and with his mom (the people closest to him) and with his speeches to Perry at the Planet. I think (hope) that he'll talk more once he comes back.
But why mention it?

It doesn't have anything to do with the MCU or DCEU.

Adding in another unrelated movie to the argument just makes the argument go off target.

>inb4 they're both made by Disney

That shouldn't count. It would be like someone adding another WB movie to the argument and using that as an example why DC is disliked.
He's redpilling the guy
>That shouldn't count. It would be like someone adding another WB movie to the argument and using that as an example why DC is disliked.
You mean like Pan? or Jupiter Ascending?
Yeah, something like that.

Unless they're underrated "kino" too, in which case, I apologize.
no they're shit like everything else WB

they're the ones who should be apologizing
I was angry after BvS but after SS I just stopped giving a shit.
>the prequels were good meme

Run on back to /tv/town with that bait
>>Crisis Flash's warning to Bruce before he ever meets the Flash.
>Yeah, retarded. Fuck the DCEU.
That how time travel works.
>Because it's random
that how time travel is for the other side.
We'll get Sentinel movie before we'll get Green Lantern one.
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This whole idea that everything needs to be set up and drawn out has been an absolute cancer on superhero movies.

Nobody fucking cares about origin stories, especially with Batman where we've seen it a hundred times. One of the good decisions in BvS was that Batman already has a history, and they told the origin in one short recap.

One of the best things about comics is they have that long history, but you don't need to know it in detail for 99% of them (except fucking X-Men), you can just pick up at the start of the run. A good comparison is James Bond, you don't need to ever see his first day as 007 or any of that shit, you just start the story and move on.

Do we really need three movies depicting Robin and his history? Everyone knows who Robin is. Just start the Nightwing movie, have a scene establishing that he used to be Robin, had a falling out with Batman and became his own superhero, you know, pretty much exactly how the original Nightwing mini was.

Stop wasting my time building everything up and just jump to the stuff we want to see. Spare us from all these stupid reboots and origin stories.
I wanted to call you out for nitpicking but damn you're right all of them would be better if they slowed down
DC is doing great work with the animated movies
I don't even remember the last time Marvel released an animated one
I know you're memeing but The Winter Solider can be compared to a Nightwing/Red Hood movie, except Marvel established Bucky as a character in the first Cap while WB is too fast to do that shit.
>DC is doing great work with the animated movies

All of the recent ones have sucked ass.

Well I don't know about Justice League Dark, I haven't bothered watching it yet but people tell me it's terrible. After Throne of Atlantis, TT vs Justice League and The Killing Joke, I believe them.
An objectively shit opinion, TKJ was almost a frame for frame copy of the comic, one that is well respected as one of the best batsman comics and you're going to say its garbage?
Throne of Atlantis wasn't amazing but it was better than expected not sure what you wanted but it was an aqua man origin story to vs the league was stressed with the power levels between the two being so large I'm honestly surprised it ever got greenlit it seemed like it was doomed to fail
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>>doing Nightwing before Robin
Because they don't need to. A nightwing movie can be a Robin movie. Take Batman Begins. Replace all the kid Bruce scenes with kid Dick. Replace all the training scenes with Robin scenes. Replace all the Batman scenes with Nightwing. there, done.

Why are people so fucking stupid and don't understand that it can easily work without having to have 50 movies before?
Nightwing can be established in the Batman movie. Why do so many of you ignore the fact that the Batman solo is likely going to be first?
>Zod in the first Superman film
They intentionally wanted this Superman to be thrown hard into the world with no prep.
That was the entire point.
Reboots are suppose to to something new & different then their predessesdors, and this was a great way of doing so.
Reeves had fucking 12 years of training before going public.
The infinite stones are a recurring thing through the movies, so it's not like Thanos is just coming out of nowhere.
If you're going to make an adaptation, especially a cinematic universe, you need to establish who these characters are ASAP, otherwise you end up losing the audience because they're wondering why they're doing the things that they're doing.

Like Batman killing people was a major shift in character if your only interactions with him came from the DCAU yet the only justification we get for it is a throwaway line that would've been more interesting to see than BvS.

Not to mention, so many elements of the story seem to only be there to pad out the movie, rather than being there to serve a purpose to the overall narrative. We didn't need to see Clark slumming it as a hobo, we didn't need to see the Africa subplot or the senate meeting, and we didn't really need Deadshot and Harley Quinn's multiple introductions when most of the other members of the squad have little to no backstory.

If you don't want to retread old history than stop making remakes.
>You can't say that you are a Star Wars fan without truly embracing all of it.
So I guess that means that you love the Christmas special and consider it canon?
Everything about this post is complete bullshit. Just as an example:

>Everyone knows who Robin is.
No, all most people know about Robin is that he's Batman's sidekick in a lot of different versions. For the most popular who's had the most exposure, Dick, they don't even know his secret identity. And most people don't even like the idea of Robin. You have to sell the general public on Robin first.
Here's the thing though.

Marvel has 13 movies that are out now and it took them close to a decade to reach the point where they're at now. DC on the other hand is already planning out 15 MOVIES without having one film that's critically and commercially viable to speak of.

Like people can go on about RT and how there's some big conspiracy to discredit DCEU or some tinfoil /x/ tier conspiracy shit but the fact of the matter is that general audiences love Marvel more than DC. It didn't have to be this way, in fact, people were lining up outside the doors of my local cinema to watch BvS when it came out, but then they saw it and it was so terrible that people just lost faith in the DCEU overnight.

Before planning out 15 movies, you should focus on getting out one good one.
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I hope Fox's, Marvel's and DC 's movies all flop.
Because the movie has already established that Robin is dead in this continuity and we also didn't have any prior interactions with anyone else in the Bat family.

Like where the fuck was Nightwing during the whole two year gap where Batman was going cuckoo for cocoa puffs, branding criminals, shooting up thugs, and generally being a menace to society? For that matter, wouldn't Batgirl also be a thing in this continuity too? Where was she when Batman was going crazy? or Cassandra Cain? or Tim Drake? Fucking anybody?

You don't need "50 movies" to establish every fucking this but you also didn't need to waste an hour of your movie on subplots that ultimately go nowhere and are hastily swept under the rug so that we can get to the requisite action scenes and destruction porn sequences.
you'll get 2/3

MCU is gonna run FOREVER
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I hope they all end up coming down but end up making 200-300 million stable to see the studios suffer trying desperately, but fruitlessly, bring back the golden age of superhero movies.
Marvel has had their shit planned ever since Avengers came out. Even back then, they were all "we've got movies lined up through 2020!" Now to me, they didn't ""earn"" it the way you say DC should. Iron Man 2 and Thor weren't very good, only Iron Man and The First Avenger really were and even then they weren't acclaimed or anything.
And don't act like the DCEU movies haven't been commercially viable. Suicide Squad, for all its faults, made bank even without China. You can talk about how they should be making MORE all you want but the bottom line is they're making enough for WB to continue wanting them.
SS was pretty shit, yeah, but I stand by MoS and DoJ. The only criticism I ever see for them are people bitching that it's not fun, or pulling out very small, nitpicky plot holes that haunt every movie ever, or other inane subjective things. People didn't hate DCEU overnight. The response was all good until the reviews started coming in and then it became a meme to hate it.
And the majority of DCEU hate really is just a meme. People are quick to turn on the MCU too, I don't think there's some conspiracy.
>Marvel has had their shit planned ever since Avengers came out.
Which is fine because the Avengers was a critical and commercial success. It'd be weird if they didn't release more movies, especially after drop Thanos in the post-credits sequence.
>And don't act like the DCEU movies haven't been commercially viable.
I never said that they didn't succeed in making bank, I said that they needed a movie that was a critical AND commercial success.
>The only criticism I ever see for them are people bitching that it's not fun, or pulling out very small, nitpicky plot holes that haunt every movie ever, or other inane subjective things.
That's strange, because even ITT the main complaints are that DC/WB isn't properly setting up its cinematic universe more than it not being "fun" enough.
>And the majority of DCEU hate really is just a meme.
You can ignore the elephant in the room but it's not going to make the problem go away.
>Why do so many of you ignore the fact that the Batman solo is likely going to be first?
Because that movie was said to either be about Batman's relationship with his rogues gallery and the villain being Deathstroke.

Nightwing just can't come in as Nightwing without prior context as Robin, and they can't do a flashback movie or anything since Ben is attached to star. It's the same mistakes BvS had.
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>Reboots are suppose to to something new & different then their predessesdors, and this was a great way of doing so.
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I want the DCEU to be scraped entirely. Reboot, get new everything, and maybe have Flash as the first stepping stone in a larger universe. And when I say stepping stone, I mean a self contained movie with SUBTLE hints to other things, not a 3 hour ad for fucking Justice League
... are you expecting us to disagree with her? Civil War was better than BVS.
Objectively, the DCEU has lower review scores than the bulk of the MCU and has also made less money than the MCU as a whole.

Even if you say "well it's only three movies," those three movies have personally dismantled any hopes of general audiences ever taking the DCEU seriously like they do for the MCU.

They're better off scrapping the DCEU as a whole, hiring a whole new team of people over the course of the next few years, and releasing a series of self-contained movies that subtly link each other together. The brand is toxic and nobody wants to work with them now that WB is going full Jihad and trying to control every aspect of the creative process.
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Maybe I am just a misogynist, paternalistic and fascist who doesn't understand innovative action sequences.
Pretty much. Like, I want to be excited for a Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, and Justice League movie. But EVERY bit of news or announcement made pertaining to the DCEU has me disappointed. Instead of feeling "Oh wow___ is coming" its "Oh great, ___ is coming, wonder how they'll fuck this one up"
>Gets BTFO
>Spams the same scene in response
Pottery. BvS wishes that its problems could be contained within a minute's worth of webms.
It all can be explained in the movie easily. During the present time, Dick meets in the second robin. Dick and Bruce are not close after leaving to become nightwing. That's why he's not in speaking terms with Bruce anymore. Just like how they got in a fight in the comics when he became nightwing.

It's really not hard at all, anon.
>Dick and Bruce are not close after leaving to become nightwing.
That still wouldn't explain why he wasn't there when Batman went crazy and started to brand criminals. At the very least, I'd expect Nightwing to show up to try arresting Batman once it seems as though he's too far gone, rather than just letting things go to shit because of a disagreement that may or may not have happened at some point in the past.

Not to mention, if they were going to mention Robin's death, wouldn't it also be appropriate to mention Nightwing's fallout as well if it was actually going to be introduced later on in the DCEU?

Especially if they're going through the trouble to plan out 15 movies years after the DCEU crashes and burns?
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This, all the way.
He operations in in a different City.
He doesn't doesn't stay in contact with Bruce anymore .
That's it. He doesn't need the robins death for the fall out. You think things need tobe over explained but they don't. Where is Hulk and Thor during Civil War? It doesn't fucking matter because they aren't relevant to the plot. It's the same thing. If you show that Nightwing and Batman aren't close and that he's not in Gotham that is more than enough to understand why he wasn't there during BvS.
>He operations in in a different City.
>He doesn't doesn't stay in contact with Bruce anymore .
Shouldn't stop him from trying to stop Batman once it becomes obvious that he's gone too far. It also doesn't explain where Barbara, Cassandra, or the rest of the Bat family is, let alone the Teen Titans since Cyborg is now a thing in this continuity.
>Where is Hulk and Thor during Civil War?
Hulk fucked off to parts unknown because he felt guilty for decimating Wakanda earlier in the film and didn't want to hurt Black Widow accidentally while Thor is seen going back to Asgard after Ultron is dealt with to figure out Wanda's vision of Hel was all about.

In either case, that's much different than just haphazardly introducing an important character after events that would facilitate their appearance, or at least a reference or two. It'd be like if Winter Soldier happened before The First Avenger and we were supposed to just know that Bucky is Cap's friend from WWII.
>posting edits made on /tv/

Patethic /tv/ cancer.
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>> Claiming DCEU movies have character arcs
>> Thinking any Zack Snyder movie ever has had a character arc
Thats a fucking edit and you know it fag
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says you?
>people can't piece together that Affleck leaving "The Batman"/future DCEU installments is the reason for "Nightwing" existing.

It's the obvious setup to introduce Damian as Robin.
>2-WB has actually been caught paying for good reviews recently (for Shadow of Mordor).

so has disney for rouge one, literally every company does
>3- WB owns RT.
You don't have to own the horse track to fix a race.
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yeah a terrible edit that got okay from Marvel. This isn't their first dance.

The only thing that's edited out is the "we're still friends" bit.
>nb4 these are "/tv/ edits"
You can view them yourself.
I stand corrected
you're an idiot, objectively
No, that'd be subjective. Not that I'd expect you to tell the difference /tv/tard.
how in anyway was that btfo?
>2-WB has actually been caught paying for good reviews recently (for Shadow of Mordor).

They literally pay people like Pewdiepie like everyone else to play their games to promote purchase. You won't find a publisher/developer that wouldn't mind paying people like him to play your game.
never used /tv/ idiot, since when has intelligence been subjective?
WB has fixed the comical fight "choreography" of the Nolanverse by making their fights 100% CGI cartoons.
When we started to gauge intelligence by how easily a fish can climb a tree, unless you're stupid enough to drink the "IQ scores mean something" kool-aid.
>doing Nightwing before Robin
But this makes sense. Dick is alive, Jason is dead, there's not a current Robin.
>>doing Nightwing before Robin
>>Death of Superman and Dark Night Returns in the second film
>>Zod in the first Superman film
good, DKR is overrated, DoS is shit so I'm glad they got them out of the way so retards can stop demanding them. Also who gives a shit about showing him as Robin first. Here's all you need
>Used to be robin, now i'm nightwing
Of course IQ scores mean something dumbass, granted hypothetical and creative thinking are also key factors that go alongside it, but its laughable to say they have no value.
>>Ares in the first Wonder Woman film
this isn't bad. Ares was WW's first villain in the reboot after CoIE. it's all about execution and the movie will probably fail in that, as is always the case with post-Nolan DC films.
I see you got the gallon pack rather than the individual packets.
be honest, you were never very good in school were you
Quite the contrary, I finished with a 3.0 GPA, I'm just not dumb enough to put stock in tests that think that a human being's intellect can be boiled down to a number on a chart.
Everyone look at this faggot trying to make himself sound intelligent on fucking 4chan.
Not him but, you're kind of doing the same thing.
> I'm just not dumb enough to put stock in tests that think that a human being's intellect can be boiled down to a number on a chart.
And nobody ever said that. But it doesn't mean it isn't a good indicator of somebody's base intelligence. As i said, theoretical and creative thinking are also key factors in determining ones intelligence, something you seem not to of grasped quite yet.
>But it doesn't mean it isn't a good indicator of somebody's base intelligence.
If it doesn't track all forms of intelligence then it's a false positive at best. The only thing that IQ tests can track is whether or not you're retarded.
Would you rather I was an idiot who put stock in arbitrary numbers on a chart like you?
>this isn't bad
This, I just want to see her in action. Hoping for a lot of shield antics ala cap, song lasso moves, and some greco-roman wrestling
>its a DC hate thread

Real original
but I'm posting about how I'm excited for it
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>Expecting good action scenes
>In a Snyder film
The best you can hope for is 300 style slowdown, gratuitous destruction porn, and explosions.
>If it doesn't track all forms of intelligence then it's a false positive at best
but the only things they don't address are what i stated. I i'm not even trying to be a dick now, but your saying this and i would love for you to provide for me an example at least that proves they do not serve as a good judge of base intelligence.

And he isn't me either.
>doing Nightwing before Robin
God forbid the skip introductions and just get to what we want to see. They can establish he was a Robin and leave it at that
>Zod in the first Superman film
So what
>showing the entire Justice League in BvS
They were cameos, they didn't form
>showing Parademons and the omega symbol before Darkseid ever makes an appearance
if its in a snyder film, chances are it'll be pretty damn good or in the very least memorable.
>In a Snyder film
>Tries to act intelligent
>Cant even write a coherent sentence.
good job
This is such a blatant bait thread
ah, you got me.
How about the basic fact that it tries to serve as a good judge for base intelligence in the first place when anyone can tell you that there are multiple forms of intelligence out there that are unique to one another.

Getting back to my earlier example, should we say that the fish is dumb because the base for judging intelligence is how effectively the fish can climb a tree?
So I guess Sucker Punch was pretty damn good? I won't even bother asking if it's memorable.
>"Aquaman" has a pretty solid cast.

It stars a guy who can't act.
so you're ignoring the fact he isn't directing it, got it. post ignored.
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>should we say that the fish is dumb because the base for judging intelligence is how effectively the fish can climb a tree?

is that a reference to this?

Either way, i'm if you misunderstand or simply don't know but most official IQ tests these days are very in depth and cover a wide variety of potential subjects that a persons brain may be more wired to then others. And as i said, they lack on major aspects of hypothetical thinking which is their key flaw, and is why most people who get the highest scores on them barely count as normal people and tend to burn out by their mid twenties. I mean take the fact that Einstein had what was considered a low IQ, when in reality it due to the fact they don't allow for hypothetical thinking.
it was ok, butchered by the studio but i enjoyed aspects of it.
>post ignored.
Typical Snyderfag, they just can't handle facts and reason.
where did this meme come from, Mamoa is charismatic as fuck and typically the most entertaining thing he's in.
It's the CONTEXT for the time travel. The Flash was warning Batman about what was going to happen in Crisis and then he disintegrates away and stays dead for like two decades worth of comics, getting Batman into action.

That's what BvS was referencing, and it's retarded because Batman doesn't know who Barry is yet, leaving no emotional impact or a reason for Bruce to listen.
That looks worse than NolBat.
>God forbid the skip introductions and just get to what we want to see

How edgy. Typical modern Batfag who wants nothing to do with Robin and doesn't understand how being Robin for years was important for Nightwing's character to exist.
So the Nightwing movie is going to be an Under The Red Hood-esque Nightwing Vs. Red Hood, Dick Vs. Jason movie, right? Because they've already hinted at Jason with the Joker killing a Robin, and they have to reveal Nightwing's backstory as a Robin. It makes narrative sense to deal with the death of his replacement, and Jason would make for a fitting antagonist. Plus you can introduce Tim Drake before teaming him up with Battfleck.
I'm fine with that as long as Damien stays far, far away. Fuck Damien. Cool with Cass and Steph though.
Normally I'd disagree since I like the little weirdo but knowing Snyder, he'd misuse Damien's character and just make him even more unlikable to general audiences.

Damien works best when he's being BTFO'd for being an asshole just to show that he ain't invincible.
And all that charisma will go out the window. He's going to turn into Batman under the sea.
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>Mamoa is charismatic as fuck and typically the most entertaining thing he's in
What the hell have you been watching?
Or are you confusing him with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson?
Question is, third Man of Steel will be Kingdom Come or All-Star Superman?
Also, Watchman crossover when?
At least someone link to a vidya of one of his "charismatic" performance clips?
Somehow I have missed the era of Mamoa charisma.
Karen Fukuhara´s career is dead.
>REEEEEE Nolan's Batman doesn't count as part of the DCEU
>We need to take Nolan's Batman into account for the DCEU

Pick one
To introduce Jason after being "dead" they would have to introduce Talia, even if in Flashback. They might skip Tim altogether and go with Damien. I can see Snyder doing that, or keep Tim in the backstory as another Robin that either retired or abandoned Bruce.
All this seems irrelevant, since they've pushed Aquaman far enough back to prepare the Snyderverse to fold up like a cheap lawn chair this year, and everything that isn't Aquaman has been pushed back even further in preparation for a reset.
>third Man of Steel will be Kingdom Come or All-Star Superman?

There's not going to be a third Superman movie, but WB would be stupid enough to try to adapt those two stories.
This feels like a perfect example of a Snyder scene, and the problems BvS has.

On paper, the idea that Lex is showing dominance over the man, and that he controls that man, is a good idea. But the execution of the idea--by having Lex slip it inside the man's mouth--is utterly bizarre. Throughout BvS, there's a lot of ideas being thrown around, some of them pretty good. Buy even when the idea is sound, the execution is so weird, or downright bad, that the idea is wasted.

BvS fans often say that "You don't get Snyder's vision." No, I think Lex's anger against fate and God manifesting as hate against Superman is very interesting. I just think the way the movie used Doomsday and random utterances about the Devil, plus some nightmares about evil goblins, was a very confusing way to express it.

BvS has some interesting concepts at its core. But...it didn't have to be so confusing about it. It was so confusing that even when Lex explains it, it's still confusing.
>and he realized that by the time he
I was with you until this. It just reeks of the same desperate "next time it'll get there" like we got after Man of Steel. There's no real indication Clark had any big revelation of needing to communicate more, simply because as you said, he's dead. Hell, most people defending it are saying that Clark is showing that actions speak louder than words, not that he learned, FINALLY, to use them.

>Who's Nightwing? Why do we care about this guy?
>He used to be Robin, now he's grown up.
>But Robin died! The Joker killed him!
>That's a different Robin
>Wait what? Then how many Robins are there? Where was Nightwing during BvS?
>Look just turn your brain off and appreciate how smart it is.
>Stop wasting my time building everything up and just jump to the stuff we want to see.
So if I want to see a charismatic Superman why have I had to sit through two movies and counting of him learning valuable life lessons on the promise that he's getting there and the universe is steadily becoming lighter and more optimistic?

Can't we just skip to that? Shouldn't we have just *started* there?
See this is the kind of thing I don't get. You guys post clips and pictuers and assume they're tautologically self evident. You don't seem to realize that doing so only works if you're in an echo chamber that already thinks exactly as you do. You can't win an argument by going "just look at it! it's shit!" You need to put more effort into WHY.
>the audience is as retarded as me!
>Hey, maybe if you watched the god damn movie instead of pestering me to spoon feed you with every shot of the movie, you wouldn't be so lost. Ever thought of that?
If people can watch Game of Plebs & other Soap Opera trash, I'm pretty sure they can follow a simple premise just fine.
Maybe you should stop bringing your parents along to every comicbook movie you see?
Good knowing that this is still relevant
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>Everyone knows who Robin is.
You mean this kid?
Yeah I really want a movie about this asshole.
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We allow them to destroy themselves from the inside.
rushing? they cant stop rebooting every 5 years. just forget all of the build up. it's not going to happen. and if it does, you'll hate how long it takes. just let them jump over to old man bruce and terry
> Good news from WB
> 1/2 days later
> They come back to complain about it

Jesus... gonna start to believe that they do get paid to be this shitdrone.
None of the action on BvS was memorable.
>A good comparison is James Bond, you don't need to ever see his first day as 007 or any of that shit, you just start the story and move on.

Craig's Casino Royale was an origin story.
We could at least zap some popcorn and find ourselves a comfy chair. So that the observation of the unfolding DCEU disaster isn't such a chore.
All his roles have been bruiser dudebros, so if he is just playing himself, that's called playing to your strengths.

Now that worked for the barbarian warrior roles but Aquaman isn't exactly that, so some trepidation is understandable.

But then audiences don't like Aquaman anyway and will take whatever they like no matter how different.
She can't even spell "philosopher", of course she's going to have shitty opinions
But CW was miles above BvS tho.

If wasn't for the names of the characters being recognizable, nobody would give a shot for it, in the same way that nobody gives a shot to Hancock (me tinned as a major inspiration for the DCEU by Snyder).
>Has shit taste in films
>so bad he'll shit on hancock
for shame
whew, thats some pretty big shit right there
no, i think he's a good actor
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No GL movie. Why live. Id kill for Mark Strong to play Sinestro again.
>showing the entire Justice League in BvS
this is the only valid point of contention listed, and really only because of its absolutely terrible execution
What about the kryptonite car chase, or Batman versus kgbeast and his mooks?
I'm surprised we even have to debate this, all it takes are your eyes to see DCCU is garbage. DC reader btw.
Like why does Aquaman need to be some gruff bikerfag? What's wrong with a blonde guy in orange and green? Why can't Superman just be a charismatic fella who wants to do the right thing and is pleased with it? Batman's fine.
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This is the worst complaint about the DCCU ever.
I got a lot more
>Disney shill
>promoting that the prequels, which they now have the rights to, were bad
Are you fucking stupid? Like, seriously, how can you get through the day without someone or something killing you for your immense stupidity?
>The Winter Solider can be compared to a Nightwing/Red Hood movie
How? I'm not even sure how these are related. Red Hood maybe, but even then Jason isn't mind controlled and Bucky is.

>We need even more Robin before we can get into Nightwing

ffs man. He's been on TV and in movies for your entire lifetime. If they spend more than 10 fucking seconds in a Nightwing movie trying to introduce Robin it will be 10 second to long. How many steps below casual do you need to be to not be fully aware of Robin?
Seriously, we all know he's that Hothead cop in Gotham.
>>doing Nightwing before Robin
Are you retarded?
>>Death of Superman and Dark Night Returns in the second film
Fair point
>>Zod in the first Superman film
Completely normal
>>Suicide Squad before any of the villians show up in the hero films
Fair point
>>Ares in the first Wonder Woman film
Completely normal
>>showing the entire Justice League in BvS
Could have been done better.
>>showing Parademons and the omega symbol before Darkseid ever makes an appearance
That's called teasing.
>>Crisis Flash's warning to Bruce before he ever meets the Flash.
Time travel, bitch.
I have absolutely no problem with this "lived in" universe we got with BvS. I think it's great that we're getting a Batman who has been around. Joker and at least two Robins are in the past. There's a lot of stuff unsaid that lets us get past the "let's introduce everybody" phase. It's a nice contrast to the MCU.

So, because of that, I'm fine with a Nightwing movie. We've already had Robin teased, and this can work.

The problem is: I don't trust WB to handle it right at ALL. And if the movie tanks, they'll just say "okay, no one cares about Robin or NW," rather than "no one cares about shitty movies."
His parents are more likely to know who Robin is than 20 year old audiences
They could follow it but it won't be emotionally effective. That's the point.

We started this universe with tired old Batman instead building to that point with Ben Affleck. Now we're forced to go backwards because BvS was so terrible and made less money than the last two Batman films.
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We're getting a GL reboot movie anon!

Written by David S. Goyer
How is the rest not valid. Killing Superman off in the second film wasn't rushed?
Mainly in the "childlike sidekick going off on their own path away from their mentor" kind of thing, even though Tim and Bucky were forced into doing it.
>Are you retarded?
Well you agreed with OP that Death and Returns in the second movie wasn't a good idea, it's the same type of concept.

>Completely normal
No, not completely normal. You don't blow your load on the first movie with the biggest baddest villains of those two characters.

>Time travel, bitch.
Actually read Crisis.
I'd argue those same 20 year old audiences would probably know about Nightwing more than they would Robin
That's obviously their main problem. The "dark tone" or whatever is fine by me, I don't mind psychology and politics in my superhero movie. What I do mind is rushed bullshit so the audience has zero interest in any of the characters.

By Infinity War Iron Man will have seven movies of character development under his belt, Captain America about five movies. We actually care about them.
Evans' Captain America has arguably eclipsed RDJ's Stark at this point. His trilogy is the best in terms of consistent quality, and people seem to have really embraced him. Plus, you know, Stark was a bad guy in Cap 3.
im invested in superman just from MoS though.
>I'm a huge fan of Superman and I think this is a faithful adaption.
I'm sorry but it completely boggles my mind how you could possibly think that. Like seriously. He's the very antithesis of the idea of Superman.
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>Gotham City Sirens
>Deadshot solo

but shy\
i agree with him

subjective opinions yo
The Deadshot solo is bullshit. Suicide Squad is essentially his film.
But he's also Spider-man's mentor in Homecoming which makes no sense
no, fuck it, it's not even rushed bullshit. It's two things.

They talk so much. Meeting at the daily mail, luthor's gala, luthor with senator, luthor with cherry guy, wondy's gala, talk talk talk talk, FUCK YOU. It's a superhero movie. I want action. Not every scene has to have action but the blah-blah vs KPOW ratio is awful.

And second, the narrative should be pushed by events, not by symbolism. Symbolism scenes that transcend the events of the fictional world, like supes being "buried" by the hands of the people he saves as they come all over me should go and stay gone.

As a side note, maybe real colour filters next time and not grey/dark over everything. But that's a minor thing.
It makes sense since his new job is keeping tabs on super-powered people for the government. Plus I'm really hoping him and Pete have a falling out and Peter realizes he was on the wrong side in Civil War.
>You can't say that you are a Star Wars fan without truly embracing all of it.
You're the worst kind of autist
There's nothing wrong with talking if the talking is both entertaining, and/or develops the characters. Dialogue written by Snyder of Hanover is just lofty "symbolism" bullshit that makes the audience hate the characters.
true, but a)I still believe even with good dialogue we should have not have such a tiny action ratio for almost 1.5-2hours until bats and supes get at each other and b) since snyder is what we have, let him do action. His action scenes aren't bad, really. His dialogue is horrendous.
>thinks that Hancock was a good movie

I doesn't need to written anything more.
>TKJ was almost a frame for frame copy of the comic
True, the animation was so bad it might as well have been stills of the comic. Also this is deliberately ignoring all the weird Barbara shit
Snyder isnt a writer on these things

not him, but you're the first person i've ever come across that didnt like it
He is one of the most experienced heroes around on earth, and he is a rich millionaire inventor, which certainly would make a teenage wannabe scientist like Peter interested in following him.

>They talk so much.

To be honest, Superman on BvS has only 42 lines of dialogue - LESS than Spider-Man cameo on Civil War.
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I honestly agree with this. BvS was hands down the worst action of any Snyder movie because I don't remember anything beyond how retarded it was that batman used bullets on Superman, but not kryptonite bullets, yet spinning him around on a grapple then stabbing him with a spear for film student level subtly somehow made sense.

It really doesn't help that this thing was 3 hours long and the actual BvS scene was like 3 minutes.
>first person

Seriously? Weird, with me is the opposite.

Movie is fine until the wife of the marketer is revealed to be super powered too, it goes downhill from there. The "vilains" also were really bad, and acted in non senical ways.

It's fat from what I would consider a good inspiration for a DC universe.
different social circles i guess.
i like the film, its nothing great but its an entertaining watch every once in a while.

The wife couldn't act for shit.
If you disliked BvS, youre just an IDIOT
>Mmmm piss
Reminder that we live in a world where Suicide Squad has a 1/3 chance of winning an oscar
For make up.

A bad movie can have good make up.
Any film with odd makeup has a 1/3 chance of winning for best makeup
It'll join such timeless classics as Harry and the Hendersons, Dick Tracy, J.J.'s Star Trek and The Wolfman. All destined for the Criterion Collection.
i mean the criterion collection is really just any film they can get the money to license, why do you think you get stuff like Armageddon on there. Secondly Dick Tracey was pretty good.
and Amadeus, Pan's Labyrinth, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Lord of the Rings...
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Exactly. It's an award for Gud Makeup.
I have no real problem saying SS had some good makeup, although I hope it has more to do with Croc than with M.G.F.
I think we can all agree that the CGI was 90's tier tho.
It's called worldbuilding dude, in 3 movies the DCEU seems more filled with heroes and villains than the MCU in 14
cgi was fine, nothing great but not bad either. Dont see the problem there
DCEU doesn't have enough heroes yet to fill out a 7 man team, and has what, 6 surviving villains? (all but one of which was on the Skwad).
It's more filled with superpowered individuals, I'll give you that.
>We keep repeating things that aren't objectively true.
>His action scenes aren't bad, really.
They're good in the moment for the sheer spectacle but on rewatches the flaws and times when "physics turn off for cool thing" become more and more apparent.

Like how Lois falls down while the world engine has turned off the gravity so that cars are getting sucked into it during Man of Steel, or how in BvS Doomsday can let lose an energy blast that vaporizes the surrounding buildings but Batman can hide behind a waist high bit of rubble at ground zero when this happens and survive that with n o problem.
Snyderforce runs on alternative facts.
They're "good" in the sense that they become 100% CGI cartoons when there's any real fighting going on. As choppy as some of the Marvel fights can get, at least it actually feels like the characters are really in them.
i count 8

and then on villains
>Johnny Frost

Thats eleven, chances are Diablo's still around too.
Wanna list all the surviving characters with superpowers in the Director's Cut Edition Universe, just for laughs? I'll meet you halfway with the Marvel ones.
>Why does DC and WB keep trying to rush their universe?

Because they were hoping the payout from BvS would pay to start off their cinematic universe and it did not
flash, aquaman, wonder woman, superman, faora, mera, doomsday, maybe enchantress and Harley assuming she has the same origins as her comics appearance.
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>We count movies that haven't even been filmed yet.

Captain Boomerang
Killer Croc
maybe Faora iof you wanna reach
robin was shown to of been around in BvS, Doomsday isn't even dead, neither is Faora (Phantom Zone is just a prison, c'mon dude), steppenwolf was in BvS and Frost was in Suicide Squad.
They're just trying to get their cash grab before superhero's stop being vogue.
if were going by ones that have been filmed he ought to have listed Aries, Dr.Poison, Deathstroke, and Darkseid as well seeing how they're in the next two films.
I wonder if that has to do anything with the fact that 2 of the first 3 DC movies were ensemble films...
the guy who made metallo was in BvS and Star Saphire was in MoS, tho that may be reaching as she's still normal at this point.
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Iron Man
Captain America
Black Widow
Scarlet Witch
Black Panther
Winter Soldier
Star Lord
Doctor Strange
War Machine
(I'll leave out the Warriors 3, Sif and the GotG2 characters though they've been filmed)

Justin Hammer
Thunderbolt Ross
The Collector
The Vulture
(I won't count Red Skull for same reason I won't count Faora, same for Arnim Zola).
well yes probably, and your point is?
I refuse to consider name-drops in either universe
And no living Robin was shown in the DCEU movies.
Wonder Woman is so shit we both left her out.
>Iron Man
>Scarlet Witch
>Star Lord
>Black Panther
>Winter Soldier

You're right ... it's real close.
My point is it's a stupid comparison.

"There's more DC heroes and Villains in 3 movies than Marvel had!!"

...well yeah, no shit. It's because they designed it that way. DC went for introducing characters as a group; Marvel did it individually.

It's a meaningless comparison.
It's not actually confirmed that Red Skull and Kaecilius are dead. They just kind of get teleported. Also if you're counting The Vulture you should also count Shocker, shouldn't you?
You forgot Strange.
so thats 16 villains still alive for DC and ten heroes (Assuming we are going by whats filmed, it may be eleven seeing how JL has a green lantern in).

And 25 heroes (that i know) for the MCU and 12 villains. Maybe 13 actually, is the Leader alive still?
>Abomination is still out there but we'll never see him again
>the Leader was teased in TIH and in the comic tie-in but we'll never see him again

Feels bad man.
Yeah, Leader is still alive, but it's not likely that he'll ever be back. (See >>90221830)
Ten Heroes?
If we count Mera we have to start counting shit like Sif.
Do you even have a casting for Green Lantern?
fucking kek

read the fucking posts mate, they guy said there was this many number of characters and i corrected his numbers. You dip.

shame, i tend not to like most MCU stuff but i thought the Hulk was real good.

I was, but then i also counted Rick Flagg. Forgot to add Sif though actually, that makes it roughly 26.
>read the fucking posts mate, they guy said there was this many number of characters and i corrected his numbers. You dip.
My bad then, I just assumed you were the OP who cared about roster size originally
no clue dude,was looking up JL today and saw a bunch of reports that came out today saying JL had a green lantern in it that wasnt stewart or hal.

It'll probably be Abin Sur if anything.
Marvel's gonna squeeze out any superhero hype left in public with their Infinity War, WB's gotta get in there before that happens.
>Iron Fist

I'll leave out AoS stuff, but the Defenders should at least get consideration.
>all these projects

Which ones will actually get made, /co/?
Ferris has been MoS and BvS so far dude, i guess i could give you the metallo guy though.

its good man

i thought they wernt cannon?
probably most of them, thanks to BvS and SS, WB had their second most profitable year ever, they did great for DC's market worth as well.
Will definitely get made:
>WW (obviously)
>JL (obviously
>The Batman
>JL Sequel
>SS sequel
>MoS sequel

Will probably get made
>GLC (or just GL)

Probably won't get made:
>Black Adam
>Dark Universe

Who fucking knows at this point:
>i thought they wernt cannon?
Marvel TV stuff is 100% canon; the films just aren't really going to reference them. The whole "non-canon" thing comes from people misinterpreting a Whedon quote.
ah, my mistake
The only guaranteed ones at this point are the ones with Batman characters in them.

I seriously doubt Cyborg is getting made, Flash is a clusterfuck, Shazam is barely moving forward, and I seriously doubt that WB will have faith in anything but Batman if Wonder Woman and Justice Leage don't make a gorillion dollars.
Are you seriously under the impression WB isn't waiting to see how Justice League does before they decide to cancel Aquaman and the DCEU? If Justice League doesn't break $1b, or undergrosses BvS, it's over.
I think Nightwing has a better chance that Flash Cyborg and GL at this point.
not a chance
what did i just say >>90222187
I'm under the impression that they have no clue what they're doing. But I think Justice League will make a ton of money regardless, and allow them to move forward.

Then again, I thought BvS was a lock for a billion...
That's what you said about BvS too.

See, this is why I respect what Marvel did vs what DC is doing. I don't think DC needed to follow the Hero->Hero 2->Hero 3->Team Up->rinse/repeat strategy that Marvel did.

BUT, Marvel FUCKING COMMITTED to what they were doing. They set out to make four films followed by the Avengers and the did it. Then they laid out a gameplan to get to another Avengers and then another.

During all that time, there's been only a few changes, the biggest being that they scored the Spider-man rights. The only project, as far as I can recall, that has been cancelled is Inhumans.

DC, on the other hand, couldn't commit to anything. MoS underperformed, so they changed from MoS 2 to BvS, and now they clearly have no idea where to go next. If they would just have some faith in themselves, maybe they could set up some long-term storytelling.
you have no idea how this works do you
Thats honestly pretty spot on, and i'm saying thus as someone who vastly prefers the DCEU stuff over the mcu films.

Its even more apparent in all the executive meddling in the films, which ended up producing the horribly edited theatricals of SS and BvS
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It's worth pointing out that Inhumans was only happening because Ike Perlmutter wants to push the X-Men into obscurity, and he demanded Feige to make it in exchange for being allowed to make Captain Marvel. Now that Ike's been pushed out of the film division, Inhumans is canned. Can't seige the Feige.
The only product WB's execs have any faith in is Batman, which is why we're where we're at now.

Even if everything else about the DCEU were utterly perfect, I'd be disappointed due to the sheer amount of Batwank.
with the exception of the Interactive branch the only value Warner Brother has is it's vast collection of IP. There were talks of Time Warner selling them of the last couple of years and I doubt AT&T will want to keep a company that is bleeding money.
Those hulk and thor points weren't explained in the film cuz it doesn't fucking matter to the plot. Whatever night wing was doing at the time of bvs doesn't fucking matter autist. Do u get it? He is doing his own shit and handling his own business. There is no problem with introducing him afterwards.
Nobody asked for a Cyborg movie anyway.
i wouldnt mind one, i like cyborg
Where the fuck is the Justice League trailer? GotG 2 final trailer next week but no sign of JL. I need some actually epic looking capeshit trailers, hurry up Snyder.
I'm pretty sure DC has had more actor and director troubles in the past year than Marvel has had in a decade.

The only major director debacle they had in the MCU was Wright fucking off after being given nearly 10 years to make the movie he wanted, then being pissed that things were different than when he got the original go ahead. And a few director changes for Thor 2 maybe?
GotG comes out May 5. JL comes out November 17.

There's a bit of a difference there.
2017 Marvel/DC films
>Justice League
>Wonder Woman
>GotG 2
>Spider-man Homecoming
>Thor: Ragnorok

1. Justice League
2. GotG 2
3. Spider-man
4. Thor
5. Wonder Woman

The only ones that might flip are Guardians and Spidey, but I don't think Spidey can make a huge jump after ASM 2, but maybe the RDJ boost will do it.

If JL doesn't win the year of capeshit then WB on suicide watch
1. GotG 2
2. Justice League
3. Spider-man
4. Thor
5. Wonder Woman

>9 upcoming movies with release dates by 2019
>one 1 with no director

>6 upcoming movies with release dates by 2020
>3 don't have directors
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>1. Justice League
Are you predicting Guardians over $1B? Or do you just think JL is gonna flop that hard?
Maybe it's just me, but I don't see how WB can possibly fuck up the release of JL so badly that it doesn't break a billion. Nolan did it twice with just Batman. It should be fucking child's play.
GotG 2
Spider-man Homecoming
Thor: Ragnorok
Wonder Woman
Justice League

And we'll never have to see another DC movie again, thank god
And the first movie featuring Batman and Superman together, not to mention Wonder Woman, should have been the easiest billion dollars ever made in film. They'll fail, somehow.
>Justice League
>Less than WW


Moron, aquaman has to start filing soon. JL doesn't come out till late in the yr. How do morons like you put clothes on?
Yes, JL will probably be $800-900
By the time JL comes out they will have fucked up 5 TIMES no one is going to go
Sure anon, they won't push it back, yet again. And Flash will have a script soon, too!
>5 times
MoS, BvS, SS, WW...?

Is GL supposed to be #5?
Regardless of money, JL will make money. But I don't think it'll do more than Spidey. Even GotG2 may do better.

Not Thor, tho.
I'm really wondering if the Hulk team up will help Thor 3 separate itself from the first two by making it seem more like an Avengers side story than a Thor sequel. I think it's got potential to do well.

Really I just hope it's good...
It's not a matter of explaining so the audience understands, origin stories work well because they establish empathy and audience investment in the characters before throwing them into punch-explosion-VFX orgies.
*regardless of quality, what the fuck is wrong with me.
Because it won't exist 5 years from now.
Yeah but I still think they should put out a JL trailer, if not with Logan then with Kong: Skull Island. I'm pretty sure it's not gonna happen though.
1. GotG 2
2. Justice League / Spider-man Homecoming. It's be rally close, probably like, a million or two difference.
3. Logan, because even thugh it's not listed it should be.
4 Thor: Ragnarok
5. Wonder Woman. In fact, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if Power Rangers does better than Wonder Woman.
Cyborg solo movie is definitely not happening. He's getting put in the Flash movie. Flash himself is getting pushed back for a Harley Quinn movie.
Ah shit yeah, I forgot about Logan.

I'd agree with you: Logan above Thor, behind the other three. I just still don't see JL losing to GotG, but I'm more excited about Guardians.
>If they would just have some faith in themselves, maybe they could set up some long-term storytelling.

They won't as BvS was born from DC trying haphazardly trying to copy Marvel's success while taking shortcuts and not really understanding how it worked. It's sad and I'm even a DC fan that just wants DC to shut it down and just keep Batfleck.

If you went back to past and asked any casual comic fan that a Batman/Superman film would be awful and a movie with Antman, Black Panther, Vision, etc would make more money and be rated higher by critics, they would laugh at you. The Batman/Superman film was able to do way more in half the time BvS took and it shows that it's possible to these kinds of films with them.
Lets be real, WW feels like a Snyder film based on the trailer. Doesn't help he cast the lead.
that was affleck actually, said he had the best chemistry with her
1. GOTG2
3. Thor Ragnorok
4. JL
5. WW
6. Logan

GOTG was probably the most popular Marvel film with normies other than Avengers, it will probably be the biggest one of the year thanks also to the release date. Spidey has RDJ and Spiderman films always did over 700m. Thor 3 has Hulk and will benefit from the momentum generated by GOTG2 and Spidey.
WW is going to be bad and that's going to hurt JL momentum. WW and JL also have a hellish release date. WB will not make any push on any DC film other than the Batman. Aquaman gets little promotion and bombs next year. The DCEU ends with a middling Batman movie in 2019. Logan will develop a cult following, but won't be the smash success like Deadpool because its promotion wasn't nearly as good and March is packed.
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>Doing Nightwing after establishing that Robin is dead is dumb.

/co/ - """"""""""""comics""""""""" and cartoons
How does Spider-Man: Homecoming abbreviate into BAKA?
>MoS underperformed, so they changed from MoS 2 to BvS
Ths is when I gave up on their attempt a movie universe.
Now MoS had problems but it was still very much redeemable. It was in no way all bad.
But then they cut MoS 2 and as such giving up on properly developing the underdeveloped parts of MoS. Which almost killed all hope.
And then when BvS itself turned out to be even worse than MoS then I lost all hope.

Of course. I must be a blinded marvel fanboy with tunnel vision to not if I dare criticize the movies, right?
It's all huge shit show by now.
Put down BAKA and came out like that.

They fucked it up with the first ever live action meeting and fight between Batman and Superman. Imo, the only additional draw that JL has over BvS is the Flash. And that really depends on how much the success of his CW show translates into ticket sales.
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It's a filter, 'Spider-Man Homecoming' abbreviates to the same as 'shaking my head', so....

It's one of them clbuttic blunders that happens with filters.
>i was the first robin, there were others after me, some did well, others werent so lucky

All you need to do.
>Spidey has RDJ and Spiderman films always did over 700m


It's not a lot of variance, and they're coming off the least successful Spidey yet. Granted, like you said, there will be the RDJ boost, and likely some MCU boost. But I still don't see it beating JL.

Justice League:
-BvS made $875m
-While the "OMG Bats and Supes in the same movie!" novelty has worn off, this is still a big deal
-It's going to get marketed as fuck
-I think over $875m is a lock.

-Spidey has always made over $700m
-Even Dr Strange made $675m
-GotG made $775m
-I think we can put Spidey's floor at $800m
-However, IM is the only guest star, and I don't think that alone is enough for a billion

My guess:
>JL: $900m-$1.05B
>Spidey: $850m-950m
Fucking Wright. I can't believe his fanboys are still crying over the Ant-Man that never was when Peyton Reed added the best stuff, and greatly expanded on Janet and Hope. Plus Yellowjacket is a much better villain than whatever the hell a Nano Warrior is.
>-Even Dr Strange made $675m
That movie was great though.
Because they want dem Avengers bucks and they want it now.
JL is going to get massacred by Episode 8 and Thor Ragnorok will play to the same audience. And the bad buzz surrounding the DCEU is looming over it much more than BvS. Marketing won't matter since Episode 8 going to be full throttle marketing mode itself, and normies who only see a handful of films are more likely to pick the SW movie. Spidey himeslf is no slouch and will greatly benefit from his appearance in Civil War
I didn't even realize JL was up against Star Wars.
Between that, Wonder Woman, and BvS I gotta ask what the deal is with WB putting these movies out when competition is going to be fiercest. Can they really still think they're that untouchable?
Maybe he doesn't disagree with your other points. It'd be silly to attack everything you say just because you're on different sides and supposed to disagree.
>Knightfall and DKR was used in Nolans 3rd movie.
Boy we sure did love The Dark Knight Rises, didn't we?
Wonder Woman has to come out in the Summer or it could just die on the vine. The early June spot it has now is the one WB thinks it has any chance in whatsoever. It was slated to open towards the end of the month. Even MCU brand movies often have some trouble in the cold months (Doctor Strange for example).
BvS got moved around the same way, to avoid Civil War.

They are hoping that JL is such a hype beast that it can rub shoulders with the big boys toward the end of the year, I guess.
Nolan was sick of the franchise by that point, the actor he gave a shit about died, and he no longer felt like polishing Goyer's turd of a script and just let it hang out there.
>expecting JL to do a billion
Anon I'm sorry but this is just not going to happen.
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>Those hulk and thor points weren't explained in the film cuz it doesn't fucking matter to the plot.
Actually, it wasn't explained because we already saw that they fucked off after AoU. They're referenced in Civil War and their absence bolstered Ross's resolve to pass the accords since, as he put it, you can't misplace beings with the power of a warhead and not expect people to ask questions.
>Whatever night wing was doing at the time of bvs doesn't fucking matter autist.
Actually it kinda does, because Night Wing's absence raises a lot of questions as far as what he was doing as his (former) mentor was out wreaking havok and generally acting like a psycho. Even if we accept that he doesn't like him, it still wouldn't necessarily mean that he wouldn't pop in since killing and branding mooks is out of character for him.

If you're not going to properly set up future films then maybe you shouldn't be trying to set up a cinematic universe in the first place.
>1. Justice League
After the train wreck that was BvS, SS, and WW? Fat fucking chance there famalam.
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tfw no more Karen Fukuhara
The franchise is doing so bad that it could be canned after every film. They need to go all out every time.
Movies that exist to get the audience pumped for the next movie are hardly good themselves. It's almost arrogant, like they assume you'll see the next one because you want to see the cool stuff they foreshadowed.
It would have been greater without the literally forced Rick and Morty humor.
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/tv/ sure did.
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Yeah, dude. You're right. How is anyone supposed to know that Robin was Batman's sidekick unless they create an entire movie about it. Oh, wait. Shit.
The thing is, how are we supposed to know that the Robin/NightWing that we see is going to be the same as we know from other adaptations?

For all we know, Robin was an underage b& who joined Batman's crusade because she was a Batman fangirl, only to be beaten and raped to death by the Joker or some shit while Night Wing is actually her brother who decided to be a vigilante out of revenge against the Joker.

Considering all the other changes and selective references that we've seen so far in this cinematic universe, it's hard to really go in and expect the characters to be the same as they were from, say, the comics or the DCAU or DC nation or whatever.

It's generally what happens when you make a shit adaptation, you have to spend even more time setting up the characters so the audience can accept why these characters behave so differently from their other adaptations.
>They keep rushing

Rushing what? Do you have any idea how fast Marvel went from WW2 to the Winter Soldier?
Bane 4 Ever!
>For all we know, Robin was an underage b& who joined Batman's crusade because she was a Batman fangirl, only to be beaten and raped to death by the Joker or some shit while Night Wing is actually her brother who decided to be a vigilante out of revenge against the Joker.

And for all we know Batman's a Reptillian alien. Why would anyone assume that? Literally all you need to do is say that Nightwing was Robin after he grew up and everyone's grandma will know what you're talking about.
>Why would anyone assume that?
Because Snyder has gone on record to say that Batman should be raped in prison and he's been making wild character reinterpretations since MoS.
If Snyder hadn't said that you wouldn't watch BvS with the assumption that Batman was fucking raped. It'd be just as retarded to assume that Robin was a b& or that Batman's a lizard person unless it was stated that they were for the same reason.
>"Wonder Woman" sounds alright based on the recent spoilers
Sorry, I must have landed on an alternate Earth where steaming pile of shit is now considered 'alright'
>How many more films until DC crashes and burns guys?
Limping disaster forever. One or two movies might even be good on accident convincing them they've figured this out and double down harder leading to mistakes all over again. This is starting the make the FOX Marvel universe look beyond competent over the last 17 years
The original point was that, after seeing BvS and knowing that he would depict Batman being raped in a prison shower if he could, it's hard to go into any DCEU film with even a vague understanding of who these characters are anymore.
Well, the ending is basically just a reshoot of Captain America 1's ending, and that was good. I guess that's what anon was going for.

>reminder that Wonder Woman isn't even the one to save the day at the end of her own movie.
btw, you know your movies are bombs when the blu rays are down to $10 just weeks after release. man of steel, bvs, and suicide squad have all done this with the releasing becoming super cheap super fast when sales die quickly after release week. I don't know why someone bothers to buy a dc movie the first week now when i can get it for $10 on br a month later. meanwhile mcu always stays full price and manages to get you to pay it every time
Which is why, I'd imagine, you went into BvS assuming that Batman was a lizard person because the narrative never said that he wasn't.

>it's hard to go into any DCEU film with even a vague understanding of who these characters are anymore

It really, really isn't. Unless you identify with the bizarro logic above. Most people will assume that things are the same UNLESS its stated otherwise.
more like disney rips people off with over priced shit with no special features, what WB does is standard
>Which is why, I'd imagine, you went into BvS assuming that Batman was a lizard person because the narrative never said that he wasn't.
So you're admitting to having the reading comprehension of a chimpanzee, gotcha.
>It really, really isn't. Unless you identify with the bizarro logic above. Most people will assume that things are the same UNLESS its stated otherwise.
Considering Superman became an uncharismatic person of mass destruction, Batman became a murderous psychopath, Lex became a jaunty autist, and Doomsday became a bridge troll, generall audiences are going to assume that it is going to be nothing like the comics or cartoons that they remember from their childhood.
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>cutting out 30 minutes of scenes that actually made the story more coherent is the standard.
Maybe if you're EA or Activision but not for films.
>Hey, who's that in the old picture?
>But I though she was a b&

The appropriate response is, "Why the fuck would you think that?" There is no way to apply your logic without presenting yourself as a full retard.
Sure, I'm not saying anything about the quality. My point was just that the MCU boost allowed a pretty much unkown character to make almost $700m at the box office.

If that works for Strange, then Spider-man HAS to make more than that.
You're too hung up on the hyperbole and not on the actual point being made, which is kinda giving credence to the whole "reading comprehension of a chimpanzee" thing.
>You're too hung up on the hyperbole and not on the actual point being made

What hyperbole? The basic premise of, "We need a movie to cover Robin because people don't know who he is," is just incredibly retarded.

You're either retarded, willingly obtuse, or too autistic to intelligibly communicate your actual premise.
>What hyperbole? The basic premise of, "We need a movie to cover Robin because people don't know who he is," is just incredibly retarded.
It would be retarded if Superman and Batman were what people expected them to be. But since we are talking about an Elseworld DC universe, it makes sense that Robin will have nothing to do with past versions.
>It would be retarded if Superman and Batman were what people expected them to be

An alien demigod and a vigilante?
>The basic premise of, "We need a movie to cover Robin because people don't know who he is," is just incredibly retarded.
If we were talking about the Batman and Robin established from BTAS then maybe you'd have a point. As it stands however, the DCEU has nothing to do with DC besides sharing the names and ripping off a few storylines from authors that are actually talented and understand the characters.
Based on what?
I'm getting superhero fatigue just looking at all those titles
Being butthurt about Batman and Superman killing people doesn't make that premise any less retarded. The basic framework of everything is still the same.
It really isn't.

Superman went from a charismatic leader who inspires men to an ineffectual hero who blows up half a city yet someone still gets loved by the majority.

Batman went from a brilliant detective who fights superpowered with planning and guile to a brute who guns people down yet still doesn't have the guts to kill people who deserve it like the Joker or Lex Luthor

The only similarities is in their names and their appearence, everything else might as well be elseworlds shit.
>An alien demigod and a vigilante?
A hero of the people and a dark knight.

Stop. Elseworld's involve fundamental alterations such as Superman landing in Feudal Japan or Batman fighting crime in the Victorian Era. So far this is the most detective mode Batman to even appear on screen.
What about Batman Returns? He figures out the Penguin a lot better than Batfleck did with Superman or Lex.
>So far this is the most detective mode Batman to even appear on screen.
A Batman incapable of knowing about who Martha was ahead of time, is too stupid to be a detective.
And you wouldn't consider Superman and Batman killing people to be a fundamental alteration?

Moments like the "world of cardboard" speech or Batman's relationship with the Joker only works because neither party was willing to allow themselves to cross a line, even for the sake of justice.

Without that aspect, it ruins a lot of the drama that allowed them to exist for so long and it raises issues like how Joker is still alive in this continuity even though Batman has been going rogue for at least two years prior to the events of BvS.

Go look up tommorowland and tell me Disney payss off RT.

Also WB owns RT.

Haven't seen Batman Returns. Either way it's a trait that's minor enough to vary drastically to the point where it scarcely appears in the Nolan, Schumacher, or first Burton movie. The DCEU definitely comes the closest to presenting "Batgod," however.
>Haven't seen Batman Returns
Well he spends quite a lot of time in that movie sitting in the bat cave and digging around Penguin's past, figuring him out completely despite the heroic facade he's managed to create for himself in the eyes of the city.
>And you wouldn't consider Superman and Batman killing people to be a fundamental alteration?

No; because both of them have killed people. Before Nolan's films came out most casuals likely weren't even aware that comic Batman generally follows a no kill code, because in the Burton films he didn't have one.
>this is the most detective he's ever been on screen
>hasn't seen all the movies
top kek
tommorowland was never expected to make money. Neither was alice 2. So true or not they would never pay money to bribe critics.

An actual example would be John Carter, that film was made to be the start of a franchise.

>Also WB owns RT.
They dont own critics.

And that changes what exactly?
You shouldn't need to see every movie if it's such a fundamental part of his character.
Pretty much.

I wonder what's gonna happen post-Infinity War? Outside of Lizzie, Hemsworth and ScarJo, the rest are gonna be too old to continue as Avengers. Holland is young enough to be in 4-5 films (Spider-Man and team collaborations).
what i've seen him in
I hope they make a Vision movie based on Tom King's stuff.
Yet even when they did kill people, it was either early in their runs before their no-kill policies became a part of their characterization or as a last resort where the alternative was something like complete planetary devastation or wanton destruction.

Whether you acknowledge it or not, fans of those characters are used to them not killing people. Zod's death could be seen as one of those "last resort" scenarios (which would've worked if Superman didn't blow up half a city) but Batman mowing people down and using guns is just too much for some people to accept, even in an alternate continuity like the DCEU.

The only ones that really matter are RDJ, Hemsworth, Scarjo and Evans. Everyone else can easily be replaced. Out of those, only RDJ is getting kinda old for the role, but even he could easily pull off Tony Stark for another 10 or so years.
This "MCU only gets high ratings because they pay for it" meme is one of the worst conspiracies I've ever seen.

Let's say that's true though ... how does it explain the giant box office?
You seem pretty aggregated yourself m8.
They lie about it, duh. If they were actually making money, why would they put so much of it into bribing critics so people will be fooled into seeing their movies and giving them their money? That's just retarded.
Even if he's getting too old for Iron Man, they can just have him be Tony Stark as non-IM. Have him hang up the armor and basically be Jarvis to the Avengers, helping behind the scenes.
>but Batman mowing people down and using guns

The most well known Batman-Joker scene prior to the "Hit Me" one was this:

So you think these paid off reviews are the only reason people go see the movies?
People don't go see the movies, you sheep. Marvel lies about their box office to make it LOOK like people go see the movies and pay critics to hype them up but nobody's dumb enough to fall for it so all the money they make goes to bribing critics and Disney will go bankrupt soon.
That would be glorious. I really love Paul Bettany being Vision and it'd be great to see a coming-of-age story about an android that explores humanity.

I agree, but it begs the question what Disney is gonna do in Phase 4 after Infinity War. Remember the old generation of Marvel heroes are going have to be replaced sooner or later.

Guardians can be a trilogy because it's really about space slackers having gnarly shenanigans which I don't mind. Inhumans are TV property and their movie is tanked which in hindsight works because their storyline should be fleshed-out Game of Thrones style.

Black Panther is gonna be interesting as fuck as well as Ant-Man & the Wasp. Not sure about Captain Marvel, but let's cross our fingers.

The one thing I truly want to see is an Agents of Atlas series, but that's rather doubtful.
Ah, got it. That makes a lot more sense now.
"Well known" is kinda stretching it, isn't it? Even then, to someone familiar with Batman's aversion to guns and killing, that scene would be more the exception, rather than the rule.
>That would be glorious
Sadly it's not the type of movie Disney would ever make.
Exactly this.

I'd prefer Movie Tony be like his dad in the Agent Carter series. He's retired from superheroics because of injury, age, and PTSD. He acts more like the financier, PR spokesman, etc. for future heroes.

I do hope that Marvel will have a Magic-themed event where Thor, Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch, and other mystical-related characters battle Surtur or something. Basically a supernatural Infinity War or Justice League Dark.
Looks like a camrip.
I want Scarlet Witch to replace Clea in the Doctor Strange movies.
>"Well known" is kinda stretching it, isn't it?

Not really. The Burton films were the most popular Batman anything prior to the Nolan ones. So you had an entire generation of casuals unaware that Batman doesn't kill in the comics.
I do wonder if we'll see Agatha Harkness and other magical characters for Wanda?
>"Well known" is kinda stretching it, isn't it? Even then, to someone familiar with Batman's aversion to guns

Most normies don't know about that.
Aliens was pretty popular too around the time of it was originally released but it doesn't necessarily mean that people are going to know where the whole "they're in the walls" quote came from.
Most young adults nowadays would've remembered watching shows like BTAS or JL on television when they were kids, so through osmosis, they'd associate Batman with his characterization from those shows.
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Yeah, let's disregard the only Batman comic books that "normies" are even remotely familiar with, or Bale's whole character arc in Batman Begins, or the entire body of animated work.

What people really remember is Gun-Bats from the 40's.
>I agree, but it begs the question what Disney is gonna do in Phase 4 after Infinity War.

Nothing but Spider-Man and YAASS QUEEN Carol movies.
>Most young adults nowadays would've remembered watching shows like BTAS or JL

Yeah but, again, most normies don't pay attention to those details.

Superman being powered by a yellow sun is literally part of his description as a character and most normies have no idea how his powers work

>Yeah, let's disregard the only Batman comic books that "normies" are even remotely familiar with

1-Normies don't read comics.
2-Again, most casuals don't know about Batman having any kind of moral code, only hardcore Batman fans know.
>2-Again, most casuals don't know about Batman having any kind of moral code
Excuse me?
Are you serious? Do you really believe that Snyder Batman is what normal people think Batman is?
If that was the case then you can forget about Batman merchandise for kids then.
So are we at the point in the argument where you go "nuh-uh" because you can't think of a logical way to bolster your own argument?

Because I'm pretty sure that normies will remember Batman's no-kill policy more easily than those times a few decades ago where Batman shot someone to death.
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So if I have this right, you're arguing for the Superiority of Synderbats over "I won't kill you, but I don't have to save you" Nolanbats, or in fact any popular interpretation of Batman from the last 50 years. Do I have that right?

Or are you just having a lovely morning Troll?
DCEU is the way it is because two incompatable things happened together.

1. Snyder decided to make the DCEU his own version that was vastly different from popular portrayals.

There is nothing wrong with that as such... except:

2. DCEU decided to accelerate plot development, with the assumptions that popular portrayals of the main cast in past incarnations will fill the gap.

This in itself is fine too, as plenty of DC animated films and cartoons do this.

However, mix one with two, and you end up with a lack of characterisation with gaps that couldn't be filled. New interpretations require new backstories, and one can't simply slot in Robin from unrelated films and expect the Nightwing to make sense. Most normies have no idea who Nightwing is, and the Comic Nightwing isn't going to help here.

Snyder wanted 1 and got it.

Warner wanted 2 and got it.

Now they are in the worst of both worlds.
Adaptations need to be works than stand on their own, they can't be extensions of the source material or service. ANYONE should able to whatch it and know what's happening with ZERO previous knowledge about the characters.
>only hardcore Batman fans know.
You're dumb
>Aliens was pretty popular too around the time of it was originally released but it doesn't necessarily mean that people are going to know where the whole "they're in the walls" quote came from

I don't know if someone from the 80s would remember the Alien quote, but for someone whose conception of Batman primarily comes from the Burton movies, which was true for most people before The Dark Knight, that scene with him shooting at the Joker and his mooks from a plane is pretty hard to forget.
Do you honestly think that someone born in the mid-90's is going to know about that particular scene more than the animated series that used to come on kids WB or Cartoon Network that featured Batman having a no-kill policy?

Even then, do you think that someone born in the early 00's is going to know about that particular scene over works where Batman has a no-kill policy?
>How many more films until DC crashes and burns guys?

Suicide Squad made a lot of money, it was one of the most profitable movies last year, as long as they have profits they won't stop making DCEU movies to be honest and the average moviegoer seems content with the movies' quality, critical success is secondary.
This is why WB should've grown a pair and told Snyder to fuck off before Man of Steel was made.

In fact, you can even argue that 2011's Green Lantern was the start of WB's failure in adapting non-Batman DC.
>Nobody fucking cares about origin stories

What the hell? Are you fucking insane? Is this serious? They provide a motive for the hero and make people give a fuck about them and what they're doing and give people something to empathise with and connect with emotionally. You think you can just fucking stick a guy in a cool costume on a screen in this day and age and in such an over-saturated market and not give him one of the things that'll set him far apart from other heroes? You only think like that because you're a comic book fan, most normies, and probably you too when you were first getting into comics, love origins stories. That's why people wanted shit like Wolverine Origins and it's pretty much the entire reason most normies love characters like Punisher and Bane and what makes them interesting to them. Also most normies think that Robin is just some dorky kid and see the entire concept of Robin as some campy shit that belongs in the Adam West era and is just the butt of gay pedo jokes since the only other onscreen adaption of Dick/Robin was from Clooney Batman. And that movie's like 20 years old now and widely regarded as being a giant turd. This is so fucking dumb.
>Even then, do you think that someone born in the early 00's is going to know about that particular scene over works where Batman has a no-kill policy?

Likely not given that everything they know about Batman likely comes from the Nolan films, but its hard to argue that making Batman a killer is a fundamental change when until recently most people weren't even aware that he wasn't.
They couldn't. Man of steel needed to be made right then or they would lose the rights, and Snyder was the only director who would touch it.
>That's why people wanted shit like Wolverine Origins

Wolverine Origins is such a great example of why origin films aren't always necessary.
Why do you think that people can only have ever watched either the Nolan films or the DCAU cartoons?
Because I definitely don't think that most people have read the comics, in large part because they haven't.
I'm not talking about the comics, I'm talking about the DCAU.
Well that's their fucking fault for rushing.

I know The Dark Knight made over a billion bucks in 2008 while Iron Man & Hulk combined only made 4/5 of that. However, Marvel was laying the foundations for its Cinematic Universe step-by-step.

By 2011, Marvel had Iron Man 2, Thor, and Captain America. Without those movies, the Avengers film wouldn't have been as successful.
Meanwhile, what did WB produce by 2011? Watchmen, Jonah Hex, The Loser, and Green Lantern. I enjoyed Watchmen, but the rest were critical and box office disappointments.
i do kinda wish he was more motivated for his evil beyond daddy issues and just being a dick

I'm glad that the Ant-Man treated Hank Pym with more dignity and respect than the character ever got from 50+ years worth of comics. Michael Douglas did a great job presenting a burnt-out genius who used to be costumed adventurer. It's too bad we'll never get a prequel about young Hank and Janet kicking Commie ass in the 80's.
Maybe we'll get more flashbacks in Antman & The Wasp?
I hope so. I actually want to see what Janet was like. Maybe we'll see Janet return from the Quantum Realm during the movie played by Catherine Zeta-Jones since that's what Douglas wants.

I'm just kinda ticked that Hank isn't younger in the MCU. During the 1st Avengers film, there was a lot of kids complaining that Ant-Man and Wasp weren't in the movie. Evidently they were fans of Earth's Mightiest Heroes (which shouldn't have been cancelled).
They want that MCU money as fast as possible, without the actual work and build up that made their competitors successful. I'm not saying that Marvel movies are that great or even good, but they definitely took the time to make sure their products were at least coherent.
If WW and Justice League tank, WB should throw in the towel and start over. Because this is getting ridiculous.
>So far this is the most detective mode Batman to even appear on screen.

>doesn't even spied to know abut the guy that he wanted to kill

Fuck ingredients hilarious.
>Affleck has been Batman for years in that universe. You dont need to do 3 Robin solo-flicks before introducing Nightwing.
You do need to, however, have a stand alone Batman movie to establish this franchise's incarnation and introduce Robin. It doesn't matter if Batfleck's been at it for years in universe, audiences have only seen him in one movie that was basically a Man of Steel sequel.
Mainstream recognition is a bit of a silly argument when Deadpool and Star-Lord got movies.
Because they're a bunch of greedy fucks who don't care about the world they're building.
i mean diseny has been known to be paying for good reviews before. So has WB and just about every other major company in any industry.

>Let's say that's true though ... how does it explain the giant box office?
Are you honestly retarded?
didnt that get confirmed for Gotg a while back?
bale killed a fair few people so that doesnt really work
>i mean diseny has been known to be paying for good reviews before. So has WB and just about every other major company in any industry.

It's really Nolan's fault. His Batman movies set the tone for DC films. Up until 2005, DC live-action adaptations like Road to Perdition and A History of Violence to critical acclaim, but nowhere near the kind of mega-bucks that the MCU makes. And WB had nothing to do with those films.
Not really, though. The Origin part of the movie was fine. The problem is just that it was a shit movie.

The first act of that movie is fucking great.
>Are you honestly retarded?
Let's say they pay for good reviews. FINE.

But movies with great reviews do poorly at the box office ALL THE TIME. It's not like their superhero movie is suddenly going to make a billiion dollars just because the critics give it 90% fresh.
>Well that's their fucking fault for rushing

Problem is, it was either they rush Snyderman, or they lose the Superman rights. It was a lose/lose situation.

What?. The warehouse fight in BvS was God tier. Try to deny it fag, i dare you.

Spider-Man is definitely numbah one if it gets amazing reviews, and based Keaton's ascension from Batman -> Birdman -> Vulture will not be denied

1. Homecoming
2. Justice League
3. GotG 2
4. Wonder Woman
5. Thor: Ragnarok

Tbh I don't even know if Justice League is gonna top GotG2 considering BvS only made 100 mil more than GotG1 at the box office

Thor is defs last, even though Waititi is gonna bring some repute and fun back to the franchise

Justice League is November 17 and Episode 8 is December 15, which is probably fine for WB right?
Not that non but it was just a mildly okay riff on the Akrham games style of Batman combat. Better than what we've gotten previously, certainly, but a halfway competent choreography company on youtube can make fight scenes of equal and superior quality. Which ultimately means that Snyder didn't do spectacularly, just that he failed the least, in that one aspect.
The only reason the warehouse fight was so "good" was because it was being compared to the rest of the the movie.

>The warehouse fight in BvS was God tier

The choreography was nice but I didn't give a shit by that point, it was Batman vs a bunch of faceless mooks and the one villain they actually bothered to set up gets blown up after twelve seconds of confrontation and no actual fight.
>Normies who only see a handful of films are more likely to pick the SW movie.

Or maybe they'll just see the movie??
with something as big as BvS or Civil War, a good critical score is essential
>Mainstream recognition is a bit of a silly argument when Deadpool and Star-Lord got movies.
Both Deadpool and Star-Lord got maximim characterisation in their films to introduce them properly. MoS Superman never finished because he was suppose to get MoS2 to finally be Superman, but Warner wanted BvS.

the jolly rancher looks a lot like the glassy kryptonite they used for bvs

therefore it could be a reference to kryptonite, or even red kryptonite

it could also be a reference to the red pill, with the red pill being that lex is not a good guy

fundamentally, i think it's just there to show that he's not a good guy. he's totally detached.

he's literally shoving his preferences into other people's mouths, without a care for what they want.

he's a tyrant.

it's an awkward scene, but i think if you don't know who or what lex luthor is (or understand that it's an elseworld), the scene works.

> random utterances about the Devil

this was another time that snyder showed his weakness when it comes to directing actors

eisenberg played it like lex is a spaz

but if you look at the lines by themselves, it is concievable that the intent was for lex to hammer home his pov one final time that "superman is a devil"

in the end, lex's kryptonite is that not everyone thinks like him, and in the eyes of most people he's an evil little shit.

i don't understand what people have against doomsday in bvs.

i thought it was brilliant and unexpected.

the movie is about having power and knowing when it is right to act

and it gets capped off with a literal screaming baby who absorbs everything and explodes out of control

and he's literally zod reborn... it's fucking great.

honestly, i really don't understand why people don't like doomsday in this film. even if you don't understand what he represents, he was still shot beautifully and his inclusion makes sense.

and it is a logical yet surprising final twist to lex's plan

lex isn't angry about fate, he is a psychopath who despises the fact that there's someone greater than him.

he doesn't just hate superman, he wants to BE 'the superman', in the literal and traditional sense of what that word means.

in order to become the superman, he must destroy superman utterly. to destroy his image, to destroy his will, to physically destroy him and then to destroy the thing that destroyed him, thus completely surpassing him.

setting superman against batman was to destroy the heroic image of superman.

step 2 was to unleash the thing that would surpass superman.

his step 2 failed, which is why he got caught trying to reimpliment step 2, and he literally got caught making a deal with a devil.

i really don't understand how people don't like this. bvs has some awkward scenes but so much of the film puts a big stupid smile on my face.
>africa subplot

it was only poorly done because the general and the crying widows were basically caricatures (and thus forgettable) but his lines basically set up the movie.

>"what i am is a man with nothing but a love of my people"

a reference to zod... and everyone else in the film.

>"men with power obey neither power nor principle. no one is different. no one is neutral."

the movie is fundamentally about knowing when it is right to exercise power ... (and i LOVE that it is a pro second amendment film)

the transition to the senate meeing was definitely jarring though.

in one moment, you have the cia attempting to drone strike the rebels

in the very next moment you have the senator calling out superman for taking out the rebels, and there's not an ounce of humor or awareness to it.
trash opinion desu
Yet at the end of the day, none of it mattered because the movie transitioned from the senate bombing to Lex setting up Superman to fight Batman.

You could've easily deleted the first half of the movie for the most part and gotten a vastly more superior storyline out of it.
SUICIDE SQUAD before any of the villains show up in hero films

True. There has never been a film with a Batman villain in it. Not ever.

We need to have one movie at a time, showing each villains origin story, from birth to now, in order to have the movie universe

Otherwise, how would they know who The Joker is? Or Killer Croc?
>Otherwise, how would they know who The Joker is? Or Killer Croc?
Well I am pretty sure most people who watched the film to the end still don't know who Killer Croc is. And also would be disappointed that Joker is barely n it.
You say that as if a Suicide Squad cinematic universe would be a bad idea. Also, Killer Croc is barely a character in that film, I can safely say that I, and most people, still have no idea who the fuck he is even after sitting through the entire film.
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