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What's his problem?

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What's his problem?
His autistic father was raped on a boat by a bunch of racist pirates, and Aquaman did nothing.
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Does his oval head give him a tactical advantage?

Aquaman called him a meanie head and Manta never recovered from such a heinous blow.
The one he used during his time in the Suicide Squad made him see his targets as Aquaman
Wow, he must really hate Aquaman
nigga you got no fucking idea
That helmet modification was the reason he joined the squad in the first place
Are you serious????
>The one he used during his time in the Suicide Squad made him see his targets as Aquaman
I fucking love this ridiculous asshole
His son is gay and working for his nemesis
Seriously, fucking everything I hear about Black Manta just makes him better.
He's the only black man on Earth that knows how to swim.
Probably got raped by a dolphin.
The Ocean depths.
Full of unimaginable bling; the stuff of innumberable grills, from which a gold plated diamond encrusted submarine might be forged.

Only one negro has the grit, the determination, the steely resolve to master the art of swimming.
No, not just swimming; the terrifying ordeal of deep sea diving.

Finally all of Poseidon's lost scrilla would be his and his alone.
And then he made the awful discovery that The Man had already built a mansion at the bottom of the ocean, and claimed it all for his own.
A curse and a blessing

I can't upload for some reason

Jesus Christ.
The madman took over a terrorist organization that was on the verge of world domination just so he could use them to fuck with Aquaman. Manta is a man of sheer will and limitless potential
He's got the autism.

I fucking love you!

Thats some dedication
He revealed he was faking the autism to make people hate Aquaman for punching a mentally disabled man.
He's Ahab and Aquaman is Moby Dick.
So what was Black Manta up to in the alternate universe of Injustice? Did he died?
That's his shtick.
He hates Aquaman.
He has many reasons for hating Aquaman, and all of them are made up.
Even his legitimate reasons for hating Aquaman are actually made up.
Every time he reveals some reason that he hates Aquaman, he does it just to screw with Arthur.

His helmet is in the Plastic Man issue. So he was where all the prisoners were under the sea.

I think his helmet also appeared in Ground Zero. It was under the sea and partially destroyed.
Feels bad man

he's a stage hazard in I2, he's alive and hating.
He remembers an alternate timeline where he was Aquaman and he blames Aquaman for taking everything he loved in that world by replacing him.
The last arc he was in in Aquaman was great. Won't spoil it but his ridiculous over the top hatred of Arthur was on full display.
The beautiful thing is even Manta forgets why he hates Arthur or who struck first, and it doesn't matter at this point. Manta's rage has consumed him, and he has no purpose if Arthur is dead. He is a mortal man, one who seeks to make a godlike king's life hell
No blue underbelly.

Things got weird.

Its not like the petty, jealous hate Lex has for Supes or the love/hate thing Joker has for Bats, Black Manta's hatred of Aquaman is ineffable it'd be beyond human comprehension if it wasn't so base and element. There is NOTHING in Black Manta's life but his cosmic murderboner for Arthur. Arthur could get flung 20 million years into the past and Black Manta would find a way to join him so he could continue to make his life awful.
>he faked Autism just to fuck with Arthur

Is he our guy?
>implying you're faking

Wasn't there one time he pretended to be a black rights activist and relocated a bunch of black people to the sea floor just to fuck with Aquaman?
He's essentially Captain Ahab.
Boon better make him DLC.
Yep. Young Justice Manta subtly had that going on too. You can tell from all the African tribal masks around his hideout, and the fact that his henchmen are all black guys. No one's ever brought it u either because it's so subtle and inconsequential, but the black rights thing flares up now and then. Especially his speech to Aqualad before their battle where he talks about the world beating you down. Weisman's a slick fuck.
Not to mention the fact that he hated Aquaman more than he loved his son.
I get that it's fan fiction tier but why can't he get a red lantern ring?
Need a Thawne and Black Manta team-up book. Can't believe it hasn't been done yet.

Red Lanterns are chosen for righteous anger, those who have been wronged. Arrocitus had his planet genocided, Bleez got rape room'd, Dex star got thrown down a bridge, etc. Anger is not really the same as hate.

Now Doomsday, there's someone who shouldve had a ring taking into consideration how many times he was killed as a kid in the name of science.
I felt like the Aquahateboner was no doubt present, but felt more toned down. If the whole him being Aqualad's dad turned out to be a 20 something year long ruse orchestrated by him to hurt Aquaman then that would've been classic Manta.
Yes, he posed as a black supremacist to gather a militia with the plan to destroy Atlantis and rebuild it as a Blacktopia under the sea. All this, just so Aquaman would seem vaguely racist when he tried to stop them.
I mean aquaman killed his dad, maybe

Manta is just bitter, it's about the same reason why Luthor can't get a red ring despite his loathing for Supes

That line from Atrocitus about how "real wrath and hate come from pain and loss" was pretty on point for comic book philosophy
Why is Manta so much better than Zoom?

Is it because he lacks any true legitimate motive, and it's literally pointless hate for hate's sake?

Is it because he's a relatively normal guy fighting what is a god among men instead of an equal or arguably superior?
Did Black Manta build his own suit?
Thawne has a very clear backstory and motivation as to why he acts the way he does. He's an obsessive fanboy gone psychotic..
Geoff Johns becomes Thawne?
How are he and Ocean Master Aquaman's only worthwhile villains
King Shark needs to get out from under Amanda Waller's thumb.
>What's his problem?
Muh dead dad
No one knows
anon, you can't keep being in denial of your condition
He deserves green
There's an Earth in the multiverse where they're likely combined

That king fisher could have been a good recurring villain. To bad NEMO got given to Manta
I was watching a little bit of Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack the other day on Youtube, and you know what I realized? Black Manta and Aquaman should be like Char Aznable and Amuro Ray, if they already aren't, in that they just fucking HATE each other, each one's hearts and minds filled with total, almost all-consuming (in Manta's case) loathing for one another. Just thinking about Manta pisses Aquaman off more than anything else in the world. That should be the relationship those two have: utter contempt towards one another.

You see, with Superman looks at Lex Luthor and is ultimately disappointed, that an utterly brilliant man like him should exist only to kill Superman, putting many people, potentially millions in harms way, in order to reach this goal. Superman ultimately views Lex Luthor as a pathetic, egotistical waste of potential.

Batman? Batman is utterly disgusted by the Joker's actions but ultimately finds him sick in the head. He would want nothing more than the Joker to be locked away for the rest of his life, with Joker having had successful psychiatric treatment, so that the clown could look upon every grievous act of violence, every senseless murder, every bit of horror and terror he's put innocent people through on a whimsy to please himself in his horrible little games, and feel great shame - possibly a fate worst than even death.

But Aquaman? Aquaman wants Manta dead. There is nothing between the two but complete and total hatred for one another.
magnificent logic. I can't poke a hole through any of it. Anon, you're awesome.
Wait, seriously?

I thought Aquaman cured his autism, only for him to still be an asshole.
Yeah, he was just faking the whole time.

Because fuck Aquaman.
>Professor Zoom/Black Manta: World's Pettiest

That sounds amazing.
He's a child who is autistic.

I can't post the pic
They both have desires that are completely counter to Aquaman's. Aquaman wants a nice life with his wife and kid? Here comes Manta. Aquaman wants to bring Atlantis and surface world relations closer? Here comes Ocean Master.
>Give me the ring, Atrocitus, you know i can be a powerful Red Lantern.
>No way in hell, Black Manta, you're crazy!
That would honestly be a series of Zoom and Manta coming up with convoluted plans that are immediately ruined when either Aquaman or Flash show up because Manta or Zoom will abandon the plans to fight their respective nemesis
Yfw there's a world in which manta and zoom are merged into one being
>Black Zoom is responsible for everything bad that ever happened in the Marvel Universe
>Yes, even that.
>Especially that.
He wants to kill/conquer the ocean.

Since doing the former would kill him too and doing the latter would just make him king of a lot of water, making Aquaman's life a living hell is a far more thrilling alternative.
>Aquaman and Manta are fighting
>Manta goes "why do you hate me? Is it because I'm Black?"
>then cuts Aquaman's hand off in the split second of hesitation he has
Earth-32 is your best bet for this to actually be a thing.

Image uploads seem to be acting up, so here's a link.


Well that was probably the least evil version of Manta, though I actually really liked the contrast between his genuine care for Kaldur and his murderboner for Aquaman.


Well that was probably the least evil version of Manta, though I actually really liked the contrast between his genuine care for Kaldur and his murderboner for Aquaman.


Half the book would be them arguing over who hates/fucked over their nemesis more.
he's black duh
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he was stuck in a /tv/ thread meme

And this is what happens when 4chan repeatedly tells me that my post has failed and it doesn't show but apparently it DOES go through.
Make this man a Red Lantern
>He's essentially Captain Ahab

There we got. This anon right here. He figured it out.
He doesn't have a problem. He has a grudge and a super-helmet and that's all he needs
Autistic loathing of Aquaman.
Which are the best Black Manta stories?
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Remember that time Black Manta had a society purely composed of black people wearing diving suits?
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This was during the Brightest day run right? Kinda fucked up he lost his hand right after he got resurrected with a brand new hand also someone post the pic of Manta killing everyone in his fish store because Arthur was ressurected
This is some Joker level obsession
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>also someone post the pic of Manta killing everyone in his fish store because Arthur was ressurected
Here it is
Fighting Aquaman is the only thing he has in his live, isn't it?
Remember that time he took over and crashed an entire century old secret organization with his short term thinking by devoting every single asset it had into ruining Aquaman's life?
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Writers just need to use them more often. Its the same problem with WW's rogues. I think it'd be possible if Fisherman became a Kraven type character
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Orm right now is pretty good, hope he doesnt go back to being a villain. I still dont get why Orm was put to jail and not the guy who started the Atlantean war.
Why does he hate Aquaman?

I mean, why not focusing on Batman or any other hero. Why it HAS to be Aquaman?
i always imagined the real reason was because he had a bunch of pics of the justice league on a dartboard and it landed on Arthur. Batman's lucky Manta's not on his rogues gallery, other wise Manta wouldve killed robin AND alfred
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They should bring back pirates and Nazis.
Literally the only reason he was running the store and not killing himself was because of the off chance of aquaman coming back
I can only hope that that Aquamarine movie doesn't suck and manages to correctly portray this crazy bastard.
Fuck me autocorrect, really?

Aquaman movie.

This kinda shit doesn't happen to Batman
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>implying you wouldn't love to bully Aquaman
Just look at this guy, he is so punchable.
See i was worried theyd fuck Manta up bad, considering how lex, doomsday and joker have been portrayed, but so far Ares looks fuckin neato so who knows.
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Has there ever been a story where a villain comes close to killing Aquaman, but Manta interrupts and murders him, so he won't take the joy of killing Aquaman from him?

I think it would be cool.
So why doesn't Aquaman just kill the Black Manta?
Black Manta is not the Joker. He can fight with Aquaman on equal terms.
His helmet looks fucking retarded, but I guess it suits the series because Aquaman has one of the worst costumes in the main DC lineup
Need context.
Not long prior to this, Manta had killed Aquaman's son which resulted in driving a wedge between Aquaman and his wife which led to her leaving him
lmao what a lad
In N52 context

>Scientist guy is studying young Arthur
>Kid is half Atlantean and scientist is super excited wanting to study the kid more and more hoping it'll help him find the lost city of Atlantis
>Arthur and his father decline
>Scientist goes desperate and hires a mercenary Black Manta to get samples while Arthur is asleep to study (or something)
>Arthur's dad catches Manta, and they fight, Arthur's dad dies
>Arthur goes after Black Manta's boat and kills Manta in the dead of night
>Accidently kills Manta's dad (who worked on the boat with his son) which Arthur mistook him for Manta cause it was so dark
>Manta gets pissed and devotes all his times to hurting Aquaman and all he loves
>Arthur gets pissed cause Manta keeps hurting shit he loves
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I mean it's as close as you're going to get to giving a Manta Ray a "face".
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>he has no purpose if Arthur is dead
Not so much, in blackest night/brightest day when aquaman was dead black manta just got a job selling fish and was doing that.
Don't forget in N52 in Forever Evil,
When the Crime Syndicate killed Aquaman, Manta merely called dibs on the Trident for a trophy and was willing to fuck off to obscurity.
But then while at his dad's grave going "Good news I avenged you" Ultraman caused a flood that wrecked his dad's grave and Manta goes "OH YOU WANT SOME TOO?!" and runs to the nearest Batman to help kill the crime syndicate.
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He was okay with the crime syndicate killing Aquaman instead of him?
Someone post that page when he learns Aquaman is back alive and murders everyone in his fish shop.
i think someone in this thread already did.
I fucking loved how he just stabed evil-Alfred and walks again like nothing. Cap Cold stares like 'what the fuck is wrong with this guy?
Does anyone have the autistic screeching version?
Is Black Manta one of the best cape villains of all time because of his completely insane amount of hate for his counterpart and simply lives to hate him.

He's like Khan in Wrath of Khan. He won't kill him, he'll do worse than kill him, He'll hurt him and he wants to continue hurting him.

And he literally has no reason for other it other than literally hating Aquaman gives him life.
Yep: >>90127594.
Sorry I was 50 post above that.
Was literally the only reason he kept living after Aquaman died was a hopeless chance to see if he'd come back, or was it because without Aquaman to hate, he could be a normal person?

Kind of like Joker in Going Sane.
Well it wasn't like the Crime Syndicate had a formal meeting with the villains of this universe to discuss their 5 point plan for success.

It was like "YO WORD, we just killed the JL, Lady Atom worked for us all along, and Nightwing is Dick Grayson. WE RUN THIS PLANET NOW! Who wants some dead JL swag? I gotta lasso, I gotta Trident, I got all kinds of free souvenirs for those willing to rape and pillage with us."
Was that in a tie-in?. I remember manta there getting butthurt because the Crime Syandicate killed aquaman and not him.
If regular Black Manta wants to hate Aquaman forever, does Earth-3 Black Manta want to love Crime Syndicate Aquaman?
Basically Manta was super frustrated because Aquaman was dead and he didn't get to kill him, AND THEN Ocean King (Earth-3 Crime Syndicate Aquaman) doesn't survive the jump to Manta's earth like the rest of the Crime Syndicate and Manta gets double depressed he doesn't even get to kill evil-Aquaman, so he just decides to slaughter all of them.
I think it was in his oneshot issue when during Forever Evil every villain was getting a oneshot story.
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>Batman as a Green Lanturn.

How OP is he and why can't he be one in the main universe?
Who would Hawkman be in Earth-32?
Super-Martian must be the most overpowered fucker in the multiverse
Neat. Where are these from?
Not if he comes into contact with fire which is a lot more easy to get a hold of than kryptonite.
If his vulnerabilities stack, he's not too bad.

If his Martian nature protects him from kryptonite and hit Kryptonian nature protects him from fire, though... holy shit.
To obsessed with Fear.
This. He has the will to be a Green, but his nature is Yellow.
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That page in general is from the Multiversity Guidebook.

The Batlantern idea was done in an Elseworlds titled In Darkest Knight, but in that story the other heroes were also GLs so I think it's just original mismashes for more fun. The name Justice Titans was used in a Superman/Batman arc but I don't know if it's originally from something else and obviously these mashes are different from it.
>Hornblower Superman

Please, tell me more.
Super Girl and Miss Martian Fusion

Batman can't be a GL in main universe cause he is unwilling to get over his dead parents.

Literally. To be a GL you are needed to overcome your fear. And since Batman's fear is losing loved ones (a fear instilled by watching his parents die) he's refused to overcome it.
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Incidentally, someone has compiled all the pages of listed Earths here.


Here's one I found amusing in light of the JUST meme.
gotta give to manta, that really puts an end to any "debate" he might have about killing or not killing arthur
>that one guy openly mocking manta

jesus, just how fucking stupid someone can be
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Is that really why Manta hasn't gotten a Red Ring yet?
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You see, a white man still rules Atlantis. That's problematic.
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>Zoom/Manta will never be in Injustice as a Noob/Smoke like duo
He's surprisingly hard to fucking kill.
Also, that "if you kill him you're just like him" actually rings somewhat true with Manta. Everything he does is purely out of spite, if Arthur kills him he gives in to spite as well.

Neat. Thanks for the info
Nah. The Red Lanterns represent Righteous Anger and Vengeance. When the Red Light Avatar got loose, it went around murdering criminals that had gotten away with crimes.
Earth 16 is now Young Justice the tv show isnt it?
Can you post it?
What if you need Kryptonite heated to super high temperatures?

Neat. We should have a thread on this
No. Whoever told the YJ TV people that they could have Earth-16 made a mistake. E-16 was always this Supersons world as part of Multiversity.
No, but thanks to Convergence there is plausibly a MULTI-MULTIVERSE so they could possibly call it Earth16 on some Multiverse and connect it to the animated movies or the DCAU.
Fire was always more of a built in psychological fear than an actual weakness like kryptonite

I see. Ugh, I wish we knew where that, the CW shows, Lego movies and the Arkham games took place.

Now my head hurts. Pretty cool stuff though. Does Marvel work the same way?
This is what derailed my interest in Manta, he went from a good pure villain to a Batman who went too far.
Even Mutiversity itself said there was more than one multiverse. These are just the local 52 Earths.
I liked it in Ostrander run where fire weakness was directly connected to their psychic powers and psychic link,
Because the constant movement and change messed with their mind in some way and we're mentally consumed by just watching a fire flicker and dance around.
Hypertime and the bleed basically mean that everything always exists anyway

CW verse is def a separaete multi verse. I guess their Earth 0 is where Flash/Legends/Arrow take place, there sEarth 2 and theres Supergirls Earth

Even then there the lego movies and then the lego games and then the lego direct to Dvd movies. Lego multiverse

All I know about the games is that Injustice was featured in Convergence and is sepreate multiverse from the Arkham games, but has a normal non evil earth as well.
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Looking for the other page.
I think CW goes like this
>E1: Arrow, Flash Legends, animated shit
>E2: evil versions
>E3: Jay Garrick
>E38?: Supergirl
But I haven't kept up with the shows so maybe something changed
Yo did someone finally do one of my fusions? Thanks!
Jesus christ did he fucking cave his skull in with his fists?
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Nah Marvel just had Infinite Universes (which they may have only 1-2 now? I don't keep up with marvel as much) to fit in all their What-ifs and Zombies and etc.
DC had that for a while to explain their continuity errors, but in Crisis of Infinite Earths fixed it by rebooting the whole shebang to being a single universe.
Then around the 00s they wanted to bring a few old things back including the multiverse so they had INFINITE CRISIS and FIFTYTWO so DC's multiverse now had 52 different alt realities
Then we had the 2011 reboot FLASHPOINT which didn't add or subtract realities but affect time so rebooted all continuity like a ripple effect (almost like an Ultimate Universe feel of 'same same but different')
The story MULTIVERSITY was Grant Morrison filling out a lot of the blanks of what N52 multiverse has.
Convergence is a lil confusing since it shows effect of time and effects of reality both cause notable changes and so there is basically a MULTI-MULTIVERSE thing going on that N52 Brainiac was aware of.
>Gar Katar, the HawkBeast
I need this.
Here are all the parallel worlds of CW:


Legoverse is the best verse. I wanna see Lego Manta ripping parts off of other legos
I can't tell if being half Hawkman would limit his animal powers or not.

I legit wouldnt mind more comics or something in the Arkhamgame verse. Would be a shame to let that go, especially since Dick robin barely got screentime.
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And this will kill me with the post timers, but short story time.
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>E2 evil versions.

I thought they were just advanced 50s versions.
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It has a 50s aesthetic but all the evil versions of them were there.
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>Flash is just Flash

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>Waller isn't obese anymore.
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I like to think all his animals forms will have wings and the winged ones will have double wings.
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I'm pretty sure putting the moon closer to earth won't instantly create a giant tidal wave, since tides have a lot to do with inertia.
Flashpoint did mix parts of the Vertigo universe into it, but could try to argue that they were always part of the main universe, but were kept separate from main stories
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>When the Red Light Avatar got loose, it went around murdering criminals that had gotten away with crimes.
Which comic is this?
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She's getting chunkier with every Rebirth appearance
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Wait, is Ultraman weak to sunlight or something?
Brightest Day
Yep, he also eats (or snorts, I forgot) kryptonite to keep his powers.
Considering there's only so much kryptonite is it safe to say there's no big threat of an Ultraman Prime? And what if he can't find any kryptonite? This all seems like a huge weakness.
Have they retconned Black Manta having a legit reason to hate Aquaman since the nu52?
One of the main plot points when the crime syndicate got to earth was Deathstorm working out how to transmutate things to kryptonite
He snorts it like Cocaine.

It's all kind of weirdly hilarious.
So do different colors of kyptonite give him different powers?
We only ever see him interacting with the green type, but maybe?

Maybe he has to use different colors like different drugs.

Fills up his crack pipe with some crushed Blue K.
So what I want to know is. Why do they keep the super villain gear in the same building as the villains?
Green Lantern right after Blackest Night. Hal and company were going around rounding up a posse of lanterns from other Corps.
Orm then suffocated the only human that was ever nice to him.
>King Shark is a Black Manta fanboy
That always makes me laugh.
Both Orm and Manta were SS candidates, that might've been why.
Why the fuck does that read like a bad manga translation?
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Silver Age man.
Nah Orm later helped out a woman save her child and live with him.

It was actually almost a happy ending for Orm.
What ruined his happy life?
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That makes sense. But seeing how Deathstorm is a villain, I can see him extorting the hell out of Ultraman for it. And what's Ultraman going to do? Kill his kryptonite supply?
At the end of Johns run of Aquaman, he was all content and happy,
When the Xebel leader (xebels were a smaller kingdom related to Atlantis who got separated when Atlantis was sank) showed up after The King (reanimated king of Atlantis who had gone mad and sank Atlantis) was taken down by Aquaman.
So Xebel leader goes "Yo Orm, all those lost kingdoms? I KNOW WHERE THEY ARE. Come help me gather them together to overthrow Arthur and Atlantis."

And Orm and Xebel dude haven't been around since.
Didn't matter in the end, Deathstorm couldn't figure out how to make it.
Oh. Kinda anticlimactic.
Well, he also got killed.
Smart money says he COULD make it but never did cause FUCK Ultraman. Whatadick.
I think it was shown that he actually didn't know how to make it, his powers worked differently than regular Firestorms as well.
If he could make it though, there's no doubt he would've extorted Ultraman.
>he still jobs
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In the DC universe, that isn't a bad proposition.
>Get raped by Dolphin
>Nobody believes you
It really should just be "RRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
Ultraman is too hardheaded and cruel that he'd be willing to be short-sighted and kill his kryptonite source than be extorted.
He's also a great big coward when you get down to it.
I loved the final page of Forever Evil where he's in a cell and Luthor says "Ultraman won't stop crying"
Speaking of cowards I still feel bad for Hal's counterpart, he got fucked over pretty bad.
Seeing his origin made him a bit less sympathetic, he's really the kind of coward that's easy to hate.
Grid was my favorite though.
He shoulda been the Red Lantern, not Mera
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Red Lantern Mera was still pretty fun
Mera was closer.
Also Arthur was dead so nothing to rage over.
But Joker was cured in the "Going Sane" storyline and all Batman had to do to keep him from becoming the Joker was to stop being Batman. But Batman's gotta Bats and selfishly became the Bat again and ruined Joker's new life and drove him insane again.
Why didn't Bruce just adopt a new mantle?
>goes into water in his civies and emerges fully customed
I will never get tired of this pic
>"Well, Black Mask has been turning the Southside into a warzone, Poison Ivy's taken Brazilian/American Free Trade Conference hostage, and the GCPD just received a package containing an almost empty bottle of cognac, a copy of an original Advanced Dungeons & Dragons box set, and three long-stem roses. But I'd better just keep pretending to be dead."
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>ywn have anyone feeling the pasion Black Manta feels for Arthur
I love how Atrocitus saw Mera just puking lava at people and the song "Who's That Lady" basically played in his head.
A One Piece DC university that could actually be entertaining.
>but so far Ares looks fuckin neato so who knows.
It's too bad that everything else of that movie is crappy as hell especially the Wonder Woman and the plot.
Dear Lord who did that art?
He did nothing wrong
So when is Manta getting a hate filled waifu who is disgusted by Mera?
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>Not posting the full image
Where's the fucking Dolphin porn?
See >>90137374
He had Mera's sister at one point.
Don't think they were banging though.
The only way I see that happening is if Tula pulls a Judas Contract.
Black Manta... doesn't really seem to "bang" at all. He just kills.
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I miss when Manta used to trick black people to commit crimes for him under the guise of civil rights.
>Make this man a Red Lantern
>gill-like slits in her neck
>And then he made the awful discovery that The Man had already built a mansion at the bottom of the ocean, and claimed it all for his own.

This is now and forever my headcanon for why Black Manta hates Aquaman!
It isn't just poseidonis in new52, but the whole of Atlantis?
>Half the book would be them arguing over who hates/fucked over their nemesis more.

You say that like it's a bad thing.
It'd be like a nonflying mammal being named RAVEN.
Or some alien being named Superman.
>"I faked autism to make people hate him for beating up disabled people!"
>Well I went back in time and made his life miserable!
>I killed his kid!
>I killed his mom when he WAS A KID!
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>their daily house life is just them constantly trying to kill each other and they always somehow survive and never realize the other person is trying to kill

i want this
I like that show idea. Give me one single season so it's funny without wearing it's one joke out.
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>little eyes
Joker wishes he was this obsessed with Batman.

This is the kind of shit where even the Joker would put up his hands, take a step back and be like "woah get a hobby you crazy fuck"
Don't know much about Manta, does he always do shit like this? I know he is a psycho but I thought he was mostly a psycho towards Aquaman.
He'll basically kill anyone that'll help him get back at aquaman even if it it's innocent people he's an asshole
That head is a Tau drone from Warhammer 40k.
Has the same vents and everything.
Jesus, those fucking nipples.

Also, dem feet. I love a barefoot woman.
>"Im glad you're not dead"
Man Manta is so tsundere to Aquaman
I want a show where Manta is renting a room from a stereotypical sitcom family because he's lying low from the police/in between revenge plots. Like he's wearing a Cosby sweater and everything, but he's still has the helmet and no one finds it strange. Insert laugh track, oblivious super happy family, and murder shenanigans.
>"Alright everyone! Who wants the last piece of pie?"
>"The pie is mine. I've killed children for less"
>Audience Laughter
>"Oh, Mr Manta! You keep eating dessert and you won't be able to win tomorrow's swimming competition"
>Audience Chuckle
>Professor Zoom speeds through the front door
>Audience Cheering
Does anyone love Manta's design because of how weirdly feminine the helmet is? Especially iterations of it where the tubes look like pigtails.
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The late, great Dave Stevens. Creator of the Rocketeer.

He is missed.
That diver knows what's up.
>>"The pie is mine. I've killed children for less"
Series finale, Manta's in the kitchen chopping veggies when he hears on the television
>Aquaman back in action after being presumed dead!
Close up on Manta's hand clenching the knife.
Sopranos cut to black.
Laugh track.
Brave and The Bold was too good for this world.

>Manta living with a sterotypical sitcom family
>Acts obviously like a supervillain
>Occasionally breaks out into fits of Aquaman-focused rage
>no one seems to notice or care, and acts like it's completely normal

I never knew how badly I wanted something like this.
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Best alt. earth coming through
>Its a soup cook off episode
>Mom is disappointed that the neighbor always wins
>Manta murders said neighbor
>Manta wins the competition anyway for his famous Maryland Crab Soup recipe
>Family hug
>Bloodstained blue ribbon now hangs in the kitchen while mom is given cooking lessons from Manta
The outfit that Aquaman's son has in that show. Wasn't that one of Aquaman's outfits in the comics?
Shouldn't that Superman's cape be yellow as well?
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>The late, great Dave Stevens. Creator of the Rocketeer.

based Dave drew the best women in comics.

10/10 they really need to bring her back and use more. Also I like Immortal Man so DC should do more with both of them.
>*slap bass*
>Doorbell to Manta's apartment rings
>Manta opens it and sees Aquaman there
>"Hello.... Curry!"

>Manta and Captain Cold are sitting on the couch
>Suddenly the front door bursts open and Zoom speeds in
>"Cold's getting upset!"

Wouldn't that basically just be Kara but with Green Skin, red hair an an X instead of an S, I mean their costumes are quite similar.
that was one of the best scenes in Forever Evil.
Forever Evil is one of the best Big Events ever. So many great scenes like this, Orm going back for the woman and child, and Cold freezing the evil speedster's leg off. Plus b-Zero was great
>bizarre had ice vision and vomited lava
>he was wearing the suit inside out and that's why it was reversed
>"But he was my monster"
Forever Evil had tons of problems and about a million stand out moments that made you forget those problems.
We don't all follow the most retarded of super heroes.

>knows aquaman probably isn't the retarded but the 'he can talk to the fishes' meme is decades old
I need this so bad, even if just a short robot chicken cutaway gag
Reading silver age and golden age comics, they are all notoriously shit.
>"woah get a hobby you crazy fuck"

I NEED that. I need a new limited series book with Lex (when he's a badguy again), Thawne, Black Manta, Joker, Sinestro, Cheetah, and whatever fucking villain Cyborg has where they're just all arguing about how much they hate their respective nemesis.
>Forever Evil had tons of problems and about a million stand out moments that made you forget those problems.
This. Which means for an EVENT it's pretty damn good!
>Reading silver age and golden age comics, they are all notoriously shit.

That's just not true.
jesus christ belle reve is filthy
You don't build prisons in swamps when you want the prisoners to be happy and healthy. You use them when you want the prisoners to be gone of lung infection within a couple of years.
There's probably been a prison on the site since the French used it as a knockoff Devil's Island.
Jesus Fucking Christ
Wait seriously? I thought he was just autistic?
and shapeshifting
I thought that was just Manta talking out of his ass as per usual
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Here the famous issue.
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I like how everyone is completely ignoring this backstory.
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The end.
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>Do fish believe in God?

"""Reporters""" asking the important questions
Another Famous issue. Some Manta backstory
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Isn't that one of the legitimate signs that you have autism? Having a grudge that's so intense you even lost sight to what caused it?
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The end
Thank you for posting that
You Welcome anon.
>possesses the father of a murdered girl just as the unrepentant guy who killed her is about to be executed

Sometimes, narrative convenience can be so satisfying
More like Bendis. Johns Is the good end of that half
>Bloodstained blue ribbon now hangs in the kitchen
>you can still see it in other episodes
I would laugh every damn time
Does Manta ever fuck Mera just to spite Aquaman? Havent read comics involving him in a while
no that would be weird
Possibly, but as you can see here
even if Manta had autism at one point, Aquaman cured it with his magic healing hand.
Mera would fucking murder Black Manta in like 2 seconds.
I wonder if there's a gender swapped Manta who fucked him only to mess with him and then use Americans courts to fuck him further.
Has she ever gone after him?
Oh, I really like that angle.
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I wonder why he really doesn't kill him and get it over with but then I remember
>cape comics
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Fish food.jpg
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Aquaman was going to let the fish eat him that one time.
>Switching to name brand
When did he become such a sellout.
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What a lackluster death

You mean besides that he's evil?
The anon combined four of his backstories (dead dad, black racism, raped on a boat, autism).

Yes, one of Manta's sob stories is that he was being raped by pirates while looking at the sea and seeing Aquaman just playing with the dolphins, not noticing his plight.
They were certainly better then modern age comics where it takes half a year just to tell one fucking story.
Manta is pretty pathetic. All this psychotic hate directed at a man who's big super power is... Talking to fish.



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That's not Earth-C, anon.

As some based anon said months ago:

>You know how when you meet someone and you fall head over heels for them? Your heart almost beats out of your chest, you get nervous and sweaty just thinking about them? "Is this it, is this the one?"

>Imagine that, but hate.
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Non-potato version.
Smug Manta.
>Seriously, fucking everything I hear about Black Manta just makes him better.

He also gets beaten like a pussy every time.

"Black Manta is the archenemy of Aquaman, which is a very sad title to hold. He is to date the only supervillain in history who has never defeated Aquaman. Because of this, he is a laughing stock amongst society."
>Killing his son
>Not defeating him
And Broke The Aquamarriaged.
He's also the king of Atlantis, commands fish they can't talk they're fish and has superhuman strength
>He also gets beaten like a pussy every time.
Sounds like he's a villain.
So there is absolutely no way to beat Earth 26 inhabitants?
"Superman, do me a favor? Throw all these assholes into the Phantom Zone."
I'm loving this, but it feels weird seeing /co/ grow such a huge boner for Manta so fast.
He's black
What the fuck? Who's mr Helios unicorn in the back?
"Sure thing Bruce. Just remember to buy that controlling interest in LexCorp."
I feel like it's been this way for years rather than something recent.
It's hard not to love a man that's so passionate about what he does.
That brings up an interesting question: Who IS richer, Luthor or Wayne?
You can beat them. But only as long as its funny. I'd really like to see someone super serious like Lex get dropped off there and try to adapt.
IIRC the next time he showed up it was in that fish market.
Looks like one of the Rays.
They really need to retcon Aquaman killing Manta's father, or have they already?

Cause Black Manta works so much better when he doesn't have a legit reason to hate Aquaman.

Whenever they tried to give him one, or tried to make him remotely sympathetic, it never worked and was almost immediately shown to be a ploy.

He just lives to hate Aquaman. He doesn't want money, power, or success, those are all things he gets to pursue his one true passion in life.

Making Arthur miserable.
Agreed with this.
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Not Batman.gif
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Shooting Star
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Hey remember when Black Manta, was a Black Manta

Good times.
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Manta creature appearance in superboy #20
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He didn't know it was manta it just some guy selling fish
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There's something magical about Manta's hatred.
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Oh shit I have this comic somewhere. Almost forgot about it.
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a boy learning how to become a man and a bad experience with a fish with nice plump lips
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The end
War Manta or Black Machine?
Thawne vs Manta who has the best hateboner?
You ever think maybe BM autism is driving his obsession
I get the the first three but whose intimidated by a shooting star and what would happe if Bruce was at a circus and saw a clown would he dress up lie one a call himself the joker
What's with DC and killing civilians brutally
He straight up said that was just a bullshit excuse he still fucking hates aquaman but tricked him into curing his autism so instead of autistic hatred it's just normal intense hatred
Thawne wasn't willing it wipe out his own existence to kill Barry. Manta would probably do it in a heartbeat

If you gave Manta a button and told him pressing it would kill Aquaman and undo all the good he has done, but it would kill himself as well, Manta would press that sucker twenty times super fast. Then when it didn't do anything, he would keep it, stick it on his desk, and idly press every now and again wistfully whenever he's sitting there.
>Black Machine

Now I know what to call a knock-off Cyborg character
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>If you gave Manta a button and told him pressing it would kill Aquaman and undo all the good he has done, but it would kill himself as well, Manta would press that sucker twenty times super fast.
This was actually the most recent thing Manta tried absolutely ruined a secret organization just to try to get Aquaman then he blew up the base with them both (and Black Jack) inside of it.
Aquaman ruined his octopus garden AGAIN
Why doesn't Aquaman just rape the Manta?
>Aquaman ruined his octopus garden AGAIN
>Octopus Garden
Is Manta actually Ringo?
Octopus gardens are a real thing though.
>Octopus gardens are a real thing though.
Not to mention that there is no, repeat, NO reason to justify Manta's hatred short of completely vilifying Aquaman.
The guy hates Aquaman more than Atrocitus hates the guardians, and those fuckers got his entire planet killed. He hates Aquaman more than Hitler hated the Jews, he IS hate.
Would Black Manta be the perfect Red Lantern?
or maybe Black Manta actually IS the source of Red Lantern power
Didn't we already go over this shit?
I think the whole father thing can work, but I think they need to make it clear that Manta's hatred is almost completely irrational. Maybe establish that even before his father's death, Manta hated Aquaman. Have Aquaman apologize for killing his father, try to make amends, and have Manta say "I would've killed you anyways".
I could see Black Manta actually committing suicide if he knew for sure he'd get a Black Lantern ring and more powers out of it.
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>watch flashpoint
>Black Manta fights for Aquaman

I sincerely doubt even the contortion of space time itself could curb Manta's sheer unbridled hate, let alone make him side with his nemisis. Hes like a universal constant. Grass is green, water is wet, Manta hates Aquaman
Manta was probably impressed by Aquaman's decicion to murder the land dwellers that he agreed to help in Aquaman let him kill him afterwards.

I can see Aquaman agreeing, seeing as everything he loved is already dead.
>Implying Manta would not protect Aquaman from other people so only he can keep on making his life miserable
This nigga is like AM.

Like, fuck man how does a man even just come to hate
No, Prime Earth Manta/Aquaman both blame each other for killing each other's dads.

The time Ultraman ruined Manta's dad's grave he also suited up for revenge.
>"I would've killed you anyways".
That could work.
>I only die for Aquaman
A little.
Hate and Love are kind of razor thin, and Manta hates Aquaman with more fury than the most hardcore spurned yandere.
I wouldn't be surprised if manta hatefucks women with a picture of aquaman tape to the back of their forehead
He probably fucks them to death or at least kills them afterwards so that no one will ever know.
That's how Aqualad was conceived.
>Wally Allen
Good lord, putting those two Flashes together is beyond ridiculous.
Better still, we'd get the Zoomest of all Zooms. The man who was only spoken of in hushed whispers of car commercials.
hows he killing him over and over
His helmet is modified so all his victims look like Aquaman.
Jesus christ
Goodnight Thread.
Manta could never be given a red ring because it isn't righteous fury, but if he stole one he'd be able to use it, right?

Or is anger not strictly the same as hatred, and Manta's hatred is all encompassing without him necessarily getting angry.
What Lantern ring would he get?
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